function graph_perms_edit($tab, $header_label) { /* ================= input validation ================= */ input_validate_input_number(get_request_var_request('id')); /* ==================================================== */ $sql_where = ''; $sql_join = ''; $limit = ''; $sql_having = ''; $policy_array = array(1 => 'Allow', 2 => 'Deny'); if (!empty($_REQUEST['id'])) { $policy = db_fetch_row_prepared('SELECT policy_graphs, policy_trees, policy_hosts, policy_graph_templates FROM user_auth WHERE id = ?', array(get_request_var_request('id'))); } else { $policy = array('policy_graphs' => '1', 'policy_trees' => '1', 'policy_hosts' => '1', 'policy_graph_templates' => '1'); } switch ($tab) { case 'permsg': process_graph_request_vars(); graph_filter($header_label); /* print checkbox form for validation */ print "<form name='policy' method='post' action='user_admin.php'>\n"; /* box: device permissions */ html_start_box('<strong>Default Graph Policy</strong>', '100%', '', '3', 'center', ''); ?> <tr class='even'> <td><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"><tr> <td style="white-space:nowrap;" width="120">Default Graph Policy for this User</td> <td width="10"> <?php form_dropdown('policy_graphs', $policy_array, '', '', $policy['policy_graphs'], '', ''); ?> </td> <td> <input type="submit" name="update_policy" value="Update"> <input type="hidden" name="tab" value="<?php print $tab; ?> "> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php print get_request_var_request('id'); ?> "> </td> </tr></table></td> </tr> <?php html_end_box(); print "</form>\n"; /* if the number of rows is -1, set it to the default */ if ($_REQUEST['rows'] == -1) { $rows = read_config_option('num_rows_table'); } else { $rows = $_REQUEST['rows']; } /* print checkbox form for validation */ print "<form name='chk' method='post' action='" . htmlspecialchars('user_admin.php?action=user_edit&tab=permsg&id=' . get_request_var_request('id')) . "'>\n"; html_start_box('', '100%', '', '3', 'center', ''); $user = $_SESSION['sess_user_id']; if (read_config_option('graph_auth_method') == 1) { $sql_operator = 'OR'; } else { $sql_operator = 'AND'; } $limit = 'LIMIT ' . $rows * (get_request_var_request('page') - 1) . ',' . $rows; /* get policies for all groups and user */ $policies = db_fetch_assoc_prepared("SELECT, 'group' AS type,, \n\t\t\tpolicy_graphs, policy_hosts, policy_graph_templates \n\t\t\tFROM user_auth_group AS uag\n\t\t\tINNER JOIN user_auth_group_members AS uagm\n\t\t\tON = uagm.group_id\n\t\t\tWHERE uag.enabled = 'on' AND uagm.user_id = ?", array($user)); $policies[] = db_fetch_row_prepared("SELECT id, 'user' AS type, 'user' AS name, \n\t\t\tpolicy_graphs, policy_hosts, policy_graph_templates \n\t\t\tFROM user_auth WHERE id = ?", array($user)); /* form the 'where' clause for our main sql query */ if (strlen(get_request_var_request('filter'))) { $sql_where = "WHERE (gtg.title_cache LIKE '%%" . get_request_var_request('filter') . "%%' AND gtg.local_graph_id > 0)"; } else { $sql_where = 'WHERE (gtg.local_graph_id > 0)'; } if (get_request_var_request('graph_template_id') == '-1') { /* Show all items */ } elseif (get_request_var_request('graph_template_id') == '0') { $sql_where .= (strlen($sql_where) ? ' AND ' : 'WHERE ') . ' gtg.graph_template_id=0'; } elseif (!empty($_REQUEST['graph_template_id'])) { $sql_where .= (strlen($sql_where) ? ' AND ' : 'WHERE ') . ' gtg.graph_template_id=' . get_request_var_request('graph_template_id'); } $i = 1; $user_perm = ''; $sql_select = ''; foreach ($policies as $policy) { if ($policy['type'] == 'user' && $user_perm == '') { $user_perm = $i; } if (get_request_var_request('associated') == 'false') { if ($policy['policy_graphs'] == 1) { $sql_having .= (strlen($sql_having) ? ' OR' : '') . " (user{$i} IS NULL"; } else { $sql_having .= (strlen($sql_having) ? ' OR' : '') . " (user{$i}=" . $policy['id']; } } $sql_join .= 'LEFT JOIN user_auth_' . ($policy['type'] == 'user' ? '' : 'group_') . "perms AS uap{$i} ON ({$i}.item_id AND uap{$i}.type=1) "; $sql_select .= (strlen($sql_select) ? ', ' : '') . "uap{$i}." . $policy['type'] . "_id AS user{$i}"; $i++; if (get_request_var_request('associated') == 'false') { if ($policy['policy_hosts'] == 1) { $sql_having .= " OR (user{$i} IS NULL"; } else { $sql_having .= " OR (user{$i}=" . $policy['id']; } } $sql_join .= 'LEFT JOIN user_auth_' . ($policy['type'] == 'user' ? '' : 'group_') . "perms AS uap{$i} ON (gl.host_id=uap{$i}.item_id AND uap{$i}.type=3) "; $sql_select .= (strlen($sql_select) ? ', ' : '') . "uap{$i}." . $policy['type'] . "_id AS user{$i}"; $i++; if (get_request_var_request('associated') == 'false') { if ($policy['policy_graph_templates'] == 1) { $sql_having .= " {$sql_operator} user{$i} IS NULL))"; } else { $sql_having .= " {$sql_operator} user{$i}=" . $policy['id'] . '))'; } } $sql_join .= 'LEFT JOIN user_auth_' . ($policy['type'] == 'user' ? '' : 'group_') . "perms AS uap{$i} ON (gl.graph_template_id=uap{$i}.item_id AND uap{$i}.type=4) "; $sql_select .= (strlen($sql_select) ? ', ' : '') . "uap{$i}." . $policy['type'] . "_id AS user{$i}"; $i++; } if (strlen($sql_having)) { $sql_having = 'HAVING ' . $sql_having; } $graphs = db_fetch_assoc("SELECT gtg.local_graph_id, h.description, AS template_name, \n\t\t\tgtg.title_cache, gtg.width, gtg.height, gl.snmp_index, gl.snmp_query_id,\n\t\t\t{$sql_select}\n\t\t\tFROM graph_templates_graph AS gtg \n\t\t\tINNER JOIN graph_local AS gl \n\t\t\tON = gtg.local_graph_id \n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN graph_templates AS gt \n\t\t\tON = gl.graph_template_id \n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN host AS h \n\t\t\tON = gl.host_id \n\t\t\t{$sql_join}\n\t\t\t{$sql_where}\n\t\t\t{$sql_having}\n\t\t\tORDER BY gtg.title_cache\n\t\t\t{$limit}"); $total_rows = db_fetch_cell("SELECT COUNT(*)\n\t\t\tFROM (\n\t\t\t\tSELECT {$sql_select}\n\t\t\t\tFROM graph_templates_graph AS gtg \n\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN