Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function totalPrice()
     $rItems = $this->recentListItems;
     $total = 0;
     foreach ($rItems as $rItem) {
         $total += $rItem->item->price * $rItem->qty;
     return '$' . strVal(number_format($total / 100, 2));
 public function newVar($value)
     global $_;
     $numVars = count($_->vars);
     //create a var name equal to var0 if the variable array is empty.
     //otherwise append the variable name in the last term of the $vars array
     $varName = "var" . ($numVars == 0 ? strVal(0) : strVal(intval(substr($_->vars[$numVars - 1], 3)) + 1));
     $_->setVar($varName, $value);
     $_->vars[$numVars] = $varName;
     return $varName;
Ejemplo n.º 3
function ripByPage($page)
    $pathToDetails = 'http://aramestan.e-sanandaj.ir/BurialRequest/DeadSearch?keyword=&firstName=&lastName=&fatherName=&partNo=0&rowNo=&graveNo=&deathDateFrom=&deathDateTo=&bornDateFrom=&bornDateTo=&page=' . $page;
    $output = scraperwiki::scrape($pathToDetails);
    $resultingJsonObject = json_decode($output);
    for ($id = 0; $id <= 9; $id++) {
        $entry = array('id' => $resultingJsonObject->{'result'}[$id]->{'Id'}, 'fullname' => strVal($resultingJsonObject->{'result'}[$id]->{'DeadFullName'}), 'fathername' => strVal($resultingJsonObject->{'result'}[$id]->{'DeadFatherName'}), 'birthdate' => strVal($resultingJsonObject->{'result'}[$id]->{'BornDate'}), 'deathdate' => strVal($resultingJsonObject->{'result'}[$id]->{'DeathDate'}), 'partno' => strVal($resultingJsonObject->{'result'}[$id]->{'PartNo'}), 'rowno' => strVal($resultingJsonObject->{'result'}[$id]->{'RowNo'}), 'graveno' => strVal($resultingJsonObject->{'result'}[$id]->{'GraveNo'}), 'gender' => strVal($resultingJsonObject->{'result'}[$id]->{'Gender'}), 'identitycode' => strVal($resultingJsonObject->{'result'}[$id]->{'IdentityCode'}));
        scraperwiki::save_sqlite(array('data'), $entry);
        $pagecount = $resultingJsonObject->{'PageNumber'};
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public function showRollDice($quess = 0)
     $rand = mt_rand(1, 20);
     if (strVal($rand) === $quess) {
         $message = 'Right';
     } else {
         $message = 'Wrong';
     $data = array('quess' => $quess, 'message' => $message, 'rand' => $rand);
     return View::make('roll-dice')->with($data);
  * Creates a html view for a php object
  * This method is taken from the great ameos_formidable extension.
  * @param mixed $mMixed
  * @param boolean $bRecursive
  * @param int $iLevel
  * @return string
 private static function viewMixed($mMixed, $bRecursive = TRUE, $iLevel = 0)
     $sStyle = 'font-family: Verdana; font-size: 9px;';
     $sStyleBlack = $sStyle . 'color: black;';
     $sStyleRed = $sStyle . 'color: red;';
     $sStyleGreen = $sStyle . 'color: green;';
     $aBgColors = array('FFFFFF', 'F8F8F8', 'EEEEEE', 'E7E7E7', 'DDDDDD', 'D7D7D7', 'CCCCCC', 'C6C6C6', 'BBBBBB', 'B6B6B6', 'AAAAAA', 'A5A5A5', '999999', '949494', '888888', '848484', '777777', '737373');
     if (is_array($mMixed)) {
         $result = "<table border=1 style='border: 1px solid silver' cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0 bgcolor='#" . $aBgColors[$iLevel] . "'>";
         if (!count($mMixed)) {
             $result .= "<tr><td><span style='" . $sStyleBlack . "'><b>" . htmlspecialchars('EMPTY!') . '</b></span></td></tr>';
         } else {
             while (list($key, $val) = each($mMixed)) {
