Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Calculate Nth day of the week in a month
  * @param int $position position
  * @param int $weekday  day of the week starting from 1 == sunday
  * @param int $month    month
  * @access   private
  * @return   object Date date
 function _calcNthWeekDayInMonth($position, $weekday, $month)
     if ($position == 1) {
         $startday = '01';
     } elseif ($position == 2) {
         $startday = '08';
     } elseif ($position == 3) {
         $startday = '15';
     } elseif ($position == 4) {
         $startday = '22';
     } elseif ($position == 5) {
         $startday = '29';
     $month = sprintf("%02d", $month);
     $date = new Date($this->_year . '-' . $month . '-' . $startday);
     while ($date->getDayOfWeek() != $weekday) {
         $date = $date->getNextDay();
     return $date;
Ejemplo n.º 2
function get_weekly_volume_graph()
    global $wpdb;
    global $userdata;
    $beg_date = new Date();
    $end_date = new Date();
    $wk = array(0, 0, 0, 0);
    $label = array(0, 0, 0, 0);
    $filename = array("filename" => "/var/www/vanhlebarsoftware/wp-content/plugins/fitnesslog/graphs/wklygraph.png");
    // Get current weeks and prior three weeks volume numbers.
    $day_of_wk = $beg_date->getDayOfWeek();
    $beg_date->addDays(-($day_of_wk - 1));
    for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) {
        $query = "SELECT user_id, SUM(seconds) AS seconds FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "flmain WHERE workout_date>='" . $beg_date->format("%Y-%m-%d") . "' AND workout_date<='" . $end_date->format("%Y-%m-%d") . "' AND user_id=" . $userdata->ID . " GROUP BY user_id";
        $result = $wpdb->get_results($query, ARRAY_A);
        if ($result) {
            foreach ($result as $row) {
                $wk[$i] = convert_seconds_minutes($row["seconds"]);
        } else {
            $wk[$i] = 0;
        // Add any strength training that we have done to the total.
        $query = "SELECT user_id, SUM(seconds) AS seconds FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "flstrength WHERE workout_date>='" . $beg_date->format("%Y-%m-%d") . "' AND workout_date<='" . $end_date->format("%Y-%m-%d") . "' AND user_id=" . $userdata->ID . " GROUP BY user_id";
        $result = $wpdb->get_results($query, ARRAY_A);
        if ($result) {
            foreach ($result as $row) {
                $wk[$i] = $wk[$i] + convert_seconds_minutes($row["seconds"]);
        // Create the labels.
        $label[$i] = $end_date->format("%m/%d");
        // Move the dates back by one week.
    //Setup the graph.
    $Graph =& Image_Graph::factory('graph', array(175, 175), true);
    $Plotarea =& $Graph->addNew('plotarea');
    $Dataset =& Image_Graph::factory('dataset');
    $Dataset->addPoint($label[3], $wk[3]);
    $Dataset->addPoint($label[2], $wk[2]);
    $Dataset->addPoint($label[1], $wk[1]);
    $Dataset->addPoint($label[0], $wk[0]);
    $Plot =& $Plotarea->addNew('bar', &$Dataset);
    $YAxis =& $Plotarea->getAxis(IMAGE_GRAPH_AXIS_Y);
    $YAxis->setTitle('Minutes', 'vertical');
    $XAxis =& $Plotarea->getAxis(IMAGE_GRAPH_AXIS_X);
    //	$XAxis->setFontAngle( "vertical" );
    $XAxis->setTitle("Week", array('angle' => 0));
    //Output the finished graph to the graphs directory.
    $result = $Graph->done($filename);
    if ($result) {
        var_dump("error creating graph!");
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Build the internal arrays that contain data about the calculated holidays
  * @access   protected
  * @return   boolean true on success, otherwise a PEAR_ErrorStack object
  * @throws   object PEAR_ErrorStack
 function _buildHolidays()
      * World's leprosy day
     $this->_addHoliday('leprosyDay', $this->_year . '-01-28', 'World\'s leprosy day');
      * International day of the native tongue
     $this->_addHoliday('nativeTongueDay', $this->_year . '-02-21', 'International Day of the native tongue');
      * International Women's Day
     $this->_addHoliday('womensDay', $this->_year . '-03-08', 'International Women\'s Day');
      * International World Consumers' Day
     $this->_addHoliday('worldConsumersDay', $this->_year . '-03-15', 'International World Consumers\' Day');
      * International day of the forest
     $this->_addHoliday('intForestDay', $this->_year . '-03-21', 'International day of the forest');
      * International day of beating racism
     $this->_addHoliday('intDayBeatingRacism', $this->_year . '-03-21', 'International day of beating racism');
      * Day of poesy
     $this->_addHoliday('dayOfPoesy', $this->_year . '-03-21', 'Day of poesy');
      * Day of water
     $this->_addHoliday('dayOfWater', $this->_year . '-03-22', 'Day of water');
      * World's meteorology day
     $this->_addHoliday('meteorologyDay', $this->_year . '-03-23', 'World\'s meteorology day');
      * World's tuberculosis day
     $this->_addHoliday('tuberculosisDay', $this->_year . '-03-24', 'World\'s tuberculosis day');
      * World's Health Day
     $this->_addHoliday('worldsHealthDay', $this->_year . '-04-07', 'World\'s Health Day');
      * Book and Copyright's Day
     $this->_addHoliday('bookAndCopyrightDay', $this->_year . '-04-23', 'Book and Copyright\'s Day');
      * Tree's Day
     $this->_addHoliday('treesDay', $this->_year . '-04-25', 'Tree\'s Day');
      * World's day of intellectual property
     $this->_addHoliday('intellectualPropertyDay', $this->_year . '-04-26', 'World\'s day of intellectual property');
      * International day of work
     $this->_addHoliday('intDayOfWork', $this->_year . '-05-01', 'International day of work');
      * International day for freedom of the press
     $this->_addHoliday('freedomOfPressDay', $this->_year . '-05-03', 'International day for freedom of the press');
      * Day of the sun
     $this->_addHoliday('dayOfTheSun', $this->_year . '-05-03', 'Day of the sun');
      * International Family's Day
     $this->_addHoliday('intFamilyDay', $this->_year . '-05-15', 'International Family\'s Day');
      * World's Telecommunications Day
     $this->_addHoliday('telecommunicationsDay', $this->_year . '-05-17', 'World\'s Telecommunications Day');
      * International day of cultural development
     $this->_addHoliday('culturalDevelopmentDay', $this->_year . '-05-21', 'International day of cultural development');
      * International day of biological diversity
     if ($this->_year >= 2001) {
         $this->_addHoliday('biologicalDiversityDay', $this->_year . '-05-22', 'International day of biological diversity');
     } else {
         $this->_addHoliday('biologicalDiversityDay', $this->_year . '-12-29', 'International day of biological diversity');
      * African Liberation Day
     $this->_addHoliday('africanLiberationDay', $this->_year . '-05-25', 'African Liberation Day');
      * International UN Peace Squads' Day
     $this->_addHoliday('unPeaceSquadsDay', $this->_year . '-05-29', 'International UN Peace Squads\' Day');
      * World's Nonsmokers' Day
     $this->_addHoliday('nonsmokersDay', $this->_year . '-05-31', 'World\'s Nonsmokers\' Day');
      * World's Agriculturalists' Day
     $this->_addHoliday('farmersDay', $this->_year . '-06-01', 'World\'s Agriculturalists\' Day');
      * World's Environment Day
     $this->_addHoliday('environmentDay', $this->_year . '-06-05', 'World\'s Environment Day');
      * African Children's Day
     $this->_addHoliday('africanChildrenDay', $this->_year . '-06-16', 'African Children\'s Day');
      * World's Desert's Day
     $this->_addHoliday('desertDay', $this->_year . '-06-17', 'World\'s Desert\'s Day');
      * African Fugitives' Day
     $this->_addHoliday('africanFugitiveDay', $this->_year . '-06-20', 'African Fugitives\' Day');
      * International day against drugs
     $this->_addHoliday('antiDrugsDay', $this->_year . '-06-26', 'International day against drugs');
      * International Cooperative Societies' Day
     $coopDayDate = new Date($this->_year . '-07-01');
     while ($coopDayDate->getDayOfWeek() != 6) {
         $coopDayDate = $coopDayDate->getNextDay();
     $this->_addHoliday('intCoopDay', $coopDayDate, 'International Cooperative Societies\' Day');
      * World's Population Day
     $this->_addHoliday('populationDay', $this->_year . '-07-11', 'World\'s Population Day');
      * International day of indigenous people
     $this->_addHoliday('indigenousPeopleDay', $this->_year . '-08-09', 'International day of indigenous people');
      * International Youth' Day
     $this->_addHoliday('intYouthDay', $this->_year . '-08-12', 'International Youth\' Day');
      * International day of slave trade's abolishment
     $this->_addHoliday('slaveTradeDay', $this->_year . '-08-23', 'International day of slave trade\'s abolishment');
      * World's Alphabetization Day
     $this->_addHoliday('alphabetizationDay', $this->_year . '-09-08', 'World\'s Alphabetization Day');
      * Ozone Layer's Protection Day
     $this->_addHoliday('ozoneLayerProtectionDay', $this->_year . '-09-16', 'Ozone Layer\'s Protection Day');
      * International day of peace
     $peaceDayDate = new Date($this->_year . '-09-01');
     while ($peaceDayDate->getDayOfWeek() != 2) {
         $peaceDayDate = $peaceDayDate->getNextDay();
     $peaceDayDate->addSpan(new Date_Span('14, 0, 0, 0'));
     $this->_addHoliday('intPeaceDay', $peaceDayDate, 'International day of peace');
      * World's day of tourism
     $this->_addHoliday('tourismDay', $this->_year . '-09-27', 'World\'s day of tourism');
      * International fugitives' day
     $this->_addHoliday('intFugitiveDay', $this->_year . '-09-28', 'International fugitives\' day');