graph_local AS gl \n\t\t\t\tON = gtg.local_graph_id \n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN graph_templates AS gt \n\t\t\t\tON = gl.graph_template_id \n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN host AS h \n\t\t\t\tON = gl.host_id \n\t\t\t\t{$sql_join}\n\t\t\t\t{$sql_where}\n\t\t\t\t{$sql_having}\n\t\t\t) AS rows"); //print '<pre>';print_r($graphs);print '</pre>'; $nav = html_nav_bar('user_admin.php?action=user_edit&tab=permsg&id=' . get_request_var_request('id'), MAX_DISPLAY_PAGES, get_request_var_request('page'), $rows, $total_rows, 11, 'Graphs', 'page', 'main'); print $nav; $display_text = array('Graph Title', 'ID', 'Effective Policy'); html_header_checkbox($display_text, false); if (sizeof($graphs)) { foreach ($graphs as $g) { form_alternate_row('line' . $g['local_graph_id'], true); form_selectable_cell(strlen(get_request_var_request('filter')) ? preg_replace('/(' . preg_quote(get_request_var_request('filter')) . ')/i', "<span class='filteredValue'>\\1</span>", htmlspecialchars($g['title_cache'])) : htmlspecialchars($g['title_cache']), $g['local_graph_id']); form_selectable_cell($g['local_graph_id'], $g['local_graph_id']); form_selectable_cell(get_permission_string($g, $policies), $g['local_graph_id']); form_checkbox_cell($g['title_cache'], $g['local_graph_id']); form_end_row(); } /* put the nav bar on the bottom as well */ print $nav; } else { print '<tr><td><em>No Matching Graphs Found</em></td></tr>'; } html_end_box(false); form_hidden_box('action', 'user_edit', ''); form_hidden_box('tab', $tab, ''); form_hidden_box('id', get_request_var_request('id'), ''); form_hidden_box('associate_graph', '1', ''); if ($policy['policy_graphs'] == 1) { $assoc_actions = array(1 => 'Revoke Access', 2 => 'Grant Access'); } else { $assoc_actions = array(1 => 'Grant Access', 2 => 'Revoke Access'); } /* draw the dropdown containing a list of available actions for this form */ draw_actions_dropdown($assoc_actions); print '</form>'; break; case 'permsgr': process_group_request_vars(); group_filter($header_label); /* if the number of rows is -1, set it to the default */ if ($_REQUEST['rows'] == -1) { $rows = read_config_option('num_rows_table'); } else { $rows = $_REQUEST['rows']; } /* form the 'where' clause for our main sql query */ /* form the 'where' clause for our main sql query */ if (strlen(get_request_var_request('filter'))) { $sql_where = "WHERE (( LIKE '%" . get_request_var_request('filter') . "%') OR (uag.description LIKE '%" . get_request_var_request('filter') . "%'))"; } else { $sql_where = ''; } if (get_request_var_request('associated') != 'false') { /* Show all items */ } else { $sql_where .= (strlen($sql_where) ? ' AND ' : 'WHERE ') . ' uagm.user_id=' . get_request_var_request('id', 0); } /* print checkbox form for validation */ print "<form name='chk' method='post' action='" . htmlspecialchars('user_admin.php?action=user_edit&tab=permsd&id=' . get_request_var_request('id')) . "'>\n"; html_start_box('', '100%', '', '3', 'center', ''); $total_rows = db_fetch_cell("SELECT\n\t\t\tCOUNT(\n\t\t\tFROM user_auth_group AS uag\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN user_auth_group_members AS uagm\n\t\t\tON = uagm.group_id\n\t\t\t{$sql_where}"); $sql_query = "SELECT uag.*, uagm.user_id\n\t\t\tFROM user_auth_group AS uag\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN user_auth_group_members AS uagm\n\t\t\tON = uagm.group_id\n\t\t\t{$sql_where} \n\t\t\tORDER BY name\n\t\t\tLIMIT " . $rows * (get_request_var_request('page') - 1) . ',' . $rows; $groups = db_fetch_assoc($sql_query); $nav = html_nav_bar('user_admin.php?action=user_edit&tab=permsgr&id=' . get_request_var_request('id'), MAX_DISPLAY_PAGES, get_request_var_request('page'), $rows, $total_rows, 11, 'Devices', 'page', 'main'); print $nav; $display_text = array('Name', 'Description', 'Member', 'ID', 'Policies (Graph/Device/Template)', 'Enabled'); html_header_checkbox($display_text, false); if (sizeof($groups)) { foreach ($groups as $g) { form_alternate_row('line' . $g['id'], true); form_selectable_cell("<a class='linkEditMain' href='user_group_admin.php?action=edit&id=" . $g['id'] . "'>" . (strlen(get_request_var_request('filter')) ? preg_replace('/(' . preg_quote(get_request_var_request('filter')) . ')/i', "<span class='filteredValue'>\\1</span>", htmlspecialchars($g['name'])) : htmlspecialchars($g['name'])) . '</a>', $g['id']); form_selectable_cell(strlen(get_request_var_request('filter')) ? preg_replace('/(' . preg_quote(get_request_var_request('filter')) . ')/i', "<span class='filteredValue'>\\1</span>", htmlspecialchars($g['description'])) : htmlspecialchars($g['description']), $g['id']); form_selectable_cell($g['user_id'] > 0 ? 'Member' : 'Non Member', $g['id']); form_selectable_cell($g['id'], $g['id']); form_selectable_cell(($g['policy_graphs'] == 1 ? 'ALLOW' : 'DENY') . '/' . ($g['policy_hosts'] == 1 ? 'ALLOW' : 'DENY') . '/' . ($g['policy_graph_templates'] == 1 ? 'ALLOW' : 'DENY'), $g['id']); form_selectable_cell($g['enabled'] == 'on' ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled', $g['id']); form_checkbox_cell($g['name'], $g['id']); form_end_row(); } /* put the nav bar on the bottom as well */ print $nav; } else { print '<tr><td><em>No Matching User Groups Found</em></td></tr>'; } html_end_box(false); form_hidden_box('action', 'user_edit', ''); form_hidden_box('tab', $tab, ''); form_hidden_box('id', get_request_var_request('id'), ''); form_hidden_box('associate_groups', '1', ''); $assoc_actions = array(1 => 'Assign Membership', 2 => 'Remove Membership'); /* draw the dropdown containing a list of available actions for this form */ draw_actions_dropdown($assoc_actions); print '</form>'; break; case 'permsd': process_device_request_vars(); device_filter($header_label); /* print checkbox form for validation */ print "<form name='policy' method='post' action='user_admin.php'>\n"; /* box: device permissions */ html_start_box('<strong>Default Device Policy</strong>', '100%', '', '3', 'center', ''); ?