Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function run()
     global $_FANWE;
     $root = array();
     $root['return'] = 0;
     if ($_FANWE['uid'] == 0) {
         $root['info'] = "请先登陆";
     $user = FS("User")->getUserById($_FANWE['uid']);
     $data = array('oldpassword' => $_FANWE['requestData']['oldpassword'], 'newpassword' => $_FANWE['requestData']['newpassword']);
     $vservice = FS('Validate');
     $validate = array(array('oldpassword', 'required', '请输入现在的密码'), array('newpassword', 'range_length', '请输入正确的新密码', 6, 32));
     if (!$vservice->validation($validate, $data)) {
         $root['info'] = $vservice->getError();
     } else {
         if (md5($data['oldpassword']) != $user['password']) {
             $root['info'] = '原密码不正确';
         } else {
             FDB::update('user', array('password' => md5($data['newpassword'])), 'uid = ' . $_FANWE['uid']);
             $root['info'] = '修改成功';
             $user_field = $_FANWE['setting']['integrate_field_id'];
             $sql = "SELECT {$user_field} FROM " . FDB::table('user') . " WHERE uid = '{$_FANWE['uid']}'";
             $integrate_id = intval(FDB::resultFirst($sql));
             if ($integrate_id > 0) {
                 FS("Integrate")->editUser($integrate_id, $data['newpassword'], '', '');
     $root['return'] = 1;
Ejemplo n.º 2
    public function all()
        global $_FANWE;
        $is_best = false;
        $is_all = true;
        $_FANWE['nav_title'] = lang('common', 'daren');
        $count = FDB::resultFirst('SELECT COUNT(uid) FROM ' . FDB::table('user_daren') . ' WHERE status = 1');
        $pager = buildPage('daren/all', array(), $count, $_FANWE['page'], 18);
        $col = 3;
        $index = 0;
        $list = array();
        $today_time = getTodayTime();
        $sql = 'SELECT ud.*,u.user_name,u.server_code,uc.fans,uc.goods,uc.shares,
			FROM ' . FDB::table('user_daren') . ' AS ud 
			INNER JOIN ' . FDB::table('user') . ' AS u ON u.uid = ud.uid 
			INNER JOIN ' . FDB::table('user_count') . ' AS uc ON uc.uid = u.uid 
			INNER JOIN ' . FDB::table('user_profile') . ' AS up ON up.uid = ud.uid 
			WHERE ud.status = 1 
			ORDER BY ud.day_time DESC,ud.id DESC LIMIT ' . $pager['limit'];
        $res = FDB::query($sql);
        while ($data = FDB::fetch($res)) {
            $data['today_best'] = false;
            $data['url'] = FU('u/index', array('uid' => $data['uid']));
            $province = $_FANWE['cache']['citys']['all'][$data['reside_province']]['name'];
            $city = $_FANWE['cache']['citys']['all'][$data['reside_city']]['name'];
            $data['city'] = $province . ' ' . $city;
            $list[$index % $col][] = $data;
        include template('page/daren');
    public function run()
        global $_FANWE;
        $root = array();
        $root['return'] = 1;
        $share_id = (int) $_FANWE['requestData']['share_id'];
        $page = (int) $_FANWE['requestData']['page'];
        $page = max(1, $page);
        $sql_count = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT comment_id) FROM " . FDB::table("share_comment") . " WHERE share_id = " . $share_id;
        $total = FDB::resultFirst($sql_count);
        $page_size = PAGE_SIZE;
        $page_total = ceil($total / $page_size);
        if ($page > $page_total) {
            $page = $page_total;
        $limit = ($page - 1) * $page_size . "," . $page_size;
        $sql = 'SELECT c.*,u.user_name,u.server_code FROM ' . FDB::table('share_comment') . ' AS c 
			INNER JOIN ' . FDB::table('user') . ' AS u ON u.uid = c.uid 
			WHERE c.share_id = ' . $share_id . ' ORDER BY c.comment_id DESC LIMIT ' . $limit;
        $res = FDB::query($sql);
        $list = array();
        while ($item = FDB::fetch($res)) {
            $item['user_avatar'] = avatar($item['uid'], 'm', $item['server_code'], 1, true);
            $item['time'] = getBeforeTimelag($item['create_time']);
            m_express(&$item, $item['content']);
            $list[] = $item;
        $root['item'] = $list;
        $root['page'] = array("page" => $page, "page_total" => $page_total);
    public function run()
        global $_FANWE;
        $root = array();
        $root['return'] = 1;
        $is_hot = (int) $_FANWE['requestData']['is_hot'];
        $is_new = (int) $_FANWE['requestData']['is_new'];
        $page = (int) $_FANWE['requestData']['page'];
        $page = max(1, $page);
        $today_time = getTodayTime();
        $field = '';
        $whrer = '';
        $book_photo_goods = (int) $_FANWE['setting']['book_photo_goods'];
        if ($book_photo_goods == 0) {
            $whrer = " WHERE share_data IN ('goods','photo','goods_photo')";
        } elseif ($book_photo_goods == 1) {
            $whrer = " WHERE share_data IN ('photo','goods_photo')";
        } elseif ($book_photo_goods == 2) {
            $whrer = " WHERE share_data IN ('goods','goods_photo')";
        if ($is_hot == 1) {
            $day7_time = $today_time - 604800;
            $field = ",(create_time > {$day7_time}) AS time_sort ";
            $sort = " ORDER BY time_sort DESC,collect_count DESC";
        if ($is_new == 1) {
            $sort = " ORDER BY share_id DESC";
        $sql_count = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT share_id) FROM " . FDB::table("share");
        $total = FDB::resultFirst($sql_count);
        $page_size = PAGE_SIZE;
        $max_page = 100;
        if ($total > $max_page * $page_size) {
            $total = $max_page * $page_size;
        if ($page > $max_page) {
            $page = $max_page;
        $page_total = ceil($total / $page_size);
        $limit = ($page - 1) * $page_size . "," . $page_size;
        $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT(share_id),cache_data ' . $field . '
					FROM ' . FDB::table('share') . $whrer . $sort . ' LIMIT ' . $limit;
        $res = FDB::query($sql);
        $share_list = array();
        while ($item = FDB::fetch($res)) {
            $cache_data = fStripslashes(unserialize($item['cache_data']));
            $img = current($cache_data['imgs']['all']);
            $data = array();
            $data['share_id'] = $item['share_id'];
            $data['img'] = getImgName($img['img'], 100, 999, 0, true);
            $data['height'] = $img['height'] * (100 / $img['width']);
            $share_list[] = $data;
        $root['item'] = $share_list;
        $root['page'] = array("page" => $page, "page_total" => $page_total);
    public function run()
        global $_FANWE;
        $root = array();
        $root['return'] = 0;
        $uid = (int) $_FANWE['requestData']['uid'];
        if ($uid > 0) {
            if (!FS('User')->getUserExists($uid)) {
                $uid = 0;
        if ($uid == 0) {
            $uid = $_FANWE['uid'];
            $root['home_user'] = $_FANWE['user'];
        if ($uid == 0) {
            $root['info'] = "请选择要查看的会员";
        if (!isset($root['home_user'])) {
            $root['home_user'] = FS("User")->getUserById($uid);
            unset($root['home_user']['user_name_match'], $root['home_user']['password'], $root['home_user']['active_hash'], $root['home_user']['reset_hash']);
            $root['home_user']['user_avatar'] = avatar($uid, 'm', $root['home_user']['server_code'], 1, true);
        $page = (int) $_FANWE['requestData']['page'];
        $page = max(1, $page);
        $is_spare_flow = (int) $_FANWE['requestData']['is_spare_flow'];
        $img_size = 200;
        $scale = 2;
