Ejemplo n.º 1
function gp_populate_notices()
    GP::$redirect_notices = array();
    $prefix = '_gp_notice_';
    foreach ($_COOKIE as $key => $value) {
        if (gp_startswith($key, $prefix) && ($suffix = substr($key, strlen($prefix)))) {
            GP::$redirect_notices[$suffix] = $value;
        setcookie($key, '', 0, gp_url_path());
Ejemplo n.º 2
 function clean_up_global_scope()
     $locales =& GP_Locales::instance();
     $locales->locales = array();
     $_GET = array();
     $_POST = array();
      * @todo re-initialize all thing objects
     GP::$translation_set = new GP_Translation_Set();
     GP::$original = new GP_Original();
Ejemplo n.º 3
 function clean_up_global_scope()
     $locales =& GP_Locales::instance();
     $locales->locales = array();
     $_GET = array();
     $_POST = array();
      * @todo re-initialize all thing objects
     GP::$translation_set = new GP_Translation_Set();
     GP::$original = new GP_Original();
Ejemplo n.º 4
 function test_read_translations()
     $stubbed_originals = array();
     foreach ($this->entries as $sample) {
         list($context, $original, $translation) = $sample;
         $stubbed_originals[] = new GP_Original(array('singular' => $original, 'context' => $context));
     GP::$original = $this->getMock('GP_Original', array('by_project_id'));
     $translations = $this->properties->read_translations_from_file(GP_DIR_TESTDATA . '/translation.properties', (object) array('id' => 2));
     foreach ($this->entries as $sample) {
         list($context, $original, $translation) = $sample;
         $this->assertEquals($translation, $translations->translate($original, $context));
Ejemplo n.º 5
require_once GP_PATH . GP_INC . 'routes/_main.php';
require_once GP_PATH . GP_INC . 'routes/index.php';
require_once GP_PATH . GP_INC . 'routes/login.php';
require_once GP_PATH . GP_INC . 'routes/original.php';
require_once GP_PATH . GP_INC . 'routes/profile.php';
require_once GP_PATH . GP_INC . 'routes/project.php';
require_once GP_PATH . GP_INC . 'routes/translation-set.php';
require_once GP_PATH . GP_INC . 'routes/translation.php';
require_once GP_PATH . GP_INC . 'routes/glossary.php';
require_once GP_PATH . GP_INC . 'routes/glossary-entry.php';
require_once GP_PATH . GP_INC . 'routes/locale.php';
GP::$translation_warnings = new GP_Translation_Warnings();
GP::$builtin_translation_warnings = new GP_Builtin_Translation_Warnings();
GP::$router = new GP_Router();
GP::$formats = array();
require_once GP_PATH . GP_INC . 'format.php';
require_once GP_PATH . GP_INC . 'formats/format_android.php';
require_once GP_PATH . GP_INC . 'formats/format_pomo.php';
require_once GP_PATH . GP_INC . 'formats/format_resx.php';
require_once GP_PATH . GP_INC . 'formats/format_strings.php';
// Let's do it again, there are more variables added since last time we called it
require_once GP_PATH . GP_INC . 'plugin.php';
$plugins = scandir(GP_PLUGINS_PATH);
foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
    if (is_dir(GP_PLUGINS_PATH . '/' . $plugin)) {
        if (is_readable(GP_PLUGINS_PATH . "/{$plugin}/{$plugin}.php")) {
            require_once GP_PLUGINS_PATH . "/{$plugin}/{$plugin}.php";
    } else {
Ejemplo n.º 6
            list($this->project_id, $this->locale_slug, $this->set_slug) = $this->project_id_locale_slug_set_slug($this->object_id);
        $this->object_type = 'project|locale|set-slug';
        $this->default_conditions = "object_type = '" . $this->object_type . "'";
    function prepare_fields_for_save($args)
        $args = (array) $args;
        $args['object_type'] = $this->object_type;
        if (gp_array_get($args, 'project_id') && gp_array_get($args, 'locale_slug') && gp_array_get($args, 'set_slug') && !gp_array_get($args, 'object_id')) {
            $args['object_id'] = $this->object_id($args['project_id'], $args['locale_slug'], $args['set_slug']);
        $args = parent::prepare_fields_for_save($args);
        return $args;
    function project_id_locale_slug_set_slug($object_id)
        return explode('|', $object_id);
    function object_id($project_id, $locale_slug, $set_slug = 'default')
        return implode('|', array($project_id, $locale_slug, $set_slug));
    function by_project_id($project_id)
        $project_id = (int) $project_id;
        return $this->find_many("object_id LIKE '{$project_id}|%'");
GP::$validator_permission = new GP_Validator_Permission();
Ejemplo n.º 7
            while (!$glossary && $project->parent_project_id) {
                $project = GP::$project->get($project->parent_project_id);
                $translation_set = GP::$translation_set->by_project_id_slug_and_locale($project->id, $slug, $locale);
                if ($translation_set) {
                    $glossary = $this->by_set_id($translation_set->id);
        return $glossary;
    function by_set_id($set_id)
        return $this->one("\n\t\t    SELECT * FROM {$this->table}\n\t\t    WHERE translation_set_id = %d LIMIT 1", $set_id);
     * Copies glossary items from a glossary to the current one
     * This function does not merge then, just copies unconditionally. If a translation already exists, it will be duplicated.
