Ejemplo n.º 1
function sp_add_switcher_to_profile_desktop($out)
    $out .= sp_InsertBreak('echo=0');
    $out .= '<hr>';
    if (function_exists('sp_UserSelectOptions')) {
        $out .= sp_UserSelectOptions('tagClass=spCenter spLabelSmall&echo=0&get=1', __sp('Style:'), __sp('Language:'));
    return $out;
function sp_SubForumIndexInlinePosts()
    global $spThisSubForum;
    echo "<div class='spInlineTopics' id='spInlineTopics" . $spThisSubForum->forum_id . "' style='display:none;'></div>";
            sp_SectionEnd('', 'topic');
    } else {
        sp_NoTopicsInForumMessage('tagClass=spMessage', __sp('There are no topics in this forum'));
    sp_SectionEnd('', 'topiclist');
    sp_SectionEnd('', 'forum');
    # Start the 'pagelinks' section
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    sp_SectionStart('tagClass=spPlainSection', 'pageLinks');
    sp_TopicNewButton('tagId=spTopicNewButtonBottom&tagClass=spButton spRight', __sp('Add Topic'), __sp('Start a new topic'), __sp('This forum is locked'), __sp('No permission to start topics'));
    sp_TopicIndexPageLinks('', __sp('Page: '), __sp('Jump to page %PAGE% of topics'), __sp('Jump to page'));
    sp_SectionEnd('', 'pageLinks');
    # Start the 'editor' section
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    sp_SectionStart('tagClass=spHiddenSection', 'editor');
    sp_SectionEnd('', 'editor');
} else {
    sp_NoForumMessage('tagClass=spMessage', __sp('Access denied - you do not have permission to view this page'), __sp('The requested forum does not exist'));
sp_SectionEnd('', 'forumView');
sp_SectionEnd('', 'body');
# Load the forum footer template - normally last thing
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
sp_SectionStart('tagClass=spFootContainer', 'foot');
function sp_ProfilePermissionsForum($thisForum, $userid)
    global $thisAlt;
    # Start the 'forum' section
    $out = "<div class='spGroupForumSection {$thisAlt}'>";
    # Column 1 of the forum row
    $out .= '<div class="spColumnSection spProfilePermissionIcon">';
    $icon = !empty($thisForum->forum_icon) ? sp_paint_custom_icon('spRowIcon', SFCUSTOMURL . $thisForum->forum_icon) : sp_paint_icon('spRowIcon', SPTHEMEICONSURL, 'sp_ForumIcon.png');
    $out .= $icon;
    $out .= '</div>';
    # Column 2 of the forum row
    $out .= '<div class="spColumnSection spProfilePermissionForum">';
    $out .= "<div class='spRowName'>" . $thisForum->forum_name . "</div>";
    $desc = !empty($thisForum->forum_desc) ? $thisForum->forum_desc : '';
    $out .= "<div class='spRowName'>" . $desc . "</div>";
    $out .= '</div>';
    # Column 3 of the forum row
    $site = SFHOMEURL . "index.php?sp_ahah=permissions&amp;sfnonce=" . wp_create_nonce('forum-ahah') . "&amp;forum=" . $thisForum->forum_id . '&amp;userid=' . $userid;
    $img = SFCOMMONIMAGES . '/working.gif';
    $out .= '<div class="spColumnSection spProfilePermissionButton">';
    $out .= '<a rel="nofollow" href="javascript:void(null)" onclick="spjLoadTool(\'' . $site . '\', \'perm' . $thisForum->forum_id . '\', \'' . $img . '\');">';
    $out .= '<input type="submit" class="spSubmit" value="' . sp_text('View') . '" />';
    $out .= '</a>';
    $out .= '</div>';
    $out .= sp_InsertBreak('echo=0');
    $out .= '</div>';
    # hidden area for the permissions for this forum
    $out .= '<div id="perm' . $thisForum->forum_id . '" class="spHiddenSection spProfilePermission"></div>';
    $thisAlt = $thisAlt == 'spOdd' ? 'spEven' : 'spOdd';
    return $out;
Ejemplo n.º 5
function sp_post_editor_smileys_options($out, $spThisTopic, $a, $toolbar)
    global $spGlobals, $spVars, $spThisUser;
    extract($a, EXTR_SKIP);
    # sanitize
    $controlInput = esc_attr($controlInput);
    $labelSmileys = sp_filter_title_display($labelSmileys);
    $labelOptions = sp_filter_title_display($labelOptions);