        if ($is_spare_flow == 1) {
            $img_size = 100;
            $scale = 1;
        $total = FDB::resultFirst('SELECT COUNT(photo_id) FROM ' . FDB::table('share_photo') . ' WHERE uid = ' . $uid);
        $page_size = 20;
        $page_total = max(1, ceil($total / $page_size));
        if ($page > $page_total) {
            $page = $page_total;
        $limit = ($page - 1) * $page_size . "," . $page_size;
        $photo_list = array();
        $res = FDB::query('SELECT photo_id,share_id,img 
			FROM ' . FDB::table('share_photo') . ' 
			WHERE uid = ' . $uid . ' ORDER BY photo_id DESC LIMIT ' . $limit);
        while ($photo = FDB::fetch($res)) {
            $photo['img'] = getImgName($photo['img'], $img_size, $img_size, 1, true);
            $photo['height'] = round($img_size / $scale);
            $photo['url'] = FU('note/m', array('sid' => $photo['share_id'], 'id' => $photo['photo_id']), true);
            $photo_list[] = $photo;
        $root['return'] = 1;
        $root['item'] = $photo_list;
        $root['page'] = array("page" => $page, "page_total" => $page_total);
    public function run()
        global $_FANWE;
        $root = array();
        $root['return'] = 1;
        $key = 'm/sharecate';
        $cache_list = getCache($key);
        if ($cache_list !== NULL || TIME_UTC - $cache_list['cache_time'] > 600) {
            $cate_list = array();
            $min_time = $this->getQuarterMinTime();
            $max_time = getTodayTime();
            $album_cate = $_FANWE['cache']['albums']['category'];
            foreach ($album_cate as $k => $v) {
                $cate = array();
                $cate['cate_id'] = $v['id'];
                $cate['cate_name'] = $v['name'];
                $cate['short_name'] = $v['name'];
                $cate['cate_code'] = $v['cate_code'];
                $cate['cate_icon'] = FS("Image")->getImageUrl($v['img'], 2);
                $cate['desc'] = $v['desc'];
                $cate['create_time'] = $v['create_time'];
                $share_count_sql = 'select count(DISTINCT s.share_id) from ' . FDB::table("share") . ' as s 
					INNER JOIN ' . FDB::table("album_share") . ' as al on s.share_id = al.share_id where al.cid = ' . $v['id'] . " and s.day_time >= {$min_time} AND s.day_time <= {$max_time} ";
                $cate['share_count'] = FDB::resultFirst($share_count_sql);
                $cate['img_tags'] = array();
                $img_size = 320;
                $sql = 'select s.share_id,al.title,sp.img from ' . FDB::table("share") . ' as s
					INNER JOIN ' . FDB::table("album_share") . ' as als ON s.share_id = als.share_id 
					INNER JOIN ' . FDB::table("album") . ' as al ON als.album_id = al.id
					INNER JOIN ' . FDB::table("share_photo") . " as sp ON s.share_id = sp.share_id \r\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE s.day_time >= {$min_time} AND s.day_time <= {$max_time} AND als.cid = " . $v['id'] . " GROUP BY s.share_id ORDER BY s.share_id desc limit 5";
                $res = FDB::query($sql);
                while ($data = FDB::fetch($res)) {
                    $img_data = array();
                    $img_data['share_id'] = $data['share_id'];
                    $img_data['tag_name'] = $data['title'];
                    $img_data['is_tag'] = 0;
                    $img_data['img'] = FS("Image")->getImageUrl(getImgName($data['img'], $img_size, $img_size, 1, true), 2);
                    $img_data['url_tag'] = urlencode($data['title']);
                    $cate['img_tags'][] = $img_data;
                    $img_size = 160;
                $cate['txt_tags'] = array();
                $cate_list[] = $cate;
            $cache_list = array();
            $cache_list['cate_list'] = $cate_list;
            $cache_list['cache_time'] = TIME_UTC;
            setCache($key, $cache_list);
        } else {
            $cate_list = $cache_list['cate_list'];
        $root['item'] = $cate_list;
 public function pm()
     define("ACTION_NAME", "pm");
     if (intval($GLOBALS['fanwe']->var['uid']) == 0) {
         fHeader("location: " . FU('user/login'));
     $uname = addslashes($_POST['uname']);
     $uid = intval(FDB::resultFirst("select uid from " . FDB::table("user") . " where user_name = '" . $uname . "'"));
     fHeader("location: " . FU('message/send', array('uid' => $uid)));
 public function searchShop()
     $kw = trim($_REQUEST['kw']);
     $result['kw'] = $kw;
     $shop_list = FDB::fetchAll("select * from " . FDB::table("shop") . " where shop_name like '%" . $kw . "%' order by rand() limit 20 ");
     $shop_count = intval(FDB::resultFirst("select count(*) from " . FDB::table("shop") . " where shop_name like '%" . $kw . "%'"));
     $result['shop_list'] = $shop_list;
     $result['shop_count'] = $shop_count;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public function jumpUserBindReg($data, $user_name)
     do {
         $max_count = FDB::resultFirst('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . FDB::table("user") . " WHERE user_name = '" . $user_name . "'");
         if ($max_count > 0) {
             $user_name = $user_name . '_' . random(3);
     } while ($max_count > 0);
     $data['user_name'] = $user_name;
     $data = serialize($data);
     fSetCookie('bind_user_info', authcode($data, 'ENCODE'));
     fHeader("location:" . FU('user/bind'));
Ejemplo n.º 10
    public function run()
        global $_FANWE;
        $root = array();
        $root['return'] = 1;
        $page = (int) $_FANWE['requestData']['page'];
        $page = max(1, $page);
        $total = FDB::resultFirst('SELECT COUNT(id) FROM ' . FDB::table('user_daren') . ' WHERE status = 1');
        $page_size = PAGE_SIZE;
        $page_total = max(1, ceil($total / $page_size));
        if ($page > $page_total) {
            $page = $page_total;
        $limit = ($page - 1) * $page_size . "," . $page_size;
        $user_follows = array();
        $res = FDB::query('SELECT u.uid,u.user_name,u.server_code,uc.fans,ud.reason,up.introduce 
				FROM ' . FDB::table('user_daren') . ' AS ud
				INNER JOIN ' . FDB::table('user') . ' AS u ON u.uid = ud.uid
				INNER JOIN ' . FDB::table('user_count') . ' AS uc ON uc.uid = ud.uid
				INNER JOIN ' . FDB::table('user_profile') . ' AS up ON up.uid = ud.uid 
				WHERE ud.status = 1 ORDER BY ud.id DESC LIMIT ' . $limit);
        while ($data = FDB::fetch($res)) {
            $data['user_avatar'] = avatar($data['uid'], 'm', $data['server_code'], 1, true);
            $data['desc'] = $data['introduce'];
            if (!empty($data['reason'])) {
                $data['desc'] = $data['reason'];
            unset($data['server_code'], $data['introduce'], $data['reason']);
            if ($data['uid'] == $_FANWE['uid']) {
                $data['is_follow'] = -1;
            } else {
                $user_follows[$data['uid']] = 0;
                $data['is_follow'] = 0;
            $user_list[$data['uid']] = $data;
        $uids = array_keys($user_follows);
        $uids = implode(',', $uids);
        $uids = str_replace(',,', ',', $uids);
        if (!empty($uids)) {
            $res = FDB::query("SELECT uid FROM " . FDB::table('user_follow') . ' 
				WHERE f_uid = ' . $_FANWE['uid'] . ' AND uid IN (' . $uids . ')');
            while ($item = FDB::fetch($res)) {
                $user_list[$item['uid']]['is_follow'] = 1;
        $root['item'] = array_slice($user_list, 0);
        $root['page'] = array("page" => $page, "page_total" => $page_total);
