Ejemplo n.º 1

return function ($in, $debugopt = 1) {
    $cx = array('flags' => array('jstrue' => true, 'jsobj' => true, 'spvar' => true, 'prop' => true, 'method' => false, 'mustlok' => false, 'mustsec' => false, 'echo' => false, 'debug' => $debugopt), 'constants' => array(), 'helpers' => array('helper1' => function ($args, $named) {
        $u = isset($args[0]) ? $args[0] : 'undefined';
        $t = isset($args[1]) ? $args[1] : 'undefined';
        return "<a href=\"{$u}\">{$t}</a>";
    }), 'blockhelpers' => array(), 'hbhelpers' => array(), 'partials' => array(), 'scopes' => array($in), 'sp_vars' => array('root' => $in));
    return 'Hello ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . ', you have just won $' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('value'))) . '!

. Test 1: ' . LCRun3::ch($cx, 'helper1', array(array(LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('url')), LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('text'))), array()), 'raw') . '
. Test 2: ' . LCRun3::ch($cx, 'helper1', array(array(LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('url')), LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('text'))), array()), 'encq') . '
. Test 3: ' . LCRun3::ch($cx, 'helper1', array(array(LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('test', 'url')), LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('test', 'text'))), array()), 'encq') . '
. Test 4: ' . LCRun3::sec($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('people')), $in, true, function ($cx, $in) {
        return '
  * ' . LCRun3::ch($cx, 'helper1', array(array(LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['scopes'][count($cx['scopes']) - 1], array('url')), LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['scopes'][count($cx['scopes']) - 1], array('text'))), array()), 'encq') . ' <= ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['scopes'][count($cx['scopes']) - 1], array('url'))) . ' , ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['scopes'][count($cx['scopes']) - 1], array('text'))) . ', ' . LCRun3::raw($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['scopes'][count($cx['scopes']) - 1], array('url'))) . ', ' . LCRun3::raw($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['scopes'][count($cx['scopes']) - 1], array('text'))) . ' !!
  * ' . LCRun3::ch($cx, 'helper1', array(array(LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('url')), LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('text'))), array()), 'encq') . ' <= ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('url'))) . ' , ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['scopes'][count($cx['scopes']) - 1], array('text'))) . ' , ' . LCRun3::raw($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('url'))) . ', ' . LCRun3::raw($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['scopes'][count($cx['scopes']) - 1], array('text'))) . ' :D
    }) . '';
Ejemplo n.º 2