      * International aged people's day
     $this->_addHoliday('agedPeopleDay', $this->_year . '-10-01', 'International aged people\'s day');
      * World's day for prevention of cruelty to animals
     $this->_addHoliday('animalsDay', $this->_year . '-10-04', 'World\'s day for prevention of cruelty to animals');
      * Beginning of the International Outer Space Week
     $this->_addHoliday('outerSpaceWeek', $this->_year . '-10-04', 'Beginning of the International Outer Space Week');
      * World's Habitat Day
     $habitatDayDate = new Date($this->_year . '-10-01');
     while ($habitatDayDate->getDayOfWeek() != 1) {
         $habitatDayDate = $habitatDayDate->getNextDay();
     $this->_addHoliday('habitatDay', $coopDayDate, 'World\'s Habitat Day');
      * International Teachers' Day
     $this->_addHoliday('teachersDay', $this->_year . '-10-05', 'International Teachers\' Day');
      * World Post Association's Day
     $this->_addHoliday('postAssociationDay', $this->_year . '-10-09', 'World Post Association\'s Day');
      * World's Sanity Day
     $this->_addHoliday('sanityDay', $this->_year . '-10-10', 'World\'s Sanity Day');
      * World's Nourishment Day
     $this->_addHoliday('nourishmentDay', $this->_year . '-10-16', 'World\'s Nourishment Day');
      * International day for removal of poverty
     $this->_addHoliday('povertyRemovalDay', $this->_year . '-10-17', 'International day for removal of poverty');
      * United Nations' Day
     $this->_addHoliday('unitedNationsDay', $this->_year . '-10-24', 'United Nations\' Day');
      * World's day of information about evolvement
     $this->_addHoliday('evolvementInfoDay', $this->_year . '-10-24', 'World\'s day of information about evolvement');
      * Beginning of the Disarmament Week
     $this->_addHoliday('evolvementInfoDay', $this->_year . '-10-24', 'Beginning of the Disarmament Week');
      * International day against environmental exploitation in wartime
     $this->_addHoliday('environmentalExploitationDay', $this->_year . '-11-06', 'International day against environmental exploitation in wartime');
      * International day of tolerance
     $this->_addHoliday('toleranceDay', $this->_year . '-11-16', 'International day of tolerance');
      * African Industrialization Day
     $this->_addHoliday('africanIndustrializationDay', $this->_year . '-11-20', 'African Industrialization Day');
      * World's Children's Day
     $this->_addHoliday('worldChildrenDay', $this->_year . '-11-20', 'World\'s Children\'s Day');
      * World's Television Day
     $this->_addHoliday('televisionDay', $this->_year . '-11-21', 'World\'s Television Day');
      * International day for removal of violence against women
     $this->_addHoliday('noViolenceAgainstWomen', $this->_year . '-11-25', 'International day for removal of violence against women');
      * International day of solidarity with Palestinian people
     $this->_addHoliday('palestinianSolidarity', $this->_year . '-11-29', 'International day of solidarity with Palestinian people');
      * World AIDS Day
     $this->_addHoliday('worldAidsDay', $this->_year . '-12-01', 'World AIDS Day');
      * International day for abolishment of slavery
     $this->_addHoliday('againstSlaveryDay', $this->_year . '-12-01', 'International day for abolishment of slavery');
      * International day for disabled people
     $this->_addHoliday('disabledPeopleDay', $this->_year . '-12-03', 'International day for disabled people');
      * International evolvement helpers' day
     $this->_addHoliday('evolvementHelperDay', $this->_year . '-12-05', 'International evolvement helpers\' day');
      * International day of civil aeronautics
     $this->_addHoliday('civilAeronauticsDay', $this->_year . '-12-07', 'International day of civil aeronautics');
      * International day of human rights
     $this->_addHoliday('humanRightsDay', $this->_year . '-12-10', 'International day of human rights');
      * UNICEF Day
     $this->_addHoliday('unicefDay', $this->_year . '-12-11', 'UNICEF Day');
      * International migrants' day
     $this->_addHoliday('migrantsDay', $this->_year . '-12-18', 'International migrants\' day');
     if (Date_Holidays::errorsOccurred()) {
         return Date_Holidays::getErrorStack();
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 4
function get_weekly_volume_graph($userID, $connection)
    $beg_date = new Date();
    $end_date = new Date();
    $wk = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    $wk_actual = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    $label = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    $filename = array("filename" => "/var/www/vanhlebarsoftware/fitlog/graphs/wklygraph.jpg");
    // Get current weeks and prior three weeks volume numbers and the next three weeks.
    $day_of_wk = $beg_date->getDayOfWeek();
    $beg_date->addDays(-($day_of_wk - 1) + 21);
    for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) {
        // Get the planned volume for this particular week.
        $query = "SELECT SUM(seconds) AS seconds FROM flmain WHERE workout_date>='" . $beg_date->format("%Y-%m-%d") . "' AND workout_date<='" . $end_date->format("%Y-%m-%d") . "' AND user_id=" . $userID . " AND plan_type='p'";
        $queryStr = "SELECT SUM(seconds) AS seconds FROM flstrength WHERE workout_date>='" . $beg_date->format("%Y-%m-%d") . "' AND workout_date<='" . $end_date->format("%Y-%m-%d") . "' AND user_id=" . $userID . " AND plan_type='p'";
        $result = @mysql_query($query, $connection);
        $resultStr = @mysql_query($query, $connection);
        if ($result || $resultStr) {
            $tmp = 0;
            if ($result) {
                $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
                $tmp = convert_seconds_minutes($row["seconds"]);
            if ($resultStr) {
                $rowStr = mysql_fetch_array($resultStr);
                $tmp += convert_seconds_minutes($rowStr["seconds"]);
            $wk[$i] = $tmp;
        } else {
            $wk[$i] = 0;
        // Get the actual volume for this particular week.
        $query = "SELECT SUM(seconds) AS seconds FROM flmain WHERE workout_date>='" . $beg_date->format("%Y-%m-%d") . "' AND workout_date<='" . $end_date->format("%Y-%m-%d") . "' AND user_id=" . $userID . " AND plan_type='a'";
        $queryStr = "SELECT SUM(seconds) AS seconds FROM flstrength WHERE workout_date>='" . $beg_date->format("%Y-%m-%d") . "' AND workout_date<='" . $end_date->format("%Y-%m-%d") . "' AND user_id=" . $userID . " AND plan_type='a'";
        $result = @mysql_query($query, $connection);
        $resultStr = @mysql_query($queryStr, $connection);
        if ($result || $resultStr) {
            $tmp = 0;
            if ($result) {
                $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
                $tmp = convert_seconds_minutes($row["seconds"]);
            if ($resultStr) {
                $rowStr = mysql_fetch_array($resultStr);
                $tmp += convert_seconds_minutes($rowStr["seconds"]);
            $wk_actual[$i] = $tmp;
        } else {
            $wk_actual[$i] = 0;
        // Create the labels.
        $label[$i] = $end_date->format("%m/%d");
        // Move the dates back by one week.
    for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) {
    //Setup the graph.
    $Graph =& Image_Graph::factory('graph', array(300, 210, TRUE));
    $Graph->add(Image_Graph::factory('title', array('Weekly Volume - Actual vs. Planned'), 12));
    $Plotarea =& $Graph->addNew('plotarea');
    $Dataset =& Image_Graph::factory('dataset');
    $Dataset1 =& Image_Graph::factory('dataset');
    // Add the actual volume to the graph.
    $Dataset1->addPoint($label[6], $wk_actual[6]);
    $Dataset1->addPoint($label[5], $wk_actual[5]);
    $Dataset1->addPoint($label[4], $wk_actual[4]);
    $Dataset1->addPoint($label[3], $wk_actual[3]);
    $Dataset1->addPoint($label[2], $wk_actual[2]);
    $Dataset1->addPoint($label[1], $wk_actual[1]);
    $Dataset1->addPoint($label[0], $wk_actual[0]);
    // Add the planned volume to the graph.
    $Dataset->addPoint($label[6], $wk[6]);
    $Dataset->addPoint($label[5], $wk[5]);
    $Dataset->addPoint($label[4], $wk[4]);
    $Dataset->addPoint($label[3], $wk[3]);
    $Dataset->addPoint($label[2], $wk[2]);
    $Dataset->addPoint($label[1], $wk[1]);
    $Dataset->addPoint($label[0], $wk[0]);
    // Plot the actual data to the graph.
    $Plot =& $Plotarea->addNew('line', &$Dataset);
    $Plot1 =& $Plotarea->addNew('bar', &$Dataset1);
    // Set the axis titles.
    $YAxis =& $Plotarea->getAxis(IMAGE_GRAPH_AXIS_Y);
    $YAxis->setTitle('Minutes', 'vertical');
    $XAxis =& $Plotarea->getAxis(IMAGE_GRAPH_AXIS_X);
    $XAxis->setTitle("Week", array('angle' => 0));
    //Output the finished graph to the graphs directory.
    $result = $Graph->done($filename);
    if ($result) {
        var_dump("error creating graph!");
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * DB_DataObject_FormBuilder::_date2array()
  * Takes a string representing a date or a unix timestamp and turns it into an
  * array suitable for use with the QuickForm data element.
  * When using a string, make sure the format can be handled by the PEAR::Date constructor!
  * Beware: For the date conversion to work, you must at least use the letters "d", "m" and "Y" in
  * your format string (see "dateElementFormat" option). If you want to enter a time as well,
  * you will have to use "H", "i" and "s" as well. Other letters will not work! Exception: You can
  * also use "M" instead of "m" if you want plain text month names.
