<?php } // End if 'post' == get_post_type() ?> <h3 class="entry-title"><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?> " rel="bookmark"><?php the_title(); ?> </a></h3> <div class="tx-div small"></div> <p><?php echo short_excerpt(24); ?> </p> <?php if ('post' == get_post_type()) { ?> <?php if (!post_password_required() && (comments_open() || '0' != get_comments_number())) { ?> <span class="comments-link"><?php comments_popup_link(__('Leave a comment', 'flatsome'), __('<strong>1</strong> Comment', 'flatsome'), __('<strong>%</strong> Comments', 'flatsome')); ?> </span> <?php }
/** * Grab information to display on the search results * */ function fetchCompaniesAsJSON($q) { global $dbconn, $User; $r = mysqli_query($dbconn, $q); $companies = array(); $i = 1; while ($rs = $r->fetch_object()) { $company = new stdClass(); $company->id = $rs->AutoID; $company->userFirstname = $rs->userFirstname; $company->userLastname = $rs->userLastname; $company->userCompany = $rs->userCompany; $company->userBio = $rs->userBio; $company->userBio_short = short_excerpt($rs->userBio, $company->id); // bio, userID $company->passingAllowed = false; $profileCategories = business_category($rs->AutoID); // Grab the categories the company falls under foreach ($profileCategories as $profileCategory) { if ($profileCategory != 0) { $company->profileCategories[] = business_category_list($profileCategory); } } if ($User->FirstName != '' && $User->LastName != '' && $User->Phone != '') { if ($User->ID != $company->id) { $company->passingAllowed = true; } } $companies[$i] = $company; // Google and IE order the list by the array key, id is based on the order in which it is returned. $i++; } return json_encode($companies); }