                 $result .= "<tr><td valign='top'><span style='" . $sStyleBlack . "'>" . htmlspecialchars((string) $key) . "</span></td><td>";
                 if (is_array($val)) {
                     $result .= self::viewMixed($val, $bRecursive, $iLevel + 1);
                 } else {
                     $result .= "<span style='" . $sStyleRed . "'>" . self::viewMixed($val, $bRecursive, $iLevel + 1) . "<br /></span>";
                 $result .= '</td></tr>';
         $result .= '</table>';
     } elseif (is_resource($mMixed)) {
         $result = "<span style='" . $sStyleGreen . "'>RESOURCE: </span>" . $mMixed;
     } elseif (is_object($mMixed)) {
         if ($bRecursive) {
             $result = "<span style='" . $sStyleGreen . "'>OBJECT (" . get_class($mMixed) . ") : </span>" . self::viewMixed(get_object_vars($mMixed), FALSE, $iLevel + 1);
         } else {
             $result = "<span style='" . $sStyleGreen . "'>OBJECT (" . get_class($mMixed) . ") : !RECURSION STOPPED!</span>";
     } elseif (is_bool($mMixed)) {
         $result = "<span style='" . $sStyleGreen . "'>BOOLEAN: </span>" . ($mMixed ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE');
     } elseif (is_string($mMixed)) {
         if (empty($mMixed)) {
             $result = "<span style='" . $sStyleGreen . "'>STRING(0)</span>";
         } else {
             $result = "<span style='" . $sStyleGreen . "'>STRING(" . strlen($mMixed) . '): </span>' . nl2br(htmlspecialchars((string) $mMixed));
     } elseif (is_null($mMixed)) {
         $result = "<span style='" . $sStyleGreen . "'>!NULL!</span>";
     } elseif (is_integer($mMixed)) {
         $result = "<span style='" . $sStyleGreen . "'>INTEGER: </span>" . $mMixed;
     } else {
         $result = "<span style='" . $sStyleGreen . "'>MIXED: </span>" . nl2br(htmlspecialchars(strVal($mMixed)));
     return $result;
Ejemplo n.º 6
	$arFile["THUMBNAIL"] = (isset($arFile["src"]) ? $arFile["src"] : $arFile["THUMBNAIL"]); // for Blog only
	if ((substr($arFile["CONTENT_TYPE"], 0, 6) == "image/") && empty($arFile["THUMBNAIL"]))
		$tmp = array("fileID" => $arFile["ID"], "fileContentType" => $arFile["CONTENT_TYPE"]);
		if (!empty($tmp['img_thumb_src']))
			$arFile["THUMBNAIL"] = $tmp['img_thumb_src'];
		if (!empty($tmp['img_source_src']))
			$arFile["~SRC"] = $arFile["SRC"];
			$arFile["SRC"] = $tmp['img_source_src'];

	$arParams["FILES"]["VALUE_JS"][strVal($arFile["ID"])] = array(
		"element_id" => $arFile["ID"],
		"element_name" => $arFile["ORIGINAL_NAME"],
		"element_size" => $arFile["FILE_SIZE"],
		"element_url" => $arFile["URL"],
		"element_content_type" => $arFile["CONTENT_TYPE"],
		"element_thumbnail" => $arFile["SRC"],
		"element_image" => $arFile["THUMBNAIL"],
		"isImage" => (substr($arFile["CONTENT_TYPE"], 0, 6) == "image/")

	$arParams["FILES"]["VALUE_HTML"][intVal($arFile["ID"])] = "";

	if ($b)
		if ($arParams["FILES"]["SHOW"] != "N" && !empty($arFile["THUMBNAIL"]))
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * Use this for any testing purpose, to print out any var, by calling this->d() 
  * from any child class
  * @param type $var
  * @param type $item
  * @param type $exit
 public function d($var, $item = false, $exit = '')
     if ($item) {
         echo '<br />' . $item . '<br />';
     echo '<pre>';
     echo '</pre>';
     if (!empty($exit)) {
         if ($exit == 'path' || $exit == 'p') {
             exit('--- exit from code ' . strVal($this->wtChildPath) . ' --- ' . $this->wtControllerPath);
         exit('--- exit from ' . strVal($exit) . ' --- ' . $this->wtControllerPath);
