Ejemplo n.º 1
 function draw()
     //xoa 1 id
     if (Url::get("act") == "del" && Url::get('id')) {
         DB::query('DELETE FROM ban_ip WHERE id=' . Url::get('id'));
         Url::redirect_url(Url::build_all(array('chk_id', 'del_all', 'act', 'id')));
     global $display;
     $items = array();
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM ban_ip Order by id desc";
     $result = DB::query($sql);
     while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
         $row['create_time'] = date('d/m - h:i', $row['create_time']);
         $items[$row['id']] = $row;
         $arr_mem_cache[$row['ip']] = $row;
     // cho mang vao memcache
     AZMemcache::do_put('list_ban_ip', $arr_mem_cache);
     $display->add('items', $items);
     $display->add('items_json', json_encode($items));
Ejemplo n.º 2
 static function delete_images($id)
     $row = DB::select('item_image', 'id=' . $id);
     if ($row) {
         if ($row['root_id']) {
             //Ảnh gốc
             DB::delete('item_image', 'root_id=' . $row['root_id']);
         } else {
             DB::delete('item_image', 'id=' . $id);
         //update memcache IMG
         $sql = "SELECT item_id FROM item_image WHERE (id = {$id} OR root_id = {$id}) " . (User::have_permit(ADMIN_IMAGE) ? '' : " AND user_id=" . User::id());
         $re = DB::query($sql);
         if ($re) {
             $item = mysql_fetch_assoc($re);
             if ($item["item_id"]) {
                 require_once ROOT_PATH . 'core/Item.php';
                 Item::get_item_images($item["item_id"], 1);
         //update memcache IMG
         if ($row['img_url']) {
             if (DB::query("UPDATE item SET img_url='' WHERE img_url='" . $row['img_url'] . "'") && MEMCACHE_ON) {
                 $sql = "SELECT * FROM item WHERE img_url = '{$row['img_url']}'";
                 $re = DB::query($sql);
                 while ($item_memcache = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) {
                     $item_memcache['img_server'] = 0;
                     $item_memcache['img_url'] = '';
                     AZMemcache::do_put("item:" . $item_memcache['id'], $item_memcache);
             AZLib::ftp_image_delete_file($row['img_url'], $row['img_server']);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 function draw()
     global $display;
     $cmd = Url::get('cmd');
     if ($cmd == 'update') {
         AZMemcache::do_put("prhot_ver:", 0);
     $list_cat = array(999999999 => 'Mặc định', 0 => 'Trang chủ');
     $list_cat += AZLib::getTopCats();
     $item = DB::fetch_all('SELECT item_id,status,product_hot_cat_id,end_time,start_time FROM product_hot');
     $items_tmp = array();
     foreach ($item as $values) {
         if (isset($list_cat[$values['product_hot_cat_id']])) {
             $items_tmp[$values['product_hot_cat_id']]['cat_name'] = $list_cat[$values['product_hot_cat_id']];
             if ($values['status'] == 1) {
                 $items_tmp[$values['product_hot_cat_id']]['item_vip'][$values['item_id']]['cat_id'] = $values['product_hot_cat_id'];
                 $items_tmp[$values['product_hot_cat_id']]['item_vip'][$values['item_id']]['start_time'] = date("d/m/Y", $values['start_time']);
                 $items_tmp[$values['product_hot_cat_id']]['item_vip'][$values['item_id']]['end_time'] = date("d/m/Y", $values['end_time']);
             } else {
                 $items_tmp[$values['product_hot_cat_id']]['item'][$values['item_id']] = $values['product_hot_cat_id'];
     $items = array();
     foreach ($list_cat as $key => $values) {
         if (isset($items_tmp[$key])) {
             $items[$key] = $items_tmp[$key];
     $display->add('items', $items);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 static function set($array)
     if (CACHE_ON && self::$cache_file) {
         if (MEMCACHE_ON) {
             AZMemcache::do_put("acache:" . self::$cache_file, $array, self::$expire);
         } else {
             @file_put_contents(self::$cache_file, addslashes(serialize($array)));
         self::$arr_cache = $array;
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 5
    function lockItemWhenLockAccount($value = array(), $is_lock = 1)
        // $is_lock = 1: lock, $is_lock = 0: Unlock
        $user_id = $value["user_id"];
        $reason_invalid = isset($value["reason_invalid"]) ? $value["reason_invalid"] : "";
        if ($user_id) {
            $user = User::getUser($user_id);
        if ($is_lock == 0 && User::have_permit(array(ADMIN_USER))) {
            $sql = 'SELECT id, admin_id, time FROM user_lock WHERE user_id = ' . $user_id . ' AND type = 0 ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1';
            $user_invalid = DB::fetch($sql);
            if (isset($user_invalid["id"])) {
                $sql = "SELECT * FROM item WHERE user_id = {$user_id} AND state = 1";
                $re = DB::query($sql);
                while ($item = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) {
                    $sql = "SELECT user_id, lock_time FROM item_lock WHERE item_id = {$item['id']} ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1";
                    $re_lock = DB::query($sql);
                    $item_lock = mysql_fetch_assoc($re_lock);
                    if ($item_lock["lock_time"] == $user_invalid["time"] && $item_lock["user_id"] == $user_invalid["admin_id"]) {
                        if (MEMCACHE_ON) {
                            $item_memcache = AZMemcache::do_get("item:{$item['id']}");
                            $item_memcache['state'] = 0;
                            AZMemcache::do_put("item:" . $item_memcache['id'], $item_memcache);
                        DB::update('item', array('state' => 0), "id={$item['id']}");
        } elseif ($is_lock == 1) {
            // chi thuc hien voi khoa theo ngay
            $sql_item = 'SELECT id FROM item WHERE user_id = ' . $user_id . ' AND status = 1 AND state=0';
            $re_item = DB::query($sql_item);
            while ($item = mysql_fetch_assoc($re_item)) {
                $sql_insert = "INSERT INTO item_lock (item_id, user_id \t,user_name, lock_time, reason_lock) VALUES ({$item['id']}," . User::id() . ",'" . User::user_name() . "'," . TIME_NOW . ",'" . $reason_invalid . "')";
            if (MEMCACHE_ON) {
                $sql = "SELECT * FROM item WHERE user_id = {$user_id} AND status = 1";
                $re = DB::query($sql);
                while ($item_memcache = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) {
                    $item_memcache['state'] = 1;
                    AZMemcache::do_put("item:" . $item_memcache['id'], $item_memcache);
            DB::update('item', array('state' => "1"), 'user_id = ' . $user_id . ' AND status = 1');
            $receiver_user = User::getUser($user_id);
            $link_help = 'http://help.enbac.com/index.php/Quy_%C4%91%E1%BB%8Bnh_%C4%91%C4%83ng_tin';
            $title_pm = 'Thông báo từ EnBac';
            $content_pm = 'Tất cả tin đăng của bạn đã bị khóa với lý do: ' . $reason_invalid . '

			Đề nghị bạn hãy thực hiện đúng các quy định của Én Bạc.

			Xin cảm ơn bạn.

			Vui lòng không trả lời tin nhắn này!';
            AZLib::Send_pm(User::id(), User::user_name(), $receiver_user, $title_pm, $content_pm, true);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 function delete_register_service()
     if (!User::is_login()) {
         echo "not_login";
     if (User::is_block()) {
         echo "no_permission";
     $user = User::$current->data;
     $id = (int) Url::get('service_id', 0);
     $aryOrderService = array();
     if ($id) {
         $aryOrderService = DB::select("order_services", "id={$id}");
     if ($aryOrderService) {
         if ($aryOrderService['active'] != -2) {
             DB::update('order_services', array('active' => -2, 'time_del' => TIME_NOW, 'user_del' => User::user_name()), "id={$aryOrderService['id']}");
             DB::update('payment_scs', array('del_status' => -1), "order_service_id={$aryOrderService['id']}");
             //tra lai so tien khong su dung cho user
             $user_onDB = DB::select('user', "id={$user['id']}");
             $last_money_used = $user_onDB['money_used'] - $aryOrderService['price'] / 1000;
             DB::update('user', array('money_used' => $last_money_used), "user_name='{$user['user_name']}'");
             DB::update('payment_premium', array('status' => 2), "log_id={$aryOrderService['id']}");
             if (MEMCACHE_ON) {
                 $user['money_used'] = $last_money_used;
                 AZMemcache::do_put("user:{$user['id']}", $user);
         echo "success";
     echo "error";
Ejemplo n.º 7
 function action_reply_item_comment()
     $act_ = Url::get('act_');
     $comment_id = (int) Url::get('re_c_item_id', 0);
     $content = '';
     $json = "";
     if (!User::is_login()) {
         $json = '({"msg":"no_login"})';
         echo $json;
     if (User::is_block() || !$comment_id || $act_ != 'skip' && $act_ != 'reply') {
         $json = '({"msg":"no_perm"})';
         echo $json;
     $comment_row = DB::select('comment', "id={$comment_id}");
     if (!$comment_row || $comment_row && $comment_row['replied_user_id'] != User::id()) {
         $json = '({"msg":"no_perm"})';
         echo $json;
     //if($comment_row['receiver_user_id'] == User::id() || $comment_row['sender_user_id'] == User::id() ||  ($act_=='reply' && $comment_row['replied_status']==1)){//Không được trả lời cho chính mình! hoặc trả lời phản hồi đã đc trả lời rồi!
     if ($comment_row['receiver_user_id'] == User::id() || $comment_row['sender_user_id'] == User::id()) {
         //Không được trả lời cho chính mình!
