Ejemplo n.º 1
function buildListMaint()
    	Find errors in the database:
    1. Lines missing listId, charId, and/or cId.
    2. Folders or lists with more than one owner or no owner.
    3. Verify that all users of lists inside folders have a folderRoleId.
    4. Verify that all users of lists inside folders have a userSiteSettings.
    global $debug, $message, $success, $Dbc, $returnThis;
    $output = '';
    try {
        //Check for lines missing listId, charId, and/or cId.
        $badLinesCountStmt = $Dbc->query("SELECT\n\tCOUNT(*) AS 'count'\nFROM\n\tlinesTable\nWHERE\n\tlistId = '' OR\n\tlistId IS NULL OR\n\tcharId = '' OR\n\tcharId IS NULL OR\n\tcId = '' OR\n\tcId IS NULL");
        $badLinesCount = $badLinesCountStmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
        $badLinesCount = $badLinesCount['count'];
        $badLinesPagination = new Adrlist_Pagination('buildListMaint', 'badLines', $badLinesCount);
        list($offset, $limit) = $badLinesPagination->offsetLimit();
        $checkLinesStmt = $Dbc->query("SELECT\n\tlinesTable.lineId AS 'lineId',\n\tlinesTable.listId AS 'listId',\n\tlists.listName AS 'listName',\n\tlinesTable.charId AS 'charId',\n\tlinesTable.cId AS 'cId',\n\tlinesTable.line AS 'line'\nFROM\n\tlinesTable\nLEFT JOIN\n\tlists ON lists.listId = linesTable.listId\nWHERE\n\tlinesTable.listId = '' OR\n\tlinesTable.listId IS NULL OR\n\tlinesTable.charId = '' OR\n\tlinesTable.charId IS NULL OR\n\tlinesTable.cId = '' OR\n\tlinesTable.cId IS NULL\nLIMIT {$offset}, {$limit}");
        $badLines = array();
        $foundBadLines = false;
        while ($row = $checkLinesStmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
            $badLines[] = $row;
            $foundBadLines = true;
        //Verify all lists have one owner.
        $multipleListOwnersCountStmt = $Dbc->query("SELECT\n\tCOUNT(*) AS 'count'\nFROM\n\tlists\nJOIN\n\t(userListSettings JOIN users ON userListSettings.userId = users.userId) ON lists.listId = userListSettings.listId AND\n\tuserListSettings.listRoleId = 4 AND\n\tlists.listId IN (SELECT listId FROM userListSettings WHERE listRoleId = 4 GROUP BY listId HAVING COUNT(userId)>1)");
        $multipleListOwnersCount = $multipleListOwnersCountStmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
        $multipleListOwnersCount = $multipleListOwnersCount['count'];
        $mulitpleListOwnersPagination = new Adrlist_Pagination('buildListMaint', 'multipleListOwners', $multipleListOwnersCount);
        list($offset, $limit) = $mulitpleListOwnersPagination->offsetLimit();
        $multipleListOwnersStmt = $Dbc->query("SELECT\n\tlists.listId AS 'listId',\n\tlists.listName AS 'listName',\n\tlists.cId AS 'cId',\n\tusers.userId AS 'userId',\n\tprimaryEmail AS 'primaryEmail',\n\tCONCAT_WS(' ', users.firstName, users.lastName) AS 'userName'\nFROM\n\tlists\nJOIN\n\t(userListSettings JOIN users ON userListSettings.userId = users.userId) ON lists.listId = userListSettings.listId AND\n\tuserListSettings.listRoleId = 4 AND\n\tlists.listId IN (SELECT listId FROM userListSettings WHERE listRoleId = 4 GROUP BY listId HAVING COUNT(userId)>1)\nORDER BY\n\tlists.listId ASC\nLIMIT {$offset}, {$limit}");
        $listOwners = array();
        $foundMultipleListOwners = false;
        while ($row = $multipleListOwnersStmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
            $multipleListOwners[] = $row;
            $foundMultipleListOwners = true;
        if ($foundBadLines) {
            $badLinesTitleArray = array(array('lineId'), array('listId'), array('List Name'), array('charId'), array('cId'), array('line'));
            $buildBadLines = new Adrlist_BuildRows('badLines', $badLinesTitleArray, $badLines);
            $badLinesOutput = $badLinesPagination->output() . $buildBadLines->output();
        } else {
            $badLinesOutput = '<div class="break textCenter">
	All lines are good.
