function vote($ajax = false) { global $db, $balken_vote_menu, $prev; $qry = db("SELECT * FROM " . $db['votes'] . " WHERE menu = '1' AND forum = 0"); $get = _fetch($qry); if (_rows($qry)) { $qryv = db("SELECT * FROM " . $db['vote_results'] . " WHERE vid = '" . $get['id'] . "' ORDER BY what"); while ($getv = _fetch($qryv)) { $stimmen = sum($db['vote_results'], " WHERE vid = '" . $get['id'] . "'", "stimmen"); if ($stimmen != 0) { if (ipcheck("vid_" . $get['id']) || isset($_COOKIE[$prev . "vid_" . $get['id']]) || $get['closed'] == 1) { $percent = round($getv['stimmen'] / $stimmen * 100, 1); $rawpercent = round($getv['stimmen'] / $stimmen * 100, 0); $balken = show(_votes_balken, array("width" => $rawpercent)); $votebutton = ""; $results .= show("menu/vote_results", array("answer" => re($getv['sel']), "percent" => $percent, "stimmen" => $getv['stimmen'], "balken" => $balken)); } else { $votebutton = '<input id="contentSubmitVote" type="submit" value="' . _button_value_vote . '" class="voteSubmit" />'; $results .= show("menu/vote_vote", array("id" => $getv['id'], "answer" => re($getv['sel']))); } } else { $votebutton = '<input id="contentSubmitVote" type="submit" value="' . _button_value_vote . '" class="voteSubmit" />'; $results .= show("menu/vote_vote", array("id" => $getv['id'], "answer" => re($getv['sel']))); } } $vote = show("menu/vote", array("titel" => re($get['titel']), "vid" => $get['id'], "results" => $results, "votebutton" => $votebutton, "stimmen" => $stimmen)); } return empty($vote) ? '<center style="margin:2px 0">' . _vote_menu_no_vote . '</center>' : ($ajax ? $vote : '<div id="navVote">' . $vote . '</div>'); }
function sum($list) { if (empty($list)) { return 0; } return array_shift($list) + sum($list); }
function stdev(Array $x) { $n = count($x); if($n == 0 || ($n - 1) == 0) return null; $sum = sum($x); $sumSq = sum_sq($x); return sqrt(($sumSq - (pow($sum, 2)/$n))/($n - 1)); }
function fvote($id, $ajax = false) { global $db, $balken_vote_menu, $prev; if (!permission("votes")) { $intern = ' AND intern = 0'; } $qry = db("SELECT * FROM " . $db['votes'] . " WHERE id = '" . $id . "' " . $intern . ""); $get = _fetch($qry); if (_rows($qry)) { $qryv = db("SELECT * FROM " . $db['vote_results'] . " WHERE vid = '" . $get['id'] . "' ORDER BY id ASC"); while ($getv = _fetch($qryv)) { $stimmen = sum($db['vote_results'], " WHERE vid = '" . $get['id'] . "'", "stimmen"); if ($stimmen != 0) { if (ipcheck("vid_" . $get['id']) || isset($_COOKIE[$prev . "vid_" . $get['id']]) || $get['closed'] == 1) { $percent = round($getv['stimmen'] / $stimmen * 100, 1); $rawpercent = round($getv['stimmen'] / $stimmen * 100, 0); $balken = show(_votes_balken, array("width" => $rawpercent)); $votebutton = ""; $results .= show("forum/vote_results", array("answer" => re($getv['sel']), "percent" => $percent, "stimmen" => $getv['stimmen'], "balken" => $balken)); } else { $votebutton = '<input id="contentSubmitFVote" type="submit" value="' . _button_value_vote . '" class="voteSubmit" />'; $results .= show("forum/vote_vote", array("id" => $getv['id'], "answer" => re($getv['sel']))); } } else { $votebutton = '<input id="contentSubmitFVote" type="submit" value="' . _button_value_vote . '" class="voteSubmit" />'; $results .= show("forum/vote_vote", array("id" => $getv['id'], "answer" => re($getv['sel']))); } } $qryf = db("SELECT id,kid FROM " . $db['f_threads'] . " WHERE vote = '" . $get['id'] . "'"); $getf = _fetch($qryf); $vote = show("forum/vote", array("titel" => re($get['titel']), "vid" => $get['id'], "fid" => $getf['id'], "kid" => $getf['kid'], "umfrage" => _forum_vote, "results" => $results, "votebutton" => $votebutton, "stimmen" => $stimmen)); } return empty($vote) ? '' : ($ajax ? $vote : '<div id="navFVote">' . $vote . '</div>'); }
