/** * Editor callback form. */ function wpcf_fields_checkboxes_editor_callback() { $form = array(); $form['#form']['callback'] = 'wpcf_fields_checkboxes_editor_submit'; $form['display'] = array('#type' => 'radios', '#default_value' => 'display_all', '#name' => 'display', '#options' => array('display_from_db' => array('#title' => __('Display the value of this field from the database', 'wpcf'), '#name' => 'display', '#value' => 'db', '#inline' => true, '#after' => '<br />'), 'display_all' => array('#title' => __('Display all values with separator', 'wpcf'), '#name' => 'display', '#value' => 'display_all', '#inline' => true, '#after' => ' ' . wpcf_form_simple(array('separator' => array('#type' => 'textfield', '#name' => 'separator', '#value' => ', ', '#inline' => true))) . '<br />'), 'display_values' => array('#title' => __('Show one of these two values:', 'wpcf'), '#name' => 'display', '#value' => 'value')), '#inline' => true); if (isset($_GET['field_id'])) { $field = wpcf_admin_fields_get_field($_GET['field_id']); if (!empty($field['data']['options'])) { foreach ($field['data']['options'] as $option_key => $option) { $form[$option_key . '-markup'] = array('#type' => 'markup', '#markup' => '<h3>' . $option['title'] . '</h3>'); $form[$option_key . '-display-value-1'] = array('#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => '<td style="text-align:right;">' . __('Not selected:', 'wpcf') . '</td><td>', '#name' => 'options[' . $option_key . '][display_value_not_selected]', '#value' => $option['display_value_not_selected'], '#inline' => true, '#before' => '<table><tr>', '#after' => '</td></tr>'); $form[$option_key . '-display-value-2'] = array('#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => '<td style="text-align:right;">' . __('Selected:', 'wpcf') . '</td><td>', '#name' => 'options[' . $option_key . '][display_value_selected]', '#value' => $option['display_value_selected'], '#after' => '</tr></table>'); } } } $form['submit'] = array('#type' => 'submit', '#name' => 'submit', '#value' => __('Save Changes'), '#attributes' => array('class' => 'button-primary')); $f = wpcf_form('wpcf-form', $form); wpcf_admin_ajax_head('Insert checkbox', 'wpcf'); echo '<form method="post" action="">'; echo $f->renderForm(); echo '</form>'; wpcf_admin_ajax_footer(); }
/** * All AJAX calls go here. * * @todo auth */ function wpcf_ajax_embedded() { if (isset($_REQUEST['_typesnonce'])) { if (!wp_verify_nonce($_REQUEST['_typesnonce'], '_typesnonce')) { die('Verification failed'); } } else { if (!isset($_REQUEST['_wpnonce']) || !wp_verify_nonce($_REQUEST['_wpnonce'], $_REQUEST['wpcf_action'])) { die('Verification failed'); } } global $wpcf; switch ($_REQUEST['wpcf_action']) { case 'insert_skype_button': if (!current_user_can('edit_posts')) { die('Authentication failed'); } require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields/skype.php'; wpcf_fields_skype_meta_box_ajax(); break; case 'editor_callback': if (!current_user_can('edit_posts')) { die('Authentication failed'); } // Determine Field type and context $views_usermeta = false; $field_id = sanitize_text_field($_GET['field_id']); // todo this could be written in like four lines if (isset($_GET['field_type']) && $_GET['field_type'] == 'usermeta') { // Group filter wp_enqueue_script('suggest'); $field = types_get_field($field_id, 'usermeta'); $meta_type = 'usermeta'; } elseif (isset($_GET['field_type']) && $_GET['field_type'] == 'views-usermeta') { $field = types_get_field($field_id, 'usermeta'); $meta_type = 'usermeta'; $views_usermeta = true; } else { $field = types_get_field($field_id); $meta_type = 'postmeta'; } $parent_post_id = isset($_GET['post_id']) ? intval($_GET['post_id']) : null; $shortcode = isset($_GET['shortcode']) ? urldecode($_GET['shortcode']) : null; $callback = isset($_GET['callback']) ? sanitize_text_field($_GET['callback']) : false; if (!empty($field)) { // Editor WPCF_Loader::loadClass('editor'); $editor = new WPCF_Editor(); $editor->frame($field, $meta_type, $parent_post_id, $shortcode, $callback, $views_usermeta); } break; case 'dismiss_message': if (!is_user_logged_in()) { die('Authentication failed'); } if (isset($_GET['id'])) { $messages = get_option('wpcf_dismissed_messages', array()); $messages[] = sanitize_text_field($_GET['id']); update_option('wpcf_dismissed_messages', $messages); } break; case 'pr_add_child_post': $output = 'Passed wrong parameters'; if (current_user_can('edit_posts') && isset($_GET['post_id']) && isset($_GET['post_type_child']) && isset($_GET['post_type_parent'])) { $relationships = get_option('wpcf_post_relationship', array()); $parent_post_id = intval($_GET['post_id']); $parent_post = get_post($parent_post_id); if (!empty($parent_post->ID)) { $post_type = sanitize_text_field($_GET['post_type_child']); $parent_post_type = sanitize_text_field($_GET['post_type_parent']); // @todo isset & error handling $data = $relationships[$parent_post_type][$post_type]; /* * Since Types 1.1.5 * * We save new post * CHECKPOINT */ $id = $wpcf->relationship->add_new_child($parent_post->ID, $post_type); if (is_wp_error($id)) { $output = $id->get_error_message(); } else { /* * Here we set Relationship * CHECKPOINT */ $parent = get_post($parent_post_id); $child = get_post($id); if (!empty($parent->ID) && !empty($child->ID)) { // Set post $wpcf->post = $child; // Set relationship :) $wpcf->relationship->_set($parent, $child, $data); // Render new row $output = $wpcf->relationship->child_row($parent_post->ID, $id, $data); } else { $output = __('Error creating post relationship', 'wpcf'); } } } else { $output = __('Error getting parent post', 'wpcf'); } } if (!defined('WPTOOLSET_FORMS_VERSION')) { echo json_encode(array('output' => $output . wpcf_form_render_js_validation('#post', false), 'child_id' => $id)); } else { echo json_encode(array('output' => $output, 'conditionals' => array('#post' => wptoolset_form_get_conditional_data('post')), 'child_id' => $id)); } break; case 'pr_save_all': $output = ''; if (current_user_can('edit_posts') && isset($_POST['post_id'])) { $parent_id = intval($_POST['post_id']); $post_type = sanitize_text_field($_POST['post_type']); if (isset($_POST['wpcf_post_relationship'][$parent_id])) { $children = wpcf_sanitize_post_realtionship_input((array) $_POST['wpcf_post_relationship'][$parent_id]); $wpcf->relationship->save_children($parent_id, $children); $output = $wpcf->relationship->child_meta_form($parent_id, strval($post_type)); } } if (!defined('WPTOOLSET_FORMS_VERSION')) { // TODO Move to conditional $output .= '<script type="text/javascript">wpcfConditionalInit();</script>'; } if (!defined('WPTOOLSET_FORMS_VERSION')) { echo json_encode(array('output' => $output)); } else { echo json_encode(array('output' => $output, 'conditionals' => array('#post' => wptoolset_form_get_conditional_data('post')))); } break; case 'pr_save_child_post': ob_start(); // Try to catch any errors $output = ''; if (current_user_can('edit_posts') && isset($_GET['post_id']) && isset($_GET['parent_id']) && isset($_GET['post_type_parent']) && isset($_GET['post_type_child']) && isset($_POST['wpcf_post_relationship'])) { $parent_id = intval($_GET['parent_id']); $child_id = intval($_GET['post_id']); $parent_post_type = sanitize_text_field($_GET['post_type_parent']); $child_post_type = sanitize_text_field($_GET['post_type_child']); if (isset($_POST['wpcf_post_relationship'][$parent_id][$child_id])) { $fields = wpcf_sanitize_post_relationship_input_fields((array) $_POST['wpcf_post_relationship'][$parent_id][$child_id]); $wpcf->relationship->save_child($parent_id, $child_id, $fields); $output = $wpcf->relationship->child_row($parent_id, $child_id, $wpcf->relationship->settings($parent_post_type, $child_post_type)); if (!defined('WPTOOLSET_FORMS_VERSION')) { // TODO Move to conditional $output .= '<script type="text/javascript">wpcfConditionalInit(\'#types-child-row-' . $child_id . '\');</script>'; } } } $errors = ob_get_clean(); if (!defined('WPTOOLSET_FORMS_VERSION')) { echo json_encode(array('output' => $output, 'errors' => $errors)); } else { echo json_encode(array('output' => $output, 'errors' => $errors, 'conditionals' => array('#post' => wptoolset_form_get_conditional_data('post')))); } break; case 'pr_delete_child_post': require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_ABSPATH . '/includes/post-relationship.php'; $output = 'Passed wrong parameters'; if (current_user_can('edit_posts') && isset($_GET['post_id'])) { $output = wpcf_pr_admin_delete_child_item(intval($_GET['post_id'])); } echo json_encode(array('output' => $output)); break; case 'pr-update-belongs': require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_ABSPATH . '/includes/post-relationship.php'; $output = 'Passed wrong parameters'; if (current_user_can('edit_posts') && isset($_POST['post_id']) && isset($_POST['wpcf_pr_belongs'][$_POST['post_id']])) { $parent_post_id = intval($_POST['post_id']); $belongs_assignments = array(); foreach ($_POST['wpcf_pr_belongs'][$parent_post_id] as $post_type_raw => $post_id_raw) { $belongs_assignments[sanitize_text_field($post_type_raw)] = intval($post_id_raw); } $updated = wpcf_pr_admin_update_belongs($parent_post_id, $belongs_assignments); $output = is_wp_error($updated) ? $updated->get_error_message() : $updated; } if (!defined('WPTOOLSET_FORMS_VERSION')) { echo json_encode(array('output' => $output)); } else { echo json_encode(array('output' => $output, 'conditionals' => array('#post' => wptoolset_form_get_conditional_data('post')))); } break; case 'pr_pagination': require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields-post.php'; require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_ABSPATH . '/includes/post-relationship.php'; $output = 'Passed wrong parameters'; if (current_user_can('edit_posts') && isset($_GET['post_id']) && isset($_GET['post_type'])) { global $wpcf; $parent = get_post(intval($_GET['post_id'])); $child_post_type = sanitize_text_field($_GET['post_type']); if (!empty($parent->ID)) { // Set post in loop $wpcf->post = $parent; // Save items_per_page $wpcf->relationship->save_items_per_page($parent->post_type, $child_post_type, intval($_GET[$wpcf->relationship->items_per_page_option_name])); $output = $wpcf->relationship->child_meta_form($parent->ID, $child_post_type); } } if (!defined('WPTOOLSET_FORMS_VERSION')) { echo json_encode(array('output' => $output)); } else { echo json_encode(array('output' => $output, 'conditionals' => array('#post' => wptoolset_form_get_conditional_data('post')))); } break; case 'pr_sort': $output = 'Passed wrong parameters'; if (current_user_can('edit_posts') && isset($_GET['field']) && isset($_GET['sort']) && isset($_GET['post_id']) && isset($_GET['post_type'])) { $output = $wpcf->relationship->child_meta_form(intval($_GET['post_id']), sanitize_text_field($_GET['post_type'])); } if (!defined('WPTOOLSET_FORMS_VERSION')) { echo json_encode(array('output' => $output)); } else { echo json_encode(array('output' => $output, 'conditionals' => array('#post' => wptoolset_form_get_conditional_data('post')))); } break; // Not used anywhere /*case 'pr_sort_parent': $output = 'Passed wrong parameters'; if ( isset( $_GET['field'] ) && isset( $_GET['sort'] ) && isset( $_GET['post_id'] ) && isset( $_GET['post_type'] ) ) { $output = $wpcf->relationship->child_meta_form( intval( $_GET['post_id'] ), strval( $_GET['post_type'] ) ); } if ( !defined( 'WPTOOLSET_FORMS_VERSION' ) ) { echo json_encode( array( 'output' => $output, ) ); } else { echo json_encode( array( 'output' => $output, 'conditionals' => array('#post' => wptoolset_form_get_conditional_data( 'post' )), ) ); } break;*/ /* Usermeta */ // Not used anywhere /*case 'pr_sort_parent': $output = 'Passed wrong parameters'; if ( isset( $_GET['field'] ) && isset( $_GET['sort'] ) && isset( $_GET['post_id'] ) && isset( $_GET['post_type'] ) ) { $output = $wpcf->relationship->child_meta_form( intval( $_GET['post_id'] ), strval( $_GET['post_type'] ) ); } if ( !defined( 'WPTOOLSET_FORMS_VERSION' ) ) { echo json_encode( array( 'output' => $output, ) ); } else { echo json_encode( array( 'output' => $output, 'conditionals' => array('#post' => wptoolset_form_get_conditional_data( 'post' )), ) ); } break;*/ /* Usermeta */ case 'um_repetitive_add': if (isset($_GET['user_id'])) { $user_id = $_GET['user_id']; } else { $user_id = wpcf_usermeta_get_user(); } if (isset($_GET['field_id']) && current_user_can('edit_user', $user_id)) { require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields-post.php'; require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_INC_ABSPATH . '/usermeta-post.php'; $field = wpcf_admin_fields_get_field(sanitize_text_field($_GET['field_id']), false, false, false, 'wpcf-usermeta'); global $wpcf; $wpcf->usermeta_repeater->set($user_id, $field); /* * * Force empty values! */ $wpcf->usermeta_repeater->cf['value'] = null; $wpcf->usermeta_repeater->meta = null; $form = $wpcf->usermeta_repeater->get_field_form(null, true); echo json_encode(array('output' => wpcf_form_simple($form) . wpcf_form_render_js_validation('#your-profile', false))); } else { echo json_encode(array('output' => 'params missing')); } break; case 'um_repetitive_delete': if (isset($_POST['user_id']) && isset($_POST['field_id']) && current_user_can('edit_user', intval($_POST['user_id']))) { require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; $user_id = intval($_POST['user_id']); $field = wpcf_admin_fields_get_field(sanitize_text_field($_POST['field_id']), false, false, false, 'wpcf-usermeta'); $meta_id = intval($_POST['meta_id']); if (!empty($field) && !empty($user_id) && !empty($meta_id)) { /* * * * Changed. * Since Types 1.2 */ global $wpcf; $wpcf->usermeta_repeater->set($user_id, $field); $wpcf->usermeta_repeater->delete($meta_id); echo json_encode(array('output' => 'deleted')); } else { echo json_encode(array('output' => 'field or post not found')); } } else { echo json_encode(array('output' => 'params missing')); } break; /* End Usermeta */ /* End Usermeta */ case 'repetitive_add': if (current_user_can('edit_posts') && isset($_GET['field_id'])) { require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields-post.php'; $field = wpcf_admin_fields_get_field(sanitize_text_field($_GET['field_id'])); $parent_post_id = intval($_GET['post_id']); /* * When post is new - post_id is 0 * We can safely set post_id to 1 cause * values compared are filtered anyway. */ if ($parent_post_id == 0) { $parent_post_id = 1; } $parent_post = get_post($parent_post_id); global $wpcf; $wpcf->repeater->set($parent_post, $field); /* * * Force empty values! */ $wpcf->repeater->cf['value'] = null; $wpcf->repeater->meta = null; $form = $wpcf->repeater->get_field_form(null, true); echo json_encode(array('output' => wpcf_form_simple($form) . wpcf_form_render_js_validation('#post', false))); } else { echo json_encode(array('output' => 'params missing')); } break; case 'repetitive_delete': if (current_user_can('edit_posts') && isset($_POST['post_id']) && isset($_POST['field_id'])) { require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; $post_id = intval($_POST['post_id']); $parent_post = get_post($post_id); $field = wpcf_admin_fields_get_field(sanitize_text_field($_POST['field_id'])); $meta_id = intval($_POST['meta_id']); if (!empty($field) && !empty($parent_post->ID) && !empty($meta_id)) { /* * * * Changed. * Since Types 1.2 */ global $wpcf; $wpcf->repeater->set($parent_post, $field); $wpcf->repeater->delete($meta_id); echo json_encode(array('output' => 'deleted')); } else { echo json_encode(array('output' => 'field or post not found')); } } else { echo json_encode(array('output' => 'params missing')); } break; case 'cd_verify': if (!current_user_can('edit_posts') || empty($_POST['wpcf']) && empty($_POST['wpcf_post_relationship'])) { die; } WPCF_Loader::loadClass('helper.ajax'); $js_execute = WPCF_Helper_Ajax::conditionalVerify($_POST); // Render JSON if (!empty($js_execute)) { echo json_encode(array('output' => '', 'execute' => $js_execute, 'wpcf_nonce_ajax_callback' => wp_create_nonce('execute'))); } die; break; case 'cd_group_verify': require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_INC_ABSPATH . '/conditional-display.php'; $group = wpcf_admin_fields_get_group(sanitize_text_field($_POST['group_id'])); if (!current_user_can('edit_posts') || empty($group)) { echo json_encode(array('output' => '')); die; } $execute = ''; $group['conditional_display'] = get_post_meta($group['id'], '_wpcf_conditional_display', true); // Filter meta values (switch them with $_POST values) add_filter('get_post_metadata', 'wpcf_cd_meta_ajax_validation_filter', 10, 4); $parent_post = false; if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) { $split = explode('?', $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); if (isset($split[1])) { parse_str($split[1], $vars); if (isset($vars['post'])) { $parent_post = get_post($vars['post']); } } } // Dummy post if (!$parent_post) { $parent_post = new stdClass(); $parent_post->ID = 1; } if (!empty($group['conditional_display']['conditions'])) { $result = wpcf_cd_post_groups_filter(array(0 => $group), $parent_post, 'group'); if (!empty($result)) { $result = array_shift($result); $passed = $result['_conditional_display'] == 'passed' ? true : false; } else { $passed = false; } if (!$passed) { $execute = 'jQuery("#wpcf-group-' . $group['slug'] . '").slideUp().find(".wpcf-cd-group")' . '.addClass(\'wpcf-cd-group-failed\')' . '.removeClass(\'wpcf-cd-group-passed\').hide();'; } else { $execute = 'jQuery("#wpcf-group-' . $group['slug'] . '").show().find(".wpcf-cd-group")' . '.addClass(\'wpcf-cd-group-passed\')' . '.removeClass(\'wpcf-cd-group-failed\').slideDown();'; } } // Remove filter meta values (switch them with $_POST values) remove_filter('get_post_metadata', 'wpcf_cd_meta_ajax_validation_filter', 10, 4); echo json_encode(array('output' => '', 'execute' => $execute, 'wpcf_nonce_ajax_callback' => wp_create_nonce('execute'))); break; default: break; } if (function_exists('wpcf_ajax')) { wpcf_ajax(); } die; }
/** * Edit fields form. * * @global type $wpdb * @param type $parent * @param type $child */ function wpcf_pr_admin_edit_fields($parent, $child) { global $wpdb; $post_type_parent = get_post_type_object($parent); $post_type_child = get_post_type_object($child); if (empty($post_type_parent) || empty($post_type_child)) { die(__('Wrong post types')); } $relationships = get_option('wpcf_post_relationship', array()); if (!isset($relationships[$parent][$child])) { die(__('Relationship do not exist')); } $data = $relationships[$parent][$child]; wp_enqueue_script('jquery'); wpcf_admin_ajax_head('Edit fields', 'wpcf'); // Process submit if (isset($_POST['_wpnonce']) && wp_verify_nonce($_POST['_wpnonce'], 'pt_edit_fields')) { $relationships[$parent][$child]['fields_setting'] = $_POST['fields_setting']; $relationships[$parent][$child]['fields'] = isset($_POST['fields']) ? $_POST['fields'] : array(); update_option('wpcf_post_relationship', $relationships); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> window.parent.jQuery('#TB_closeWindowButton').trigger('click'); window.parent.location.reload(); </script> <?php die; } $form = array(); $form['select'] = array('#type' => 'radios', '#name' => 'fields_setting', '#options' => array(__('Title, all custom fields and parents', 'wpcf') => 'all_cf', __('All fields, including the standard post fields', 'wpcf') => 'all_cf_standard', __('Specific fields', 'wpcf') => 'specific'), '#default_value' => empty($data['fields_setting']) ? 'all_cf' : $data['fields_setting']); $options = array(); $options['_wp_title'] = array('#title' => __('Post title', 'wpcf'), '#name' => 'fields[_wp_title]', '#default_value' => isset($data['fields']['_wp_title']) ? 1 : 0); $options['_wp_body'] = array('#title' => __('Post body', 'wpcf'), '#name' => 'fields[_wp_body]', '#default_value' => isset($data['fields']['_wp_body']) ? 1 : 0); // $wpcf_fields = wpcf_admin_fields_get_fields(true); $groups = wpcf_admin_get_groups_by_post_type($child); foreach ($groups as $group) { $fields = wpcf_admin_fields_get_fields_by_group($group['id']); foreach ($fields as $key => $cf) { $options[WPCF_META_PREFIX . $key] = array(); $options[WPCF_META_PREFIX . $key]['#title'] = $cf['name']; $options[WPCF_META_PREFIX . $key]['#name'] = 'fields[' . WPCF_META_PREFIX . $key . ']'; $options[WPCF_META_PREFIX . $key]['#default_value'] = isset($data['fields'][WPCF_META_PREFIX . $key]) ? 1 : 0; } } $temp_belongs = wpcf_pr_admin_get_belongs($child); foreach ($temp_belongs as $temp_parent => $temp_data) { if ($temp_parent == $parent) { continue; } $temp_parent_type = get_post_type_object($temp_parent); $options[$temp_parent] = array(); $options[$temp_parent]['#title'] = $temp_parent_type->label; $options[$temp_parent]['#name'] = 'fields[_wpcf_pr_parents][' . $temp_parent . ']'; $options[$temp_parent]['#default_value'] = isset($data['fields']['_wpcf_pr_parents'][$temp_parent]) ? 1 : 0; } // foreach ($wpcf_fields as $key => $cf) { // $options[WPCF_META_PREFIX . $key] = array(); // $options[WPCF_META_PREFIX . $key]['#title'] = $cf['name']; // $options[WPCF_META_PREFIX . $key]['#name'] = 'fields[' . WPCF_META_PREFIX . $key . ']'; // $options[WPCF_META_PREFIX . $key]['#default_value'] = isset($data['fields'][WPCF_META_PREFIX . $key]) ? 1 : 0; // } // $cf_all = $wpdb->get_results(" // SELECT meta_id, meta_key // FROM $wpdb->postmeta // GROUP BY meta_key // HAVING meta_key NOT LIKE '\_%' // ORDER BY meta_key"); // foreach ($cf_all as $key => $cf) { // if (isset($options[$cf->meta_key])) { // continue; // } // $options[$key] = array(); // $options[$key]['#title'] = $cf->meta_key; // $options[$key]['#name'] = 'fields[' . $cf->meta_key . ']'; // $options[$key]['#default_value'] = isset($data['fields'][$cf->meta_key]) ? 1 : 0; // } $form['specific'] = array('#type' => 'checkboxes', '#name' => 'fields', '#options' => $options, '#default_value' => isset($data['fields']), '#before' => '<div id="wpcf-specific" style="display:none;margin:10px 0 0 20px;">', '#after' => '</div>'); $form['submit'] = array('#type' => 'submit', '#name' => 'submit', '#value' => __('Save'), '#attributes' => array('class' => 'button-primary')); echo '<form method="post" action="">'; echo wpcf_form_simple($form); echo wp_nonce_field('pt_edit_fields'); echo '</form>'; ?> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(document).ready(function(){ if (jQuery('input[name="fields_setting"]:checked').val() == 'specific') { jQuery('#wpcf-specific').show(); } jQuery('input[name="fields_setting"]').change(function(){ if (jQuery(this).val() == 'specific') { jQuery('#wpcf-specific').slideDown(); } else { jQuery('#wpcf-specific').slideUp(); } }); }); </script> <?php wpcf_admin_ajax_footer(); }
