Ejemplo n.º 1
  * @desc Prints the question. Calls question_webwork_derived, and prints out the html associated with derivedid.
  * @param $question object The question object to print.
  * @param $state object The state of the responses for the question.
  * @param $cmoptions object Options containing course ID.
  * @param $options object
 function print_question_formulation_and_controls(&$question, &$state, $cmoptions, $options)
     global $CFG, $USER;
     $readonly = empty($options->readonly) ? '' : 'disabled="disabled"';
     //Formulate question image and text
     $questiontext = $this->format_text($question->questiontext, $question->questiontextformat, $cmoptions);
     $image = get_question_image($question, $cmoptions->course);
     $derivationid = $state->responses['derivationid'];
     $derivation = get_record('question_webwork_derived', 'id', $derivationid);
     $unparsedhtml = base64_decode($derivation->html);
     //partial answers
     $showPartiallyCorrectAnswers = $question->grading;
     //new array keyed by field
     $fieldhash = $state->responses['answers'];
     $answerfields = array();
     $parser = new HtmlParser($unparsedhtml);
     $currentselect = "";
     while ($parser->parse()) {
         //change some attributes of html tags for moodle compliance
         if ($parser->iNodeType == NODE_TYPE_ELEMENT) {
             $nodename = $parser->iNodeName;
             $name = $parser->iNodeAttributes['name'];
             //handle generic change of node's attribute name
             if ($nodename == "INPUT" || $nodename == "SELECT" || $nodename == "TEXTAREA") {
                 $parser->iNodeAttributes['name'] = 'resp' . $question->id . '_' . $name;
                 if ($state->event == QUESTION_EVENTGRADE && isset($fieldhash[$name])) {
                     if ($showPartiallyCorrectAnswers) {
                         $parser->iNodeAttributes['class'] = $parser->iNodeAttributes['class'] . ' ' . question_get_feedback_class($fieldhash[$name]['score']);
                 if (!strstr($name, 'previous')) {
                     $answerfields[$name] = $fieldhash[$name];
             //handle specific change
             if ($nodename == "INPUT") {
                 //put submitted value into field
                 if (isset($fieldhash[$name])) {
                     $parser->iNodeAttributes['value'] = $fieldhash[$name]['answer'];
             } else {
                 if ($nodename == "SELECT") {
                     $currentselect = $name;
                 } else {
                     if ($nodename == "OPTION") {
                         if ($parser->iNodeAttributes['value'] == $fieldhash[$currentselect]['answer']) {
                             $parser->iNodeAttributes['selected'] = '1';
                     } else {
                         if ($nodename == "TEXTAREA") {
         $problemhtml .= $parser->printTag();
     //for the seed form field
     $qid = $question->id;
     $seed = $state->responses['seed'];
     //if the student has answered
     include "{$CFG->dirroot}/question/type/webwork/display.html";
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * @desc Generates the HTML for a particular question.
  * @param integer $seed The seed of the question.
  * @param array $answers An array of answers that needs to be rendered.
  * @param object $event The event object.
  * @return string The HTML question representation.