        if ($foundMultipleListOwners) {
            $multipleListOwnersTitleArray = array(array('listId'), array('List Name'), array('cId'), array('userId'), array('Email'), array('Name'));
            $multipleListOwnersBuildRows = new Adrlist_BuildRows('multipleOwners', $multipleListOwnersTitleArray, $multipleListOwners);
            $multipleOwnersOuput = $mulitpleListOwnersPagination->output() . $multipleListOwnersBuildRows->output();
        } else {
            $multipleOwnersOuput = '<div class="break textCenter">
	All lists have proper ownership.
        //Build the output.
        $output .= '<div class="bold textCenter textLarge">Bad Lines</div>
	' . $badLinesOutput . '
<div class="break" style="margin-top:2em">
	<div class="bold textCenter textLarge">Multiple List Owners</div>
	' . $multipleOwnersOuput . '
        if (MODE == 'buildListMaint') {
            $success = true;
            $returnThis['holder'] = 'listMaintHolder';
            $returnThis['output'] = $output;
    } catch (PDOException $e) {
        error(__LINE__, '', '<pre>' . $e . '</pre>');
    if (MODE == 'buildListMaint') {
    } else {
        return $output;
Ejemplo n.º 2
function buildAmazonBilling()
    global $debug, $message, $success, $Dbc, $returnThis;
    $output = '';
    try {
        //See if the user has an account.
        $accountCheckCountStmt = "SELECT\n\tCOUNT(*) AS 'count'\nFROM\n\tbillingOffers\nJOIN\n\tuserBilling ON userBilling.billingOfferId = billingOffers.billingOfferId\nJOIN\n\tusers ON users.userId = userBilling.userId\nWHERE\n\tbillingOffers.renewable = 1";
        $accountCheckStmt = "SELECT\n\tuserBilling.userId AS 'userId',\n\t(SELECT CONCAT_WS(' ', users.firstName, users.lastName)) as 'userName',\n\tbillingOffers.billingOfferId AS 'billingOfferId',\n\tbillingOffers.offerName AS 'planName',\n\tbillingOffers.period AS 'period',\n\tuserBilling.dateAdded AS 'dateAdded'\nFROM\n\tbillingOffers\nJOIN\n\tuserBilling ON userBilling.billingOfferId = billingOffers.billingOfferId\nJOIN\n\tusers ON users.userId = userBilling.userId\nWHERE\n\tbillingOffers.renewable = 1";
        if (empty($_POST['searchVal'])) {
            $search = false;
            $accountCheckParams = array();
            $accountCheckCountStmt = $Dbc->prepare($accountCheckCountStmt);
        } else {
            $search = true;
            $searchVal = '%' . trim($_POST['searchVal']) . '%';
            $debug->add('$searchval: ' . $searchVal);
            $endStmt = " AND\n\t(users.firstName LIKE ? || users.lastName LIKE ? || billingOffers.offerName LIKE ?)\n";
            $accountCheckStmt .= $endStmt;
            $accountCheckParams = array($searchVal, $searchVal, $searchVal);
            $accountCheckCountStmt = $Dbc->prepare($accountCheckCountStmt . $endStmt);
        $count = $accountCheckCountStmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
        $itemCount = $count['count'];
        $pagination = new Adrlist_Pagination('buildAmazonBilling', 'buildAmazonBilling', $itemCount, 'Search Billing', $search);
        list($offset, $limit) = $pagination->offsetLimit();
        $accountCheckStmt .= "\nLIMIT {$offset}, {$limit}";
        $accountCheckStmt = $Dbc->prepare($accountCheckStmt);
        $userPlans = array();
        $foundRows = false;
        while ($row = $accountCheckStmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
            $foundRows = true;
            //Add the question to the user's support section.