> <tr class='even'> <td><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"><tr> <td style="white-space:nowrap;" width="120">Default Device Policy for this User</td> <td width="10"> <?php form_dropdown('policy_hosts', $policy_array, '', '', $policy['policy_hosts'], '', ''); ?> </td> <td> <input type="submit" name="update_policy" value="Update"> <input type="hidden" name="tab" value="<?php print $tab; ?> "> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php print get_request_var_request('id'); ?> "> </td> </tr></table></td> </tr> <?php html_end_box(); print "</form>\n"; /* if the number of rows is -1, set it to the default */ if ($_REQUEST['rows'] == -1) { $rows = read_config_option('num_rows_table'); } else { $rows = $_REQUEST['rows']; } /* form the 'where' clause for our main sql query */ /* form the 'where' clause for our main sql query */ if (strlen(get_request_var_request('filter'))) { $sql_where = "WHERE (host.hostname LIKE '%%" . get_request_var_request('filter') . "%%' OR host.description LIKE '%%" . get_request_var_request('filter') . "%%')"; } else { $sql_where = ''; } if (get_request_var_request('host_template_id') == '-1') { /* Show all items */ } elseif (get_request_var_request('host_template_id') == '0') { $sql_where .= (strlen($sql_where) ? ' AND ' : 'WHERE ') . ' host.host_template_id=0'; } elseif (!empty($_REQUEST['host_template_id'])) { $sql_where .= (strlen($sql_where) ? ' AND ' : 'WHERE ') . ' host.host_template_id=' . get_request_var_request('host_template_id'); } if (get_request_var_request('associated') == 'false') { /* Show all items */ } else { $sql_where .= (strlen($sql_where) ? ' AND ' : 'WHERE ') . ' user_auth_perms.user_id=' . get_request_var_request('id', 0); } /* print checkbox form for validation */ print "<form name='chk' method='post' action='" . htmlspecialchars('user_admin.php?action=user_edit&tab=permsd&id=' . get_request_var_request('id')) . "'>\n"; html_start_box('', '100%', '', '3', 'center', ''); $total_rows = db_fetch_cell("SELECT\n\t\t\tCOUNT(\n\t\t\tFROM host\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN user_auth_perms \n\t\t\tON ( = user_auth_perms.item_id AND user_auth_perms.type = 3)\n\t\t\t{$sql_where}"); $host_graphs = array_rekey(db_fetch_assoc('SELECT host_id, count(*) as graphs FROM graph_local GROUP BY host_id'), 'host_id', 'graphs'); $host_data_sources = array_rekey(db_fetch_assoc('SELECT host_id, count(*) as data_sources FROM data_local GROUP BY host_id'), 'host_id', 'data_sources'); $sql_query = "SELECT host.*, user_auth_perms.user_id\n\t\t\tFROM host \n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN user_auth_perms \n\t\t\tON ( = user_auth_perms.item_id AND user_auth_perms.type = 3)\n\t\t\t{$sql_where} \n\t\t\tORDER BY description\n\t\t\tLIMIT " . $rows * (get_request_var_request('page') - 1) . ',' . $rows; $hosts = db_fetch_assoc($sql_query); $nav = html_nav_bar('user_admin.php?action=user_edit&tab=permsd&id=' . get_request_var_request('id'), MAX_DISPLAY_PAGES, get_request_var_request('page'), $rows, $total_rows, 11, 'Devices', 'page', 'main'); print $nav; $display_text = array('Description', 'ID', 'Effective Policy', 'Graphs', 'Data Sources', 'Status', 'Hostname'); html_header_checkbox($display_text, false); if (sizeof($hosts)) { foreach ($hosts as $host) { form_alternate_row('line' . $host['id'], true); form_selectable_cell(strlen(get_request_var_request('filter')) ? preg_replace('/(' . preg_quote(get_request_var_request('filter')) . ')/i', "<span class='filteredValue'>\\1</span>", htmlspecialchars($host['description'])) : htmlspecialchars($host['description']), $host['id']); form_selectable_cell(round($host['id'], 2), $host['id']); if (empty($host['user_id']) || $host['user_id'] == NULL) { if ($policy['policy_hosts'] == 1) { form_selectable_cell('<span style="color:green;font-weight:bold;">Access Granted</span>', $host['id']); } else { form_selectable_cell('<span style="color:red;font-weight:bold;">Access Restricted</span>', $host['id']); } } else { if ($policy['policy_hosts'] == 1) { form_selectable_cell('<span style="color:red;font-weight:bold;">Access Restricted</span>', $host['id']); } else { form_selectable_cell('<span style="color:green;font-weight:bold;">Access Granted</span>', $host['id']); } } form_selectable_cell(isset($host_graphs[$host['id']]) ? $host_graphs[$host['id']] : 0, $host['id']); form_selectable_cell(isset($host_data_sources[$host['id']]) ? $host_data_sources[$host['id']] : 0, $host['id']); form_selectable_cell(get_colored_device_status($host['disabled'] == 'on' ? true : false, $host['status']), $host['id']); form_selectable_cell(strlen(get_request_var_request('filter')) ? preg_replace('/(' . preg_quote(get_request_var_request('filter')) . ')/i', "<span class='filteredValue'>\\1</span>", htmlspecialchars($host['hostname'])) : htmlspecialchars($host['hostname']), $host['id']); form_checkbox_cell($host['description'], $host['id']); form_end_row(); } /* put the nav bar on the bottom as well */ print $nav; } else { print '<tr><td><em>No Matching Devices Found</em></td></tr>'; } html_end_box(false); form_hidden_box('action', 'user_edit', ''); form_hidden_box('tab', $tab, ''); form_hidden_box('id', get_request_var_request('id'), ''); form_hidden_box('associate_host', '1', ''); if ($policy['policy_hosts'] == 1) { $assoc_actions = array(1 => 'Revoke Access', 2 => 'Grant Access'); } else { $assoc_actions = array(1 => 'Grant Access', 2 => 'Revoke Access'); } /* draw the dropdown containing a list of available actions for this form */ draw_actions_dropdown($assoc_actions); print '</form>'; break; case 'permste': process_template_request_vars(); template_filter($header_label); /* print checkbox form for validation */ print "<form name='policy' method='post' action='user_admin.php'>\n"; /* box: device permissions */ html_start_box('<strong>Default Graph Template Policy</strong>', '100%', '', '3', 'center', ''); ?