Ejemplo n.º 11
    public function run()
        global $_FANWE;
        $root = array();
        $root['return'] = 0;
        $uid = $_FANWE['uid'];
        if ($uid == 0) {
            $root['info'] = "请先登陆";
        $root['home_user'] = $_FANWE['user'];
        $page = (int) $_FANWE['requestData']['page'];
        $page = max(1, $page);
        $uids = array();
        $sql = 'SELECT uid
			FROM ' . FDB::table('user_follow') . '
			WHERE f_uid = ' . $uid;
        $res = FDB::query($sql);
        while ($data = FDB::fetch($res)) {
            $uids[] = (int) $data['uid'];
        if (count($uids) > 0) {
            $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(share_id) FROM ' . FDB::table("share") . ' WHERE uid IN (' . implode(',', $uids) . ')';
            $total = FDB::resultFirst($sql);
            $page_size = PAGE_SIZE;
            $page_total = max(1, ceil($total / $page_size));
            if ($page > $page_total) {
                $page = $page_total;
            $limit = ($page - 1) * $page_size . "," . $page_size;
            $share_list = array();
            $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . FDB::table("share") . ' WHERE uid IN (' . implode(',', $uids) . ') ORDER BY share_id DESC LIMIT ' . $limit;
            $share_list = FDB::fetchAll($sql);
            $share_list = mGetShareDetailList($share_list, true);
        } else {
            $page_total = 0;
            $share_list = array();
        $root['return'] = 1;
        if (count($share_list) > 0) {
            $root['item'] = array_slice($share_list, 0);
        } else {
            $root['item'] = array();
        $root['page'] = array("page" => $page, "page_total" => $page_total);
Ejemplo n.º 12
    public function show()
        global $_FANWE;
        $id = (int) $_FANWE['request']['id'];
        if (!$id) {
        $shop = FDB::fetchFirst('SELECT * FROM ' . FDB::table('shop') . ' WHERE shop_id = ' . $id);
        if (!$shop) {
            fHeader("location: " . FU('shop/index'));
        $_FANWE['nav_title'] = $shop['shop_name'] . ' - ' . $_FANWE['nav_title'];
        $cache_data = fStripslashes(unserialize($shop['data']));
        $shop['tags'] = $cache_data['tags'];
        if (empty($shop['taoke_url'])) {
            $shop['to_url'] = FU('tgo', array('url' => $shop['shop_url']));
        } else {
            $shop['to_url'] = FU('tgo', array('url' => $shop['taoke_url']));
        $page_args['id'] = $id;
        $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT sg.share_id) FROM ' . FDB::table('share_goods') . ' AS sg 
			INNER JOIN ' . FDB::table('share') . ' AS s ON s.share_id = sg.share_id 
			WHERE s.status = 1 AND sg.shop_id = ' . $id;
        $share_count = FDB::resultFirst($sql);
        $page_size = 20;
        $pager = buildPage('shop/show', $page_args, $share_count, $_FANWE['page'], $page_size);
        $share_ids = array();
        $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT sg.share_id FROM ' . FDB::table('share_goods') . ' AS sg 
			INNER JOIN ' . FDB::table('share') . ' AS s ON s.share_id = sg.share_id 
			WHERE s.status = 1 AND sg.shop_id = ' . $id . ' ORDER BY sg.share_id DESC LIMIT ' . $pager['limit'];
        $res = FDB::query($sql);
        while ($data = FDB::fetch($res)) {
            $share_ids[] = $data['share_id'];
        $share_list = array();
        if (count($share_ids) > 0) {
            $share_ids = implode(',', $share_ids);
            $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . FDB::table('share') . ' WHERE share_id IN (' . $share_ids . ') ORDER BY share_id DESC';
            $share_list = FDB::fetchAll($sql);
            $share_list = FS('Share')->getShareDetailList($share_list, false, true, true, false, 0, 10);
        $shops_tags = FS('Shop')->getUserOtherShopAndTags($id);
        include template('page/shop/shop_show');
    public function run()
        global $_FANWE;
        $root = array();
        $root['return'] = 0;
        $uid = $_FANWE['uid'];
        if ($uid == 0) {
            $root['info'] = "请先登陆";
        $root['home_user'] = $_FANWE['user'];
        FDB::query("DELETE FROM " . FDB::table('user_notice') . " WHERE uid='{$uid}' AND type=3");
        $page = (int) $_FANWE['requestData']['page'];
        $page = max(1, $page);
        $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(sc.comment_id)
			FROM ' . FDB::table("share") . ' AS s
			INNER JOIN ' . FDB::table("share_comment") . ' AS sc ON sc.share_id = s.share_id
			WHERE  s.uid = ' . $uid;
        $total = FDB::resultFirst($sql);
        $page_size = PAGE_SIZE;
        $page_total = max(1, ceil($total / $page_size));
        if ($page > $page_total) {
            $page = $page_total;
        $limit = ($page - 1) * $page_size . "," . $page_size;
        $comment_list = array();
        $sql = 'SELECT sc.*,s.content as scontent,u.user_name,u.server_code 
			FROM ' . FDB::table("share") . ' AS s
			INNER JOIN ' . FDB::table("share_comment") . ' AS sc ON sc.share_id = s.share_id 
			INNER JOIN ' . FDB::table("user") . ' AS u ON u.uid = sc.uid 
			WHERE s.uid = ' . $uid . '
			ORDER BY comment_id DESC LIMIT ' . $limit;
        $res = FDB::query($sql);
        while ($data = FDB::fetch($res)) {
            $data['user_avatar'] = FS("Image")->getImageUrl('.' . avatar($data['uid'], 'm', 1), 2);
            $data['time'] = getBeforeTimelag($data['create_time']);
            $data['url'] = FU('note/index', array('sid' => $data['share_id']), true);
            m_express(&$data, $data['content'] . $data['scontent']);
            $comment_list[] = $data;
        $root['return'] = 1;
        $root['item'] = $comment_list;
        $root['page'] = array("page" => $page, "page_total" => $page_total);
Ejemplo n.º 14
 function deleteEvent($share_id)
     $share_id = (int) $share_id;
     $event_id = (int) FDB::resultFirst("select id from " . FDB::table("event") . " \r\n\t\t\twhere share_id = {$share_id}");
     if ($event_id > 0) {
         $share = FDB::fetchFirst("select share_id,uid from " . FDB::table("event_share") . " \r\n\t\t\t\twhere event_id = {$event_id} order by share_id asc limit 0,1");
         if ($share) {
             $share_id = (int) $share['share_id'];
             $uid = (int) $share['uid'];
             FDB::query("update " . FDB::table("event") . " set thread_count = thread_count - 1,share_id = {$share_id},uid = {$uid} where id = {$event_id}");
             FDB::delete('event_share', 'share_id = ' . $share_id);
         } else {
             FDB::delete('event', 'id = ' . $event_id);
     } else {
         FDB::delete('event_share', 'share_id = ' . $share_id);
         FDB::query("update " . FDB::table("event") . " set thread_count = thread_count - 1 where id = {$event_id}");
    public function run()
        global $_FANWE;
        $root = array();
        $root['return'] = 0;
        $uid = $_FANWE['uid'];
        if ($uid == 0) {
            $root['info'] = "请先登陆";
        $root['home_user'] = $_FANWE['user'];
        FDB::query("DELETE FROM " . FDB::table('user_notice') . " WHERE uid='{$uid}' AND type=4");
        $page = (int) $_FANWE['requestData']['page'];
        $page = max(1, $page);
        $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*)
			FROM ' . FDB::table("share") . ' AS s
			LEFT JOIN ' . FDB::table("atme") . ' as a on a.share_id=s.share_id
			WHERE a.uid = ' . $uid . ' and s.uid <> ' . $uid . ' and s.type<>\'fav\' ';
