Ejemplo n.º 1
             $registerForm['password'] = $_REQUEST['password'];
             $error += 64;
         } else {
             $registerForm['password'] = $_REQUEST['password'];
 if (!isset($_REQUEST['email']) || $_REQUEST['email'] == "") {
     $registerForm['email'] = $_REQUEST['email'];
     $error += 128;
 } else {
     if (!filter_var($_REQUEST['email'], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
         $registerForm['email'] = $_REQUEST['email'];
         $error += 256;
     } else {
         if (!uniqueEmail($_REQUEST['email'])) {
             $registerForm['email'] = $_REQUEST['email'];
             $error += 512;
         } else {
             $registerForm['email'] = $_REQUEST['email'];
 if (!isset($_REQUEST['genre']) || $_REQUEST['genre'] == "default") {
     $registerForm['genre'] = $_REQUEST['genre'];
     $error += 1024;
 } else {
     $genres = ["Masculino", "Femenino"];
     if (!in_array($_REQUEST['genre'], $genres)) {
         $registerForm['genre'] = $_REQUEST['genre'];
         $error += 2048;
Ejemplo n.º 2

require_once 'lib/connections/db.php';
include 'lib/functions/functions.php';
// we check if everything is filled in and perform checks
if ($_POST['phone'] && !validateNumeric($_POST['phone'])) {
    die(msg(0, "Phone numbers must be of numeric type only."));
if ($_POST['email'] && validateEmail($_POST['email'])) {
    die(msg(0, "Invalid Email!"));
if ($_POST['email'] && uniqueEmail($_POST['email'])) {
    die(msg(0, "Email already in database. Please select another email address."));
$res = editUser($_SESSION['user_id'], $_POST['email'], $_POST['first_name'], $_POST['last_name'], $_POST['dialing_code'], $_POST['phone'], $_POST['city'], $_POST['country']);
if ($res == 4) {
    die(msg(0, "An internal error has occured. Please contact the site admin!"));
if ($res == 99) {
    die(msg(1, "Profile updated successfully!"));
function msg($status, $txt)
    return '{"status":' . $status . ',"txt":"' . $txt . '"}';
Ejemplo n.º 3
//For registration
// we check if everything is filled in and perform checks
if (!$_POST['username']) {
    die(msg(0, "<p>Please enter a username.</p>"));
if (strlen($_POST['username']) < 3 || strlen($_POST['username']) > 15) {
    die(msg(0, "<p>Username must be between 3 and 15 characters.</p>"));
} elseif (uniqueUser($_POST['username'])) {
    die(msg(0, "Username already taken."));
} elseif (!$_POST['password']) {
    die(msg(0, "<p>Please enter a password.</p>"));
} elseif (strlen($_POST['password']) < 5) {
    die(msg(0, "<p>Usernames must be atleast 5 characters.</p>"));
} elseif (!$_POST['email']) {
    die(msg(0, "<p>Please enter an email address.</p>"));
} elseif (uniqueEmail($_POST['email'])) {
    die(msg(0, "<p>Email taken. Please select another email address.</p>"));
} else {
    $res = addUser($_POST['username'], $_POST['password'], $_POST['email'], $site_url);
    if ($res == 1) {
        die(msg(0, "Failed to send activation email. Please contact the site admin."));
    if ($res == 2) {
        die(msg(0, "There was an error registering your details. Please contact the site admin."));
    if ($res == 99) {
        die(msg(1, "<p>Registration successful! <a href='login.php'>Click here</a> to login.</p>"));
function msg($status, $txt)