  * @param mixed $date   A unix timestamp or the string representation of a date, compatible to strtotime()
  * @return array
  * @access protected
 function _date2array($date)
     $da = array();
     if (is_string($date)) {
         // Get PEAR::Date class definition, if needed
         include_once 'Date.php';
         $dObj = new Date($date);
         $da['d'] = $dObj->getDay();
         $da['l'] = $da['D'] = $dObj->getDayOfWeek();
         $da['m'] = $da['M'] = $da['F'] = $dObj->getMonth();
         $da['Y'] = $da['y'] = $dObj->getYear();
         $da['H'] = $dObj->getHour();
         $da['h'] = $da['H'] % 12;
         if ($da['h'] == 0) {
             $da['h'] = 12;
         $da['i'] = $dObj->getMinute();
         $da['s'] = $dObj->getSecond();
         if ($da['H'] >= 12) {
             $da['a'] = 'pm';
             $da['A'] = 'PM';
         } else {
             $da['a'] = 'am';
             $da['A'] = 'AM';
     } else {
         if (is_int($date)) {
             $time = $date;
         } else {
             $time = time();
         $da['d'] = date('d', $time);
         $da['l'] = $da['D'] = date('w', $time);
         $da['m'] = $da['M'] = $da['F'] = date('m', $time);
         $da['Y'] = $da['y'] = date('Y', $time);
         $da['H'] = date('H', $time);
         $da['h'] = date('h', $time);
         $da['i'] = date('i', $time);
         $da['s'] = date('s', $time);
         $da['a'] = date('a', $time);
         $da['A'] = date('A', $time);
     $this->debug('<i>_date2array():</i> from ' . $date . ' ...');
     return $da;
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * A method to modify an array of history data so that it can be displayed in a format
  * compatible with the weekly breakdown template.
  * @param array $aData    A reference to an array of arrays, containing the rows of data.
  * @param object $oCaller The calling object. Expected to have the the class variable
  *                        "statsBreakdown" set.
 function prepareWeekBreakdown(&$aData, $oCaller)
     // Only prepare the weekly breakdown if the statsBreakdown
     // in the caller is set to "week"
     if ($oCaller->statsBreakdown != 'week') {
     $beginOfWeek = OA_Admin_DaySpan::getBeginOfWeek();
     $aWeekData = array();
     foreach ($aData as $key => $aRowData) {
         // Get the date for this row's data
         $oDate = new Date($key);
         if ($beginOfWeek != 0) {
             // Need to change the date used for the data so
             // that the day appears in the correct week
             $daysToGoback = (int) (SECONDS_PER_DAY * $beginOfWeek);
         // Get the week this date is in, in YYYY-MM format
         $week = sprintf('%04d-%02d', $oDate->getYear(), $oDate->getWeekOfYear());
         // Prepare the data array for this week, if not set, where
         // the week is in the "week" index, there is a "data" index
         // for all the rows that make up the week, and the array
         // has all the columns of an empty data row
         if (!isset($aWeekData[$week])) {
             $aWeekData[$week] = $oCaller->aEmptyRow;
             $aWeekData[$week]['week'] = $week;
             $aWeekData[$week]['data'] = array();
         // Add the data from the row to the totals of the week
         foreach (array_keys($oCaller->aColumns) as $colKey) {
             $aWeekData[$week][$colKey] += $aRowData[$colKey];
         // Store the row in the week
         $aWeekData[$week]['data'][$key] = $aRowData;
     foreach (array_keys($aWeekData) as $week) {
         // Now that the totals are complete, fill any
         // remaining days in the week with empty data
         $days = count($aWeekData[$week]['data']);
         if ($days < 7) {
             // Locate the first day of the week in the days that make
             // up the week so far
             $key = key($aWeekData[$week]['data']);
             $oDate = new Date($key);
             $firstDataDayOfWeek = $oDate->getDayOfWeek();
             // Is this after the start of the week?
             if ($firstDataDayOfWeek > $beginOfWeek) {
                 // Change the date to be the first day of this week
                 $daysToGoback = (int) (SECONDS_PER_DAY * ($firstDataDayOfWeek - $beginOfWeek));
             // Check each day in the week
             for ($counter = 0; $counter < 7; $counter++) {
                 if (is_null($aWeekData[$week]['data'][$oDate->format('%Y-%m-%d')])) {
                     // Set the day's data to the empty row, plus the "day" heading for the day
                     $aWeekData[$week]['data'][$oDate->format('%Y-%m-%d')] = $oCaller->aEmptyRow;
                     $aWeekData[$week]['data'][$oDate->format('%Y-%m-%d')]['day'] = $oDate->format($GLOBALS['date_format']);
                 } elseif (!is_null($aWeekData[$week]['data'][$oDate->format('%Y-%m-%d')]) && !array_key_exists('day', $aWeekData[$week]['data'][$oDate->format('%Y-%m-%d')])) {
                     $aWeekData[$week]['data'][$oDate->format('%Y-%m-%d')]['day'] = $oDate->format($GLOBALS['date_format']);
         // Ensure the day data is sorted correctly
         // Format all day rows
         foreach (array_keys($aWeekData[$week]['data']) as $key) {
         // Calculate CTR and other columns, making sure that the method is available
         if (is_callable(array($oCaller, '_summarizeStats'))) {
     // Set the new weekly-formatted data as the new data array to use
     $aData = $aWeekData;
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * Build the internal arrays that contain data about the calculated holidays
  * @access   protected
  * @return   boolean true on success, otherwise a PEAR_ErrorStack object
  * @throws   object PEAR_ErrorStack
 function _buildHolidays()
     $easterDate = $this->getHolidayDate('easter');
     $ashWednesdayDate = $this->getHolidayDate('ashWednesday');
     $ascensionDayDate = $this->getHolidayDate('ascensionDay');
     $advent1Date = $this->getHolidayDate('advent1');
      * New Year's Day
     $this->_addHoliday('newYearsDay', $this->_year . '-01-01', 'New Year\'s Day');
      * Valentine's Day
     $this->_addHoliday('valentinesDay', $this->_year . '-02-14', 'Valentine\'s Day');
      * "Weiberfastnacht"
     $wFasnetDate = $this->_addDays($ashWednesdayDate, -6);
     $this->_addHoliday('womenFasnet', $wFasnetDate, 'Carnival');
      * Carnival / "Fastnacht"
     $fasnetDate = $this->_addDays($easterDate, -47);
     $this->_addHoliday('fasnet', $fasnetDate, 'Carnival');
      * Rose Monday
     $roseMondayDate = $this->_addDays($easterDate, -48);
     $this->_addHoliday('roseMonday', $roseMondayDate, 'Rose Monday');
      * International Women's Day
     $this->_addHoliday('womensDay', $this->_year . '-03-08', 'International Women\'s Day');
      * April 1st
     $this->_addHoliday('april1st', $this->_year . '-04-01', 'April 1st');
      * Girls' Day (fourth Thursday in April)
     $girlsDayDate = new Date($this->_year . '-04-01');
     $dayOfWeek = $girlsDayDate->getDayOfWeek();
     switch ($dayOfWeek) {
         case 0:
         case 1:
         case 2:
         case 3:
             $girlsDayDate = $this->_addDays($girlsDayDate, 4 - $dayOfWeek + 21);
         case 4:
             $girlsDayDate = $this->_addDays($girlsDayDate, 21);
         case 5:
         case 6:
             $girlsDayDate = $this->_addDays($girlsDayDate, -1 * $dayOfWeek + 11 + 21);
     $this->_addHoliday('girlsDay', $girlsDayDate, 'Girls\' Day');
      * International Earth' Day
     $this->_addHoliday('earthDay', $this->_year . '-04-22', 'International Earth\' Day');
      * German Beer's Day
     $this->_addHoliday('beersDay', $this->_year . '-04-23', 'German Beer\'s Day');
      * Walpurgis Night
     $this->_addHoliday('walpurgisNight', $this->_year . '-04-30', 'Walpurgis Night');
      * Day of Work
     $this->_addHoliday('dayOfWork', $this->_year . '-05-01', 'Day of Work');
      * World's Laughing Day
     $laughingDayDate = new Date($this->_year . '-05-01');
     while ($laughingDayDate->getDayOfWeek() != 0) {
         $laughingDayDate = $laughingDayDate->getNextDay();
     $this->_addHoliday('laughingDay', $laughingDayDate, 'World\'s Laughing Day');
      * Europe Day
     $this->_addHoliday('europeDay', $this->_year . '-05-05', 'Europe Day');
      * Mothers' Day
     $mothersDay = $this->_addDays($laughingDayDate, 7);
     $this->_addHoliday('mothersDay', $mothersDay, 'Mothers\' Day');
      * End of World War 2 in Germany
     $this->_addHoliday('endOfWWar2', $this->_year . '-05-08', 'End of World War 2 in Germany');
      * Fathers' Day
     $this->_addHoliday('fathersDay', $ascensionDayDate, 'Fathers\' Day');
      * Amnesty International Day
     $this->_addHoliday('aiDay', $this->_year . '-05-28', 'Amnesty International Day');
      * International Children' Day
     $this->_addHoliday('intChildrenDay', $this->_year . '-06-01', 'International Children\'s Day');
      * Day of organ donation
     $organDonationDate = new Date($this->_year . '-06-01');
     while ($organDonationDate->getDayOfWeek() != 6) {