        $total = FDB::resultFirst($sql);
        $page_size = PAGE_SIZE;
        $page_total = max(1, ceil($total / $page_size));
        if ($page > $page_total) {
            $page = $page_total;
        $limit = ($page - 1) * $page_size . "," . $page_size;
        $share_list = array();
        $sql = 'SELECT s.*
			FROM ' . FDB::table("share") . ' AS s
			LEFT JOIN ' . FDB::table("atme") . ' as a on a.share_id=s.share_id
			WHERE a.uid = ' . $uid . ' and s.uid <> ' . $uid . ' and s.type<>\'fav\'
			ORDER BY s.share_id DESC LIMIT ' . $limit;
        $share_list = FDB::fetchAll($sql);
        $share_list = mGetShareDetailList($share_list, true);
        $root['return'] = 1;
        if (count($share_list) > 0) {
            $root['item'] = array_slice($share_list, 0);
        } else {
            $root['item'] = array();
        $root['page'] = array("page" => $page, "page_total" => $page_total);
 public function run()
     global $_FANWE;
     $root = array();
     $root['return'] = 1;
     $city_id = intval($_FANWE['requestData']['city_id']);
     $quan_id = intval($_FANWE['requestData']['quan_id']);
     $cate_id = intval($_FANWE['requestData']['cate_id']);
     $page = intval($_FANWE['requestData']['page']);
     $page = $page == 0 ? 1 : $page;
     $page_size = PAGE_SIZE;
     $limit = ($page - 1) * $page_size . "," . $page_size;
     $sql_count = "select count(*) from " . FDB::table("merchant_youhui");
     $sql = "select id,merchant_id,title,content,merchant_logo,create_time,merchant_xpoint,merchant_ypoint,merchant_api_address,image_1 from " . FDB::table("merchant_youhui");
     $now = TIME_UTC;
     $where = "1 = 1 and status = 1 and begin_time<" . $now . " and (end_time = 0 or end_time > " . $now . ")";
     if ($city_id > 0) {
         $where .= " and merchant_city_id = {$city_id}";
     if ($quan_id > 0) {
         $where .= " and merchant_quan_id = {$quan_id}";
     if ($cate_id > 0) {
         $where .= " and merchant_category_id = {$cate_id}";
     $sql_count .= " where " . $where;
     $sql .= " where " . $where;
     $sql .= " limit " . $limit;
     //echo $sql; exit;
     $total = FDB::resultFirst($sql_count);
     $page_total = ceil($total / $page_size);
     $list = FDB::fetchAll($sql);
     $youhui_list = array();
     foreach ($list as $item) {
         $youhui_list[] = m_youhuiItem($item);
     $root['item'] = $youhui_list;
     $root['page'] = array("page" => $page, "page_total" => $page_total);
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public function index()
     global $_FANWE;
     $where = ' WHERE status = 1 AND (begin_time <= ' . TIME_UTC . ' OR begin_time = 0) AND (end_time >= ' . TIME_UTC . ' OR end_time = 0)';
     $order = ' ORDER BY sort ASC,end_time ASC,id DESC';
     $best_list = array();
     $best_ids = array();
     $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . FDB::table('exchange_goods') . $where . ' AND is_best = 1 ' . $order . ' LIMIT 0,4';
     $res = FDB::query($sql);
     while ($data = FDB::fetch($res)) {
         $data['num'] = $data['stock'] - $data['buy_count'];
         $data['url'] = FU('exchange/show', array('id' => $data['id']));
         $best_list[] = $data;
         $best_ids[] = $data['id'];
     if (count($best_ids) > 0) {
         $best_ids = implode(',', $best_ids);
         $where .= ' AND id NOT IN (' . $best_ids . ')';
     $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(id) FROM ' . FDB::table('exchange_goods') . $where;
     $goods_count = FDB::resultFirst($sql);
     $page_size = 10;
     $pager = buildPage('exchange/index', array(), $goods_count, $_FANWE['page'], $page_size);
     $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . FDB::table('exchange_goods') . $where . $order . ' LIMIT ' . $pager['limit'];
     $goods_list = array();
     $res = FDB::query($sql);
     while ($data = FDB::fetch($res)) {
         $data['num'] = $data['stock'] - $data['buy_count'];
         $data['url'] = FU('exchange/show', array('id' => $data['id']));
         $goods_list[] = $data;
     $order_list = FS("Exchange")->getOrderTop();
     $score_list = FS("Exchange")->getScoreTop();
     $exchange_list = FS("Exchange")->getExchangeTop();
     if ($_FANWE['uid'] > 0) {
         $consignee = FDB::fetchFirst('SELECT * FROM ' . FDB::table('user_consignee') . ' WHERE uid = ' . $_FANWE['uid']);
     include template('page/exchange/exchange_index');
 public function run()
     global $_FANWE;
     $root = array();
     $root['return'] = 1;
     $email = $_FANWE['requestData']['email'];
     $pwd = $_FANWE['requestData']['pwd'];
     $uid = intval(FDB::resultFirst("select uid from " . FDB::table("user") . " where user_name='" . $email . "' and password = '******'"));
     $latitude = floatval($_FANWE['requestData']['latitude']);
     $longitude = floatval($_FANWE['requestData']['longitude']);
     if ($uid > 0 && $latitude > 0 && $longitude > 0) {
         $user_x_y_point = array('uid' => $uid, 'xpoint' => $longitude, 'ypoint' => $latitude, 'locate_time' => fGmtTime());
         //$root['user_x_y_point'] = $user_x_y_point;
         $id = FDB::insert('user_x_y_point', $user_x_y_point, true);
         $sql = "update " . FDB::table("user") . " set xpoint = {$longitude}, ypoint = {$latitude}, locate_time = " . fGmtTime() . " where uid = {$uid}";
         //$root['sql'] = $sql;
Ejemplo n.º 19
    public function run()
        global $_FANWE;
        $root = array();
        $root['return'] = 1;
        if ($_FANWE['uid'] == 0) {
        $uid = $_FANWE['uid'];
        $page = (int) $_FANWE['requestData']['page'];
        $page = max(1, $page);
        $total = FDB::resultFirst('SELECT COUNT(f_uid) FROM ' . FDB::table('user_follow') . ' WHERE uid = ' . $uid);
        $page_size = PAGE_SIZE;
        $page_total = max(1, ceil($total / $page_size));
        if ($page > $page_total) {
            $page = $page_total;
        $limit = ($page - 1) * $page_size . "," . $page_size;
        $user_follows = array();
        $res = FDB::query('SELECT u.uid,u.user_name,u.server_code,uc.fans,up.reside_province,up.reside_city,up.introduce 
				FROM ' . FDB::table('user_follow') . ' AS uf
				INNER JOIN ' . FDB::table('user') . ' AS u ON u.uid = uf.f_uid
				INNER JOIN ' . FDB::table('user_count') . ' AS uc ON uc.uid = uf.f_uid
				INNER JOIN ' . FDB::table('user_profile') . ' AS up ON up.uid = uf.f_uid
				WHERE uf.uid = ' . $uid . ' ORDER BY uf.create_time DESC LIMIT ' . $limit);
        while ($data = FDB::fetch($res)) {
            $data['reside_province'] = $_FANWE['cache']['citys']['all'][$data['reside_province']]['name'];
            $data['reside_city'] = $_FANWE['cache']['citys']['all'][$data['reside_city']]['name'];
            $data['user_avatar'] = avatar($data['uid'], 'm', $data['server_code'], 1, true);
            $user_list[$data['uid']] = $data;
        $root['item'] = array_slice($user_list, 0);
        $root['page'] = array("page" => $page, "page_total" => $page_total);
Ejemplo n.º 20
                $share_comments_data[$idxj]['user_url'] = FU('u/index', array('uid' => $vv['user']['uid']));
                $share_comments_data[$idxj]['user_name'] = $vv['user']['user_name'];
                $share_comments_data[$idxj]['avt'] = avatar($vv['uid'], 's', $is_src = 1);
                $share_comments_data[$idxj]['comment'] = cutStr($vv['content'], 20);
            $list[$i]['comments'] = $share_comments_data;