         $json = '({"msg":"success"})';
         echo $json;
     $item_id = $comment_row['item_id'];
     $item = Item::get_item($item_id);
     $item_memcache = $item;
     if (!$item || $item && $item == -1) {
         $json = '({"msg":"no_perm"})';
         echo $json;
     if ($item["state"] == 1 && !User::have_permit(ADMIN_ITEM)) {
         $json = '({"msg":"no_perm"})';
         echo $json;
     $json = '({"msg":"success"';
     if ($act_ == 'reply') {
         $content = trim(AZLib::getParam('content'));
         if (!$content) {
             $json = '({"msg":"short_content"})';
             echo $json;
         if (AZLib::checkBadWord($content)) {
             $json = '({"msg":"bad_word"})';
             echo $json;
         $content = preg_replace("/\n/", "<br />", $content);
         $content = str_replace('<br /><br />', '&nbsp;', $content);
         if ($comment_row['parent_id']) {
             $parent_id = $comment_row['parent_id'];
             if ($comment_row['sender_user_id']) {
                 $content = '@<a href="' . WEB_DIR . $comment_row['sender_user_name'] . '" class="fast_reply_link" title="' . $comment_row['sender_user_name'] . '">' . $comment_row['sender_user_name'] . '</a>: ' . $content;
             } else {
                 $content = '<font color="#999">@<span style="text-decoration:underline">' . $comment_row['sender_user_name'] . '</span> </font>: ' . $content;
         } else {
             $parent_id = $comment_row['id'];
         $comment = array('content' => $content, 'item_id' => $item['id'], 'time' => time(), 'order_time' => time(), 'post_ip' => AZLib::ip(), 'parent_id' => $parent_id, 'receiver_user_id' => $item['user_id'], 'receiver_user_name' => $item['user_name'], 'display' => 1, 'status' => 0);
         $comment['sender_user_id'] = User::id();
         $comment['sender_user_name'] = User::user_name();
         if ($comment_row['sender_user_id']) {
             $comment['replied_user_id'] = $comment_row['sender_user_id'];
             $comment['replied_user_name'] = $comment_row['sender_user_name'];
         if ($comment_row['sender_user_id'] == $item['user_id']) {
             $comment['replied_status'] = 1;
         $id = DB::insert('comment', $comment);
         if ($id) {
             $re = DB::query("SELECT id FROM comment WHERE parent_id = {$parent_id} AND display = 1 ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 3,1");
             if ($re) {
                 if ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) {
                     if ($row) {
                         DB::query("UPDATE comment SET display = 0 WHERE parent_id = {$parent_id} AND display = 1 AND id<={$row['id']}");
             if ($comment_id == $parent_id) {
                 DB::query("UPDATE comment SET replied_status = 1,have_child = have_child + 1, order_time = " . time() . " WHERE id = {$comment_id}");
             } else {
                 DB::query("UPDATE comment SET have_child = have_child + 1, order_time = " . time() . " WHERE id = {$parent_id}");
                 DB::query("UPDATE comment SET replied_status = 1 WHERE id = {$comment_id}");
             //Cập nhật đã đọc - trả lời cho feed
             DB::query("UPDATE feed SET status=1 WHERE ref_id = {$comment_id} AND type=2");
             DB::query('UPDATE user SET total_new_comment = total_new_comment + 1 WHERE id=' . $item['user_id']);
             User::getUser($item['user_id'], 0, 1);
             if ($comment_row['sender_user_id'] && $comment_row['sender_user_id'] != $item['user_id']) {
                 DB::query('UPDATE user SET total_new_comment = total_new_comment + 1 WHERE id=' . $comment_row['sender_user_id']);
                 User::getUser($comment_row['sender_user_id'], 0, 1);
         $total_feedback = DB::count('comment', 'item_id="' . $item['id'] . '"');
         DB::update_id('item', array('reply_count' => $total_feedback), $item['id']);
         if (MEMCACHE_ON) {
             $item_memcache['reply_count'] = $total_feedback;
             AZMemcache::do_put("item:{$item['id']}", $item_memcache);
         $receiver_user = User::getUser($item['user_id'], 1);
         //Cập nhật cron job
         if ($receiver_user && $receiver_user['email'] && $receiver_user['email_alert']) {
             $link = WEB_ROOT . AZRewrite::formatUrl('?page=item_detail&id=' . $item['id'] . '&ebname=' . AZLib::safe_title($item['name']));
             $link = AZRewrite::formatUrl($link);
             $title = "<a href='{$link}' target='_blank' style='text-decoration:none;color:#003399;'><font color='#003399'>{$item['name']}</font></a>";
             AZLib::addCronJob('item_comment', AZLib::parseBBCode($content, true), $receiver_user['id'], User::user_name(), '', $item['id'], $title, $link);
     } else {
         if ($comment_row['replied_status'] == 0) {
             DB::query("UPDATE comment SET replied_status = 1 WHERE id = {$comment_id}");
         //Cập nhật đã đọc - trả lời cho feed
         DB::query("UPDATE feed set status=1 WHERE ref_id = {$comment_id} AND type=2");
     DB::query('UPDATE user SET total_new_comment = total_new_comment - 1 WHERE id=' . User::id() . ' AND total_new_comment>0');
     User::getUser(User::id(), 0, 1);
     $json .= "})";
     echo $json;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 function ManageBookingVip($row)
     if (User::have_permit(ADMIN_VIP_ITEM) || User::have_permit(ADMICRO_BOOKING_VIP)) {
         $cmd = Url::get('cmd');
         switch ($cmd) {
             case '':
                 require_once 'forms/ManageBookingVip.php';
                 $this->add_form(new ManageBookingVipForm());
             case 'add':
                 require_once 'forms/AddBookingVip.php';
                 $this->add_form(new AddBookingVipForm());
             case 'active':
                 if (User::have_permit(ADMIN_VIP_ITEM)) {
                     $id = (int) Url::get("id", 0);
                     if ($id) {
                         $booking_vip = DB::select("bookings_vip", "id={$id}");
                     $booking_vip['top_cat'] != 0 ? $cat_id = $booking_vip['top_cat'] : ($cat_id = $booking_vip['cat_id']);
                     $item_vip = DB::select_all('item_vip', "(catid = {$cat_id} OR level_1_catid = {$cat_id}) AND status = 1");
                     $i = 0;
                     $sa = $booking_vip['time_start'];
                     $ea = $booking_vip['time_end'];
                     foreach ($item_vip as $itemv) {
                         if ($sa > $itemv['time_start'] && $sa < $itemv['time_end']) {
                         } elseif ($ea > $itemv['time_start'] && $ea < $itemv['time_end']) {
                         } elseif ($sa < $itemv['time_start'] && $ea > $itemv['time_end']) {
                     $priority = 1;
                     $arrItemVip = array('item_id' => $booking_vip['item_id'], 'note' => "Add từ bảng booking vip cho [{$booking_vip['user_add']}]", 'time_start' => $booking_vip['time_start'], 'time_end' => $booking_vip['time_end'], 'time_add' => TIME_NOW, 'user_add' => User::user_name(), 'time_modify' => TIME_NOW, 'user_modify' => User::user_name(), 'catid' => $booking_vip['cat_id'], 'level_1_catid' => $booking_vip['top_cat'], 'num_contract' => $booking_vip['num_contract'], 'priority' => $priority);
                     $idVip = DB::insert("item_vip", $arrItemVip);
                     if ($idVip) {
                         $item_id = $booking_vip['item_id'];
                         $item = Item::get_item($item_id);
                         if ($booking_vip['time_start'] >= TIME_NOW || $booking_vip['time_end'] <= TIME_NOW) {
                             $priority = 0;
                         DB::update("item", array("sticky" => $priority), "id={$item_id}");
                         if (MEMCACHE_ON) {
                             $item['sticky'] = $priority;
                             AZMemcache::do_put("item:{$item_id}", $item);
                     //update status
                     DB::update('bookings_vip', array("status" => 1, "time_update_status" => TIME_NOW, "user_update_status" => User::user_name()), "id={$id}");
             case 'update_status':
                 if (User::have_permit(ADMIN_VIP_ITEM)) {
                     $id = (int) Url::get("id", 0);
                     DB::update('bookings_vip', array("status" => 1, "time_update_status" => TIME_NOW, "user_update_status" => User::user_name()), "id={$id}");
             case 'edit':
                 require_once 'forms/EditBookingVip.php';
                 $this->add_form(new EditBookingVipForm());
             case 'delete':
                 $id = (int) Url::get("id", 0);
                 $booking_vip = array();
                 if ($id) {
                     $booking_vip = DB::select("bookings_vip", "id={$id}");
                 if ($booking_vip && $booking_vip['status'] != 1) {
                     if (User::user_name() == $booking_vip['user_add'] || User::have_permit(ADMIN_VIP_ITEM)) {
                         DB::update('bookings_vip', array("status" => -1, "time_del" => TIME_NOW, "user_del" => User::user_name()), "id={$id}");
     } else {
Ejemplo n.º 9
 function set_schedule_up()
     $item_id = (int) Url::get('item_id', 0);
     $response = array();
     if ($item_id > 0 && User::is_login() && !User::is_block()) {
         $user = array();
         $item = array();
         $up_item = array();
         $up_items = array();
         $user = array();
         $item = Item::get_item($item_id);
         if ($item && $item['status'] != -1) {
             $response['item_id'] = $item_id;
             $response['reload_page'] = (int) Url::get('reload_page', 0);
             if (User::id() == $item['user_id']) {
                 $up_rows = array();
                 //Bản ghi up lịch
                 $user = DB::select('user', "id={$item['user_id']}");
                 $re = DB::query("SELECT * FROM up_item_schedule WHERE item_id={$item_id} ORDER BY run_order");
                 if ($re) {
                     while ($s_item = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) {
                         $up_rows[] = $s_item;
                 if ($up_rows) {
                     $up_exist = true;
                     $up_item = $up_rows[0];
                     foreach ($up_rows as $u_item) {
                         if ($u_item['up_remain'] > $up_item['up_remain']) {
                             $up_item['up_remain'] = $u_item['up_remain'];
                     if ($up_item['up_remain'] < 0) {
                         $up_item['up_remain'] = 0;
                 } else {
                     $up_exist = false;
                     $up_item = array("up_remain" => 0, "time_add" => TIME_NOW);
                     /*$response['msg'] = "not_exist";
                     		echo json_encode($response);
                 #Ngày up trong tuần
                 $week_day_arr = Url::get('week_day');
                 if ($week_day_arr) {
                     $week_day_tmp = array(2 => 0, 3 => 0, 4 => 0, 5 => 0, 6 => 0, 7 => 0, 8 => 0);
                     foreach ($week_day_arr as $wday => $val) {
                         if (isset($week_day_tmp[$wday])) {
                             $week_day_tmp[$wday] = (int) (bool) $val;
                     $week_day = implode('|', $week_day_tmp);
                 } else {
                     $response['msg'] = "choose_wday";
                     echo json_encode($response);
                     //'Bạn phải chọn ngày up trong tuần!'
