Ejemplo n.º 1
 function _parseSqlAll_getColsDaiquiri(&$sqlTree, &$node, $zendAdapter, $table, $alias)
     $resParts = $this->_parseSqlAll_parseResourceName($table);
     // process the alias name
     $aliasParts = $this->_parseSqlAll_parseResourceName($alias);
     $aliasName = "";
     foreach ($aliasParts as $part) {
         if ($aliasName === "") {
             $aliasName .= "`" . $part . "`";
         } else {
             $aliasName .= ".`" . $part . "`";
     // check if the given table resource is composed of DATABASE.TABLE
     if (count($resParts) !== 3) {
         throw new Exception("Cannot resolve table columns, table name is not valid.");
     // check if this is a table of the user database
     $username = Daiquiri_Auth::getInstance()->getCurrentUsername();
     if ($resParts[1] === Daiquiri_Config::getInstance()->getUserDbName($username)) {
         $resource = new Data_Model_Resource_Viewer();
         $resource->init($resParts[1], $resParts[2]);
         $tableData = array('columns' => array());
         foreach ($resource->fetchCols() as $col => $value) {
             if ($col !== 'row_id') {
                 $tableData['columns'][] = array('name' => $col);
     } else {
         $tableResource = new Data_Model_Resource_Tables();
         $tableData = $tableResource->fetchRowByName($resParts[1], $resParts[2], true);
     if (empty($tableData)) {
         throw new Exception("Table {$table} does not exist.");
     foreach ($tableData['columns'] as $count => $row) {
         if ($count == 0) {
             // this is the item we change
             if ($alias === false || empty($alias)) {
                 $node['base_expr'] = "`" . $row['name'] . "`";
                 $node['no_quotes'] = array("delim" => ".", "parts" => array($row['name']));
             } else {
                 $node['base_expr'] = $aliasName . ".`" . $row['name'] . "`";
                 $node['no_quotes'] = array("delim" => ".", "parts" => array_merge($aliasParts, array($row['name'])));
                 $node['alias'] = array("as" => true, "name" => "`" . str_replace(".", "__", str_replace("`", "", $node['base_expr'])) . "`", "base_expr" => "as `" . str_replace(".", "__", str_replace("`", "", $node['base_expr'])) . "`", "no_quotes" => array("delim" => ".", "parts" => array(str_replace(".", "__", str_replace("`", "", $node['base_expr'])))));
             $node['delim'] = ",";
             $nodeTemplate = $node;
             array_push($sqlTree['SELECT'], $node);
         } else {
             $newNode = $nodeTemplate;
             // this is set on the first passing when count is 0
             if ($alias === false || empty($alias)) {
                 $newNode['base_expr'] = "`" . $row['name'] . "`";
                 $newNode['no_quotes'] = array("delim" => ".", "parts" => array($row['name']));
             } else {
                 $newNode['base_expr'] = $aliasName . ".`" . $row['name'] . "`";
                 $newNode['no_quotes'] = array("delim" => ".", "parts" => array_merge($aliasParts, array($row['name'])));
                 $newNode['alias'] = array("as" => true, "name" => "`" . str_replace(".", "__", str_replace("`", "", $newNode['base_expr'])) . "`", "base_expr" => "as `" . str_replace(".", "__", str_replace("`", "", $newNode['base_expr'])) . "`", "no_quotes" => array("delim" => ".", "parts" => array(str_replace(".", "__", str_replace("`", "", $newNode['base_expr'])))));
             array_push($sqlTree['SELECT'], $newNode);
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Creates a downloadable file from the given table of the users database
  * @param string $table table in the users database
  * @param string $suffix
  * @return array $response
 private function _createDownloadFile($table, $format, $regen = false)
     // sanity check for format
     if (!in_array($format, Daiquiri_Config::getInstance()->query->download->adapter->enabled->toArray())) {
         throw new Exception('Error: format not valid.');
     // create link and file sysytem path for table dump
     $username = Daiquiri_Auth::getInstance()->getCurrentUsername();
     $suffix = Daiquiri_Config::getInstance()->query->download->adapter->config->{$format}->suffix;
     $filename = $this->_generateFileName($table, $suffix);
     $url = '/query/download/file?table=' . $table . '&format=' . $format;
     $dir = Daiquiri_Config::getInstance()->query->download->dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $username;
     $file = $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $filename;
     // get queue type and validate
     $queueType = strtolower(Daiquiri_Config::getInstance()->query->download->type);
     if ($queueType !== "direct" and $queueType !== "gearman") {
         throw new Exception('Download queue type not valid');
     // create dir if neccessary
     if (!is_dir($dir)) {
         if (mkdir($dir) === false) {
             return array('status' => 'error', 'error' => 'Configuration of download directory wrong, please contact support.');
         chmod($dir, 0775);
     // delete the old file if regen is set
     if ($regen === true) {
         if (file_exists($file . ".lock")) {
             throw new Daiquiri_Exception_Forbidden();
         // delete the files...