    $labelOptionTime = sp_filter_title_display($labelOptionTime);
    $smileysBox = '';
    $optionsBox = '';
    # work out what we need to display
    $display = array();
    $display['smileys'] = false;
    $display['options'] = false;
    if (sp_get_auth('can_use_smileys', $spThisTopic->forum_id)) {
        $display['smileys'] = true;
    if ((sp_get_auth('lock_topics', $spThisTopic->forum_id) || sp_get_auth('pin_posts', $spThisTopic->forum_id)) && $spVars['displaymode'] != 'edit' || $spThisUser->admin || $spThisUser->moderator) {
        $display['options'] = true;
    $display = apply_filters('sph_post_editor_display_options', $display);
    # Now start the displays
    $class = $toolbar == 'toolbar' ? ' spInlineSection' : '';
    if ($display['smileys'] || $display['options']) {
        $out .= sp_InsertBreak('echo=0') . "<div>\n";
    # Smileys
    if ($display['smileys']) {
        $smileysBox = apply_filters('sph_post_smileys_display', $smileysBox, $spThisTopic, $a);
        if ($display['options'] && $toolbar == 'inline') {
            $smileysBox .= "<div id='spSmileysBox' class='spEditorSection spEditorSectionLeft{$class}'>\n";
        } else {
            $smileysBox .= "<div id='spSmileysBox' class='spEditorSection{$class}'>\n";
        $smileysBox .= "<div class='spEditorHeading'>{$labelSmileys}\n";
        $smileysBox = apply_filters('sph_post_smileys_header_add', $smileysBox, $spThisTopic, $a);
        $smileysBox .= '</div>';
        $smileysBox .= '<div class="spEditorSmileys">' . "\n";
        $smileysBox .= sp_render_smileys();
        $smileysBox .= '</div>';
        $smileysBox = apply_filters('sph_post_smileys_add', $smileysBox, $spThisTopic, $a);
        if ($toolbar == 'toolbar') {
            $smileysBox .= sp_InsertBreak('direction=both&spacer=6px&echo=0');
        $smileysBox .= '</div>' . "\n";
    # Options
    if ($display['options']) {
        $optionsBox = apply_filters('sph_post_options_display', $optionsBox, $spThisTopic, $a);
        if ($display['smileys'] && $toolbar == 'inline') {
            $optionsBox .= "<div id='spOptionsBox' class='spEditorSection spEditorSectionRight{$class}'>\n";
        } else {
            $optionsBox .= "<div id='spOptionsBox' class='spEditorSection{$class}'>\n";
        $optionsBox .= "<div class='spEditorHeading'>{$labelOptions}\n";
        $optionsBox = apply_filters('sph_post_options_header_add', $optionsBox, $spThisTopic, $a);
        $optionsBox .= '</div>';
        if ($spVars['displaymode'] != 'edit') {
            $labelOptionLock = sp_filter_title_display($labelOptionLock);
            $labelOptionPin = sp_filter_title_display($labelOptionPin);
            if (sp_get_auth('lock_topics', $spThisTopic->forum_id)) {
                $optionsBox .= "<input type='checkbox' class='{$controlInput}' name='topiclock' id='sftopiclock' tabindex='110' />\n";
                $optionsBox .= "<label class='spLabel spCheckbox' for='sftopiclock'>{$labelOptionLock}</label>\n";
                $optionsBox .= "<br />\n";
            if (sp_get_auth('pin_topics', $spThisTopic->forum_id)) {
                $optionsBox .= "<input type='checkbox' class='{$controlInput}' name='postpin' id='sfpostpin' tabindex='111' />\n";
                $optionsBox .= "<label class='spLabel spCheckbox' for='sfpostpin'>{$labelOptionPin}</label>\n";
                $optionsBox .= "<br />\n";
        if ($spThisUser->admin) {
            $optionsBox .= "<input type='checkbox' class='{$controlInput}' tabindex='112' id='sfeditTimestamp' name='editTimestamp' onchange='spjToggleLayer(\"spHiddenTimestamp\");'/>\n";
            $optionsBox .= "<label class='spLabel spCheckbox' for='sfeditTimestamp'>{$labelOptionTime}</label>\n";
            $optionsBox .= "<br />\n";
        if ($spThisUser->admin) {