        $list[$i]['share_url'] = FU('note/index', array('sid' => $v['share_id']));
        $list[$i]['u_url'] = FU('u/index', array('uid' => $v['uid']));
        $list[$i]['relay_count'] = FDB::resultFirst("select relay_count from " . FDB::table("share") . " where share_id = " . $v['share_id']);
        $album_sql = "select a.id,a.title from  " . FDB::table('album_share') . " as ah left join " . FDB::table('album') . " as a on ah.album_id = a.id where ah.share_id = " . $v['share_id'];
        $album = FDB::fetchFirst($album_sql);
        if ($album) {
            $list[$i]['album_title'] = $album['title'];
            $list[$i]['is_album'] = 1;
            $list[$i]['album_url'] = FU("album/show", array('id' => $album['id']));
        } else {
            $list[$i]['album_title'] = "";
            $list[$i]['is_album'] = 0;
            $list[$i]['album_url'] = "";
        $list[$i]['zf_count'] = 10;
        $list[$i]['xh_count'] = 20;
        $list[$i]['user_name'] = FDB::resultFirst("select user_name from " . FDB::table('user') . " where uid =" . $v['uid']);
    outputJson(array('result' => $list, 'current_user' => $current_user, 'status' => 1, 'hasNextPage' => $is_next));
} else {
    outputJson(array('status' => 0, 'hasNextPage' => $is_next));
    public function fetch($url)
        global $_FANWE;
        $id = $this->getID($url);
        if (empty($id)) {
            return false;
        $key = '360buy_' . $id;
        $share_goods = FDB::resultFirst('SELECT share_id,goods_id FROM ' . FDB::table('share_goods') . ' 
			WHERE uid = ' . $_FANWE['uid'] . " AND goods_key = '{$key}'");
        if ($share_goods) {
            $result['status'] = -1;
            $result['share_id'] = $share_goods['share_id'];
            $result['goods_id'] = $share_goods['goods_id'];
            return $result;
        $content = getUrlContent("http://www.360buy.com/product/" . $id . ".html");
        if (empty($content)) {
            return false;
        $content = gbToUTF8($content);
        $content = preg_replace("/[\r\n]/", '', $content);
        @preg_match("/<h1>(.*?)<\\/h1>/", $content, $title);
        if (empty($title)) {
            return false;
        @preg_match("/<div id=\"preview\".*?>.*?<img.*?src=\"(.*?)\".*?jqimg=\"(.*?)\"\\/><\\/div>/", $content, $img);
        if (empty($img)) {
            return false;
        @preg_match("/<strong class=\"price\"><img.*?src =\"(.*?)\"\\/><\\/strong>/", $content, $price);
        if (empty($price)) {
            return false;
        } else {
            $price = $this->getPrice($price[1]);
            if ($price === false) {
                return false;
        if (FS("Image")->getIsServer()) {
            $args = array();
            $args['pic_url'] = $img[2];
            $server = FS("Image")->formatServer($_FANWE['request']['image_server'], 'DE');
            $server = FS("Image")->getImageUrlToken($args, $server, 1);
            $body = FS("Image")->sendRequest($server, 'savetemp', true);
            if (empty($body)) {
                return false;
            $image = unserialize($body);
            $result['image_server'] = $server['image_server'];
        } else {
            $image = copyFile($img[2], "temp", false);
            if ($image === false) {
                return false;
            $image['server_code'] = '';
        $result['item']['key'] = $key;
        $result['item']['name'] = strip_tags(trim($title[1]));
        $result['item']['price'] = $price;
        $result['item']['img'] = $image['path'];
        $result['item']['server_code'] = $image['server_code'];
        $result['item']['pic_url'] = $img[1];
        $result['item']['url'] = "http://www.360buy.com/product/" . $id . ".html";
        $unionId = $_FANWE['cache']['business']['jdbuy']['unionId'];
        if (!empty($unionId)) {
            $result['item']['taoke_url'] = "http://click.union.360buy.com/JdClick/?unionId=" . $unionId . "&t=4&to=" . $result['item']['url'];
        return $result;
Ejemplo n.º 22
    private function getList()
        global $_FANWE;
        $_FANWE['user_click_share_id'] = (int) $_FANWE['request']['sid'];
        $cache_file = getTplCache('page/book/book_index', $_FANWE['request'], 2);
        if (getCacheIsUpdate($cache_file, BOOK_CACHE_PAGE_TIME)) {
            $category = urldecode($_FANWE['request']['cate']);
            $is_root = false;
            $page_args = array();
            if (isset($_FANWE['cache']['goods_category']['cate_code'][$category])) {
                $page_args['cate'] = $_FANWE['request']['cate'];
                $cate_id = $_FANWE['cache']['goods_category']['cate_code'][$category];
                $goods_cate_code = $category;
            } else {
                $is_root = true;
                $cate_id = $_FANWE['cache']['goods_category']['root'];
            $sort = $_FANWE['request']['sort'];
            $sort = !empty($sort) ? $sort : "pop";
            $category_data = $_FANWE['cache']['goods_category']['all'][$cate_id];
            $category_tags = array();
            $_FANWE['nav_title'] = $category_data['cate_name'];
            if (!empty($category_data['seo_keywords'])) {
                $_FANWE['seo_keywords'] = $category_data['seo_keywords'];
                $_FANWE['setting']['site_keywords'] = '';
            if (!empty($category_data['seo_desc'])) {
                $_FANWE['seo_description'] = $category_data['seo_desc'];
                $_FANWE['setting']['site_description'] = '';
            $child_ids = array();
            if (isset($category_data['child'])) {
                $child_ids = $category_data['child'];
                if (!$is_root) {
                    $tagurlpara['cate'] = urlencode($category_data['cate_code']);
                foreach ($category_data['child'] as $child_id) {
                    $child_cate = $_FANWE['cache']['goods_category']['all'][$child_id];
                    $tag_key = 'goods_category_tags_' . $child_id;
                    foreach ($_FANWE['cache'][$tag_key] as $k => $tag) {
                        $tagurlpara['tag'] = urlencode($tag['tag_name']);
                        $tag['url'] = FU("book/" . ACTION_NAME, $tagurlpara);
                        $child_cate['tags'][] = $tag;
                        if ($k > 16) {
                    $category_tags[] = $child_cate;
            $hot_tags = array();
            if (!$is_root) {
                $child_ids[] = $cate_id;
                require fimport("function/share");
                $hot_tags = getHotTags($child_ids, $category, 10);
            $condition = " WHERE s.share_data IN ('goods','photo','goods_photo')";
            if (!$is_root) {
                $cids = array();
                FS('Share')->getChildCids($cate_id, $cids);
                $condition .= " AND sc.cate_id IN (" . implode(',', $cids) . ")";
            $title = $category_data['short_name'];
            $is_match = false;
            $tag = urldecode($_FANWE['request']['kw']);
            if (!empty($tag)) {
                $_FANWE['nav_title'] = $tag . ' - ' . $_FANWE['nav_title'];
                $title = htmlspecialchars($tag);
                $is_match = true;
                //$match_key = FS('Words')->segment($tag,10);
                //$match_key = tagToUnicode($match_key,'+');
                $match_key = segmentToUnicode($tag, '+');
                $condition .= " AND match(sm.content_match) against('" . $match_key . "' IN BOOLEAN MODE) ";
