Ejemplo n.º 1
 function launch()
     global $configArray;
     global $interface;
     //////////Populate the Date Filter Start
     //Grab the Selected Date Start
     if (isset($_REQUEST['dateFilterStart'])) {
         if (preg_match('/\\d{1,2}\\/\\d{1,2}\\/\\d{4}/', $_REQUEST['dateFilterStart'])) {
             $selectedDateStart = DateTime::createFromFormat('m/d/Y', $_REQUEST['dateFilterStart']);
             $selectedDateStart = $selectedDateStart->getTimestamp();
         } else {
             $selectedDateStart = strtotime($_REQUEST['dateFilterStart']);
     } else {
         $selectedDateStart = strtotime('-30 days');
     $selectedDateStart = date('Y-m-d', $selectedDateStart);
     $interface->assign('selectedDateStart', $selectedDateStart);
     //Populate the Date Filter End
     //Grab the Selected End Date
     if (isset($_REQUEST['dateFilterEnd'])) {
         if (preg_match('/\\d{1,2}\\/\\d{1,2}\\/\\d{4}/', $_REQUEST['dateFilterEnd'])) {
             $selectedDateEnd = DateTime::createFromFormat('m/d/Y', $_REQUEST['dateFilterEnd']);
             $selectedDateEnd = $selectedDateEnd->getTimestamp();
         } else {
             $selectedDateEnd = strtotime($_REQUEST['dateFilterEnd']);
     } else {
         $selectedDateEnd = strtotime('today');
     $selectedDateEnd = date('Y-m-d', $selectedDateEnd);
     $interface->assign('selectedDateEnd', $selectedDateEnd);
     //////////Populate the Stores Filter
     $queryHostsFilter = "SELECT DISTINCT linkHost AS linkHost FROM external_link_tracking ORDER BY linkHost ASC";
     $externalLinkTracking = new ExternalLinkTracking();
     $allHosts = array();
     while ($externalLinkTracking->fetch()) {
         $allHosts[] = $externalLinkTracking->linkHost;
     $interface->assign('hostFilter', $allHosts);
     //////////Grab the Selected Hosts Filter Value
     if (isset($_REQUEST['hostFilter'])) {
         $selectedHosts = $_REQUEST['hostFilter'];
     } else {
         $selectedHosts = $allHosts;
     $interface->assign('selectedHosts', $selectedHosts);
     $baseQueryLinks = "SELECT COUNT(externalLinkId) AS timesFollowed, recordId, linkUrl, linkHost " . "FROM external_link_tracking " . "WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(trackingDate, '%Y-%m-%d')) BETWEEN '" . $selectedDateStart . "' AND '" . $selectedDateEnd . "' ";
     if (count($selectedHosts) > 0) {
         $hosts = join("','", $selectedHosts);
         $baseQueryLinks .= "AND linkHost IN ('" . $hosts . "') ";
     $baseQueryLinks .= "GROUP BY recordId, linkUrl ";
     //////////Get a count of the page view data
     $queryPurchasesCount = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS RowCount from ( " . $baseQueryLinks . ") As ResultCount";
     $resPurchasesCount = mysql_query($queryPurchasesCount);
     if ($resPurchasesCount > 0) {
         $rowCount = mysql_fetch_object($resPurchasesCount);
         $totalResultCount = $rowCount->RowCount;
     } else {
         $totalResultCount = 0;
     //////////Create the items per page array
     $itemsPerPageList = $this->getItemsPerPageList();
     $currentPage = 1;
     $resultTotal = $totalResultCount;
     $startRecord = 1;
     if (isset($_GET['itemsPerPage'])) {
         switch ($_GET['itemsPerPage']) {
             case "20":
                 $itemsPerPage = 20;
                 $itemsPerPageList["20"]["selected"] = true;
             case "100":
                 $itemsPerPage = 100;
                 $itemsPerPageList["100"]["selected"] = true;
                 $itemsPerPage = 50;
                 $itemsPerPageList["50"]["selected"] = true;
     } else {
         $itemsPerPage = 50;
         $itemsPerPageList["50"]["selected"] = true;
     $endRecord = $itemsPerPage;
     $interface->assign('itemsPerPageList', $itemsPerPageList);
     if (isset($_GET['page'])) {
         $currentPage = $_GET['page'];
         // 1st record is easy, work out the start of this page
         $startRecord = ($currentPage - 1) * $itemsPerPage + 1;
         // Last record needs more care
         if ($resultTotal < $itemsPerPage) {
             // There are less records returned then one page, use total results
             $endRecord = $resultTotal;
         } else {
             if ($currentPage * $itemsPerPage > $resultTotal) {
                 // The end of the current page runs past the last record, use total results
                 $endRecord = $resultTotal;
             } else {
                 // Otherwise use the last record on this page
                 $endRecord = $currentPage * $itemsPerPage;
     //////////Get the Page View Data with paging and sorting
     if (isset($_GET['reportSort'])) {
         $sortValue = $_GET['reportSort'];
     //Create values for how to sort the table.