> <tr class='even'> <td><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"><tr> <td style="white-space:nowrap;" width="120">Default Graph Template Policy for this User</td> <td width="10"> <?php form_dropdown('policy_graph_templates', $policy_array, '', '', $policy['policy_graph_templates'], '', ''); ?> </td> <td> <input type="submit" name="update_policy" value="Update"> <input type="hidden" name="tab" value="<?php print $tab; ?> "> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php print get_request_var_request('id'); ?> "> </td> </tr></table></td> </tr> <?php html_end_box(); print "</form>\n"; /* if the number of rows is -1, set it to the default */ if ($_REQUEST['rows'] == -1) { $rows = read_config_option('num_rows_table'); } else { $rows = $_REQUEST['rows']; } /* form the 'where' clause for our main sql query */ if (strlen(get_request_var_request('filter'))) { $sql_where = "WHERE ( LIKE '%%" . get_request_var_request('filter') . "%%')"; } else { $sql_where = ''; } if (get_request_var_request('associated') == 'false') { /* Show all items */ } else { $sql_where .= (strlen($sql_where) ? ' AND ' : 'WHERE ') . ' (user_auth_perms.type=4 AND user_auth_perms.user_id=' . get_request_var_request('id', 0) . ')'; } /* print checkbox form for validation */ print "<form name='chk' method='post' action='" . htmlspecialchars('user_admin.php?action=user_edit&tab=permste&id=' . get_request_var_request('id')) . "'>\n"; html_start_box('', '100%', '', '3', 'center', ''); $total_rows = db_fetch_cell("SELECT\n\t\t\tCOUNT(\n\t\t\tFROM graph_templates AS gt\n\t\t\tINNER JOIN graph_local AS gl\n\t\t\tON = gl.graph_template_id\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN user_auth_perms \n\t\t\tON ( = user_auth_perms.item_id AND user_auth_perms.type = 4)\n\t\t\t{$sql_where}\n\t\t\tGROUP BY gl.graph_template_id"); $sql_query = "SELECT,, count(*) AS totals, user_auth_perms.user_id\n\t\t\tFROM graph_templates AS gt\n\t\t\tINNER JOIN graph_local AS gl\n\t\t\tON = gl.graph_template_id\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN user_auth_perms \n\t\t\tON ( = user_auth_perms.item_id AND user_auth_perms.type = 4)\n\t\t\t{$sql_where} \n\t\t\tGROUP BY gl.graph_template_id\n\t\t\tORDER BY name\n\t\t\tLIMIT " . $rows * (get_request_var_request('page') - 1) . ',' . $rows; $graphs = db_fetch_assoc($sql_query); $nav = html_nav_bar('user_admin.php?action=user_edit&tab=permste&id=' . get_request_var_request('id'), MAX_DISPLAY_PAGES, get_request_var_request('page'), $rows, $total_rows, 11, 'Graph Templates', 'page', 'main'); print $nav; $display_text = array('Template Name', 'ID', 'Effective Policy', 'Total Graphs'); html_header_checkbox($display_text, false); if (sizeof($graphs)) { foreach ($graphs as $g) { form_alternate_row('line' . $g['id'], true); form_selectable_cell(strlen(get_request_var_request('filter')) ? preg_replace('/(' . preg_quote(get_request_var_request('filter')) . ')/i', "<span class='filteredValue'>\\1</span>", htmlspecialchars($g['name'])) : htmlspecialchars($g['name']), $g['id']); form_selectable_cell($g['id'], $g['id']); if (empty($g['user_id']) || $g['user_id'] == NULL) { if ($policy['policy_graph_templates'] == 1) { form_selectable_cell('<span style="color:green;font-weight:bold;">Access Granted</span>', $g['id']); } else { form_selectable_cell('<span style="color:red;font-weight:bold;">Access Restricted</span>', $g['id']); } } else { if ($policy['policy_graph_templates'] == 1) { form_selectable_cell('<span style="color:red;font-weight:bold;">Access Restricted</span>', $g['id']); } else { form_selectable_cell('<span style="color:green;font-weight:bold;">Access Granted</span>', $g['id']); } } form_selectable_cell($g['totals'], $g['id']); form_checkbox_cell($g['name'], $g['id']); form_end_row(); } /* put the nav bar on the bottom as well */ print $nav; } else { print '<tr><td><em>No Matching Graph Templates Found</em></td></tr>'; } html_end_box(false); form_hidden_box('action', 'user_edit', ''); form_hidden_box('tab', $tab, ''); form_hidden_box('id', get_request_var_request('id'), ''); form_hidden_box('associate_template', '1', ''); if ($policy['policy_graph_templates'] == 1) { $assoc_actions = array(1 => 'Revoke Access', 2 => 'Grant Access'); } else { $assoc_actions = array(1 => 'Grant Access', 2 => 'Revoke Access'); } /* draw the dropdown containing a list of available actions for this form */ draw_actions_dropdown($assoc_actions); print '</form>'; break; case 'permstr': process_tree_request_vars(); tree_filter($header_label); /* print checkbox form for validation */ print "<form name='policy' method='post' action='user_admin.php'>\n"; /* box: device permissions */ html_start_box('<strong>Default Tree Policy</strong>', '100%', '', '3', 'center', ''); ?> <tr class='even'> <td><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"><tr> <td style="white-space:nowrap;" width="120">Default Tree Policy for this User</td> <td width="10"> <?php form_dropdown('policy_trees', $policy_array, '', '', $policy['policy_trees'], '', ''); ?> </td> <td> <input type="submit" name="update_policy" value="Update"> <input type="hidden" name="tab" value="<?php print $tab; ?> "> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php print get_request_var_request('id'); ?> "> </td> </tr></table></td> </tr> <?php html_end_box(); print "</form>\n"; /* if the number of rows is -1, set it to the default */ if ($_REQUEST['rows'] == -1) { $rows = read_config_option('num_rows_table'); } else { $rows = $_REQUEST['rows']; } /* form the 'where' clause for our main sql query */ if (strlen(get_request_var_request('filter'))) { $sql_where = "WHERE ( LIKE '%%" . get_request_var_request('filter') . "%%')"; } else { $sql_where = ''; } if (get_request_var_request('associated') == 'false') { /* showing all rows */ } else { $sql_where .