            if ($row['period'] == 'month') {
                $date = Adrlist_Time::addToDate($row['dateAdded'], $row['period'], 1);
                $row[] = $date = $date->format('Y-m-d');
            } elseif ($row['period'] == 'year') {
                $date = Adrlist_Time::addToDate($row['dateAdded'], $row['period'], 1);
                $row[] = $date = $date->format('Y-m-d');
            $userPlans[] = $row;
        $cssWidths = array(3, 20, 10, 20, 5, 20, 20);
        $titleRowArray = array('userId', 'User', 'billingOfferId', 'Plan Name', 'Period', 'Date Added', 'Next Billing Date');
        $buildRows = new Adrlist_BuildRows($titleRowArray, $userPlans, $cssWidths);
        $output .= '<div>
	<input type="text" style="width:20em" id="billingDate"> Date <span class="buttonBlueThin" id="addMonth">Add a Month</span> <input type="text" id="dateDestination">
</div>' . $pagination->output();
        $output .= $foundRows ? $buildRows->output() : '<div class="textCenter" style="margin:1em">No records were found.</div>';
        if (MODE == 'buildAmazonBilling') {
            $success = true;
            $returnThis['holder'] = 'amazonBillingHolder';
            $returnThis['output'] = $output;
    } catch (PDOException $e) {
        error(__LINE__, '', '<pre>' . $e . '</pre>');
    if (MODE == 'buildAmazonBilling') {
    } else {
        return $output;
Ejemplo n.º 3
function buildFaqs()
    //This gets FAQs with and without searching.
    global $debug, $message, $success, $Dbc, $returnThis;
    $output = '';
    try {
        $faqQuery = "SELECT\n\tfaqs.faqId AS 'faqId',\n\tfaqs.q AS 'q',\n\tfaqs.a AS 'a',\n\tfaqTopics.topicId AS 'topicId',\n\tfaqTopics.topic AS 'topic'\nFROM\n\tfaqs\nJOIN\n\tfaqTopics ON faqTopics.topicId = faqs.topicId AND\n\tfaqs.hidden = '0'\n";
        if (empty($_POST['searchVal'])) {
            $search = false;
            $stmt = $Dbc->query($faqQuery . "\nORDER BY\n\tfaqTopics.topic");
            $faqCountStmt = $Dbc->query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'count' FROM faqs WHERE hidden = 0");
        } else {
            $search = true;
            $searchVal = '%' . trim($_POST['searchVal']) . '%';
            $faqSearchQuery = "\n AND (faqTopics.topic LIKE ? || faqs.q LIKE ? || faqs.a LIKE ?)\nGROUP BY\n\tfaqs.faqId";
            $stmt = $Dbc->prepare($faqQuery . $faqSearchQuery);
            $stmt->execute(array($searchVal, $searchVal, $searchVal));
            $faqCountStmt = $Dbc->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'count' FROM faqs JOIN\n\tfaqTopics ON faqTopics.topicId = faqs.topicId AND\n\tfaqs.hidden = '0'" . $faqSearchQuery);
            $faqCountStmt->execute(array($searchVal, $searchVal, $searchVal));
        $row = $faqCountStmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
        $itemCount = empty($row['count']) ? 0 : $row['count'];
        $debug->add('$itemCount: ' . $itemCount);
        $success = true;
        $lastTopic = '';
        $topicNumber = 0;
        $foundRows = false;
        $rowsArray = array();
        while ($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
            $foundRows = true;
            $question = convertFaqLink($row['q']);
            $answer = convertFaqLink($row['a']);
            $currentTopic = $row['topic'];
            if ($currentTopic != $lastTopic) {
                $lastTopic = $currentTopic;
            $rowsArray[$currentTopic][] = array('<div class="faq hand" faqid="' . $row['faqId'] . '">
	<div class="faqQuestion" id="faq' . $row['faqId'] . '" toggle="faqAnswer' . $row['faqId'] . '">' . nl2br($question, 1) . ' <span class="faqId">FAQ #' . $row['faqId'] . '</span></div>
	<div class="faqAnswer textLeft" id="faqAnswer' . $row['faqId'] . '">' . nl2br($answer, 1) . '</div>
        $cssWidths = array('100%');
        $temp = $search ? '<div class="red textCenter">Results for "' . $_POST['searchVal'] . '"</div>' : '';
        foreach ($rowsArray as $key => $value) {
            $temp .= '<div class="sectionTitle textCenter">' . $key . '</div>
            $faqRows = new Adrlist_BuildRows('faqs', '', $value, false);
            $temp .= $faqRows->output();
        $pagination = new Adrlist_Pagination('buildFaqs', 'buildFaqs', $itemCount, 'Search FAQs', $search);
        $output .= '<div class="textCenter">
	Click on a topic to view FAQs
	<div class="break" style="margin:1em">
		<button class="ui-btn ui-btn-inline ui-btn-a ui-shadow ui-corner-all" id="faqHideAll" data-role="false">Hide All</button><button class="ui-btn ui-btn-inline ui-btn-a ui-shadow ui-corner-all" id="faqShowAll" data-role="false">Show All</button>
' . $pagination->output() . $temp;
        if (empty($foundRows)) {
            pdoError(__LINE__, $stmt, $params = false, true);
            if ($search) {
                $output .= '<div class="red textCenter" style="margin:1em">There were no matches for ' . $_POST['searchVal'] . '.</div>';
            } else {
                $output .= '<div class="break" style="padding:5px 0px 10px 0px;">
There are no faqs to show.