                 #Thời điểm up mỗi ngày
                 $string_up_time = Url::get('string_up_time');
                 if ($string_up_time != '') {
                     $arr_time = explode('|', $string_up_time);
                     $run_hours = array();
                     //Giờ từng lượt up
                     $run_mins = array();
                     //Phút từng lượt up
                     $time_temp = array();
                     //Thời điểm up tính từ mốc 0 của thời gian
                     foreach ($arr_time as $value) {
                         $arr_temp = explode(':', $value);
                         $uTime = mktime($arr_temp[0], $arr_temp[1], 0, 0, 0, 0);
                         $complain = false;
                         /*foreach ($time_temp as $time_val)
                         			if ($uTime == $time_val)
                         				$complain = true;
                         				$complain = false;
                         			$time_temp[] = $uTime;
                         if (!in_array($uTime, $time_temp)) {
                             $time_temp[] = $uTime;
                             //Cho vào mảng thời điểm up tạm
                     //Sắp xếp thứ tự
                     foreach ($time_temp as $val) {
                         $run_hours[] = date('H', $val);
                         $run_mins[] = date('i', $val);
                     $up_remain = (int) Url::get('up_remain', 0);
                     //Tổng số lần up cho cả lịch up
                     if ($up_remain < 0) {
                         $up_remain = 0;
                     $run_times = array();
                     $last_time = 0;
                     $i = 1;
                     $first_time = 1;
                     //lần up đầu tiên
                     if ($run_hours) {
                         $wday_now = date('N', time()) - 1;
                         foreach ($run_hours as $stt => $hour) {
                             if (isset($run_mins[$stt])) {
                                 $cur_time = mktime($hour, $run_mins[$stt], 0, date('m', TIME_NOW), date('d', TIME_NOW), date('Y', TIME_NOW));
                                 if ($last_time) {
                                     if ($cur_time <= $last_time + 899) {
                                         //Bỏ qua
                                         /*$response['msg'] 	= "run_hour_error";
                                         											$response['alert'] 	= "Thời gian lượt up thứ $i phải muộn hơn lần up thứ ".($i-1)." ít nhất 15 phút!";
                                         											echo json_encode($response);
                                 $last_time = $cur_time;
                                 $arr = explode('|', $week_day);
                                 $wday_up = $wday_now;
                                 //Tính thời gian up kế tiếp của bản ghi
                                 $time_next_run = $cur_time;
                                 if ($time_next_run <= TIME_NOW + 5 || !isset($arr[$wday_up]) || isset($arr[$wday_up]) && !$arr[$wday_up]) {
                                     //$wday_up = $wday_now;
                                     $w_temp = $wday_up++;
                                     while ($wday_up < 7) {
                                         if (isset($arr[$wday_up]) && $arr[$wday_up]) {
                                             $time_next_run = $cur_time + 86400 * ($wday_up - $wday_now);
                                             if ($time_next_run > TIME_NOW + 5) {
                                                 //nếu thời gian up kế tiếp lớn hơn thời gian hiện tại + 5 giây
                                     if (!isset($arr[$wday_up]) || isset($arr[$wday_up]) && !$arr[$wday_up]) {
                                         $wday_up = 0;
                                         //while ($wday_up<7){
                                         while ($wday_up < $w_temp) {
                                             if (isset($arr[$wday_up]) && $arr[$wday_up]) {
                                                 $time_next_run = $cur_time + 86400 * (7 - $wday_now + $wday_up);
                                                 if ($time_next_run > TIME_NOW + 5) {
                                                     //nếu thời gian up kế tiếp lớn hơn thời gian hiện tại + 5 giây
                                 $run_times[] = array('time_run' => str_pad($hour, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) . '-' . str_pad($run_mins[$stt], 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT), 'time_next_run' => $time_next_run);
                     if ($run_times) {
                         $up_per_day = count($run_times);
                         foreach ($run_times as $stt => $time) {
                             $up_items[] = array('run_order' => $stt, 'time_run' => $time['time_run'], 'time_next_run' => $time['time_next_run']);
                     } else {
                         $response['msg'] = "run_hour";
                         echo json_encode($response);
                         //'Bạn phải chọn ít nhất 1 lần up / ngày!'
                     if ($first_time > $up_per_day) {
                         $first_time = 1;
                     $up_item['status'] = (int) Url::get('status', 0);
                     if ($up_remain <= 0) {
                         $response['msg'] = "up_zero";
                         echo json_encode($response);
                         //Chưa nhập lượt up
                     if ($up_item['up_remain'] != $up_remain) {
                         if ($user['up_item'] + $up_item['up_remain'] < $up_remain) {
                             //Tài khoản ko đủ để tăng tổng số lượt up sẽ dùng cho tin
                             $up_remain = $user['up_item'] + $up_item['up_remain'];
                             if ($up_remain <= 0) {
                                 $response['msg'] = "up_over";
                                 echo json_encode($response);
                                 //Chưa nhập lượt up
                         $user_up_remain = $user['up_item'] + $up_item['up_remain'] - $up_remain;
                         if ($user_up_remain < 0) {
                             $user_up_remain = 0;
                         DB::query("UPDATE user SET up_item={$user_up_remain} WHERE id=" . $user['id']);
                         User::getUser($user['id'], 0, 1);
                     if ($up_item['status'] && $up_remain <= 0) {
                         $status = 2;
                     } elseif ($item["status"] == -1 || $item["status"] == 0 || $item["status"] == 2 || $item["status"] == 3) {
                         $status = 3;
                     } else {
                         $status = $up_item['status'];
                     #Cập nhật cho tin
                     if ($item['is_up_auto'] != 1) {
                         DB::query("UPDATE item SET is_up_auto = 1 WHERE id= {$item_id}");
                         if (MEMCACHE_ON) {
                             $item['is_up_auto'] = 1;
                             AZMemcache::do_put("item:{$item_id}", $item);
                     $del_ids = '';
                     $add_sql = '';
                     $up_total = $up_remain;
                     $up_item['up_remain'] = $up_remain;
                     if ($up_items) {
                         foreach ($up_items as $key => $u_item) {
                             if ($u_item['run_order'] < $first_time) {
                                 $up_remain = $up_total - ($up_per_day - $first_time) - $u_item['run_order'];
                             } else {
                                 $up_remain = $up_total - ($u_item['run_order'] - $first_time);
                             if (isset($up_rows[$key])) {
                                 DB::update('up_item_schedule', array('user_id' => $user['id'], 'user_name' => $user['user_name'], 'item_id' => $item['id'], 'des' => $item['name'], 'time_modify' => TIME_NOW, 'run_order' => $u_item['run_order'], 'up_per_day' => $up_per_day, 'week_day' => $week_day, 'time_run' => $u_item['time_run'], 'time_next_run' => $u_item['time_next_run'], 'up_remain' => $up_remain, 'up_total' => $up_total, 'status' => $status), "id={$up_rows[$key]['id']}");
                             } else {
                                 //$add_sql="INSERT INTO up_item_schedule (user_id,user_name,item_id,des,time_add,time_modify,run_order,week_day,time_run,time_next_run,up_remain,up_total,status) VALUES ".$add_sql;
                                 $add_sql .= ($add_sql ? ",\n" : "") . "({$user['id']},'{$user['user_name']}',{$item['id']},\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'{$item['name']}',{$up_item['time_add']}," . TIME_NOW . ",{$u_item['run_order']},{$up_per_day},\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'{$week_day}','{$u_item['time_run']}',{$u_item['time_next_run']},\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$up_remain},{$up_total},{$status})";
                     if ($up_rows) {
                         foreach ($up_rows as $u_item) {
                             $del_ids .= ($del_ids ? ',' : '') . $u_item['id'];
                     if ($add_sql) {
                         $add_sql = "INSERT INTO up_item_schedule (user_id,user_name,item_id,des,time_add,time_modify,run_order,up_per_day,week_day,time_run,time_next_run,up_remain,up_total,status) VALUES " . $add_sql;
                     if ($del_ids) {
                         DB::delete("up_item_schedule", "id IN({$del_ids})");
                     $response['msg'] = "success";
                     echo json_encode($response);
                 } else {
                     $response['msg'] = "run_hour";
                     echo json_encode($response);
                     //'Bạn phải chọn ít nhất 1 lần up / ngày!'