return function ($in, $debugopt = 1) {
    $cx = array('flags' => array('jstrue' => true, 'jsobj' => true, 'spvar' => true, 'prop' => true, 'method' => false, 'mustlok' => false, 'mustsec' => false, 'echo' => false, 'debug' => $debugopt), 'constants' => array(), 'helpers' => array(), 'blockhelpers' => array(), 'hbhelpers' => array(), 'partials' => array(), 'scopes' => array($in), 'sp_vars' => array('root' => $in));
    return 'Hello ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . ', you have just won $' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('value'))) . '!
' . (!LCRun3::ifvar($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('test'))) ? 'Yes! ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . ' is ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('gender'))) . '
' : '') . '' . (!LCRun3::ifvar($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('test'))) ? '2nd If, ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . ' is ' . LCRun3::raw($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('gender'))) . '
' : 'Else test, ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . ' is ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('gender'))) . '
') . '' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('end'))) . '
Ejemplo n.º 3
        }, function ($cx, $in) {
            return '  BAD! ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('badchild'))) . ' ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['scopes'][count($cx['scopes']) - 1], array('gender'))) . ' - ' . LCRun3::raw($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['scopes'][count($cx['scopes']) - 1], array('gender'))) . ' Y ' . LCRun3::raw($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['scopes'][count($cx['scopes']) - 2], array('name'))) . ' = ' . LCRun3::raw($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['scopes'][count($cx['scopes']) - 2], array('end'))) . '
        }) . '' . LCRun3::wi($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('good')), $in, function ($cx, $in) {
            return '    WITH: ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['scopes'][count($cx['scopes']) - 1], array('gender'))) . ' , ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['scopes'][count($cx['scopes']) - 2], array('name'))) . ' , ' . LCRun3::raw($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['scopes'][count($cx['scopes']) - 2], array('end'))) . '
        }) . '';
    }) . '----------SECTION .
' . LCRun3::sec($cx, $in, $in, false, function ($cx, $in) {
        return ' <li>' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . ' is a ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('gender'))) . ' (' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['scopes'][count($cx['scopes']) - 1], array('name'))) . ', ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['scopes'][count($cx['scopes']) - 1], array('value'))) . ', ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['scopes'][count($cx['scopes']) - 1], array('end'))) . ')</li>
' . LCRun3::ifv($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('good')), $in, function ($cx, $in) {
            return '  GOOD! ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('goodchild'))) . ' ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['scopes'][count($cx['scopes']) - 1], array('gender'))) . ' - ' . LCRun3::raw($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['scopes'][count($cx['scopes']) - 1], array('gender'))) . ' X ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['scopes'][count($cx['scopes']) - 2], array('name'))) . ' ~ ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['scopes'][count($cx['scopes']) - 2], array('end'))) . '
        }, function ($cx, $in) {
            return '  BAD! ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('badchild'))) . ' ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['scopes'][count($cx['scopes']) - 1], array('gender'))) . ' - ' . LCRun3::raw($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['scopes'][count($cx['scopes']) - 1], array('gender'))) . ' Y ' . LCRun3::raw($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['scopes'][count($cx['scopes']) - 2], array('name'))) . ' = ' . LCRun3::raw($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['scopes'][count($cx['scopes']) - 2], array('end'))) . '
        }) . '' . LCRun3::wi($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('good')), $in, function ($cx, $in) {
            return '    WITH: ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['scopes'][count($cx['scopes']) - 1], array('gender'))) . ' , ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['scopes'][count($cx['scopes']) - 2], array('name'))) . ' , ' . LCRun3::raw($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['scopes'][count($cx['scopes']) - 2], array('end'))) . '
        }) . '';
    }) . '</ul>
' . LCRun3::wi($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('people')), $in, function ($cx, $in) {
        return ' single: ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . ', ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('gender'))) . ' , p -> ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['scopes'][count($cx['scopes']) - 1], array('name'))) . '
 ' . LCRun3::sec($cx, $in, $in, true, function ($cx, $in) {
            return 'loop: ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . ' - ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['scopes'][count($cx['scopes']) - 1], array('name'))) . ' - ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['scopes'][count($cx['scopes']) - 2], array('name'))) . '';
        }) . '
    }) . '' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('end'))) . '
Ejemplo n.º 4

return function ($in, $debugopt = 1) {
    $cx = array('flags' => array('jstrue' => true, 'jsobj' => true, 'spvar' => true, 'prop' => true, 'method' => false, 'mustlok' => false, 'mustsec' => false, 'echo' => false, 'debug' => $debugopt), 'constants' => array(), 'helpers' => array(), 'blockhelpers' => array(), 'hbhelpers' => array(), 'partials' => array(), 'scopes' => array($in), 'sp_vars' => array('root' => $in));
    return 'Hello ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . ', you have just won $' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('value'))) . '!
Hello original ' . LCRun3::raw($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . ' , the value is ' . LCRun3::raw($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('value'))) . '
Hello mustache ' . LCRun3::raw($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . ' , the value is ' . LCRun3::raw($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('value'))) . '
Ejemplo n.º 5