         $organDonationDate = $organDonationDate->getNextDay();
     $this->_addHoliday('organDonationDay', $organDonationDate, 'Day of organ donation');
      * Dormouse' Day
     $this->_addHoliday('dormouseDay', $this->_year . '-06-27', 'Dormouse\' Day');
      * Christopher Street Day
     $this->_addHoliday('christopherStreetDay', $this->_year . '-06-27', 'Christopher Street Day');
      * Hiroshima Commemoration Day
     $this->_addHoliday('hiroshimaCommemorationDay', $this->_year . '-08-06', 'Hiroshima Commemoration Day');
      * Augsburg peace celebration
     $this->_addHoliday('augsburgPeaceCelebration', $this->_year . '-08-08', 'Augsburg peace celebration');
      * International left-handeds' Day
     $this->_addHoliday('leftHandedDay', $this->_year . '-08-13', 'International left-handeds\' Day');
      * Anti-War Day
     $this->_addHoliday('antiWarDay', $this->_year . '-09-01', 'Anti-War Day');
      * Day of German Language
     $germanLangDayDate = new Date($this->_year . '-09-01');
     while ($germanLangDayDate->getDayOfWeek() != 6) {
         $germanLangDayDate = $germanLangDayDate->getNextDay();
     $germanLangDayDate = $this->_addDays($germanLangDayDate, 7);
     $this->_addHoliday('germanLanguageDay', $germanLangDayDate, 'Day of German Language');
      * International diabetes day
     $this->_addHoliday('diabetesDay', $this->_year . '-11-14', 'International diabetes day');
      * German Unification Day
     $this->_addHoliday('germanUnificationDay', $this->_year . '-10-03', 'German Unification Day');
      * Libraries' Day
     $this->_addHoliday('librariesDay', $this->_year . '-10-24', 'Libraries\' Day');
      * World's Savings Day
     $this->_addHoliday('savingsDay', $this->_year . '-10-30', 'World\'s Savings Day');
      * Halloween
     $this->_addHoliday('halloween', $this->_year . '-10-31', 'Halloween');
      * Stamp's Day
      * year <= 1948: 7th of January
      * year > 1948: last Sunday in October
     $stampsDayDate = null;
     if ($this->_year <= 1948) {
         $stampsDayDate = new Date($this->_year . '-01-07');
         while ($stampsDayDate->getDayOfWeek() != 0) {
             $stampsDayDate = $stampsDayDate->getNextDay();
     } else {
         $stampsDayDate = new Date($this->_year . '-10-31');
         while ($stampsDayDate->getDayOfWeek() != 0) {
             $stampsDayDate = $stampsDayDate->getPrevDay();
     $this->_addHoliday('stampsDay', $stampsDayDate, 'Stamp\'s Day');
      * International Men's Day
     $this->_addHoliday('mensDay', $this->_year . '-11-03', 'International Men\'s Day');
      * Fall of the Wall of Berlin
     $this->_addHoliday('wallOfBerlin', $this->_year . '-11-09', 'Fall of the Wall of Berlin 1989');
      * Beginning of the Carnival
     $this->_addHoliday('carnivalBeginning', $this->_year . '-11-11', 'Beginning of the Carnival');
      * People's Day of Mourning
     $dayOfMourning = $this->_addDays($advent1Date, -14);
     $this->_addHoliday('dayOfMourning', $dayOfMourning, 'People\'s Day of Mourning');
     if (Date_Holidays::errorsOccurred()) {
         return Date_Holidays::getErrorStack();
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * DB_DataObject_FormBuilder::_date2array()
  * Takes a string representing a date or a unix timestamp and turns it into an
  * array suitable for use with the QuickForm data element.
  * When using a string, make sure the format can be handled by the PEAR::Date constructor!
  * Beware: For the date conversion to work, you must at least use the letters "d", "m" and "Y" in
  * your format string (see "dateElementFormat" option). If you want to enter a time as well,
  * you will have to use "H", "i" and "s" as well. Other letters will not work! Exception: You can
  * also use "M" instead of "m" if you want plain text month names.
  * @param mixed $date   A unix timestamp or the string representation of a date, compatible to strtotime()
  * @return array
  * @access protected
 function _date2array($date)
     $da = array();
     if (is_string($date)) {
         if (preg_match('/^\\d+:\\d+(:\\d+|)(\\s+[ap]m|)$/i', $date)) {
             $date = date('Y-m-d ') . $date;
             $getDate = false;
         } else {
             $getDate = true;
         include_once 'Date.php';
         $dObj = new Date($date);
         if ($getDate) {
             $da['d'] = $dObj->getDay();
             $da['l'] = $da['D'] = $dObj->getDayOfWeek();
             $da['m'] = $da['M'] = $da['F'] = $dObj->getMonth();
             $da['Y'] = $da['y'] = $dObj->getYear();
         $da['H'] = $dObj->getHour();
         $da['h'] = $da['H'] % 12;
         if ($da['h'] == 0) {
             $da['h'] = 12;
         $da['g'] = $da['h'];
         $da['i'] = $dObj->getMinute();
         $da['s'] = $dObj->getSecond();
         if ($da['H'] >= 12) {
             $da['a'] = 'pm';
             $da['A'] = 'PM';
         } else {
             $da['a'] = 'am';
             $da['A'] = 'AM';
     } else {
         if (is_int($date)) {
             $time = $date;
         } else {
             $time = time();
         $da['d'] = date('d', $time);
         $da['l'] = $da['D'] = date('w', $time);
         $da['m'] = $da['M'] = $da['F'] = date('m', $time);
         $da['Y'] = $da['y'] = date('Y', $time);
         $da['H'] = date('H', $time);
         $da['g'] = date('g', $time);
         $da['h'] = date('h', $time);
         $da['i'] = date('i', $time);
         $da['s'] = date('s', $time);
         $da['a'] = date('a', $time);
         $da['A'] = date('A', $time);
     DB_DataObject_FormBuilder::debug('<i>_date2array():</i> from ' . $date . ' to ' . serialize($da) . ' ...');
     return $da;
Ejemplo n.º 9
  * Build the internal arrays that contain data about the calculated holidays
  * @access protected
  * @return boolean true on success, otherwise a PEAR_ErrorStack object
  * @throws object PEAR_ErrorStack
 function _buildHolidays()
      * New Year's Day
     $newYearsDay = new Date($this->_year . '-01-01');
     if ($newYearsDay->getDayOfWeek() == 0) {
         $this->_addHoliday('newYearsDay', $this->_year . '-01-02', 'Substitute Bank Holiday in lieu of New Year\'s Day');
     } elseif ($newYearsDay->getDayOfWeek() == 6) {
         $this->_addHoliday('newYearsDay', $this->_year . '-01-03', 'Substitute Bank Holiday in lieu of New Year\'s Day');
     } else {
         $this->_addHoliday('newYearsDay', $newYearsDay, 'New Year\'s Day');
      * Easter Sunday
     $easterDate = Date_Holidays_Driver_Christian::calcEaster($this->_year);
      * Good Friday
     $goodFridayDate = new Date($easterDate);
     $goodFridayDate = $this->_addDays($easterDate, -2);
     $this->_addHoliday('goodFriday', $goodFridayDate, 'Good Friday');
      * Easter Monday
     $this->_addHoliday('easterMonday', $easterDate->getNextDay(), 'Easter Monday');
      * May Day Bank Holiday
     $earlyMayDate = Date_Holidays_Driver_USA::_calcNthMondayInMonth(5, 1);
     $this->_addHoliday('mayDay', $earlyMayDate, 'May Day Bank Holiday');
      * Spring Bank Holiday
     $springBankDate = Date_Holidays_Driver_USA::_calcLastMondayInMonth(5);
     $this->_addHoliday('springBank', $springBankDate, 'Spring Bank Holiday');
      * Summer Bank Holiday
     $summerBankDate = Date_Holidays_Driver_USA::_calcLastMondayInMonth(8);
     $this->_addHoliday('summerBank', $summerBankDate, 'Summer Bank Holiday');
      * Christmas and Boxing Day
     $christmasDay = new Date($this->_year . '-12-25');
     if ($christmasDay->getDayOfWeek() == 0) {
         $this->_addHoliday('boxingDay', $this->_year . '-12-26', 'Boxing Day');
         $this->_addHoliday('christmasDay', $this->_year . '-12-27', 'Substitute Bank Holiday in lieu of Christmas Day');
     } elseif ($christmasDay->getDayOfWeek() == 5) {
         $this->_addHoliday('christmasDay', $christmasDay, 'Christmas Day');
         $this->_addHoliday('boxingDay', $this->_year . '-12-28', 'Substitute Bank Holiday in lieu of Boxing Day');
     } elseif ($christmasDay->getDayOfWeek() == 6) {
         $this->_addHoliday('christmasDay', $this->_year . '-12-28', 'Substitute Bank Holiday in lieu of Christmas Day');
         $this->_addHoliday('boxingDay', $this->_year . '-12-27', 'Substitute Bank Holiday in lieu of Boxing Day');
     } else {
         $this->_addHoliday('christmasDay', $christmasDay, 'Christmas Day');
         $this->_addHoliday('boxingDay', $this->_year . '-12-26', 'Boxing Day');
     if (Date_Holidays::errorsOccurred()) {
         return Date_Holidays::getErrorStack();
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 10
  * Calculate nearest workday for a certain day
  * @access   private
  * @param    int $month  month
  * @param    int $day    day
  * @return   object Date date
 function _calcNearestWorkDay($month, $day)
     $month = sprintf("%02d", $month);
     $day = sprintf("%02d", $day);
     $date = new Date($this->_year . '-' . $month . '-' . $day);
     // When one of these holidays falls on a Saturday, the previous day is also a holiday
     // When New Year's Day, Independence Day, or Christmas Day falls on a Sunday, the next day is also a holiday.