= (strlen($sql_where) ? ' AND ' : 'WHERE ') . ' (user_auth_perms.type=2 AND user_auth_perms.user_id=' . get_request_var_request('id', 0) . ')'; } /* print checkbox form for validation */ print "<form name='chk' method='post' action='" . htmlspecialchars('user_admin.php?action=user_edit&tab=permstr&id=' . get_request_var_request('id')) . "'>\n"; html_start_box('', '100%', '', '3', 'center', ''); $total_rows = db_fetch_cell("SELECT\n\t\t\tCOUNT(\n\t\t\tFROM graph_tree AS gt\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN user_auth_perms \n\t\t\tON ( = user_auth_perms.item_id AND user_auth_perms.type = 2)\n\t\t\t{$sql_where}"); $sql_query = "SELECT,, user_auth_perms.user_id\n\t\t\tFROM graph_tree AS gt\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN user_auth_perms \n\t\t\tON ( = user_auth_perms.item_id AND user_auth_perms.type = 2)\n\t\t\t{$sql_where} \n\t\t\tORDER BY name\n\t\t\tLIMIT " . $rows * (get_request_var_request('page') - 1) . ',' . $rows; $trees = db_fetch_assoc($sql_query); $nav = html_nav_bar('user_admin.php?action=user_edit&tab=permstr&id=' . get_request_var_request('id'), MAX_DISPLAY_PAGES, get_request_var_request('page'), $rows, $total_rows, 11, 'Trees', 'page', 'main'); print $nav; $display_text = array('Tree Name', 'ID', 'Effective Policy'); html_header_checkbox($display_text, false); if (sizeof($trees)) { foreach ($trees as $t) { form_alternate_row('line' . $t['id'], true); form_selectable_cell(strlen(get_request_var_request('filter')) ? preg_replace('/(' . preg_quote(get_request_var_request('filter')) . ')/i', "<span class='filteredValue'>\\1</span>", htmlspecialchars($t['name'])) : htmlspecialchars($t['name']), $t['id']); form_selectable_cell($t['id'], $t['id']); if (empty($t['user_id']) || $t['user_id'] == NULL) { if ($policy['policy_graphs'] == 1) { form_selectable_cell('<span style="color:green;font-weight:bold;">Access Granted</span>', $t['id']); } else { form_selectable_cell('<span style="color:red;font-weight:bold;">Access Restricted</span>', $t['id']); } } else { if ($policy['policy_graphs'] == 1) { form_selectable_cell('<span style="color:red;font-weight:bold;">Access Restricted</span>', $t['id']); } else { form_selectable_cell('<span style="color:green;font-weight:bold;">Access Granted</span>', $t['id']); } } form_checkbox_cell($t['name'], $t['id']); form_end_row(); } /* put the nav bar on the bottom as well */ print $nav; } else { print '<tr><td><em>No Matching Trees Found</em></td></tr>'; } html_end_box(false); form_hidden_box('action', 'user_edit', ''); form_hidden_box('tab', $tab, ''); form_hidden_box('id', get_request_var_request('id'), ''); form_hidden_box('associate_tree', '1', ''); if ($policy['policy_graph_templates'] == 1) { $assoc_actions = array(1 => 'Revoke Access', 2 => 'Grant Access'); } else { $assoc_actions = array(1 => 'Grant Access', 2 => 'Revoke Access'); } /* draw the dropdown containing a list of available actions for this form */ draw_actions_dropdown($assoc_actions); print '</form>'; break; } }
function user_group_graph_perms_edit($tab, $header_label) { global $config, $assoc_actions; /* ================= input validation ================= */ input_validate_input_number(get_request_var_request('id')); /* ==================================================== */ $policy_array = array(1 => 'Allow', 2 => 'Deny'); if (!empty($_REQUEST['id'])) { $policy = db_fetch_row_prepared('SELECT policy_graphs, policy_trees, policy_hosts, policy_graph_templates FROM user_auth_group WHERE id = ?', array(get_request_var_request('id'))); } switch ($tab) { case 'permsg': process_graph_request_vars(); graph_filter($header_label); /* print checkbox form for validation */ print "<form name='policy' method='post' action='user_group_admin.php'>\n"; /* box: device permissions */ html_start_box('<strong>Default Graph Policy</strong>', '100%', '', '3', 'center', ''); ?> <tr class='odd'> <td><table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"><tr> <td style="white-space:nowrap;" width="120">Default Graph policy for this User Group</td> <td width="10"> <?php form_dropdown('policy_graphs', $policy_array, '', '', $policy['policy_graphs'], '', ''); ?> </td> <td> <input type="submit" name="update_policy" value="Update"> <input type="hidden" name="tab" value="<?php print $tab; ?> "> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php print get_request_var_request('id'); ?> "> </td> </tr></table></td> </tr> <?php html_end_box(); print "</form>\n"; /* if the number of rows is -1, set it to the default */ if ($_REQUEST['rows'] == -1) { $rows = read_config_option('num_rows_table'); } else { $rows = $_REQUEST['rows']; } /* form the 'where' clause for our main sql query */ if (strlen(get_request_var_request('filter'))) { $sql_where = "WHERE (gtg.title_cache LIKE '%%" . get_request_var_request('filter') . "%%' AND gtg.local_graph_id>0)"; } else { $sql_where = 'WHERE (gtg.local_graph_id>0)'; } if (get_request_var_request('graph_template_id') == '-1') { /* Show all items */ } elseif (get_request_var_request('graph_template_id') == '0') { $sql_where .= (strlen($sql_where) ? ' AND ' : 'WHERE ') . ' gtg.graph_template_id=0'; } elseif (!empty($_REQUEST['graph_template_id'])) { $sql_where .= (strlen($sql_where) ? ' AND ' : 'WHERE ') . ' gtg.graph_template_id=' . get_request_var_request('graph_template_id'); } if (get_request_var_request('associated') == 'false') { /* Show all items */ } else { $sql_where .