Ejemplo n.º 1
	 * read record from database (again)
	 * @param integer $id (optional) only needed on new reads
	public function read($id=0) {

		if (!$id) $id = $this->id;

		$sql = "SELECT * FROM $this->table WHERE id=".intval($id);
		if ( ! $row = DB::fetchassoc($sql) ) return;

		foreach ( $row as $key => $value ) $this->$key = $value;

		foreach ( $this->boolean_fields as $key ) DB::to_bool($this->$key);

		// reset dependent attributes
		foreach ( $this->dependent_attributes as $attribute ) $this->$attribute = null;

Ejemplo n.º 2
	 * get the current notification settings
	 * @return array
	public function notification_settings() {

		$notify = Notification::$default_settings;

		$sql = "SELECT * FROM notify WHERE member=".intval($this->id);
		$result = DB::query($sql);
		while ( $row = DB::fetch_assoc($result) ) {
			foreach (Notification::$default_settings['all'] as $type => $dummy) DB::to_bool($row[$type]);
			$notify[$row['interest']] = $row;

		return $notify;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * called by cli/cron.php
function cron() {

	// If called by a regular cron job it's no problem to skip it sometimes.
	if (BN=="cron.php") {
		if (!cron_lock()) return;
	} else {
		while (!cron_lock()) {
			echo "Waiting for lock ...\n";

	$sql_period = "SELECT *,
			debate             <= now() AS debate_now,
			preparation        <= now() AS preparation_now,
			voting             <= now() AS voting_now,
			ballot_assignment  <= now() AS ballot_assignment_now,
			ballot_preparation <= now() AS ballot_preparation_now,
			counting           <= now() AS counting_now
		FROM period";
	$result_period = DB::query($sql_period);
	while ( $period = DB::fetch_object($result_period, "Period") ) {
		/** @var Period $period */

		$issues_start_debate = array();
		$issues_start_voting = array();
		$issues_finished_voting = array();

		// ballots
		switch ($period->state) {

			// ballot assignment
		case "ballot_application":
			if (!$period->ballot_assignment_now) break;


			$sql_ballot = "SELECT * FROM ballot WHERE period=".intval($period->id);
			$result_ballot = DB::query($sql_ballot);
			while ( $ballot = DB::fetch_object($result_ballot, "Ballot") ) {

				// notification to the ballot agents whether the ballot was approved
				// TODO: more than one ballot agent
				$notification = new Notification("ballot_approved");
				$notification->period = $period;
				$notification->ballot = $ballot;
				$sql = "SELECT member FROM offlinevoter WHERE ballot = ".intval($ballot->id)." AND agent = TRUE";
				$recipients = DB::fetchfieldarray($sql);

				if (!$ballot->approved) continue;

				// notification to the members to which ballots they were assigned
				$notification = new Notification("ballot_assigned");
				$notification->period = $period;
				$notification->ballot = $ballot;
				$sql = "SELECT member FROM offlinevoter WHERE ballot = ".intval($ballot->id);
				$recipients = DB::fetchfieldarray($sql);


			$period->state = "ballot_assignment";


			// ballot preparation
		case "ballot_assignment":
			if (!$period->ballot_preparation_now) break;

			// final upload of the complete postal and ballot voters
			if ( upload_voters($period, true) ) {
				$period->state = "ballot_preparation";

			// ballot_preparation is the final state.

		// proposals and issues
		$sql_issue = "SELECT * FROM issue
			WHERE period=".intval($period->id)."
			AND state NOT IN ('finished', 'cancelled')";
		$result_issue = DB::query($sql_issue);
		while ( $issue = DB::fetch_object($result_issue, "Issue") ) {
			/** @var Issue $issue */

			switch ($issue->state) {

				// debate
			case "entry":
				if (!$period->debate_now) break;

				$all_proposals_revoked = true;
				$admitted_proposals = false;
				$not_admitted_proposals = false;
				foreach ( $issue->proposals() as $proposal ) {
					/** @var Proposal $proposal */
					if ($proposal->state_cancelled()) continue;
					//if ( $proposal->check_proponents() ) {
					$all_proposals_revoked = false;
					if ($proposal->state=="admitted") $admitted_proposals = true; else $not_admitted_proposals = true;
					/*} else {
						// revoke proposals without proponents
						$proposal->state = "revoked";

				if ($all_proposals_revoked) {

				// None of the proposals are admitted yet.
				if (!$admitted_proposals) break;

				if ($not_admitted_proposals) {

					/* split issue
					$new_issue = new Issue;
					$new_issue->area = $issue->area;
					foreach ( $issue->proposals() as $proposal ) {
						if ($proposal->state_cancelled()) continue;
						if ($proposal->state=="admitted") continue;
						$proposal->issue = $new_issue->id;

					// cancel proposals
					foreach ( $issue->proposals() as $proposal ) {
						/** @var $proposal Proposal */
						if ($proposal->state_cancelled()) continue;
						if ($proposal->state=="admitted") continue;


				$issue->state = "debate";
				$issue->update(["state"], 'debate_started=now()');

				$issues_start_debate[] = $issue;


				// preparation
			case "debate":
				if (!$period->preparation_now) break;

				// revoke proposals, which were scheduled for revokation
				// don't proceed to preparation if all proposals were cancelled
				if ($issue->state == "cancelled") break;

				$issue->state = "preparation";
				$issue->update(["state"], 'preparation_started=now()');


				// voting
			case "preparation":
				if (!$period->voting_now) break;

				// collect issues for online voting start
				if ( !$issue->votingmode_offline() ) $issues_start_voting[] = $issue;
				// Issues which reached offline voting, stay in preparation state until an admin enters the voting result.