            global $wp_locale, $month, $spThisPost;
            $time_adj = time() + get_option('gmt_offset') * 3600;
            $dd = gmdate('d', $time_adj);
            $mm = gmdate('m', $time_adj);
            $yy = gmdate('Y', $time_adj);
            $hh = gmdate('H', $time_adj);
            $mn = gmdate('i', $time_adj);
            $ss = gmdate('s', $time_adj);
            $optionsBox .= '<div id="spHiddenTimestamp">' . "\n";
            $optionsBox .= "<select class='{$controlInput}' tabindex='114' name='tsMonth' onchange='editTimestamp.checked=true'>\n";
            for ($i = 1; $i < 13; $i = $i + 1) {
                $optionsBox .= "\t\t\t<option value=\"{$i}\"";
                if ($i == $mm) {
                    $optionsBox .= " selected='selected'";
                if (class_exists('WP_Locale')) {
                    $optionsBox .= '>' . $wp_locale->get_month($i) . '</option>';
                } else {
                    $optionsBox .= '>' . $month[$i] . '</option>';
            $optionsBox .= '</select> ';
            $optionsBox .= "<input class='{$controlInput}' tabindex='115' type='text' id='tsDay' name='tsDay' value='{$dd}' size='2' maxlength='2'/> \n";
            $optionsBox .= "<input class='{$controlInput}' tabindex='116' type='text' id='tsYear' name='tsYear' value='{$yy}' size='4' maxlength='5'/> @\n";
            $optionsBox .= "<input class='{$controlInput}' tabindex='117' type='text' id='tsHour' name='tsHour' value='{$hh}' size='2' maxlength='2'/> :\n";
            $optionsBox .= "<input class='{$controlInput}' tabindex='118' type='text' id='tsMinute' name='tsMinute' value='{$mn}' size='2' maxlength='2'/> \n";
            $optionsBox .= "<input class='{$controlInput}' tabindex='119' type='hidden' id='tsSecond' name='tsSecond' value='{$ss}' /> \n";
            $optionsBox .= "</div>";
        if ($spVars['displaymode'] == 'edit') {
            $optionsBox = apply_filters('sph_post_edit_options_add', $optionsBox, $spThisTopic, $a);
        } else {
            $optionsBox = apply_filters('sph_post_options_add', $optionsBox, $spThisTopic, $a);
        if ($toolbar == 'toolbar') {
            $optionsBox .= sp_InsertBreak('direction=both&spacer=6px&echo=0');
        } else {
            $optionsBox .= sp_InsertBreak('echo=0');
        $optionsBox .= '</div>' . "\n";
    if ($display['smileys'] || $display['options']) {
        $out .= $smileysBox . $optionsBox;
        $out .= sp_InsertBreak('echo=0');
        $out .= '</div>';
    return $out;
function sp_render_inline_search_form($args)
    global $spVars, $spThisUser, $spGlobals, $spDevice;
    extract($args, EXTR_SKIP);
    # sanitize before use
    $searchInclude = !empty($spVars['searchinclude']) ? $spVars['searchinclude'] : (int) $searchIncludeDef;
    $searchScope = $spVars['forumid'] == 'all' || empty($spVars['forumid']) && (int) $searchScope == 2 ? 2 : 1;
    $submitId2 = esc_attr($submitId2);
    $submitClass2 = esc_attr($submitClass2);
    $icon = sanitize_file_name($icon);
    $iconClass = esc_attr($iconClass);
    if (!empty($submitLabel)) {
        $submitLabel = sp_filter_title_display($submitLabel);
    if (!empty($toolTip)) {
        $toolTip = esc_attr($toolTip);
    if (!empty($labelLegend)) {
        $labelLegend = sp_filter_title_display($labelLegend);
    if (!empty($labelScope)) {
        $labelScope = sp_filter_title_display($labelScope);
    if (!empty($labelCurrent)) {
        $labelCurrent = sp_filter_title_display($labelCurrent);
    if (!empty($labelAll)) {
        $labelAll = sp_filter_title_display($labelAll);
    if (!empty($labelMatch)) {
        $labelMatch = sp_filter_title_display($labelMatch);
    if (!empty($labelMatchAny)) {
        $labelMatchAny = sp_filter_title_display($labelMatchAny);
    if (!empty($labelMatchAll)) {
        $labelMatchAll = sp_filter_title_display($labelMatchAll);