 public function render($seed, &$answers, $event)
     //JIT Derivation creation
     //Usually we have this from the check answers call
     if (!isset($this->_derivation)) {
         $client = WebworkClient::Get();
         $env = WebworkQuestion::DefaultEnvironment();
         $env->problemSeed = $seed;
         $result = $client->renderProblem($env, $this->_data->code);
         $derivation = new stdClass();
         $derivation->html = base64_decode($result->output);
         $derivation->seed = $result->seed;
         $this->_derivation = $derivation;
     $orderedanswers = array();
     $tempanswers = array();
     foreach ($answers as $answer) {
         $tempanswers[$answer->field] = $answer;
     $answers = $tempanswers;
     $showpartialanswers = $this->_data->grading;
     $questionhtml = "";
     $parser = new HtmlParser($this->_derivation->html);
     $currentselect = "";
     $textarea = false;
     $checkboxes = array();
     while ($parser->parse()) {
         //change some attributes of html tags for moodle compliance
         if ($parser->iNodeType == NODE_TYPE_ELEMENT) {
             $nodename = $parser->iNodeName;
             if (isset($parser->iNodeAttributes['name'])) {
                 $name = $parser->iNodeAttributes['name'];
             //handle generic change of node's attribute name
             if ($nodename == "INPUT" || $nodename == "SELECT" || $nodename == "TEXTAREA") {
                 $parser->iNodeAttributes['name'] = 'resp' . $this->_data->question . '_' . $name;
                 if ($event == QUESTION_EVENTGRADE && isset($answers[$name])) {
                     if ($showpartialanswers) {
                         if (isset($parser->iNodeAttributes['class'])) {
                             $class = $parser->iNodeAttributes['class'];
                         } else {
                             $class = "";
                         $parser->iNodeAttributes['class'] = $class . ' ' . question_get_feedback_class($answers[$name]->score);
             //handle specific change
             if ($nodename == "INPUT") {
                 $nodetype = strtoupper($parser->iNodeAttributes['type']);
                 if ($nodetype == "CHECKBOX") {
                     if (strstr($answers[$name]->answer, $parser->iNodeAttributes['value'])) {
                         //FILLING IN ANSWER (CHECKBOX)
                         array_push($orderedanswers, $answers[$name]);
                         $parser->iNodeAttributes['checked'] = '1';
                     $parser->iNodeAttributes['name'] = $parser->iNodeAttributes['name'] . '_' . $parser->iNodeAttributes['value'];
                 } else {
                     if ($nodetype == "TEXT") {
                         if (isset($answers[$name])) {
                             //FILLING IN ANSWER (FIELD)
                             array_push($orderedanswers, $answers[$name]);
                             $parser->iNodeAttributes['value'] = $answers[$name]->answer;
             } else {
                 if ($nodename == "SELECT") {
                     $currentselect = $name;
                 } else {
                     if ($nodename == "OPTION") {
                         if ($parser->iNodeAttributes['value'] == $answers[$currentselect]->answer) {
                             //FILLING IN ANSWER (DROPDOWN)
                             array_push($orderedanswers, $answers[$currentselect]);
                             $parser->iNodeAttributes['selected'] = '1';
                     } else {
                         if ($nodename == "TEXTAREA") {
                             if (isset($answers[$name])) {
                                 array_push($orderedanswers, $answers[$name]);
                                 $textarea = true;
                                 $questionhtml .= $parser->printTag();
                                 $questionhtml .= $answers[$name]->answer;
         if (!$textarea) {
             $questionhtml .= $parser->printTag();
         } else {
             $textarea = false;
     $answers = $orderedanswers;
     return $questionhtml;
Ejemplo n.º 3
* @desc Parses a derivation record. This changes all paths of external entities. Copies all external entities to local data folder.
* @param object $derivation The derivation object.
* @return bool true. 
function webwork_parse_change_derivation(&$derivation)
    //webwork question id
    $wwquestionid = $derivation->question_webwork;
    //assign paths
    $wwquestioncopyto = webwork_get_wwquestion_path_full($wwquestionid);
    $wwquestionreplacer = webwork_get_wwquestion_url($wwquestionid);
    $derivationcopyto = webwork_get_derivation_path_full($wwquestionid, $derivation->id);
    $derivationreplacer = webwork_get_derivation_url($wwquestionid, $derivation->id);
    $parsedhtml = "";
    $html = base64_decode($derivation->html);
    $parser = new HtmlParser($html);
    while ($parser->parse()) {
        if ($parser->iNodeType == NODE_TYPE_ELEMENT) {
            $nodename = $parser->iNodeName;
            if (strcasecmp($nodename, 'img') == 0) {
                //image, path fixing
                if (isset($parser->iNodeAttributes['src'])) {
                    $src = $parser->iNodeAttributes['src'];
                    if (!(strstr($src, '/tmp/') == false)) {
                        //image produced by the server
                        $srccapture = strrchr($src, '/');
                        webwork_copy_file($src, $derivationcopyto . $srccapture);
                        $parser->iNodeAttributes['src'] = $derivationreplacer . $srccapture;
            } else {
                if (strcasecmp($nodename, 'a') == 0) {
                    //hyperlink, path fixing
                    if (isset($parser->iNodeAttributes['href'])) {
                        $href = $parser->iNodeAttributes['href'];
                        $hrefcapture = strrchr($href, '/');
                        webwork_copy_file($href, $derivationcopyto . $hrefcapture);
                        $parser->iNodeAttributes['href'] = $derivationreplacer . $hrefcapture;
        $parsedhtml .= $parser->printTag();
    $derivation->html = base64_encode($parsedhtml);
    return true;