Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Assigns variables to the template engine.
 public function assignVariables()
     // call assignVariables event
     EventHandler::fireAction($this, 'assignVariables');
     // assign variables
     WCF::getTPL()->assign(array('isRegistered' => WCF::getUser()->userID > 0, 'canAddContest' => WCF::getUser()->getPermission('user.contest.canAddContest'), 'availableClasses' => $this->classList ? $this->classList->getObjects() : array(), 'availableJurys' => $this->juryList ? $this->juryList->getObjects() : array(), 'availableParticipants' => $this->participantList ? $this->participantList->getObjects() : array(), 'availableSponsors' => $this->sponsorList ? $this->sponsorList->getObjects() : array(), 'availablePrices' => $this->priceList ? $this->priceList->getObjects() : array(), 'availableTags' => MODULE_TAGGING ? $this->tagList->getObjects() : array(), 'latestEntries' => $this->latestEntryList ? $this->latestEntryList->getObjects() : array(), 'latestSolutions' => $this->latestSolutionList ? $this->latestSolutionList->getObjects() : array(), 'advertiseParticipant' => $this->advertiseParticipant, 'advertiseSponsor' => $this->advertiseSponsor, 'advertiseJury' => $this->advertiseJury));
  * finish the contest
 public function close()
     if (!($this->contest->state == 'scheduled' && $this->contest->untilTime < time())) {
         throw new Exception('contest needs to be scheduled, and time has to be over.');
     // make a jury instance from the contst owner
     $jury = ContestJury::find($this->contest->contestID, $this->contest->userID, $this->contest->groupID);
     if ($jury === null) {
         $jury = ContestJuryEditor::create($this->contest->contestID, $this->contest->userID, $this->contest->groupID, $state = 'accepted');
     $userID = $this->contest->userID;
     if ($userID == 0 && $this->contest->groupID > 0) {
         $sql = "SELECT          userID\n\t\t\t\tFROM            wcf" . WCF_N . "_user_to_groups\n\t\t\t\tWHERE           groupID = " . intval($this->contest->groupID);
         $row = WCF::getDB()->getFirstRow($sql);
         $userID = $row['userID'];
     if (!$userID) {
         throw new Exception('cannot determine a user from which the ratings will be added.');
     $classIDs = array_keys($this->contest->getClasses());
     $ratingoptionIDs = array_keys(ContestRatingoption::getByClassIDs($classIDs));
     if (empty($ratingoptionIDs)) {
         throw new Exception('cannot determine a ratingoption from classes [' . implode(',', $classIDs) . '] needed for contest ratings to be added.');
     // get interactions
     $interactionList = new ContestInteractionList($this->contest);
     $interactionList->sqlLimit = 0;
     $owners = $interactionList->getObjects();
     foreach ($owners as $owner) {
         $this->sum += $owner->c;
     // get prices
     $priceList = new ContestPriceList();
     $priceList->sqlConditions .= 'contest_price.state = "accepted" AND contest_price.contestID = ' . intval($this->contest->contestID);
     $priceList->sqlLimit = 0;
     $score = 5 + $priceList->countObjects();
     foreach ($priceList->getObjects() as $price) {
         // choose a winner
         $owner = $this->chooseWinner($price, $owners);
         // error, there are more prices than participants
         if (!$owner) {
             throw new Exception('there are more prices than participants.');
         $lang = 'wcf.contest.interaction.tickets.solution';
         $message = WCF::getLanguage()->getDynamicVariable($lang, array('tickets' => $owner->c));
         // create pseudo solution
         $solution = ContestSolutionEditor::create($this->contest->contestID, $owner->participantID, $message, $state = 'accepted');
         foreach ($ratingoptionIDs as $ratingOptionID) {
             // create pseudo rating
             $rating = ContestSolutionRatingEditor::create($solution->solutionID, $ratingOptionID, $score, $userID);
         // decrease score
     // close contest state
     * @see Form::assignVariables()
    public function assignVariables()
        if ($this->success) {
            $l = 'wcf.contest.price.' . StringUtil::encodeHTML($this->success) . '.success';
            WCF::getTPL()->append('userMessages', '<p class="success">' . WCF::getLanguage()->get($l) . '</p>');
        // display branding
        require_once WCF_DIR . 'lib/util/ContestUtil.class.php';
        // save price position
        if ($this->entry->isOwner()) {