Ejemplo n.º 8

$isIE = strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'MSIE') !== FALSE;
if ($isIE) {
    header('Content-Type: text/html');
    // necessary, since IE will buffer 1K bytes before rendering
    echo str_repeat('#', 1024);
} else {
    header('Content-Type: application/json');
header("Cache-control: no-cache");
$last_event_id = $_GET['last_event_id'];
$last_event_id = $last_event_id ? (int) $last_event_id : 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < 10; ++$i) {
    $words = strVal($last_event_id);
    if ($isIE) {
        echo '<script type="text/javascript">parent.push("' . $words . '")</script>';
    } else {
        $len = dechex(strlen($words));
        $data = "{$len}\r\n{$words}\r\n";
        echo $data;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public function priceToReadable($qty = 1)
     return '$' . strVal(number_format($this->price * $qty / 100, 2));
Ejemplo n.º 10
  * validate Validateert een enkele variabele
  * @param string $p_sVar De naam van de variabele die gevalideerd wordt
  * @param int	$p_nScope De scope waarin de variabele moet zitten
  * @param int $p_nType Het type dat de variabele moet hebben
  * @param boolean $p_bMandatory Moet de variabele verplicht aanwezig zijn of mag deze ook leeg zijn
  * @return int Resultaat van validatie (RESULT_OK, RESULT_EMPTY, RESULT_INVALID)
  * @throws ValidationException
 public function validate($p_sVar, $p_nScope, $p_nType, $p_bMandatory)
     $nResult = self::RESULT_NOT_VALIDATED;
     if ($this->isValidScope($p_nScope) && $this->isValidType($p_nType)) {
         $vResult = $this->getValue($p_sVar, $p_nScope);
         if ($vResult !== null) {
             // waarde gevonden
             $nResult = $this->checkType($vResult, $p_nType);
         } else {
             // geen waarde gevonden
             $nResult = self::RESULT_NON_EXISTENT;
     } else {
         throw new ValidationException("Scope (" . $p_nScope . ") or Type (" . $p_nType . ") invalid");
     // controleer het resultaat
     switch ($nResult) {
         case self::RESULT_NOT_VALIDATED:
             $nResult = self::RESULT_INVALID;
         case self::RESULT_NON_EXISTENT:
             if ($p_bMandatory) {
                 $nResult = self::RESULT_INVALID;
             } else {
                 // hoeft niet aanwezig te zijn
                 $nResult = self::RESULT_OK;
             if ($p_bMandatory) {
                 // als veld verplicht is mag deze niet leeg zijn
                 if (strlen(strVal($vResult)) == 0) {
                     $nResult = self::RESULT_INVALID;
             } else {
                 // als veld niet verplicht is mag deze ook leeg zijn
                 if (strlen(strVal($vResult)) == 0) {
                     $nResult = self::RESULT_OK;
     return $nResult;
Ejemplo n.º 11
  * Adds a "deny" rule to the ACL
  * @param  Zend_Acl_Role_Interface|string|array     $roles
  * @param  Zend_Acl_Resource_Interface|string|array $resources
  * @param  string|array                             $privileges
  * @param  Zend_Acl_Assert_Interface                $assert
  * @uses   Zend_Acl::deny()
  * @return Zend_Acl Provides a fluent interface
 public function deny($roles = null, $resources = null, $privileges = null, Zend_Acl_Assert_Interface $assert = null)
     $this->_getAdapter()->deny($roles, $resources, $privileges, $assert);
     $roles = is_array($roles) ? $roles : array($roles);
     $roles = count($roles) == 0 ? array(null) : $roles;