     if ($date->getDayOfWeek() == 0) {
         // bump it up one
         $date = $date->getNextDay();
     if ($date->getDayOfWeek() == 6) {
         // push it back one
         $date = $date->getPrevDay();
     return $date;
Ejemplo n.º 11
  * Calculate nearest workday for a certain day
  * @param int $month month
  * @param int $day   day
  * @access   private
  * @return   object Date date
 function _calcNearestWorkDay($month, $day)
     $month = sprintf("%02d", $month);
     $day = sprintf("%02d", $day);
     $date = new Date($this->_year . '-' . $month . '-' . $day);
     // When a public holiday falls on a
     // Sunday, the next day is also a holiday.
     if ($date->getDayOfWeek() == 0) {
         // bump it up one
         $date = $date->getNextDay();
     return $date;
Ejemplo n.º 12
  * Build the internal arrays that contain data about the calculated holidays
  * @access   protected
  * @return   boolean true on success, otherwise a PEAR_ErrorStack object
  * @throws   object PEAR_ErrorStack
 function _buildHolidays()
      * Circumcision of Jesus
     $this->_addHoliday('jesusCircumcision', $this->_year . '-01-01', 'Circumcision of Jesus');
      * Epiphanias
     $this->_addHoliday('epiphany', $this->_year . '-01-06', 'Epiphany');
      * Cleaning of Mariä 
     $this->_addHoliday('mariaCleaning', $this->_year . '-02-02', 'Cleaning of Maria');
      * Josef's Day
     $this->_addHoliday('josefsDay', $this->_year . '-03-19', 'Josef\'s Day');
      * Maria Announcement
     $this->_addHoliday('mariaAnnouncement', $this->_year . '-03-25', 'Maria Announcement');
      * Easter Sunday
     $easterDate = Date_Holidays_Driver_Christian::calcEaster($this->_year);
     $this->_addHoliday('easter', $easterDate, 'Easter Sunday');
      * Palm Sunday
     $palmSundayDate = new Date($easterDate);
     $palmSundayDate->subtractSpan(new Date_Span('7, 0, 0, 0'));
     $this->_addHoliday('palmSunday', $palmSundayDate, 'Palm Sunday');
      * Passion Sunday
     $passionSundayDate = new Date($palmSundayDate);
     $passionSundayDate->subtractSpan(new Date_Span('7, 0, 0, 0'));
     $this->_addHoliday('passionSunday', $passionSundayDate, 'Passion Sunday');
      * Painful Friday
     $painfulFridayDate = new Date($palmSundayDate);
     $painfulFridayDate->subtractSpan(new Date_Span('2, 0, 0, 0'));
     $this->_addHoliday('painfulFriday', $painfulFridayDate, 'Painful Friday');
      * White Sunday
     $whiteSundayDate = new Date($easterDate);
     $whiteSundayDate->addSpan(new Date_Span('7, 0, 0, 0'));
     $this->_addHoliday('whiteSunday', $whiteSundayDate, 'White Sunday');
      * Ash Wednesday
     $ashWednesdayDate = new Date($easterDate);
     $ashWednesdayDate->subtractSpan(new Date_Span('46, 0, 0, 0'));
     $this->_addHoliday('ashWednesday', $ashWednesdayDate, 'Ash Wednesday');
      * Good Friday / Black Friday
     $goodFridayDate = new Date($easterDate);
     $goodFridayDate->subtractSpan(new Date_Span('2, 0, 0, 0'));
     $this->_addHoliday('goodFriday', $goodFridayDate, 'Good Friday');
      * Green Thursday
     $this->_addHoliday('greenThursday', $goodFridayDate->getPrevDay(), 'Green Thursday');
      * Easter Monday
     $this->_addHoliday('easterMonday', $easterDate->getNextDay(), 'Easter Monday');
      * Whitsun (determines Whit Monday, Ascension Day and Feast of Corpus Christi)
     $whitsunDate = new Date($easterDate);
     $whitsunDate->addSpan(new Date_Span('49, 0, 0, 0'));
     $this->_addHoliday('whitsun', $whitsunDate, 'Whitsun');
      * Request Sunday
     $requestSunday = new Date($whitsunDate);
     $requestSunday->subtractSpan(new Date_Span('14, 0, 0, 0'));
     $this->_addHoliday('requestSunday', $requestSunday, 'Request Sunday');
      * Ascension Day
     $ascensionDayDate = new Date($whitsunDate);
     $ascensionDayDate->subtractSpan(new Date_Span('10, 0, 0, 0'));
     $this->_addHoliday('ascensionDay', $ascensionDayDate, 'Ascension Day');
      * Whit Monday
     $this->_addHoliday('whitMonday', $whitsunDate->getNextDay(), 'Whit Monday');
      * Haunting of Mariä 
     $this->_addHoliday('mariaHaunting', $this->_year . '-05-31', 'Haunting of Maria');
      * Trinitatis
     $trinitatisDate = new Date($whitsunDate);
     $trinitatisDate->addSpan(new Date_Span('7, 0, 0, 0'));
     $this->_addHoliday('trinitatis', $trinitatisDate, 'Trinitatis');
      * Feast of Corpus Christi
     $corpusChristiDate = new Date($whitsunDate);
     $corpusChristiDate->addSpan(new Date_Span('11, 0, 0, 0'));
     $this->_addHoliday('corpusChristi', $corpusChristiDate, 'Feast of Corpus Christi');
      * Heart of Jesus 
      * Friday of the 3rd week past Whitsun
     $heartJesusDate = new Date($whitsunDate);
     $heartJesusDate->addSpan(new Date_Span('19, 0, 0, 0'));
     $this->_addHoliday('heartJesus', $heartJesusDate, 'Heart of Jesus celebration');
      * Johannis celebration
     $this->_addHoliday('johannisCelebration', $this->_year . '-06-24', 'Johannis celebration');
      * Petrus and Paulus
     $this->_addHoliday('petrusAndPaulus', $this->_year . '-06-29', 'Petrus and Paulus');
      * Ascension of Maria
     $this->_addHoliday('mariaAscension', $this->_year . '-08-15', 'Ascension of Maria');
      * Celebration of raising the Cross
     $this->_addHoliday('crossRaising', $this->_year . '-09-14', 'Celebration of raising the Cross');
      * Thanks Giving
      * Sunday past Michaelis (29. September)
     $michaelisDate = new Date($this->_year . '-09-29');
     $dayOfWeek = $michaelisDate->getDayOfWeek();
     $michaelisDate->addSpan(new Date_Span(sprintf('%d, 0, 0, 0', 7 - $dayOfWeek)));
     $thanksGivingDate = $michaelisDate;
     $this->_addHoliday('thanksGiving', $thanksGivingDate, 'Thanks Giving');
      * Kermis
      * 3rd Sunday in October
     $kermisDate = new Date($this->_year . '-10-01');
     $dayOfWeek = $kermisDate->getDayOfWeek();
     if ($dayOfWeek != 0) {
         $kermisDate->addSpan(new Date_Span(sprintf('%d, 0, 0, 0', 7 - $dayOfWeek)));
     $kermisDate->addSpan(new Date_Span('14, 0, 0, 0'));
     $this->_addHoliday('kermis', $kermisDate, 'Kermis');
      * Reformation Day
     $this->_addHoliday('reformationDay', $this->_year . '-10-31', 'Reformation Day');
      * All Saints' Day
     $this->_addHoliday('allSaintsDay', $this->_year . '-11-01', 'All Saints\' Day');
      * All Souls' Day
     $this->_addHoliday('allSoulsDay', $this->_year . '-11-02', 'All Souls\' Day');
      * Martin's Day
     $this->_addHoliday('martinsDay', $this->_year . '-11-11', 'Martin\'s Day');
      * 4th Advent
     $Advent4Date = new Date($this->_year . '-12-24');
     $dayOfWeek = $Advent4Date->getDayOfWeek();
     if ($dayOfWeek == 0) {
         $dayOfWeek = 7;
     $Advent4Date->subtractSpan(new Date_Span(sprintf('%d, 0, 0, 0', $dayOfWeek)));
     $this->_addHoliday('advent4', $Advent4Date, '4th Advent');
      * 1st Advent
     $Advent1Date = new Date($Advent4Date);
     $Advent1Date->subtractSpan(new Date_Span('21, 0, 0, 0'));
     $this->_addHoliday('advent1', $Advent1Date, '1st Advent');
      * 2nd Advent
     $Advent2Date = new Date($Advent4Date);
     $Advent2Date->subtractSpan(new Date_Span('14, 0, 0, 0'));
     $this->_addHoliday('advent2', $Advent2Date, '2nd Advent');
      * 3rd Advent
     $Advent3Date = new Date($Advent4Date);
     $Advent3Date->subtractSpan(new Date_Span('7, 0, 0, 0'));
     $this->_addHoliday('advent3', $Advent3Date, '3rd Advent');
      * Death' Sunday
     $deathSundayDate = new Date($Advent1Date);
     $deathSundayDate->subtractSpan(new Date_Span('7, 0, 0, 0'));
     $this->_addHoliday('deathSunday', $deathSundayDate, 'Death\' Sunday');
      * Day of Repentance
     $dayOfRepentance = new Date($deathSundayDate);
     $dayOfRepentance->subtractSpan(new Date_Span('4, 0, 0, 0'));
     $this->_addHoliday('dayOfRepentance', $dayOfRepentance, 'Day of Repentance');
      * St. Nicholas' Day
     $this->_addHoliday('stNicholasDay', $this->_year . '-12-06', 'St. Nicholas\' Day');
      * Maria' conception
     $this->_addHoliday('mariaConception', $this->_year . '-12-08', 'Conception of Maria');
      * Christmas Eve
     $this->_addHoliday('xmasEve', $this->_year . '-12-24', 'Christmas Eve');
      * Christmas day
     $this->_addHoliday('xmasDay', $this->_year . '-12-25', 'Christmas Day');
      * Boxing day
     $this->_addHoliday('boxingDay', $this->_year . '-12-26', 'Boxing Day');
      * New Year's Eve
     $this->_addHoliday('newYearsEve', $this->_year . '-12-31', 'New Year\'s Eve');
     if (Date_Holidays::errorsOccurred()) {
         return Date_Holidays::getErrorStack();
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 13
  * Build the internal arrays that contain data about the calculated holidays
  * @access   protected
  * @return   boolean true on success, otherwise a PEAR_ErrorStack object
  * @throws   object PEAR_ErrorStack
 function _buildHolidays()
     $easterDate = Date_Holidays_Driver_Iceland::calcEaster($this->_year);
      * New Year's Day
     $this->_addHoliday('newYearsDay', $this->_year . '-01-01', 'New Year\'s Day');
     $this->_addTranslationForHoliday('newYearsDay', 'is_IS', 'Nýársdagur');
      * Epiphany
     $this->_addHoliday('epiphany', $this->_year . '-01-06', 'Epiphany');
     $this->_addTranslationForHoliday('epiphany', 'is_IS', 'Þrettándinn');
      * Husband's Day
      * From http://www.isholf.is/gullis/jo/feasts_and_celebrations.htm
      * Þorri is one of the old Icelandic months. It always begins on
      * a Friday, between the 19th and the 25th of January, and ends on
      * a Saturday between the 18th and 24th of February. The first day
      * of Þorri is called Bóndadagur or "Husband's Day/Farmer's Day"
     $hdate = new Date($this->_year . "-01-19");
     while ($hdate->getDayOfWeek() != 5) {
         $hdate = $hdate->getNextDay();
     $this->_addHoliday('husbandsDay', $hdate, 'Husband\'s Day');
     $this->_addTranslationForHoliday('husbandsDay', 'is_IS', 'Bóndadagur');
      * Woman's Day
      * Calculate Sunday in the 18th week of winter, ie between Feb 18-24.