    if (!empty($labelMatchPhrase)) {
        $labelMatchPhrase = sp_filter_title_display($labelMatchPhrase);
    if (!empty($labelOptions)) {
        $labelOptions = sp_filter_title_display($labelOptions);
    if (!empty($labelPostTitles)) {
        $labelPostTitles = sp_filter_title_display($labelPostTitles);
    if (!empty($labelPostsOnly)) {
        $labelPostsOnly = sp_filter_title_display($labelPostsOnly);
    if (!empty($labelTitlesOnly)) {
        $labelTitlesOnly = sp_filter_title_display($labelTitlesOnly);
    if (!empty($labelWildcards)) {
        $labelWildcards = sp_filter_title_display($labelWildcards);
    if (!empty($labelMatchAnyChars)) {
        $labelMatchAnyChars = sp_filter_title_display($labelMatchAnyChars);
    if (!empty($labelMatchOneChar)) {
        $labelMatchOneChar = sp_filter_title_display($labelMatchOneChar);
    if (!empty($labelMinLength)) {
        $labelMinLength = sp_filter_title_display($labelMinLength);
    if (!empty($labelMemberSearch)) {
        $labelMemberSearch = sp_filter_title_display($labelMemberSearch);
    if (!empty($labelTopicsPosted)) {
        $labelTopicsPosted = sp_filter_title_display($labelTopicsPosted);
    if (!empty($labelTopicsStarted)) {
        $labelTopicsStarted = sp_filter_title_display($labelTopicsStarted);
    $br = defined('SP_USE_PRETTY_CBOX') && SP_USE_PRETTY_CBOX == true ? '' : '<br />';
    # all or current forum?
    $out = '';
    $out .= '<fieldset class="spSearchFormAdvanced">';
    $out .= '<legend>' . $labelLegend . '</legend>';
    $out .= '<div class="spSearchSection spSearchSectionForm">';
    $out = apply_filters('sph_SearchFormTop', $out);
    $out .= '<div class="spRadioSection spLeft">';
    $tout = '';
    $tout .= '<p class="spSearchForumScope">&mdash;&nbsp;' . $labelScope . '&nbsp;&mdash;</p>';
    if (!empty($spVars['forumid']) && $spVars['forumid'] != 'all') {
        $tout .= '<input type="hidden" name="forumslug" value="' . esc_attr($spVars['forumslug']) . '" />';
        $tout .= '<input type="hidden" name="forumid" value="' . esc_attr($spVars['forumid']) . '" />';
        $tout .= '<input type="radio" id="sfradio1" name="searchoption" value="1"' . ($searchScope == 1 ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . ' />&nbsp;<label class="spLabel spRadio" for="sfradio1">' . $labelCurrent . '</label>' . $br;
    $tout .= '<input type="radio" id="sfradio2" name="searchoption" value="2"' . ($searchScope == 2 ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . ' />&nbsp;<label class="spLabel spRadio" for="sfradio2">' . $labelAll . '</label>' . $br;
    $out .= apply_filters('sph_SearchFormForumScope', $tout);
    $out .= '</div>';
    # search type?
    $tout = '';
    $tout .= '<div class="spRadioSection spLeft">';
    $tout .= '<p class="spSearchMatch">&mdash;&nbsp;' . $labelMatch . '&nbsp;&mdash;</p>';
    $tout .= '<input type="radio" id="sfradio3" name="searchtype" value="1"' . ($spVars['searchtype'] == 1 || empty($spVars['searchtype']) ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . ' />&nbsp;<label class="spLabel spRadio" for="sfradio3">' . $labelMatchAny . '</label>' . $br;
    $tout .= '<input type="radio" id="sfradio4" name="searchtype" value="2"' . ($spVars['searchtype'] == 2 ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . ' />&nbsp;<label class="spLabel spRadio" for="sfradio4">' . $labelMatchAll . '</label>' . $br;
    $tout .= '<input type="radio" id="sfradio5" name="searchtype" value="3"' . ($spVars['searchtype'] == 3 ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . ' />&nbsp;<label class="spLabel spRadio" for="sfradio5">' . $labelMatchPhrase . '</label>' . $br;
    $out .= apply_filters('sph_SearchFormMatch', $tout);
    $out .= '</div>';
    if ($spDevice == 'mobile') {
        $out .= sp_InsertBreak('echo=0&spacer=12px');