     foreach ($roles as $k => $v) {
         $roles[$k] = $v instanceof Zend_Acl_Role_Interface ? $v->getRoleId() : (is_null($v) ? null : strVal($v));
     $resources = is_array($resources) ? $resources : array($resources);
     $resources = count($resources) == 0 ? array(null) : $resources;
     foreach ($resources as $k => $v) {
         $resources[$k] = $v instanceof Zend_Acl_Resource_Interface ? $v->getResourceId() : (is_null($v) ? null : strVal($v));
     foreach ($roles as $role) {
         foreach ($resources as $resource) {
             //Zum Cachen freigeben:
             if ($this->hasCachingAdapter()) {
                 $this->_getCachingAdapter()->change($role, $resource);
             //Als ungeladen markieren
             if ($this->hasLoaded($role, $resource)) {
                 $this->_setUnloaded($role, $resource);
     return $this;
Ejemplo n.º 12
while ($arFile) {
    $arFile = is_array($arFile) ? $arFile : (array_key_exists($arFile, $arRes) ? $arRes[$arFile] : CFile::GetFileArray($arFile));
    $arFile["THUMBNAIL"] = isset($arFile["src"]) ? $arFile["src"] : $arFile["THUMBNAIL"];
    // for Blog only
    if (substr($arFile["CONTENT_TYPE"], 0, 6) == "image/" && empty($arFile["THUMBNAIL"])) {
        $tmp = array("fileID" => $arFile["ID"], "fileContentType" => $arFile["CONTENT_TYPE"]);
        if (!empty($tmp['img_thumb_src'])) {
            $arFile["THUMBNAIL"] = $tmp['img_thumb_src'];
        if (!empty($tmp['img_source_src'])) {
            $arFile["~SRC"] = $arFile["SRC"];
            $arFile["SRC"] = $tmp['img_source_src'];
    $arParams["FILES"]["VALUE_JS"][strVal($arFile["ID"])] = array("element_id" => $arFile["ID"], "element_name" => $arFile["ORIGINAL_NAME"], "element_size" => $arFile["FILE_SIZE"], "element_url" => $arFile["URL"], "element_content_type" => $arFile["CONTENT_TYPE"], "element_thumbnail" => $arFile["SRC"], "element_image" => $arFile["THUMBNAIL"], "isImage" => substr($arFile["CONTENT_TYPE"], 0, 6) == "image/");
    $arParams["FILES"]["VALUE_HTML"][intVal($arFile["ID"])] = "";
    if ($b) {
        if ($arParams["FILES"]["SHOW"] != "N" && !empty($arFile["THUMBNAIL"])) {
<span class="feed-add-photo-block">
			<span class="feed-add-img-wrap"<?php 
            echo in_array("UploadImage", $arParams["PARSER"]) || in_array("UploadFile", $arParams["PARSER"]) ? ' title="' . GetMessage("MPF_INSERT_FILE") . '" onclick="' . $arParams["JS_OBJECT_NAME"] . '.insertFile(\'' . $arFile["ID"] . '\');"' : '';
				<img src="<?php 
            echo $arFile["THUMBNAIL"];
" border="0" width="90" height="90" />
Ejemplo n.º 13
  *  データをExcelシートに書き込む
 public function writeCell(ExcelSheet $objSht, $row, $col, $data)
     switch ($data["t"]) {
         case "n":
             $val = floatVal($data["v"]);
             $fmt = $this->_format["val"];
             $type = ExcelFormat::AS_NUMERIC_STRING;
         case "d":
             $val = intVal($data["v"]);
             $fmt = $this->_format["date"];
             $type = ExcelFormat::AS_DATE;
         case "b":
             $val = boolVal($data["v"]);
             $fmt = $this->_format["val"];
             $type = ExcelFormat::AS_NUMERIC_STRING;
         case "t":
             $val = strVal($data["v"]);
             $fmt = $this->_format["val"];
             $type = ExcelFormat::AS_NUMERIC_STRING;
     $objSht->write($row, $col, $val, $fmt, $type);
  * [Describe function...]
  * @param	[type]		$mMixed: ...
  * @param	[type]		$bRecursive: ...
  * @param	[type]		$iLevel: ...