                $page_args['tag'] = urlencode($tag);
            $sort_page_args = $page_args;
            $sort_page_args['sort'] = 'hot7';
            $hot7_url['url'] = FU('book/' . ACTION_NAME, $sort_page_args);
            if ($sort == 'hot7') {
                $hot7_url['act'] = 1;
            $sort_page_args['sort'] = 'hot30';
            $hot30_url['url'] = FU('book/' . ACTION_NAME, $sort_page_args);
            if ($sort == 'hot30') {
                $hot30_url['act'] = 1;
            $sort_page_args['sort'] = 'new';
            $new_url['url'] = FU('book/' . ACTION_NAME, $sort_page_args);
            if ($sort == 'new') {
                $new_url['act'] = 1;
            $sort_page_args['sort'] = 'pop';
            $pop_url['url'] = FU('book/' . ACTION_NAME, $sort_page_args);
            if ($sort == 'pop') {
                $pop_url['act'] = 1;
            if (!empty($_FANWE['request']['sort'])) {
                $page_args['sort'] = $sort;
            } else {
                $page_args['sort'] = 'pop';
            $today_time = getTodayTime();
            switch ($sort) {
                //7天最热 点击次数
                case 'hot7':
                    $day7_time = $today_time - 604800;
                    $field = ",(s.create_time > {$day7_time}) AS time_sort ";
                    $sort = " ORDER BY time_sort DESC,s.click_count DESC";
                    //30天最热 点击次数
                //30天最热 点击次数
                case 'hot30':
                    $day30_time = $today_time - 2592000;
                    $field = ",(s.create_time > {$day30_time}) AS time_sort ";
                    $sort = " ORDER BY time_sort DESC,s.click_count DESC";
                case 'new':
                    $field = '';
                    $sort = " ORDER BY s.share_id DESC";
                    //潮流  喜欢人数
                //潮流  喜欢人数
                case 'pop':
                    $day7_time = $today_time - 604800;
                    $field = ",(s.create_time > {$day7_time}) AS time_sort ";
                    $sort = " ORDER BY time_sort DESC,s.collect_count DESC";
            $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT(s.share_id),s.uid,s.content,s.collect_count,s.comment_count,s.create_time,s.cache_data ' . $field . '
					FROM ' . FDB::table('share') . ' AS s ';
            if (!$is_root) {
                $sql .= 'INNER JOIN ' . FDB::table('share_category') . ' AS sc ON s.share_id = sc.share_id ';
            if ($is_match) {
                $sql .= 'INNER JOIN ' . FDB::table('share_match') . ' AS sm ON sm.share_id = s.share_id ';
            $sql .= $condition . $sort;
            $sql_count = 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT s.share_id)
				FROM ' . FDB::table('share') . ' AS s ';
            if (!$is_root) {
                $sql_count .= 'INNER JOIN ' . FDB::table('share_category') . ' AS sc ON s.share_id = sc.share_id ';
            if ($is_match) {
                $sql_count .= 'INNER JOIN ' . FDB::table('share_match') . ' AS sm ON sm.share_id = s.share_id ';
            $sql_count .= $condition;
            $page_size = 50;
            $max_page = 100;
            $count = FDB::resultFirst($sql_count);
            if ($count > $max_page * $page_size) {
                $count = $max_page * $page_size;
            if ($_FANWE['page'] > $max_page) {
                $_FANWE['page'] = $max_page;
            $pager = buildPage('book/' . $action, $page_args, $count, $_FANWE['page'], $page_size, '', 3);
            $share_datas = array();
            $sql = $sql . ' LIMIT ' . $pager['limit'];
            $share_list = FDB::fetchAll($sql);
            $share_list = FS('Share')->getShareDetailList($share_list, false, false, false, true, 2);
            $col = 4;
            $index = 0;
            $share_display = array();
            foreach ($share_list as $share) {
                $mod = $index % $col;
                $share_display['col' . $mod][] = $share;
            include template('page/book/book_index');
        } else {
            include $cache_file;
Ejemplo n.º 23
 * 将第三方的数据,同步到本地数据库中
 * @param string $user_name_or_email
 * @param string $password
 * @param int $gender 性别
 * @param array $user 第三方的数据集,如果不为空的话,则直接使用这个数据集,如果为空的话,则调用:$this->getUser
 *         	$user = array(
   	    				'integrate_id' => $uid,
    	    				'email' => $email,
    	    				'user_name' => $uname,    				
    	    				'password'  => md5(time().rand(100000, 999999)),
 *  @return int >0 为:本系统的用户ID; <= 0 出错
 public function addUserToLoacl($user_name_or_email, $password, $gender = 1, $user = null)
     global $_FANWE;
     $uid = 0;
     $password = preg_match('/^\\w{32}$/', $password) ? $password : md5($password);
     $user_field = $_FANWE['setting']['integrate_field_id'];
     if (empty($user)) {
         $user_info = $this->getUser($user_name_or_email, $password, 0);
         //print_r($user_info); exit;
     } else {
         $user_info = $user;
     $integrate_id = intval($user_info['integrate_id']);
     if ($integrate_id > 0) {
         $sql = "SELECT uid FROM " . FDB::table('user') . " WHERE {$user_field} = '{$integrate_id}'";
         $uid = intval(FDB::resultFirst($sql));
         if ($uid == 0) {
             if (FS('Validate')->email($user_name_or_email)) {
                 $sql = "SELECT uid FROM " . FDB::table('user') . " WHERE email = '{$user_info['email']}'";
             } else {
                 $sql = "SELECT uid FROM " . FDB::table('user') . " WHERE user_name = '{$user_info['user_name']}'";
             $uid = intval(FDB::resultFirst($sql));
         if ($uid > 0) {
             if ($user_field != 'uid') {
                 $sql = "UPDATE " . FDB::table('user') . " set {$user_field} = '{$integrate_id}', password = '******' where uid = '{$uid}'";
             } else {
                 $sql = "UPDATE " . FDB::table('user') . " set password = '******' where uid = '{$uid}'";
         } else {
             $user = array('email' => $user_info['email'], 'user_name' => $user_info['user_name'], 'user_name_match' => segmentToUnicode($user_info['user_name']), 'password' => $password, 'status' => 1, 'email_status' => 0, 'avatar_status' => 0, 'gid' => 7, 'reg_time' => TIME_UTC, $user_field => $integrate_id);
             $uid = FDB::insert('user', $user, true);
             if ($uid > 0) {
                 FDB::insert('user_count', array('uid' => $uid));
                 $user_profile = array('uid' => $uid, 'gender' => $gender);
                 FDB::insert('user_profile', $user_profile);
                 $user_status = array('uid' => $uid, 'reg_ip' => $_FANWE['client_ip'], 'last_ip' => $_FANWE['client_ip'], 'last_time' => TIME_UTC, 'last_activity' => TIME_UTC);
                 FDB::insert('user_status', $user_status);
             return $uid;
     return $uid;
Ejemplo n.º 24
    public function resetPassword()
        global $_FANWE;
        $hash = $_FANWE['request']['resethash'];
        if (empty($hash)) {
            fHeader("location: " . FU('user/login'));
        $uid = FDB::resultFirst('SELECT uid
			FROM ' . FDB::table('user_status') . '
			WHERE reset_hash = \'' . $hash . '\'');
        $uid = intval($uid);
        if ($uid == 0) {
            fHeader("location: " . FU('user/login'));
        $method = strtolower($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"]);
        if ($method == 'post') {
            $data_error = false;