     * @param int $source_glossary_id
     * @return mixed
    function copy_glossary_items_from($source_glossary_id)
        global $wpdb;
        $current_date = $this->now_in_mysql_format();
        return $this->query("\n\t\t\tINSERT INTO {$wpdb->gp_glossary_items} (\n\t\t\t\tid, term, type, examples, comment, suggested_translation, last_update\n\t\t\t)\n\t\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\t\t%s AS id, term, type, examples, comment, suggested_translation, %s AS last_update\n\t\t\tFROM {$wpdb->gp_glossary_items} WHERE id = %s", $this->id, $current_date, $source_glossary_id);
GP::$glossary = new GP_Glossary();
Ejemplo n.º 8
        $sql_project = $gpdb->prepare('o.project_id != %d', $this->project_id);
        $sql_singular = $gpdb->prepare('o.singular = BINARY %s', $this->singular);
        $sql_plural = is_null($this->plural) ? 'o.plural IS NULL' : $gpdb->prepare('o.plural = BINARY %s', $this->plural);
        $sql_context = is_null($this->context) ? 'o.context IS NULL' : $gpdb->prepare('o.context = BINARY %s', $this->context);
        $sql = "SELECT t.*, s.locale, s.slug\n\t\t\tFROM {$this->table} o\n\t\t\t\tJOIN {$gpdb->translations} t ON o.id = t.original_id\n\t\t\t\tJOIN {$gpdb->translation_sets} s ON t.translation_set_id = s.id\n\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t{$sql_context} AND {$sql_singular} AND {$sql_plural}\n\t\t\t\tAND o.status = '+active' AND {$sql_project}\n\t\t\t\tAND t.status = 'current'\n\t\t\tGROUP BY t.translation_0, t.translation_1, t.translation_2, t.translation_3, t.translation_4, t.translation_5, s.locale, s.slug\n\t\t\tORDER BY t.date_modified DESC, t.id DESC";
        $other_project_translations = GP::$translation->many($sql);
        foreach ($other_project_translations as $t) {
            $o_translation_set = array_filter($project_translations_sets, function ($set) use($t) {
                return $set->locale == $t->locale && $set->slug == $t->slug;
            if (empty($o_translation_set)) {
            $o_translation_set = reset($o_translation_set);
            if (in_array($o_translation_set->id, $matched_sets)) {
                // We already have a translation for this set.
            $matched_sets[] = $o_translation_set->id;
            $copy_status = apply_filters('translations_from_other_projects_status', 'current');
            $t->copy_into_set($o_translation_set->id, $this->id, $copy_status);
    function after_create()
        do_action('original_created', $this);
        return true;
GP::$original = new GP_Original();
Ejemplo n.º 9
         *     @type WP_User $user        The user being evaluated.
         *     @type mixed   $extra       Extra information given to the permission check.
         * }
        $preliminary = apply_filters('gp_pre_can_user', 'no-verdict', $filter_args);
        if (is_bool($preliminary)) {
            return $preliminary;
        $verdict = $this->find_one(array('action' => 'admin', 'user_id' => $user_id)) || $this->find_one($args) || $this->find_one(array_merge($args, array('object_id' => null)));
         * Filter whether an user can do an action.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @param bool $verdict Whether user can do an action.
         * @param array $args {
         *     Arguments of the permission check.
         *     @type int     $user_id     The user being evaluated.
         *     @type string  $action      Action to be executed.
         *     @type string  $object_type Object type to execute against.
         *     @type string  $object_id   Object ID to execute against.
         *     @type WP_User $user        The user being evaluated.
         *     @type mixed   $extra       Extra information given to the permission check.