return function ($in, $debugopt = 1) {
    $cx = array('flags' => array('jstrue' => true, 'jsobj' => true, 'spvar' => true, 'prop' => true, 'method' => false, 'mustlok' => false, 'mustsec' => false, 'echo' => false, 'debug' => $debugopt), 'constants' => array(), 'helpers' => array(), 'blockhelpers' => array(), 'hbhelpers' => array(), 'partials' => array(), 'scopes' => array($in), 'sp_vars' => array('root' => $in));
    return 'Hello ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . ', you have just won $' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('value'))) . '!
' . LCRun3::sec($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('people', 'boss')), $in, true, function ($cx, $in) {
        return ' <li>' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . ' is a ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('gender'))) . ' (' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . ', ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('value'))) . ', ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('end'))) . ')</li>
    }) . '</ul>
' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('end'))) . '
' . LCRun3::sec($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('people', 'boss')), $in, false, function ($cx, $in) {
        return ' THIS:' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . ' is a ' . LCRun3::raw($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('gender'))) . '
 PARENT: ' . LCRun3::raw($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . ', ' . LCRun3::raw($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('value'))) . ', ' . LCRun3::raw($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('end'))) . '
    }) . '';
Ejemplo n.º 6
    return 'Hello ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . ', you have just won $' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('value'))) . '!
include this:
' . '    Hello ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . ', you have just won $' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('value'))) . '!
    This is next line.' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('empty_var'))) . '中文
    Test \\on \'spacing in mustache: Hello ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . ', you have just won $' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('value'))) . '!
' . 'end include.
section partial....
' . LCRun3::sec($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('winners')), $in, false, function ($cx, $in) {
        return '' . '  Hello ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . ', you have just won $' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('value'))) . '!
  This is next line.' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('empty_var'))) . '中文
  Test \\on \'spacing in mustache: Hello ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . ', you have just won $' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('value'))) . '!
' . '';
    }) . 'end section.

Winners: ' . LCRun3::sec($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('winners')), $in, false, function ($cx, $in) {
        return '' . LCRun3::encq($cx, $in) . '(' . LCRun3::raw($cx, $in) . ') = ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, $in) . '(' . LCRun3::raw($cx, $in) . ')';
    }) . '

Partial1:' . 'Hello ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . ', you have just won $' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('value'))) . '!
This is next line.' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('empty_var'))) . '中文
Test \\on \'spacing in mustache: Hello ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . ', you have just won $' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('value'))) . '!
' . '
Partial2:' . 'Hello ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . ', you have just won $' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('value'))) . '!
This is next line.' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('empty_var'))) . '中文
Test \\on \'spacing in mustache: Hello ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . ', you have just won $' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('value'))) . '!
' . '
Partial3:' . 'Hello ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . ', you have just won $' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('value'))) . '!
This is next line.' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('empty_var'))) . '中文
Test \\on \'spacing in mustache: Hello ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . ', you have just won $' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('value'))) . '!
' . '
Partial4:' . 'Hello ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . ', you have just won $' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('value'))) . '!
Ejemplo n.º 7

return function ($in, $debugopt = 1) {
    $cx = array('flags' => array('jstrue' => true, 'jsobj' => true, 'spvar' => true, 'prop' => true, 'method' => false, 'mustlok' => false, 'mustsec' => false, 'echo' => false, 'debug' => $debugopt), 'constants' => array(), 'helpers' => array(), 'blockhelpers' => array(), 'hbhelpers' => array(), 'partials' => array(), 'scopes' => array($in), 'sp_vars' => array('root' => $in));
    return 'Hello ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('winner', 'name'))) . ', you have just won $' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('winner', 'value'))) . '!
We have $' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('award', 'first', 'value'))) . ' for ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('award', 'first', 'name'))) . ' award!!
Raw dot test: ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('winner', 'name'))) . ' ' . LCRun3::raw($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('award', 'first', 'value'))) . ' for ' . LCRun3::raw($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('award', 'first', 'name'))) . '
Ejemplo n.º 8