  * @return	[type]		...
 function _viewMixed($mMixed, $bRecursive = TRUE, $iLevel = 0)
     $sStyle = "font-family: Verdana; font-size: 9px;";
     $sStyleBlack = $sStyle . "color: black;";
     $sStyleRed = $sStyle . "color: red;";
     $sStyleGreen = $sStyle . "color: green;";
     $aBgColors = array("FFFFFF", "F8F8F8", "EEEEEE", "E7E7E7", "DDDDDD", "D7D7D7", "CCCCCC", "C6C6C6", "BBBBBB", "B6B6B6", "AAAAAA", "A5A5A5", "999999", "949494", "888888", "848484", "777777", "737373");
     if (is_array($mMixed)) {
         $result = "<table border=1 style='border: 1px solid silver' cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0 bgcolor='#" . $aBgColors[$iLevel] . "'>";
         if (!count($mMixed)) {
             $result .= "<tr><td><span style='" . $sStyleBlack . "'><b>" . htmlspecialchars("EMPTY!") . "</b></span></td></tr>";
         } else {
             while (list($key, $val) = each($mMixed)) {
                 $result .= "<tr><td valign='top'><span style='" . $sStyleBlack . "'>" . htmlspecialchars((string) $key) . "</span></td><td>";
                 if (is_array($val)) {
                     $result .= tx_ameosformidable::_viewMixed($val, $bRecursive, $iLevel + 1);
                 } else {
                     $result .= "<span style='" . $sStyleRed . "'>" . tx_ameosformidable::_viewMixed($val, $bRecursive, $iLevel + 1) . "<br /></span>";
                 $result .= "</td></tr>";
         $result .= "</table>";
     } elseif (is_resource($mMixed)) {
         $result = "<span style='" . $sStyleGreen . "'>RESOURCE: </span>" . $mMixed;
     } elseif (is_object($mMixed)) {
         if ($bRecursive) {
             $result = "<span style='" . $sStyleGreen . "'>OBJECT (" . get_class($mMixed) . ") : </span>" . tx_ameosformidable::_viewMixed(get_object_vars($mMixed), FALSE, $iLevel + 1);
         } else {
             $result = "<span style='" . $sStyleGreen . "'>OBJECT (" . get_class($mMixed) . ") : !RECURSION STOPPED!</span>";
             // . t3lib_div::view_array(get_object_vars($mMixed), FALSE);
     } elseif (is_bool($mMixed)) {
         $result = "<span style='" . $sStyleGreen . "'>BOOLEAN: </span>" . ($mMixed ? "TRUE" : "FALSE");
     } elseif (is_string($mMixed)) {
         if (empty($mMixed)) {
             $result = "<span style='" . $sStyleGreen . "'>STRING(0)</span>";
         } else {
             $result = "<span style='" . $sStyleGreen . "'>STRING(" . strlen($mMixed) . "): </span>" . nl2br(htmlspecialchars((string) $mMixed));
     } elseif (is_null($mMixed)) {
         $result = "<span style='" . $sStyleGreen . "'>!NULL!</span>";
     } elseif (is_integer($mMixed)) {
         $result = "<span style='" . $sStyleGreen . "'>INTEGER: </span>" . $mMixed;
     } else {
         $result = "<span style='" . $sStyleGreen . "'>MIXED: </span>" . nl2br(htmlspecialchars(strVal($mMixed)));
     return $result;
Ejemplo n.º 15
} else {
    echo "error" . $query . "<br>" . mysqli_error($conn);
echo "Connected Successfully!";

<!DOCTYPE html>

	<p id = "rece"></p>


<script type="text/javascript">
window.location.href = "http://localhost/mainpage.html?id=<?php 
echo strVal($idFinal);


Ejemplo n.º 16
  * set a param as a string
  * @return bool
  * @param int $nr
  * @param string $value
 public function setString($nr, $value)
