Ejemplo n.º 1
 function html()
     global $wgUser, $wgStylePath, $wgOut;
     $sk =& $wgUser->getSkin();
     // this breaks the "return some html" model, but what can we do?
     $wgOut->addScript("<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\"\n\t\t\thref=\"{$wgStylePath}/common/calendar_extension.css\" />\n");
     $output = array();
     // to be joined into one string in the end.
     $output[] = '<!-- Upcoming Events -->';
     $output[] = '<div class="upcoming_events">';
     $output[] = '<h4>Upcoming Events</h4>';
     $output[] = $this->elem('ul', 'list');
     foreach (ncUpcomingMonths($this->number_of_months) as $date) {
         $y = $date['Y'];
         $m = $date['m'];
         $events = Event::eventsIn($this->calendar_category, true, $y, $m);
         $output[] = $this->elem('li', 'month_name');
         $output[] = self::$month_names[(int) $m];
         $output[] = '</li>';
         $output[] = $this->elem('ul', 'month_sublist');
         if (count($events) == 0) {
             $output[] = $this->elem('li', 'event') . $this->elem('em', 'no_event_message') . 'No events.</em></li>';
         foreach ($events as $e) {
             $output[] = $this->elem('li', 'event');
             $output[] = $this->elem('strong', 'day') . $e->dateDay() . ': </strong>';
             $output[] = $sk->makeKnownLinkObj($e->title(), $e->title()->getText());
             $output[] = '</li>';
         $output[] = '</ul>';
     $add_event_title = Title::newFromText('Special:AddEvent');
     $query = 'came_from=' . $this->page_title->getPrefixedURL() . '&category=' . $this->calendar_category;
     $output[] = $this->elem('li', 'add_event');
     $output[] = $sk->makeKnownLinkObj($add_event_title, 'Add an Event', $query);
     $output[] = '</li>';
     $output[] = '</ul>';
     $output[] = '</div>';
     $output[] = '<!-- / Upcoming Events -->';
     return join('', $output);