         } else {
             //delete schedule here...
             DB::query("UPDATE up_item_schedule SET status=3 WHERE item_id={$item_id}");
             echo "item_not_exist";
     $response['msg'] = "invalid";
     echo json_encode($response);
Ejemplo n.º 10
 function add_edit_ban_ip()
     if (!User::have_permit(ADMIN_ITEM)) {
         echo "no_perm";
     $user_name = User::user_name();
     $create_time = TIME_NOW;
     $ban_id = Url::get('ban_id', 0);
     $ban_ip = Url::get('ban_ip', 0);
     $ban_reason = AZLib::getParam('ban_reason', "");
     if ($ban_ip) {
         $ban_ip = str_replace(' ', '', $ban_ip);
         $item_array = array('ip' => $ban_ip, 'reason' => $ban_reason, 'create_time' => $create_time, 'user_name' => $user_name);
         if (!$ban_id) {
             DB::insert('ban_ip', $item_array);
             $ban_id = mysql_insert_id();
         } else {
             DB::update('ban_ip', $item_array, 'id = ' . $ban_id);
         $item_array += array('id' => $ban_id);
         $item_array['create_time'] = date('d/m - h:i', $item_array['create_time']);
         // cho mang vao memcache
         $sql = "SELECT * FROM ban_ip Order by id desc";
         $result = DB::query($sql);
         while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
             $row['create_time'] = date('d/m - h:i', $row['create_time']);
             $arr_mem_cache[$row['ip']] = $row;
         AZMemcache::do_put('list_ban_ip', $arr_mem_cache);
         echo json_encode($item_array);
     } else {
         echo "not_ip";
Ejemplo n.º 11
 function update_user_online()
     $user_id = isset($_SESSION['user_id']) ? (int) $_SESSION['user_id'] : 0;
     $session_id = session_id();
     $page = '';
     $page_id = 0;
     $user_name = isset($_SESSION['user_name']) ? $_SESSION['user_name'] : 0;
     $login_type = isset($_SESSION['openid_url']) && $_SESSION['openid_url'] != '' ? 1 : 0;
     $open_id = isset($_SESSION['openid_url']) && $_SESSION['openid_url'] != '' ? $_SESSION['openid_url'] : '';
     if (class_exists('AZNet')) {
         $page = AZNet::$page['name'];
         $page_id = (int) AZNet::$page['id'];
     if (($page == 'ItemDetail' || $page == 'item_detail') && isset($_GET['id']) && $_GET['id']) {
         $item_id = (int) $_GET['id'];
     } else {
         $item_id = 0;
     if (in_array(basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), array('ebxml.php', 'ajax.php', 'captcha.php'))) {
         $ref_url = '';
     } else {
         $ref_url = CGlobal::$query_string;
     $sql = "SELECT  session_referer, page, page_id, item_id FROM " . _SESS_TABLE . " WHERE session_id = '{$session_id}'";
     $result = DB::query($sql, __LINE__ . __FILE__);
     if (mysql_num_rows($result)) {
         $s_row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
     } else {
         $s_row = array();
     if ($s_row) {
         if ($ref_url == '' || in_array(basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), array('ebxml.php', 'ajax.php', 'captcha.php'))) {
             $ref_url = stripslashes($s_row['session_referer']);
         if (!$page) {
             $page = $s_row['page'];
         if (!$page_id) {
             $page_id = (int) $s_row['page_id'];
         if (!$item_id) {
             $item_id = (int) $s_row['item_id'];
         $sql = "UPDATE " . _SESS_TABLE . " SET\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  \tsession_expires = " . time() . ", \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  \tsession_referer = '" . addslashes($ref_url) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  \tsession_ip \t\t= '" . $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] . '::' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "', \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  \tpage \t\t\t= '{$page}',\t\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  \tpage_id \t\t= {$page_id},\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  \tcategory_id \t= " . CGlobal::$curCategory . ",\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  \titem_id \t\t= {$item_id},\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  \tuser_id \t\t= '{$user_id}',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  \tuser_name\t\t= '{$user_name}',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  \tlogin_type\t\t= '{$login_type}',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  \topen_id\t\t\t= '{$open_id}'\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE session_id \t= '{$session_id}'";
     } else {
         $sql = "INSERT INTO " . _SESS_TABLE . " \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  (\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  \tsession_id, \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  \tsession_expires,  \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  \tsession_referer, \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  \tsession_ip,   \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  \tpage,  \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  \tpage_id, \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  \tcategory_id, \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  \titem_id, \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  \tuser_id,  \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  \tuser_name,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  \tlogin_type,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  \topen_id\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  \t) \r\n\t\t                   VALUES (\r\n\t\t                   \t\t\t'{$session_id}', \t\t\t\t\r\n\t\t                   \t\t\t" . time() . ", \t\t\t\r\n\t\t                   \t\t\t'" . addslashes($ref_url) . "', \t   \r\n\t\t                   \t\t\t'" . $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] . '::' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "',\t\r\n\t\t                   \t\t\t'{$page}',\t  \r\n\t\t                   \t\t\t{$page_id},\t\t   \r\n\t\t                   \t\t\t" . CGlobal::$curCategory . ", \t\t \r\n\t\t                   \t\t\t{$item_id}, \t  \r\n\t\t                   \t\t\t{$user_id} ,\t\t\r\n\t\t                   \t\t\t'{$user_name}' ,\t\t\r\n\t\t                   \t\t\t{$login_type} ,\t\t\r\n\t\t                   \t\t\t'{$open_id}')";
     DB::query($sql, __LINE__ . __FILE__);
     if (User::is_login() && MEMCACHE_ON) {
         $user = User::$current->data;
         if ($user && !isset($user['last_login']) || isset($user['last_login']) && $user['last_login'] < TIME_NOW - 300) {
             DB::query("UPDATE user SET last_login="******" WHERE id={$user['id']}");
             $user_memcache = AZMemcache::do_get("user:{$user['id']}");
             if ($user_memcache) {
                 $user_memcache['last_login'] = TIME_NOW;
                 AZMemcache::do_put("user:{$user['id']}", $user_memcache);
     if (StaticCache::notExistCache('del_exs', 1)) {
         //Run 1 cronjob/15s
         DB::query("DELETE FROM " . _SESS_TABLE . " WHERE session_expires <= " . (time() - _SESS_TIME_EXPIRE));
Ejemplo n.º 12
 function ManageItem($row)
     if (User::have_permit(array(ADMIN_ITEM, ADMIN_DEL_ITEM))) {
         $cmd = Url::get('cmd');
         switch ($cmd) {
             case 'delete':
                 $id = (int) Url::get('id', 0);
                 if ($id) {
                     $item = Item::get_item($id);
                 Url::redirect_url(Url::build_all(array('selected_ids', 'cmd', 'id', 'product_item')));
             case 'del_cache':
                 $id = (int) Url::get('id', 0);
                 if ($id) {
                     Item::get_item($id, 1);
                 Url::redirect_url(Url::build_all(array('selected_ids', 'cmd', 'id', 'product_item')));
             case 'del_forever':
                 if (User::have_permit(ADMIN_DEL_ITEM)) {
                     $id = (int) Url::get('id', 0);
                     if ($id) {
                 Url::redirect_url(Url::build_all(array('selected_ids', 'cmd', 'id', 'product_item')));
             case 'show':
             case 're_post':
                 $id = (int) Url::get('id', 0);
                 if ($id) {
                     if (MEMCACHE_ON) {
                         $item_memcache = Item::get_item($id);
                         $item_memcache['status'] = 1;
                         $item_memcache['modify_user_name'] = User::user_name();
                         $item_memcache['modify_time'] = TIME_NOW;
                         AZMemcache::do_put("item:{$id}", $item_memcache);
                     DB::update('item', array('status' => 1, 'modify_user_name' => User::user_name(), 'modify_time' => TIME_NOW), 'id=' . $id);
                 Url::redirect_url(Url::build_all(array('selected_ids', 'cmd', 'id', 'product_item')));
             case 'hide':
                 $id = (int) Url::get('id', 0);
                 if ($id) {
                     if (MEMCACHE_ON) {
                         $item_memcache = Item::get_item($id);
                         $item_memcache['status'] = 2;
                         $item_memcache['modify_user_name'] = User::user_name();
                         $item_memcache['modify_time'] = TIME_NOW;