function karatsuba($x, $y) { $len_x = count($x); $len_y = count($y); // bottom of the recursion if ($len_x == 1 && $len_y == 1) { return $x[0] * $y[0]; } if ($len_x == 1 || $len_y == 1) { $t1 = implode('', $x); $t2 = implode('', $y); return (int) $t1 * $t2; } $a = array_chunk($x, ceil($len_x / 2)); $b = array_chunk($y, ceil($len_y / 2)); $deg = floor($len_x / 2); $x1 = $a[0]; // 1 $x2 = $a[1]; // 2 $y1 = $b[0]; // 1 $y2 = $b[1]; // 2 return ($a = karatsuba($x1, $y1)) * pow(10, 2 * $deg) + ($c = karatsuba($x2, $y2)) + (karatsuba(sum($x1, $x2), sum($y1, $y2)) - $a - $c) * pow(10, $deg); }
function test_sum_initial() { $sum = sum(4); $input = [1, 2, 3]; $expect = 4 + 1 + 2 + 3; $actual = $sum($input); $this->assertEquals($actual, $expect); }
function average($collection) { $size = size($collection); if ($size === 0) { return 0; } else { return sum($collection) / $size; } }
function sum($num) { static $tot; //声明静态变量,值可以积累 if ($num >= 1) { $tot += $num; return sum(--$num); //递归调用函数自身 } else { return $tot; } }
function sum($arr) { $total = 0; foreach ($arr as $item) { if (is_array($item)) { $total += sum($item); } elseif (is_numeric($item)) { $total += $item; } } return $total; }
function sum($input) { $total = 0; foreach ($input as $value) { if (is_array($value)) { $total += sum($value); } elseif (is_int($value)) { $total += $value; } } return $total; }
function postData($_POST) { $matrix = $_POST['item']; $sum = $matrix[0] + $matrix[4] + $matrix[8]; $max = maximum($matrix); $t_summ = sum($matrix); if ($sum == $_POST['result'][0] && $max == $_POST['result'][1] && $t_summ == $_POST['result'][2]) { echo "YOUR ANSWER IS RIGHT"; } else { echo "TRY AGAIN"; } }
/** * Return the mean (average) value of the given values. * * @param array $values * * @return mixed */ function mean($values) { if (empty($values)) { return 0; } $values = values($values); $sum = sum($values); if (0 == $sum) { return 0; } $count = count($values); return $sum / $count; }
function sum($n) { if ($n <= 0) { //Дъно на рекурсията, прекъсва функцията return 0; //Дъно на рекурсията, прекъсва функцията } if ($n == 1) { //Дъно на рекурсията, прекъсва функцията return 1; //Дъно на рекурсията, прекъсва функцията } return $n + sum($n - 1); }
function sum($input) { $total = 0; foreach ($input as $value) { if (is_array($value) || is_object($value)) { $total += sum($value); } elseif (is_object($input) && $value === "red") { return 0; } elseif (is_int($value)) { $total += $value; } } return $total; }
function sum($n) { if ($n >= 1) { static $sum = 0; $sum += $n % 10; $n = ($n - $n % 10) / 10; sum($n); } if ($n < 1) { echo $sum; return; } return; }
function sum($arr) { $total = 0; if (is_red($arr)) { return 0; } foreach ($arr as $item) { if (is_red($item)) { continue; } if (is_array($item)) { $total += sum($item); } elseif (is_numeric($item)) { $total += $item; } } return $total; }
function sum($arr, $level = 0) { static $items; static $count; if (is_array($arr)) { $level++; foreach ($arr as $value) { // echo '<pre>'; // print_r($arr); // echo '</pre>'; sum($value, $level); } } else { //echo '<br> не масив'; $count++; $items += $arr; } return array('count' => $count, 'item' => $items); }
function sum() { $args = func_get_args(); $s = 0; foreach ($args as $arg) { if (is_array($arg)) { foreach ($arg as $value) { if (is_array($value)) { $s += sum($value); } else { $s += $value; } } } else { $s += $arg; } } return $s; }
echo "{$value} <br>"; } ?> <br /> <!-- PHP Functions --> Function names are NOT case-sensitive. <br /> <?php function sum($x, $y = 0) { $z = $x + $y; return $z; } echo "5 + _ = " . sum(5) . "<br>"; echo "7 + 13 = " . sum(7, 13) . "<br>"; ?> <br /> <!-- PHP Arrays --> In PHP, there are three types of arrays: <br /> Indexed arrays - Arrays with a numeric index <br /> Associative arrays - Arrays with named keys <br /> Multidimensional arrays - Arrays containing one or more arrays <br /> <?php $cars = array("Volvo", "BMW", "Toyota"); echo count($cars); echo "<br />"; $age = array("Peter" => "35", "Ben" => "37", "Joe" => "43"); foreach ($age as $x => $x_value) {