            $data = array('password' => $_FANWE['request']['password'], 'confirm_password' => $_FANWE['request']['confirm_password']);
            $vservice = FS('Validate');
            $validate = array(array('password', 'range_length', lang('user', 'register_password_range'), 6, 20), array('confirm_password', 'equal', lang('user', 'confirm_password_error'), $data['password']));
            if (!$vservice->validation($validate, $data)) {
                $data_error = true;
            } else {
                //==================添加同步密码修改 chenfq 2011-10-15================
                $user_field = $_FANWE['setting']['integrate_field_id'];
                $sql = "SELECT {$user_field} FROM " . FDB::table('user') . " WHERE uid = '{$uid}'";
                $integrate_id = intval(FDB::resultFirst($sql));
                if ($integrate_id > 0) {
                    FS("Integrate")->editUser($integrate_id, $_FANWE['request']['password'], '', '');
                //==================添加同步密码修改 chenfq 2011-10-15================
                FDB::query('UPDATE ' . FDB::table('user') . '
					SET password = \'' . md5($data['password']) . '\'
					WHERE uid = ' . $uid);
                FDB::query('UPDATE ' . FDB::table('user_status') . '
					SET reset_hash = \'\'
					WHERE uid = ' . $uid);
        include template('page/user/user_resetpwd');
Ejemplo n.º 25
    public function album()
        global $_FANWE;
        $home_uid = $_FANWE['home_uid'];
        $home_user = FS('User')->getUserById($home_uid);
        $current_menu = 'album';
        $album_list = array();
        $pager = array();
        $type = (int) $_FANWE['request']['type'];
        switch ($type) {
            case '2':
                $uids = array();
                $sql = 'SELECT uid
					FROM ' . FDB::table('user_follow') . '
					WHERE f_uid = ' . $home_uid;
                $res = FDB::query($sql);
                while ($data = FDB::fetch($res)) {
                    $uids[] = (int) $data['uid'];
                if (count($uids) > 0) {
                    $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(id) FROM ' . FDB::table("album") . ' 
						WHERE uid IN (' . implode(',', $uids) . ')';
                    $count = FDB::resultFirst($sql);
                    $args['type'] = 2;
                    $pager = buildPage('u/album', $args, $count, $_FANWE['page'], 10);
                    $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . FDB::table('album') . ' 
						WHERE uid IN (' . implode(',', $uids) . ') ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT ' . $pager['limit'];
                    $res = FDB::query($sql);
                    while ($data = FDB::fetch($res)) {
                        $data['imgs'] = array();
                        if (!empty($data['cache_data'])) {
                            $cache_data = fStripslashes(unserialize($data['cache_data']));
                            $data['imgs'] = $cache_data['imgs'];
                        $data['url'] = FU('album/show', array('id' => $data['id']));
                        $album_list[$data['id']] = $data;
            case '3':
                $aids = array();
                $sql = 'SELECT album_id 
					FROM ' . FDB::table('album_best') . '
					WHERE uid = ' . $home_uid;
                $res = FDB::query($sql);
                while ($data = FDB::fetch($res)) {
                    $aids[] = (int) $data['album_id'];
                if (count($aids) > 0) {
                    $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(id) FROM ' . FDB::table("album") . ' 
						WHERE id IN (' . implode(',', $aids) . ')';
                    $count = FDB::resultFirst($sql);
                    $args['type'] = 3;
                    $pager = buildPage('u/album', $args, $count, $_FANWE['page'], 10);
                    $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . FDB::table('album') . ' 
						WHERE id IN (' . implode(',', $aids) . ') ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT ' . $pager['limit'];
                    $res = FDB::query($sql);
                    while ($data = FDB::fetch($res)) {
                        $data['imgs'] = array();
                        if (!empty($data['cache_data'])) {
                            $cache_data = fStripslashes(unserialize($data['cache_data']));
                            $data['imgs'] = $cache_data['imgs'];
                        $data['url'] = FU('album/show', array('id' => $data['id']));
                        $album_list[$data['id']] = $data;
                $type = 1;
                if ($home_user['albums'] > 0) {
                    $args['type'] = 1;
                    $pager = buildPage('u/album', $args, $home_user['albums'], $_FANWE['page'], 10);
                    $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . FDB::table('album') . ' 
						WHERE uid = ' . $home_uid . ' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT ' . $pager['limit'];
                    $res = FDB::query($sql);
                    while ($data = FDB::fetch($res)) {
                        $data['imgs'] = array();
                        if (!empty($data['cache_data'])) {
                            $cache_data = fStripslashes(unserialize($data['cache_data']));
                            $data['imgs'] = $cache_data['imgs'];
                        $data['url'] = FU('album/show', array('id' => $data['id']));
                        $album_list[] = $data;
        include template('page/u/u_album');
Ejemplo n.º 26
    public function category()
        global $_FANWE;
        $id = (int) $_FANWE['request']['id'];
        if (!$id) {
            fHeader("location: " . FU('album'));
        if (!isset($_FANWE['cache']['albums']['category'][$id])) {
            fHeader("location: " . FU('album'));
        $album_cate = $_FANWE['cache']['albums']['category'][$id];
        $_FANWE['nav_title'] = $album_cate['name'] . $_FANWE['nav_title'];
        $page_args = array();
        $page_args['id'] = $id;
        $sort = $_FANWE['request']['sort'];
        switch ($sort) {
            case 'new':
                $page_args['sort'] = 'new';
                $order = " ORDER BY s.share_id DESC";
                $sort = 'hot';
                $page_args['sort'] = 'hot';
                $order = " ORDER BY s.collect_count DESC";
        $where = ' WHERE a.cid = ' . $id;
        $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT share_id) FROM ' . FDB::table('album_share') . ' AS a ' . $where;
        $count = FDB::resultFirst($sql);
        $share_list = array();
        $share_display = array();
        if ($count > 0) {
            $pager = buildPage('album/' . ACTION_NAME, $page_args, $count, $_FANWE['page'], 40);
            $share_list = FDB::fetchAll('SELECT * FROM ' . FDB::table('album_share') . ' AS a 
				INNER JOIN ' . FDB::table('share') . ' AS s ON s.share_id = a.share_id ' . $where . ' 
				AND s.type = \'album_item\'' . $order . ' LIMIT ' . $pager['limit']);
            $share_list = FS('Share')->getShareDetailList($share_list, false, false, false, true, 2);
            $col = 4;
            $index = 0;
            $share_display = array();
            foreach ($share_list as $share) {
                $share['empty_content'] = sprintf(lang('album', 'rel_album_empty_content'), $share['title']);
                $mod = $index % $col;
                $share_display['col' . $mod][] = $share;
        include template('page/album/album_category');
