Ejemplo n.º 1
  * @param string $path
  * @return string
  * @throws RouterException
 private function resolvePath(string $path) : string
     // Filter path
     $pathKey = $this->filterPath($path);
     // Check in predefined routes
     foreach ($this->routes as $route => $controller) {
         if (preg_match(sprintf("~^%s\$~", $route), $pathKey)) {
             // Match found
             return $controller;
     // Make sure default controllers base directory path is set
     if (!$this->controllersPath) {
         throw RouterException::controllersPathNull();
     // Dynamically convert path to class name
     $pathIndex = -1;
     $controllerClass = array_map(function ($piece) use(&$pathIndex) : string {
         if ($piece && !in_array($pathIndex, $this->ignorePathIndexes)) {
             return \Comely::pascalCase($piece);
         return "";
     }, explode("/", trim(Strings::filter(strtolower($path), "an", false, "/_"), "/")));
     $controllerClass = trim(implode("\\", $controllerClass), "\\");
     $controllerClass = preg_replace("/\\\\{2,}/", "\\", $controllerClass);
     // Join PascalCased class name with default namespace preset
     $controllerClass = $this->controllersNamespace . $controllerClass;
     // Return name of class
     return $controllerClass;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Resolves a variable and applies modifiers
  * @param string $input
  * @return string
 private function resolveVariable(string $input) : string
     // Split
     $modifiers = explode("|", trim($input));
     $var = $modifiers[0];
     // Resolve var
     if (!preg_match('/^\\$[a-z\\_][a-z0-9\\_\\.]+$/i', $var)) {
         $this->throwException('Bad variable syntax');
     // Explode var into pieces (Array)
     $pieces = explode(".", $var);
     $var = $pieces[0];
     // Check if its reserved variable (i.e. being used by foreach/count clause)
     if (!$this->reserved->has($var)) {
         // Load from assigned data
         $var = sprintf('$this->data["%s"]', strtolower(substr($var, 1)));
     // Assemble pieces array style
     foreach ($pieces as $piece) {
         $var .= sprintf('["%s"]', $piece);
     // Apply modifiers
     foreach ($modifiers as $modifier) {
         preg_match_all("~'[^']++'|\\([^)]++\\)|[^:]++~", $modifier, $modifier);
         $modifier = $modifier[0];
         $opts = $modifier;
         $modifier = $modifier[0];
         // Check modifier args
         $opts = array_values($opts);
         $optsCount = count($opts);
         for ($i = 0; $i < $optsCount; $i++) {
             if (preg_match('/^\\$[a-z\\_][a-z0-9\\_\\.]+$/i', $opts[$i])) {
                 // Variable
                 $opts[$i] = $this->resolveVariable($opts[$i]);
             } elseif (preg_match('/^[0-9][\\.0-9]*$/', $opts[$i])) {
                 // Integer or float
                 $cast = strpos($opts[$i], ".") ? "floatval" : "intval";
                 $opts[$i] = call_user_func($cast, $opts[$i]);
             } elseif (in_array(strtolower($opts[$i]), ["true", "false"])) {
                 // Boolean
                 $opts[$i] = boolval($opts[$i]);
             } elseif (strtolower($opts[$i]) === "null") {
                 // NULL
                 $opts[$i] = null;
             } else {
                 // String
                 $opts[$i] = str_replace(["'", '""'], "", $opts[$i]);
                 // Remove quotes
         try {
             $modifierInstance = $this->modifiers->pull($modifier, function ($repo, $key) {
                 // Modifier not instantiated yet
                 $modifierClass = sprintf('Comely\\Knit\\Modifiers\\%s', \Comely::pascalCase($key));
                 if (!class_exists($modifierClass)) {
                     $this->throwException(sprintf("Modifier '%s' not found", $key));
                 $modifier = new $modifierClass();
                 $repo->push($modifier, $key);
                 return $modifier;
             $var = call_user_func_array([$modifierInstance, "apply"], [$var, $opts]);
         } catch (\Throwable $e) {
             $this->throwException(sprintf("Modifier '%s' %s", $modifier, $e->getMessage()));
     return $var;