= (strlen($sql_where) ? ' AND ' : 'WHERE ') . ' (user_auth_group_perms.type=1 AND user_auth_group_perms.group_id=' . get_request_var_request('id', 0) . ')'; } /* print checkbox form for validation */ print "<form name='chk' method='post' action='" . htmlspecialchars('user_group_admin.php?action=edit&tab=permsg&id=' . get_request_var_request('id')) . "'>\n"; html_start_box('', '100%', '', '3', 'center', ''); $total_rows = db_fetch_cell("select\n\t\t\tCOUNT(\n\t\t\tFROM graph_templates_graph AS gtg\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN user_auth_group_perms \n\t\t\tON (gtg.local_graph_id = user_auth_group_perms.item_id AND user_auth_group_perms.type = 1)\n\t\t\t{$sql_where}"); $sql_query = "SELECT gtg.local_graph_id, gtg.title_cache, user_auth_group_perms.group_id\n\t\t\tFROM graph_templates_graph AS gtg\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN user_auth_group_perms \n\t\t\tON (gtg.local_graph_id=user_auth_group_perms.item_id AND user_auth_group_perms.type=1)\n\t\t\t{$sql_where} \n\t\t\tORDER BY title_cache\n\t\t\tLIMIT " . $rows * (get_request_var_request('page') - 1) . ',' . $rows; $graphs = db_fetch_assoc($sql_query); $nav = html_nav_bar('user_group_admin.php?action=edit&tab=permsg&id=' . get_request_var_request('id'), MAX_DISPLAY_PAGES, get_request_var_request('page'), $rows, $total_rows, 7, 'Graphs', 'page', 'main'); print $nav; $display_text = array('Graph Title', 'ID', 'Effective Policy'); html_header_checkbox($display_text, false); if (sizeof($graphs)) { foreach ($graphs as $g) { form_alternate_row('line' . $g['local_graph_id'], true); form_selectable_cell(strlen(get_request_var_request('filter')) ? preg_replace('/(' . preg_quote(get_request_var_request('filter')) . ')/i', "<span class='filteredValue'>\\1</span>", htmlspecialchars($g['title_cache'])) : htmlspecialchars($g['title_cache']), $g['local_graph_id'], 250); form_selectable_cell($g['local_graph_id'], $g['local_graph_id']); if (empty($g['group_id']) || $g['group_id'] == NULL) { if ($policy['policy_graphs'] == 1) { form_selectable_cell('<span style="color:green;font-weight:bold;">Access Granted</span>', $g['local_graph_id']); } else { form_selectable_cell('<span style="color:red;font-weight:bold;">Access Restricted</span>', $g['local_graph_id']); } } else { if ($policy['policy_graphs'] == 1) { form_selectable_cell('<span style="color:red;font-weight:bold;">Access Restricted</span>', $g['local_graph_id']); } else { form_selectable_cell('<span style="color:green;font-weight:bold;">Access Granted</span>', $g['local_graph_id']); } } form_checkbox_cell($g['title_cache'], $g['local_graph_id']); form_end_row(); } /* put the nav bar on the bottom as well */ print $nav; } else { print '<tr><td><em>No Matching Graphs Found</em></td></tr>'; } html_end_box(false); form_hidden_box('action', 'edit', ''); form_hidden_box('tab', $tab, ''); form_hidden_box('id', get_request_var_request('id'), ''); form_hidden_box('associate_graph', '1', ''); if ($policy['policy_graphs'] == 1) { $assoc_actions = array(1 => 'Revoke Access', 2 => 'Grant Access'); } else { $assoc_actions = array(1 => 'Grant Access', 2 => 'Revoke Access'); } /* draw the dropdown containing a list of available actions for this form */ draw_actions_dropdown($assoc_actions); print '</form>'; break; case 'permsd': process_device_request_vars(); device_filter($header_label); /* print checkbox form for validation */ print "<form name='policy' method='post' action='user_group_admin.php'>\n"; /* box: device permissions */ html_start_box('<strong>Default Device Policy</strong>', '100%', '', '3', 'center', ''); ?> <tr class='even'> <td><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"><tr> <td style="white-space:nowrap;" width="120">Default Graph policy for this User Group</td> <td width="10"> <?php form_dropdown('policy_hosts', $policy_array, '', '', $policy['policy_hosts'], '', ''); ?> </td> <td> <input type="submit" name="update_policy" value="Update"> <input type="hidden" name="tab" value="<?php print $tab; ?> "> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php print get_request_var_request('id'); ?> "> </td> </tr></table></td> </tr> <?php html_end_box(); print "</form>\n"; /* if the number of rows is -1, set it to the default */ if ($_REQUEST['rows'] == -1) { $rows = read_config_option('num_rows_table'); } else { $rows = $_REQUEST['rows']; } /* form the 'where' clause for our main sql query */ /* form the 'where' clause for our main sql query */ if (strlen(get_request_var_request('filter'))) { $sql_where = "WHERE (host.hostname LIKE '%%" . get_request_var_request('filter') . "%%' OR host.description LIKE '%%" . get_request_var_request('filter') . "%%')"; } else { $sql_where = ''; } if (get_request_var_request('host_template_id') == '-1') { /* Show all items */ } elseif (get_request_var_request('host_template_id') == '0') { $sql_where .= (strlen($sql_where) ? ' AND ' : 'WHERE ') . ' host.host_template_id=0'; } elseif (!empty($_REQUEST['host_template_id'])) { $sql_where .= (strlen($sql_where) ? ' AND ' : 'WHERE ') . ' host.host_template_id=' . get_request_var_request('host_template_id'); } if (get_request_var_request('associated') == 'false') { /* Show all items */ } else { $sql_where .= (strlen($sql_where) ? ' AND ' : 'WHERE ') . ' user_auth_group_perms.group_id=' . get_request_var_request('id', 0); } /* print checkbox form for validation */ print "<form name='chk' method='post' action='" . htmlspecialchars('user_group_admin.php?action=edit&tab=permsd&id=' . get_request_var_request('id')) . "'>\n"; html_start_box('', '100%', '', '3', 'center', ''); $total_rows = db_fetch_cell("SELECT\n\t\t\tCOUNT(\n\t\t\tFROM host\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN user_auth_group_perms \n\t\t\tON ( = user_auth_group_perms.item_id AND user_auth_group_perms.type = 3)\n\t\t\t{$sql_where}"); $host_graphs = array_rekey(db_fetch_assoc('SELECT host_id, count(*) AS graphs FROM graph_local GROUP BY host_id'), 'host_id', 'graphs'); $host_data_sources = array_rekey(db_fetch_assoc('SELECT host_id, count(*) AS data_sources FROM data_local GROUP BY host_id'), 'host_id', 'data_sources'); $sql_query = "SELECT host.