     $wdate = new Date($this->_year . "-02-18");
     while ($wdate->getDayOfWeek() != 0) {
         $wdate = $wdate->getNextDay();
     $this->_addHoliday('womansDay', $wdate, 'Woman\'s Day');
     $this->_addTranslationForHoliday('womansDay', 'is_IS', 'Konudagur');
     $shroveMondayDate = $this->_addDays($easterDate, -41);
     $this->_addHoliday('shroveMonday', $shroveMondayDate, 'Shrove Monday');
     $this->_addTranslationForHoliday('shroveMonday', 'is_IS', 'Bolludagur');
     $shroveTuesdayDate = $this->_addDays($easterDate, -40);
     $this->_addHoliday('shroveTuesday', $shroveTuesdayDate, 'Shrove Tuesday');
     $this->_addTranslationForHoliday('shroveTuesday', 'is_IS', 'Sprengidagur');
     $ashWednesdayDate = $this->_addDays($easterDate, -39);
     $this->_addHoliday('ashWednesday', $ashWednesdayDate, 'Ash Wednesday');
     $this->_addTranslationForHoliday('ashWednesday', 'is_IS', 'Öskudagur');
      * Palm Sunday
     $palmSundayDate = $this->_addDays($easterDate, -7);
     $this->_addHoliday('palmSunday', $palmSundayDate, 'Palm Sunday');
     $this->_addTranslationForHoliday('palmSunday', 'is_IS', 'Pálmasunnudagur');
      * Maundy Thursday
     $maundyThursdayDate = $this->_addDays($easterDate, -3);
     $this->_addHoliday('maundyThursday', $maundyThursdayDate, 'Maundy Thursday');
     $this->_addTranslationForHoliday('maundyThursday', 'is_IS', 'Skírdagur');
      * Good Friday / Black Friday
     $goodFridayDate = $this->_addDays($easterDate, -2);
     $this->_addHoliday('goodFriday', $goodFridayDate, 'Good Friday');
     $this->_addTranslationForHoliday('goodFriday', 'is_IS', 'Föstudaginn langi');
      * Easter Day
     $this->_addHoliday('easter', $easterDate, 'Easter Day');
     $this->_addTranslationForHoliday('easter', 'is_IS', 'Páskadagur');
      * Easter Monday
     $this->_addHoliday('easterMonday', $easterDate->getNextDay(), 'Easter Monday');
     $this->_addTranslationForHoliday('easterMonday', 'is_IS', 'Annar í páskum');
      * First Day of Summer
      * First Thursday after 18 April
     $juneDate = new Date($this->_year . '-04-18');
     $dayOfWeek = $juneDate->getDayOfWeek();
     $midSummerDate = $this->_addDays($juneDate, 4 - $dayOfWeek);
     $this->_addHoliday('firstDayOfSummer', $midSummerDate, 'First Day of Summer');
     $this->_addTranslationForHoliday('firstDayOfSummer', 'is_IS', 'Sumardagurinn fyrsti');
     $mayDay = new Date($this->_year . '-05-01');
     $this->_addHoliday('mayDay', $mayDay, 'May Day');
     $this->_addTranslationForHoliday('mayDay', 'is_IS', 'Verkalýðsdagurinn');
     $mothersDay = new Date($this->_year . '-05-13');
     $this->_addHoliday('mothersDay', $mothersDay, 'Mothers\' Day');
     $this->_addTranslationForHoliday('mothersDay', 'is_IS', 'Mæðradagurinn');
     $whitsunDate = $this->_addDays($easterDate, 49);
     $this->_addHoliday('whitsun', $whitsunDate, 'White Sunday');
     $this->_addTranslationForHoliday('whitsun', 'is_IS', 'Hvítasunnudagur');
      * Whit Monday
     $this->_addHoliday('whitMonday', $whitsunDate->getNextDay(), 'White Monday');
     $this->_addTranslationForHoliday('whitMonday', 'is_IS', 'Annar í hvítasunnu');
     $ascensionDayDate = $this->_addDays($whitsunDate, -10);
     $this->_addHoliday('ascensionDay', $ascensionDayDate, 'Ascension Day');
     $this->_addTranslationForHoliday('ascensionDay', 'is_IS', 'Uppstigningardagur');
     $this->_addHoliday('seamansDay', $this->_year . '-06-03', 'The Seamen\'s Day');
     $this->_addTranslationForHoliday('seamansDay', 'is_IS', 'Sjómannadagurinn');
     $this->_addHoliday('nationalDay', $this->_year . '-06-17', 'Icelandic National Day');
     $this->_addTranslationForHoliday('nationalDay', 'is_IS', 'Lýðveldisdagurinn');
     $this->_addHoliday('jonsMass', $this->_year . '-06-24', 'Jón\'s Mass');
     $this->_addTranslationForHoliday('jonsMass', 'is_IS', 'Jónsmessa');
     $augDate = new Date($this->_year . '-08-01');
     $dayOfWeek = $augDate->getDayOfWeek();
     $commerceDate = $this->_addDays($augDate, 6 - $dayOfWeek);
     $this->_addHoliday('commerceDay', $commerceDate, 'Commerce Day');
     $this->_addTranslationForHoliday('commerceDay', 'is_IS', 'Frídagur verslunarmanna');
     $this->_addHoliday('languageDay', $this->_year . '-11-16', 'Icelandic Language Day');
     $this->_addTranslationForHoliday('languageDay', 'is_IS', 'Dagur íslenskrar tungu');
     $this->_addHoliday('independenceDay', $this->_year . '-12-01', 'Independence Day');
     $this->_addTranslationForHoliday('independenceDay', 'is_IS', 'Fullveldisdagurinn');
      * Christmas Eve
     $this->_addHoliday('christmas', $this->_year . '-12-24', 'Christmas Eve');
     $this->_addTranslationForHoliday('christmas', 'is_IS', 'Aðfangadagur');
     $this->_addHoliday('christmasDay', $this->_year . '-12-25', 'Christmas Day');
     $this->_addTranslationForHoliday('christmasDay', 'is_IS', 'Jóladagur');
     $this->_addHoliday('secondChristmasDay', $this->_year . '-12-26', 'Boxing Day');
     $this->_addTranslationForHoliday('secondChristmasDay', 'is_IS', 'Annar í jólum');
      * New Year's Eve
     $this->_addHoliday('newYearsEve', $this->_year . '-12-31', 'New Year\'s Eve');
     $this->_addTranslationForHoliday('newYearsEve', 'is_IS', 'Gamlárskvöld');
     if (Date_Holidays::errorsOccurred()) {
         return Date_Holidays::getErrorStack();
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 14
  * A method to convert a Date object into the appropriate operation
  * interval ID (of the week).
  * Works by finding out how many days, hours, minutes into the week the time is, and
  * then converting that into how many minutes into the week the time is. This value
  * is then divided by the interval length (in minutes) to determine how many intervals
  * into the week the time is.
  * @static
  * @param Date $oDate The date to convert.
  * @param integer $operation_interval Optional length of the operation interval
  *                                    in minutes. If not given, will use the
  *                                    currently defined operation interval.