                         AZMemcache::do_put("item:{$id}", $item_memcache);
                     DB::update('item', array('status' => 2, 'modify_user_name' => User::user_name(), 'modify_time' => TIME_NOW), 'id=' . $id);
                 Url::redirect_url(Url::build_all(array('selected_ids', 'cmd', 'id', 'product_item')));
                 require_once 'forms/ManageItem.php';
                 $this->add_form(new ManageItemForm());
     } else {
Ejemplo n.º 13
 function process_description($item_detail)
     if (!isset($item_detail["filter_des"]) || $item_detail["filter_des"] == "") {
         //$filter_des = preg_replace('#(<[/]?img.*>)#iU', '', html_entity_decode($item_detail['description']));
         $filter_des = preg_replace('#(<[/]?img.*>)#iU', '', html_entity_decode($item_detail['description'], ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8"));
         $filter_des = preg_replace('#(<[/]?iframe.*>.*</iframe>)#iU', '', $filter_des);
         //$filter_des = preg_replace('#(<[/]?script.*>.*</script>)#iU', '', $filter_des);
         //$filter_des = preg_replace('#(<[/]?style.*>.*</style>)#iU', '', $filter_des);
         //Loại bỏ thẻ CDATA
         // <![CDATA[
         // ]]>
         //$filter_des = str_replace(array('<![CDATA[',']]>'), "", $filter_des);
         //$filter_des = str_replace(array('window.location'), "", $filter_des);
         //TuanNK edit 2010.08.17
         //$filter_des = str_replace(array('>','<'), array("&gt;","&lt;"), $filter_des);
         $filter_des = strip_tags($filter_des, '<p><a><span><table><tr><td><th><br><strong><b><i><em><li><ol><ul><hr><u><font><strike>');
         $filter_des = preg_replace("/\\[([\\s]*[0-9]{1,2}|100[\\s]*)\\]/eis", "\$this->embeded('\$1')", $filter_des);
         $filter_des = preg_replace('/<a[\\s]*(.*)[\\s]*href=[\'"](.*)[\'"][\\s]*[^>]*[\\s]*>(.*)<\\/a>/eisU', "\$this->filter_link('\$2','\$3')", $filter_des);
         $filter_brief = preg_replace('#(<[/]?img.*>)#iU', '', html_entity_decode($item_detail['brief'], ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8"));
         $filter_brief = preg_replace('#(<[/]?iframe.*>.*</iframe>)#iU', '', $filter_brief);
         $filter_brief = strip_tags($filter_brief, '<p><a><span><table><tr><td><th><br><strong><b><i><em><li><ol><ul><hr><u><font><strike>');
         $filter_brief = preg_replace("/\\[([\\s]*[0-9]{1,2}|100[\\s]*)\\]/eis", "\$this->embeded('\$1')", $filter_brief);
         $filter_brief = preg_replace('/<a[\\s]*(.*)[\\s]*href=[\'"](.*)[\'"][\\s]*[^>]*[\\s]*>(.*)<\\/a>/eisU', "\$this->filter_link('\$2','\$3')", $filter_brief);
         if (MEMCACHE_ON) {
             $item_memcache = AZMemcache::do_get("item:{$item_detail["id"]}");
             $item_memcache["filter_brief"] = $filter_brief;
             $item_memcache["filter_des"] = $filter_des;
             AZMemcache::do_put("item:{$item_detail["id"]}", $item_memcache);
         return array('filter_brief' => $filter_brief, 'filter_des' => $filter_des);
     } else {
         return array('filter_brief' => $item_detail["filter_brief"], 'filter_des' => $item_detail["filter_des"]);
Ejemplo n.º 14
 function on_submit()
     $ids = isset($_POST['chk_id']) ? $_POST['chk_id'] : array();
     if (count($ids) > 0) {
         if (Url::get('hd_ac') == 'block_all') {
             $user_ids = '';
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($ids); $i++) {
                 if ($ids[$i] && $ids[$i] != User::id() && $ids[$i] != 1) {
                     $user_ids .= ($user_ids ? ',' : '') . $ids[$i];
             if ($user_ids) {
                 $time_expire = TIME_NOW + BAN_NICK_DATE * 24 * 3600;
                 DB::update('user', array('block_time' => $time_expire), 'id IN(' . $user_ids . ')');
                 $re = DB::query('SELECT id,user_name FROM user WHERE id IN(' . $user_ids . ')');
                 if ($re) {
                     while ($user = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) {
                         DB::insert('user_lock', array('time' => TIME_NOW, 'time_expire' => $time_expire, 'user_id' => $user['id'], 'user_name' => $user['user_name'], 'type' => 0, 'note' => 'admin khóa', 'admin_id' => User::id(), 'admin_name' => User::user_name()));
                         User::getUser($user['id'], 0, 1);
         if (Url::get('hd_ac') == 'lock_die_all') {
             //Khoá vĩnh viễn + khoá cookies
             $user_ids = '';
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($ids); $i++) {
                 if ($ids[$i] && $ids[$i] != User::id() && $ids[$i] != 1) {
                     $user_ids .= ($user_ids ? ',' : '') . $ids[$i];
             if ($user_ids) {
                 DB::update('user', array('block_time' => -1), 'id IN(' . $user_ids . ')');
                 $re = DB::query('SELECT id, user_name FROM user WHERE id IN(' . $user_ids . ')');
                 if ($re) {
                     while ($user = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) {
                         DB::insert('user_lock', array('time' => TIME_NOW, 'user_id' => $user['id'], 'user_name' => $user['user_name'], 'type' => 3, 'admin_id' => User::id(), 'admin_name' => User::user_name()));
                         User::getUser($user['id'], 0, 1);
         } elseif (Url::get('hd_ac') == 'lock_die_all_not_cookies') {
             //Khoá vĩnh viễn nhiều thành viên không khóa cookies
             $user_ids = '';
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($ids); $i++) {
                 if ($ids[$i] && $ids[$i] != User::id() && $ids[$i] != 1) {
                     $user_ids .= ($user_ids ? ',' : '') . $ids[$i];
             if ($user_ids) {
                 DB::update('user', array('block_time' => -1), 'id IN(' . $user_ids . ')');
                 $re = DB::query('SELECT id, user_name FROM user WHERE id IN(' . $user_ids . ')');
                 if ($re) {
                     while ($user = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) {
                         DB::insert('user_lock', array('time' => TIME_NOW, 'user_id' => $user['id'], 'user_name' => $user['user_name'], 'type' => 1, 'admin_id' => User::id(), 'admin_name' => User::user_name()));
                         User::getUser($user['id'], 0, 1);
         } elseif (Url::get('hd_ac') == 'invalid_all') {
             //Kiểm duyệt nhiều thành viên
             $user_ids = '';
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($ids); $i++) {
                 if ($ids[$i] && $ids[$i] != User::id() && $ids[$i] != 1) {
                     $user_ids .= ($user_ids ? ',' : '') . $ids[$i];
             if ($user_ids) {
                 $time_expire = TIME_NOW + 7 * 24 * 3600;
                 DB::update('user', array('invalid_time' => $time_expire), 'id IN(' . $user_ids . ')');
                 $re = DB::query('SELECT id,user_name FROM user WHERE id IN(' . $user_ids . ')');
                 if ($re) {
                     while ($user = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) {
                         DB::insert('user_lock', array('time' => TIME_NOW, 'time_expire' => $time_expire, 'user_id' => $user['id'], 'user_name' => $user['user_name'], 'type' => 2, 'note' => 'Kiểm duyệt nhiều thành viên', 'admin_id' => User::id(), 'admin_name' => User::user_name()));
                         User::getUser($user['id'], 0, 1);
                 $sql_item = 'SELECT id FROM item where user_id IN (' . $user_ids . ')  AND status = 1';
                 $re_item = DB::query($sql_item);
                 if ($re_item) {
                     while ($item = mysql_fetch_assoc($re_item)) {
                         $sql_insert = "INSERT INTO bad_content (`type`,`id_item`,`user_id`,`user_name`,`reason`,`time_post`) VALUES (2,{$item['id']}," . User::id() . ",'" . User::user_name() . "','Kiểm duyệt do thành viên bị kiểm duyệt'," . time() . ")";
                     if (MEMCACHE_ON) {
                         $sql = "SELECT * FROM item WHERE user_id IN({$user_ids})  AND status = 1";
                         $re = DB::query($sql);
                         while ($item_memcache = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) {
                             $item_memcache['status'] = 2;
                             $item_memcache['modify_time'] = TIME_NOW;
                             $item_memcache['modify_user_name'] = User::user_name();
                             AZMemcache::do_put("item:" . $item_memcache['id'], $item_memcache);
                     DB::update('item', array('status' => "2", 'modify_time' => time(), 'modify_user_name' => User::user_name()), 'user_id IN(' . $user_ids . ')  AND status = 1');
         } elseif (Url::get('hd_ac') == 'del_all') {
             //Xoá nhiều thành viên
             if (User::is_root()) {
                 $user_ids = '';
                 for ($i = 0; $i < count($ids); $i++) {
                     if ($ids[$i] && $ids[$i] != User::id() && $ids[$i] != 1) {
                         $user_ids .= ($user_ids ? ',' : '') . $ids[$i];
                 //Xoá users:
                 if ($user_ids) {
         } elseif (Url::get('hd_ac') == 'unlock_die_all') {
             // Mở khoá nhiều thành viên
             $user_ids = '';
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($ids); $i++) {
