Ejemplo n.º 1
	 * update member's ngroups
	 * @param array   $ngroups array of integers
	public function update_ngroups(array $ngroups) {


		$sql = "SELECT ngroup FROM member_ngroup WHERE member=".intval($this->id);
		$existing_ngroups = DB::fetchfieldarray($sql);

		$insert_ngroups = array_diff($ngroups, $existing_ngroups);
		if ($insert_ngroups) {
			$sql_groups = array();
			foreach ($insert_ngroups as $insert_ngroup) {
				$sql_groups[] = "(".intval($this->id).", ".intval($insert_ngroup).")";
			DB::query("INSERT INTO member_ngroup (member, ngroup) VALUES ".join(", ", $sql_groups));

		$delete_ngroups = array_diff($existing_ngroups, $ngroups);
		if ($delete_ngroups) {
			$sql = "DELETE FROM member_ngroup
				WHERE member=".intval($this->id)."
					AND ngroup IN (".join(", ", array_map("intval", $delete_ngroups)).")";


Ejemplo n.º 2
 * upload voter lists for postal voting and for each ballot
 * @param Period  $period
 * @param boolean $include_ballot_voters (optional)
 * @return boolean
function upload_voters($period, $include_ballot_voters=false) {

	$data = array();

	// postal voters
	$sql = "SELECT invite FROM member
		JOIN offlinevoter ON offlinevoter.member = member.id AND offlinevoter.ballot IS NULL AND offlinevoter.period = ".intval($period->id);
	$data[0] = array(
		'name'   => "postal voting",
		'voters' => DB::fetchfieldarray($sql)

	// ballot voters
	if ($include_ballot_voters) {
		$sql_ballot = "SELECT * FROM ballot WHERE period=".intval($period->id)." AND approved=TRUE";
		$result_ballot = DB::query($sql_ballot);
		while ( $ballot = DB::fetch_object($result_ballot, "Ballot") ) {
			$sql = "SELECT invite FROM member
				JOIN offlinevoter ON offlinevoter.member = member.id AND offlinevoter.ballot = ".intval($ballot->id);
			$data[$ballot->id] = array(
				'name'    => $ballot->name,
				'ngroup'  => $ballot->ngroup()->name,
				'opening' => timeformat($ballot->opening),
				'closing' => BALLOT_CLOSE_TIME,
				'agents'  => $ballot->agents,
				'voters'  => DB::fetchfieldarray($sql)

	// TODO: For now we don't use the data.

Ejemplo n.º 3
	 * get mail addresses of the recipients
	 * @param array   $members array of member IDs
	 * @param array   $exclude array of member IDs to send no mail
	 * @return array
	private function recipients(array $members, array $exclude) {

		$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT mail FROM member";
		$or = array();

		// specified members
		if ( $members ) {
			$or[] = "member.id IN (".join(",", $members).")";

		// from notification settings
		if ( isset(self::$default_settings['all'][$this->type]) ) { // check if type exists

			$sql .= "
				LEFT JOIN notify        ON        notify.member = member.id
				LEFT JOIN member_ngroup ON member_ngroup.member = member.id
				LEFT JOIN participant   ON   participant.member = member.id
				LEFT JOIN supporter     ON     supporter.member = member.id";

			// members who saved their notification settings
			$where_notify = "
							AND (

			// members with default notification settings
			$where_default = "
							notify.member IS NULL";
			if ( !self::$default_settings['all'][$this->type] ) {
				$where_default .= "
							AND (

			if ($this->period) {
				$where_notify .= "
								OR (notify.interest='ngroups' AND member_ngroup.ngroup=".intval($this->period->ngroup).")";
				if ( !self::$default_settings['all'][$this->type] and self::$default_settings['ngroups'][$this->type] ) {
					$where_default .= "
								OR member_ngroup.ngroup=".intval($this->period->ngroup);

			$areas     = array();
			$proposals = array();
			if ($this->issues) {
				foreach ($this->issues as $issue) {
					/** @var $issue Issue */
					$areas[] = $issue->area;
					foreach ($issue->proposals() as $proposal) {
						$proposals[] = $proposal->id;
			} elseif ($this->issue) {
				$areas[] = $this->issue->area;
				foreach ($this->issue->proposals() as $proposal) {
					$proposals[] = $proposal->id;
			} elseif ($this->proposal) {
				$areas[] = $this->proposal->issue()->area;
				$proposals[] = $this->proposal->id;

			if ($areas) {
				$areas = join(",", array_unique($areas));
				$where_notify .= "
								OR (notify.interest='participant' AND participant.area IN (".$areas."))";
				if ( !self::$default_settings['all'][$this->type] and self::$default_settings['participant'][$this->type] ) {
					$where_default .= "
								OR participant.area IN (".$areas.")";

			if ($proposals) {
				$proposals = join(",", $proposals);
				$where_notify .= "
								OR (notify.interest='supporter' AND supporter.proposal IN (".$proposals."))
								OR (notify.interest='proponent' AND supporter.proposal IN (".$proposals.") AND supporter.proponent_confirmed=TRUE)";
				if ( !self::$default_settings['all'][$this->type] ) {
					if ( self::$default_settings['supporter'][$this->type] ) {
						$where_default .= "
								OR supporter.proposal IN (".$proposals.")";
					if ( self::$default_settings['proponent'][$this->type] ) {
						$where_default .= "
								OR (supporter.proposal IN (".$proposals.") AND supporter.proponent_confirmed=TRUE)";