         * }
        return apply_filters('gp_can_user', $verdict, $filter_args);
GP::$permission = new GP_Permission();
Ejemplo n.º 10
function gp_populate_notices()
    GP::$redirect_notices = array();
    $prefix = '_gp_notice_';
    $cookie_path = '/' . ltrim(gp_url_path(), '/');
    // Make sure that the cookie path is never empty.
    foreach ($_COOKIE as $key => $value) {
        if (gp_startswith($key, $prefix) && ($suffix = substr($key, strlen($prefix)))) {
            GP::$redirect_notices[$suffix] = wp_unslash($value);
            gp_set_cookie($key, '', 0, $cookie_path);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        $args = compact('user_id', 'action', 'object_type', 'object_id');
        $preliminary = apply_filters('pre_can_user', 'no-verdict', $args);
        if (is_bool($preliminary)) {
            return $preliminary;
        $verdict = $user && $user->admin() || GP::$permission->find_one($args) || GP::$permission->find_one(array_merge($args, array('object_id' => null)));
        return apply_filters('can_user', $verdict, $args);
    function get_meta($key)
        global $wp_users_object;
        if (!($user = $wp_users_object->get_user($this->id))) {
        $key = gp_sanitize_meta_key($key);
        if (!isset($user->{$key})) {
        return $user->{$key};
    function set_meta($key, $value)
        return gp_update_meta($this->id, $key, $value, 'user');
    function delete_meta($key)
        return gp_delete_meta($this->id, $key, '', 'user');
GP::$user = new GP_User();

class GP_Administrator_Permission extends GP_Permission
    var $table_basename = 'gp_permissions';
    var $field_names = array('id', 'user_id', 'action', 'object_type', 'object_id');
    var $non_db_field_names = array();
    var $non_updatable_attributes = array('id');
     * Adds restrictions to the fields in the object.
     * @since 1.1.0
    function restrict_fields($permission)
GP::$administrator_permission = new GP_Administrator_Permission();
 function test_edit_post_error_redirect_if_create_was_unsuccessful()
     GP::$translation_set = $this->getMock('GP_Translation_Set', array('update'));
     $_POST['set'] = $this->factory->translation_set->generate_args();
Ejemplo n.º 14
require_once GP_PATH . GP_INC . 'warnings.php';
require_once GP_PATH . GP_INC . 'validation.php';
require_once GP_PATH . GP_INC . 'thing.php';
foreach (glob(GP_PATH . GP_INC . 'things/*.php') as $thing) {
    require_once $thing;
require_once GP_PATH . GP_INC . 'routes.php';
foreach (glob(GP_PATH . GP_INC . 'routes/*.php') as $route) {
    require_once $route;
GP::$translation_warnings = new GP_Translation_Warnings();
GP::$builtin_translation_warnings = new GP_Builtin_Translation_Warnings();
GP::$router = new GP_Router();
// Let's do it again, there are more variables added since last time we called it
require_once GP_PATH . GP_INC . 'plugin.php';
$plugins = glob(GP_PATH . 'plugins/*.php');
if ($plugins) {
    foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
        require_once $plugin;
unset($plugins, $plugin);
if (defined('GP_INSTALLING') && GP_INSTALLING) {
} else {
    define('GP_INSTALLING', false);
Ejemplo n.º 15

class GP
    // models
    static $project;
    static $user;
    static $translation_set;
    static $permission;
    static $translation;
    static $original;
    // other singletons
    static $router;
    static $redirect_notices = array();
    static $translation_warnings;
    static $builtin_translation_warnings;
    static $current_route = null;
    // plugins can use this space
    static $vars = array();
    // for plugin singletons
    static $plugins;
GP::$plugins = new stdClass();
Ejemplo n.º 16
    function update_status_breakdown()
        $counts = wp_cache_get($this->id, 'translation_set_status_breakdown');
        if (!is_array($counts)) {
             * TODO:
             *  - calculate weighted coefficient by priority to know how much of the strings are translated
             * 	- calculate untranslated
            $t = GP::$translation->table;
            $o = GP::$original->table;
            $counts = GP::$translation->many_no_map("\n\t\t\t\tSELECT t.status as translation_status, COUNT(*) as n\n\t\t\t\tFROM {$t} AS t INNER JOIN {$o} AS o ON t.original_id = o.id WHERE t.translation_set_id = %d AND o.status LIKE '+%%' GROUP BY t.status", $this->id);
            $warnings_count = GP::$translation->value_no_map("\n\t\t\t\tSELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$t} AS t INNER JOIN {$o} AS o ON t.original_id = o.id\n\t\t\t\tWHERE t.translation_set_id = %d AND o.status LIKE '+%%' AND (t.status = 'current' OR t.status = 'waiting') AND warnings IS NOT NULL", $this->id);