/** * Renders meta box content. * * Core function. Works and stable. * If required, add hooks only. * * @todo Revise this 1.1.5 * * @param type $post * @param type $group */ function wpcf_admin_post_meta_box($post, $group) { global $wpcf; static $nonce_added = false; /* * TODO Document where this is used */ if (!$nonce_added) { $nonce_action = 'update-' . $post->post_type . '_' . $post->ID; wp_nonce_field($nonce_action, '_wpcf_post_wpnonce'); $nonce_added = true; } /* * TODO Move to Conditional code * * This is already checked. Use hook to add wrapper DIVS and apply CSS. */ if (!empty($group['args']['_conditional_display'])) { if ($group['args']['_conditional_display'] == 'failed') { echo '<div class="wpcf-cd-group wpcf-cd-group-failed" style="display:none;">'; } else { echo '<div class="wpcf-cd-group wpcf-cd-group-passed">'; } } /* * TODO Move this into Field code * Process fields */ if (!empty($group['args']['fields'])) { // Display description if (!empty($group['args']['description'])) { echo '<div class="wpcf-meta-box-description">' . wpautop(wpcf_translate('group ' . $group['args']['id'] . ' description', $group['args']['description'])) . '</div>'; } foreach ($group['args']['fields'] as $field_slug => $field) { if (empty($field) || !is_array($field)) { continue; } $field = $wpcf->field->_parse_cf_form_element($field); if (!isset($field['#id'])) { $field['#id'] = wpcf_unique_id(serialize($field)); } // Render form elements if (wpcf_compare_wp_version() && $field['#type'] == 'wysiwyg') { // Especially for WYSIWYG echo '<div class="wpcf-wysiwyg">'; echo '<div id="wpcf-textarea-textarea-wrapper" class="form-item form-item-textarea wpcf-form-item wpcf-form-item-textarea">'; echo isset($field['#before']) ? $field['#before'] : ''; echo ' <label class="wpcf-form-label wpcf-form-textarea-label">' . $field['#title'] . '</label>'; echo '<div class="description wpcf-form-description wpcf-form-description-textarea description-textarea"> ' . wpautop($field['#description']) . '</div>'; wp_editor($field['#value'], $field['#id'], $field['#editor_settings']); $field['slug'] = str_replace(WPCF_META_PREFIX . 'wysiwyg-', '', $field_slug); $field['type'] = 'wysiwyg'; echo '</div>'; echo isset($field['#after']) ? $field['#after'] : ''; echo '</div><br /><br />'; } else { if ($field['#type'] == 'wysiwyg') { $field['#type'] = 'textarea'; } echo wpcf_form_simple(array($field['#id'] => $field)); } do_action('wpcf_fields_' . $field_slug . '_meta_box_form', $field); if (isset($field['wpcf-type'])) { // May be ignored do_action('wpcf_fields_' . $field['wpcf-type'] . '_meta_box_form', $field); } } } /* * TODO Move to Conditional code * * This is already checked. Use hook to add wrapper DIVS and apply CSS. */ if (!empty($group['args']['_conditional_display'])) { echo '</div>'; } }
/** * TinyMCE editor form. */ function wpcf_fields_date_editor_callback() { $last_settings = wpcf_admin_fields_get_field_last_settings($_GET['field_id']); wp_enqueue_script('jquery'); $form = array(); $form['#form']['callback'] = 'wpcf_fields_date_editor_form_submit'; $form['style'] = array('#type' => 'radios', '#name' => 'wpcf[style]', '#options' => array(__('Show as calendar', 'wpcf') => 'calendar', __('Show as text', 'wpcf') => 'text'), '#default_value' => isset($last_settings['style']) ? $last_settings['style'] : 'text', '#after' => '<br />'); $date_formats = apply_filters('date_formats', array(__('F j, Y'), 'Y/m/d', 'm/d/Y', 'd/m/Y')); $options = array(); foreach ($date_formats as $format) { $title = date($format, time()); $field['#title'] = $title; $field['#value'] = $format; $options[] = $field; } $custom_format = isset($last_settings['format-custom']) ? $last_settings['format-custom'] : get_option('date_format'); $options[] = array('#title' => __('Custom', 'wpcf'), '#value' => 'custom', '#suffix' => wpcf_form_simple(array('custom' => array('#name' => 'wpcf[format-custom]', '#type' => 'textfield', '#value' => $custom_format, '#suffix' => ' ' . date($custom_format, time()), '#inline' => true)))); $form['toggle-open'] = array('#type' => 'markup', '#markup' => '<div id="wpcf-toggle" style="display:none;">'); $form['format'] = array('#type' => 'radios', '#name' => 'wpcf[format]', '#options' => $options, '#default_value' => isset($last_settings['format']) ? $last_settings['format'] : get_option('date_format'), '#after' => '<a href="http://codex.wordpress.org/Formatting_Date_and_Time" target="_blank">' . __('Documentation on date and time formatting', 'wpcf') . '</a>'); $form['toggle-close'] = array('#type' => 'markup', '#markup' => '</div>'); $form['field_id'] = array('#type' => 'hidden', '#name' => 'wpcf[field_id]', '#value' => $_GET['field_id']); $form['submit'] = array('#type' => 'submit', '#name' => 'submit', '#value' => __('Insert date', 'wpcf'), '#attributes' => array('class' => 'button-primary')); $f = wpcf_form('wpcf-fields-date-editor', $form); add_action('admin_head_wpcf_ajax', 'wpcf_fields_date_editor_form_script'); wpcf_admin_ajax_head(__('Insert date', 'wpcf')); echo '<form id="wpcf-form" method="post" action="">'; echo $f->renderForm(); echo '</form>'; wpcf_admin_ajax_footer(); }
/** * Edit fields form. * * @global type $wpdb * @param type $parent * @param type $child */ function wpcf_pr_admin_edit_fields($parent, $child) { global $wpdb; $post_type_parent = get_post_type_object($parent); $post_type_child = get_post_type_object($child); if (empty($post_type_parent) || empty($post_type_child)) { die(__('Wrong post types')); } $relationships = get_option('wpcf_post_relationship', array()); if (!isset($relationships[$parent][$child])) { die(__('Relationship do not exist')); } $data = $relationships[$parent][$child]; wp_enqueue_script('jquery'); wpcf_admin_ajax_head('Edit fields', 'wpcf'); // Process submit if (isset($_POST['_wpnonce']) && wp_verify_nonce($_POST['_wpnonce'], 'pt_edit_fields')) { $relationships[$parent][$child]['fields_setting'] = $_POST['fields_setting']; $relationships[$parent][$child]['fields'] = isset($_POST['fields']) ? $_POST['fields'] : array(); update_option('wpcf_post_relationship', $relationships); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> window.parent.jQuery('#TB_closeWindowButton').trigger('click'); window.parent.location.reload(); </script> <?php die; } $groups = wpcf_admin_get_groups_by_post_type($child); $options_cf = array(); $repetitive_warning = false; $repetitive_warning_markup = array(); $repetitive_warning_txt = __('Repeating fields should not be used in child posts. Types will update all field values.', 'wpcf'); foreach ($groups as $group) { $fields = wpcf_admin_fields_get_fields_by_group($group['id']); foreach ($fields as $key => $cf) { $options_cf[WPCF_META_PREFIX . $key] = array(); $options_cf[WPCF_META_PREFIX . $key]['#title'] = $cf['name']; $options_cf[WPCF_META_PREFIX . $key]['#name'] = 'fields[' . WPCF_META_PREFIX . $key . ']'; $options_cf[WPCF_META_PREFIX . $key]['#default_value'] = isset($data['fields'][WPCF_META_PREFIX . $key]) ? 1 : 0; // Repetitive warning if (wpcf_admin_is_repetitive($cf)) { if (!$repetitive_warning) { $repetitive_warning_markup = array('#type' => 'markup', '#markup' => '<div class="message error" style="display:none;" id="wpcf-repetitive-warning"><p>' . $repetitive_warning_txt . '</p></div>'); } $repetitive_warning = true; $options_cf[WPCF_META_PREFIX . $key]['#after'] = !isset($data['fields'][WPCF_META_PREFIX . $key]) ? '<div class="message error" style="display:none;"><p>' : '<div class="message error"><p>'; $options_cf[WPCF_META_PREFIX . $key]['#after'] .= $repetitive_warning_txt; $options_cf[WPCF_META_PREFIX . $key]['#after'] .= '</p></div>'; $options_cf[WPCF_META_PREFIX . $key]['#attributes'] = array('onclick' => 'jQuery(this).parent().find(\'.message\').toggle();'); } } } $form = array(); $form['repetitive_warning_markup'] = $repetitive_warning_markup; $form['select'] = array('#type' => 'radios', '#name' => 'fields_setting', '#options' => array(__('Title, all custom fields and parents', 'wpcf') => 'all_cf', __('All fields, including the standard post fields', 'wpcf') => 'all_cf_standard', __('Specific fields', 'wpcf') => 'specific'), '#default_value' => empty($data['fields_setting']) ? 'all_cf' : $data['fields_setting']); $options = array(); $options['_wp_title'] = array('#title' => __('Post title', 'wpcf'), '#name' => 'fields[_wp_title]', '#default_value' => isset($data['fields']['_wp_title']) ? 1 : 0); $options['_wp_body'] = array('#title' => __('Post body', 'wpcf'), '#name' => 'fields[_wp_body]', '#default_value' => isset($data['fields']['_wp_body']) ? 1 : 0); $options = $options + $options_cf; $temp_belongs = wpcf_pr_admin_get_belongs($child); foreach ($temp_belongs as $temp_parent => $temp_data) { if ($temp_parent == $parent) { continue; } $temp_parent_type = get_post_type_object($temp_parent); $options[$temp_parent] = array(); $options[$temp_parent]['#title'] = $temp_parent_type->label; $options[$temp_parent]['#name'] = 'fields[_wpcf_pr_parents][' . $temp_parent . ']'; $options[$temp_parent]['#default_value'] = isset($data['fields']['_wpcf_pr_parents'][$temp_parent]) ? 1 : 0; } $form['specific'] = array('#type' => 'checkboxes', '#name' => 'fields', '#options' => $options, '#default_value' => isset($data['fields']), '#before' => '<div id="wpcf-specific" style="display:none;margin:10px 0 0 20px;">', '#after' => '</div>'); $form['submit'] = array('#type' => 'submit', '#name' => 'submit', '#value' => __('Save', 'wpcf'), '#attributes' => array('class' => 'button-primary')); echo '<form method="post" action="">'; echo wpcf_form_simple($form); echo wp_nonce_field('pt_edit_fields'); echo '</form>'; ?> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(document).ready(function(){ if (jQuery('input[name="fields_setting"]:checked').val() == 'specific') { jQuery('#wpcf-specific').show(); } else { <?php if ($repetitive_warning) { ?> jQuery('#wpcf-repetitive-warning').show(); <?php } ?> } jQuery('input[name="fields_setting"]').change(function(){ if (jQuery(this).val() == 'specific') { jQuery('#wpcf-specific').slideDown(); } else { jQuery('#wpcf-specific').slideUp(); <?php if ($repetitive_warning) { ?> jQuery('#wpcf-repetitive-warning').show(); <?php } ?> } }); }); </script> <?php wpcf_admin_ajax_footer(); }
/** * Summary. * * Description. * * @since x.x.x * @access (for functions: only use if private) * * @see Function/method/class relied on * @link URL * @global type $varname Description. * @global type $varname Description. * * @param type $var Description. * @param type $var Optional. Description. * @return type Description. */ public function field_add_existed() { /** * check nonce */ if (0 || !isset($_REQUEST['_wpnonce']) || !isset($_REQUEST['id']) || !wp_verify_nonce($_REQUEST['_wpnonce'], 'fields_insert')) { $this->verification_failed_and_die(); } /** * get field definition */ require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; $field = wpcf_admin_fields_get_field(sanitize_text_field($_REQUEST['id']), false, true, false, $this->type); if (!empty($field)) { echo wpcf_form_simple($this->get_field_form_data($field['type'], $field)); } die; }
/** * Summary. * * Description. * * @since x.x.x * @access (for functions: only use if private) * * @see Function/method/class relied on * @link URL * @global type $varname Description. * @global type $varname Description. * * @param type $var Description. * @param type $var Optional. Description. * @return type Description. */ public function prepare_field_select_screen() { /** * check nonce */ if (0 || !isset($_REQUEST['_wpnonce']) || !isset($_REQUEST['parent']) || !isset($_REQUEST['child']) || !wp_verify_nonce($_REQUEST['_wpnonce'], $this->get_nonce('child-post-fields', $_REQUEST['parent'], $_REQUEST['child']))) { $this->verification_failed_and_die(); } $parent = $_REQUEST['parent']; $child = $_REQUEST['child']; $post_type_parent = get_post_type_object($parent); $post_type_child = get_post_type_object($child); if (empty($post_type_parent) || empty($post_type_child)) { die(__('Wrong post types', 'wpcf')); } $relationships = get_option('wpcf_post_relationship', array()); if (!isset($relationships[$parent][$child])) { $this->print_notice_and_die(__('Please save Post Type first to edit these fields.', 'wpcf')); } $repetitive_warning_markup = array(); $data = $relationships[$parent][$child]; $form = array(); $form['repetitive_warning_markup'] = $repetitive_warning_markup; $form['select'] = array('#type' => 'radios', '#name' => 'fields_setting', '#options' => array(__('Title, all custom fields and parents', 'wpcf') => 'all_cf', __('Do not show management options for this post type', 'wpcf') => 'only_list', __('All fields, including the standard post fields', 'wpcf') => 'all_cf_standard', __('Specific fields', 'wpcf') => 'specific'), '#attributes' => array('display' => 'ul'), '#default_value' => empty($data['fields_setting']) ? 'all_cf' : $data['fields_setting']); /** * check default, to avoid missing configuration */ if (!in_array($form['select']['#default_value'], $form['select']['#options'])) { $form['select']['#default_value'] = 'all_cf'; } /** * Specific options */ $groups = wpcf_admin_get_groups_by_post_type($child); $options_cf = array(); $repetitive_warning = false; $repetitive_warning_txt = __('Repeating fields should not be used in child posts. Types will update all field values.', 'wpcf'); foreach ($groups as $group) { $fields = wpcf_admin_fields_get_fields_by_group($group['id']); foreach ($fields as $key => $cf) { $__key = wpcf_types_cf_under_control('check_outsider', $key) ? $key : WPCF_META_PREFIX . $key; $options_cf[$__key] = array('#title' => $cf['name'], '#name' => 'fields[' . $__key . ']', '#default_value' => isset($data['fields'][$__key]) ? 1 : 0, '#inline' => true, '#before' => '<li>', '#after' => '</li>'); // Repetitive warning if (wpcf_admin_is_repetitive($cf)) { if (!$repetitive_warning) { $repetitive_warning_markup = array('#type' => 'markup', '#markup' => '<div class="message error" style="display:none;" id="wpcf-repetitive-warning"><p>' . $repetitive_warning_txt . '</p></div>'); } $repetitive_warning = true; $options_cf[$__key]['#after'] = !isset($data['fields'][$__key]) ? '<div class="message error" style="display:none;"><p>' : '<div class="message error"><p>'; $options_cf[$__key]['#after'] .= $repetitive_warning_txt; $options_cf[$__key]['#after'] .= '</p></div></li>'; $options_cf[$__key]['#attributes'] = array('onclick' => 'jQuery(this).parent().find(\'.message\').toggle();', 'disabled' => 'disabled'); } } } /** * build options for "Specific fields" */ $options = array(); /** * check and add built-in properites */ require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/post-relationship.php'; $supports = wpcf_post_relationship_get_supported_fields_by_post_type($child); foreach ($supports as $child_field_key => $child_field_data) { $options[$child_field_data['name']] = array('#title' => $child_field_data['title'], '#name' => sprintf('fields[%s]', $child_field_data['name']), '#default_value' => isset($data['fields'][$child_field_data['name']]) ? 1 : 0, '#inline' => true, '#before' => '<li>', '#after' => '</li>'); } /** * add custom fields */ $options = $options + $options_cf; $temp_belongs = wpcf_pr_admin_get_belongs($child); foreach ($temp_belongs as $temp_parent => $temp_data) { if ($temp_parent == $parent) { continue; } $temp_parent_type = get_post_type_object($temp_parent); $options[$temp_parent] = array('#title' => $temp_parent_type->label, '#name' => 'fields[_wpcf_pr_parents][' . $temp_parent . ']', '#default_value' => isset($data['fields']['_wpcf_pr_parents'][$temp_parent]) ? 1 : 0, '#inline' => true, '#before' => '<li>', '#after' => '</li>'); } /** * remove "Specific fields" if there is no fields */ if (empty($options)) { unset($form['select']['#options'][__('Specific fields', 'wpcf')]); if ('specific' == $form['select']['#default_value']) { $form['select']['#default_value'] = 'all_cf'; } } // Taxonomies $taxonomies = get_object_taxonomies($post_type_child->name, 'objects'); if (!empty($taxonomies)) { foreach ($taxonomies as $tax_id => $taxonomy) { $options[$tax_id] = array('#title' => sprintf(__('Taxonomy - %s', 'wpcf'), $taxonomy->label), '#name' => 'fields[_wpcf_pr_taxonomies][' . $tax_id . ']', '#default_value' => isset($data['fields']['_wpcf_pr_taxonomies'][$tax_id]) ? 1 : 0, '#inline' => true, '#before' => '<li>', '#after' => '</li>'); } } $form['specific'] = array('#type' => 'checkboxes', '#name' => 'fields', '#options' => $options, '#default_value' => isset($data['fields']), '#before' => sprintf('<ul id="wpcf-specific" class="%s">', 'specific' == $form['select']['#default_value'] ? '' : 'hidden'), '#after' => '</ul>'); $form['nonce'] = array('#type' => 'hidden', '#value' => wp_create_nonce($this->get_nonce('child-post-fields-save', $parent, $child)), '#name' => 'wpcf-fields-save-nonce', '#id' => 'wpcf-fields-save-nonce'); $form['parent'] = array('#type' => 'hidden', '#value' => esc_attr($parent), '#name' => 'wpcf-parent', '#id' => 'wpcf-parent'); $form['child'] = array('#type' => 'hidden', '#value' => esc_attr($child), '#name' => 'wpcf-child', '#id' => 'wpcf-child'); echo wpcf_form_simple($form); die; }
/** * All AJAX calls go here. */ function wpcf_ajax_embedded() { if (!isset($_REQUEST['_wpnonce']) || !wp_verify_nonce($_REQUEST['_wpnonce'], $_REQUEST['wpcf_action'])) { die('Verification failed'); } switch ($_REQUEST['wpcf_action']) { case 'editor_insert_date': require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields/date.php'; wpcf_fields_date_editor_form(); break; case 'insert_skype_button': require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields/skype.php'; wpcf_fields_skype_meta_box_ajax(); break; case 'editor_callback': require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; $field = wpcf_admin_fields_get_field($_GET['field_id']); if (!empty($field)) { $function = 'wpcf_fields_' . $field['type'] . '_editor_callback'; if (function_exists($function)) { call_user_func($function); } } break; case 'dismiss_message': if (isset($_GET['id'])) { $messages = get_option('wpcf_dismissed_messages', array()); $messages[] = $_GET['id']; update_option('wpcf_dismissed_messages', $messages); } break; case 'pr_add_child_post': require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields-post.php'; require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_ABSPATH . '/includes/post-relationship.php'; $output = 'Passed wrong parameters'; if (isset($_GET['post_id']) && isset($_GET['post_type_child']) && isset($_GET['post_type_parent'])) { $relationships = get_option('wpcf_post_relationship', array()); $post = get_post($_GET['post_id']); $post_type = $_GET['post_type_child']; $parent_post_type = $_GET['post_type_parent']; $data = $relationships[$parent_post_type][$post_type]; $output = wpcf_pr_admin_post_meta_box_has_row($post, $post_type, $data, $parent_post_type, false); } echo json_encode(array('output' => $output)); break; case 'pr_save_child_post': ob_start(); // Try to catch any errors require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_ABSPATH . '/includes/post-relationship.php'; $output = array(); if (isset($_GET['post_id']) && isset($_GET['post_type_child'])) { $post = get_post($_GET['post_id']); $post_type = $_GET['post_type_child']; $output = wpcf_pr_admin_save_post_hook($_GET['post_id']); } $errors = ob_get_clean(); echo json_encode(array('output' => $output, 'errors' => $errors)); break; case 'pr_delete_child_post': require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_ABSPATH . '/includes/post-relationship.php'; $output = 'Passed wrong parameters'; if (isset($_GET['post_id'])) { $output = wpcf_pr_admin_delete_child_item($_GET['post_id']); } echo json_encode(array('output' => $output)); break; case 'pr-update-belongs': require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_ABSPATH . '/includes/post-relationship.php'; $output = 'Passed wrong parameters'; if (isset($_POST['post_id']) && isset($_POST['wpcf_pr_belongs'])) { $output = wpcf_pr_admin_update_belongs($_POST['post_id'], $_POST['wpcf_pr_belongs']); } echo json_encode(array('output' => $output)); break; case 'pr_pagination': require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields-post.php'; require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_ABSPATH . '/includes/post-relationship.php'; $output = 'Passed wrong parameters'; if (isset($_GET['post_id']) && isset($_GET['post_type'])) { $post = get_post($_GET['post_id']); $post_type = $_GET['post_type']; $has = wpcf_pr_admin_get_has($post->post_type); $output = wpcf_pr_admin_post_meta_box_has_form($post, $post_type, $has[$post_type], $post->post_type); } echo json_encode(array('output' => $output)); break; case 'pr_sort': require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields-post.php'; require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_ABSPATH . '/includes/post-relationship.php'; $output = 'Passed wrong parameters'; if (isset($_GET['field']) && isset($_GET['sort']) && isset($_GET['post_id']) && isset($_GET['post_type'])) { $post = get_post($_GET['post_id']); $post_type = $_GET['post_type']; $has = wpcf_pr_admin_get_has($post->post_type); $output = wpcf_pr_admin_post_meta_box_has_form($post, $post_type, $has[$post_type], $post->post_type); } echo json_encode(array('output' => $output)); break; case 'pr_sort_parent': require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields-post.php'; require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_ABSPATH . '/includes/post-relationship.php'; $output = 'Passed wrong parameters'; if (isset($_GET['field']) && isset($_GET['sort']) && isset($_GET['post_id']) && isset($_GET['post_type'])) { $post = get_post($_GET['post_id']); $post_type = $_GET['post_type']; $has = wpcf_pr_admin_get_has($post->post_type); $output = wpcf_pr_admin_post_meta_box_has_form($post, $post_type, $has[$post_type], $post->post_type); } echo json_encode(array('output' => $output)); break; case 'pr_save_all': require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields-post.php'; require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_ABSPATH . '/includes/post-relationship.php'; $output = array(); if (isset($_POST['post_id']) && isset($_POST['wpcf_post_relationship'])) { $output = wpcf_pr_admin_save_post_hook($_POST['post_id']); } echo json_encode(array('output' => $output)); break; case 'repetitive_add': if (isset($_GET['field_id'])) { require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields-post.php'; $field = wpcf_admin_fields_get_field($_GET['field_id']); // Pass as normal unset($field['data']['repetitive']); $fields = array($_GET['field_id'] => $field); $element = wpcf_admin_post_process_fields(false, $fields, false, false, 'repetitive'); if ($field['type'] == 'skype') { $key = key($element); unset($element[$key]['#title']); echo json_encode(array('output' => wpcf_form_simple($element) . wpcf_form_render_js_validation('#post', false))); } else { $element = array_shift($element); if (!in_array($field['type'], array('checkbox'))) { unset($element['#title']); } echo json_encode(array('output' => wpcf_form_simple(array('repetitive' => $element)) . wpcf_form_render_js_validation('#post', false))); } } else { echo json_encode(array('output' => 'params missing')); } break; case 'repetitive_delete': if (isset($_POST['post_id']) && isset($_POST['field_id']) && isset($_POST['old_value'])) { require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; $field = wpcf_admin_fields_get_field($_POST['field_id']); if (!empty($field)) { if ($field['type'] == 'date') { delete_post_meta($_POST['post_id'], wpcf_types_get_meta_prefix($field) . $field['id'], strtotime(base64_decode($_POST['old_value']))); } else { if ($field['type'] == 'skype') { delete_post_meta($_POST['post_id'], wpcf_types_get_meta_prefix($field) . $field['id'], unserialize(base64_decode($_POST['old_value']))); } else { delete_post_meta($_POST['post_id'], wpcf_types_get_meta_prefix($field) . $field['id'], base64_decode($_POST['old_value'])); } } echo json_encode(array('output' => 'deleted')); } else { echo json_encode(array('output' => 'field not found')); } } else { echo json_encode(array('output' => 'params missing')); } break; case 'cd_verify': if (!is_array($_POST['wpcf'])) { die; } require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_INC_ABSPATH . '/conditional-display.php'; $passed_fields = array(); $failed_fields = array(); $post = false; if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) { $split = explode('?', $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); if (isset($split[1])) { parse_str($split[1], $vars); if (isset($vars['post'])) { $_POST['post_ID'] = $vars['post']; $post = get_post($vars['post']); } } } // Dummy post if (!