  * @return integer The operation interval ID that the time is in.
 function convertDateToOperationIntervalID($oDate, $operationInterval = 0)
     if ($operationInterval < 1) {
         $operationInterval = OX_OperationInterval::getOperationInterval();
     // Convert to UTC
     $oDateCopy = new Date($oDate);
     $days = $oDateCopy->getDayOfWeek();
     $hours = $oDateCopy->getHour();
     $minutes = $oDateCopy->getMinute();
     $totalMinutes = $days * 24 * 60 + $hours * 60 + $minutes;
     return (int) floor($totalMinutes / $operationInterval);
Ejemplo n.º 15
  * Build the internal arrays that contain data about the calculated holidays
  * @access   protected
  * @return   boolean true on success, otherwise a PEAR_ErrorStack object
  * @throws   object PEAR_ErrorStack
 function _buildHolidays()
      * New Year's Day
     $this->_addHoliday('newYearsDay', $this->_year . '-01-01', 'New Year\'s Day');
     $this->_addTranslationForHoliday('newYearsDay', 'ga_IE', 'Lá na Caille');
      * Epiphany
     $this->_addHoliday('epiphany', $this->_year . '-01-06', 'Epiphany');
     $this->_addTranslationForHoliday('epiphany', 'ga_IE', 'Nollag na mBan');
      * St Patrick's Day.
     $this->_addHoliday('stPatricksDay', $this->_year . '-03-17', 'Saint Patrick\'s Day');
     $this->_addTranslationForHoliday('stPatricksDay', 'ga_IE', 'Lá Fhéile Pádraig');
      * Easter Sunday
     $easterDate = Date_Holidays_Driver_Ireland::calcEaster($this->_year);
     $this->_addHoliday('easter', $easterDate, 'Easter Sunday');
     $this->_addTranslationForHoliday('easter', 'ga_IE', 'Domhnach Cásca');
      * Good Friday / Black Friday
     $goodFridayDate = $this->_addDays($easterDate, -2);
     $this->_addHoliday('goodFriday', $goodFridayDate, 'Good Friday');
     $this->_addTranslationForHoliday('goodFriday', 'ga_IE', 'Aoine Cásca');
      * Easter Monday
     $this->_addHoliday('easterMonday', $easterDate->getNextDay(), 'Easter Monday');
     $this->_addTranslationForHoliday('easterMonday', 'ga_IE', 'Luan Cásca');
      * May Bank Holiday
     $dn = $this->_calcFirstMonday('05');
     $this->_addHoliday('mayDayBankHoliday', $dn, 'May Bank Holiday');
     $this->_addTranslationForHoliday('mayDayBankHoliday', 'ga_IE', 'Lá Bealtaine');
      * Pentecost (determines Whit Monday, Ascension Day and
      * Feast of Corpus Christi)
     $pentecostDate = $this->_addDays($easterDate, 49);
     $this->_addHoliday('pentecost', $pentecostDate, 'Pentecost');
     $this->_addTranslationForHoliday('pentecost', 'ga_IE', 'An Chincís');
      * Ascension Day
     $ascensionDayDate = $this->_addDays($pentecostDate, -10);
     $this->_addHoliday('ascensionDay', $ascensionDayDate, 'Ascension Day');
     $this->_addTranslationForHoliday('ascensionDay', 'ga_IE', 'Deascabhála');
      * June Bank Holiday
     $dn = $this->_calcFirstMonday('06');
     $this->_addHoliday('juneBankHoliday', $dn, 'June Bank Holiday');
     $this->_addTranslationForHoliday('juneBankHoliday', 'ga_IE', 'Lá Meitheamh');
      * Midsummer
      * Saturday past 20th, June
     $juneDate = new Date($this->_year . '-06-20');
     $dayOfWeek = $juneDate->getDayOfWeek();
     $midSummerDate = $this->_addDays($juneDate, 6 - $dayOfWeek);
     $this->_addHoliday('midSummer', $midSummerDate, 'Midsummer Day');
     $this->_addTranslationForHoliday('midSummer', 'ga_IE', 'Lá Fhéile Eoin');
      * August Bank Holiday
     $dn = $this->_calcFirstMonday('08');
     $this->_addHoliday('augustBankHoliday', $dn, 'August Bank Holiday');
     $this->_addTranslationForHoliday('augustBankHoliday', 'ga_IE', 'Lá Lúnasa');
      * October Bank Holiday
     $dn = $this->_calcLastMonday('10');
     $this->_addHoliday('octoberBankHoliday', $dn, 'October Bank Holiday');
     $this->_addTranslationForHoliday('octoberBankHoliday', 'ga_IE', 'Lá Samhna');
      * Christmas Eve
     $this->_addHoliday('christmasEve', $this->_year . '-12-24', 'Christmas Eve');
     $this->_addTranslationForHoliday('christmasEve', 'ga_IE', 'Oíche Nollag');
      * Christmas day
     $this->_addHoliday('christmasDay', $this->_year . '-12-25', 'Christmas Day');
     $this->_addTranslationForHoliday('christmasDay', 'ga_IE', 'Lá Nollag');
      * St. Stephen's Day
     $this->_addHoliday('stStephensDay', $this->_year . '-12-26', 'Saint Stephen\'s Day');
     $this->_addTranslationForHoliday('stStephensDay', 'ga_IE', 'Lá Fhéile Stiofáin');
      * New Year's Eve
     $this->_addHoliday('newYearsEve', $this->_year . '-12-31', 'New Year\'s Eve');
     $this->_addTranslationForHoliday('newYearsEve', 'ga_IE', 'Oíche Chinn Bliana');
     if (Date_Holidays::errorsOccurred()) {
         return Date_Holidays::getErrorStack();
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 16
  * Build the internal arrays that contain data about the calculated holidays
  * @access   protected
  * @return   boolean true on success, otherwise a PEAR_ErrorStack object
  * @throws   object PEAR_ErrorStack
 function _buildHolidays()
      * New Year's Day
     $this->_addHoliday('newYearsDay', $this->_year . '-01-01', 'New Year\'s Day');
      * Epiphanias
     $this->_addHoliday('epiphany', $this->_year . '-01-06', 'Epiphany');
      * Easter Sunday
     $easterDate = Date_Holidays_Driver_Sweden::calcEaster($this->_year);
     $this->_addHoliday('easter', $easterDate, 'Easter Sunday');
      * Good Friday / Black Friday
     $goodFridayDate = $this->_addDays($easterDate, -2);
     $this->_addHoliday('goodFriday', $goodFridayDate, 'Good Friday');
      * Easter Monday
     $this->_addHoliday('easterMonday', $easterDate->getNextDay(), 'Easter Monday');
      * May Day
     $this->_addHoliday('mayDay', $this->_year . '-05-01', 'May Day');
      * Pentecost (determines Whit Monday, Ascension Day and
      * Feast of Corpus Christi)
     $pentecostDate = $this->_addDays($easterDate, 49);
     $this->_addHoliday('pentecost', $pentecostDate, 'Pentecost');
      * Ascension Day
     $ascensionDayDate = $this->_addDays($pentecostDate, -10);
     $this->_addHoliday('ascensionDay', $ascensionDayDate, 'Ascension Day');
      * Swedish National Day and the Swedish Flag's Day
     $this->_addHoliday('swedenNationalDay', $this->_year . '-06-06', 'Swedish National Day and the Swedish Flag\'s Day');
      * Midsummer
      * Saturday past 20th, June
     $juneDate = new Date($this->_year . '-06-20');
     $dayOfWeek = $juneDate->getDayOfWeek();
     $midSummerDate = $this->_addDays($juneDate, 6 - $dayOfWeek);
     $this->_addHoliday('midSummer', $midSummerDate, 'Midsummer Day');
      * Midsummer Eve
      * Day before Midsummer.
     $this->_addHoliday('midSummerEve', $midSummerDate->getPrevDay(), 'Midsummer Eve');
      * All Saints' Day
     $saintspanDate = new Date($this->_year . '-10-31');
     $dayOfWeek = $saintspanDate->getDayOfWeek();
     $allSaintsDate = $this->_addDays($saintspanDate, 6 - $dayOfWeek);
     $this->_addHoliday('allSaintsDay', $allSaintsDate, 'All Saints\' Day');
      * Christmas Eve
     $this->_addHoliday('christmasEve', $this->_year . '-12-24', 'Christmas Eve');
      * Christmas day
     $this->_addHoliday('christmasDay', $this->_year . '-12-25', 'Christmas Day');
      * Boxing day
     $this->_addHoliday('boxingDay', $this->_year . '-12-26', 'Boxing Day');
      * New Year's Eve
     $this->_addHoliday('newYearsEve', $this->_year . '-12-31', 'New Year\'s Eve');
     if (Date_Holidays::errorsOccurred()) {
         return Date_Holidays::getErrorStack();
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 17
  * A private method that returns the start and end dates
  * that bound the span, based based on a pre-defined 'friendly'
  * value.
  * See the {@link OA_Admin_DaySpan::setSpanPresetValue()} method
  * for the pre-defined values.
  * @param string $presetValue The preset value string.
  * @return array An array of two elements, "start" and "end",
  *               representing the start and end dates of
  *               the span, respectively.
 function _getSpanDates($presetValue)
     switch ($presetValue) {
         case 'today':
             $oDateStart = new Date($this->oNowDate->format('%Y-%m-%d'));
             $oDateEnd = new Date($this->oNowDate->format('%Y-%m-%d'));
         case 'yesterday':
             $oDateStart = new Date(Date_Calc::prevDay($this->oNowDate->format('%d'), $this->oNowDate->format('%m'), $this->oNowDate->format('%Y')));
             $oDateEnd = new Date(Date_Calc::prevDay($this->oNowDate->format('%d'), $this->oNowDate->format('%m'), $this->oNowDate->format('%Y')));
         case 'this_week':
             $oDateStart = new Date(Date_Calc::beginOfWeek($this->oNowDate->format('%d'), $this->oNowDate->format('%m'), $this->oNowDate->format('%Y')));
             $oSixDaySpan = new Date_Span();
             $oSevenDaySpan = new Date_Span();
             // Now have week start and end when week starts on Sunday
             // Does the user want to start on a different day?
