Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Returns all the rows in the given offset and rowCount.
  * @param string $action
  *   The action being performed.
  * @param int $offset
  *   The row number to start from.
  * @param int $rowCount
  *   The number of rows to return.
  * @param string $sort
  *   The sql string that describes the sort order.
  * @param string $output
  *   What should the result set include (web/email/csv).
  * @return array
  *   rows in the given offset and rowCount
 public function &getRows($action, $offset, $rowCount, $sort, $output = NULL)
     $result = $this->_query->searchQuery($offset, $rowCount, $sort, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, $this->_eventClause);
     // process the result of the query
     $rows = array();
     //lets handle view, edit and delete separately. CRM-4418
     $permissions = array(CRM_Core_Permission::VIEW);
     if (CRM_Core_Permission::check('edit event participants')) {
         $permissions[] = CRM_Core_Permission::EDIT;
     if (CRM_Core_Permission::check('delete in CiviEvent')) {
         $permissions[] = CRM_Core_Permission::DELETE;
     $mask = CRM_Core_Action::mask($permissions);
     $statusTypes = CRM_Event_PseudoConstant::participantStatus();
     $statusClasses = CRM_Event_PseudoConstant::participantStatusClass();
     $participantRoles = CRM_Event_PseudoConstant::participantRole();
     $sep = CRM_Core_DAO::VALUE_SEPARATOR;
     //get all campaigns.
     $allCampaigns = CRM_Campaign_BAO_Campaign::getCampaigns(NULL, NULL, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE);
     while ($result->fetch()) {
         $row = array();
         // the columns we are interested in
         foreach (self::$_properties as $property) {
             if (isset($result->{$property})) {
                 $row[$property] = $result->{$property};
         //carry campaign on selectors.
         $row['campaign'] = CRM_Utils_Array::value($result->participant_campaign_id, $allCampaigns);
         $row['campaign_id'] = $result->participant_campaign_id;
         // gross hack to show extra information for pending status
         $statusClass = NULL;
         if (isset($row['participant_status_id']) && ($statusId = array_search($row['participant_status_id'], $statusTypes))) {
             $statusClass = $statusClasses[$statusId];
         $row['showConfirmUrl'] = $statusClass == 'Pending' ? TRUE : FALSE;
         if (!empty($row['participant_is_test'])) {
             $row['participant_status'] .= ' (' . ts('test') . ')';
         $row['checkbox'] = CRM_Core_Form::CB_PREFIX . $result->participant_id;
         $links = self::links($this->_key, $this->_context, $this->_compContext);
         if ($statusTypes[$row['participant_status_id']] == 'Partially paid') {
             $links[CRM_Core_Action::ADD] = array('name' => ts('Record Payment'), 'url' => 'civicrm/payment', 'qs' => 'reset=1&id=%%id%%&cid=%%cid%%&action=add&component=event', 'title' => ts('Record Payment'));
         if ($statusTypes[$row['participant_status_id']] == 'Pending refund') {
             $links[CRM_Core_Action::ADD] = array('name' => ts('Record Refund'), 'url' => 'civicrm/payment', 'qs' => 'reset=1&id=%%id%%&cid=%%cid%%&action=add&component=event', 'title' => ts('Record Refund'));
         $row['action'] = CRM_Core_Action::formLink($links, $mask, array('id' => $result->participant_id, 'cid' => $result->contact_id, 'cxt' => $this->_context), ts('more'), FALSE, 'participant.selector.row', 'Participant', $result->participant_id);
         $row['contact_type'] = CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact_Utils::getImage($result->contact_sub_type ? $result->contact_sub_type : $result->contact_type, FALSE, $result->contact_id);
         $row['paid'] = CRM_Event_BAO_Event::isMonetary($row['event_id']);
         if (!empty($row['participant_fee_level'])) {
         if (CRM_Event_BAO_Event::usesPriceSet($row['event_id'])) {
             // add line item details if applicable
             $lineItems[$row['participant_id']] = CRM_Price_BAO_LineItem::getLineItems($row['participant_id']);
         if (!empty($row['participant_role_id'])) {
             $viewRoles = array();
             foreach (explode($sep, $row['participant_role_id']) as $k => $v) {
                 $viewRoles[] = $participantRoles[$v];
             $row['participant_role_id'] = implode(', ', $viewRoles);
         $rows[] = $row;
     CRM_Core_Selector_Controller::$_template->assign_by_ref('lineItems', $lineItems);
     return $rows;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * returns all the rows in the given offset and rowCount
  * @param enum   $action   the action being performed
  * @param int    $offset   the row number to start from
  * @param int    $rowCount the number of rows to return
  * @param string $sort     the sql string that describes the sort order
  * @param enum   $output   what should the result set include (web/email/csv)
  * @return array  rows in the given offset and rowCount
 function &getRows($action, $offset, $rowCount, $sort, $output = null)
     $result = $this->_query->searchQuery($offset, $rowCount, $sort, false, false, false, false, false, $this->_eventClause);
     // process the result of the query
     $rows = array();
     //lets handle view, edit and delete separately. CRM-4418
     $permissions = array(CRM_Core_Permission::VIEW);
     if (CRM_Core_Permission::check('edit event participants')) {
         $permissions[] = CRM_Core_Permission::EDIT;
     if (CRM_Core_Permission::check('delete in CiviEvent')) {
         $permissions[] = CRM_Core_Permission::DELETE;
     $mask = CRM_Core_Action::mask($permissions);
     require_once 'CRM/Event/BAO/Event.php';
     require_once 'CRM/Event/PseudoConstant.php';
     $statusTypes = CRM_Event_PseudoConstant::participantStatus();
     $statusClasses = CRM_Event_PseudoConstant::participantStatusClass();
     while ($result->fetch()) {
         $row = array();
         // the columns we are interested in
         foreach (self::$_properties as $property) {
             if (isset($result->{$property})) {
                 $row[$property] = $result->{$property};
         // gross hack to show extra information for pending status
         $statusClass = null;
         if ($statusId = array_search($row['participant_status_id'], $statusTypes)) {
             $statusClass = $statusClasses[$statusId];
         $extraInfo = array();
         $row['showConfirmUrl'] = false;
         if ($statusClass == 'Pending') {
             $row['showConfirmUrl'] = true;
         if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('participant_is_test', $row)) {
             $extraInfo[] = ts('test');
         if ($extraInfo) {
             $row['participant_status_id'] .= ' (' . implode(', ', $extraInfo) . ')';
         $row['checkbox'] = CRM_Core_Form::CB_PREFIX . $result->participant_id;
         $row['action'] = CRM_Core_Action::formLink(self::links(), $mask, array('id' => $result->participant_id, 'cid' => $result->contact_id, 'cxt' => $this->_context));
         require_once 'CRM/Contact/BAO/Contact/Utils.php';
         $row['contact_type'] = CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact_Utils::getImage($result->contact_sub_type ? $result->contact_sub_type : $result->contact_type);
         $row['paid'] = CRM_Event_BAO_Event::isMonetary($row['event_id']);
         if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('participant_fee_level', $row)) {
         if (CRM_Event_BAO_Event::usesPriceSet($row['event_id'])) {
             // add line item details if applicable
             require_once 'CRM/Price/BAO/LineItem.php';
             $lineItems[$row['participant_id']] = CRM_Price_BAO_LineItem::getLineItems($row['participant_id']);
         $rows[] = $row;
     CRM_Core_Selector_Controller::$_template->assign_by_ref('lineItems', $lineItems);
     return $rows;