$post) { $post = new stdClass(); $post->ID = 1; } // Filter meta values (switch them with $_POST values) add_filter('get_post_metadata', 'wpcf_cd_meta_ajax_validation_filter', 10, 4); foreach ($_POST['wpcf'] as $field_id => $field_value) { $element = array(); $field = wpcf_admin_fields_get_field($field_id); if (!empty($field['data']['conditional_display']['conditions'])) { $element = wpcf_cd_post_edit_field_filter($element, $field, $post, 'group'); if (isset($element['__wpcf_cd_status']) && $element['__wpcf_cd_status'] == 'passed') { $passed_fields[] = 'wpcf[' . $field['id'] . ']'; } else { $failed_fields[] = 'wpcf[' . $field['id'] . ']'; } } } // Remove filter meta values (switch them with $_POST values) remove_filter('get_post_metadata', 'wpcf_cd_meta_ajax_validation_filter', 10, 4); if (!empty($passed_fields) || !empty($failed_fields)) { $execute = ''; foreach ($passed_fields as $field_name) { $execute .= 'jQuery(\'[name^="' . $field_name . '"]\').parents(\'.wpcf-cd\').show().removeClass(\'wpcf-cd-failed\').addClass(\'wpcf-cd-passed\');' . " "; } foreach ($failed_fields as $field_name) { $execute .= 'jQuery(\'[name^="' . $field_name . '"]\').parents(\'.wpcf-cd\').hide().addClass(\'wpcf-cd-failed\').removeClass(\'wpcf-cd-passed\');' . " "; } echo json_encode(array('output' => '', 'execute' => $execute, 'wpcf_nonce_ajax_callback' => wp_create_nonce('execute'))); } die; break; case 'cd_group_verify': require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_INC_ABSPATH . '/conditional-display.php'; $group = wpcf_admin_fields_get_group($_POST['group_id']); if (empty($group)) { echo json_encode(array('output' => '')); die; } $execute = ''; $group['conditional_display'] = get_post_meta($group['id'], '_wpcf_conditional_display', true); // Filter meta values (switch them with $_POST values) add_filter('get_post_metadata', 'wpcf_cd_meta_ajax_validation_filter', 10, 4); $post = false; if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) { $split = explode('?', $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); if (isset($split[1])) { parse_str($split[1], $vars); if (isset($vars['post'])) { $_POST['post_ID'] = $vars['post']; $post = get_post($vars['post']); } } } // Dummy post if (!$post) { $post = new stdClass(); $post->ID = 1; } if (!empty($group['conditional_display']['conditions'])) { $result = wpcf_cd_post_groups_filter(array(0 => $group), $post, 'group'); if (!empty($result)) { $result = array_shift($result); $passed = $result['_conditional_display'] == 'passed' ? true : false; } else { $passed = false; } if (!$passed) { $execute = 'jQuery("#' . $group['slug'] . '").slideUp().find(".wpcf-cd-group").addClass(\'wpcf-cd-group-failed\').removeClass(\'wpcf-cd-group-passed\').hide();'; } else { $execute = 'jQuery("#' . $group['slug'] . '").show().find(".wpcf-cd-group").addClass(\'wpcf-cd-group-passed\').removeClass(\'wpcf-cd-group-failed\').slideDown();'; } } // Remove filter meta values (switch them with $_POST values) remove_filter('get_post_metadata', 'wpcf_cd_meta_ajax_validation_filter', 10, 4); echo json_encode(array('output' => '', 'execute' => $execute, 'wpcf_nonce_ajax_callback' => wp_create_nonce('execute'))); break; case 'pr_verify': require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_INC_ABSPATH . '/conditional-display.php'; $passed_fields = array(); $failed_fields = array(); $post = false; if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) { $split = explode('?', $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); if (isset($split[1])) { parse_str($split[1], $vars); if (isset($vars['post'])) { $_POST['post_ID'] = $vars['post']; $post = get_post($vars['post']); } } } // Dummy post if (!$post) { $post = new stdClass(); $post->ID = 1; } // Filter meta values (switch them with $_POST values) add_filter('get_post_metadata', 'wpcf_cd_pr_meta_ajax_validation_filter', 10, 4); if (isset($_POST['wpcf_post_relationship'])) { $child_post_id = key($_POST['wpcf_post_relationship']); $data = $_POST['wpcf_post_relationship'] = array_shift($_POST['wpcf_post_relationship']); foreach ($data as $field_id => $field_value) { $element = array(); $field = wpcf_admin_fields_get_field(str_replace(WPCF_META_PREFIX, '', $field_id)); if (!empty($field['data']['conditional_display']['conditions'])) { $element = wpcf_cd_post_edit_field_filter($element, $field, $post, 'group'); if (isset($element['__wpcf_cd_status']) && $element['__wpcf_cd_status'] == 'passed') { $passed_fields[] = 'wpcf_post_relationship_' . $child_post_id . '_' . $field['id']; } else { $failed_fields[] = 'wpcf_post_relationship_' . $child_post_id . '_' . $field['id']; } } } } // Remove filter meta values (switch them with $_POST values) remove_filter('get_post_metadata', 'wpcf_cd_pr_meta_ajax_validation_filter', 10, 4); if (!empty($passed_fields) || !empty($failed_fields)) { $execute = ''; foreach ($passed_fields as $field_name) { $execute .= 'jQuery(\'#' . $field_name . '\').parents(\'.wpcf-cd\').show().removeClass(\'wpcf-cd-failed\').addClass(\'wpcf-cd-passed\');' . " "; } foreach ($failed_fields as $field_name) { $execute .= 'jQuery(\'#' . $field_name . '\').parents(\'.wpcf-cd\').hide().addClass(\'wpcf-cd-failed\').removeClass(\'wpcf-cd-passed\');' . " "; } echo json_encode(array('output' => '', 'execute' => $execute, 'wpcf_nonce_ajax_callback' => wp_create_nonce('execute'))); } die; break; default: break; } if (function_exists('wpcf_ajax')) { wpcf_ajax(); } die; }
/** * Returns HTML formatted field form (draggable). * * @param type $type * @param type $form_data * @return type */ function wpcf_fields_get_field_form($type, $form_data = array()) { $form = wpcf_fields_get_field_form_data($type, $form_data); if ($form) { $return = '<div class="ui-draggable">' . wpcf_form_simple($form) . '</div>'; /** * add extra condition check if this is checkbox */ foreach ($form as $key => $value) { if (!array_key_exists('value', $value) || !array_key_exists('#attributes', $value['value']) || !array_key_exists('data-wpcf-type', $value['value']['#attributes']) || 'checkbox' != $value['value']['#attributes']['data-wpcf-type']) { continue; } echo '<script type="text/javascript">'; printf('jQuery(document).ready(function($){wpcf_checkbox_value_zero(jQuery(\'[name="%s"]\'));});', $value['value']['#name']); echo '</script>'; } return $return; } return '<div>' . __('Wrong field requested', 'wpcf') . '</div>'; }
/** * Renders meta box content. * * @param type $post * @param type $group */ function wpcf_admin_post_meta_box($post, $group) { if (!empty($group['args']['fields'])) { // Display description if (!empty($group['args']['description'])) { echo '<div class="wpcf-meta-box-description">' . wpautop(wpcf_translate('group ' . $group['args']['id'] . ' description', $group['args']['description'])) . '</div>'; } foreach ($group['args']['fields'] as $field_slug => $field) { // Render form elements if (wpcf_compare_wp_version() && $field['#type'] == 'wysiwyg') { // Especially for WYSIWYG unset($field['#before'], $field['#after']); echo '<div class="wpcf-wysiwyg">'; echo '<div id="wpcf-textarea-textarea-wrapper" class="form-item form-item-textarea wpcf-form-item wpcf-form-item-textarea"> <label class="wpcf-form-label wpcf-form-textarea-label">' . $field['#title'] . '</label>'; echo '<div class="description wpcf-form-description wpcf-form-description-textarea description-textarea"> ' . wpautop($field['#description']) . '</div>'; wp_editor($field['#value'], $field['#id'], $field['#editor_settings']); $field['slug'] = str_replace(WPCF_META_PREFIX . 'wysiwyg-', '', $field_slug); $field['type'] = 'wysiwyg'; echo '</div></div><br /><br />'; } else { if ($field['#type'] == 'wysiwyg') { $field['#type'] = 'textarea'; } echo wpcf_form_simple(array($field['#id'] => $field)); } do_action('wpcf_fields_' . $field_slug . '_meta_box_form', $field); if (isset($field['wpcf-type'])) { // May be ignored do_action('wpcf_fields_' . $field['wpcf-type'] . '_meta_box_form', $field); } } } }
/** * All AJAX calls go here. */ function wpcf_ajax_embedded() { if (!isset($_REQUEST['_wpnonce']) || !wp_verify_nonce($_REQUEST['_wpnonce'], $_REQUEST['wpcf_action'])) { die('Verification failed'); } global $wpcf; switch ($_REQUEST['wpcf_action']) { case 'editor_insert_date': require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields/date.php'; wpcf_fields_date_editor_form(); break; case 'insert_skype_button': require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields/skype.php'; wpcf_fields_skype_meta_box_ajax(); break; case 'editor_callback': require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; $field = wpcf_admin_fields_get_field($_GET['field_id']); if (!empty($field)) { $function = 'wpcf_fields_' . $field['type'] . '_editor_callback'; if (function_exists($function)) { call_user_func($function); } } break; case 'dismiss_message': if (isset($_GET['id'])) { $messages = get_option('wpcf_dismissed_messages', array()); $messages[] = $_GET['id']; update_option('wpcf_dismissed_messages', $messages); } break; case 'pr_add_child_post': $output = 'Passed wrong parameters'; if (isset($_GET['post_id']) && isset($_GET['post_type_child']) && isset($_GET['post_type_parent'])) { // Fix for Common Conditional check $_POST['post_ID'] = $_GET['post_id']; $relationships = get_option('wpcf_post_relationship', array()); $post = get_post(intval($_GET['post_id'])); if (!empty($post->ID)) { $post_type = strval($_GET['post_type_child']); $parent_post_type = strval($_GET['post_type_parent']); $data = $relationships[$parent_post_type][$post_type]; /* * Since Types 1.1.5 * * We save new post * CHECKPOINT */ $id = $wpcf->relationship->add_new_child($post->ID, $post_type); if (!is_wp_error($id)) { /* * Here we set Relationship * CHECKPOINT */ $parent = get_post(intval($_GET['post_id'])); $child = get_post($id); if (!empty($parent->ID) && !empty($child->ID)) { // Set post $wpcf->post = $child; // Set relationship :) $wpcf->relationship->_set($parent, $child, $data); // Render new row $output = $wpcf->relationship->child_row($post->ID, $id, $data); } else { $output = __('Error creating post relationship', 'wpcf'); } } else { $output = $id->get_error_message(); } } else { $output = __('Error getting parent post', 'wpcf'); } } echo json_encode(array('output' => $output . wpcf_form_render_js_validation('#post', false))); break; case 'pr_save_all': $output = ''; if (isset($_POST['post_id'])) { // Fix for Common Conditional check $_POST['post_ID'] = $_POST['post_id']; $parent_id = intval($_POST['post_id']); if (isset($_POST['wpcf_post_relationship'][$parent_id])) { $wpcf->relationship->save_children($parent_id, (array) $_POST['wpcf_post_relationship'][$parent_id]); $output = $wpcf->relationship->child_meta_form($parent_id, strval($_POST['post_type'])); } } // TODO Move to conditional $output .= '<script type="text/javascript">wpcfConditionalInit();</script>'; echo json_encode(array('output' => $output)); break; case 'pr_save_child_post': ob_start(); // Try to catch any errors $output = ''; if (isset($_GET['post_id']) && isset($_GET['parent_id']) && isset($_GET['post_type_parent']) && isset($_GET['post_type_child']) && isset($_POST['wpcf_post_relationship'])) { // Fix for Common Conditional check $_POST['post_ID'] = $_POST['post_id']; $parent_id = intval($_GET['parent_id']); $child_id = intval($_GET['post_id']); $parent_post_type = strval($_GET['post_type_parent']); $child_post_type = strval($_GET['post_type_child']); if (isset($_POST['wpcf_post_relationship'][$parent_id][$child_id])) { $fields = (array) $_POST['wpcf_post_relationship'][$parent_id][$child_id]; $wpcf->relationship->save_child($parent_id, $child_id, $fields); $output = $wpcf->relationship->child_row($parent_id, $child_id, $wpcf->relationship->settings($parent_post_type, $child_post_type)); // TODO Move to conditional $output .= '<script type="text/javascript">wpcfConditionalInit(\'#types-child-row-' . $child_id . '\');</script>'; } } $errors = ob_get_clean(); echo json_encode(array('output' => $output, 'errors' => $errors)); break; case 'pr_delete_child_post': require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_ABSPATH . '/includes/post-relationship.php'; $output = 'Passed wrong parameters'; if (isset($_GET['post_id'])) { $output = wpcf_pr_admin_delete_child_item(intval($_GET['post_id'])); } echo json_encode(array('output' => $output)); break; case 'pr-update-belongs': require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_ABSPATH . '/includes/post-relationship.php'; $output = 'Passed wrong parameters'; if (isset($_POST['post_id']) && isset($_POST['wpcf_pr_belongs'][$_POST['post_id']])) { $post_id = intval($_POST['post_id']); $output = wpcf_pr_admin_update_belongs($post_id, $_POST['wpcf_pr_belongs'][$post_id]); } echo json_encode(array('output' => $output)); break; case 'pr_pagination': require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields-post.php'; require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_ABSPATH . '/includes/post-relationship.php'; $output = 'Passed wrong parameters'; if (isset($_GET['post_id']) && isset($_GET['post_type'])) { global $wpcf; $parent = get_post(esc_attr($_GET['post_id'])); $child_post_type = esc_attr($_GET['post_type']); if (!empty($parent->ID)) { // Set post in loop $wpcf->post = $parent; // Save items_per_page $wpcf->relationship->save_items_per_page($parent->post_type, $child_post_type, intval($_GET[$wpcf->relationship->items_per_page_option_name])); $output = $wpcf->relationship->child_meta_form($parent->ID, $child_post_type); } } echo json_encode(array('output' => $output)); break; case 'pr_sort': $output = 'Passed wrong parameters'; if (isset($_GET['field']) && isset($_GET['sort']) && isset($_GET['post_id']) && isset($_GET['post_type'])) { $output = $wpcf->relationship->child_meta_form(intval($_GET['post_id']), strval($_GET['post_type'])); } echo json_encode(array('output' => $output)); break; case 'pr_sort_parent': $output = 'Passed wrong parameters'; if (isset($_GET['field']) && isset($_GET['sort']) && isset($_GET['post_id']) && isset($_GET['post_type'])) { $output = $wpcf->relationship->child_meta_form(intval($_GET['post_id']), strval($_GET['post_type'])); } echo json_encode(array('output' => $output)); break; case 'repetitive_add': if (isset($_GET['field_id'])) { require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields-post.php'; $field = wpcf_admin_fields_get_field($_GET['field_id']); $post_id = intval($_GET['post_id']); /* * When post is new - post_id is 0 * We can safely set post_id to 1 cause * values compared are filtered anyway. */ if ($post_id == 0) { $post_id = 1; } $post = get_post($post_id); global $wpcf; $wpcf->repeater->set($post, $field); /* * * Force empty values! */ $wpcf->repeater->cf['value'] = null; $wpcf->repeater->meta = null; $form = $wpcf->repeater->get_field_form(null, true); echo json_encode(array('output' => wpcf_form_simple($form) . wpcf_form_render_js_validation('#post', false))); } else { echo json_encode(array('output' => 'params missing')); } break; case 'repetitive_delete': if (isset($_POST['post_id']) && isset($_POST['field_id'])) { require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; $post = get_post($_POST['post_id']); $field = wpcf_admin_fields_get_field($_POST['field_id']); $meta_id = $_POST['meta_id']; if (!empty($field) && !empty($post->ID) && !empty($meta_id)) { /* * * * Changed. * Since Types 1.2 */ global $wpcf; $wpcf->repeater->set($post, $field); $wpcf->repeater->delete($meta_id); echo json_encode(array('output' => 'deleted')); } else { echo json_encode(array('output' => 'field or post not found')); } } else { echo json_encode(array('output' => 'params missing')); } break; case 'cd_verify': require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_INC_ABSPATH . '/conditional-display.php'; global $wpcf; $post = null; $fields = array(); $passed_fields = array(); $failed_fields = array(); $_flag_relationship = false; /* * We're accepting main form and others too * (like 'wpcf_post_relationship') * $fields = apply_filters( 'conditional_submitted_data', $data ); */ if (!empty($_POST['wpcf'])) { $fields = apply_filters('types_ajax_conditional_post', $_POST['wpcf']); } // TODO Move this to conditional and use hooks if (empty($fields) && empty($_POST['wpcf_post_relationship'])) { die; } else { if (empty($fields) && !empty($_POST['wpcf_post_relationship'])) { /* * * * Relationship case * TODO Move to relationship or elsewhere. */ $_temp = $_POST['wpcf_post_relationship']; $parent_id = key($_temp); $_data = array_shift($_temp); $post_id = key($_data); $post = get_post($post_id); $fields = $_data[$post_id]; // Force $_POST['post_ID'] = $post_id; /* * TODO This is temporary fix. Find better way to get fields * rendered in child form */ $_all_fields = wpcf_admin_fields_get_fields(); foreach ($_all_fields as $_field) { $_slug = WPCF_META_PREFIX . $_field['slug']; if (!isset($fields[$_slug])) { $fields[$_slug] = null; } } $_flag_relationship = true; /* * * * * * Regular submission * TODO Make better? */ } else { if (isset($_POST['wpcf_main_post_id'])) { $_POST['post_ID'] = intval($_POST['wpcf_main_post_id']); $post = get_post($_POST['post_ID']); } else { if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) { $split = explode('?', $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); if (isset($split[1])) { parse_str($split[1], $vars); if (isset($vars['post'])) { $_POST['post_ID'] = $vars['post']; $post = get_post($vars['post']); } } } } /* * * Get fields by post and group. */ // $group_id = isset( $_POST['wpcf_group'] ) ? $_POST['wpcf_group'] : false; // if ( $group_id ) { // $group = wpcf_admin_fields_get_group( $group_id ); // if ( !empty( $group ) ) { // $_fields = wpcf_admin_fields_get_fields_by_group( $group['id'] ); // /* // * Set missing fields to null (checkboxes and radios) // */ // foreach ( $_fields as $_field ) { // if ( !isset( $fields[$_field['slug']] ) ) { // $fields[$_field['slug']] = null; // } // } // } // } // We need all fields $_all_fields = wpcf_admin_fields_get_fields(); foreach ($_all_fields as $_field) { if (!isset($fields[$_field['slug']])) { $fields[$_field['slug']] = null; } } } } // Dummy post if (empty($post->ID)) { $post = new stdClass(); $post->ID = 1; } foreach ($fields as $field_id => $field_value) { // Set conditional $wpcf->conditional->set($post, $field_id); if (!empty($wpcf->conditional->cf['data']['conditional_display']['conditions'])) { if ($_flag_relationship) { // Set context $wpcf->conditional->context = 'relationship'; /* * We need parent and child */ $_relationship_name = false; // Set name $parent = get_post($parent_id); if (!empty($parent->ID)) { $wpcf->relationship->set($parent, $post); $wpcf->relationship->cf->set($post, $field_id); $_child = $wpcf->relationship->get_child(); $_child->form->cf->set($post, $field_id); $_relationship_name = $_child->form->alter_form_name('wpcf[' . $wpcf->conditional->cf['id'] . ']'); } if (!$_relationship_name) { continue; } add_filter('types_field_get_submitted_data', 'wpcf_relationship_ajax_data_filter', 10, 2); $name = $_relationship_name; } else { $name = 'wpcf[' . $wpcf->conditional->cf['id'] . ']'; } /* * Since Types 1.2 * Moved to WPCF_Conditional class. */ // Evaluate $passed = $wpcf->conditional->evaluate(); if ($passed) { $passed_fields[] = $name; } else { $failed_fields[] = $name; } } } /* * * * Render JS */ if (!empty($passed_fields) || !empty($failed_fields)) { $execute = ''; foreach ($passed_fields as $field_name) { $execute .= $wpcf->conditional->render_js_show($field_name); } foreach ($failed_fields as $field_name) { $execute .= $wpcf->conditional->render_js_hide($field_name); } echo json_encode(array('output' => '', 'execute' => $execute, 'wpcf_nonce_ajax_callback' => wp_create_nonce('execute'))); } die; break; case 'cd_group_verify': require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_INC_ABSPATH . '/conditional-display.php'; $group = wpcf_admin_fields_get_group($_POST['group_id']); if (empty($group)) { echo json_encode(array('output' => '')); die; } $execute = ''; $group['conditional_display'] = get_post_meta($group['id'], '_wpcf_conditional_display', true); // Filter meta values (switch them with $_POST values) add_filter('get_post_metadata', 'wpcf_cd_meta_ajax_validation_filter', 10, 4); $post = false; if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) { $split = explode('?', $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); if (isset($split[1])) { parse_str($split[1], $vars); if (isset($vars['post'])) { $_POST['post_ID'] = $vars['post']; $post = get_post($vars['post']); } } } // Dummy post if (!$post) { $post = new stdClass(); $post->ID = 1; } if (!empty($group['conditional_display']['conditions'])) { $result = wpcf_cd_post_groups_filter(array(0 => $group), $post, 'group'); if (!empty($result)) { $result = array_shift($result); $passed = $result['_conditional_display'] == 'passed' ? true : false; } else { $passed = false; } if (!$passed) { $execute = 'jQuery("#' . $group['slug'] . '").slideUp().find(".wpcf-cd-group")' . '.addClass(\'wpcf-cd-group-failed\')' . '.removeClass(\'wpcf-cd-group-passed\').hide();'; } else { $execute = 'jQuery("#' . $group['slug'] . '").show().find(".wpcf-cd-group")' . '.addClass(\'wpcf-cd-group-passed\')' . '.removeClass(\'wpcf-cd-group-failed\').slideDown();'; } } // Remove filter meta values (switch them with $_POST values) remove_filter('get_post_metadata', 'wpcf_cd_meta_ajax_validation_filter', 10, 4); echo json_encode(array('output' => '', 'execute' => $execute, 'wpcf_nonce_ajax_callback' => wp_create_nonce('execute'))); break; case 'pr_verify': require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_INC_ABSPATH . '/conditional-display.php'; $passed_fields = array(); $failed_fields = array(); $post = false; if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) { $split = explode('?', $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); if (isset($split[1])) { parse_str($split[1], $vars); if (isset($vars['post'])) { $_POST['post_ID'] = $vars['post']; $post = get_post($vars['post']); } } } // Dummy post if (!$post) { $post = new stdClass(); $post->ID = 1; } // Filter meta values (switch them with $_POST values) add_filter('get_post_metadata', 'wpcf_cd_pr_meta_ajax_validation_filter', 10, 4); // add_filter( 'types_field_get_submitted_data', // 'wpcf_cd_pr_meta_ajax_validation_filter', 10, 4 ); if (isset($_POST['wpcf_post_relationship'])) { $child_post_id = key($_POST['wpcf_post_relationship']); $data = $_POST['wpcf_post_relationship'] = array_shift($_POST['wpcf_post_relationship']); foreach ($data as $field_id => $field_value) { $element = array(); $field = wpcf_admin_fields_get_field(str_replace(WPCF_META_PREFIX, '', $field_id)); if (!empty($field['data']['conditional_display']['conditions'])) { $element = wpcf_cd_post_edit_field_filter($element, $field, $post, 'group'); if (isset($element['__wpcf_cd_status']) && $element['__wpcf_cd_status'] == 'passed') { $passed_fields[] = 'wpcf_post_relationship_' . $child_post_id . '_' . $field['id']; } else { $failed_fields[] = 'wpcf_post_relationship_' . $child_post_id . '_' . $field['id']; } } } } // Remove filter meta values (switch them with $_POST values) remove_filter('get_post_metadata', 'wpcf_cd_pr_meta_ajax_validation_filter', 10, 4); // remove_filter( 'types_field_get_submitted_data', // 'wpcf_cd_pr_meta_ajax_validation_filter', 10, 4 ); if (!empty($passed_fields) || !empty($failed_fields)) { $execute = ''; foreach ($passed_fields as $field_name) { $execute .= 'jQuery(\'#' . $field_name . '\').parents(\'.wpcf-cd\').show().removeClass(\'wpcf-cd-failed\').addClass(\'wpcf-cd-passed\');' . " "; } foreach ($failed_fields as $field_name) { $execute .= 'jQuery(\'#' . $field_name . '\').parents(\'.wpcf-cd\').hide().addClass(\'wpcf-cd-failed\').removeClass(\'wpcf-cd-passed\');' . " "; } echo json_encode(array('output' => '', 'execute' => $execute, 'wpcf_nonce_ajax_callback' => wp_create_nonce('execute'))); } die; break; default: break; } if (function_exists('wpcf_ajax')) { wpcf_ajax(); } die; }