                 if ($ids[$i] && $ids[$i] != User::id() && $ids[$i] != 1) {
                     $user_ids .= ($user_ids ? ',' : '') . $ids[$i];
             if ($user_ids) {
                 DB::update('user', array('block_time' => 0), 'id IN(' . $user_ids . ')');
                 User::getUser($id, 1, true);
         Url::redirect_url(Url::build_all(array('chk_id', 'del_all', 'cmd', 'id', 'lock_die_all', 'hd_ac')));
Ejemplo n.º 15
  * Write the session
  * @param int session id
  * @param string data of the session
 function write($session_id, $data)
     $page = '';
     $page_id = 0;
     $user_id = isset($_SESSION['user_id']) ? (int) $_SESSION['user_id'] : 0;
     $user_name = isset($_SESSION['user_name']) ? $_SESSION['user_name'] : 0;
     $login_type = isset($_SESSION['openid_url']) && $_SESSION['openid_url'] != '' ? 1 : 0;
     $open_id = isset($_SESSION['openid_url']) && $_SESSION['openid_url'] != '' ? $_SESSION['openid_url'] : '';
     if (class_exists('AZNet')) {
         $page = AZNet::$page['name'];
         $page_id = (int) AZNet::$page['id'];
     if (($page == 'ItemDetail' || $page == 'item_detail') && isset($_GET['id']) && $_GET['id']) {
         $item_id = (int) $_GET['id'];
     } else {
         $item_id = 0;
     if (in_array(basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), array('ebxml.php', 'ajax.php', 'captcha.php'))) {
         $ref_url = '';
     } else {
         $ref_url = CGlobal::$query_string;
     if ($this->data) {
         if ($ref_url == '' || in_array(basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), array('ebxml.php', 'ajax.php', 'captcha.php'))) {
             $ref_url = stripslashes($this->data['session_referer']);
         if (!$page) {
             $page = $this->data['page'];
         if (!$page_id) {
             $page_id = (int) $this->data['page_id'];
         if (!$item_id) {
             $item_id = (int) $this->data['item_id'];
         $sql = "UPDATE " . _SESS_TABLE . " SET\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  \tsession_expires = " . TIME_NOW . ", \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  \tsession_data \t= '{$data}',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  \tsession_referer = '" . addslashes($ref_url) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  \tsession_ip \t\t= '" . $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] . '::' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "', \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  \tpage \t\t\t= '{$page}',\t\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  \tpage_id \t\t= {$page_id},\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  \tcategory_id \t= " . CGlobal::$curCategory . ",\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  \titem_id \t\t= {$item_id},\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  \tuser_id \t\t= '{$user_id}',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  \tuser_name\t\t= '{$user_name}',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  \tlogin_type\t\t= '{$login_type}',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  \topen_id\t\t\t= '{$open_id}'\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE session_id \t= '{$session_id}'";
     } else {
         $sql = "INSERT INTO " . _SESS_TABLE . " \r\n    \t\t\t\t\t\t  (\r\n    \t\t\t\t\t\t  \tsession_id, \r\n    \t\t\t\t\t\t  \tsession_expires,  \r\n    \t\t\t\t\t\t  \tsession_data,  \r\n    \t\t\t\t\t\t  \tsession_referer, \r\n    \t\t\t\t\t\t  \tsession_ip,   \r\n    \t\t\t\t\t\t  \tpage,  \r\n    \t\t\t\t\t\t  \tpage_id, \r\n    \t\t\t\t\t\t  \tcategory_id, \r\n    \t\t\t\t\t\t  \titem_id, \r\n    \t\t\t\t\t\t  \tuser_id,  \r\n    \t\t\t\t\t\t \tuser_name,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  \tlogin_type,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  \topen_id\r\n    \t\t\t\t\t\t  \t) \r\n                       VALUES (\r\n                       \t\t\t'{$session_id}', \t\t\t\t\r\n                       \t\t\t" . TIME_NOW . ", \t\t\t\r\n                       \t\t\t'{$data}', \t\t\t   \r\n                       \t\t\t'" . addslashes($ref_url) . "', \t   \r\n                       \t\t\t'" . $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] . '::' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "',\t\r\n                       \t\t\t'{$page}',\t  \r\n                       \t\t\t{$page_id},\t\t   \r\n                       \t\t\t" . CGlobal::$curCategory . ", \t\t \r\n                       \t\t\t{$item_id}, \t  \r\n                       \t\t\t{$user_id} ,\t\t\r\n                       \t\t\t'{$user_name}',\t\t\r\n\t                   \t\t\t{$login_type} ,\t\t\r\n\t                   \t\t\t'{$open_id}')";
     $this->query($sql, __LINE__ . __FILE__);
     if (User::is_login() && MEMCACHE_ON) {
         //Nếu đã đăng nhập
         $user = User::$current->data;
         if ($user && !isset($user['last_login']) || isset($user['last_login']) && $user['last_login'] < TIME_NOW - 300) {
             DB::query("UPDATE user SET last_login="******" WHERE id={$user['id']}");
             $user_memcache = AZMemcache::do_get("user:{$user['id']}");
             if ($user_memcache) {
                 $user_memcache['last_login'] = TIME_NOW;
                 AZMemcache::do_put("user:{$user['id']}", $user_memcache);
     if ($this->effect_rows) {
         //if row was created, return true
         return true;
     return false;
     //an unknown error occured
Ejemplo n.º 16
 static function update_read_count()
     if (Item::$item) {
         if (MEMCACHE_ON) {
             AZMemcache::do_put("item:" . Item::$item['id'], Item::$item);
             if (Item::$item['read_count'] % 10 == 0) {
                 $sql_str = "UPDATE item SET read_count = read_count + 10 WHERE id = " . Item::$item['id'];
         } else {
             $sql_str = "UPDATE item SET read_count = read_count + 1 WHERE id = " . Item::$item['id'];
     DB::query("INSERT INTO eb_views(eb_id,eb_type,view_time) VALUES(".Item::$id.",0,".TIME_NOW.")");
Ejemplo n.º 17
    function del_comment()
        if (!User::is_login() || User::is_block()) {
            echo "not_perm";
        $id = (int) Url::get("id");
        if ($id) {
            $comment = DB::fetch("SELECT item_id,sender_user_id,display,receiver_user_id,have_child,parent_id FROM comment WHERE id={$id}");
            /*$current_user = User::$current->data;
            		if($current_user['up_item'] == 0){
            			echo "not_up_item";
            if (User::have_permit(ADMIN_ITEM) || User::id() == $comment['receiver_user_id'] && $comment['sender_user_id'] == 0) {
                if (DB::delete('comment', 'id=' . $id)) {
                    if ($comment['have_child'] > 0) {
                        DB::delete('comment', 'parent_id=' . $id);
                    if ($comment['item_id'] > 0) {
                        $item_id = $comment['item_id'];
                        if ($comment['parent_id'] > 0) {
                            DB::query('UPDATE 	comment
								   SET 		have_child = have_child-1
								   WHERE 	id=' . $comment['parent_id'] . ' ');
                            if ($comment['display'] == 1) {
                                DB::query('UPDATE comment SET display = 1 where item_id = ' . $comment['item_id'] . ' AND parent_id = ' . $comment['parent_id'] . ' AND display = 0 order by id DESC limit 1');
                        if ($item_id) {
                            $item = Item::get_item($item_id);
                            $item_memcache = $item;
                            if ($item) {
                                $item_memcache['reply_count'] = $item['reply_count'] - (1 + $comment['have_child']);
                                if (MEMCACHE_ON) {
                                    AZMemcache::do_put("item:{$item_id}", $item_memcache);
                                DB::query('UPDATE item SET reply_count = ' . $item_memcache['reply_count'] . ' WHERE 	id="' . $comment['item_id'] . '" ');
                    //del cache html
                    $caheFile = 'fb_' . $item['id'];
                    			DB::query('UPDATE user set up_item = up_item-1 WHERE id='.$comment['receiver_user_id'].' AND up_item>0');// tru luot up
                    echo AZLib::getParam('id');
                } else {
                    echo "unsuccess";
            } else {
                echo "not_perm";
        } else {
            echo "not_perm";
Ejemplo n.º 18
 static function set($value)
     if (MEMCACHE_ON) {
         AZMemcache::do_put('qcache:' . self::_my_file(), $value, self::$expire);
     } else {
         @file_put_contents(DIR_CACHE . 'db/' . self::_my_file(), addslashes(serialize($value)));
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 19
 static function getUser($user_id, $update_cache = FALSE, $delcache = FALSE)
     $user = array();
     if ($user_id) {
         if (MEMCACHE_ON) {
             if ($delcache) {
                 //Xoá cache
                 if (MEMCACHE_ON) {
                 return TRUE;
             } else {
                 if (!$update_cache && MEMCACHE_ON) {
                     $user = AZMemcache::do_get("user:{$user_id}");
                 if (!$user) {