return function ($in, $debugopt = 1) {
    $cx = array('flags' => array('jstrue' => true, 'jsobj' => true, 'spvar' => true, 'prop' => true, 'method' => false, 'mustlok' => false, 'mustsec' => false, 'echo' => false, 'debug' => $debugopt), 'constants' => array(), 'helpers' => array(), 'blockhelpers' => array(), 'hbhelpers' => array(), 'partials' => array(), 'scopes' => array($in), 'sp_vars' => array('root' => $in));
    return 'Hello ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . ', you have just won $' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('value'))) . '!
' . LCRun3::sec($cx, $in, $in, true, function ($cx, $in) {
        return ' <li>' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . ' is a ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('gender'))) . ' (' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['scopes'][count($cx['scopes']) - 1], array('name'))) . ', ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['scopes'][count($cx['scopes']) - 1], array('value'))) . ', ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['scopes'][count($cx['scopes']) - 1], array('end'))) . ')</li>
    }) . '</ul>
' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('end'))) . '
' . LCRun3::sec($cx, $in, $in, true, function ($cx, $in) {
        return ' THIS:' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . ' is a ' . LCRun3::raw($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('gender'))) . '
 PARENT: ' . LCRun3::raw($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['scopes'][count($cx['scopes']) - 1], array('name'))) . ', ' . LCRun3::raw($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['scopes'][count($cx['scopes']) - 1], array('value'))) . ', ' . LCRun3::raw($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['scopes'][count($cx['scopes']) - 1], array('end'))) . ' END ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('end'))) . ' NAME ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . '
    }) . 'Section This:
' . LCRun3::sec($cx, $in, $in, false, function ($cx, $in) {
        return ' <li>X~' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . ' is a ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('gender'))) . ' (' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['scopes'][count($cx['scopes']) - 1], array('name'))) . ', ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['scopes'][count($cx['scopes']) - 1], array('value'))) . ', ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['scopes'][count($cx['scopes']) - 1], array('end'))) . ')</li>
    }) . 'Section Var:
' . LCRun3::sec($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('people')), $in, false, function ($cx, $in) {
        return ' <li>XXXVAR' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . ' is a ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('gender'))) . ' (' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['scopes'][count($cx['scopes']) - 1], array('name'))) . ', ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['scopes'][count($cx['scopes']) - 1], array('value'))) . ', ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['scopes'][count($cx['scopes']) - 1], array('end'))) . ')</li>
    }) . 'Each Var:
' . LCRun3::sec($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('people')), $in, true, function ($cx, $in) {
        return ' <li>XXX-EACH-VAR' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . ' is a ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('gender'))) . ' (' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['scopes'][count($cx['scopes']) - 1], array('name'))) . ', ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['scopes'][count($cx['scopes']) - 1], array('value'))) . ', ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $cx['scopes'][count($cx['scopes']) - 1], array('end'))) . ')</li>
    }) . '';
Ejemplo n.º 9
   ' . (LCRun3::ifvar($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('testval'))) ? 'YES' : '') . '
   ' . (!LCRun3::ifvar($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('testval'))) ? 'NO' : '') . '
' . LCRun3::sec($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('test2')), $in, false, function ($cx, $in) {
                return '    ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('loopval'))) . '
            }) . '~EACH~
' . LCRun3::sec($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('test3')), $in, true, function ($cx, $in) {
                return '    ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('loopval'))) . '
            }) . '~END~
        }) . 'WITH~
    }) . '_WITH PATH_
' . LCRun3::wi($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('login_status', 'test')), $in, function ($cx, $in) {
        return 'XTEST: ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('testval'))) . ' - ' . LCRun3::raw($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('textval'))) . '
IF: ' . (LCRun3::ifvar($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('testval'))) ? 'YES~' : '') . '' . (!LCRun3::ifvar($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('testval'))) ? 'NO!' : '') . '
SECTION::' . LCRun3::sec($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('test2')), $in, false, function ($cx, $in) {
            return ' - loop: ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('loopval'))) . '';
        }) . '
EACH::' . LCRun3::sec($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('test3')), $in, true, function ($cx, $in) {
            return '	lp:' . LCRun3::raw($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('loopval'))) . '';
        }) . '
    }) . ' </ul>
Ejemplo n.º 10
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	' . LCRun3::raw($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('content'))) . '

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Ejemplo n.º 11

return function ($in, $debugopt = 1) {
    $cx = array('flags' => array('jstrue' => true, 'jsobj' => true, 'spvar' => true, 'prop' => true, 'method' => false, 'mustlok' => false, 'mustsec' => false, 'echo' => false, 'debug' => $debugopt), 'constants' => array(), 'helpers' => array(), 'blockhelpers' => array(), 'hbhelpers' => array(), 'partials' => array(), 'scopes' => array($in), 'sp_vars' => array('root' => $in));
    return 'Hello ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . ', you have just won $' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('value'))) . '!
' . LCRun3::sec($cx, $in, $in, true, function ($cx, $in) {
        return ' <li>' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . ' is a ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('gender'))) . '</li>
    }) . '</ul>
- ' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('end'))) . ' -
' . LCRun3::sec($cx, $in, $in, true, function ($cx, $in) {
        return ' THIS:' . LCRun3::encq($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('name'))) . ' is a ' . LCRun3::raw($cx, LCRun3::v($cx, $in, array('gender'))) . '
    }) . '==