<?php function sum($array) { $firstNumber = $array[0]; $secondNumber = $array[1]; $sum = $firstNumber + $secondNumber; printf('$firstNumber + $secondNumber = %.2f + %.2f = %.2f' . "\n", $firstNumber, $secondNumber, $sum); } $input = [[2, 5], [1.567808, 0.356], [1234.5678, 333]]; for ($i = 0; $i < count($input); $i++) { sum($input[$i]); }
echo "Число {$x} меньше числа {$y}"; } elseif ($x > $y) { echo "Число {$x} больше числа {$y}"; } else { echo "Число {$x} равно числу {$y}"; } } compare_numbers(5, 8); echo "<br>"; compare_numbers(rand(1, 100), rand(1, 100)); echo "<hr>"; function sum($u, $h = 10) { return $u + $h; } $p = sum(1, 5); echo "{$p}"; echo "<hr>"; $a = 100; function sum1($a) { $a++; echo "{$a}"; } echo "{$a}"; //переменная $a echo "<br>"; sum1($a); //переменная $a + 1 echo "<br>"; echo "{$a}";
<?php function xt_sum($a, $b) { return $a + $b; } echo xt_sum(4, 5), "\n"; //可变参数 function sum(...$numbers) { $acc = 0; foreach ($numbers as $n) { $acc += $n; } return $acc; } echo sum(1, 2, 3, 4) . "\n"; //数组解包 echo sum(...[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) . "\n"; //默认参数 function makecoffee($type = "cappuccino") { return "Making a cup of {$type}.\n"; } echo makecoffee(); echo makecoffee(null); echo makecoffee("espresso");
<?php function sum() { $acc = 0; foreach (func_get_args() as $n) { // $acc += $n; print_r($n); } return $acc; } echo sum(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, "asd");
} $stats = show($dir . "/forum", array("head" => _site_forum, "threads" => _forum_threads, "nthreads" => $allthreads, "posts" => _forum_posts, "nposts" => $allposts, "ppert" => _stats_forum_ppert, "nppert" => $ppert, "pperd" => _stats_forum_pperd, "npperd" => $pperd, "topposter" => _stats_forum_top, "ntopposter" => $topposter)); } elseif ($_GET['action'] == "user") { $stats = show($dir . "/user", array("head" => _site_user, "users" => _stats_users_regged, "member" => _stats_users_regged_member, "nmember" => cnt($db['users'], " WHERE level != 1"), "logins" => _stats_users_logins, "nlogins" => sum($db['userstats'], "", "logins"), "msg" => _stats_users_msg, "nmsg" => sum($db['userstats'], "", "writtenmsg"), "votes" => _stats_users_votes, "nvotes" => sum($db['userstats'], "", "votes"), "aktmsg" => _stats_users_aktmsg, "naktmsg" => cnt($db['msg'], " WHERE `von` != '0'"), "buddys" => _stats_users_buddys, "nbuddys" => cnt($db['buddys']), "nusers" => cnt($db['users']))); } elseif ($_GET['action'] == "cw") { if (cnt($db['cw'], " WHERE datum < " . time() . "") != "0") { $won = cnt($db['cw'], " WHERE punkte > gpunkte"); $lost = cnt($db['cw'], " WHERE punkte < gpunkte"); $draw = cnt($db['cw'], " WHERE datum < " . time() . " && punkte = gpunkte"); $ges = cnt($db['cw'], " WHERE datum < " . time() . ""); $wo_p = @round($won * 100 / $ges, 1); $lo_p = @round($lost * 100 / $ges, 1); $dr_p = @round($draw * 100 / $ges, 1); } $allp = '<span class="CwWon">' . sum($db['cw'], '', "punkte") . '</span>' . ' : ' . ' <span class="CwLost">' . sum($db['cw'], '', "gpunkte") . '</span>'; $stats = show($dir . "/cw", array("head" => _site_clanwars, "played" => _stats_cw_played, "nplayed" => $ges, "won" => _stats_cw_won, "draw" => _stats_cw_draw, "lost" => _stats_cw_lost, "nwon" => $won . " (" . $wo_p . "%)", "ndraw" => $draw . " (" . $dr_p . "%)", "nlost" => $lost . " (" . $lo_p . "%)", "points" => _stats_cw_points, "npoints" => $allp)); } elseif ($_GET['action'] == "awards") { $ges = cnt($db['awards']); $place_1 = cnt($db['awards'], " WHERE