         if (file_exists($file)) {
         if (file_exists($file . ".err")) {
             unlink($file . ".err");
     if (!file_exists($file) && ($queueType === "direct" || empty($queueType))) {
         //get the user db name
         $username = Daiquiri_Auth::getInstance()->getCurrentUsername();
         $db = Daiquiri_Config::getInstance()->getUserDbName($username);
         // get the resource and create dump
         $resource = new Data_Model_Resource_Viewer();
         $resource->init($db, $table);
         try {
             $resource->dumpTable($format, $file);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             return array('status' => 'error', 'error' => array('form' => $e->getMessage() . ' Please contact support.'));
     if ((!file_exists($file) || file_exists($file . ".lock")) && $queueType === "gearman") {
         // check if gearman is up and running
         exec('pgrep gearmand', $output, $return);
         if ($return != 0) {
             throw new Exception('gearmand is not running.');
         // check if
         $restartGeamanManager = false;
         $pidfile = Daiquiri_Config::getInstance()->query->download->gearman->pid;
         if (file_exists($pidfile)) {
             $pid = file_get_contents($pidfile);
             exec('ps -p ' . $pid, $output, $return);
             if ($return != 0) {
                 $restartGeamanManager = true;
         } else {
             $restartGeamanManager = true;
         if ($restartGeamanManager) {
             // check if we have write access to actually create this PID file
             if (!is_writable(dirname(Daiquiri_Config::getInstance()->query->download->gearman->pid))) {
                 return array('status' => 'error', 'error' => 'Cannot write to the gearman PID file, please contact support.');
             $gearmanConf = Daiquiri_Config::getInstance()->query->download->gearman;
             // not there, start GearmanManager
             $cmd = escapeshellcmd($gearmanConf->manager) . ' -d' . ' -D ' . escapeshellcmd($gearmanConf->numThread) . ' -h ' . escapeshellcmd($gearmanConf->host) . ':' . escapeshellcmd($gearmanConf->port) . ' -P ' . escapeshellcmd($gearmanConf->pid) . ' -w ' . escapeshellcmd($gearmanConf->workerDir) . ' -r 1 > /tmp/Daiquiri_GearmanManager.log &';
             // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12322811/call-time-pass-by-reference-has-been-removed
             // check if pid exists, if not, an error occured - wait for 10 seconds to start gearman manager
             $count = 0;
             while (!file_exists($gearmanConf->pid)) {
                 $count += 1;
                 if ($count > 10) {
                     throw new Exception('Error: Could not start GearmanManager.');
         // check if lockfile is present and if not, create
         if (!file_exists($file . ".lock")) {
             if (file_exists($file . ".err")) {
                 return array('status' => 'error', 'error' => 'An error file exists on the server, please contact support.');
             // write lock file
             touch($file . ".lock");
             // get the user db name
             $username = Daiquiri_Auth::getInstance()->getCurrentUsername();
             $db = Daiquiri_Config::getInstance()->getUserDbName($username);
             // get the resource and create dump
             $resource = new Data_Model_Resource_Viewer();
             $resource->init($db, $table);
             try {
                 $resource->dumpTableGearman($format, $file);
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 unlink($file . ".lock");
                 return array('status' => 'error', 'error' => array('form' => $e->getMessage() . ' Please contact support.'));
             return array('status' => 'pending', 'format' => $format);
         } else {
             return array('status' => 'pending', 'format' => $format);
     return array('status' => 'ok', 'link' => Daiquiri_Config::getInstance()->getSiteUrl() . $url, 'format' => $format);
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Returns all databases and tables which the user has access to.