				// counting
			case "voting":
				if (!$period->counting_now) break;

				$issue->state = "counting";
				$issue->update(["state"], 'counting_started=now()');


				$issues_finished_voting[] = $issue;


				// "finished" and "cancelled" are the final issue states.


		// debate start notifications
		if ($issues_start_debate) {
			$notification = new Notification("debate");
			$notification->period = $period;
			$notification->issues = $issues_start_debate;

		// voting finished notifications
		if ($issues_finished_voting) {
			$notification = new Notification("finished");
			$notification->period = $period;
			$notification->issues = $issues_finished_voting;

		// start voting and send individual notifications with tokens
		if ($issues_start_voting) $period->start_voting($issues_start_voting);


Ejemplo n.º 4
	 * make lists of supporters and proponents and find out if the logged in member is supporter or proponent
	 * @return array
	public function supporters() {
		$supporters = array(); // list of supporters as strings
		$proponents = array(); // list of proponents (also unconfirmed) as objects of class member
		$is_supporter = false; // if the logged in member is supporter
		$is_proponent = false; // if the logged in member is confirmed proponent
		$is_valid     = false; // if the logged in member is valid supporter
		$sql = "SELECT member, anonymous, proponent, proponent_confirmed, ".$this->sql_supporter_valid()." AS valid
		    FROM supporter
		    WHERE proposal=".intval($this->id);
		$result = DB::query($sql);
		while ( $row = DB::fetch_assoc($result) ) {
			$expired = $row['valid'] ? "" : " expired";
			$member = new Member($row['member']);
			if (Login::$member and $member->id==Login::$member->id) {
				if ($row['proponent_confirmed']) {
					$is_proponent = true;
					$is_supporter = true;
					$supporters[] = '<span class="self'.$expired.'">'.content2html($row['proponent']).' <i>('._("proponent").')</i></span>';
				} elseif ($row['anonymous']===DB::value_true) {
					$is_supporter = "anonymous";
					$supporters[] = '<span class="self'.$expired.'">'._("anonymous").'</span>';
				} else {
					$is_supporter = true;
					$supporters[] = '<span class="self'.$expired.'">'.$member->link().'</span>';
				$is_valid = $row['valid'];
			} else {
				if ($row['proponent_confirmed']) {
					if ($row['valid']) $supporters[] = $row['proponent'].' <i>('._("proponent").')</i>';
					else               $supporters[] = '<span class="expired">'.content2html($row['proponent']).' <i>('._("proponent").')</i></span>';
				} elseif ($row['anonymous']===DB::value_true) {
					if ($row['valid']) $supporters[] = _("anonymous");
					else               $supporters[] = '<span class="expired">'._("anonymous").'</span>';
				} else {
					if ($row['valid']) $supporters[] = $member->link();
					else               $supporters[] = '<span class="expired">'.$member->link().'</span>';
			if ($row['proponent']!==null) {
				$member->proponent_name      = $row['proponent'];
				$member->proponent_confirmed = $row['proponent_confirmed'];
				$proponents[] = $member;
		return array($supporters, $proponents, $is_supporter, $is_proponent, $is_valid);
Ejemplo n.º 5
	 * display a list of voting mode votes
	 * @param resource $result
	 * @param string  $token  (optional) token of the logged in member for highlighting
	public static function display_votingmode_votes($result, $token="") {
<table class="votes">
<tr><th><?=_("Vote token")?></th><th><?=_("Voting time")?></th><th><?=_("Demands offline voting")?></th></tr>
		// votes
		$previous_token = null;
		while ( $row = DB::fetch_assoc($result) ) {
<tr class="<?=stripes();
			// highlight votes of the logged in member
			if ($token == $row['token']) { ?> self<? }
			// strike through votes, which have been overridden by a later vote
			if ($row['token'] == $previous_token) { ?> overridden<? } else $previous_token = $row['token'];
			?><td class="tdc"><?=date(VOTETIME_FORMAT, strtotime($row['votetime']))?></td><?
			?><td><? display_checked($row['demand']) ?></td><?
Ejemplo n.º 6

require "inc/common_http.php";


$invite = trim(@$_GET['invite']);

if ($invite) {
	$sql = "SELECT *, now() > invite_expiry AS invite_expired FROM member WHERE invite=".DB::esc($invite)." AND activated IS NULL";
	$result = DB::query($sql);
	$member = DB::fetch_object($result, "Member");
	if ($member) {
		if ($member->invite_expired) {
			warning(sprintf(_("The code you've entered is expired! Please contact %s to get a new one!"), MAIL_SUPPORT), true);
			$member = false;
	} else {
		warning(_("The code you've entered is invalid!"));
} else {
	$member = false;

if (!$member) {

Ejemplo n.º 7
$period = new Period(@$_GET['period']);
if (!$period->id) {
	error("The requested period does not exist!");

$_SESSION['ngroup'] = $period->ngroup;

if (!$period->ballot_voting) {
	warning("There is no ballot voting available in this period!");

if (Login::$member) {
	$sql = "SELECT * FROM offlinevoter WHERE member=".intval(Login::$member->id)." AND period=".intval($period->id);
	if ( $row_voters = DB::fetchassoc($sql) ) {

if ($action) {
	switch ($action) {
	case "select":
		Login::access_action("entitled", $_SESSION['ngroup']);
		$ballot = new Ballot($_POST['ballot']);
		if (!$ballot->id) {
			warning("The requested area does not exist!");
		if ($period->state=="ballot_preparation") {
			warning(_("In ballot preparation phase it is not allowed anymore to select or change the ballot."));