place = 1 "); $place_2 = cnt($db['awards'], " WHERE place = 2 "); $place_3 = cnt($db['awards'], " WHERE place = 3 "); $stats = show($dir . "/awards", array("head" => _site_awards, "p1" => _stats_place . " 1", "p2" => _stats_place . " 2", "p3" => _stats_place . " 3", "p" => _stats_place_misc, "awards" => _stats_awards, "nawards" => $ges, "np1" => $place_1, "np2" => $place_2, "np3" => $place_3, "np" => $ges - $place_1 - $place_2 - $place_3)); } elseif ($_GET['action'] == "mysql") { $dbinfo = dbinfo(); $stats = show($dir . "/mysql", array("head" => _stats_mysql, "size" => _stats_mysql_size, "nsize" => $dbinfo["size"], "entrys" => _stats_mysql_entrys, "nentrys" => $dbinfo["entrys"], "rows" => _stats_mysql_rows, "nrows" => $dbinfo["rows"])); } elseif ($_GET['action'] == "downloads") { $qry = db("SELECT * FROM " . $db['downloads'] . ""); while ($get = _fetch($qry)) { $file = preg_replace("#added...#Uis", "../downloads/files/", $get['url']); if (strpos($get['url'], "http://") != 0) {
<?php /** * @author Gutsulyak Vadim <*****@*****.**> * @param $a * @param $b */ function sum($a, $b) { return $a + $b; } $result = sum(19, 8); echo sum(19, 8); function sumAll() { $args = func_get_args(); $result = 0; foreach ($args as $argument) { $result += $argument; } return $result; } echo '<br>'; echo sumAll(10, 4, 5, 8, 43);
<?php /** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: Administrator * Date: 2015/12/23 * Time: 10:04 */ function scale($a) { return strlen(strstr($a, '.')) - 1; } function sum($a, $b) { if (scale($a) > 3 || scale($b) > 3) { throw new UnderflowException("Input scale exceeded"); } return $a + $b; } echo sum(1, -0.9) . "\n"; echo sum(1, -0.99) . "\n"; echo sum(1, -0.999) . "\n"; echo sum(1, -0.9999) . "\n";
<?php /** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: ira * Date: 29/12/15 * Time: 3:39 PM */ function sum($x, $y) { /** * */ $z = $x + $y; echo $z; // return $z; } echo "5 + 10 = ", sum(5, 10), "<br>"; sum(5, 10); /** * @param int $a is the *ghgh* of all * @param float $b * @return int mixed */ function poutsa($a, $b) { return $a + $b; }
{ global $min, $target; $sum = 0; $containersFound = 0; foreach ($containers as $i => $container) { if ($binary[$i] === '1') { $sum += $container; $containersFound++; } } echo "{$sum}=" . $binary . "\n"; if ($target === $sum) { $min[$containersFound] = $min[$containersFound] + 1; return 1; } return 0; } $i = 0; $total = pow(2, $length); $found = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < $total; $i++) { $stack = str_pad(decbin($i), $length, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); $found += sum($stack, $containers); } echo "part 1: {$found}\n"; foreach ($min as $index => $number) { if ($number) { echo "part 2: ({$index})" . $number; break; } }
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <?php function sum($x, $y) { $z = $x + $y; return $z; } echo "5 + 10 = " . sum(5, 10) . "<br>"; echo "7 + 13 = " . sum(7, 13) . "<br>"; echo "5 + 5 = " . sum(5, 5) . "<br>"; ?> </body> </html>
function myName($fname, $year) { echo "{$fname} Ilievici. Born in {$year}\n"; } myName("Alexei", "1989"); myName("Victor", "1962"); myName("Stepan", "1986"); myName("Marian", "1239"); function sum($x, $y) { $z = $x + $y; return $z; } echo "5 + 10 = " . sum(5, 10) . "\n"; echo "7 + 13 = " . sum(7, 13) . "\n"; echo "4 + 2 = " . sum(2, 4) . "\n"; function setamGreutate($minheight = 50) { echo "Greutatea este: {$minheight}\n"; } setamGreutate(350); setamGreutate(); echo "\narray\n"; $cars = array("Volvo", "BMV", "Toyotta"); echo "I Like " . $cars[0] . ", " . $cars[1] . "and " . $cars[2] . ".\n"; echo count($cars) . "\n"; $carss = array("Volvo", "BMV", "Toyotta"); $arrlenght = count($carss); //echo "$arrlenght\n"; sort($cars); for ($c = 0; $c < $arrlenght; $c++) {