function wpcf_wpml_translation_options($sections) { $wpml_installed = apply_filters('wpml_setting', false, 'setup_complete'); if ($wpml_installed) { $settings = wpcf_get_settings(); $form['register_translations_on_import'] = array('#id' => 'register_translations_on_import', '#name' => 'wpcf_register_translations_on_import', '#type' => 'checkbox', '#label' => __("When importing, add texts to WPML's String Translation table", 'wpcf'), '#inline' => true, '#default_value' => !empty($settings['register_translations_on_import']), '#pattern' => '<p><ELEMENT><LABEL><DESCRIPTION></p>'); $section_content = wpcf_form_simple($form); $sections['wpml-wpcf'] = array('slug' => 'wpml-wpcf', 'title' => __('Types and WPML integration', 'wpcf'), 'content' => $section_content); } return $sections; }
/** * Add form inputs related to term field group and field definition import. * * @param SimpleXMLElement $data Import data from XML * @return array Enlimbo form elements (yuck). * @since 2.1 */ function wpcf_admin_import_export_settings_for_terms($data) { $form = array(); if (!empty($data->term_groups)) { $form['title-terms'] = array('#type' => 'markup', '#markup' => '<h2>' . __('Term field groups to be added or updated', 'wpcf') . '</h2>'); $group_factory = Types_Field_Group_Term_Factory::get_instance(); $groups_check = array(); foreach ($data->term_groups->group as $group) { $group = (array) $group; $group_id = $group['ID']; $group_slug = $group['post_title']; $form['term-group-add-' . $group_id] = array('#type' => 'checkbox', '#name' => 'term_groups[' . $group_id . '][add]', '#default_value' => true, '#title' => '<strong>' . esc_html($group_slug) . '</strong>', '#inline' => true, '#after' => '<br /><br />'); $existing_groups = $group_factory->query_groups(array('name' => $group_slug, 'post_type' => $group['post_type'])); $group_already_exists = count($existing_groups) > 0; if ($group_already_exists) { $form['term-group-add-' . $group_id]['#after'] = wpcf_form_simple(array('term-group-add-update-' . $group_id => array('#type' => 'radios', '#name' => 'term_groups[' . $group_id . '][update]', '#inline' => true, '#options' => array(__('Update', 'wpcf') => 'update', __('Create new', 'wpcf') => 'add'), '#default_value' => 'update', '#before' => '<br />', '#after' => '<br />'))); } $groups_check[] = $group_slug; } $groups_existing = get_posts(array('post_type' => Types_Field_Group_Term::POST_TYPE, 'post_status' => null)); if (!empty($groups_existing)) { $groups_to_be_deleted = array(); foreach ($groups_existing as $post) { if (!in_array($post->post_title, $groups_check)) { $groups_to_be_deleted['<strong>' . $post->post_title . '</strong>'] = $post->ID; } } if (!empty($groups_to_be_deleted)) { $form['title-term-groups-deleted'] = array('#type' => 'markup', '#markup' => '<h2>' . __('Term groups to be deleted', 'wpcf') . '</h2>'); $form['term-groups-deleted'] = array('#type' => 'checkboxes', '#name' => 'term-groups-to-be-deleted', '#options' => $groups_to_be_deleted); } } } // Check term fields if (!empty($data->term_fields)) { $form['term-title-fields'] = array('#type' => 'markup', '#markup' => '<h2>' . __('Term fields to be added/updated', 'wpcf') . '</h2>'); $fields_existing = wpcf_admin_fields_get_fields(false, false, false, WPCF_Field_Definition_Factory_Term::FIELD_DEFINITIONS_OPTION); $fields_check = array(); $fields_to_be_deleted = array(); foreach ($data->term_fields->field as $field) { $field = (array) $field; if (empty($field['id']) || empty($field['name'])) { continue; } $form['term-field-add-' . $field['id']] = array('#type' => 'checkbox', '#name' => 'term_fields[' . $field['id'] . '][add]', '#default_value' => true, '#title' => '<strong>' . $field['name'] . '</strong>', '#inline' => true, '#after' => '<br />'); $fields_check[] = $field['id']; } foreach ($fields_existing as $field_id => $field) { if (!in_array($field_id, $fields_check)) { $fields_to_be_deleted['<strong>' . $field['name'] . '</strong>'] = $field['id']; } } if (!empty($fields_to_be_deleted)) { $form['term-title-fields-deleted'] = array('#type' => 'markup', '#markup' => '<h2>' . __('Term ields to be deleted', 'wpcf') . '</h2>'); $form['term-fields-deleted'] = array('#type' => 'checkboxes', '#name' => 'term-fields-to-be-deleted', '#options' => $fields_to_be_deleted); } } return $form; }
/** * Import settings. * * @global type $wpdb * @param SimpleXMLElement $data * @return string */ function wpcf_admin_import_export_settings($data) { global $wpdb; $form = array(); $form['title'] = array('#type' => 'markup', '#markup' => '<h2>' . __('General Settings', 'wpcf') . '</h2>'); $form['overwrite-or-add-groups'] = array('#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => __('Bulk overwrite groups if exist', 'wpcf'), '#name' => 'overwrite-groups', '#inline' => true, '#after' => '<br />'); $form['delete-groups'] = array('#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => __("Delete group if don't exist", 'wpcf'), '#name' => 'delete-groups', '#inline' => true, '#after' => '<br />'); $form['delete-fields'] = array('#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => __("Delete field if don't exist", 'wpcf'), '#name' => 'delete-fields', '#inline' => true, '#after' => '<br />'); $form['delete-types'] = array('#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => __("Delete custom post type if don't exist", 'wpcf'), '#name' => 'delete-types', '#inline' => true, '#after' => '<br />'); $form['delete-tax'] = array('#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => __("Delete custom taxonomy if don't exist", 'wpcf'), '#name' => 'delete-tax', '#inline' => true, '#after' => '<br />'); libxml_use_internal_errors(true); $data = simplexml_load_string($data); if (!$data) { echo '<div class="message error"><p>' . __('Error parsing XML', 'wpcf') . '</p></div>'; foreach (libxml_get_errors() as $error) { echo '<div class="message error"><p>' . $error->message . '</p></div>'; } libxml_clear_errors(); return false; } // $data = new SimpleXMLElement($data); // Check groups if (!empty($data->groups)) { $form['title-1'] = array('#type' => 'markup', '#markup' => '<h2>' . __('Groups to be added/updated', 'wpcf') . '</h2>'); $groups_check = array(); foreach ($data->groups->group as $group) { $group = (array) $group; $form['group-add-' . $group['ID']] = array('#type' => 'checkbox', '#name' => 'groups[' . $group['ID'] . '][add]', '#default_value' => true, '#title' => '<strong>' . esc_html($group['post_title']) . '</strong>', '#inline' => true, '#after' => '<br /><br />'); $post = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->posts}\n WHERE post_title = %s AND post_type = %s", $group['post_title'], $group['post_type'])); if (!empty($post)) { $form['group-add-' . $group['ID']]['#after'] = wpcf_form_simple(array('group-add-update-' . $group['ID'] => array('#type' => 'radios', '#name' => 'groups[' . $group['ID'] . '][update]', '#inline' => true, '#options' => array(__('Update', 'wpcf') => 'update', __('Create new', 'wpcf') => 'add'), '#default_value' => 'update', '#before' => '<br />', '#after' => '<br />'))); } $groups_check[] = $group['post_title']; } $groups_existing = get_posts('post_type=wp-types-group&post_status=null'); if (!empty($groups_existing)) { $groups_to_be_deleted = array(); foreach ($groups_existing as $post) { if (!in_array($post->post_title, $groups_check)) { $groups_to_be_deleted['<strong>' . $post->post_title . '</strong>'] = $post->ID; } } if (!empty($groups_to_be_deleted)) { $form['title-groups-deleted'] = array('#type' => 'markup', '#markup' => '<h2>' . __('Groups to be deleted', 'wpcf') . '</h2>'); $form['groups-deleted'] = array('#type' => 'checkboxes', '#name' => 'groups-to-be-deleted', '#options' => $groups_to_be_deleted); } } } // Check fields if (!empty($data->fields)) { $form['title-fields'] = array('#type' => 'markup', '#markup' => '<h2>' . __('Fields to be added/updated', 'wpcf') . '</h2>'); $fields_existing = wpcf_admin_fields_get_fields(); $fields_check = array(); $fields_to_be_deleted = array(); foreach ($data->fields->field as $field) { $field = (array) $field; $form['field-add-' . $field['id']] = array('#type' => 'checkbox', '#name' => 'fields[' . $field['id'] . '][add]', '#default_value' => true, '#title' => '<strong>' . $field['name'] . '</strong>', '#inline' => true, '#after' => '<br />'); $fields_check[] = $field['id']; } foreach ($fields_existing as $field_id => $field) { if (!in_array($field_id, $fields_check)) { $fields_to_be_deleted['<strong>' . $field['name'] . '</strong>'] = $field['id']; } } if (!empty($fields_to_be_deleted)) { $form['title-fields-deleted'] = array('#type' => 'markup', '#markup' => '<h2>' . __('Fields to be deleted', 'wpcf') . '</h2>'); $form['fields-deleted'] = array('#type' => 'checkboxes', '#name' => 'fields-to-be-deleted', '#options' => $fields_to_be_deleted); } } // Check types if (!empty($data->types)) { $form['title-types'] = array('#type' => 'markup', '#markup' => '<h2>' . __('Custom post types to be added/updated', 'wpcf') . '</h2>'); $types_existing = get_option('wpcf-custom-types', array()); $types_check = array(); $types_to_be_deleted = array(); foreach ($data->types->type as $type) { $type = (array) $type; $form['type-add-' . $type['id']] = array('#type' => 'checkbox', '#name' => 'types[' . $type['id'] . '][add]', '#default_value' => true, '#title' => '<strong>' . $type['labels']->name . '</strong>', '#inline' => true, '#after' => '<br />'); $types_check[] = $type['id']; } foreach ($types_existing as $type_id => $type) { if (!in_array($type_id, $types_check)) { $types_to_be_deleted['<strong>' . $type['labels']['name'] . '</strong>'] = $type_id; } } if (!empty($types_to_be_deleted)) { $form['title-types-deleted'] = array('#type' => 'markup', '#markup' => '<h2>' . __('Custom post types to be deleted', 'wpcf') . '</h2>'); $form['types-deleted'] = array('#type' => 'checkboxes', '#name' => 'types-to-be-deleted', '#options' => $types_to_be_deleted); } } // Check taxonomies if (!empty($data->taxonomies)) { $form['title-tax'] = array('#type' => 'markup', '#markup' => '<h2>' . __('Custom taxonomies to be added/updated', 'wpcf') . '</h2>'); $taxonomies_existing = get_option('wpcf-custom-taxonomies', array()); $taxonomies_check = array(); $taxonomies_to_be_deleted = array(); foreach ($data->taxonomies->taxonomy as $taxonomy) { $taxonomy = (array) $taxonomy; $form['taxonomy-add-' . $taxonomy['id']] = array('#type' => 'checkbox', '#name' => 'taxonomies[' . $taxonomy['id'] . '][add]', '#default_value' => true, '#title' => '<strong>' . $taxonomy['labels']->name . '</strong>', '#inline' => true, '#after' => '<br />'); $taxonomies_check[] = $taxonomy['id']; } foreach ($taxonomies_existing as $taxonomy_id => $taxonomy) { if (!in_array($taxonomy_id, $taxonomies_check)) { $taxonomies_to_be_deleted['<strong>' . $taxonomy['labels']['name'] . '</strong>'] = $taxonomy_id; } } if (!empty($taxonomies_to_be_deleted)) { $form['title-taxonomies-deleted'] = array('#type' => 'markup', '#markup' => '<h2>' . __('Custom taxonomies to be deleted', 'wpcf') . '</h2>'); $form['taxonomies-deleted'] = array('#type' => 'checkboxes', '#name' => 'taxonomies-to-be-deleted', '#options' => $taxonomies_to_be_deleted); } } return $form; }
/** * Meta boxes contents output. * * @param type $post * @param type $args */ function wpcf_pr_admin_post_meta_box_output($post, $args) { if (empty($post) || empty($post->ID)) { return array(); } global $wpcf; $output = ''; $relationships = $args; $post_id = !empty($post->ID) ? $post->ID : -1; $current_post_type = wpcf_admin_get_edited_post_type($post); /* * Render has form (child form) */ if (!empty($relationships['has'])) { foreach ($relationships['has'] as $post_type => $data) { if (isset($data['fields_setting']) && 'only_list' == $data['fields_setting']) { $output .= $wpcf->relationship->child_list($post, $post_type, $data); } else { $output .= $wpcf->relationship->child_meta_form($post, $post_type, $data); } } } /* * Render belongs form (parent form) */ if (!empty($relationships['belongs'])) { $meta = get_post_custom($post_id); $belongs = array('belongs' => array(), 'posts' => array()); foreach ($meta as $meta_key => $meta_value) { if (strpos($meta_key, '_wpcf_belongs_') === 0) { $temp_post = get_post($meta_value[0]); if (!empty($temp_post)) { $belongs['posts'][$temp_post->ID] = $temp_post; $belongs['belongs'][$temp_post->post_type] = $temp_post->ID; } } } foreach ($relationships['belongs'] as $post_type => $data) { $output .= '<div style="margin: 20px 0 10px 0">'; if ($x = wpcf_form_simple(wpcf_pr_admin_post_meta_box_belongs_form($post, $post_type, $belongs))) { $output .= sprintf(__('This <i>%s</i> belongs to:', 'wpcf'), get_post_type_object($current_post_type)->labels->singular_name); $output .= $x; } else { $output .= get_post_type_object($post_type)->labels->not_found; } $output .= '</div>'; } } return $output; }
/** * Returns HTML formatted field form (draggable). * * @param type $type * @param type $form_data * @return type */ function wpcf_fields_get_field_form($type, $form_data = array()) { $form = wpcf_fields_get_field_form_data($type, $form_data); if ($form) { return '<div class="ui-draggable">' . wpcf_form_simple($form) . '</div>'; } return '<div>' . __('Wrong field requested', 'wpcf') . '</div>'; }
/** * AJAX call from Bulk actions. */ function wpcf_admin_custom_fields_control_bulk_ajax() { if (empty($_REQUEST['fields'])) { die(__('Please select fields', 'wpcf')); } if (!empty($_POST)) { if (!empty($_POST['groups']) && !empty($_POST['fields'])) { $action = isset($_POST['wpcf_action_control']) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST['wpcf_action_control']) : 'wpcf-add-to-group-bulk'; foreach ($_POST['groups'] as $group_id) { $group_id = sanitize_text_field($group_id); switch ($action) { case 'wpcf-add-to-group-bulk': wpcf_admin_fields_save_group_fields($group_id, array_values((array) $_POST['fields']), true); break; case 'wpcf-remove-from-group-bulk': wpcf_admin_fields_remove_field_from_group_bulk($group_id, array_values((array) $_POST['fields'])); break; default: break; } } } else { if (!empty($_POST['type']) && !empty($_POST['fields'])) { wpcf_admin_custom_fields_change_type($_POST['fields'], sanitize_text_field($_POST['type'])); } } echo '<script type="text/javascript"> window.parent.jQuery("#TB_closeWindowButton").click(); window.parent.location.href=window.parent.location.href; </script>'; die; } $groups = wpcf_admin_fields_get_groups(); $output = array(); if (in_array($_GET['wpcf_bulk_action'], array('wpcf-add-to-group-bulk', 'wpcf-remove-from-group-bulk'))) { foreach ($groups as $group_id => $group) { $output[$group['id']] = array('#type' => 'checkbox', '#name' => 'groups[]', '#title' => $group['name'], '#value' => $group['id'], '#default_value' => false, '#inline' => true); } } else { if ($_GET['wpcf_bulk_action'] == 'wpcf-change-type-bulk') { $output['types'] = wpcf_admin_custom_fields_control_change_type_dropdown(); } else { die('Not valid action'); } } foreach ($_GET['fields'] as $field_id) { $field_id = sanitize_text_field($field_id); $output[$field_id] = array('#type' => 'hidden', '#name' => 'fields[]', '#value' => $field_id); } $output['submit'] = array('#type' => 'submit', '#name' => 'submit', '#value' => __('Save Changes'), '#attributes' => array('class' => 'button-primary')); echo '<form method="post" action="">'; echo wpcf_form_simple($output); wp_nonce_field('custom_fields_control_bulk'); echo '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="wpcf_ajax" />'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="wpcf_action" value="custom_fields_control_bulk" />'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="wpcf_action_control" value="' . esc_attr($_GET['wpcf_bulk_action']) . '" />'; echo '</form>'; }
/** * All AJAX calls go here. * * @global object $wpdb * */ function wpcf_ajax() { /** * check nounce */ if (!(isset($_REQUEST['_wpnonce']) && wp_verify_nonce($_REQUEST['_wpnonce'], $_REQUEST['wpcf_action']))) { die; } require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/classes/class.wpcf.roles.php'; /** * check permissions */ switch ($_REQUEST['wpcf_action']) { case 'deactivate_post_type': case 'activate_post_type': case 'delete_post_type': case 'duplicate_post_type': $post_type = wpcf_ajax_helper_get_post_type(); if (empty($post_type)) { wpcf_ajax_helper_print_error_and_die(); } if (!WPCF_Roles::user_can_edit_custom_post_by_slug($post_type)) { wpcf_ajax_helper_verification_failed_and_die(); } break; case 'taxonomy_duplicate': case 'deactivate_taxonomy': case 'activate_taxonomy': case 'delete_taxonomy': $custom_taxonomy = wpcf_ajax_helper_get_taxonomy(); if (empty($custom_taxonomy)) { wpcf_ajax_helper_print_error_and_die(); } if (!WPCF_Roles::user_can_edit_custom_taxonomy_by_slug($custom_taxonomy)) { wpcf_ajax_helper_verification_failed_and_die(); } break; case 'deactivate_group': case 'activate_group': case 'delete_group': if (!isset($_GET['group_id']) || empty($_GET['group_id'])) { wpcf_ajax_helper_print_error_and_die(); } if (!WPCF_Roles::user_can_edit_custom_field_group_by_id($_GET['group_id'])) { wpcf_ajax_helper_verification_failed_and_die(); } break; case 'deactivate_user_group': case 'activate_user_group': case 'delete_usermeta_group': if (!isset($_GET['group_id']) || empty($_GET['group_id'])) { wpcf_ajax_helper_print_error_and_die(); } if (!WPCF_Roles::user_can_edit_usermeta_field_group_by_id($_GET['group_id'])) { wpcf_ajax_helper_verification_failed_and_die(); } break; case 'deactivate_term_group': case 'activate_term_group': case 'delete_term_group': if (!isset($_GET['group_id']) || empty($_GET['group_id'])) { wpcf_ajax_helper_print_error_and_die(); } if (!WPCF_Roles::user_can_edit_term_field_group_by_id($_GET['group_id'])) { wpcf_ajax_helper_verification_failed_and_die(); } break; case 'usermeta_delete': case 'delete_usermeta': case 'remove_from_history2': case 'usermeta_insert_existing': case 'fields_insert': case 'fields_insert_existing': case 'remove_field_from_group': case 'add_radio_option': case 'add_select_option': case 'add_checkboxes_option': case 'group_form_collapsed': case 'form_fieldset_toggle': case 'fields_delete': case 'delete_field': case 'remove_from_history': case 'add_condition': case 'pt_edit_fields': case 'toggle': case 'cb_save_empty_migrate': if (!current_user_can('manage_options')) { wpcf_ajax_helper_verification_failed_and_die(); } /** * do not check actions from other places */ break; default: return; } /** * do actions */ switch ($_REQUEST['wpcf_action']) { /* User meta actions*/ case 'usermeta_delete': case 'delete_usermeta': require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; if (isset($_GET['field_id'])) { $field_id = sanitize_text_field($_GET['field_id']); wpcf_admin_fields_delete_field($field_id, TYPES_USER_META_FIELD_GROUP_CPT_NAME, 'wpcf-usermeta'); } if (isset($_GET['field'])) { $field = sanitize_text_field($_GET['field']); wpcf_admin_fields_delete_field($field, TYPES_USER_META_FIELD_GROUP_CPT_NAME, 'wpcf-usermeta'); } echo json_encode(array('output' => '')); break; case 'remove_from_history2': require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; $fields = wpcf_admin_fields_get_fields(true, true, false, 'wpcf-usermeta'); if (isset($_GET['field_id']) && isset($fields[$_GET['field_id']])) { $fields[$_GET['field_id']]['data']['removed_from_history'] = 1; wpcf_admin_fields_save_fields($fields, true, 'wpcf-usermeta'); } echo json_encode(array('output' => '')); break; case 'deactivate_user_group': require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/usermeta.php'; $success = wpcf_admin_fields_deactivate_group(intval($_GET['group_id']), TYPES_USER_META_FIELD_GROUP_CPT_NAME); if ($success) { echo json_encode(array('output' => __('Group deactivated', 'wpcf'), 'execute' => 'reload', 'wpcf_nonce_ajax_callback' => wp_create_nonce('execute'))); } else { wpcf_ajax_helper_print_error_and_die(); die; } break; case 'activate_user_group': require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/usermeta.php'; $success = wpcf_admin_fields_activate_group(intval($_GET['group_id']), TYPES_USER_META_FIELD_GROUP_CPT_NAME); if ($success) { echo json_encode(array('output' => __('Group activated', 'wpcf'), 'execute' => 'reload', 'wpcf_nonce_ajax_callback' => wp_create_nonce('execute'))); } else { wpcf_ajax_helper_print_error_and_die(); die; } break; case 'delete_usermeta_group': require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/usermeta.php'; $redirect = wpcf_ajax_group_delete_redirect(); wpcf_admin_fields_delete_group(intval($_GET['group_id']), TYPES_USER_META_FIELD_GROUP_CPT_NAME); echo json_encode($redirect); break; case 'usermeta_insert_existing': require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields-form.php'; require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/usermeta-form.php'; wpcf_usermeta_insert_existing_ajax(); wpcf_form_render_js_validation(); break; /* End Usertmeta actions*/ /* End Usertmeta actions*/ case 'fields_insert': require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields-form.php'; wpcf_fields_insert_ajax(); wpcf_form_render_js_validation(); break; case 