$log_record['user_name'] = tr('cog_user_name'); $log_record['user_id'] = 0; } // koniec ukrywania nicka autora komentarza COG $file_content .= '<b>' . $log_record['user_name'] . '</b>: '; if ($log_record['encrypt'] == 1 && $log_record['cache_owner'] != $usr['userid'] && $log_record['luser_id'] != $usr['userid']) { $file_content .= "<img src=\\'/tpl/stdstyle/images/free_icons/lock.png\\' alt=\\`\\` /><br/>"; } if ($log_record['encrypt'] == 1 && ($log_record['cache_owner'] == $usr['userid'] || $log_record['luser_id'] == $usr['userid'])) { $file_content .= "<img src=\\'/tpl/stdstyle/images/free_icons/lock_open.png\\' alt=\\`\\` /><br/>"; } $data = cleanup_text(str_replace("\r\n", " ", $log_record['log_text'])); $data = str_replace("\n", " ", $data); if ($log_record['encrypt'] == 1 && $log_record['cache_owner'] != $usr['userid'] && $log_record['luser_id'] != $usr['userid']) { //crypt the log ROT13, but keep HTML-Tags and Entities $data = str_rot13_html($data); } else { $file_content .= "<br/>"; } $file_content .= $data; $file_content .= '\', PADDING,5, WIDTH,280,SHADOW,true)" onmouseout="UnTip()">' . htmlspecialchars($log_record['cache_name'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '</a></b></td>'; $file_content .= '<td><b><a class="links" href="viewprofile.php?userid=' . htmlspecialchars($log_record['user_id'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '">' . htmlspecialchars($log_record['user_name'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '</a></b></td>'; $file_content .= "</tr>"; } } $pages = mb_ereg_replace('{last_img}', $last_img, $pages); $pages = mb_ereg_replace('{first_img}', $first_img, $pages); $pages = mb_ereg_replace('{first_img_inactive}', $first_img_inactive, $pages); $pages = mb_ereg_replace('{last_img_inactive}', $last_img_inactive, $pages); tpl_set_var('file_content', $file_content); tpl_set_var('pages', $pages);
// koniec ukrywania nicka autora komentarza COG $tmp_log = mb_ereg_replace('{userid}', htmlspecialchars($record_logs['user_id'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'), $tmp_log); $tmp_log = mb_ereg_replace('{username}', htmlspecialchars($record_logs['user_name'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'), $tmp_log); $tmp_log = mb_ereg_replace('{logid}', htmlspecialchars(urlencode($record_logs['id']), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'), $tmp_log); $logtext = '<b>' . $record_logs['user_name'] . '</b>: '; if ($record_logs['encrypt'] == 1 && $record_logs['cache_owner'] != $usr['userid'] && $record_logs['luser_id'] != $usr['userid']) { $logtext .= "<img src=\\'/tpl/stdstyle/images/free_icons/lock.png\\' alt=\\`\\` /><br/>"; } if ($record_logs['encrypt'] == 1 && ($record_logs['cache_owner'] == $usr['userid'] || $record_logs['luser_id'] == $usr['userid'])) { $logtext .= "<img src=\\'/tpl/stdstyle/images/free_icons/lock_open.png\\' alt=\\`\\` /><br/>"; } $data_text = common::cleanupText(str_replace("\r\n", " ", $record_logs['log_text'])); $data_text = str_replace("\n", " ", $data_text); if ($record_logs['encrypt'] == 1 && $record_logs['cache_owner'] != $usr['userid'] && $record_logs['luser_id'] != $usr['userid']) { //crypt the log ROT13, but keep HTML-Tags and Entities $data_text = str_rot13_html($data_text); } else { $logtext .= "<br/>"; } $logtext .= $data_text; $tmp_log = mb_ereg_replace('{logtext}', $logtext, $tmp_log); $content .= "\n" . $tmp_log; } mysql_free_result($rs_logs); $content .= '</ul></div><br />'; } } // ----------------- begin owner section ---------------------------------- if ($user_id == $usr['userid'] || $usr['admin']) { $rscheck = sqlValue("SELECT count(*) FROM caches WHERE (status = 4 OR status = 5 OR status = 6) AND `user_id`='" . sql_escape($_REQUEST['userid']) . "'", 0); if ($rscheck != 0) {
$lat = sprintf('%01.5f', $r['latitude']); $thisline = str_replace('{lat}', help_latToDegreeStr($lat), $thisline); $thisline = str_replace('{latraw}', $r['latitude'], $thisline); $lon = sprintf('%01.5f', $r['longitude']); $thisline = str_replace('{lon}', help_lonToDegreeStr($lon), $thisline); $thisline = str_replace('{lonraw}', $r['longitude'], $thisline); $time = date('d.m.Y', strtotime($r['date_hidden'])); $thisline = str_replace('{time}', $time, $thisline); $thisline = str_replace('{waypoint}', $r['waypoint'], $thisline); $thisline = str_replace('{cacheid}', $r['cacheid'], $thisline); $thisline = str_replace('{cachename}', filterevilchars($r['name']), $thisline); $thisline = str_replace('{country}', $r['country'], $thisline); if ($r['hint'] == '') { $thisline = str_replace('{hints}', '', $thisline); } else { $thisline = str_replace('{hints}', str_rot13_html(filterevilchars(strip_tags($r['hint']))), $thisline); } if ($r['html'] == 0) { $thisline = str_replace('{desc}', filterevilchars(strip_tags($r['desc'])), $thisline); } else { $thisline = str_replace('{desc}', html2txt(filterevilchars($r['desc'])), $thisline); } $thisline = str_replace('{type}', $r['type'], $thisline); $thisline = str_replace('{typeid}', $r['typeid'], $thisline); $thisline = str_replace('{container}', $r['size'], $thisline); $thisline = str_replace('{sizeid}', $r['sizeid'], $thisline); $thisline = str_replace('{status}', $r['status'], $thisline); $thisline = str_replace('{statusid}', $r['statusid'], $thisline); $difficulty = sprintf('%01.1f', $r['difficulty'] / 2); $thisline = str_replace('{difficulty}', $difficulty, $thisline); $terrain = sprintf('%01.1f', $r['terrain'] / 2);
while ($r = sql_fetch_array($rs)) { $thisline = $txtLine; $lat = sprintf('%01.5f', $r['latitude']); $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{lat}', help_latToDegreeStr($lat), $thisline); $lon = sprintf('%01.5f', $r['longitude']); $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{lon}', help_lonToDegreeStr($lon), $thisline); $time = date('d.m.Y', strtotime($r['date_hidden'])); $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{time}', $time, $thisline); $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{waypoint}', $r['waypoint'], $thisline); $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{cacheid}', $r['cacheid'], $thisline); $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{cachename}', $r['name'], $thisline); $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{country}', db_CountryFromShort($r['country']), $thisline); if ($r['hint'] == '') { $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{hints}', '', $thisline); } else { $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{hints}', str_rot13_html(strip_tags($r['hint'])), $thisline); } $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{shortdesc}', $r['short_desc'], $thisline); if ($r['html'] == 0) { $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{htmlwarn}', '', $thisline); $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{desc}', strip_tags($r['desc']), $thisline); } else { $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{htmlwarn}', ' (Vorsicht, aus HTML konvertiert)', $thisline); $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{desc}', html2txt($r['desc']), $thisline); } $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{type}', $r['type'], $thisline); $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{container}', $r['size'], $thisline); $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{status}', $r['status'], $thisline); $difficulty = sprintf('%01.1f', $r['difficulty'] / 2); $thisline = mb_ereg_replace('{difficulty}', $difficulty, $thisline); $terrain = sprintf('%01.1f', $r['terrain'] / 2);
} else { //hind avaiable, user logged - proceed with hint tpl_set_var('hidehint_start', ''); tpl_set_var('hidehint_end', ''); tpl_set_var('decrypt_icon', $decrypt_icon); tpl_set_var('decrypt_table', $decrypt_table); if ($no_crypt == 0) { $link = mb_ereg_replace('{cacheid_urlencode}', htmlspecialchars(urlencode($cache_id), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'), $decrypt_link); $link = mb_ereg_replace('{desclang}', htmlspecialchars(urlencode($desclang), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'), $link); tpl_set_var('decrypt_link', $link); tpl_set_var("decrypt_link_start", ''); tpl_set_var("decrypt_link_end", ''); tpl_set_var("decrypt_table_start", ''); tpl_set_var("decrypt_table_end", ''); //crypt the hint ROT13, but keep HTML-Tags and Entities $hint = str_rot13_html($hint); //TODO: mark all that isn't ROT13 coded } else { $cryptedhints = mb_ereg_replace('{decrypt_link}', '', $cryptedhints); tpl_set_var("decrypt_link_start", "<!--"); tpl_set_var("decrypt_link_end", "-->"); tpl_set_var("decrypt_table_start", "<!--"); tpl_set_var("decrypt_table_end", "-->"); } //replace { and } to prevent replacing $hint = mb_ereg_replace('{', '{', $hint); $hint = mb_ereg_replace('}', '}', $hint); tpl_set_var('hints', $hint); } //check number of pictures in logs $rspiclogs = sqlValue("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `pictures`,`cache_logs` WHERE `pictures`.`object_id`=`cache_logs`.`id` AND `pictures`.`object_type`=1 AND `cache_logs`.`cache_id`= " . addslashes($cache_id), 0);