                //		<span class="buttonBlueThin" id="faqHideAll">Hide All</span><span class="buttonBlueThin" id="faqShowAll">Show All</button>
        $returnThis['holder'] = 'buildFaqsHolder';
        $returnThis['output'] = $output;
        $returnThis['buildFaqs'] = $output;
    } catch (PDOException $e) {
        error(__LINE__, '', '<pre>' . $e . '</pre>');
    if (MODE == 'buildFaqs') {
    } else {
        return $output;
Ejemplo n.º 4
function buildBillingHistory()
    //Build the billing history.
    global $debug, $message, $success, $Dbc, $returnThis;
    $output = '';
    try {
        $billingHistoryCount = "SELECT\n\tCOUNT(*) AS 'count'\nFROM\n\tuserBillingActions\nJOIN\n\tbillingOffers ON billingOffers.billingOfferId = userBillingActions.billingOfferId\nLEFT JOIN\n\tamazonCBUIResponses ON (amazonCBUIResponses.callerReference = userBillingActions.userBillingActionId OR\n\tamazonCBUIResponses.userBillingActionId = userBillingActions.userBillingActionId)\nLEFT JOIN\n\tamazonIPNListener ON (amazonIPNListener.callerReference = amazonCBUIResponses.callerReference OR\n\tamazonIPNListener.userBillingActionId = userBillingActions.userBillingActionId)\nWHERE\n\tuserBillingActions.userId = ?\n";
        //Get transactions from userBillingActions.
        $billingHistoryStmt = "SELECT\n\tbillingOffers.offerName AS 'offerName',\n\tbillingOffers.offerLength AS 'length',\n\tbillingOffers.period AS 'period',\n\tbillingOffers.price AS 'price',\n\tbillingOffers.credits AS 'credits',\n\tbillingOffers.terms AS 'terms',\n\tamazonCBUIResponses.aDatetime AS 'responsesDatetime',\n\tamazonIPNListener.aDatetime AS 'listenerDatetime',\n\tamazonIPNListener.operation AS 'operation',\n\tamazonIPNListener.parentTransactionId AS 'parentTransactionId',\n\tamazonIPNListener.transactionAmount AS 'transactionAmount',\n\tamazonIPNListener.transactionId AS 'transactionId',\n\tamazonIPNListener.transactionStatus AS 'transactionStatus',\n\tamazonCBUIResponses.tokenId AS 'tokenId',\n\tuserBillingActions.billingDatetime AS 'datetime',\n\tuserBillingActions.userBillingActionId AS 'userBillingActionId',\n\tuserBillingActions.billingActionId AS 'billingActionId'\nFROM\n\tuserBillingActions\nJOIN\n\tbillingOffers ON billingOffers.billingOfferId = userBillingActions.billingOfferId\nLEFT JOIN\n\tamazonCBUIResponses ON (amazonCBUIResponses.callerReference = userBillingActions.userBillingActionId OR\n\tamazonCBUIResponses.userBillingActionId = userBillingActions.userBillingActionId)\nLEFT JOIN\n\tamazonIPNListener ON (amazonIPNListener.callerReference = amazonCBUIResponses.callerReference OR\n\tamazonIPNListener.userBillingActionId = userBillingActions.userBillingActionId)\nWHERE\n\tuserBillingActions.userId = ?\n";
        if (empty($_POST['searchVal'])) {
            $search = false;
            $billingHistoryStmt .= "\nGROUP BY\n\tuserBillingActions.userBillingActionId\nORDER BY\n\tuserBillingActions.userBillingActionId, userBillingActions.billingDatetime, amazonIPNListener.aDatetime, amazonIPNListener.microtime,amazonCBUIResponses.aDatetime";
            $billingHistoryParams = array($_SESSION['userId']);
            $billingHistoryCount = $Dbc->prepare($billingHistoryCount);
        } else {
            $search = true;
            $searchVal = '%' . trim($_POST['searchVal']) . '%';
            $debug->add('$searchval: ' . $searchVal);
            $endStmt = " AND\n\t(billingActions.billingAction LIKE ? || billingOffers.offerName LIKE ?)\nGROUP BY\n\tuserBillingActions.userBillingActionId\nORDER BY\n\tuserBillingActions.userBillingActionId, userBillingActions.billingDatetime, amazonIPNListener.aDatetime, amazonIPNListener.microtime,amazonCBUIResponses.aDatetime";
            $billingHistoryStmt .= $endStmt;
            $billingHistoryParams = array($_SESSION['userId'], $searchVal, $searchVal, $searchVal);
            $billingHistoryCount = $Dbc->prepare($billingHistoryCount . $endStmt);
        $count = $billingHistoryCount->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
        $itemCount = $count['count'];
        $pagination = new Adrlist_Pagination('buildBillingHistory', 'buildBillingHistory', $itemCount, 'Search History', $search);
        list($offset, $limit) = $pagination->offsetLimit();