  * @return array $response
 public function databases()
     // get all databases from database model
     $databasesModel = new Data_Model_Databases();
     $rows = array();
     foreach ($databasesModel->getResource()->fetchRows() as $row) {
         $database = $databasesModel->getResource()->fetchRow($row['id'], true, true);
         $database['publication_role'] = Daiquiri_Auth::getInstance()->getRole($database['publication_role_id']);
         foreach ($database['tables'] as $key => $table) {
             $database['tables'][$key]['publication_role'] = Daiquiri_Auth::getInstance()->getRole($table['publication_role_id']);
         $rows[] = $database;
     // check permissions and build array
     $databases = array();
     foreach ($rows as $database) {
         if (Daiquiri_Auth::getInstance()->checkPublicationRoleId($database['publication_role_id'])) {
             $db = array('id' => $database['id'], 'name' => $database['name'], 'value' => $databasesModel->getResource()->quoteIdentifier($database['name']), 'tooltip' => $database['description'], 'tables' => array());
             foreach ($database['tables'] as $table) {
                 if (Daiquiri_Auth::getInstance()->checkPublicationRoleId($table['publication_role_id'])) {
                     $t = array('id' => $table['id'], 'name' => $table['name'], 'value' => $databasesModel->getResource()->quoteIdentifier($database['name'], $table['name']), 'tooltip' => $table['description'], 'columns' => array());
                     foreach ($table['columns'] as $column) {
                         $tooltip = array();
                         if (!empty($column['description'])) {
                             $tooltip[] = $column['description'];
                         if (!empty($column['type'])) {
                             $tooltip[] = "<i>Type:</i> {$column['type']}";
                         if (!empty($column['unit'])) {
                             $tooltip[] = "<i>Unit:</i> {$column['unit']}";
                         if (!empty($column['ucd'])) {
                             $tooltip[] = "<i>UCD:</i> {$column['ucd']}";
                         $t['columns'][] = array('id' => $column['id'], 'name' => $column['name'], 'value' => $databasesModel->getResource()->quoteIdentifier($column['name']), 'tooltip' => implode('<br />', $tooltip));
                     $db['tables'][] = $t;
             $databases[] = $db;
     // get current username and the user db
     $username = Daiquiri_Auth::getInstance()->getCurrentUsername();
     $userDbName = Daiquiri_Config::getInstance()->getUserDbName($username);
     // prepare auto increment counters
     $table_id = 1;
     $column_id = 1;
     // prepate userdb array
     $userdb = array('id' => 'userdb', 'name' => $userDbName, 'value' => $databasesModel->getResource()->quoteIdentifier($userDbName), 'tooltip' => 'Your personal database', 'tables' => array());
     // get tables of this database
     $resource = new Data_Model_Resource_Viewer();
     $usertables = $resource->fetchTables();
     // find all the user tables that are currently open and cannot be queried for information
     // get the user adapter
     $adapter = Daiquiri_Config::getInstance()->getUserDbAdapter();
     $lockedTables = $adapter->query('SHOW OPEN TABLES IN `' . $userdb['name'] . '` WHERE In_use > 0')->fetchAll();
     foreach ($lockedTables as $table) {
         $key = array_search($table['Table'], $usertables);
         if ($key !== false) {
     foreach ($usertables as $usertable) {
         $table = array('id' => 'userdb-table-' . $table_id++, 'name' => $usertable, 'value' => $databasesModel->getResource()->quoteIdentifier($userDbName, $usertable), 'columns' => array());
         try {
             $resource->init($userdb['name'], $usertable);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
         $usercolumns = array_keys($resource->fetchCols());
         foreach ($usercolumns as $usercolumn) {
             $table['columns'][] = array('id' => 'userdb-column-' . $column_id++, 'name' => $usercolumn, 'value' => $databasesModel->getResource()->quoteIdentifier($usercolumn));
         $userdb['tables'][] = $table;
     $databases[] = $userdb;
     return array('databases' => $databases, 'status' => 'ok');