'fields_insert_existing': require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields-form.php'; wpcf_fields_insert_existing_ajax(); wpcf_form_render_js_validation(); break; case 'remove_field_from_group': require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; if (isset($_GET['group_id']) && isset($_GET['field_id'])) { wpcf_admin_fields_remove_field_from_group(intval($_GET['group_id']), sanitize_text_field($_GET['field_id'])); } break; case 'deactivate_group': require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; $success = wpcf_admin_fields_deactivate_group(intval($_GET['group_id'])); if ($success) { echo json_encode(array('output' => __('Group deactivated', 'wpcf'), 'execute' => 'reload', 'wpcf_nonce_ajax_callback' => wp_create_nonce('execute'))); } else { wpcf_ajax_helper_print_error_and_die(); } break; case 'activate_group': require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; $success = wpcf_admin_fields_activate_group(intval($_GET['group_id'])); if ($success) { echo json_encode(array('output' => __('Group activated', 'wpcf'), 'execute' => 'reload', 'wpcf_nonce_ajax_callback' => wp_create_nonce('execute'))); } else { wpcf_ajax_helper_print_error_and_die(); } break; case 'delete_group': require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; $redirect = wpcf_ajax_group_delete_redirect(); wpcf_admin_fields_delete_group(intval($_GET['group_id'])); echo json_encode($redirect); break; case 'deactivate_term_group': require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; $success = wpcf_admin_fields_deactivate_group(intval($_GET['group_id']), Types_Field_Group_Term::POST_TYPE); if ($success) { echo json_encode(array('output' => __('Group deactivated', 'wpcf'), 'execute' => 'reload', 'wpcf_nonce_ajax_callback' => wp_create_nonce('execute'))); } else { wpcf_ajax_helper_print_error_and_die(); } break; case 'activate_term_group': require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; $success = wpcf_admin_fields_activate_group(intval($_GET['group_id']), Types_Field_Group_Term::POST_TYPE); if ($success) { echo json_encode(array('output' => __('Group activated', 'wpcf'), 'execute' => 'reload', 'wpcf_nonce_ajax_callback' => wp_create_nonce('execute'))); } else { wpcf_ajax_helper_print_error_and_die(); } break; case 'delete_term_group': require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; $redirect = wpcf_ajax_group_delete_redirect(); wpcf_admin_fields_delete_group(intval($_GET['group_id']), Types_Field_Group_Term::POST_TYPE); echo json_encode($redirect); break; case 'deactivate_post_type': $post_type = wpcf_ajax_helper_get_post_type(); if (empty($post_type)) { wpcf_ajax_helper_print_error_and_die(); } $custom_types = get_option(WPCF_OPTION_NAME_CUSTOM_TYPES, array()); $custom_types[$post_type]['disabled'] = 1; $custom_types[$post_type][TOOLSET_EDIT_LAST] = time(); update_option(WPCF_OPTION_NAME_CUSTOM_TYPES, $custom_types); echo json_encode(array('output' => __('Post Type deactivated', 'wpcf'), 'execute' => 'reload', 'wpcf_nonce_ajax_callback' => wp_create_nonce('execute'))); break; case 'activate_post_type': $post_type = wpcf_ajax_helper_get_post_type(); if (empty($post_type)) { wpcf_ajax_helper_print_error_and_die(); } $custom_types = get_option(WPCF_OPTION_NAME_CUSTOM_TYPES, array()); unset($custom_types[$post_type]['disabled']); $custom_types[$post_type][TOOLSET_EDIT_LAST] = time(); update_option(WPCF_OPTION_NAME_CUSTOM_TYPES, $custom_types); echo json_encode(array('output' => __('Post Type activated', 'wpcf'), 'execute' => 'reload', 'wpcf_nonce_ajax_callback' => wp_create_nonce('execute'))); break; case 'delete_post_type': $post_type = wpcf_ajax_helper_get_post_type(); if (empty($post_type)) { wpcf_ajax_helper_print_error_and_die(); } $post_types = get_option(WPCF_OPTION_NAME_CUSTOM_TYPES, array()); /** * Delete relation between custom posts types * * Filter allow to delete all custom fields used to make * a relation between posts. * * @since 1.6.4 * * @param bool $delete True or false flag to delete relationships. * @param string $var Currently deleted post type. */ if (apply_filters('wpcf_delete_relation_meta', false, $post_type)) { global $wpdb; $wpdb->delete($wpdb->postmeta, array('meta_key' => sprintf('_wpcf_belongs_%s_id', $post_type)), array('%s')); } unset($post_types[$post_type]); /** * remove post relation */ foreach (array_keys($post_types) as $post_type) { if (array_key_exists('post_relationship', $post_types[$post_type])) { /** * remove "has" relation */ if (array_key_exists('has', $post_types[$post_type]['post_relationship']) && array_key_exists($post_type, $post_types[$post_type]['post_relationship']['has'])) { unset($post_types[$post_type]['post_relationship']['has'][$post_type]); $post_types[$post_type][TOOLSET_EDIT_LAST] = time(); } /** * remove "belongs" relation */ if (array_key_exists('belongs', $post_types[$post_type]['post_relationship']) && array_key_exists($post_type, $post_types[$post_type]['post_relationship']['belongs'])) { unset($post_types[$post_type]['post_relationship']['belongs'][$post_type]); $post_types[$post_type][TOOLSET_EDIT_LAST] = time(); } } } update_option(WPCF_OPTION_NAME_CUSTOM_TYPES, $post_types); wpcf_admin_deactivate_content('post_type', $post_type); echo json_encode(array('output' => '', 'execute' => 'reload', 'wpcf_nonce_ajax_callback' => wp_create_nonce('execute'))); break; case 'duplicate_post_type': $post_type = wpcf_ajax_helper_get_post_type(); if (empty($post_type)) { wpcf_ajax_helper_print_error_and_die(); } $post_types = get_option(WPCF_OPTION_NAME_CUSTOM_TYPES, array()); $i = 0; $key = false; do { $key = sprintf($post_type . '-%d', ++$i); } while (isset($post_types[$key])); if ($key) { /** * duplicate post type */ $post_types[$key] = $post_types[$post_type]; /** * update some options */ $post_types[$key]['labels']['name'] .= sprintf(' (%d)', $i); $post_types[$key]['labels']['singular_name'] .= sprintf(' (%d)', $i); $post_types[$key]['slug'] = $key; $post_types[$key]['__types_id'] = $key; /** * update post types */ update_option(WPCF_OPTION_NAME_CUSTOM_TYPES, $post_types); /** * update custom taxonomies too */ $custom_taxonomies = get_option(WPCF_OPTION_NAME_CUSTOM_TAXONOMIES, array()); foreach ($custom_taxonomies as $taxonomy_key => $taxonomy_data) { if (isset($taxonomy_data['supports']) && isset($taxonomy_data['supports'][$post_type])) { $custom_taxonomies[$taxonomy_key]['supports'][$key] = 1; } } update_option(WPCF_OPTION_NAME_CUSTOM_TAXONOMIES, $custom_taxonomies); echo json_encode(array('execute' => 'reload', 'wpcf_nonce_ajax_callback' => wp_create_nonce('execute'))); } break; case 'taxonomy_duplicate': $custom_taxonomy = wpcf_ajax_helper_get_taxonomy(); if (empty($custom_taxonomy)) { wpcf_ajax_helper_print_error_and_die(); } $custom_taxonomies = get_option(WPCF_OPTION_NAME_CUSTOM_TAXONOMIES, array()); $i = 0; $key = false; do { $key = sprintf($custom_taxonomy . '-%d', ++$i); } while (isset($custom_taxonomies[$key])); if ($key) { /** * duplicate custom taxonomies */ $custom_taxonomies[$key] = $custom_taxonomies[$custom_taxonomy]; /** * update some options */ $custom_taxonomies[$key]['labels']['name'] .= sprintf(' (%d)', $i); $custom_taxonomies[$key]['labels']['singular_name'] .= sprintf(' (%d)', $i); $custom_taxonomies[$key]['slug'] = $key; $custom_taxonomies[$key]['id'] = $key; $custom_taxonomies[$key]['__types_id'] = $key; /** * update custom taxonomies */ update_option(WPCF_OPTION_NAME_CUSTOM_TAXONOMIES, $custom_taxonomies); /** * update post types */ if (isset($custom_taxonomies[$key]['supports']) && is_array($custom_taxonomies[$key]['supports']) && !empty($custom_taxonomies[$key]['supports'])) { $custom_types = get_option(WPCF_OPTION_NAME_CUSTOM_TYPES, array()); foreach (array_keys($custom_taxonomies[$key]['supports']) as $custom_type) { /** * avoid to create fake CPT from old data */ if (!isset($custom_types[$custom_type])) { continue; } if (!isset($custom_types[$custom_type]['taxonomies'])) { $custom_types[$custom_type]['taxonomies'] = array(); } $custom_types[$custom_type]['taxonomies'][$key] = 1; } /** * update post types */ update_option(WPCF_OPTION_NAME_CUSTOM_TYPES, $custom_types); } echo json_encode(array('execute' => 'reload', 'wpcf_nonce_ajax_callback' => wp_create_nonce('execute'))); } break; case 'deactivate_taxonomy': $custom_taxonomy = wpcf_ajax_helper_get_taxonomy(); if (empty($custom_taxonomy)) { wpcf_ajax_helper_print_error_and_die(); } $custom_taxonomies = get_option(WPCF_OPTION_NAME_CUSTOM_TAXONOMIES, array()); if (!isset($custom_taxonomies[$custom_taxonomy]) || !isset($custom_taxonomies[$custom_taxonomy]['supports'])) { $taxonomy = get_taxonomy($custom_taxonomy); $supports = array(); if (is_object($taxonomy)) { if (!empty($taxonomy->object_type)) { foreach ($taxonomy->object_type as $support_post) { $supports[$support_post] = 1; } } $custom_taxonomies[$custom_taxonomy] = array('slug' => $taxonomy->name, 'labels' => array('singular_name' => $taxonomy->labels->singular_name, 'name' => $taxonomy->labels->name), 'supports' => $supports, 'type' => '_builtin', '_builtin' => true); } else { wpcf_ajax_helper_print_error_and_die(); } } if (wpcf_is_builtin_taxonomy($custom_taxonomy)) { $custom_taxonomies[$custom_taxonomy]['type'] = '_builtin'; $custom_taxonomies[$custom_taxonomy]['_builtin'] = true; } $custom_taxonomies[$custom_taxonomy]['disabled'] = 1; $custom_taxonomies[$custom_taxonomy][TOOLSET_EDIT_LAST] = time(); update_option(WPCF_OPTION_NAME_CUSTOM_TAXONOMIES, $custom_taxonomies); echo json_encode(array('output' => __('Taxonomy deactivated', 'wpcf'), 'execute' => 'reload', 'wpcf_nonce_ajax_callback' => wp_create_nonce('execute'))); break; case 'activate_taxonomy': $custom_taxonomy = wpcf_ajax_helper_get_taxonomy(); if (empty($custom_taxonomy)) { wpcf_ajax_helper_print_error_and_die(); } $custom_taxonomies = get_option(WPCF_OPTION_NAME_CUSTOM_TAXONOMIES, array()); if (!isset($custom_taxonomies[$custom_taxonomy])) { $taxonomy = get_taxonomy($custom_taxonomy); if (is_object($taxonomy)) { $custom_taxonomies[$custom_taxonomy] = array('slug' => $taxonomy->name, 'labels' => array('singular_name' => $taxonomy->labels->singular_name), 'type' => '_builtin', '_builtin' => true); } else { wpcf_ajax_helper_print_error_and_die(); } } if (wpcf_is_builtin_taxonomy($custom_taxonomy)) { $custom_taxonomies[$custom_taxonomy]['type'] = '_builtin'; $custom_taxonomies[$custom_taxonomy]['_builtin'] = true; } $custom_taxonomies[$custom_taxonomy]['disabled'] = 0; $custom_taxonomies[$custom_taxonomy][TOOLSET_EDIT_LAST] = time(); update_option(WPCF_OPTION_NAME_CUSTOM_TAXONOMIES, $custom_taxonomies); echo json_encode(array('output' => __('Taxonomy activated', 'wpcf'), 'execute' => 'reload', 'wpcf_nonce_ajax_callback' => wp_create_nonce('execute'))); break; case 'delete_taxonomy': $custom_taxonomy = wpcf_ajax_helper_get_taxonomy(); if (empty($custom_taxonomy)) { wpcf_ajax_helper_print_error_and_die(); } $custom_taxonomies = get_option(WPCF_OPTION_NAME_CUSTOM_TAXONOMIES, array()); unset($custom_taxonomies[$custom_taxonomy]); update_option(WPCF_OPTION_NAME_CUSTOM_TAXONOMIES, $custom_taxonomies); wpcf_admin_deactivate_content('taxonomy', $custom_taxonomy); // on group edit page if (isset($_GET['wpcf_ref'])) { $redirect = $_GET['wpcf_ref'] == 'dashboard' ? admin_url('admin.php?page=toolset-dashboard') : admin_url('admin.php?page=wpcf-ctt'); echo json_encode(array('output' => '', 'execute' => 'redirect', 'wpcf_redirect' => $redirect, 'wpcf_nonce_ajax_callback' => wp_create_nonce('execute'))); // on listing page } else { echo json_encode(array('output' => '', 'execute' => 'reload', 'wpcf_nonce_ajax_callback' => wp_create_nonce('execute'))); } break; case 'add_radio_option': /** * check required data */ if (!isset($_GET['parent_name']) || !isset($_GET['wpcf_ajax_update_add'])) { wpcf_ajax_helper_print_error_and_die(); } require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields/radio.php'; $value = esc_html(urldecode($_GET['parent_name'])); $element = wpcf_fields_radio_get_option($value); $id = array_shift($element); $element_txt = wpcf_fields_radio_get_option_alt_text($id, $value); echo json_encode(array('output' => wpcf_form_simple($element), 'execute' => 'append', 'append_target' => '#wpcf-form-groups-radio-ajax-response-' . esc_html(urldecode($_GET['wpcf_ajax_update_add'])), 'append_value' => trim(preg_replace('/[\\r\\n]+/', '', wpcf_form_simple($element_txt))), 'wpcf_nonce_ajax_callback' => wp_create_nonce('execute'))); break; case 'add_select_option': /** * check required data */ if (!isset($_GET['parent_name'])) { wpcf_ajax_helper_print_error_and_die(); } require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields/select.php'; $element = wpcf_fields_select_get_option(esc_html(urldecode($_GET['parent_name']))); echo json_encode(array('output' => wpcf_form_simple($element))); break; case 'add_checkboxes_option': /** * check required data */ if (!isset($_GET['parent_name'])) { wpcf_ajax_helper_print_error_and_die(); } require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields/checkboxes.php'; $value = esc_html(urldecode($_GET['parent_name'])); $element = wpcf_fields_checkboxes_get_option($value); $id = array_shift($element); $element_txt = wpcf_fields_checkboxes_get_option_alt_text($id, $value); echo json_encode(array('output' => wpcf_form_simple($element), 'wpcf_nonce_ajax_callback' => wp_create_nonce('execute'))); break; case 'group_form_collapsed': require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields-form.php'; $group_id = sanitize_text_field($_GET['group_id']); $action = sanitize_text_field($_GET['toggle']); $fieldset = sanitize_text_field($_GET['id']); wpcf_admin_fields_form_save_open_fieldset($action, $fieldset, $group_id); break; case 'form_fieldset_toggle': $action = sanitize_text_field($_GET['toggle']); $fieldset = sanitize_text_field($_GET['id']); wpcf_admin_form_fieldset_save_toggle($action, $fieldset); break; case 'fields_delete': case 'delete_field': require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; if (isset($_GET['field_id'])) { wpcf_admin_fields_delete_field(sanitize_text_field($_GET['field_id'])); } if (isset($_GET['field'])) { wpcf_admin_fields_delete_field(sanitize_text_field($_GET['field'])); } echo json_encode(array('output' => '')); break; case 'remove_from_history': require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; $fields = wpcf_admin_fields_get_fields(); if (isset($_GET['field_id']) && isset($fields[$_GET['field_id']])) { $fields[$_GET['field_id']]['data']['removed_from_history'] = 1; wpcf_admin_fields_save_fields($fields, true); } echo json_encode(array('output' => '')); break; case 'add_condition': require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; require_once WPCF_ABSPATH . '/includes/conditional-display.php'; if (!empty($_GET['field']) || !empty($_GET['group'])) { $data = array(); if (isset($_GET['group'])) { $output = wpcf_form_simple(wpcf_cd_admin_form_single_filter(array(), array(), null, true)); echo json_encode(array('output' => $output)); } else { $data['id'] = str_replace('_conditional_display', '', sanitize_text_field($_GET['field'])); $output = wpcf_form_simple(wpcf_cd_admin_form_single_filter($data, array(), null, false)); if (!empty($data['id'])) { echo json_encode(array('output' => $output)); } else { wpcf_ajax_helper_print_error_and_die(); } } } else { wpcf_ajax_helper_print_error_and_die(); } break; case 'pt_edit_fields': if (!empty($_GET['parent']) && !empty($_GET['child'])) { require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/post-relationship.php'; wpcf_pr_admin_edit_fields(sanitize_text_field($_GET['parent']), sanitize_text_field($_GET['child'])); } break; case 'toggle': $option = get_option('wpcf_toggle', array()); $hidden = isset($_GET['hidden']) ? (bool) $_GET['hidden'] : 1; $div = esc_html(strval($_GET['div'])); if (!$hidden) { unset($option[$div]); } else { $option[$div] = 1; } update_option('wpcf_toggle', $option); break; case 'cb_save_empty_migrate': $output = sprintf('<span style="color:red;">%s</div>', __('Migration process is not yet finished - please save group first, then change settings of this field.', 'wpcf')); if (isset($_GET['field']) && isset($_GET['subaction'])) { require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; $option = $_GET['meta_type'] == 'usermeta' ? 'wpcf-usermeta' : 'wpcf-fields'; $meta_type = sanitize_text_field($_GET['meta_type']); $field = wpcf_admin_fields_get_field(sanitize_text_field($_GET['field']), false, false, false, $option); $_txt_updates = $meta_type == 'usermeta' ? __('%d users require update', 'wpcf') : __('%d posts require update', 'wpcf'); $_txt_no_updates = $meta_type == 'usermeta' ? __('No users require update', 'wpcf') : __('No posts require update', 'wpcf'); $_txt_updated = $meta_type == 'usermeta' ? __('Users updated', 'wpcf') : __('Posts updated', 'wpcf'); if (!empty($field)) { if ($_GET['subaction'] == 'save_check' || $_GET['subaction'] == 'do_not_save_check') { if ($field['type'] == 'checkbox') { $posts = wpcf_admin_fields_checkbox_migrate_empty_check($field, $_GET['subaction']); } else { if ($field['type'] == 'checkboxes') { $posts = wpcf_admin_fields_checkboxes_migrate_empty_check($field, $_GET['subaction']); } } if (!empty($posts)) { $output = '<div class="message updated"><p>' . sprintf($_txt_updates, count($posts)) . ' ' . '<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="button-primary" onclick="' . 'wpcfCbSaveEmptyMigrate(jQuery(this).parent().parent().parent(), \'' . sanitize_text_field($_GET['field']) . '\', ' . count($posts) . ', \'' . wp_create_nonce('cb_save_empty_migrate') . '\', \''; $output .= $_GET['subaction'] == 'save_check' ? 'save' : 'do_not_save'; $output .= '\', \'' . $meta_type . '\');' . '">' . __('Update', 'wpcf') . '</a>' . '</p></div>'; } else { $output = '<div class="message updated"><p><em>' . $_txt_no_updates . '</em></p></div>'; } } else { if ($_GET['subaction'] == 'save' || $_GET['subaction'] == 'do_not_save') { if ($field['type'] == 'checkbox') { $posts = wpcf_admin_fields_checkbox_migrate_empty($field, $_GET['subaction']); } else { if ($field['type'] == 'checkboxes') { $posts = wpcf_admin_fields_checkboxes_migrate_empty($field, $_GET['subaction']); } } if (isset($posts['offset'])) { if (!isset($_GET['total'])) { $output = '<span style="color:red;">' . __('Error occured', 'wpcf') . '</div>'; } else { $output = '<script type="text/javascript">wpcfCbMigrateStep(' . intval($_GET['total']) . ',' . $posts['offset'] . ',' . '\'' . sanitize_text_field($_GET['field']) . '\',' . '\'' . wp_create_nonce('cb_save_empty_migrate') . '\', \'' . $meta_type . '\');</script>' . number_format($posts['offset']) . '/' . number_format(intval($_GET['total'])) . '<div class="wpcf-ajax-loading-small"></div>'; } } else { $output = sprintf('<div class="message updated"><p>%s</p></div>', $_txt_updated); } } } } } echo json_encode(array('output' => $output)); break; default: break; } die; }
/** * All AJAX calls go here. * * @todo auth */ function wpcf_ajax_embedded() { if (isset($_REQUEST['_typesnonce'])) { if (!wp_verify_nonce($_REQUEST['_typesnonce'], '_typesnonce')) { die('Verification failed (1)'); } } else { if (!isset($_REQUEST['_wpnonce']) || !wp_verify_nonce($_REQUEST['_wpnonce'], $_REQUEST['wpcf_action'])) { die('Verification failed (2)'); } } global $wpcf; switch ($_REQUEST['wpcf_action']) { case 'insert_skype_button': if (!current_user_can('edit_posts')) { die('Authentication failed'); } require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields/skype.php'; wpcf_fields_skype_meta_box_ajax(); break; case 'editor_callback': if (!current_user_can('edit_posts')) { die('Authentication failed'); } // Determine Field type and context $views_meta = false; $field_id = sanitize_text_field($_GET['field_id']); // todo this could be written in like four lines if (isset($_GET['field_type']) && $_GET['field_type'] == 'usermeta') { // Group filter wp_enqueue_script('suggest'); $field = types_get_field($field_id, 'usermeta'); $meta_type = 'usermeta'; } elseif (isset($_GET['field_type']) && $_GET['field_type'] == 'views-usermeta') { $field = types_get_field($field_id, 'usermeta'); $meta_type = 'usermeta'; $views_meta = true; } elseif (isset($_GET['field_type']) && $_GET['field_type'] == 'termmeta') { // Group filter wp_enqueue_script('suggest'); $field = types_get_field($field_id, 'termmeta'); $meta_type = 'termmeta'; } elseif (isset($_GET['field_type']) && $_GET['field_type'] == 'views-termmeta') { $field = types_get_field($field_id, 'termmeta'); $meta_type = 'termmeta'; $views_meta = true; } else { $field = types_get_field($field_id); $meta_type = 'postmeta'; } $parent_post_id = isset($_GET['post_id']) ? intval($_GET['post_id']) : null; $shortcode = isset($_GET['shortcode']) ? urldecode($_GET['shortcode']) : null; $callback = isset($_GET['callback']) ? sanitize_text_field($_GET['callback']) : false; if (!empty($field)) { // Editor WPCF_Loader::loadClass('editor'); $editor = new WPCF_Editor(); $editor->frame($field, $meta_type, $parent_post_id, $shortcode, $callback, $views_meta); } break; case 'dismiss_message': if (!is_user_logged_in()) { die('Authentication failed'); } if (isset($_GET['id'])) { $messages = get_option('wpcf_dismissed_messages', array()); $messages[] = sanitize_text_field($_GET['id']); update_option('wpcf_dismissed_messages', $messages); } break; case 'pr_add_child_post': global $current_user; $output = '<tr>' . __('Passed wrong parameters', 'wpcf') . '</tr>'; $id = 0; $target_post_type = isset($_GET['post_type_child']) ? sanitize_text_field($_GET['post_type_child']) : ''; $has_permissions = current_user_can('publish_posts'); $has_permissions = apply_filters('toolset_access_api_get_post_type_permissions', $has_permissions, $target_post_type, 'publish'); if (!$has_permissions) { $output = '<tr><td>' . __('You do not have rights to create new items', 'wpcf') . '</td></tr>'; } else { if (isset($_GET['post_id']) && isset($_GET['post_type_child']) && isset($_GET['post_type_parent'])) { $relationships = get_option('wpcf_post_relationship', array()); $parent_post_id = intval($_GET['post_id']); $parent_post = get_post($parent_post_id); if (!empty($parent_post->ID)) { $post_type = sanitize_text_field($_GET['post_type_child']); $parent_post_type = sanitize_text_field($_GET['post_type_parent']); // @todo isset & error handling $data = $relationships[$parent_post_type][$post_type]; /* * Since Types 1.1.5 * * We save new post * CHECKPOINT */ $id = $wpcf->relationship->add_new_child($parent_post->ID, $post_type); if (is_wp_error($id)) { $output = '<tr>' . $id->get_error_message() . '</tr>'; } else { /* * Here we set Relationship * CHECKPOINT */ $parent = get_post($parent_post_id); $child = get_post($id); if (!empty($parent->ID) && !empty($child->ID)) { // Set post $wpcf->post = $child; // Set relationship :) $wpcf->relationship->_set($parent, $child, $data); // Render new row $output = $wpcf->relationship->child_row($parent_post->ID, $id, $data); } else { $output = '<tr>' . __('Error creating post relationship', 'wpcf') . '</tr>'; } } } else { $output = '<tr>' . __('Error getting parent post', 'wpcf') . '</tr>'; } } } if (!defined('WPTOOLSET_FORMS_VERSION')) { echo json_encode(array('output' => $output . wpcf_form_render_js_validation('#post', false), 'child_id' => $id)); } else { echo json_encode(array('output' => $output, 'conditionals' => array('#post' => wptoolset_form_get_conditional_data('post')), 'child_id' => $id)); } break; case 'pr_save_all': ob_start(); // Try to catch any errors $output = ''; if (current_user_can('edit_posts') && isset($_POST['post_id'])) { $parent_id = intval($_POST['post_id']); $post_type = sanitize_text_field($_POST['post_type']); if (isset($_POST['wpcf_post_relationship'][$parent_id])) { $children = wpcf_sanitize_post_realtionship_input((array) $_POST['wpcf_post_relationship'][$parent_id]); $wpcf->relationship->save_children($parent_id, $children); $output = $wpcf->relationship->child_meta_form($parent_id, strval($post_type)); } } if (!defined('WPTOOLSET_FORMS_VERSION')) { // TODO Move to conditional $output .