     $sortList = $this->getSortList();
     if (!isset($sortValue)) {
         $sortValue = 'UrlASC';
     $sortList[$sortValue]["selected"] = true;
     $baseQueryLinks .= $sortList[$sortValue]['sql'];
     //append on a limit to return a result
     if (!isset($_REQUEST['exportToExcel'])) {
         $baseQueryLinks .= "LIMIT " . ($startRecord - 1) . ", " . $itemsPerPage . " ";
     $resPurchases = mysql_query($baseQueryLinks);
     $resultsPurchases = array();
     if ($resPurchases > 0) {
         //Build an array based on the data to dump out to the grid
         $i = 0;
         while ($r = mysql_fetch_array($resPurchases)) {
             $recordId = $r['recordId'];
             $fullId = $r['recordId'];
             if (preg_match('/econtentRecord(\\d+)/', $recordId, $matches)) {
                 require_once ROOT_DIR . '/sys/eContent/EContentRecord.php';
                 $econtentRecord = new EContentRecord();
                 $econtentRecord->id = $matches[1];
                 $recordId = $econtentRecord->ilsId;
                 $title = $econtentRecord->title;
             } else {
                 $resource = new Resource();
                 $resource->record_id = $recordId;
                 $resource->source = 'VuFind';
                 $title = $resource->title;
             $tmp = array('recordId' => $recordId, 'recordUrl' => '/Record/' . $fullId, 'title' => $title, 'timesFollowed' => $r['timesFollowed'], 'linkHost' => $r['linkHost'], 'linkUrl' => $r['linkUrl']);
             $resultsPurchases[$i++] = $tmp;
     $interface->assign('resultLinks', $resultsPurchases);
     //////////Paging Array
     $summary = array('page' => $currentPage, 'perPage' => $itemsPerPage, 'resultTotal' => $totalResultCount, 'startRecord' => $startRecord, 'endRecord' => $endRecord);
     $interface->assign('recordCount', $summary['resultTotal']);
     $interface->assign('recordStart', $summary['startRecord']);
     $interface->assign('recordEnd', $summary['endRecord']);
     // Process Paging using VuFind Pager object
     if (strrpos($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], "page=")) {
         //replace the page variable with a new one
         $link = str_replace("page=" . $currentPage, "page=%d", $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]);
     } else {
         if (strrpos($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], "?")) {
             $link = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] . "&page=%d";
         } else {
             $link = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] . "?page=%d";
     $options = array('totalItems' => $summary['resultTotal'], 'fileName' => $link, 'perPage' => $summary['perPage']);
     $pager = new VuFindPager($options);
     $interface->assign('pageLinks', $pager->getLinks());
     ///////////////////END PAGING
     $sortUrl = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];
     if (isset($sortValue)) {
         //Set the URL for sorting
         if (strrpos($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], "reportSort=")) {
             //replace the page variable with a new one
             $sortUrl = str_replace("sort=" . $currentPage, "reportSort=" . $sortValue, $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]);
         } else {
             if (strrpos($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], "?")) {
                 $sortUrl = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] . "&reportSort=" . $sortValue;
             } else {
                 $sortUrl = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] . "?reportSort=" . $sortValue;
     $interface->assign('sortUrl', $sortUrl);
     $interface->assign('sortList', $sortList);
     //Create the chart and load data into the results.
     $queryDailyPurchases = "SELECT DATE_FORMAT(trackingDate, '%Y-%m-%d') as date, COUNT(externalLinkId) AS timesFollowed, linkHost FROM external_link_tracking  " . "WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(trackingDate, '%Y-%m-%d')) BETWEEN '" . $selectedDateStart . "' AND '" . $selectedDateEnd . "' ";
     if (count($selectedHosts) > 0) {
         $hosts = join("','", $selectedHosts);
         $queryDailyPurchases .= "AND linkHost IN ('" . $hosts . "') ";
     $queryDailyPurchases .= "GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(trackingDate, '%Y-%m-%d'), linkHost ORDER BY trackingDate ASC";
     $dailyUsage = mysql_query($queryDailyPurchases);
     //Initialize data by loading all of the dates that we are looking at so we can show the correct counts or each series on the right day.