			$where_notify .= "
			$where_default .= "

			$or[] = "(".$where_notify."
			$or[] = "(".$where_default."


		if (!$or) return array();
		$sql .= "
				WHERE member.mail IS NOT NULL
					AND (
						".join(" OR ", $or)."

		// don't notify a member about his own actions
		if (Login::$member) $exclude[] = intval(Login::$member->id);
		if ($exclude) {
			$sql .= "
					AND member.id NOT IN (".join(", ", $exclude).")";

		return DB::fetchfieldarray($sql);
Ejemplo n.º 4
	 * move the proposal to a different issue
	 * @param integer $new_issue_id
	public function move_to_issue($new_issue_id) {


		if ( !$this->allowed_move_to_issue() ) {
			warning(_("Moving this proposal is not allowed anymore."));

		$options = $this->options_move_to_issue();
		if (!isset($options[$new_issue_id])) {
			warning(_("The selected option is not available."));

		$old_issue = $this->issue();

		if ($new_issue_id) {
			$new_issue = new Issue($new_issue_id);
			if (!$new_issue->id) {
				warning(_("The issue does not exist."));
		} else {
			// create a new empty issue
			$new_issue = new Issue;
			$new_issue->area   = $old_issue->area;
			$new_issue->period = $old_issue->period;
			$new_issue->state  = $old_issue->state;
			// If the old issue reached offline voting, the new issue gets offline voting unseen the number of offline voting demanders.
			$new_issue->votingmode_reached = $old_issue->votingmode_reached;
			$new_issue->debate_started = $old_issue->debate_started;

		$this->issue = $new_issue->id;

		if ( ! $this->update(['issue']) ) {


		// cancel empty issue
		if ( ! $old_issue->proposals() ) $old_issue->cancel();

		// send notification
		$notification = new Notification("proposal_moved");
		$notification->issue_old = $old_issue;
		$notification->issue     = $new_issue;
		$notification->proposal  = $this;
		// votingmode voters of both issues
		$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT member FROM votingmode_token WHERE issue=".intval($old_issue->id)." OR issue=".intval($new_issue->id);
		$recipients = DB::fetchfieldarray($sql);
		// supporters and proponents of the proposal
		$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT member FROM supporter WHERE proposal=".intval($this->id);
		$recipients = array_unique(array_merge($recipients, DB::fetchfieldarray($sql)));

Ejemplo n.º 5
	 * change manual order
	 * needs a database column:
	 *   `manualorder` smallint(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'
	 * column description:
	 *   array("manualorder", _("Order"), "", "manualorder", false)
	 * @param string  $action
	 * @param integer $id      ID of the record to be moved
	 * @param string  $where   (optional) WHERE part of the SQL statement
	 * @param string  $colname (optional) name of the database column to use
	protected function action_manualorder($action, $id, $where="", $colname="manualorder") {

		// renumber records
		$sql = "SELECT ".$this->dbtable.".id FROM ".$this->dbtable." ".$where." ORDER BY ".$this->dbtable.".".DB::ident($colname);
		$renumids = DB::fetchfieldarray($sql);

		$aktindex = array_search($id, $renumids);

		switch ($action) {
		case "movefirst":
			$renumids[$aktindex] = "";     // delete occurrence of the current ID
			array_unshift($renumids, $id); // set the current ID to the beginning of the array
		case "movelast":
			$renumids[$aktindex] = "";     // delete occurrence of the current ID
			$renumids[] = $id;             // set the current ID to the end of the array
		case "moveup":
		case "movedown":

			if ($action=="moveup") $swapindex = $aktindex - 1;
			else                   $swapindex = $aktindex + 1;

			// If the order was changed in between, it could be that there is no record, which could be exchanged with the current one.
			if (!isset($renumids[$swapindex])) return;

			$aktvalue = $id;
			$swapvalue = $renumids[$swapindex];

			$renumids[$swapindex] = $aktvalue;
			$renumids[$aktindex] = $swapvalue;


		$i = -32760;
		foreach ( $renumids as $renumid ) {
			if ($renumid) {
				DB::query("UPDATE ".$this->dbtable." SET ".$colname."=".$i." WHERE id=".$renumid);