= '<script type="text/javascript">wpcfConditionalInit();</script>'; } wpcf_show_admin_messages('echo'); $errors = ob_get_clean(); if (!defined('WPTOOLSET_FORMS_VERSION')) { echo json_encode(array('output' => $output, 'errors' => $errors)); } else { echo json_encode(array('output' => $output, 'conditionals' => array('#post' => wptoolset_form_get_conditional_data('post')), 'errors' => $errors)); } break; case 'pr_save_child_post': ob_start(); // Try to catch any errors $output = ''; if (current_user_can('edit_posts') && isset($_GET['post_id']) && isset($_GET['parent_id']) && isset($_GET['post_type_parent']) && isset($_GET['post_type_child']) && isset($_POST['wpcf_post_relationship'])) { $parent_id = intval($_GET['parent_id']); $child_id = intval($_GET['post_id']); $parent_post_type = sanitize_text_field($_GET['post_type_parent']); $child_post_type = sanitize_text_field($_GET['post_type_child']); if (isset($_POST['wpcf_post_relationship'][$parent_id][$child_id])) { $fields = wpcf_sanitize_post_relationship_input_fields((array) $_POST['wpcf_post_relationship'][$parent_id][$child_id]); $wpcf->relationship->save_child($parent_id, $child_id, $fields); $output = $wpcf->relationship->child_row($parent_id, $child_id, $wpcf->relationship->settings($parent_post_type, $child_post_type)); if (!defined('WPTOOLSET_FORMS_VERSION')) { // TODO Move to conditional $output .= '<script type="text/javascript">wpcfConditionalInit(\'#types-child-row-' . $child_id . '\');</script>'; } } } wpcf_show_admin_messages('echo'); $errors = ob_get_clean(); if (!defined('WPTOOLSET_FORMS_VERSION')) { echo json_encode(array('output' => $output, 'errors' => $errors)); } else { echo json_encode(array('output' => $output, 'errors' => $errors, 'conditionals' => array('#post' => wptoolset_form_get_conditional_data('post')))); } break; case 'pr_delete_child_post': require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_ABSPATH . '/includes/post-relationship.php'; $output = 'Passed wrong parameters'; if (current_user_can('edit_posts') && isset($_GET['post_id'])) { $output = wpcf_pr_admin_delete_child_item(intval($_GET['post_id'])); } echo json_encode(array('output' => $output)); break; case 'pr_pagination': require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields-post.php'; require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_ABSPATH . '/includes/post-relationship.php'; $output = 'Passed wrong parameters'; if (current_user_can('edit_posts') && isset($_GET['post_id']) && isset($_GET['post_type'])) { global $wpcf; $parent = get_post(intval($_GET['post_id'])); $child_post_type = sanitize_text_field($_GET['post_type']); if (!empty($parent->ID)) { // Set post in loop $wpcf->post = $parent; // Save items_per_page $wpcf->relationship->save_items_per_page($parent->post_type, $child_post_type, intval($_GET[$wpcf->relationship->items_per_page_option_name])); $output = $wpcf->relationship->child_meta_form($parent->ID, $child_post_type); } } if (!defined('WPTOOLSET_FORMS_VERSION')) { echo json_encode(array('output' => $output)); } else { echo json_encode(array('output' => $output, 'conditionals' => array('#post' => wptoolset_form_get_conditional_data('post')))); } break; case 'pr_sort': $output = 'Passed wrong parameters'; if (current_user_can('edit_posts') && isset($_GET['field']) && isset($_GET['sort']) && isset($_GET['post_id']) && isset($_GET['post_type'])) { $output = $wpcf->relationship->child_meta_form(intval($_GET['post_id']), sanitize_text_field($_GET['post_type'])); } if (!defined('WPTOOLSET_FORMS_VERSION')) { echo json_encode(array('output' => $output)); } else { echo json_encode(array('output' => $output, 'conditionals' => array('#post' => wptoolset_form_get_conditional_data('post')))); } break; // Not used anywhere /*case 'pr_sort_parent': $output = 'Passed wrong parameters'; if ( isset( $_GET['field'] ) && isset( $_GET['sort'] ) && isset( $_GET['post_id'] ) && isset( $_GET['post_type'] ) ) { $output = $wpcf->relationship->child_meta_form( intval( $_GET['post_id'] ), strval( $_GET['post_type'] ) ); } if ( !defined( 'WPTOOLSET_FORMS_VERSION' ) ) { echo json_encode( array( 'output' => $output, ) ); } else { echo json_encode( array( 'output' => $output, 'conditionals' => array('#post' => wptoolset_form_get_conditional_data( 'post' )), ) ); } break;*/ /* Usermeta */ // Not used anywhere /*case 'pr_sort_parent': $output = 'Passed wrong parameters'; if ( isset( $_GET['field'] ) && isset( $_GET['sort'] ) && isset( $_GET['post_id'] ) && isset( $_GET['post_type'] ) ) { $output = $wpcf->relationship->child_meta_form( intval( $_GET['post_id'] ), strval( $_GET['post_type'] ) ); } if ( !defined( 'WPTOOLSET_FORMS_VERSION' ) ) { echo json_encode( array( 'output' => $output, ) ); } else { echo json_encode( array( 'output' => $output, 'conditionals' => array('#post' => wptoolset_form_get_conditional_data( 'post' )), ) ); } break;*/ /* Usermeta */ case 'um_repetitive_add': if (isset($_GET['user_id'])) { $user_id = (int) $_GET['user_id']; } else { $user_id = wpcf_usermeta_get_user(); } if (isset($_GET['field_id']) && current_user_can('edit_user', $user_id)) { require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields-post.php'; require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_INC_ABSPATH . '/usermeta-post.php'; $field = wpcf_admin_fields_get_field(sanitize_text_field($_GET['field_id']), false, false, false, 'wpcf-usermeta'); global $wpcf; $wpcf->usermeta_repeater->set($user_id, $field); /* * * Force empty values! */ $wpcf->usermeta_repeater->cf['value'] = null; $wpcf->usermeta_repeater->meta = null; $form = $wpcf->usermeta_repeater->get_field_form(null, true); echo json_encode(array('output' => wpcf_form_simple($form) . wpcf_form_render_js_validation('#your-profile', false))); } else { echo json_encode(array('output' => 'params missing')); } break; case 'um_repetitive_delete': if (isset($_POST['user_id']) && isset($_POST['field_id']) && current_user_can('edit_user', intval($_POST['user_id']))) { require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; $user_id = intval($_POST['user_id']); $field = wpcf_admin_fields_get_field(sanitize_text_field($_POST['field_id']), false, false, false, 'wpcf-usermeta'); $meta_id = intval($_POST['meta_id']); if (!empty($field) && !empty($user_id) && !empty($meta_id)) { /* * * * Changed. * Since Types 1.2 */ global $wpcf; $wpcf->usermeta_repeater->set($user_id, $field); $wpcf->usermeta_repeater->delete($meta_id); echo json_encode(array('output' => 'deleted')); } else { echo json_encode(array('output' => 'field or post not found')); } } else { echo json_encode(array('output' => 'params missing')); } break; /* End Usermeta */ /* End Usermeta */ case 'repetitive_add': if (current_user_can('edit_posts') && isset($_GET['field_id'])) { require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields-post.php'; $field = wpcf_admin_fields_get_field(sanitize_text_field($_GET['field_id'])); $parent_post_id = intval($_GET['post_id']); /* * When post is new - post_id is 0 * We can safely set post_id to 1 cause * values compared are filtered anyway. */ if ($parent_post_id == 0) { $parent_post_id = 1; } $parent_post = get_post($parent_post_id); global $wpcf; $wpcf->repeater->set($parent_post, $field); /* * * Force empty values! */ $wpcf->repeater->cf['value'] = null; $wpcf->repeater->meta = null; $form = $wpcf->repeater->get_field_form(null, true); echo json_encode(array('output' => wpcf_form_simple($form) . wpcf_form_render_js_validation('#post', false))); } else { echo json_encode(array('output' => 'params missing')); } break; case 'repetitive_delete': if (current_user_can('edit_posts') && isset($_POST['post_id']) && isset($_POST['field_id'])) { require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; $post_id = intval($_POST['post_id']); $parent_post = get_post($post_id); $field = wpcf_admin_fields_get_field(sanitize_text_field($_POST['field_id'])); $meta_id = intval($_POST['meta_id']); if (!empty($field) && !empty($parent_post->ID) && !empty($meta_id)) { /* * * * Changed. * Since Types 1.2 */ global $wpcf; $wpcf->repeater->set($parent_post, $field); $wpcf->repeater->delete($meta_id); echo json_encode(array('output' => 'deleted')); } else { echo json_encode(array('output' => 'field or post not found')); } } else { echo json_encode(array('output' => 'params missing')); } break; case 'wpcf_entry_search': if (current_user_can('edit_posts') && isset($_REQUEST['post_type'])) { $posts_per_page = apply_filters('wpcf_pr_belongs_post_numberposts', 10); $args = array('posts_per_page' => apply_filters('wpcf_pr_belongs_post_posts_per_page', $posts_per_page), 'post_status' => apply_filters('wpcf_pr_belongs_post_status', array('publish', 'private')), 'post_type' => sanitize_text_field($_REQUEST['post_type']), 'suppress_filters' => 1); if (isset($_REQUEST['s'])) { $args['s'] = $_REQUEST['s']; } if (isset($_REQUEST['page']) && preg_match('/^\\d+$/', $_REQUEST['page'])) { $args['paged'] = intval($_REQUEST['page']); } $the_query = new WP_Query($args); $posts = array('items' => array(), 'total_count' => $the_query->found_posts, 'incomplete_results' => $the_query->found_posts > $posts_per_page, 'posts_per_page' => $posts_per_page); if ($the_query->have_posts()) { while ($the_query->have_posts()) { $the_query->the_post(); $post_title = get_the_title(); if (empty($post_title)) { $post_title = sprintf(__('[empty title] ID: %d', 'wpcf'), get_the_ID()); } $posts['items'][] = array('ID' => get_the_ID(), 'post_title' => $post_title); } } /* Restore original Post Data */ wp_reset_postdata(); echo json_encode($posts); } else { echo json_encode(array('output' => 'params missing')); } break; case 'wpcf_entry_entry': if (current_user_can('edit_posts') && isset($_REQUEST['p'])) { $wpcf_post = get_post((int) $_REQUEST['p'], ARRAY_A); if (isset($wpcf_post['ID'])) { $post_title = $wpcf_post['post_title']; if (empty($post_title)) { $post_title = sprintf(__('[empty title] ID: %d', 'wpcf'), $wpcf_post['ID']); } echo json_encode(array('ID' => $wpcf_post['ID'], 'post_title' => $wpcf_post['post_title'])); } else { echo json_encode(array('output' => 'params missing')); } } else { echo json_encode(array('output' => 'params missing')); } break; default: break; } if (function_exists('wpcf_ajax')) { wpcf_ajax(); } die; }
/** * Meta boxes contents output. * * @param type $post * @param type $args */ function wpcf_pr_admin_post_meta_box_output($post, $args) { if (empty($post) || empty($post->ID)) { return array(); } global $wpcf; $output = ''; $relationships = $args; $post_id = !empty($post->ID) ? $post->ID : -1; $current_post_type = wpcf_admin_get_edited_post_type($post); /* * Render has form (child form) */ if (!empty($relationships['has'])) { foreach ($relationships['has'] as $post_type => $data) { if (isset($data['fields_setting']) && 'only_list' == $data['fields_setting']) { $output .= $wpcf->relationship->child_list($post, $post_type, $data); } else { $output .= $wpcf->relationship->child_meta_form($post, $post_type, $data); } } } /* * Render belongs form (parent form) */ if (!empty($relationships['belongs'])) { $meta = get_post_custom($post_id); $belongs = array('belongs' => array(), 'posts' => array()); foreach ($meta as $meta_key => $meta_value) { if (strpos($meta_key, '_wpcf_belongs_') === 0) { $temp_post = get_post($meta_value[0]); if (!empty($temp_post)) { $belongs['posts'][$temp_post->ID] = $temp_post; $belongs['belongs'][$temp_post->post_type] = $temp_post->ID; } } } foreach ($relationships['belongs'] as $post_type => $data) { $parent_post_type_object = get_post_type_object($post_type); $output .= '<div class="belongs">'; $form = wpcf_pr_admin_post_meta_box_belongs_form($post, $post_type, $belongs); if (isset($form[$post_type])) { $form[$post_type]['#before'] = sprintf('<p>%s %s</p>', sprintf(__('This <em>%s</em> belongs to <em>%s</em>', 'wpcf'), get_post_type_object($current_post_type)->labels->singular_name, $parent_post_type_object->labels->singular_name), sprintf(' <a href="%s" class="button disabled">%s</a>', get_edit_post_link($form[$post_type]['#value']), $parent_post_type_object->labels->edit_item)); } if ($x = wpcf_form_simple($form)) { $output .= $x; } else { $output .= $parent_post_type_object->labels->not_found; } $output .= '</div>'; unset($parent_post_type_object); } } return $output; }
/** * Edit fields form. * * @param type $parent * @param type $child */ function wpcf_pr_admin_edit_fields($parent, $child) { $post_type_parent = get_post_type_object($parent); $post_type_child = get_post_type_object($child); if (empty($post_type_parent) || empty($post_type_child)) { die(__('Wrong post types', 'wpcf')); } $relationships = get_option('wpcf_post_relationship', array()); if (!isset($relationships[$parent][$child])) { die(__('Relationship do not exist', 'wpcf')); } $data = $relationships[$parent][$child]; wp_enqueue_script('jquery'); wp_enqueue_style('types'); wpcf_admin_ajax_head('Edit fields', 'wpcf'); // Process submit if (isset($_POST['_wpnonce']) && wp_verify_nonce($_POST['_wpnonce'], 'pt_edit_fields')) { $relationships[$parent][$child]['fields_setting'] = sanitize_text_field($_POST['fields_setting']); // @todo Maybe sanitization here $relationships[$parent][$child]['fields'] = isset($_POST['fields']) ? $_POST['fields'] : array(); update_option('wpcf_post_relationship', $relationships); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> window.parent.jQuery('#TB_closeWindowButton').trigger('click'); window.parent.location.reload(); </script> <?php die; } $groups = wpcf_admin_get_groups_by_post_type($child); $options_cf = array(); $repetitive_warning = false; $repetitive_warning_markup = array(); $repetitive_warning_txt = __('Repeating fields should not be used in child posts. Types will update all field values.', 'wpcf'); foreach ($groups as $group) { $fields = wpcf_admin_fields_get_fields_by_group($group['id']); foreach ($fields as $key => $cf) { $__key = wpcf_types_cf_under_control('check_outsider', $key) ? $key : WPCF_META_PREFIX . $key; $options_cf[$__key] = array(); $options_cf[$__key]['#title'] = $cf['name']; $options_cf[$__key]['#name'] = 'fields[' . $__key . ']'; $options_cf[$__key]['#default_value'] = isset($data['fields'][$__key]) ? 1 : 0; // Repetitive warning if (wpcf_admin_is_repetitive($cf)) { if (!$repetitive_warning) { $repetitive_warning_markup = array('#type' => 'markup', '#markup' => '<div class="message error" style="display:none;" id="wpcf-repetitive-warning"><p>' . $repetitive_warning_txt . '</p></div>'); } $repetitive_warning = true; $options_cf[$__key]['#after'] = !isset($data['fields'][$__key]) ? '<div class="message error" style="display:none;"><p>' : '<div class="message error"><p>'; $options_cf[$__key]['#after'] .= $repetitive_warning_txt; $options_cf[$__key]['#after'] .= '</p></div>'; $options_cf[$__key]['#attributes'] = array('onclick' => 'jQuery(this).parent().find(\'.message\').toggle();', 'disabled' => 'disabled'); } } } $form = array(); $form['repetitive_warning_markup'] = $repetitive_warning_markup; $form['select'] = array('#type' => 'radios', '#name' => 'fields_setting', '#options' => array(__('Title, all custom fields and parents', 'wpcf') => 'all_cf', __('Do not show management options for this post type', 'wpcf') => 'only_list', __('All fields, including the standard post fields', 'wpcf') => 'all_cf_standard', __('Specific fields', 'wpcf') => 'specific'), '#default_value' => empty($data['fields_setting']) ? 'all_cf' : $data['fields_setting']); /** * check default, to avoid missing configuration */ if (!in_array($form['select']['#default_value'], $form['select']['#options'])) { $form['select']['#default_value'] = 'all_cf'; } /** * build options for "Specific fields" */ $options = array(); /** * check and add build-in properites */ $check_support = array('title' => array('name' => '_wp_title', 'title' => __('Post title', 'wpcf')), 'editor' => array('name' => '_wp_body', 'title' => __('Post body', 'wpcf')), 'excerpt' => array('name' => '_wp_excerpt', 'title' => __('Post excerpt', 'wpcf')), 'thumbnail' => array('name' => '_wp_featured_image', 'title' => __('Post featured image', 'wpcf'))); foreach ($check_support as $child_field_key => $child_field_data) { if (!post_type_supports($child, $child_field_key)) { continue; } $options[$child_field_data['name']] = array('#title' => $child_field_data['title'], '#name' => sprintf('fields[%s]', $child_field_data['name']), '#default_value' => isset($data['fields'][$child_field_data['name']]) ? 1 : 0); } /** * add custom fields */ $options = $options + $options_cf; $temp_belongs = wpcf_pr_admin_get_belongs($child); foreach ($temp_belongs as $temp_parent => $temp_data) { if ($temp_parent == $parent) { continue; } $temp_parent_type = get_post_type_object($temp_parent); $options[$temp_parent] = array(); $options[$temp_parent]['#title'] = $temp_parent_type->label; $options[$temp_parent]['#name'] = 'fields[_wpcf_pr_parents][' . $temp_parent . ']'; $options[$temp_parent]['#default_value'] = isset($data['fields']['_wpcf_pr_parents'][$temp_parent]) ? 1 : 0; } /** * remove "Specific fields" if there is no fields */ if (empty($options)) { unset($form['select']['#options'][__('Specific fields', 'wpcf')]); if ('specific' == $form['select']['#default_value']) { $form['select']['#default_value'] = 'all_cf'; } } // Taxonomies $taxonomies = get_object_taxonomies($post_type_child->name, 'objects'); if (!empty($taxonomies)) { foreach ($taxonomies as $tax_id => $taxonomy) { $options[$tax_id] = array(); $options[$tax_id]['#title'] = sprintf(__('Taxonomy - %s', 'wpcf'), $taxonomy->label); $options[$tax_id]['#name'] = 'fields[_wpcf_pr_taxonomies][' . $tax_id . ']'; $options[$tax_id]['#default_value'] = isset($data['fields']['_wpcf_pr_taxonomies'][$tax_id]) ? 1 : 0; } } $form['specific'] = array('#type' => 'checkboxes', '#name' => 'fields', '#options' => $options, '#default_value' => isset($data['fields']), '#before' => '<div id="wpcf-specific" style="display:none;margin:10px 0 0 20px;">', '#after' => '</div>'); $form['submit'] = array('#type' => 'submit', '#name' => 'submit', '#value' => __('Save', 'wpcf'), '#attributes' => array('class' => 'button-primary')); echo '<form method="post" action="" class="types-select-child-fields">'; echo wpcf_form_simple($form); echo wp_nonce_field('pt_edit_fields'); echo '</form>'; ?> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(document).ready(function(){ if (jQuery('input[name="fields_setting"]:checked').val() == 'specific') { jQuery('#wpcf-specific').show(); } else { <?php if ($repetitive_warning && 'only_list' != $form['select']['#default_value']) { ?> jQuery('#wpcf-repetitive-warning').show(); <?php } ?> } jQuery('input[name="fields_setting"]').change(function(){ if (jQuery(this).val() == 'specific') { jQuery('#wpcf-specific').slideDown(); } else { jQuery('#wpcf-specific').slideUp(); <?php if ($repetitive_warning) { ?> if ( 'only_list' != jQuery('input[name="fields_setting"]:checked').val()) { jQuery('#wpcf-repetitive-warning').show(); } <?php } ?> } }); }); </script> <?php wpcf_admin_ajax_footer(); }
/** * Menu page display. */ function wpcf_admin_menu_import_export() { echo wpcf_add_admin_header(__('Import/Export', 'wpcf')); echo '<br /><form method="post" action="" class="wpcf-import-export-form ' . 'wpcf-form-validate" enctype="multipart/form-data">'; echo wpcf_form_simple(wpcf_admin_import_export_form()); echo '</form>'; echo wpcf_add_admin_footer(); }
/** * Renders meta box content. * * Core function. Works and stable. * If required, add hooks only. * * @todo Revise this 1.1.5 * * @param type $post * @param type $group * @param type $echo * @param type boolean $open_style_editor if true use code for open style editor when edit group */ function wpcf_admin_post_meta_box($post, $group, $echo = '', $open_style_editor = false) { if (false === $open_style_editor && defined('WPTOOLSET_FORMS_VERSION')) { if (isset($group['args']['html'])) { /** * show group description */ if (array_key_exists('description', $group['args']) && !empty($group['args']['description'])) { echo '<div class="wpcf-meta-box-description">'; echo wpautop(wpcf_translate('group ' . $group['args']['id'] . ' description', $group['args']['description'])); echo '</div>'; } foreach ($group['args']['html'] as $field) { echo is_array($field) ? wptoolset_form_field('post', $field['config'], $field['meta']) : $field; } } return; } global $wpcf; /** * fake post object if need */ $post = wpcf_admin_create_fake_post_if_need($post); static $nonce_added = false; $group_output = ''; if (!isset($group['title'])) { $temp = $group; $group = ''; $group['args'] = $temp; $group['id'] = $temp['slug']; $group['title'] = $temp['name']; $name = $temp['name']; } if (!empty($echo)) { $group_output = '<h3>This Preview generated for latest post "' . $post->post_title . '"</h3>' . "\n" . '<!-- Previous lines visible only in Admin Style Editor.-->' . "\n\n"; $group_output .= '<div id="wpcf-group-' . $group['id'] . '" class="postbox " > <h3 class=\'hndle\'><span>' . $name . '</span></h3> <div class="inside">' . "\n"; } /* * TODO Document where this is used */ if (!$nonce_added && empty($echo)) { $nonce_action = 'update-' . $post->post_type . '_' . $post->ID; wp_nonce_field($nonce_action, '_wpcf_post_wpnonce'); $nonce_added = true; } $group_output .= "\n\n" . '<div id="wpcf-group-metabox-id-' . $group['args']['slug'] . '">' . "\n"; /* * TODO Move to Conditional code * * This is already checked. Use hook to add wrapper DIVS and apply CSS. */ if (!empty($group['args']['_conditional_display'])) { if ($group['args']['_conditional_display'] == 'failed') { $group_output .= '<div class="wpcf-cd-group wpcf-cd-group-failed" style="display:none;">'; } else { $group_output .= '<div class="wpcf-cd-group wpcf-cd-group-passed">'; } } /* * TODO Move this into Field code * Process fields */ if (!empty($group['args']['fields'])) { // Display description if (!empty($group['args']['description'])) { $group_output .= '<div class="wpcf-meta-box-description">' . wpautop(wpcf_translate('group ' . $group['args']['id'] . ' description', $group['args']['description'])) . '</div>'; } foreach ($group['args']['fields'] as $field_slug => $field) { if (empty($field) || !is_array($field)) { continue; } $field = $wpcf->field->_parse_cf_form_element($field); if (isset($field['wpcf-type'])) { // May be ignored $field = apply_filters('wpcf_fields_' . $field['wpcf-type'] . '_meta_box_form_value_display', $field); } if (!isset($field['#id'])) { $field['#id'] = wpcf_unique_id(serialize($field)); } // Render form elements if (wpcf_compare_wp_version() && array_key_exists('#type', $field) && 'wysiwyg' == $field['#type'] && !isset($field['#attributes']['disabled'])) { // if ( isset( $field['#attributes']['disabled'] ) ) { // $field['#editor_settings']['tinymce'] = false; // $field['#editor_settings']['teeny'] = false; // $field['#editor_settings']['media_buttons'] = false; // $field['#editor_settings']['quicktags'] = false; // $field['#editor_settings']['dfw'] = false; // } // Especially for WYSIWYG $group_output .= '<div class="wpcf-wysiwyg">'; $group_output .= '<div id="wpcf-textarea-textarea-wrapper" class="form-item form-item-textarea wpcf-form-item wpcf-form-item-textarea">'; $group_output .= isset($field['#before']) ? $field['#before'] : ''; $group_output .= '<label class="wpcf-form-label wpcf-form-textarea-label">' . stripslashes($field['#title']) . '</label>'; $group_output .= '<div class="description wpcf-form-description wpcf-form-description-textarea description-textarea"> ' . wpautop($field['#description']) . '</div>'; ob_start(); wp_editor($field['#value'], $field['#id'], $field['#editor_settings']); $group_output .= ob_get_clean() . "\n\n"; $field['slug'] = str_replace(WPCF_META_PREFIX . 'wysiwyg-', '', $field_slug); $field['type'] = 'wysiwyg'; $group_output .= '</div>'; $group_output .= isset($field['#after']) ? $field['#after'] : ''; $group_output .= '</div>'; } else { if (array_key_exists('#type', $field) && 'wysiwyg' == $field['#type']) { $field['#type'] = 'textarea'; } if (!empty($echo)) { $field['#validate'] = ''; } $group_output .= wpcf_form_simple(array($field['#id'] => $field)); } do_action('wpcf_fields_' . $field_slug . '_meta_box_form', $field); if (isset($field['wpcf-type'])) { // May be ignored do_action('wpcf_fields_' . $field['wpcf-type'] . '_meta_box_form', $field); } } } /* * TODO Move to Conditional code * * This is already checked. Use hook to add wrapper DIVS and apply CSS. */ if (!empty($group['args']['_conditional_display'])) { $group_output .= '</div>'; } $group_output .= '</div>'; if (!empty($echo)) { $group_output .= "\n\n</div></div>"; return $group_output; } else { echo $group_output; } }