*, user_auth_group_perms.group_id\n\t\t\tFROM host \n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN user_auth_group_perms \n\t\t\tON ( AND user_auth_group_perms.type=3)\n\t\t\t{$sql_where} \n\t\t\tORDER BY description\n\t\t\tLIMIT " . $rows * (get_request_var_request('page') - 1) . ',' . $rows; $hosts = db_fetch_assoc($sql_query); $nav = html_nav_bar('user_group_admin.php?action=edit&tab=permsd&id=' . get_request_var_request('id'), MAX_DISPLAY_PAGES, get_request_var_request('page'), $rows, $total_rows, 11, 'Devices', 'page', 'main'); print $nav; $display_text = array('Description', 'ID', 'Effective Policy', 'Graphs', 'Data Sources', 'Status', 'Hostname'); html_header_checkbox($display_text, false); if (sizeof($hosts)) { foreach ($hosts as $host) { form_alternate_row('line' . $host['id'], true); form_selectable_cell(strlen(get_request_var_request('filter')) ? preg_replace('/(' . preg_quote(get_request_var_request('filter')) . ')/i', "<span class='filteredValue'>\\1</span>", htmlspecialchars($host['description'])) : htmlspecialchars($host['description']), $host['id'], 250); form_selectable_cell(round($host['id'], 2), $host['id']); if (empty($host['group_id']) || $host['group_id'] == NULL) { if ($policy['policy_hosts'] == 1) { form_selectable_cell('<span style="color:green;font-weight:bold;">Access Granted</span>', $host['id']); } else { form_selectable_cell('<span style="color:red;font-weight:bold;">Access Restricted</span>', $host['id']); } } else { if ($policy['policy_hosts'] == 1) { form_selectable_cell('<span style="color:red;font-weight:bold;">Access Restricted</span>', $host['id']); } else { form_selectable_cell('<span style="color:green;font-weight:bold;">Access Granted</span>', $host['id']); } } form_selectable_cell(isset($host_graphs[$host['id']]) ? $host_graphs[$host['id']] : 0, $host['id']); form_selectable_cell(isset($host_data_sources[$host['id']]) ? $host_data_sources[$host['id']] : 0, $host['id']); form_selectable_cell(get_colored_device_status($host['disabled'] == 'on' ? true : false, $host['status']), $host['id']); form_selectable_cell(strlen(get_request_var_request('filter')) ? preg_replace('/(' . preg_quote(get_request_var_request('filter')) . ')/i', "<span class='filteredValue'>\\1</span>", htmlspecialchars($host['hostname'])) : htmlspecialchars($host['hostname']), $host['id']); form_checkbox_cell($host['description'], $host['id']); form_end_row(); } /* put the nav bar on the bottom as well */ print $nav; } else { print '<tr><td><em>No Matching Devices Found</em></td></tr>'; } html_end_box(false); form_hidden_box('action', 'edit', ''); form_hidden_box('tab', $tab, ''); form_hidden_box('id', get_request_var_request('id'), ''); form_hidden_box('associate_host', '1', ''); if ($policy['policy_hosts'] == 1) { $assoc_actions = array(1 => 'Revoke Access', 2 => 'Grant Access'); } else { $assoc_actions = array(1 => 'Grant Access', 2 => 'Revoke Access'); } /* draw the dropdown containing a list of available actions for this form */ draw_actions_dropdown($assoc_actions); print "</form>\n"; break; case 'permste': process_template_request_vars(); template_filter($header_label); /* print checkbox form for validation */ print "<form name='policy' method='post' action='user_group_admin.php'>\n"; /* box: device permissions */ html_start_box('<strong>Default Graph Template Policy</strong>', '100%', '', '3', 'center', ''); ?> <tr class='even'> <td><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"><tr> <td style="white-space:nowrap;" width="120">Default Graph Template Template policy for this User Group</td> <td width="10"> <?php form_dropdown('policy_graph_templates', $policy_array, '', '', $policy['policy_graph_templates'], '', ''); ?> </td> <td> <input type="submit" name="update_policy" value="Update"> <input type="hidden" name="tab" value="<?php print $tab; ?> "> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php print get_request_var_request('id'); ?> "> </td> </tr></table></td> </tr> <?php html_end_box(); print "</form>\n"; /* if the number of rows is -1, set it to the default */ if ($_REQUEST['rows'] == -1) { $rows = read_config_option('num_rows_table'); } else { $rows = $_REQUEST['rows']; } /* form the 'where' clause for our main sql query */ /* form the 'where' clause for our main sql query */ if (strlen(get_request_var_request('filter'))) { $sql_where = "WHERE ( LIKE '%%" . get_request_var_request('filter') . "%%')"; } else { $sql_where = ''; } if (get_request_var_request('associated') == 'false') { /* Show all items */ } else { $sql_where .= (strlen($sql_where) ? ' AND ' : 'WHERE ') . ' (user_auth_group_perms.type=4 AND user_auth_group_perms.group_id=' . get_request_var_request('id', 0) . ')'; } /* print checkbox form for validation */ print "<form name='chk' method='post' action='" . htmlspecialchars('user_group_admin.php?action=edit&tab=permste&id=' . get_request_var_request('id')) . "'>\n"; html_start_box('', '100%', '', '3', 'center', ''); $total_rows = db_fetch_cell("SELECT\n\t\t\tCOUNT(\n\t\t\tFROM graph_templates AS gt\n\t\t\tINNER JOIN graph_local AS gl\n\t\t\tON = gl.graph_template_id\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN user_auth_group_perms \n\t\t\tON ( = user_auth_group_perms.item_id AND user_auth_group_perms.type = 4)\n\t\t\t{$sql_where}\n\t\t\tGROUP BY gl.graph_template_id"); $sql_query = "SELECT,, count(*) AS totals, user_auth_group_perms.group_id\n\t\t\tFROM graph_templates AS gt\n\t\t\tINNER JOIN graph_local AS gl\n\t\t\tON = gl.graph_template_id\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN user_auth_group_perms \n\t\t\tON ( = user_auth_group_perms.item_id AND user_auth_group_perms.type = 4)\n\t\t\t{$sql_where} \n\t\t\tGROUP BY gl.graph_template_id\n\t\t\tORDER BY name\n\t\t\tLIMIT " . $rows * (get_request_var_request('page') - 1) . ',' . $rows; $graphs = db_fetch_assoc($sql_query); $nav = html_nav_bar('user_group_admin.php?action=edit&tab=permste&id=' . get_request_var_request('id'), MAX_DISPLAY_PAGES, get_request_var_request('page'), $rows, $total_rows, 11, 'Graph Templates', 'page', 'main'); print $nav; $display_text = array('Template Name', 'ID', 'Effective Policy', 'Total Graphs'); html_header_checkbox($display_text, false); if (sizeof($graphs)) { foreach ($graphs as $g) { form_alternate_row('line' . $g['id'], true); form_selectable_cell(strlen(get_request_var_request('filter')) ? preg_replace('/(' . preg_quote(get_request_var_request('filter')) . ')/i', "<span