             $beginOfWeek = OA_Admin_DaySpan::getBeginOfWeek();
             if ($beginOfWeek > 0) {
                 $oRequiredDaysSpan = new Date_Span();
                 $oDateToday = new Date($this->oNowDate->format('%Y-%m-%d'));
                 if ($oDateToday->getDayOfWeek() < $beginOfWeek) {
             $oDateEnd = new Date($this->oNowDate->format('%Y-%m-%d'));
         case 'last_week':
             $oDateStart = new Date(Date_Calc::beginOfPrevWeek($this->oNowDate->format('%d'), $this->oNowDate->format('%m'), $this->oNowDate->format('%Y')));
             $oSixDaySpan = new Date_Span();
             $oSevenDaySpan = new Date_Span();
             // Now have week start and end when week starts on Sunday
             // Does the user want to start on a different day?
             $beginOfWeek = OA_Admin_DaySpan::getBeginOfWeek();
             if ($beginOfWeek > 0) {
                 $oRequiredDaysSpan = new Date_Span();
                 $oDateToday = new Date($this->oNowDate->format('%Y-%m-%d'));
                 if ($oDateToday->getDayOfWeek() < $beginOfWeek) {
             $oDateEnd = new Date($this->oNowDate->format('%Y-%m-%d'));
         case 'last_7_days':
             $oDateStart = new Date($this->oNowDate->format('%Y-%m-%d'));
             $oDateEnd = new Date($this->oNowDate->format('%Y-%m-%d'));
             $oOneDaySpan = new Date_Span();
             $oSevenDaySpan = new Date_Span();
         case 'this_month':
             $oDateStart = new Date(Date_Calc::beginOfMonth($this->oNowDate->format('%m'), $this->oNowDate->format('%Y')));
             $oDateEnd = new Date($this->oNowDate->format('%Y-%m-%d'));
         case 'this_month_full':
             $oDateStart = new Date(Date_Calc::beginOfMonth($this->oNowDate->format('%m'), $this->oNowDate->format('%Y')));
             $oDateEnd = new Date(Date_Calc::beginOfNextMonth($this->oNowDate->format('%d'), $this->oNowDate->format('%m'), $this->oNowDate->format('%Y')));
             $oOneDaySpan = new Date_Span();
         case 'this_month_remainder':
             $oDateStart = new Date($this->oNowDate->format('%Y-%m-%d'));
             $oDateEnd = new Date(Date_Calc::beginOfNextMonth($this->oNowDate->format('%d'), $this->oNowDate->format('%m'), $this->oNowDate->format('%Y')));
             $oOneDaySpan = new Date_Span();
         case 'next_month':
             $oDateStart = new Date(Date_Calc::beginOfNextMonth($this->oNowDate->format('%d'), $this->oNowDate->format('%m'), $this->oNowDate->format('%Y')));
             $oDateEnd = new Date(Date_Calc::endOfNextMonth($this->oNowDate->format('%d'), $this->oNowDate->format('%m'), $this->oNowDate->format('%Y')));
         case 'last_month':
             $oDateStart = new Date(Date_Calc::beginOfPrevMonth($this->oNowDate->format('%d'), $this->oNowDate->format('%m'), $this->oNowDate->format('%Y')));
             $oDateEnd = new Date(Date_Calc::beginOfMonth($this->oNowDate->format('%m'), $this->oNowDate->format('%Y')));
             $oOneDaySpan = new Date_Span();
         case 'all_stats':
             $oDateStart = null;
             $oDateEnd = null;
         case 'specific':
             $startDate = MAX_getStoredValue('startDate', date('Y-m-d'));
             $oDateStart = new Date($startDate);
             $endDate = MAX_getStoredValue('endDate', date('Y-m-d'));
             $oDateEnd = new Date($endDate);
     $aDates = array('start' => $oDateStart, 'end' => $oDateEnd);
     return $aDates;
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public function getNextRunTime($date)
     // check if $date is a timestamp...
     if ($date instanceof Date == false && is_integer($date)) {
         $date = new Date($date);
     // assume now $date IS instanceof Date
     $cSecond = $date->getSecond();
     $cMinute = $date->getMinute();
     $cHour = $date->getHour();
     $cDay = $date->getDay();
     $cMonth = $date->getMonth();
     $cYear = $date->getYear();
     // required to check the number of days in the month
     $found = false;
     while ($found === false) {
         while ($found === false) {
             // iterate months...
             $cMonth = $this->findNextInArray($cMonth, $this->monthArray);
             if ($cMonth === null) {
             // find the day now
             while ($found === false) {
                 $cDay = $this->findNextInArray($cDay, $this->dayArray);
                 if ($cDay === null) {
                 // here dayOfWeek and number of days in month should be checked!
                 $date = new Date();
                 $numberOfDaysInMonth = $date->getDaysInMonth();
                 if ($cDay > $numberOfDaysInMonth) {
                 if ($this->dayOfWeekArray !== null) {
                     // get day of the week
                     $dayOfWeek = $date->getDayOfWeek();
                     if (!in_array($dayOfWeek, $this->dayOfWeekArray)) {
                 while ($found === false) {
                     if ($cHour == 24) {
                     $cHour = $this->findNextInArray($cHour, $this->hourArray);
                     if ($cHour === null) {
                     while ($found === false) {
                         if ($cMinute == 60) {
                         $cMinute = $this->findNextInArray($cMinute, $this->minuteArray);
                         if ($cMinute === null) {
                         while ($found === false) {
                             if ($cSecond == 60) {
                             $cSecond = $this->findNextInArray($cSecond, $this->secondArray);
                             if ($cSecond === null) {
                             } else {
                                 // FOUND IT!!! WOOOO!
                                 // create Date object
                                 $date = new Date();
                                 return $date;
                         $cSecond = 0;
                     $cMinute = 0;
                     $cSecond = 0;
                 $cHour = 0;
                 $cMinute = 0;
                 $cSecond = 0;
             $cDay = 0;
             $cHour = 0;
             $cMinute = 0;
             $cSecond = 0;
         $cMonth = 0;
         $cDay = 0;
         $cHour = 0;
         $cMinute = 0;
         $cSecond = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 19
  * Build the internal arrays that contain data about holidays.
  * @access   protected
  * @return   boolean true on success, otherwise a PEAR_ErrorStack object
  * @throws   object PEAR_ErrorStack
 function _buildHolidays()
      * New Year's Day
     $newYearsDay = new Date($this->_year . '-01-01');
     if ($newYearsDay->getDayOfWeek() == 0) {
         // 0 = Sunday
         $newYearsDay = $this->_year . '-01-02';
     } elseif ($newYearsDay->getDayOfWeek() == 6) {
         // 6 = Saturday
         $newYearsDay = $this->_year . '-01-03';
     $this->_addHoliday('newYearsDay', $newYearsDay, 'New Year\'s Day');
      * Australia Day
     $australiaDay = new Date($this->_year . '-01-26');
     if ($australiaDay->getDayOfWeek() == 0) {
         // 0 = Sunday
         $australiaDay = $this->_year . '-01-27';
     } elseif ($australiaDay->getDayOfWeek() == 6) {
         // 6 = Saturday
         $australiaDay = $this->_year . '-01-28';
     $this->_addHoliday('australiaDay', $australiaDay, 'Australia Day');
      * Easter
     $easter = Date_Holidays_Driver_Christian::calcEaster($this->_year);
     $goodFridayDate = new Date($easter);
     $goodFridayDate = $this->_addDays($easter, -2);
     $this->_addHoliday('goodFriday', $goodFridayDate, 'Good Friday');
     $this->_addHoliday('easterMonday', $easter->getNextDay(), 'Easter Monday');
      * Anzac Day
     $anzacDay = new Date($this->_year . '-04-25');
     $this->_addHoliday('anzacDay', $anzacDay, 'Anzac Day');
     if ($anzacDay->getDayOfWeek() == 0) {
         // 0 = Sunday
         $anzacDayHol = $this->_year . '-04-26';
         $this->_addHoliday('anzacDayHoliday', $anzacDayHol, 'Anzac Day Holiday');
     } elseif ($anzacDay->getDayOfWeek() == 6) {
         // 6 = Saturday
         $anzacDayHol = $this->_year . '-04-27';
         $this->_addHoliday('anzacDayHoliday', $anzacDayHol, 'Anzac Day Holiday');
      * The Queen's Birthday.
      * See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Queen%27s_Official_Birthday#Australia
     $queensBirthday = Date_Calc::nWeekdayOfMonth(1, 1, 6, $this->_year);
     $this->_addHoliday('queensBirthday', $queensBirthday, "Queen's Birthday");
      * Christmas and Boxing days
     $christmasDay = new Date($this->_year . '-12-25');
     $boxingDay = new Date($this->_year . '-12-26');
     $this->_addHoliday('christmasDay', $christmasDay, 'Christmas Day');
     $this->_addHoliday('boxingDay', $boxingDay, 'Boxing Day');
     if ($christmasDay->getDayName() == 'Sunday') {
         $this->_addHoliday('boxingDayHoliday', $this->_year . '-12-27', 'Boxing Day Holiday');
     } elseif ($christmasDay->getDayName() == 'Friday') {
         $this->_addHoliday('boxingDayHoliday', $this->_year . '-12-28', 'Boxing Day Holiday');
     } elseif ($christmasDay->getDayName() == 'Saturday') {
         $this->_addHoliday('christmasDayHoliday', $this->_year . '-12-27', 'Christmas Day Holiday');
         $this->_addHoliday('boxingDayHoliday', $this->_year . '-12-28', 'Boxing Day Holiday');
      * Check for errors, and return.
     if (Date_Holidays::errorsOccurred()) {
         return Date_Holidays::getErrorStack();
     return true;