        $billingHistoryStmt = $Dbc->prepare($billingHistoryStmt . "\nLIMIT {$offset}, {$limit}");
        $foundRows = false;
        $rowArray = array();
        $termsArray = array();
        $billingActions = Adrlist_Billing::getBillingActions();
        $nestedTransactions = array();
        while ($row = $billingHistoryStmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
            $transactionId = $row['parentTransactionId'] ? $row['parentTransactionId'] : $row['transactionId'];
            $transactionAmount = $row['transactionAmount'] ? $row['transactionAmount'] : 'USD ' . $row['price'];
            //Use the payment authorization request (billingActionId = 1) as the main transaction. All other transactions will be referenced by transactionId or parentTransactionId.
            if ($row['billingActionId'] == 1) {
                $rowArray[$transactionId] = array($row['userBillingActionId'], $row['offerName'], $row['length'] . ' ' . $row['period'], $transactionAmount, $row['credits'], Adrlist_Time::utcToLocal($row['datetime']), '<button class="ui-btn ui-icon-carat-r ui-btn-icon-right ui-btn-inline ui-corner-all ui-mini" toggle="BillingHistoryNested' . $transactionId . '">View Transactions</button>');
                $foundRows = true;
            } else {
                //This is for nested, related transactions that are not a payment authorization request.
                if ($row['billingActionId'] == 1) {
                    $date = $row['datetime'];
                } elseif ($row['billingActionId'] == 2) {
                    //An amazonCBUIResponse date.
                    $date = $row['responsesDatetime'];
                } elseif ($row['billingActionId'] == 3 || $row['billingActionId'] == 4 || $row['billingActionId'] == 5 || $row['billingActionId'] == 6) {
                    //An amazonIPNListener date.
                    $date = $row['listenerDatetime'];
                } else {
                    $date = $row['datetime'];
                //Build the nested transactions.
                $termsArray[$transactionId] = '<div class="textLeft">' . nl2br($row['terms']) . '</div>';
                $nestedTransactions[$transactionId][] = array(Adrlist_Time::utcToLocal($date), $billingActions[$row['billingActionId']], $transactionAmount);
        $output .= '<div class="bold textLarge">Billing History</div>';
        if ($foundRows) {
            $nestedTransactionsTitleRowArray = array(array('Date', 15), array('Billing Action', 30), array('Transaction Amount', 15));
            $debug->printArray($nestedTransactions, '$nestedTransactions');
            $hiddenRows = array();
            foreach ($nestedTransactions as $transactionId => $value) {
                $buildNestedRows = new Adrlist_BuildRows('nothing' . $transactionId, $nestedTransactionsTitleRowArray, $value);
                $hiddenRows[$transactionId] = array('BillingHistoryNested' . $transactionId, '<div>' . $buildNestedRows->output() . '</div>' . '<h2>Terms</h2>' . $termsArray[$transactionId]);
            $debug->printArray($hiddenRows, '$hiddenRows');
            $rowArray = array_reverse($rowArray);
            $debug->printArray($rowArray, '$rowArray');
            $titleArray = array(array('Billing ID', 6), array('Offer Name', 10), array('Period', 8), array('Price', 8), array('Credits', 8), array('Purchase Date', 16), array('Transaction Details', 15));
            $buildLists = new Adrlist_BuildRows('BillingHistory', $titleArray, $rowArray);
            $output .= $pagination->output() . $buildLists->output();
            //$titleRowArray = array('Billing ID','Offer Name','Period','Price','Credits','Date','Terms','Transactions');
            //$cssWidths = array(6,10,8,8,8,15,15,15);
        } else {
            $output .= 'There is no billing history for this account.';
        if (MODE == 'buildBillingHistory') {
            $success = true;
            $returnThis['output'] = $output;
    } catch (Adrlist_CustomException $e) {
    } catch (PDOException $e) {
        error(__LINE__, '', '<pre>' . $e . '</pre>');
    if (MODE == 'buildBillingHistory') {
        $success = true;
    } else {
        return $output;
Ejemplo n.º 5
function buildListUsers()
    //Build the users of the selected list.