    # topic title?
    $tout = '';
    $tout .= '<div class="spRadioSection spLeft">';
    $tout .= '<p class="spSearchOptions">&mdash;&nbsp;' . $labelOptions . '&nbsp;&mdash;</p>';
    $tout .= '<input type="radio" id="sfradio6" name="encompass" value="1"' . ($searchInclude == 1 ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . ' />&nbsp;<label class="spLabel spRadio" for="sfradio6">' . $labelPostsOnly . '</label>' . $br;
    $tout .= '<input type="radio" id="sfradio7" name="encompass" value="2"' . ($searchInclude == 2 ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . ' />&nbsp;<label class="spLabel spRadio" for="sfradio7">' . $labelTitlesOnly . '</label>' . $br;
    $tout .= '<input type="radio" id="sfradio8" name="encompass" value="3"' . ($searchInclude == 3 ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . ' />&nbsp;<label class="spLabel spRadio" for="sfradio8">' . $labelPostTitles . '</label>' . $br;
    $out .= apply_filters('sph_SearchFormOptions', $tout);
    $out .= '</div>';
    $out .= '<p class="spLeft spSearchDetails">' . sprintf($labelMinLength, '<b>' . $spGlobals['mysql']['search']['min'] . '</b>', '<b>' . $spGlobals['mysql']['search']['max'] . '</b>') . "</p>";
    $out .= '</div>';
    $tout = '<div class="spSearchFormSubmit">';
    $tout .= "<a rel='nofollow' id='{$submitId2}' class='{$submitClass2} vtip' title='{$toolTip}' onclick='spjValidateSearch(this, \"{$submitId2}\", \"link\", {$spGlobals['mysql']['search']['min']});'>";
    if (!empty($icon)) {
        $tout .= "<img class='{$iconClass}' src='" . sp_find_icon(SPTHEMEICONSURL, $icon) . "' alt=''/>";
    $tout .= "{$submitLabel}</a>";
    $tout .= '</div>';
    $out .= apply_filters('sph_SearchFormSubmit', $tout);
    $out .= '</fieldset>';
    $out .= sp_InsertBreak('echo=0');
    $tout = '';
    if ($spThisUser->member) {
        $tout .= '<fieldset class="spSearchMember">';
        $tout .= '<legend>' . $labelMemberSearch . '</legend>';
        $tout .= '<div class="spSearchSection spSearchSectionUser">';
        $tout .= '<img src="' . sp_find_icon(SPTHEMEICONSURL, 'sp_Search.png') . '" alt="" />';
        $tout .= '<input type="hidden" name="userid" value="' . $spThisUser->ID . '" />';
        $tout .= '<input type="submit" class="spSubmit" name="membersearch" value="' . $labelTopicsPosted . '" />';
        $tout .= '<input type="submit" class="spSubmit" name="memberstarted" value="' . $labelTopicsStarted . '" />';
        $tout .= '</div>';
        $tout .= '</fieldset>';
    $out .= apply_filters('sph_SearchFormMember', $tout);
    $out = apply_filters('sph_SearchFormBottom', $out);
    return $out;
$tout = '';
$tout .= '<div class="spColumnSection spProfileLeftCol">';
$tout .= '<p class="spProfileLabel">' . sp_text('Your Timezone') . ': </p>';
$tout .= '</div>';
$tout .= '<div class="spColumnSection spProfileSpacerCol"></div>';
$tout .= '<div class="spColumnSection spProfileRightCol">';
$tout .= '<p class="spProfileLabel">' . $spProfileUser->timezone_string . '</p>';
$tout .= '<p><small>' . sp_text('Local Time') . ': ' . sp_date('d', date(SFDATES)) . ' ' . sp_date('t', date(SFTIMES)) . '</small></p>';
$tout .= '<p><small>' . sp_text('Change your timezone on options - display') . '</small></p>';
$tout .= '</div>';
$out .= apply_filters('sph_ProfileUserTimezone', $tout, $userid, $thisSlug);
$out = apply_filters('sph_ProfileOverviewFormBottom', $out, $userid);
$out = apply_filters('sph_ProfileFormBottom', $out, $userid, $thisSlug);
$tout = '';
$tout .= '<div class="spColumnSection spProfileLeftCol"></div>';
$tout .= '<div class="spColumnSection spProfileSpacerCol"></div>';
$tout .= '<div class="spColumnSection spProfileRightCol">';
$tout .= '<form action="' . SFHOMEURL . 'index.php?sp_ahah=search&amp;sfnonce=' . wp_create_nonce('forum-ahah') . '" method="post" id="searchposts" name="searchposts">';
$tout .= '<input type="hidden" class="sfhiddeninput" name="searchoption" id="searchoption" value="2" />';
$tout .= '<input type="hidden" class="sfhiddeninput" name="userid" id="userid" value="' . $userid . '" />';
$tout .= '<div class="spProfileFormSubmit">';
$tout .= '<input type="submit" class="spSubmit" name="membersearch" value="' . sp_text('List Topics You Have Posted To') . '" />';