Ejemplo n.º 27
 public function getUserScore($uid)
     $uid = (int) $uid;
     if ($uid > 0) {
         return FDB::resultFirst('SELECT credits FROM ' . FDB::table('user') . ' WHERE uid = ' . $uid);
     } else {
         return -1;
Ejemplo n.º 28
    private function show($current_type = '')
        global $_FANWE;
        $share_id = intval($_FANWE['request']['sid']);
        $id = intval($_FANWE['request']['id']);
        $share_detail = FS('Share')->getShareDetail($share_id);
        include fimport('dynamic/u');
        if ($share_detail === false) {
            fHeader("location: " . FU('index'));
        $page_title = preg_replace("/\\[[^\\]]+\\]/i", "", $share_detail['content']);
        $_FANWE['nav_title'] = $page_title . ' - ' . lang('common', 'share');
        $_FANWE['seo_description'] = $page_title;
        $_FANWE['setting']['site_description'] = '';
        $current_img = FDB::resultFirst("select img from " . FDB::table("share_photo") . " where share_id = " . $share_id . " and img <> '' ");
        if ($current_img['img_width'] > 468) {
            $current_img['img_width'] = 468;
        $current_img_arr = FDB::fetchFirst("select * from " . FDB::table("share_photo") . " where share_id = " . $share_id . " and img <> '' ");
        FDB::query('UPDATE ' . FDB::table('share') . ' SET click_count = click_count + 1 WHERE share_id = ' . $share_id);
        $pns = FS('Share')->getSameAlbumNextShares($share_detail['uid'], $share_id);
        $other_album_share = FS('share')->getSameAlbumShares($share_id);
        $current_location = $other_album_share['location'];
        $same_album_count = $other_album_share['count'];
        $aid = FDB::resultFirst("select album_id from " . FDB::table('album_share') . " where share_id = " . $share_id);
        $album_sql = 'select al.id as id,al.title as title from ' . FDB::table('album') . ' as al 
					 left join ' . FDB::table('album_share') . ' as als on al.id = als.album_id 
					 where als.share_id = ' . $share_id;
        $album_data = FDB::fetchFirst($album_sql);
        $is_follow_album = FS('album')->getIsFollow($aid, $_FANWE['uid']);
        $share_user = FS('User')->getUserById($share_detail['uid']);
        $share_detail['collects'] = FS('Share')->getShareCollectUser($share_id);
        if (!isset($share_detail['collects'][$_FANWE['uid']])) {
            if (FS('Share')->getIsCollectByUid($share_id, $_FANWE['uid'])) {
                $share_detail['collects'][$_FANWE['uid']] = $_FANWE['uid'];
        $user_show_name = FS('User')->getUserShowName($share_detail['uid']);
        $user_medals = FS('User')->getUserMedal($share_detail['uid']);
        $share_tags = $share_detail['cache_data']['tags']['user'];
        foreach ($share_tags as $seo_tag) {
            $_FANWE['seo_keywords'] .= $seo_tag['tag_name'] . ',';
        $is_eidt_tag = FS('Share')->getIsEditTag($share_detail);
        $fav_user_fav_share = FS('Share')->getCollectShareByShare($share_id);
        $user_collect_share = FS('Share')->getCollectShareByUser($share_user['uid']);
        $is_remove_comment = FS('Share')->getIsRemoveComment($share_detail);
        $share_detail['comments'] = FS('Share')->getShareCommentList($share_id, '0,10');
        $pager = buildPage('', array(), $share_detail['comment_count'], $_FANWE['page'], 10);
        $current_obj = NULL;
        if ($current_type == '' || $id == 0) {
            if (!empty($share_detail['imgs'])) {
                $current_obj = current($share_detail['imgs']);
                if ($current_obj['type'] == 'g') {
                    $current_type = 'bao';
                } else {
                    $current_type = 'photo';
        } else {
            switch ($current_type) {
                case 'bao':
                    foreach ($share_detail['imgs'] as $img) {
                        $current_obj = $img;
                        if ($img['type'] == 'g' && $img['id'] == $id) {
                case 'photo':
                    foreach ($share_detail['imgs'] as $img) {
                        $current_obj = $img;
                        if ($img['type'] == 'm' && $img['id'] == $id) {
        if (!empty($current_obj['name'])) {
            $_FANWE['nav_title'] = $current_obj['name'] . ' - ' . lang('common', 'share');
        $current_img_id = FDB::resultFirst("select photo_id from " . FDB::table("share_photo") . " where share_id = " . $share_id);
        $best_photo_share = FS('Share')->getBestCollectPhotoShareByUser($share_user['uid']);
        $current_type = FDB::resultFirst("select type from " . FDB::table("share_photo") . " where share_id = " . $share_id);
        if ($current_type == 'video') {
            $current_video = FDB::resultFirst("select video from " . FDB::table("share_photo") . " where share_id = " . $share_id);
        $user_fav_photo = FS('Share')->getUserFavPhotoShare($share_user['uid']);
        $is_follow = FS('Share')->getIsCollectByUid($share_id, $_FANWE['uid']);
        include template('page/note/note_index');
 public function savePassword()
     global $_FANWE;
     $data = array('oldpassword' => $_FANWE['request']['oldpassword'], 'newpassword' => $_FANWE['request']['newpassword'], 'confirm_password' => $_FANWE['request']['newpasswordagain']);
     $vservice = FS('Validate');
     $validate = array(array('oldpassword', 'required', '请输入现在的密码'), array('newpassword', 'range_length', '请输入正确的新密码', 6, 32), array('confirm_password', 'equal', '确认密码不一致', $data['newpassword']));
     if (!$vservice->validation($validate, $data)) {
         $msg = $vservice->getError();
     } else {
         if (md5($data['oldpassword']) != $_FANWE['user']['password']) {
             $msg = '原密码不正确';
         } else {
             FDB::update('user', array('password' => md5($data['newpassword'])), 'uid = ' . $_FANWE['uid']);
             $msg = '修改成功';
             fSetCookie('sync_password', '');
             $user = array('uid' => $_FANWE['uid'], 'password' => md5($data['newpassword']));
             //==================添加同步密码修改 chenfq 2011-10-15================
             $user_field = $_FANWE['setting']['integrate_field_id'];
             $sql = "SELECT {$user_field} FROM " . FDB::table('user') . " WHERE uid = '{$_FANWE['uid']}'";
             $integrate_id = intval(FDB::resultFirst($sql));
             //echo $integrate_id."<br>";
             if ($integrate_id > 0) {
                 FS("Integrate")->editUser($integrate_id, $data['newpassword'], '', '');
                 //echo  FS("Integrate")->getInfo();
             //==================添加同步密码修改 chenfq 2011-10-15================
     include template('page/settings/settings_password');
Ejemplo n.º 30

$share_id = intval($_FANWE['request']['id']);
if ($share_id == 0) {
if (!checkAuthority('share', 'edit')) {
$share = FS("Share")->getShareById($share_id);
if (empty($share)) {
    deleteManageLock('share', $share_id);
$manage_lock = checkIsManageLock('share', $share_id);
if ($manage_lock === false) {
    createManageLock('share', $share_id);
} else {
$share['share_tags'] = FDB::resultFirst("select group_concat(tag_name SEPARATOR ' ') from " . FDB::table("share_tags") . " where share_id = " . $share['share_id']);
$share_category = FDB::fetchAll("select c.cate_id,c.cate_name from " . FDB::table("share_category") . " as sc left join " . FDB::table("goods_category") . " as c on sc.cate_id = c.cate_id where sc.share_id = " . $share['share_id']);
include template('manage/share/edit');