                     $sql = "SELECT * FROM user WHERE id=" . (int) $user_id . " LIMIT 1";
                     $user = mysql_fetch_assoc(DB::query($sql));
                     $user['is_block'] = $user['block_time'] > TIME_NOW || $user['block_time'] == -1 ? TRUE : FALSE;
                     if (MEMCACHE_ON && $user) {
                         AZMemcache::do_put("user:{$user_id}", $user);
         } else {
             //cache file
             $subDir = 'user/' . floor($user_id / 1000);
             $user = AZCache::cache('SELECT * FROM user WHERE id=' . (int) $user_id . ' LIMIT 0,1', __LINE__ . __FILE__, 2592000, $update_cache, '', $subDir, $delcache);
             if ($user && !$delcache) {
                 $user[0]['is_block'] = $user[0]['block_time'] > TIME_NOW || $user[0]['block_time'] == -1 ? TRUE : FALSE;
                 return $user[0];
     return $user;
Ejemplo n.º 20
 static function getProvinces($update_cache = 0, $delcache = false)
     if (!CGlobal::$provinces || $delcache || $update_cache) {
         if (AZArrCache::is_not_cached('provinces_arr', 0, '', $delcache)) {
             if (!$delcache) {
                 $re = DB::query('SELECT id, name, brief_name, status, area FROM province ORDER BY position', __LINE__ . __FILE__);
                 $topProvinces = array();
                 $ortherProvinces = array();
                 if ($re) {
                     while ($province = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) {
                         $province['ebname'] = AZLib::safe_title($province['name']);
                         if ($province['status'] == "HOME") {
                             $topProvinces[$province['id']] = $province;
                         } else {
                             $ortherProvinces[$province['id']] = $province;
                 $topProvinces[0] = array('id' => 0, 'name' => 'Toàn quốc', 'brief_name' => 'Toàn quốc', 'status' => 'SHOW', 'area' => '1', 'ebname' => 'Toan-Quoc');
                 CGlobal::$provinces = $topProvinces + $ortherProvinces;
             } else {
                 foreach (CGlobal::$my_server as $server) {
                     //Tạo lại file js cho city
                     @fopen("http://{$server}/citygen.php", "r");
                 $js_ver = rand(1, 1000);
                 AZMemcache::do_put("city_ver:", $js_ver);
         } else {
             CGlobal::$provinces = AZArrCache::$arr_cache;
             AZArrCache::$arr_cache = array();
Ejemplo n.º 21
 function on_submit()
     if (Url::get('item_update') == 'Cập nhật') {
         $name_arr = $_POST['names'];
         $sku_arr = $_POST['skus'];
         $offer_arr = $_POST['offers'];
         $list_brief_arr = $_POST['list_briefs'];
         $price_arr = $_POST['prices'];
         $price_out_arr = $_POST['price_outs'];
         $currency_id_arr = $_POST['currency_ids'];
         $quantity_arr = $_POST['quantitys'];
         $item_order_arr = $_POST['item_orders'];
         $made_in_arr = $_POST['made_ins'];
         $warranty_arr = $_POST['warrantys'];
         $sql = array();
         foreach ($price_arr as $id => $price) {
             if (strlen($name_arr[$id]) < 1) {
                 $this->setFormError("name" . $id, "Tên sản phẩm có mã " . $id . " phải có độ dài từ 1 ký tự trở lên !");
             if (URL::cdouble($price_arr[$id]) < 0) {
                 $this->setFormError("price" . $id, "Đơn giá sản phẩm có mã " . $id . " phải là giá trị >=0 !");
             if (URL::cdouble($price_out_arr[$id]) < 0) {
                 $this->setFormError("price_out" . $id, "Giá thị trường sản phẩm có mã " . $id . " phải là giá trị >=0 !");
             $sql[] = "UPDATE item SET name='" . addslashes($name_arr[$id]) . "' ,sku='" . addslashes($sku_arr[$id]) . "' ,list_brief='" . addslashes($list_brief_arr[$id]) . "' ,offer='" . addslashes($offer_arr[$id]) . "' ,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tprice='" . URL::cdouble($price_arr[$id]) . "' ,price_out='" . URL::cdouble($price_out_arr[$id]) . "', \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcurrency_id=" . (int) $currency_id_arr[$id] . " , quantity=" . (int) $quantity_arr[$id] . " ,`item_order`='" . (int) $item_order_arr[$id] . "',`warranty`='" . $warranty_arr[$id] . "',`made_in`='" . $made_in_arr[$id] . "' , \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tmodify_time=" . TIME_NOW . ", modify_user_name='" . User::user_name() . "' WHERE id=" . $id;
         foreach ($sql as $query) {
             DB::query($query, __LINE__ . __FILE__);
     if (Url::get('cmd') == 'move_content') {
         $str_ids = trim(AZLib::getParam('product_item'), ',');
         $catid = (int) Url::get('id_cats', 0);
         if ($catid != 0 && $str_ids) {
             $result = DB::fetch("SELECT parent_id FROM category WHERE id={$catid}");
             $parent_id = $result['parent_id'];
             $l1_id = 0;
             $l2_id = 0;
             if ($parent_id) {
                 $result = DB::fetch("SELECT parent_id FROM category WHERE id={$parent_id}");
                 $l1_id = $parent_id;
                 $l2_id = $catid;
                 $sql = 'UPDATE item SET category_id= ' . $catid . ',level_1_catid = ' . $parent_id . ' ,level_2_catid = ' . $catid . ' WHERE id IN(' . $str_ids . ')';
             } else {
                 $l1_id = $catid;
                 $l2_id = 0;
                 $sql = 'UPDATE item SET category_id= ' . $catid . ',level_1_catid = ' . $catid . ',level_2_catid = 0 WHERE id IN(' . $str_ids . ')';
             if (MEMCACHE_ON) {
                 $arr = explode(',', $str_ids);
                 if ($arr) {
                     foreach ($arr as $item_id) {
                         $item_memcache = AZMemcache::do_get("item:{$item_id}");
                         if ($item_memcache) {
                             $item_memcache['category_id'] = $catid;
                             $item_memcache['level_1_catid'] = $l1_id;
                             $item_memcache['level_2_catid'] = $l2_id;
                             AZMemcache::do_put("item:{$item_id}", $item_memcache);
     if (Url::get('cmd') == 'delete_item') {
         if (isset($_REQUEST['selected_ids'])) {
         } else {
             if (isset($_REQUEST['product_item'])) {
                 $product_item = array(0 => $_REQUEST['product_item']);
Ejemplo n.º 22
 function gallery_update()
     //Cập nhật ảnh cho thư viện
     if (User::have_permit(ADMIN_IMAGE) && (int) Url::get('user_id', 0) && (int) Url::get('user_id', 0) != User::id()) {
         $user_id = (int) Url::get('user_id', 0);
     } else {
         $user_id = User::id();
     $image_id = (int) $_GET['image_id'];
     $json['error'] = 'not_updated';
     $json['url_error'] = '';
     $json['img_url'] = '';
     if (User::is_login()) {
         if (User::is_az_team() || User::level() > 0) {
             if ($image_id) {
                 $des = substr(AZLib::trimSpace(AZLib::cleanHtml($_POST['des_update'])), 0, 50);
                 $image = DB::select('item_image', 'id=' . $image_id . ' AND root_id=0 AND user_id=' . $user_id);
                 if ($image) {
                     $upload_path = AZLib::folderUpload($user_id);
                     if (AZLib::ftp_check_dir($upload_path, true, IMAGE_SERVER_NO)) {
                         //Check dir for upload
                         if (isset($_FILES['img_upload_update']) && !$_FILES['img_upload_update']['error'] && $_FILES['img_upload_update']['name']) {
                             if (getimagesize($_FILES['img_upload_update']['tmp_name']) && $_FILES['img_upload_update']['size'] <= Item::MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE) {
                                 $file_name = $_FILES['img_upload_update']['name'];
                                 $sourceName = $_FILES['img_upload_update']['tmp_name'];
                                 $file_ext = AZLib::getExtension($file_name);
                                 if (in_array($file_ext, array('.jpg', '.jpeg', '.gif', '.png'))) {
                                     $img_url = $upload_path . date("YmdHis", TIME_NOW) . '_' . substr(AZLib::make_safe_name(basename(strtolower($file_name), $file_ext)), 0, 36) . $file_ext;
                                     if (AZLib::ftp_image_put_file($img_url, $sourceName, IMAGE_SERVER_NO)) {
                                         if (DB::update('item_image', array('des' => $des, 'img_server' => IMAGE_SERVER_NO, 'img_url' => $img_url), 'id=' . $image_id . ' OR root_id=' . $image_id)) {
                                             if ($image['img_url']) {
                                                 AZLib::ftp_image_delete_file($image['img_url'], $image['img_server']);
                                                 if (MEMCACHE_ON) {
                                                     $sql = "SELECT * FROM item\tWHERE img_url='{$image['img_url']}' AND status IN(1,2)  AND user_id=" . $user_id;
                                                     $re = DB::query($sql);
                                                     while ($item_memcache = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) {
                                                         $item_memcache['img_server'] = IMAGE_SERVER_NO;