$tout .= '<input type="submit" class="spSubmit" name="memberstarted" value="' . sp_text('List Topics You Started') . '" />';
$tout .= '</div>';
$tout .= '</form>';
$tout .= '</div>';
$out .= apply_filters('sph_ProfileUserTopicsPosted', $tout, $userid, $thisSlug);
$out .= "</div>\n";
$out = apply_filters('sph_ProfileOverviewForm', $out, $userid);
$out .= sp_InsertBreak('echo=0');
echo $out;
function sp_SearchForm($args = '')
    global $spGlobals, $spDevice, $spVars;
    $defs = array('tagId' => 'spSearchForm', 'tagClass' => 'spSearchSection', 'icon' => 'sp_Search.png', 'iconClass' => 'spIcon', 'inputClass' => 'spControl', 'inputWidth' => 20, 'submitId' => 'spSearchButton', 'submitId2' => 'spSearchButton2', 'submitClass' => 'spButton', 'submitClass2' => 'spButton', 'advSearchLinkClass' => 'spLink', 'advSearchLink' => '', 'advSearchId' => 'spSearchFormAdvanced', 'advSearchClass' => 'spSearchFormAdvanced', 'searchIncludeDef' => 1, 'searchScope' => 1, 'submitLabel' => '', 'advancedLabel' => '', 'lastSearchLabel' => '', 'toolTip' => '', 'labelLegend' => '', 'labelScope' => '', 'labelCurrent' => '', 'labelAll' => '', 'labelMatch' => sp_text('Match'), 'labelMatchAny' => '', 'labelMatchAll' => '', 'labelMatchPhrase' => '', 'labelOptions' => '', 'labelPostTitles' => '', 'labelPostsOnly' => '', 'labelTitlesOnly' => '', 'labelWildcards' => '', 'labelMatchAnyChars' => '', 'labelMatchOneChar' => '', 'labelMinLength' => '', 'labelMemberSearch' => '', 'labelTopicsPosted' => '', 'labelTopicsStarted' => '', 'echo' => 1);
    $a = wp_parse_args($args, $defs);
    $a = apply_filters('sph_SearchForm_args', $a);
    extract($a, EXTR_SKIP);
    # sanitize before use
    $tagId = esc_attr($tagId);
    $tagClass = esc_attr($tagClass);
    $icon = sanitize_file_name($icon);
    $iconClass = esc_attr($iconClass);
    $inputClass = esc_attr($inputClass);
    $inputWidth = (int) $inputWidth;
    $submitId = esc_attr($submitId);
    $submitClass = esc_attr($submitClass);
    $advSearchLinkClass = esc_attr($advSearchLinkClass);
    $advSearchLink = esc_url($advSearchLink);
    $advSearchId = esc_attr($advSearchId);
    $advSearchClass = esc_attr($advSearchClass);
    $searchIncludeDef = (int) $searchIncludeDef;
    $searchScope = (int) $searchScope;
    $echo = (int) $echo;
    if (!empty($submitLabel)) {
        $submitLabel = sp_filter_title_display($submitLabel);
    if (!empty($advancedLabel)) {
        $advancedLabel = sp_filter_title_display($advancedLabel);
    if (!empty($lastSearchLabel)) {
        $lastSearchLabel = sp_filter_title_display($lastSearchLabel);
    if (!empty($toolTip)) {
        $toolTip = esc_attr($toolTip);
    # render the search form and advanced link
    $out = "<form id='{$tagId}' action='" . SFHOMEURL . "index.php?sp_ahah=search&amp;sfnonce=" . wp_create_nonce('forum-ahah') . "' method='post' name='sfsearch' onsubmit='return spjValidateSearch(\"form\", {$spGlobals['mysql']['search']['min']});'>";
    $out .= "<div class='{$tagClass}'>";
    # Add a close button if using a mobile phone
    if ($spDevice == 'mobile') {
        $out .= "<div class='spRight'>";
        $out .= "<a id='spPanelClose' href='#' onclick='spjResetMobileMenu();'></a>";
        $out .= "</div>";
    $terms = isset($spVars['searchvalue']) && $spVars['searchtype'] != 4 && $spVars['searchtype'] != 5 ? $spVars['searchvalue'] : '';
    $out .= "<input type='text' id='searchvalue' class='{$inputClass}' size='{$inputWidth}' name='searchvalue' value='{$terms}' placeholder='{$submitLabel}...' />";
    $out .= "<a rel='nofollow' id='{$submitId}' class='{$submitClass} vtip' title='{$toolTip}' onclick='spjValidateSearch(this, \"{$submitId}\", \"link\", {$spGlobals['mysql']['search']['min']});'>";
    if (!empty($icon)) {
        $out .= "<img class='{$iconClass}' src='" . sp_find_icon(SPTHEMEICONSURL, $icon) . "' alt=''/>";
    $out .= "{$submitLabel}</a>";
    $out .= sp_InsertBreak('echo=0');
    $out .= "<a class='{$advSearchLinkClass}' ";
    if (!empty($advSearchLink)) {
        $out .= "href='{$advSearchLink}'>";
    } else {
        $out .= "href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='spjToggleLayer(\"{$advSearchId}\");'>";
    $out .= "{$advancedLabel}</a>";