     if (is_int($nr)) {
         $this->params[$nr] = "'" . $this->escape(strVal($value)) . "'";
         return true;
     return false;
Ejemplo n.º 17
<div class="feed-add-post-form-variants" id="feed-add-post-form-tab"><?php 
            echo $strGratVote;
<div id="feed-add-post-form-tab-arrow" class="feed-add-post-form-arrow" style="left: 31px;"></div><?php 
        $htmlAfterTextarea = "";
        if (!empty($arResult["Images"])) {
            $arFile = reset($arResult["Images"]);
            $arJSFiles = array();
            while ($arFile) {
                $arJSFiles[strVal($arFile["ID"])] = array("element_id" => $arFile["ID"], "element_name" => $arFile["FILE_NAME"], "element_size" => $arFile["FILE_SIZE"], "element_url" => $arFile["URL"], "element_content_type" => $arFile["CONTENT_TYPE"], "element_thumbnail" => $arFile["SRC"], "element_image" => $arFile["THUMBNAIL"], "isImage" => substr($arFile["CONTENT_TYPE"], 0, 6) == "image/", "del_url" => $arFile["DEL_URL"]);
                $title = GetMessage("MPF_INSERT_FILE");
                $arFile["DEL_URL"] = CUtil::JSEscape($arFile["DEL_URL"]);
                $htmlAfterTextarea .= <<<HTML
<span class="feed-add-photo-block" id="blog-doc{$arFile["ID"]}">
\t<span class="feed-add-img-wrap" title="{$title}">
\t\t<img src="{$arFile["THUMBNAIL"]}" border="0" width="90" height="90" />
\t<span class="feed-add-img-title" title="{$title}">{$arFile["NAME"]}</span>
\t<span class="feed-add-post-del-but"></span>
                $arFile = next($arResult["Images"]);
            if ($htmlAfterTextarea !== "") {
                $arJSFiles = CUtil::PhpToJSObject($arJSFiles);
Ejemplo n.º 18
while ($arFile) {
    $arFile = is_array($arFile) ? $arFile : (array_key_exists($arFile, $arRes) ? $arRes[$arFile] : CFile::GetFileArray($arFile));
    $arFile["THUMBNAIL"] = isset($arFile["src"]) ? $arFile["src"] : $arFile["THUMBNAIL"];
    // for Blog only
    if (substr($arFile["CONTENT_TYPE"], 0, 6) == "image/" && empty($arFile["THUMBNAIL"])) {
        $tmp = array("fileID" => $arFile["ID"], "fileContentType" => $arFile["CONTENT_TYPE"]);
        if (!empty($tmp['img_thumb_src'])) {
            $arFile["THUMBNAIL"] = $tmp['img_thumb_src'];
        if (!empty($tmp['img_source_src'])) {
            $arFile["~SRC"] = $arFile["SRC"];
            $arFile["SRC"] = $tmp['img_source_src'];
    $arParams["FILES"]["VALUE_JS"][strVal($arFile["ID"])] = array("id" => $arFile["ID"], "name" => $arFile["ORIGINAL_NAME"], "size" => $arFile["FILE_SIZE"], "url" => $arFile["URL"], "type" => $arFile["CONTENT_TYPE"], "src" => $arFile["SRC"], "thumbnail" => $arFile["THUMBNAIL"], "isImage" => substr($arFile["CONTENT_TYPE"], 0, 6) == "image/");
    $arParams["FILES"]["VALUE_HTML"][intVal($arFile["ID"])] = "";
    if ($b) {
        if ($arParams["FILES"]["SHOW"] != "N" && !empty($arFile["THUMBNAIL"])) {
<span class="feed-add-photo-block">
			<span class="feed-add-img-wrap"<?php 
            echo in_array("UploadImage", $arParams["PARSER"]) || in_array("UploadFile", $arParams["PARSER"]) ? ' title="' . GetMessage("MPF_INSERT_FILE") . '" onclick="' . $arParams["JS_OBJECT_NAME"] . '.insertFile(\'' . $arFile["ID"] . '\');"' : '';
				<img src="<?php 
            echo $arFile["THUMBNAIL"];
" border="0" width="90" height="90" />