/** * Add a css style file to the document with browser based checks * @param $file * @return void */ function gantry_addStyle($file) { gantry_import('core.gantrybrowser'); $browser = new GantryBrowser(); $document =& JFactory::getDocument(); $filename = basename($file); $relative_path = dirname($file); // For local url path get the local path based on checks $file_path = gantry_getFilePath($file); $url_file_checks = $browser->getChecks($file_path, true); foreach ($url_file_checks as $url_file) { $full_path = realpath($url_file); if ($full_path !== false && file_exists($full_path)) { $document->addStyleSheet($relative_path . '/' . basename($full_path) . '?ver=3.2.11'); } } }
/** * @param $file * * @param bool $keep_path * * @return array */ protected function getBrowserBasedChecks($file, $keep_path = false) { $ext = substr($file, strrpos($file, '.')); $path = $keep_path ? dirname($file) . '/' : ''; $filename = basename($file, $ext); $checks = $this->browser->getChecks($file, $keep_path); // check if RTL version needed $document = $this->document; if ($document->direction == 'rtl' && $this->get('rtl-enabled')) { $checks[] = $path . $filename . '-rtl' . $ext; } return $checks; }