    global $debug, $message, $success, $Dbc, $returnThis;
    $output = '';
    try {
        if (empty($_POST['listId'])) {
            throw new Adrlist_CustomException('', '$_POST[\'listId\'] is empty.');
        } elseif (!is_numeric($_POST['listId'])) {
            throw new Adrlist_CustomException('', '$_POST[\'listId\'] is not numeric.');
        //Get the user's list role.
        $listInfo = getListInfo($_SESSION['userId'], $_POST['listId']);
        if ($listInfo === false || $listInfo['listRoleId'] < 3) {
            //The user must be a Manager (3) or higher to view list users.
            throw new Adrlist_CustomException("Your role does not allow you to edit this list.", '');
        //Select the existing users.
        $listUsersCountStmt = "SELECT\n\tCOUNT(users.userId) AS 'count'\nFROM\n\tusers\nJOIN\n\tuserListSettings ON userListSettings.userId = users.userId AND\n\tuserListSettings.listId = ?\nWHERE\n\tusers.userId != ?";
        $listUsersStmt = "SELECT\n\tusers.userId AS 'userId',\n\tCONCAT_WS(' ',users.firstName,users.lastName) AS 'name',\n\tusers.primaryEmail AS 'primaryEmail',\n\tuserListSettings.listRoleId AS 'listRoleId',\n\tuserListSettings.dateAdded AS 'dateAdded'\nFROM\n\tusers\nJOIN\n\tuserListSettings ON userListSettings.userId = users.userId AND\n\tuserListSettings.listId = ?\nWHERE\n\tusers.userId != ?";
        /*GROUP BY
        $listUsersEndStmt = "\nORDER BY\n\tCONCAT_WS(' ',users.firstName,users.lastName), users.primaryEmail";
        //Select the users with pending invitations.
        $pendingUsersCountStmt = "SELECT\n\tCOUNT(email) AS 'count'\nFROM\n\tinvitations\nWHERE\n\tlistId = ? AND\n\trespondDate IS NULL AND\n\temail NOT IN (SELECT users.primaryEmail FROM users)";
        $pendingUsersStmt = "SELECT\n\tinvitationId AS 'invitationId',\n\temail AS 'email',\n\tlistRoleId AS 'listRoleId',\n\tsentDate AS 'sentDate',\n\tsenderId AS 'senderId'\nFROM\n\tinvitations\nWHERE\n\tlistId = ? AND\n\trespondDate IS NULL AND\n\temail NOT IN (SELECT users.primaryEmail FROM users)";
        $pendingUsersEndStmt = "\nORDER BY\n\temail";
        if (!empty($_POST['searchVal']) && !empty($_POST['searchFor']) && $_POST['searchFor'] == 'listUsers') {
            $searchListUsers = true;
            $searchVal = '%' . trim($_POST['searchVal']) . '%';
            $listUsersSearchQuery = " AND\n\t(users.firstName LIKE ? || users.lastName LIKE ? || users.primaryEmail LIKE ?)";
            $listUsersStmt = $listUsersStmt . $listUsersSearchQuery . $listUsersEndStmt;
            $listUsersParams = array($_POST['listId'], $_SESSION['userId'], $searchVal, $searchVal, $searchVal);
            $listUsersCountStmt .= $listUsersSearchQuery;
        } else {
            $searchListUsers = false;
            $listUsersStmt .= $listUsersEndStmt;
            $listUsersParams = array($_POST['listId'], $_SESSION['userId']);
        if (!empty($_POST['searchVal']) && !empty($_POST['searchFor']) && $_POST['searchFor'] == 'pendingListUsers') {
            $searchPendingListUsers = true;
            $searchVal = '%' . trim($_POST['searchVal']) . '%';
            $pendingUsersSearchQuery = " AND\nemail LIKE ?";
            $pendingUsersStmt = $pendingUsersStmt . $pendingUsersSearchQuery . $pendingUsersEndStmt;
            $pendingUsersParams = array($_POST['listId'], $searchVal);
            $pendingUsersCountStmt .= $pendingUsersSearchQuery;
        } else {