            require_once WCF_DIR . 'lib/form/ContestPricePositionForm.class.php';
            new ContestPricePositionForm($this->entry);
        // init form
        if ($this->action == 'edit') {
            require_once WCF_DIR . 'lib/form/ContestPriceEditForm.class.php';
            new ContestPriceEditForm($this->entry);
        } else {
            if ($this->entry->isPriceable()) {
                require_once WCF_DIR . 'lib/form/ContestPriceAddForm.class.php';
                new ContestPriceAddForm($this->entry);
        // become sponsor
        if ($this->entry->enableSponsorCheck && !$this->entry->isSponsor() && $this->entry->isSponsorable(false)) {
            WCF::getTPL()->append('additionalContentBecomeSponsor', '<p class="info">' . WCF::getLanguage()->get('wcf.contest.enableSponsorCheck.info') . '</p>');
        // if contest is finished, show todo list
        // who is able to pick the prices
        $isWinner = false;
        if ($this->entry->state == 'closed') {
            // need winners
            require_once WCF_DIR . 'lib/data/contest/solution/ContestSolutionList.class.php';
            $solutionList = new ContestSolutionList();
            $solutionList->sqlConditions .= 'contest_solution.contestID = ' . intval($this->contestID);
            $solutionList->sqlLimit = $this->countItems();
            $winners = array();
            foreach ($solutionList->getObjects() as $solution) {
                $winners[] = $solution->participantID;
                $isWinner = $isWinner || $solution->isOwner();
            if (count($winners)) {
                // init todo list
                require_once WCF_DIR . 'lib/data/contest/price/todo/ContestPriceTodoList.class.php';
                $this->todoList = new ContestPriceTodoList();
                $this->todoList->sqlConditions .= '
					contest_solution.participantID IN (' . implode(',', $winners) . ')
					AND contest_solution.contestID = ' . intval($this->contestID);
                $this->todoList->sqlOrderBy = 'FIND_IN_SET(contest_solution.participantID, \'' . implode(',', $winners) . '\')';
                $this->todoList->sqlLimit = $this->countItems();
        // which price is pickable be the current user NOW?
        $solution = null;
        $didPick = false;
        if ($isWinner) {
            foreach ($this->priceList->getObjects() as $price) {
                if ($price->isPickable()) {
                    $solution = $price->pickableByWinner();
                } else {
                    if ($price->isOwner()) {
                        $didPick = true;
        } else {
            if ($this->entry->state == 'scheduled' && $this->entry->untilTime > TIME_NOW) {
                WCF::getTPL()->append('userMessages', '<p class="info">' . WCF::getLanguage()->get('wcf.contest.price.closed.info') . '</p>');
            } else {
                if ($this->entry->enablePricechoice) {
                    WCF::getTPL()->append('userMessages', '<p class="info">' . WCF::getLanguage()->get('wcf.contest.price.pick.info') . '</p>');
        WCF::getTPL()->assign(array('entry' => $this->entry, 'isSponsor' => $this->isSponsor, 'contestID' => $this->contestID, 'userID' => $this->entry->userID, 'solution' => $solution, 'isWinner' => $isWinner, 'didPick' => $didPick, 'prices' => $this->priceList->getObjects(), 'todos' => $this->todoList ? $this->todoList->getObjects() : array(), 'templateName' => $this->templateName, 'allowSpidersToIndexThisPage' => true, 'contestmenu' => ContestMenu::getInstance()));
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * when winners are not allowed to take the prices on their own, this is done automatically
 public function updatePricechoices()
     require_once WCF_DIR . 'lib/data/contest/solution/ContestSolution.class.php';
     // check if there are already solutions with prices
     $solutionIDs = array();
     foreach (ContestSolution::getWinners($this->contestID) as $solution) {
         if ($solution->hasPrice()) {
         $solutionIDs[] = $solution->solutionID;
     require_once WCF_DIR . 'lib/data/contest/price/ContestPriceList.class.php';
     $priceList = new ContestPriceList();
     $priceList->sqlConditions .= 'contest_price.state = "accepted" AND contest_price.contestID = ' . intval($this->contestID);
     $priceList->sqlLimit = count($solutionIDs);
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($priceList->getObjects() as $price) {
         $price->getEditor()->pick($solutionIDs[$i], $i + 1);