    # are the search results we can return to?
    if (!isset($_GET['search']) && !empty($lastSearchLabel)) {
        $r = sp_get_cache('search');
        if ($r) {
            $p = $r[0]['page'];
            $url = $r[0]['url'] . "&amp;search={$p}";
            $out .= "<span class='spSearchLinkSep'>|</span>";
            $out .= "<a class='{$advSearchLinkClass}' rel='nofollow' href='{$url}'>{$lastSearchLabel}</a>";
    $out .= "</div>\n";
    $out .= sp_InsertBreak('echo=0');
    $out .= "<div id='{$advSearchId}' class='{$advSearchClass}'>" . sp_inline_search_form($a) . '</div>';
    $out .= "</form>\n";
    # finish it up
    $out = apply_filters('sph_SearchForm', $out, $a);
    if ($echo) {
        echo $out;
    } else {
        return $out;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 if (sp_has_forums()) {
     while (sp_loop_forums()) {
         # Start the 'forum' section
         # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
         sp_SectionStart('tagClass=spGroupForumSection', 'forum');
         # Column 1 of the forum row
         # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
         sp_ColumnStart('tagId=spIconCol&tagClass=spColumnSection spLeft&width=0&height=0px');
         sp_ForumIndexIcon('tagClass=spRowIcon spLeft');
         # Column 2 of the forum row
         # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
         sp_ColumnStart('tagId=spColGroup2&tagClass=spColumnSection spLeft&width=0&height=0px');
         sp_ForumIndexName('tagClass=spRowName', __sp('Browse topics in %NAME%'));
         # Column 3 of the forum row
         # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
         sp_ColumnStart('tagId=spColGroup3&tagClass=spColumnSection spLeft&width=0&height=0px');
         sp_ForumIndexTopicCount('tagClass=spInRowCount spCenter', __sp(''), __sp(''));
         # Column 4 of the forum row
         # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
         sp_ColumnStart('tagId=spColGroup4&tagClass=spColumnSection spLeft&width=0&height=0px');
         sp_ForumIndexLastPost('tagClass=holder spLeft&order=TLDU&nicedate=1&date=0&time=1&stackdate=1&itemBreak= ', __sp(''), __sp('No Topics'));
         # Column 5 of the forum row
         # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
         sp_ColumnStart('tagId=spColGroup5&tagClass=spColumnSection spRight&width=0&height=0px');
Ejemplo n.º 10
                sp_ColumnStart('tagClass=spRankSection spRight&width=25%&height=15px');
                #sp_MemberListActions('tagClass=spInRowCount spRight&started=0&posted=0', '', __sp('View topics member has started'), __sp('View topics member has posted in'));
                sp_MemberListRank('tagClass=spInRowCount spCenter&badgeClass=spImg spMembersBadgeMobile spCenter&rankClass=spInRowRank spCenter', '');
                #sp_MemberListRank('tagClass=spInRowCount spRight&badgeClass=spImg spMembersBadgeMobile spRight&rankClass=spInRowRank spRight', '');
                #sp_MemberListLastVisit('tagClass=spInRowNumber spLastVisitMobile spLeft&labelClass=spInRowCount&dateClass=spInRowCount', __sp('Last Visit'));
                sp_SectionEnd('tagClass=spClear', 'spMemberListSectionMobile');
        } else {
        sp_SectionEnd('tagClass=spClear', 'memberGroup');
    # Start the 'pageLinks' section
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    sp_SectionStart('tagClass=spPlainSection', 'pageLinks');
    sp_MemberListPageLinks('tagClass=spPageLinksBottom spRight&prevIcon=&nextIcon=&showLinks=2', '', __sp('Jump to page %PAGE% of members list'));