     $check_date = $selectedDateStart;
     $datesInReport = array();
     $linkUsageByHostByDay = array();
     foreach ($allHosts as $hostName) {
         $linkUsageByHostByDay[$hostName] = array();
     while ($check_date != $selectedDateEnd) {
         $check_date = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("+1 day", strtotime($check_date)));
         $datesInReport[] = $check_date;
         //Default number of link usage for the day to 0
         foreach ($allHosts as $host) {
             $linkUsageByHostByDay[$host][$check_date] = 0;
     //Chart section
     $reportData = new pData();
     while ($r = mysql_fetch_array($dailyUsage)) {
         $linkHost = $r['linkHost'];
         $linkUsageByHostByDay[$linkHost][$r['date']] = $r['timesFollowed'];
     foreach ($linkUsageByHostByDay as $hostName => $dailyResults) {
         $reportData->addPoints($dailyResults, $hostName);
     $reportData->setAxisName(0, "Usage");
     $reportData->addPoints($datesInReport, "Dates");
     /* Create the pChart object */
     $myPicture = new pImage(700, 290, $reportData);
     /* Draw the background */
     $Settings = array("R" => 225, "G" => 225, "B" => 225);
     $myPicture->drawFilledRectangle(0, 0, 700, 290, $Settings);
     /* Add a border to the picture */
     $myPicture->drawRectangle(0, 0, 699, 289, array("R" => 0, "G" => 0, "B" => 0));
     $myPicture->setFontProperties(array("FontName" => "sys/pChart/Fonts/verdana.ttf", "FontSize" => 9));
     $myPicture->setGraphArea(50, 30, 670, 190);
     $myPicture->drawScale(array("DrawSubTicks" => TRUE, "LabelRotation" => 90));
     $myPicture->setFontProperties(array("FontName" => "sys/pChart/Fonts/verdana.ttf", "FontSize" => 9));
     $myPicture->drawLineChart(array("DisplayValues" => TRUE, "DisplayColor" => DISPLAY_AUTO));
     /* Write the chart legend */
     $myPicture->drawLegend(80, 20, array("Style" => LEGEND_NOBORDER, "Mode" => LEGEND_HORIZONTAL));
     /* Render the picture (choose the best way) */
     $time = time();
     $chartHref = "/images/charts/dailyPurchases{$time}.png";
     $chartPath = $configArray['Site']['local'] . $chartHref;
     $interface->assign('chartPath', $chartHref);
     //////////EXPORT To EXCEL
     if (isset($_REQUEST['exportToExcel'])) {
         // Create new PHPExcel object
         $objPHPExcel = new PHPExcel();
         // Set properties
         $objPHPExcel->getProperties()->setTitle("External Link Usage Report")->setCategory("External Link Usage Report");
         // Add some data
         $objPHPExcel->setActiveSheetIndex(0)->setCellValue('A1', 'External Link Usage Report')->setCellValue('A3', 'Record Id')->setCellValue('B3', 'Url')->setCellValue('C3', 'Host')->setCellValue('D3', 'Usage');
         $a = 4;
         //Loop Through The Report Data
         foreach ($resultsPurchases as $resultsPurchase) {
             $objPHPExcel->setActiveSheetIndex(0)->setCellValue('A' . $a, $resultsPurchase['recordId'])->setCellValue('B' . $a, $resultsPurchase['linkUrl'])->setCellValue('C' . $a, $resultsPurchase['linkHost'])->setCellValue('D' . $a, $resultsPurchase['timesFollowed']);
         // Rename sheet
         // Set active sheet index to the first sheet, so Excel opens this as the first sheet
         // Redirect output to a client's web browser (Excel5)
         header('Content-Type: application/vnd.ms-excel');
         header('Content-Disposition: attachment;filename="ExternalLinkReport.xls"');
         header('Cache-Control: max-age=0');
         $objWriter = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createWriter($objPHPExcel, 'Excel5');
     $interface->setPageTitle('Report - External Link Tracking');