/** * Content for choose parent column. * * @return boolean */ function _parent_form($post_parent = '') { $item_parents = wpcf_pr_admin_get_belongs($this->child_post_type); if ($item_parents) { foreach ($item_parents as $parent => $temp_data) { // Skip if only current available if ($parent == $this->parent_post_type) { continue; } if (!empty($post_parent) && $parent != $post_parent) { continue; } // Get parent ID $meta = get_post_meta($this->child->ID, '_wpcf_belongs_' . $parent . '_id', true); $meta = empty($meta) ? 0 : $meta; // Get form $belongs_data = array('belongs' => array($parent => $meta)); $temp_form = wpcf_pr_admin_post_meta_box_belongs_form($this->child, $parent, $belongs_data); if (empty($temp_form)) { return '<span class="types-small-italic">' . __('No parents available', 'wpcf') . '</span>'; } unset($temp_form[$parent]['#suffix'], $temp_form[$parent]['#prefix'], $temp_form[$parent]['#title']); $temp_form[$parent]['#name'] = 'wpcf_post_relationship[' . $this->parent->ID . '][' . $this->child->ID . '][parents][' . $parent . ']'; // Return HTML formatted output return wpcf_form_simple($temp_form); } } return '<span class="types-small-italic">' . __('No parents available', 'wpcf') . '</span>'; }
/** * All AJAX calls go here. */ function wpcf_ajax() { if (!current_user_can('manage_options') || (!isset($_REQUEST['_wpnonce']) || !wp_verify_nonce($_REQUEST['_wpnonce'], $_REQUEST['wpcf_action']))) { die; } switch ($_REQUEST['wpcf_action']) { case 'fields_insert': require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields-form.php'; wpcf_fields_insert_ajax(); wpcf_form_render_js_validation(); break; case 'fields_insert_existing': require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields-form.php'; wpcf_fields_insert_existing_ajax(); wpcf_form_render_js_validation(); break; case 'remove_field_from_group': require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; if (isset($_GET['group_id']) && isset($_GET['field_id'])) { wpcf_admin_fields_remove_field_from_group($_GET['group_id'], $_GET['field_id']); } break; case 'deactivate_group': require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; $success = wpcf_admin_fields_deactivate_group(intval($_GET['group_id'])); if ($success) { echo json_encode(array('output' => __('Group deactivated', 'wpcf'), 'execute' => 'jQuery("#wpcf-list-activate-' . intval($_GET['group_id']) . '").replaceWith(\'' . wpcf_admin_fields_get_ajax_activation_link(intval($_GET['group_id'])) . '\');jQuery(".wpcf-table-column-active-' . intval($_GET['group_id']) . '").html("' . __('No', 'wpcf') . '");', 'wpcf_nonce_ajax_callback' => wp_create_nonce('execute'))); } else { echo json_encode(array('output' => __('Error occured', 'wpcf'))); } break; case 'activate_group': require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; $success = wpcf_admin_fields_activate_group(intval($_GET['group_id'])); if ($success) { echo json_encode(array('output' => __('Group activated', 'wpcf'), 'execute' => 'jQuery("#wpcf-list-activate-' . intval($_GET['group_id']) . '").replaceWith(\'' . wpcf_admin_fields_get_ajax_deactivation_link(intval($_GET['group_id'])) . '\');jQuery(".wpcf-table-column-active-' . intval($_GET['group_id']) . '").html("' . __('Yes', 'wpcf') . '");', 'wpcf_nonce_ajax_callback' => wp_create_nonce('execute'))); } else { echo json_encode(array('output' => __('Error occured', 'wpcf'))); } break; case 'delete_group': require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; wpcf_admin_fields_delete_group(intval($_GET['group_id'])); echo json_encode(array('output' => '', 'execute' => 'jQuery("#wpcf-list-activate-' . intval($_GET['group_id']) . '").parents("tr").css("background-color", "#FF0000").fadeOut();', 'wpcf_nonce_ajax_callback' => wp_create_nonce('execute'))); break; case 'deactivate_post_type': if (!isset($_GET['wpcf-post-type'])) { die; } require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/custom-types.php'; $custom_types = get_option('wpcf-custom-types', array()); if (isset($custom_types[$_GET['wpcf-post-type']])) { $custom_types[$_GET['wpcf-post-type']]['disabled'] = 1; update_option('wpcf-custom-types', $custom_types); echo json_encode(array('output' => __('Post type deactivated', 'wpcf'), 'execute' => 'jQuery("#wpcf-list-activate-' . $_GET['wpcf-post-type'] . '").replaceWith(\'' . wpcf_admin_custom_types_get_ajax_activation_link(esc_attr($_GET['wpcf-post-type'])) . '\');jQuery(".wpcf-table-column-active-' . $_GET['wpcf-post-type'] . '").html("' . __('No', 'wpcf') . '");', 'wpcf_nonce_ajax_callback' => wp_create_nonce('execute'))); } else { echo json_encode(array('output' => __('Error occured', 'wpcf'))); } break; case 'activate_post_type': if (!isset($_GET['wpcf-post-type'])) { die; } require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/custom-types.php'; $custom_types = get_option('wpcf-custom-types', array()); if (isset($custom_types[$_GET['wpcf-post-type']])) { $custom_types[$_GET['wpcf-post-type']]['disabled'] = 0; update_option('wpcf-custom-types', $custom_types); echo json_encode(array('output' => __('Post type activated', 'wpcf'), 'execute' => 'jQuery("#wpcf-list-activate-' . $_GET['wpcf-post-type'] . '").replaceWith(\'' . wpcf_admin_custom_types_get_ajax_deactivation_link($_GET['wpcf-post-type']) . '\');jQuery(".wpcf-table-column-active-' . $_GET['wpcf-post-type'] . '").html("' . __('Yes', 'wpcf') . '");', 'wpcf_nonce_ajax_callback' => wp_create_nonce('execute'))); } else { echo json_encode(array('output' => __('Error occured', 'wpcf'))); } break; case 'delete_post_type': if (!isset($_GET['wpcf-post-type'])) { die; } $custom_types = get_option('wpcf-custom-types', array()); unset($custom_types[$_GET['wpcf-post-type']]); update_option('wpcf-custom-types', $custom_types); echo json_encode(array('output' => '', 'execute' => 'jQuery("#wpcf-list-activate-' . $_GET['wpcf-post-type'] . '").parents("tr").css("background-color", "#FF0000").fadeOut();', 'wpcf_nonce_ajax_callback' => wp_create_nonce('execute'))); break; case 'deactivate_taxonomy': if (!isset($_GET['wpcf-tax'])) { die; } require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/custom-taxonomies.php'; $custom_taxonomies = get_option('wpcf-custom-taxonomies', array()); if (isset($custom_taxonomies[$_GET['wpcf-tax']])) { $custom_taxonomies[$_GET['wpcf-tax']]['disabled'] = 1; update_option('wpcf-custom-taxonomies', $custom_taxonomies); echo json_encode(array('output' => __('Taxonomy deactivated', 'wpcf'), 'execute' => 'jQuery("#wpcf-list-activate-' . $_GET['wpcf-tax'] . '").replaceWith(\'' . wpcf_admin_custom_taxonomies_get_ajax_activation_link($_GET['wpcf-tax']) . '\');jQuery(".wpcf-table-column-active-' . $_GET['wpcf-tax'] . '").html("' . __('No', 'wpcf') . '");', 'wpcf_nonce_ajax_callback' => wp_create_nonce('execute'))); } else { echo json_encode(array('output' => __('Error occured', 'wpcf'))); } break; case 'activate_taxonomy': if (!isset($_GET['wpcf-tax'])) { die; } require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/custom-taxonomies.php'; $custom_taxonomies = get_option('wpcf-custom-taxonomies', array()); if (isset($custom_taxonomies[$_GET['wpcf-tax']])) { $custom_taxonomies[$_GET['wpcf-tax']]['disabled'] = 0; update_option('wpcf-custom-taxonomies', $custom_taxonomies); echo json_encode(array('output' => __('Taxonomy activated', 'wpcf'), 'execute' => 'jQuery("#wpcf-list-activate-' . $_GET['wpcf-tax'] . '").replaceWith(\'' . wpcf_admin_custom_taxonomies_get_ajax_deactivation_link($_GET['wpcf-tax']) . '\');jQuery(".wpcf-table-column-active-' . $_GET['wpcf-tax'] . '").html("' . __('Yes', 'wpcf') . '");', 'wpcf_nonce_ajax_callback' => wp_create_nonce('execute'))); } else { echo json_encode(array('output' => __('Error occured', 'wpcf'))); } break; case 'delete_taxonomy': if (!isset($_GET['wpcf-tax'])) { die; } $custom_taxonomies = get_option('wpcf-custom-taxonomies', array()); unset($custom_taxonomies[$_GET['wpcf-tax']]); update_option('wpcf-custom-taxonomies', $custom_taxonomies); echo json_encode(array('output' => '', 'execute' => 'jQuery("#wpcf-list-activate-' . $_GET['wpcf-tax'] . '").parents("tr").css("background-color", "#FF0000").fadeOut();', 'wpcf_nonce_ajax_callback' => wp_create_nonce('execute'))); break; case 'add_radio_option': require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields/radio.php'; $element = wpcf_fields_radio_get_option(urldecode($_GET['parent_name'])); $id = array_shift($element); $element_txt = wpcf_fields_radio_get_option_alt_text($id, urldecode($_GET['parent_name'])); echo json_encode(array('output' => wpcf_form_simple($element), 'execute' => 'jQuery("#wpcf-form-groups-radio-ajax-response-' . urldecode($_GET['wpcf_ajax_update_add']) . '").append(\'' . trim(str_replace("\r\n", '', wpcf_form_simple($element_txt))) . '\');', 'wpcf_nonce_ajax_callback' => wp_create_nonce('execute'))); break; case 'add_select_option': require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields/select.php'; $element = wpcf_fields_select_get_option(urldecode($_GET['parent_name'])); echo json_encode(array('output' => wpcf_form_simple($element))); break; case 'group_form_collapsed': require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields-form.php'; $group_id = $_GET['group_id']; $action = $_GET['toggle']; $fieldset = $_GET['id']; wpcf_admin_fields_form_save_open_fieldset($action, $fieldset, $group_id); break; case 'form_fieldset_toggle': $action = $_GET['toggle']; $fieldset = $_GET['id']; wpcf_admin_form_fieldset_save_toggle($action, $fieldset); break; case 'group_update_post_types': require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; $post_types = empty($_GET['wpcf']['group']['supports']) ? array() : $_GET['wpcf']['group']['supports']; if (!empty($_GET['group_id'])) { wpcf_admin_fields_save_group_post_types($_GET['group_id'], $post_types); $output = array(); foreach ($post_types as $post_type) { $post_type = get_post_type_object($post_type); if (!empty($post_type->label)) { $output[] = $post_type->label; } } if (empty($post_types)) { $output[] = __('No post types associated', 'wpcf'); } $output = implode(', ', $output); } else { $output = __('No post types associated', 'wpcf'); } echo json_encode(array('output' => $output)); break; case 'group_update_taxonomies': require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; $taxonomies_post = empty($_GET['wpcf']['group']['taxonomies']) ? array() : $_GET['wpcf']['group']['taxonomies']; $terms = array(); foreach ($taxonomies_post as $taxonomy) { foreach ($taxonomy as $tax => $term) { $terms[] = $term; } } if (!empty($_GET['group_id'])) { wpcf_admin_fields_save_group_terms($_GET['group_id'], $terms); $output = array(); foreach ($taxonomies_post as $taxonomy => $terms) { $taxonomy = get_taxonomy($taxonomy); if (!empty($taxonomy)) { $title = $taxonomy->label . ': '; foreach ($terms as $term_id) { $term = get_term($term_id, $taxonomy->name); $output[] = $title . $term->name; $title = ''; } } } if (empty($output)) { $output[] = __('No taxonomies associated', 'wpcf'); } $output = implode(', ', $output); } else { $output = __('No taxonomies associated', 'wpcf'); } echo json_encode(array('output' => $output)); break; case 'custom_fields_control_bulk': require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields-control.php'; wpcf_admin_custom_fields_control_bulk_ajax(); break; case 'fields_delete': case 'delete_field': require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; if (isset($_GET['field_id'])) { wpcf_admin_fields_delete_field($_GET['field_id']); } if (isset($_GET['field'])) { wpcf_admin_fields_delete_field($_GET['field']); } echo json_encode(array('output' => '')); break; case 'remove_from_history': require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; $fields = wpcf_admin_fields_get_fields(); if (isset($_GET['field_id']) && isset($fields[$_GET['field_id']])) { $fields[$_GET['field_id']]['data']['removed_from_history'] = 1; wpcf_admin_fields_save_fields($fields, true); } echo json_encode(array('output' => '')); break; default: break; } die; }
/** * Summary. * * Description. * * @since x.x.x * @access (for functions: only use if private) * * @see Function/method/class relied on * @link URL * @global type $varname Description. * @global type $varname Description. * * @param boolean $return_form Description. * @return type Description. */ public function group_condition_get($return_form = false) { if (!isset($_REQUEST['group_id']) && isset($_REQUEST['id'])) { $_REQUEST['group_id'] = $_REQUEST['id']; } /** * check nonce */ if (!(isset($_REQUEST['id']) && $return_form === true) && !(isset($_REQUEST['group_id']) && isset($_REQUEST['_wpnonce']) && wp_verify_nonce($_REQUEST['_wpnonce'], 'wpcf-conditional-get-' . $_REQUEST['group_id']))) { $this->verification_failed_and_die(); } /** * get group definition */ $group = wpcf_admin_fields_get_group($_REQUEST['group_id']); if (empty($group)) { __('Wrong group.', 'wpcf'); die; } $group['meta_type'] = 'custom-fields-group'; $group['data'] = array('conditional_display' => get_post_meta($group['id'], '_wpcf_conditional_display', true)); /** * define conditional */ require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/classes/class.types.fields.conditional.php'; new Types_Fields_Conditional(); /** * get form data */ /** * Summary. * * Description. * * @since x.x.x * * @param type $var Description. * @param array $args { * Short description about this hash. * * @type type $var Description. * @type type $var Description. * } * @param type $var Description. */ $form = $this->get_field_conditionals(array(), $group); if (empty($form)) { __('Wrong group.', 'wpcf'); die; } /** * return form */ if ($return_form) { return $form; } /** * produce form */ echo wpcf_form_simple($form); die; }
/** * All AJAX calls go here. * * @global object $wpdb * */ function wpcf_ajax() { if (!current_user_can('manage_options') || (!isset($_REQUEST['_wpnonce']) || !wp_verify_nonce($_REQUEST['_wpnonce'], $_REQUEST['wpcf_action']))) { die; } switch ($_REQUEST['wpcf_action']) { /* User meta actions*/ case 'user_fields_control_bulk': require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields-control.php'; require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/usermeta-control.php'; wpcf_admin_user_fields_control_bulk_ajax(); break; case 'usermeta_delete': case 'delete_usermeta': require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; if (isset($_GET['field_id'])) { $field_id = sanitize_text_field($_GET['field_id']); wpcf_admin_fields_delete_field($field_id, 'wp-types-user-group', 'wpcf-usermeta'); } if (isset($_GET['field'])) { $field = sanitize_text_field($_GET['field']); wpcf_admin_fields_delete_field($field, 'wp-types-user-group', 'wpcf-usermeta'); } echo json_encode(array('output' => '')); break; case 'remove_from_history2': require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; $fields = wpcf_admin_fields_get_fields(true, true, false, 'wpcf-usermeta'); if (isset($_GET['field_id']) && isset($fields[$_GET['field_id']])) { $fields[$_GET['field_id']]['data']['removed_from_history'] = 1; wpcf_admin_fields_save_fields($fields, true, 'wpcf-usermeta'); } echo json_encode(array('output' => '')); break; case 'deactivate_user_group': require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/usermeta.php'; $success = wpcf_admin_fields_deactivate_group(intval($_GET['group_id']), 'wp-types-user-group'); if ($success) { echo json_encode(array('output' => __('Group deactivated', 'wpcf'), 'execute' => 'location.reload();')); } else { echo json_encode(array('output' => __('Error occured', 'wpcf'))); } break; case 'activate_user_group': require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/usermeta.php'; $success = wpcf_admin_fields_activate_group(intval($_GET['group_id']), 'wp-types-user-group'); if ($success) { echo json_encode(array('output' => __('Group activated', 'wpcf'), 'execute' => 'location.reload();')); } else { echo json_encode(array('output' => __('Error occured', 'wpcf'))); } break; case 'delete_usermeta_group': require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/usermeta.php'; wpcf_admin_fields_delete_group(intval($_GET['group_id']), 'wp-types-user-group'); echo json_encode(array('output' => '', 'execute' => 'location.reload();')); break; case 'usermeta_insert_existing': require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields-form.php'; require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/usermeta-form.php'; wpcf_usermeta_insert_existing_ajax(); wpcf_form_render_js_validation(); break; /* End Usertmeta actions*/ /* End Usertmeta actions*/ case 'fields_insert': require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields-form.php'; wpcf_fields_insert_ajax(); wpcf_form_render_js_validation(); break; case 'fields_insert_existing': require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields-form.php'; wpcf_fields_insert_existing_ajax(); wpcf_form_render_js_validation(); break; case 'remove_field_from_group': require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; if (isset($_GET['group_id']) && isset($_GET['field_id'])) { wpcf_admin_fields_remove_field_from_group(intval($_GET['group_id']), sanitize_text_field($_GET['field_id'])); } break; case 'deactivate_group': require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; $success = wpcf_admin_fields_deactivate_group(intval($_GET['group_id'])); if ($success) { echo json_encode(array('output' => __('Group deactivated', 'wpcf'), 'execute' => 'location.reload();')); } else { echo json_encode(array('output' => __('Error occured', 'wpcf'))); } break; case 'activate_group': require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; $success = wpcf_admin_fields_activate_group(intval($_GET['group_id'])); if ($success) { echo json_encode(array('output' => __('Group activated', 'wpcf'), 'execute' => 'location.reload();')); } else { echo json_encode(array('output' => __('Error occured', 'wpcf'))); } break; case 'delete_group': require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; wpcf_admin_fields_delete_group(intval($_GET['group_id'])); echo json_encode(array('output' => '', 'execute' => 'location.reload();')); break; case 'deactivate_post_type': if (!isset($_GET['wpcf-post-type'])) { die; } require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/custom-types.php'; $custom_types = get_option(WPCF_OPTION_NAME_CUSTOM_TYPES, array()); if (isset($custom_types[$_GET['wpcf-post-type']])) { $custom_types[$_GET['wpcf-post-type']]['disabled'] = 1; $custom_types[$_GET['wpcf-post-type']][TOOLSET_EDIT_LAST] = time(); update_option(WPCF_OPTION_NAME_CUSTOM_TYPES, $custom_types); echo json_encode(array('output' => __('Post type deactivated', 'wpcf'), 'execute' => 'location.reload();')); } else { echo json_encode(array('output' => __('Error occured', 'wpcf'))); } break; case 'activate_post_type': if (!isset($_GET['wpcf-post-type'])) { die; } require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/custom-types.php'; $custom_types = get_option(WPCF_OPTION_NAME_CUSTOM_TYPES, array()); if (isset($custom_types[$_GET['wpcf-post-type']])) { unset($custom_types[$_GET['wpcf-post-type']]['disabled']); $custom_types[$_GET['wpcf-post-type']][TOOLSET_EDIT_LAST] = time(); update_option(WPCF_OPTION_NAME_CUSTOM_TYPES, $custom_types); echo json_encode(array('output' => __('Post type activated', 'wpcf'), 'execute' => 'location.reload();')); } else { echo json_encode(array('output' => __('Error occured', 'wpcf'))); } break; case 'delete_post_type': if (!isset($_GET['wpcf-post-type'])) { die; } $custom_types = get_option(WPCF_OPTION_NAME_CUSTOM_TYPES, array()); $custom_type = strval($_GET['wpcf-post-type']); /** * Delete relation between custom posts types * * Filter allow to delete all custom fields used to make * a relation between posts. * * @since 1.6.4 * * @param bool $delete True or false flag to delete relationships. * @param string $var Currently deleted custom post type. */ if (apply_filters('wpcf_delete_relation_meta', false, $custom_type)) { global $wpdb; $wpdb->delete($wpdb->postmeta, array('meta_key' => sprintf('_wpcf_belongs_%s_id', $custom_type)), array('%s')); } unset($custom_types[$custom_type]); /** * remove post relation */ foreach (array_keys($custom_types) as $post_type) { if (array_key_exists('post_relationship', $custom_types[$post_type])) { /** * remove "has" relation */ if (array_key_exists('has', $custom_types[$post_type]['post_relationship']) && array_key_exists($custom_type, $custom_types[$post_type]['post_relationship']['has'])) { unset($custom_types[$post_type]['post_relationship']['has'][$custom_type]); $custom_types[$post_type][TOOLSET_EDIT_LAST] = time(); } /** * remove "belongs" relation */ if (array_key_exists('belongs', $custom_types[$post_type]['post_relationship']) && array_key_exists($custom_type, $custom_types[$post_type]['post_relationship']['belongs'])) { unset($custom_types[$post_type]['post_relationship']['belongs'][$custom_type]); $custom_types[$post_type][TOOLSET_EDIT_LAST] = time(); } } } update_option(WPCF_OPTION_NAME_CUSTOM_TYPES, $custom_types); wpcf_admin_deactivate_content('post_type', $custom_type); echo json_encode(array('output' => '', 'execute' => 'location.reload();')); break; case 'duplicate_post_type': if (!isset($_GET['wpcf-post-type'])) { die; } $custom_types = get_option(WPCF_OPTION_NAME_CUSTOM_TYPES, array()); $custom_type = esc_html(strval($_GET['wpcf-post-type'])); if (isset($custom_types[$custom_type])) { $i = 0; $key = false; do { $key = sprintf($custom_type . '-%d', ++$i); } while (isset($custom_types[$key])); if ($key) { /** * duplicate custom post type */ $custom_types[$key] = $custom_types[$custom_type]; /** * update some options */ $custom_types[$key]['labels']['name'] .