cacheDir() public method

$dir should be a directory the webserver has permission to read and write to. Any RDF/XML documents which graphite downloads will be saved here. If a cache exists and is newer than $age seconds then load() will use the document in the cache directory in preference to doing an HTTP request. $age defaults to 24*60*60 - 24 hours. This including this function can seriously improve graphite performance! If you want to always load certain documents, load them before setting the cache.
public cacheDir ( $dir, $age = 86400 )
Ejemplo n.º 1

include_once "arc/ARC2.php";
include_once "Graphite.php";
$person_uri = "";
$graph = new Graphite();
# this must be a directory the webserver can write to.
//$graph->cacheDir( "/usr/local/apache/sites/" );
$person = $graph->resource($person_uri);
print "<h3>" . $person->link() . "</h3>";
# Show sameAs properties
foreach ($person->all("owl:sameAs") as $sameas) {
    print "<div>sameAs: " . $sameas->link() . "</div>";
showPersonInfo("Before", $person);
# follow the sameAs links and load them into our graph
showPersonInfo("After", $person);
function showPersonInfo($title, $person)
    print "<h4>{$title}</h4>";
    print "<div><b>name:</b> " . $person->all("foaf:name")->join(", ") . "</div>";
    print "<div><b>phone:</b> " . $person->all("foaf:phone")->prettyLink()->join(", ") . "</div>";
    print "<div><b>homepage:</b> " . $person->all("foaf:homepage")->link()->join(", ") . "</div>";