                                                         $item_memcache['img_url'] = $img_url;
                                                         AZMemcache::do_put("item:" . $item_memcache['id'], $item_memcache);
                                                 DB::query("UPDATE item SET img_server = " . (int) IMAGE_SERVER_NO . ", img_url='{$img_url}' WHERE img_url='{$image['img_url']}' AND status IN(1,2)  AND user_id=" . $user_id);
                                             $json['img_server'] = IMAGE_SERVER_NO;
                                             $json['img_url'] = $img_url;
                                             $json['error'] = 'success';
                                         } else {
                                             $json['error'] = 'not_updated';
                                 } else {
                                     $json['error'] = 'ext_invalid';
                                     //Sai định dạng file
                             } else {
                                 $json['error'] = 'over_max_size';
                                 //Sai định dạng file hoặc upload dung lượng quá lớn
                         } elseif ($_POST['url_update']) {
                             $url = $_POST['url_update'];
                             $tem_cache_dir = DIR_CACHE . 'user_images/';
                             $tem_cache_file = User::user_name() . md5($url) . '.gif';
                             $image_content = disguise_curl($url);
                             if ($image_content) {
                                 if (@file_put_contents($tem_cache_dir . $tem_cache_file, $image_content)) {
                                     if (getimagesize($tem_cache_dir . $tem_cache_file) && filesize($tem_cache_dir . $tem_cache_file) <= Item::MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE) {
                                         $sourceName = $tem_cache_dir . $tem_cache_file;
                                         $img_url = $upload_path . TIME_NOW . '_' . $tem_cache_file;
                                         if (AZLib::ftp_image_put_file($img_url, $sourceName, IMAGE_SERVER_NO)) {
                                             if (DB::update('item_image', array('des' => $des, 'img_server' => IMAGE_SERVER_NO, 'img_url' => $img_url), 'id=' . $image_id . ' OR root_id=' . $image_id)) {
                                                 if ($image['img_url']) {
                                                     AZLib::ftp_image_delete_file($image['img_url'], $image['imng_server']);
                                                     if (MEMCACHE_ON) {
                                                         $sql = "SELECT * FROM item\tWHERE img_url='{$image['img_url']}' AND status IN(1,2)  AND user_id=" . $user_id;
                                                         $re = DB::query($sql);
                                                         while ($item_memcache = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) {
                                                             $item_memcache['img_server'] = IMAGE_SERVER_NO;
                                                             $item_memcache['img_url'] = $img_url;
                                                             AZMemcache::do_put("item:" . $item_memcache['id'], $item_memcache);
                                                     DB::query("UPDATE item SET img_url='{$img_url}' WHERE img_url='{$image['img_url']}' AND status IN(1,2) AND user_id=" . $user_id);
                                                 $json['url_error'] = 'success';
                                                 $json['img_server'] = IMAGE_SERVER_NO;
                                                 $json['img_url'] = $img_url;
                                             } else {
                                                 $json['url_error'] = 'not_updated';
                                         } else {
                                             $json['url_error'] = 'not_uploaded';
                                     } else {
                                         $json['url_error'] = 'over_max_size';
                                     @unlink($tem_cache_dir . $tem_cache_file);
                                 } else {
                                     $json['url_error'] = 'not_cache_file';
                             } else {
                                 $json['url_error'] = 'not_get_img';
                         } else {
                             if ($des != $image['des']) {
                                 if (DB::update('item_image', array('des' => $des), 'id=' . $image_id)) {
                                     $json['error'] = 'success';
                                 } else {
                                     $json['error'] = 'not_updated';
                             } else {
                                 $json['error'] = 'success';
                     $json['des'] = $des;
                     //get Item_id
                     $sql = "SELECT item_id FROM item_image WHERE (id = {$image_id} OR root_id = {$image_id}) " . (User::have_permit(ADMIN_IMAGE) ? '' : " AND user_id=" . User::id());
                     $re = DB::query($sql);
                     if ($re) {
                         $item = mysql_fetch_assoc($re);
                         if ($item["item_id"]) {
                             require_once ROOT_PATH . 'core/Item.php';
                             Item::get_item_images($item["item_id"], 1);
                 } else {
                     $json['error'] = 'not_exit';
                 //get Item_id
                 $sql = "SELECT item_id FROM item_image WHERE id = {$image_id}";
                 $re = DB::query($sql);
                 if ($re) {
                     $item = mysql_fetch_assoc($re);
                     require_once ROOT_PATH . 'core/Item.php';
                     Item::get_item_images($item["item_id"], 1);
     } else {
         $json['error'] = 'not_login';
     echo json_encode($json);
Ejemplo n.º 23
 static function endCache($return = false)
     //return ;
     self::$curentContent = ob_get_contents();
     if (CACHE_ON) {
         if (MEMCACHE_ON) {
             if (self::$curentCacheFilePath != '') {
                 AZMemcache::do_put("scache:" . self::$curentCacheFilePath, self::$curentContent, self::$curentExpTime);
                 if (DEBUG) {
                     if (class_exists('Module')) {
                         if (class_exists('Module') && Module::$name != '') {
                             $module_name = Module::$name;
                         } else {
                             $module_name = "-- Enbac system";
                     $info = "<b>" . $module_name . "</b><br /><font color=red><b>scache:" . self::$curentCacheFilePath . "</b></font><br /><b>Created:</b> " . date('d/m/Y H:i:s', TIME_NOW) . " <b>Expire:</b> " . (self::$curentExpTime ? self::$curentExpTime . ' sec ' : 'Forever');
                     self::$cacheFilesList .= "<li>" . $info . "</li>";
                 self::$curentCacheFilePath = '';
                 self::$curentExpTime = 0;
             } else {
                 if (DEBUG) {
                     if (class_exists('Module') && Module::$name != '') {
                         $module_name = Module::$name;
                     } else {
                         $module_name = "-- Enbac system";
                     $info = "<b>" . $module_name . "</b><br /><font color=red><b>No file</b></font><br />";
                     self::$cacheFilesList .= "<li>" . $info . "</li>";
                 self::$curentExpTime = 0;
         } else {
             if (self::$curentCacheFilePath != '') {
                 @file_put_contents(self::$curentCacheFilePath, self::$curentContent);
                 if (DEBUG) {
                     if (class_exists('Module') && Module::$name != '') {
                         $module_name = Module::$name;
                     } else {
                         $module_name = "-- Enbac system";
                     $info = "<b>" . $module_name . "</b><br /><font color=red><b>" . self::$curentCacheFilePath . "</b></font><br /><b>Created:</b> " . date('d/m/Y H:i:s', TIME_NOW) . " <b>Expire:</b> " . (self::$curentExpTime ? date('d/m/Y H:i:s', self::$curentExpTime + TIME_NOW) : 'Forever');
                     self::$cacheFilesList .= "<li>" . $info . "</li>";
                 self::$curentCacheFilePath = '';
                 self::$curentExpTime = 0;
             } else {
                 if (DEBUG) {
                     if (class_exists('Module') && Module::$name != '') {
                         $module_name = Module::$name;
                     } else {
                         $module_name = "-- Enbac system";
                     $info = "<b>" . $module_name . "</b><br /><font color=red><b>No file</b></font><br />";
                     self::$cacheFilesList .= "<li>" . $info . "</li>";
                 self::$curentExpTime = 0;
     if ($return) {
         return self::$curentContent;
     } elseif (!self::$handleContent) {
         echo self::$curentContent;
     return true;