= sprintf(' (%d)', $i); $custom_types[$key]['labels']['singular_name'] .= sprintf(' (%d)', $i); $custom_types[$key]['slug'] = $key; $custom_types[$key]['__types_id'] = $key; /** * update custom post types */ update_option(WPCF_OPTION_NAME_CUSTOM_TYPES, $custom_types); /** * update custom taxonomies too */ $custom_taxonomies = get_option(WPCF_OPTION_NAME_CUSTOM_TAXONOMIES, array()); foreach ($custom_taxonomies as $taxonomy_key => $taxonomy_data) { if (isset($taxonomy_data['supports']) && isset($taxonomy_data['supports'][$custom_type])) { $custom_taxonomies[$taxonomy_key]['supports'][$key] = 1; } } update_option(WPCF_OPTION_NAME_CUSTOM_TAXONOMIES, $custom_taxonomies); echo json_encode(array('execute' => 'location.reload();')); } } else { echo json_encode(array('output' => __('Error occured', 'wpcf'))); } break; case 'taxonomy_duplicate': if (!isset($_GET['wpcf-tax'])) { die; } $custom_taxonomy = esc_html(strval($_GET['wpcf-tax'])); require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/custom-taxonomies.php'; $custom_taxonomies = get_option(WPCF_OPTION_NAME_CUSTOM_TAXONOMIES, array()); if (isset($custom_taxonomies[$custom_taxonomy])) { $i = 0; $key = false; do { $key = sprintf($custom_taxonomy . '-%d', ++$i); } while (isset($custom_taxonomies[$key])); if ($key) { /** * duplicate custom taxonomies */ $custom_taxonomies[$key] = $custom_taxonomies[$custom_taxonomy]; /** * update some options */ $custom_taxonomies[$key]['labels']['name'] .= sprintf(' (%d)', $i); $custom_taxonomies[$key]['labels']['singular_name'] .= sprintf(' (%d)', $i); $custom_taxonomies[$key]['slug'] = $key; $custom_taxonomies[$key]['id'] = $key; $custom_taxonomies[$key]['__types_id'] = $key; /** * update custom taxonomies */ update_option(WPCF_OPTION_NAME_CUSTOM_TAXONOMIES, $custom_taxonomies); /** * update post types */ if (isset($custom_taxonomies[$key]['supports']) && is_array($custom_taxonomies[$key]['supports']) && !empty($custom_taxonomies[$key]['supports'])) { $custom_types = get_option(WPCF_OPTION_NAME_CUSTOM_TYPES, array()); foreach (array_keys($custom_taxonomies[$key]['supports']) as $custom_type) { /** * avoid to create fake CPT from old data */ if (!isset($custom_types[$custom_type])) { continue; } if (!isset($custom_types[$custom_type]['taxonomies'])) { $custom_types[$custom_type]['taxonomies'] = array(); } $custom_types[$custom_type]['taxonomies'][$key] = 1; } /** * update custom post types */ update_option(WPCF_OPTION_NAME_CUSTOM_TYPES, $custom_types); } echo json_encode(array('execute' => 'location.reload();')); } } else { echo json_encode(array('output' => __('Error occured', 'wpcf'))); } break; case 'deactivate_taxonomy': if (!isset($_GET['wpcf-tax'])) { die; } require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/custom-taxonomies.php'; $custom_taxonomies = get_option(WPCF_OPTION_NAME_CUSTOM_TAXONOMIES, array()); if (isset($custom_taxonomies[$_GET['wpcf-tax']])) { $custom_taxonomies[$_GET['wpcf-tax']]['disabled'] = 1; $custom_taxonomies[$_GET['wpcf-tax']][TOOLSET_EDIT_LAST] = time(); update_option(WPCF_OPTION_NAME_CUSTOM_TAXONOMIES, $custom_taxonomies); echo json_encode(array('output' => __('Taxonomy deactivated', 'wpcf'), 'execute' => 'location.reload();')); } else { echo json_encode(array('output' => __('Error occured', 'wpcf'))); } break; case 'activate_taxonomy': if (!isset($_GET['wpcf-tax'])) { die; } require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/custom-taxonomies.php'; $custom_taxonomies = get_option(WPCF_OPTION_NAME_CUSTOM_TAXONOMIES, array()); if (isset($custom_taxonomies[$_GET['wpcf-tax']])) { $custom_taxonomies[$_GET['wpcf-tax']]['disabled'] = 0; $custom_taxonomies[$_GET['wpcf-tax']][TOOLSET_EDIT_LAST] = time(); update_option(WPCF_OPTION_NAME_CUSTOM_TAXONOMIES, $custom_taxonomies); echo json_encode(array('output' => __('Taxonomy activated', 'wpcf'), 'execute' => 'location.reload();')); } else { echo json_encode(array('output' => __('Error occured', 'wpcf'))); } break; case 'delete_taxonomy': if (!isset($_GET['wpcf-tax'])) { die; } $custom_taxonomies = get_option(WPCF_OPTION_NAME_CUSTOM_TAXONOMIES, array()); $custom_taxonomy = strval($_GET['wpcf-tax']); unset($custom_taxonomies[$custom_taxonomy]); update_option(WPCF_OPTION_NAME_CUSTOM_TAXONOMIES, $custom_taxonomies); wpcf_admin_deactivate_content('taxonomy', $custom_taxonomy); echo json_encode(array('output' => '', 'execute' => 'location.reload();')); break; case 'add_radio_option': require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields/radio.php'; $element = wpcf_fields_radio_get_option(urldecode($_GET['parent_name'])); $id = array_shift($element); $element_txt = wpcf_fields_radio_get_option_alt_text($id, urldecode($_GET['parent_name'])); echo json_encode(array('output' => wpcf_form_simple($element), 'execute' => 'jQuery("#wpcf-form-groups-radio-ajax-response-' . urldecode($_GET['wpcf_ajax_update_add']) . '").append(\'' . trim(str_replace("\r\n", '', wpcf_form_simple($element_txt))) . '\');', 'wpcf_nonce_ajax_callback' => wp_create_nonce('execute'))); break; case 'add_select_option': require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields/select.php'; $element = wpcf_fields_select_get_option(urldecode($_GET['parent_name'])); echo json_encode(array('output' => wpcf_form_simple($element))); break; case 'add_checkboxes_option': require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields/checkboxes.php'; $element = wpcf_fields_checkboxes_get_option(urldecode($_GET['parent_name'])); $id = array_shift($element); $element_txt = wpcf_fields_checkboxes_get_option_alt_text($id, urldecode($_GET['parent_name'])); echo json_encode(array('output' => wpcf_form_simple($element), 'wpcf_nonce_ajax_callback' => wp_create_nonce('execute'))); break; case 'group_form_collapsed': require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields-form.php'; $group_id = sanitize_text_field($_GET['group_id']); $action = sanitize_text_field($_GET['toggle']); $fieldset = sanitize_text_field($_GET['id']); wpcf_admin_fields_form_save_open_fieldset($action, $fieldset, $group_id); break; case 'form_fieldset_toggle': $action = sanitize_text_field($_GET['toggle']); $fieldset = sanitize_text_field($_GET['id']); wpcf_admin_form_fieldset_save_toggle($action, $fieldset); break; case 'group_update_post_types': require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; // @todo Sanitize this $post_types $post_types = empty($_GET['wpcf']['group']['supports']) ? array() : $_GET['wpcf']['group']['supports']; if (!empty($_GET['group_id'])) { wpcf_admin_fields_save_group_post_types(sanitize_text_field($_GET['group_id']), $post_types); $output = array(); foreach ($post_types as $post_type) { $post_type = get_post_type_object($post_type); if (!empty($post_type->label)) { $output[] = $post_type->label; } } if (empty($post_types)) { $output[] = __('No post types associated', 'wpcf'); } $output = implode(', ', $output); } else { $output = __('No post types associated', 'wpcf'); } echo json_encode(array('output' => $output)); break; case 'group_update_taxonomies': require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; $taxonomies_post = empty($_GET['wpcf']['group']['taxonomies']) ? array() : $_GET['wpcf']['group']['taxonomies']; $terms = array(); foreach ($taxonomies_post as $taxonomy) { foreach ($taxonomy as $tax => $term) { $terms[] = $term; } } if (!empty($_GET['group_id'])) { wpcf_admin_fields_save_group_terms(sanitize_text_field($_GET['group_id']), $terms); $output = array(); foreach ($taxonomies_post as $taxonomy => $terms) { $taxonomy = get_taxonomy($taxonomy); if (!empty($taxonomy)) { $title = $taxonomy->label . ': '; foreach ($terms as $term_id) { $term = get_term($term_id, $taxonomy->name); $output[] = $title . $term->name; $title = ''; } } } if (empty($output)) { $output[] = __('No taxonomies associated', 'wpcf'); } $output = implode(', ', $output); } else { $output = __('No taxonomies associated', 'wpcf'); } echo json_encode(array('output' => $output)); break; case 'custom_fields_control_bulk': require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; require_once WPCF_EMBEDDED_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields-control.php'; wpcf_admin_custom_fields_control_bulk_ajax(); break; case 'fields_delete': case 'delete_field': require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; if (isset($_GET['field_id'])) { wpcf_admin_fields_delete_field(sanitize_text_field($_GET['field_id'])); } if (isset($_GET['field'])) { wpcf_admin_fields_delete_field(sanitize_text_field($_GET['field'])); } echo json_encode(array('output' => '')); break; case 'remove_from_history': require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; $fields = wpcf_admin_fields_get_fields(); if (isset($_GET['field_id']) && isset($fields[$_GET['field_id']])) { $fields[$_GET['field_id']]['data']['removed_from_history'] = 1; wpcf_admin_fields_save_fields($fields, true); } echo json_encode(array('output' => '')); break; case 'add_condition': require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; require_once WPCF_ABSPATH . '/includes/conditional-display.php'; if (!empty($_GET['field']) || !empty($_GET['group'])) { $data = array(); if (isset($_GET['group'])) { $output = wpcf_form_simple(wpcf_cd_admin_form_single_filter(array(), array(), null, true)); echo json_encode(array('output' => $output)); } else { $data['id'] = str_replace('_conditional_display', '', sanitize_text_field($_GET['field'])); $output = wpcf_form_simple(wpcf_cd_admin_form_single_filter($data, array(), null, false)); if (!empty($data['id'])) { echo json_encode(array('output' => $output)); } else { echo json_encode(array('output' => __('Error occured', 'wpcf'))); } } } else { echo json_encode(array('output' => __('Error occured', 'wpcf'))); } break; case 'pt_edit_fields': if (!empty($_GET['parent']) && !empty($_GET['child'])) { require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/post-relationship.php'; wpcf_pr_admin_edit_fields(sanitize_text_field($_GET['parent']), sanitize_text_field($_GET['child'])); } break; case 'toggle': $option = get_option('wpcf_toggle', array()); $hidden = isset($_GET['hidden']) ? (bool) $_GET['hidden'] : 1; $_GET['div'] = strval($_GET['div']); if (!$hidden) { unset($option[$_GET['div']]); } else { $option[$_GET['div']] = 1; } update_option('wpcf_toggle', $option); break; case 'cb_save_empty_migrate': $output = sprintf('<span style="color:red;">%s</div>', __('Migration process is not yet finished - please save group first, then change settings of this field.', 'wpcf')); if (isset($_GET['field']) && isset($_GET['subaction'])) { require_once WPCF_INC_ABSPATH . '/fields.php'; $option = $_GET['meta_type'] == 'usermeta' ? 'wpcf-usermeta' : 'wpcf-fields'; $meta_type = sanitize_text_field($_GET['meta_type']); $field = wpcf_admin_fields_get_field(sanitize_text_field($_GET['field']), false, false, false, $option); $_txt_updates = $meta_type == 'usermeta' ? __('%d users require update', 'wpcf') : __('%d posts require update', 'wpcf'); $_txt_no_updates = $meta_type == 'usermeta' ? __('No users require update', 'wpcf') : __('No posts require update', 'wpcf'); $_txt_updated = $meta_type == 'usermeta' ? __('Users updated', 'wpcf') : __('Posts updated', 'wpcf'); if (!empty($field)) { if ($_GET['subaction'] == 'save_check' || $_GET['subaction'] == 'do_not_save_check') { if ($field['type'] == 'checkbox') { $posts = wpcf_admin_fields_checkbox_migrate_empty_check($field, $_GET['subaction']); } else { if ($field['type'] == 'checkboxes') { $posts = wpcf_admin_fields_checkboxes_migrate_empty_check($field, $_GET['subaction']); } } if (!empty($posts)) { $output = '<div class="message updated"><p>' . sprintf($_txt_updates, count($posts)) . ' ' . '<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="button-primary" onclick="' . 'wpcfCbSaveEmptyMigrate(jQuery(this).parent().parent().parent(), \'' . sanitize_text_field($_GET['field']) . '\', ' . count($posts) . ', \'' . wp_create_nonce('cb_save_empty_migrate') . '\', \''; $output .= $_GET['subaction'] == 'save_check' ? 'save' : 'do_not_save'; $output .= '\', \'' . $meta_type . '\');' . '">' . __('Update') . '</a>' . '</p></div>'; } else { $output = '<div class="message updated"><p><em>' . $_txt_no_updates . '</em></p></div>'; } } else { if ($_GET['subaction'] == 'save' || $_GET['subaction'] == 'do_not_save') { if ($field['type'] == 'checkbox') { $posts = wpcf_admin_fields_checkbox_migrate_empty($field, $_GET['subaction']); } else { if ($field['type'] == 'checkboxes') { $posts = wpcf_admin_fields_checkboxes_migrate_empty($field, $_GET['subaction']); } } if (isset($posts['offset'])) { if (!isset($_GET['total'])) { $output = '<span style="color:red;">' . __('Error occured', 'wpcf') . '</div>'; } else { $output = '<script type="text/javascript">wpcfCbMigrateStep(' . intval($_GET['total']) . ',' . $posts['offset'] . ',' . '\'' . sanitize_text_field($_GET['field']) . '\',' . '\'' . wp_create_nonce('cb_save_empty_migrate') . '\', \'' . $meta_type . '\');</script>' . number_format($posts['offset']) . '/' . number_format(intval($_GET['total'])) . '<div class="wpcf-ajax-loading-small"></div>'; } } else { $output = '<div class="message updated"><p>' . $_txt_updated . '</p></div>'; } } } } } echo json_encode(array('output' => $output)); break; default: break; } die; }
function wpcf_admin_render_fields($group, $user_id, $echo = '') { global $wpcf; $output = '<div class="wpcf-group-area wpcf-group-area_' . $group['slug'] . '">' . "\n\n"; $output .= '<h3>' . wpcf_translate('group ' . $group['id'] . ' name', $group['name']) . '</h3>' . "\n\n"; if (!empty($group['fields'])) { // Display description if (!empty($group['description'])) { $output .= '<span>' . wpautop(wpcf_translate('group ' . $group['id'] . ' description', $group['description'])) . '</span>' . "\n\n"; } $output .= '<div class="wpcf-profile-field-line">' . "\n\n"; foreach ($group['fields'] as $field_slug => $field) { if (empty($field) || !is_array($field)) { continue; } $field = $wpcf->usermeta_field->_parse_cf_form_element($field); if (!isset($field['#id'])) { $field['#id'] = wpcf_unique_id(serialize($field)); } if (isset($field['wpcf-type'])) { // May be ignored $field = apply_filters('wpcf_fields_' . $field['wpcf-type'] . '_meta_box_form_value_display', $field); } // Render form elements if (wpcf_compare_wp_version() && $field['#type'] == 'wysiwyg') { $field['#editor_settings']['media_buttons'] = ''; if (!empty($echo)) { $field['#editor_settings']['wpautop'] = true; } // Especially for WYSIWYG $output .= "\n" . '<div class="wpcf-profile-field-line">' . "\n\n"; $output .= '<div class="wpcf-wysiwyg">' . "\n\n"; $output .= '<div id="wpcf-textarea-textarea-wrapper" class="form-item form-item-textarea wpcf-form-item wpcf-form-item-textarea">' . "\n\n"; $output .= isset($field['#before']) ? $field['#before'] : ''; $output .= '<label class="wpcf-form-label wpcf-form-textarea-label">' . $field['#title'] . '</label>' . "\n\n"; $output .= '<div class="description wpcf-form-description wpcf-form-description-textarea description-textarea">' . "\n\n" . wpautop($field['#description']) . '</div>' . "\n\n"; ob_start(); wp_editor($field['#value'], $field['#id'], $field['#editor_settings']); $output .= ob_get_clean() . "\n\n"; $field['slug'] = str_replace(WPCF_META_PREFIX . 'wysiwyg-', '', $field_slug); $field['type'] = 'wysiwyg'; $output .= '</div>' . "\n\n"; $output .= isset($field['#after']) ? $field['#after'] : ''; $output .= '</div>' . "\n\n"; $output .= '</div>' . "\n\n"; } else { if ($field['#type'] == 'wysiwyg') { $field['#type'] = 'textarea'; } $field['#pattern'] = "\n" . '<div class="wpcf-profile-field-line"> <div class="wpcf-profile-line-left"> <LABEL><DESCRIPTION> </div> <div class="wpcf-profile-line-right"><BEFORE><ERROR><PREFIX><ELEMENT><SUFFIX><AFTER></div> </div>' . "\n\n"; if (isset($field['#name']) && (strpos($field['#name'], '[hour]') !== false || strpos($field['#name'], '[minute]') !== false)) { if (isset($field['#attributes']) && $field['#attributes']['class'] == 'wpcf-repetitive') { $field['#pattern'] = strpos($field['#name'], '[hour]') !== false ? __('Hour', 'wpcf') : __('Minute', 'wpcf'); $field['#pattern'] .= '<LABEL><DESCRIPTION><ERROR><PREFIX><ELEMENT><SUFFIX><AFTER>' . "\n\n"; } else { if (strpos($field['#name'], '[hour]') !== false) { $field['#pattern'] = "\n" . '<div class="wpcf-profile-field-line"> <div class="wpcf-profile-line-left"> ' . __('Time', 'wpcf') . '</div> <div class="wpcf-profile-line-right"> <LABEL><DESCRIPTION><ERROR><PREFIX><ELEMENT><SUFFIX><AFTER>' . "\n"; } else { $field['#pattern'] = "\n" . ' <LABEL><DESCRIPTION><ERROR><PREFIX><ELEMENT><SUFFIX><AFTER></div> </div>' . "\n\n"; } } } if (!empty($echo)) { $field['#validate'] = ''; } $output .= wpcf_form_simple(array($field['#id'] => $field)); } } $output .= '</div>'; } /* * TODO Move to Conditional code * * This is already checked. Use hook to add wrapper DIVS and apply CSS. */ if (!empty($group['_conditional_display'])) { $output .= '</div>'; } $output .= "\n\n" . '</div>'; if (!empty($echo)) { return $output; } else { echo $output; } }
/** * Renders Thickbox content. * * Field should provide callback function * that will be called automatically. * * Function should be named like: * 'wpcf_fields_' . $field_type . '_editor_callback' * e.g. 'wpcf_fields_checkbox__editor_callback' * * Function should return array with elements: * 'supports' - parameters or other feature supported, e.g. 'styling' will * enable 'Styling' options * * Tabs is array with elements: * 'menu_title' - used for menu title * 'title' - used for main title * 'content' - HTML content of tab * * @param type $field * @param type $meta_type * @param type $post_id * @param string $shortcode */ function frame($field, $meta_type = 'postmeta', $post_id = -1, $shortcode = null, $callback = false, $views_usermeta = false) { global $wp_version, $wpcf; // Queue rendering JS settings add_action('admin_print_footer_scripts', array($this, 'renderTedSettings'), 1); wp_enqueue_script('types'); wp_enqueue_script('types-knockout'); wp_enqueue_script('types-editor'); wp_enqueue_script('wp-pointer'); wp_enqueue_style('types-editor'); wp_enqueue_style('wp-pointer'); wp_enqueue_style('toolset-font-awesome'); // Load cloned WP Media Modal CSS if (version_compare($wp_version, '3.5', '<')) { wp_enqueue_style('types-editor-cloned'); } $this->field = $field; $this->_meta_type = $meta_type; $this->_post = get_post($post_id); $this->_settings = is_null($shortcode) ? array() : $this->shortcodeToParameters($shortcode); $this->callback = $callback; $this->_data = array('meta_type' => $meta_type, 'field' => $field, 'field_type_data' => WPCF_Fields::getFieldTypeData($field['type']), 'settings' => array(), 'tabs' => array(), 'supports' => array(), 'post' => $this->_post, 'post_types' => get_post_types(array('show_ui' => true)), 'style' => isset($this->_settings['style']) ? $this->_settings['style'] : '', 'class' => isset($this->_settings['class']) ? $this->_settings['class'] : '', 'output' => 'html', 'user_form' => ''); // Set title if updated if (!is_null($shortcode)) { $this->_data['title'] = sprintf(__('Update %s', 'wpcf'), $this->_data['field_type_data']['title']); $this->_data['submit_button_title'] = __('Update shortcode', 'wpcf'); } // Exclude post types foreach ($wpcf->excluded_post_types as $_post_type) { unset($this->_data['post_types'][$_post_type]); } /* * Callback */ $function = 'wpcf_fields_' . $field['type'] . '_editor_callback'; if (function_exists($function)) { // Main callback $callback = call_user_func($function, $field, $this->_settings, $this->_meta_type, $this->_post); // Add supports if (!empty($callback['supports']) && is_array($callback['supports'])) { $this->_data['supports'] = $callback['supports']; } // Add tabs if (!empty($callback['tabs']) && is_array($callback['tabs'])) { $this->_data['tabs'] = $callback['tabs']; } // Unify settings if (!empty($callback['settings']) && is_array($callback['settings'])) { $this->_settings = array_merge($this->_settings, self::sanitizeParams($callback['settings'], 'array')); } } // If no tabs if (empty($this->_data['tabs'])) { $this->_data['tabs']['display'] = array('menu_title' => __('Display', 'wpcf'), 'title' => __('Display', 'wpcf'), 'content' => sprintf(__('There are no additional display options for the %s field.', 'wpcf'), $this->_data['field_type_data']['title'])); } // Add User ID form if ($this->_meta_type == 'usermeta') { if (!$views_usermeta) { $this->_data['user_form'] = wpcf_form_simple(wpcf_get_usermeta_form_addon($this->_settings)); $this->_data['supports'][] = 'user_id'; } } else { // Add Post ID form $this->_data['supports'][] = 'post_id'; } // Get parents if (!empty($this->_post->ID)) { $this->_data['parents'] = WPCF_Relationship::get_parents($this->_post); } // Set icons $icons = array('audio' => 'icon-music', 'checkbox' => 'icon-check', 'checkboxes' => 'icon-checkboxes', 'colorpicker' => 'icon-tint', 'date' => 'icon-calendar', 'email' => 'icon-envelope-alt', 'embed' => 'icon-youtube-play', 'file' => 'icon-file-alt', 'image' => 'icon-picture', 'map' => 'icon-map-marker', 'numeric' => 'icon-numeric', 'phone' => 'icon-phone', 'radio' => 'icon-radio-button', 'select' => 'icon-select-box', 'skype' => 'icon-skype', 'textarea' => 'icon-text-area', 'textfield' => 'icon-text-field', 'url' => 'icon-link', 'video' => 'icon-film', 'wysiwyg' => 'icon-wysiwyg'); $this->_data['icon_class'] = isset($icons[$field['type']]) ? $icons[$field['type']] : 'icon-text-field'; // Is repetitive $this->_data['is_repetitive'] = (bool) types_is_repetitive($field); if ($this->_data['is_repetitive']) { $this->_data['supports'][] = 'separator'; } // Render header wpcf_admin_ajax_head(); // Check if submitted $this->_thickbox_check_submit(); // Render form echo '<form method="post" action="" id="types-editor-modal-form">'; echo WPCF_Loader::view('editor-modal-window', $this->_data); wp_nonce_field('types_editor_frame', '__types_editor_nonce'); echo '</form>'; // Render footer wpcf_admin_ajax_footer(); }