            $searchPendingListUsers = false;
            $pendingUsersStmt = $pendingUsersStmt . $pendingUsersEndStmt;
            $pendingUsersParams = array($_POST['listId']);
        $listUsersCountStmt = $Dbc->prepare($listUsersCountStmt);
        $row = $listUsersCountStmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
        $itemCount = $row['count'];
        $pagination = new Adrlist_Pagination('buildListUsers', 'listUsers', $itemCount, 'Search Users', $searchListUsers);
        $pagination->addSearchParameters(array('listId' => $_POST['listId'], 'searchFor' => 'listUsers'));
        list($offset, $limit) = $pagination->offsetLimit();
        $listUsersStmt = $Dbc->prepare($listUsersStmt . " LIMIT {$offset}, {$limit}");
        $pendingUsersCountStmt = $Dbc->prepare($pendingUsersCountStmt);
        $row = $pendingUsersCountStmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
        $itemCount = $row['count'];
        $pendingPagination = new Adrlist_Pagination('buildListUsers', 'pendingListUsers', $itemCount, 'Search Pending Users', $searchPendingListUsers);
        $pendingPagination->addSearchParameters(array('listId' => $_POST['listId'], 'searchFor' => 'pendingListUsers'));
        list($pendingOffset, $pendingLimit) = $pendingPagination->offsetLimit();
        $pendingUsersStmt = $Dbc->prepare($pendingUsersStmt . " LIMIT {$pendingOffset}, {$pendingLimit}");
        $listInfo = getListInfo($_SESSION['userId'], $_POST['listId']);
        $listUsersCount = 0;
        $listUsersArray = array();
        $listUsersHiddenRow = array();
        while ($row = $listUsersStmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
            $name = '<button class="ui-btn ui-mini ui-btn-icon-right ui-icon-carat-r ui-btn-inline ui-corner-all" toggle="existingUser' . $row['userId'] . '">' . $row['name'] . '</button>';
            $email = '<a href="mailto:' . $row['primaryEmail'] . '">' . breakEmail($row['primaryEmail'], 30) . '</a>';
            $date = $row['dateAdded'] != '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ? Adrlist_Time::utcToLocal($row['dateAdded']) : 'n/a';
            $listUsersArray[$row['userId']] = array($name, $date);
            //The user rowActions.
            $userActions = '';
            if ($listInfo['listRoleId'] <= 3 && $row['listRoleId'] >= 3) {
                //List managers cannot change the role of managers or owners.
                $role = role($row['listRoleId']);
            } else {
                $additionalAttributes = array('class' => 'changeListRole', 'userId' => $row['userId'], 'listId' => $_POST['listId']);
                $role = buildRoles('changeListRole' . $row['userId'], $row['listRoleId'], array(0, 1, 2, 3), $additionalAttributes);
            if ($listInfo['listRoleId'] >= 3) {
                $userActions .= '<div class="ui-field-contain"><label for="existingRole' . $row['userId'] . '">List Role ' . faqLink(24) . '</label>' . $role . '</div>';
                $userActions .= $row['listRoleId'] < 3 || $listInfo['listRoleId'] == 4 ? '<button class="removeUserFromList ui-btn ui-btn-inline ui-corner-all ui-mini" listId="' . $_POST['listId'] . '" userId="' . $row['userId'] . '" listName="' . $listInfo['listName'] . '"><i class="fa fa-times" ></i>Remove User</button>' : '';
            $listUsersHiddenRow[$row['userId']] = array('existingUser' . $row['userId'], $userActions);
        //Build pending list users.