class='filteredValue'>\\1</span>", htmlspecialchars($g['name'])) : htmlspecialchars($g['name']), $g['id'], 250); form_selectable_cell($g['id'], $g['id']); if (empty($g['group_id']) || $g['group_id'] == NULL) { if ($policy['policy_graph_templates'] == 1) { form_selectable_cell('<span style="color:green;font-weight:bold;">Access Granted</span>', $g['id']); } else { form_selectable_cell('<span style="color:red;font-weight:bold;">Access Restricted</span>', $g['id']); } } else { if ($policy['policy_graph_templates'] == 1) { form_selectable_cell('<span style="color:red;font-weight:bold;">Access Restricted</span>', $g['id']); } else { form_selectable_cell('<span style="color:green;font-weight:bold;">Access Granted</span>', $g['id']); } } form_selectable_cell($g['totals'], $g['id']); form_checkbox_cell($g['name'], $g['id']); form_end_row(); } /* put the nav bar on the bottom as well */ print $nav; } else { print '<tr><td><em>No Matching Graph Templates Found</em></td></tr>'; } html_end_box(false); form_hidden_box('action', 'edit', ''); form_hidden_box('tab', $tab, ''); form_hidden_box('id', get_request_var_request('id'), ''); form_hidden_box('associate_template', '1', ''); if ($policy['policy_graph_templates'] == 1) { $assoc_actions = array(1 => 'Revoke Access', 2 => 'Grant Access'); } else { $assoc_actions = array(1 => 'Grant Access', 2 => 'Revoke Access'); } /* draw the dropdown containing a list of available actions for this form */ draw_actions_dropdown($assoc_actions); print '</form>'; break; case 'permstr': process_tree_request_vars(); tree_filter($header_label); /* print checkbox form for validation */ print "<form name='policy' method='post' action='user_group_admin.php'>\n"; /* box: device permissions */ html_start_box('<strong>Default Tree Policy</strong>', '100%', '', '3', 'center', ''); ?> <tr class='even'> <td><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"><tr> <td style="white-space:nowrap;" width="120">Default Tree policy for this User Group</td> <td width="10"> <?php form_dropdown('policy_trees', $policy_array, '', '', $policy['policy_trees'], '', ''); ?> </td> <td> <input type="submit" name="update_policy" value="Update"> <input type="hidden" name="tab" value="<?php print $tab; ?> "> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php print get_request_var_request('id'); ?> "> </td> </tr></table></td> </tr> <?php html_end_box(); print "</form>\n"; /* if the number of rows is -1, set it to the default */ if ($_REQUEST['rows'] == -1) { $rows = read_config_option('num_rows_table'); } else { $rows = $_REQUEST['rows']; } /* form the 'where' clause for our main sql query */ if (strlen(get_request_var_request('filter'))) { $sql_where = "WHERE ( LIKE '%%" . get_request_var_request('filter') . "%%')"; } else { $sql_where = ''; } if (get_request_var_request('associated') == 'false') { /* Show all items */ } else { $sql_where .= (strlen($sql_where) ? ' AND ' : 'WHERE ') . ' (user_auth_group_perms.type=2 AND user_auth_group_perms.group_id=' . get_request_var_request('id', 0) . ')'; } /* print checkbox form for validation */ print "<form name='chk' method='post' action='" . htmlspecialchars('user_group_admin.php?action=edit&tab=permstr&id=' . get_request_var_request('id')) . "'>\n"; html_start_box('', '100%', '', '3', 'center', ''); $total_rows = db_fetch_cell("SELECT\n\t\t\tCOUNT(\n\t\t\tFROM graph_tree AS gt\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN user_auth_group_perms \n\t\t\tON ( = user_auth_group_perms.item_id AND user_auth_group_perms.type = 2)\n\t\t\t{$sql_where}"); $sql_query = "SELECT,, user_auth_group_perms.group_id\n\t\t\tFROM graph_tree AS gt\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN user_auth_group_perms \n\t\t\tON ( = user_auth_group_perms.item_id AND user_auth_group_perms.type = 2)\n\t\t\t{$sql_where} \n\t\t\tORDER BY name\n\t\t\tLIMIT " . $rows * (get_request_var_request('page') - 1) . ',' . $rows; $trees = db_fetch_assoc($sql_query); $nav = html_nav_bar('user_group_admin.php?action=edit&tab=permstr&id=' . get_request_var_request('id'), MAX_DISPLAY_PAGES, get_request_var_request('page'), $rows, $total_rows, 11, 'Trees', 'page', 'main'); print $nav; $display_text = array('Tree Name', 'ID', 'Effective Policy'); html_header_checkbox($display_text, false); if (sizeof($trees)) { foreach ($trees as $t) { form_alternate_row('line' . $t['id'], true); form_selectable_cell(strlen(get_request_var_request('filter')) ? preg_replace('/(' . preg_quote(get_request_var_request('filter')) . ')/i', "<span class='filteredValue'>\\1</span>", htmlspecialchars($t['name'])) : htmlspecialchars($t['name']), $t['id'], 250); form_selectable_cell($t['id'], $t['id']); if (empty($t['group_id']) || $t['group_id'] == NULL) { if ($policy['policy_trees'] == 1) { form_selectable_cell('<span style="color:green;font-weight:bold;">Access Granted</span>', $t['id']); } else { form_selectable_cell('<span style="color:red;font-weight:bold;">Access Restricted</span>', $t['id']); } } else { if ($policy['policy_trees'] == 1) { form_selectable_cell('<span style="color:red;font-weight:bold;">Access Restricted</span>', $t['id']); } else { form_selectable_cell('<span style="color:green;font-weight:bold;">Access Granted</span>', $t['id']); } } form_checkbox_cell($t['name'], $t['id']); form_end_row(); } /* put the nav bar on the bottom as well */ print $nav; } else { print '<tr><td><em>No Matching Trees Found</em></td></tr>'; } html_end_box(false); form_hidden_box('action', 'edit', ''); form_hidden_box('tab', $tab, ''); form_hidden_box('id', get_request_var_request('id'), ''); form_hidden_box('associate_tree', '1', ''); if ($policy['policy_graph_templates'] == 1) { $assoc_actions = array(1 => 'Revoke Access', 2 => 'Grant Access'); } else { $assoc_actions = array(1 => 'Grant Access', 2 => 'Revoke Access'); } /* draw the dropdown containing a list of available actions for this form */ draw_actions_dropdown($assoc_actions); print '</form>'; break; } }