Valid subparameters (where required): $_GET['m'] - id of mail info in db $_GET['t'] - id of target info in db */ header('Content-Encoding: none'); // turn off gzip. require_once '../class2.php'; if (!getperms('W')) { header('location:' . e_BASE . 'index.php'); exit; } $e_sub_cat = 'mail'; if ($_GET['mode'] == "progress") { session_write_close(); sendProgress(); exit; } require_once e_HANDLER . 'ren_help.php'; include_lan(e_LANGUAGEDIR . e_LANGUAGE . '/admin/lan_users.php'); include_lan(e_LANGUAGEDIR . e_LANGUAGE . '/admin/lan_mailout.php'); require_once e_HANDLER . 'userclass_class.php'; require_once e_HANDLER . 'mailout_class.php'; // Class handler for core mailout functions require_once e_HANDLER . 'mailout_admin_class.php'; // Admin tasks handler require_once e_HANDLER . 'mail_manager_class.php'; // Mail DB API require_once e_HANDLER . 'message_handler.php'; $emessage =& eMessage::getInstance(); if ($_GET['mode'] == "process") {
function sendnowPage() { $id = $this->getId(); $this->getResponse()->setTitle(LAN_MAILOUT_15 . SEP . 'Process Mail Queue #' . $id); e107::getDb()->update('mail_content', 'mail_content_status=' . MAIL_STATUS_PENDING . ' WHERE mail_source_id = ' . intval($id)); e107::getDb()->update('mail_recipients', 'mail_status=' . MAIL_STATUS_PENDING . ' WHERE mail_detail_id = ' . intval($id)); if (E107_DEBUG_LEVEL > 0) { echo "<h4>Debug Mode : Mail is sent and data displayed below. </h4>"; sendProgress($id); } else { $pause = e107::getConfig()->get('mail_pausetime', 1); $interval = $pause * 1000; $text = e107::getForm()->progressBar('mail-progress', 1, array('btn-label' => 'Start', 'interval' => $interval, 'url' => e_SELF, 'mode' => $id)); } return $text; }
function sendAnswer() { global $ourcallid; global $partycallid; global $answered; global $sentacm; global $isup; if ($answered) { return; } $m = new Yate("call.answered"); $m->params["id"] = $ourcallid; $m->params["targetid"] = $partycallid; if ($isup) { if (!$sentacm) { sendProgress(); usleep(50000); } $m->params["message-prefix"] = "isup."; $m->params["isup.protocol-type"] = $isup; $m->params["isup.message-type"] = "ANM"; } $m->Dispatch(); $answered = true; }