        $pendingListUsersCount = 0;
        $pendingUsersArray = array();
        $pendingUsersHiddenRow = array();
        while ($pendingRow = $pendingUsersStmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
            $name = '<button class="ui-btn ui-mini ui-btn-icon-right ui-icon-carat-r ui-btn-inline ui-corner-all" toggle="pendingUser' . $pendingRow['invitationId'] . '">' . $pendingRow['email'] . '</button>';
            $email = '<a href="mailto:' . $pendingRow['email'] . '">' . breakEmail($pendingRow['email'], 40) . '</a>';
            $sentDate = $pendingRow['sentDate'] != '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ? Adrlist_Time::utcToLocal($pendingRow['sentDate']) : 'n/a';
            $pendingUsersArray[$pendingRow['invitationId']] = array($name, $sentDate);
            //The pending list user rowActions.
            $userActions = '';
            if ($listInfo['listRoleId'] == 3 && $pendingRow['listRoleId'] >= 3) {
                //Managers cannot change the role of other managers.
                $role = role($pendingRow['listRoleId']);
            } else {
                $additionalAttributes = array('class' => 'changePendingRole', 'invitationId' => $pendingRow['invitationId'], 'adrtype' => 'list', 'typeid' => $_POST['listId']);
                $role = buildRoles('', $pendingRow['listRoleId'], array(0, 1, 2, 3), $additionalAttributes);
            if ($listInfo['listRoleId'] >= 3) {
                $userActions .= '<div class="ui-field-contain"><label for="pendingRole' . $pendingRow['invitationId'] . '">List Role ' . faqLink(24) . '</label>' . $role . '</div>
<button adrType="list" class="removeInvitation ui-btn ui-btn-inline ui-corner-all ui-mini" invitationId="' . $pendingRow['invitationId'] . '" typeId="' . $_POST['listId'] . '"><i class="fa fa-times" ></i>Remove User</button>';
            $pendingUsersHiddenRow[$pendingRow['invitationId']] = array('pendingUser' . $pendingRow['invitationId'], $userActions);
        //Build list users.
        $output .= '<div class="textCenter textLarge">
	<i class="fa fa-file-o" ></i><span class="bold">' . $listInfo['listName'] . '</span> Users
        if (empty($listUsersCount)) {
            pdoError(__LINE__, $listUsersStmt, $listUsersParams, true);
            $output .= '<div class="break red" style="padding:5px 0px 10px 0px;">
	There are no users.
        if ($searchListUsers) {
            $results = intThis($listUsersCount);
            $output .= '<div class="break red">';
            $output .= $results == 1 ? $results . ' result' : $results . ' results';
            $output .= ' for "' . $_POST['searchVal'] . '".</div>';
        $listUsersTitleArray = array(array('Name'), array('Shared On', 1));
        $buildListUsers = new Adrlist_BuildRows('existingListUsers', $listUsersTitleArray, $listUsersArray);
        $output .= $pagination->output('listUsersViewOptions') . $buildListUsers->output();
        $output .= '<div class="hr3" style="margin:2em 0;"></div>';
        //Build pending users.
        $output .= '<div class="break textCenter textLarge" style="margin:1em 0 0 0">
	Pending Users
        if (empty($pendingListUsersCount)) {
            pdoError(__LINE__, $pendingUsersStmt, $pendingUsersParams, true);
            $output .= '<div class="break red" style="padding:5px 0px 10px 0px;">
	There are no pending users.
        if ($searchPendingListUsers) {
            $results = intThis($pendingListUsersCount);
            $output .= '<div class="break red">';
            $output .= $results == 1 ? $results . ' result' : $results . ' results';
            $output .= ' for "' . $_POST['searchVal'] . '".</div>';
        $pendingUsersTitleArray = array(array('Pending User'), array('Shared On', 1));
        $buildPendingUsers = new Adrlist_BuildRows('pendingListUsers', $pendingUsersTitleArray, $pendingUsersArray);
        $output .= $pendingPagination->output('pendingListUsersViewOptions') . $buildPendingUsers->output();
        if (MODE == 'buildListUsers') {
            $success = true;
            $returnThis['output'] = $output;
    } catch (Adrlist_CustomException $e) {
    } catch (PDOException $e) {
        error(__LINE__, '', '<pre>' . $e . '</pre>');
    if (MODE == 'buildListUsers') {
    } else {
        return $output;