            $counts[] = (object) array('translation_status' => 'warnings', 'n' => $warnings_count);
            wp_cache_set($this->id, $counts, 'translation_set_status_breakdown');
        $statuses = GP::$translation->get_static('statuses');
        $statuses[] = 'warnings';
        foreach ($statuses as $status) {
            $this->{$status . '_count'} = 0;
        $this->untranslated_count = 0;
        foreach ($counts as $count) {
            if (in_array($count->translation_status, $statuses)) {
                $this->{$count->translation_status . '_count'} = $count->n;
GP::$translation_set = new GP_Translation_Set();
Ejemplo n.º 17
        if (!empty($this->parts_of_speech)) {
        $this->parts_of_speech = array('noun' => _x('noun', 'part-of-speech', 'glotpress'), 'verb' => _x('verb', 'part-of-speech', 'glotpress'), 'adjective' => _x('adjective', 'part-of-speech', 'glotpress'), 'adverb' => _x('adverb', 'part-of-speech', 'glotpress'), 'interjection' => _x('interjection', 'part-of-speech', 'glotpress'), 'conjunction' => _x('conjunction', 'part-of-speech', 'glotpress'), 'preposition' => _x('preposition', 'part-of-speech', 'glotpress'), 'pronoun' => _x('pronoun', 'part-of-speech', 'glotpress'), 'expression' => _x('expression', 'part-of-speech', 'glotpress'));
     * Sets restriction rules for fields.
     * @since 1.0.0
     * @param GP_Validation_Rules $rules The validation rules instance.
    public function restrict_fields($rules)
    public function by_glossary_id($glossary_id)
        return $this->many("SELECT * FROM {$this->table} WHERE glossary_id= %d ORDER by term ASC", $glossary_id);
    public function last_modified($glossary)
        global $wpdb;
        return $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT date_modified FROM {$this->table} WHERE glossary_id = %d ORDER BY date_modified DESC LIMIT 1", $glossary->id, 'current'));
GP::$glossary_entry = new GP_Glossary_Entry();
Ejemplo n.º 18
            $translations[$i] = isset($this->{"translation_{$i}"}) ? $this->{"translation_{$i}"} : null;
        return $translations;
    function last_modified($translation_set)
        global $gpdb;
        $last_modified = wp_cache_get($translation_set->id, 'translation_set_last_modified');
        // Cached as "" if no translations.
        if ("" === $last_modified) {
            return false;
        } elseif (false !== $last_modified) {
            return $last_modified;
        $last_modified = $gpdb->get_var($gpdb->prepare("SELECT date_modified FROM {$this->table} WHERE translation_set_id = %d AND status = %s ORDER BY date_modified DESC LIMIT 1", $translation_set->id, 'current'));
        wp_cache_set($translation_set->id, (string) $last_modified, 'translation_set_last_modified');
        return $last_modified;
    function after_create()
        do_action('translation_created', $this);
        return true;
    function after_save()
        do_action('translation_saved', $this);
        return true;
GP::$translation = new GP_Translation();
Ejemplo n.º 19
        $sub_projects = $this->sub_projects();
        foreach ($sub_projects as $sub) {
            $sub_projects = array_merge($sub_projects, $sub->inclusive_sub_projects());
        return $sub_projects;
    public function duplicate_project_contents_from($source_project)
        $source_sub_projects = $source_project->inclusive_sub_projects();
        //Duplicate originals, translations sets and translations for the root project
        //Keep a list of parents to preserve hierarchy
        $parents = array();
        $parents[$source_project->id] = $this->id;
        //Duplicate originals, translations sets and translations for the child projects
        foreach ($source_sub_projects as $sub) {
            $copy_project = new GP_Project($sub->fields());
            $copy_project->parent_project_id = $parents[$sub->parent_project_id];
            $parent_project = $copy_project->get($copy_project->parent_project_id);
            $copy_project->path = gp_url_join($parent_project->path, $copy_project->slug);
            $copy = GP::$project->create($copy_project);
            $parents[$sub->id] = $copy->id;
GP::$project = new GP_Project();
 function test_edit_post_error_redirect_if_create_was_unsuccessful()
     GP::$translation_set = $this->getMockBuilder('GP_Translation_Set')->setMethods(array('update'))->getMock();
     $_POST['set'] = $this->factory->translation_set->generate_args();
     $_REQUEST['_gp_route_nonce'] = wp_create_nonce('edit-translation-set_' . $this->set->id);