    sp_SectionEnd('', 'pageLinks');
} else {
    sp_NoMembersListMessage('tagClass=spMessage', __sp('Access denied - you do not have permission to view this page'), __sp('There were no member lists found'));
sp_SectionEnd('', 'memberList');
sp_SectionEnd('', 'body');
# Load the forum footer template - normally last thing
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
sp_SectionStart('tagClass=spFootContainer', 'foot');
sp_SectionEnd('', 'foot');
Ejemplo n.º 11
            # first message
            sp_PmThreadIndexFirstSender('tagClass=spInRowLabel&spanClass=', __('From: ', 'sp-pm'));
            sp_PmThreadIndexFirstDate('tagClass=spInRowLabel&spanClass=&nicedate=1', __('- ', 'sp-pm'));
        echo '</a>';
        # Column 3 of the thread row
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        sp_ColumnStart('tagClass=spColThread3 spColumnSection spRight&height=0');
        sp_SectionStart('tagClass=spRight', 'pmThreadMeta');
        if ($spDevice != 'mobile') {
            sp_PmThreadIndexMessageCount('tagClass=spLabelSmall spRight&spanClass=', __(' Message(s)', 'sp-pm'));
        sp_SectionEnd('', 'pmThreadMeta');
        sp_SectionStart('tagClass=spRight', 'pmThreadActions');
        sp_PmThreadIndexDelete('tagClass=spPMDelete&icon=', __('Delete this thread', 'sp-pm'), __('Delete Thread'));
        sp_SectionEnd('', 'pmThreadActions');
        sp_SectionEnd('tagClass=spClear', 'pmThread');
} else {
    sp_NoPmThreads('tagClass=spMessage', __('Your inbox is empty', 'sp-pm'), __('You do not have permission to use the PM system', 'sp-pm'), __('You have opted out of the PM system. You can opt back in from your forum profile.', 'sp-pm'));
sp_SectionEnd('', 'pmThreadBody');
sp_SectionEnd('', 'pmThreadWrapper');
sp_SectionEnd('', 'pmThreadContainer');
sp_SectionStart('tagClass=spFootContainer', 'pmFoot');
Ejemplo n.º 12
                sp_ForumIndexLastPost('tagClass=holder spLeft&order=TLDU&truncate=40&nicedate=1&date=0&time=1&stackdate=1&itemBreak= ', __sp('Last Post'), __sp('No Topics'));
                # Column 2 of the forum row
                # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
                sp_ColumnStart('tagClass=spActionsColumnSection spRight&width=10%&height=55px');
                sp_ForumIndexLockIcon('tagClass=spIcon spRight', __sp('This forum is locked'));
                sp_ForumIndexAddIcon('tagClass=spIcon spRight', __sp('Add new topic in this forum'));
                #sp_ForumIndexPostsIcon('tagClass=spIcon spRight&popup=0&openIcon=sp_GroupOpenDark.png&closeIcon=sp_GroupCloseDark.png', __sp('This forum has unread posts in %COUNT% topic(s)'));
                sp_SectionEnd('', 'forum');
                sp_SectionStart('tagClass=spSubForumHolder', 'subForumHolder');
                sp_ForumIndexSubForums('stack=0&unreadIcon=sp_SubForumUnreadIcon.png&stack=1&topicCount=0', __sp(''), __sp('Browse topics in %NAME%'));
                sp_SectionEnd('', 'subForumHolder');
        } else {
            sp_NoForumsInGroupMessage('tagClass=spMessage', __sp('There are no forums in this group'));
        sp_SectionEnd('', 'forumlist');
        sp_SectionEnd('', 'group');
} else {
    sp_NoGroupMessage('tagClass=spMessage', __sp('The requested group does not exist or you do not have permission to view it'), __sp('No groups have been created yet'));
sp_SectionEnd('', 'groupView');
sp_SectionEnd('', 'body');
# Load the forum footer template - normally last thing
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------