echo "<a href='" . URL("conversation/markAsRead/" . $conversation["conversationId"] . "?token=" . ET::$session->token . "&return=" . urlencode(ET::$controller->selfURL)) . "' class='unreadIndicator' title='" . T("Mark as read") . "'>" . $conversation["unread"] . "</a> "; } // Output controls which apply to this conversation. echo "<span class='controls'>"; // A Jump to last/unread link, depending on the user and the unread state. if (ET::$session->user and $conversation["unread"]) { echo "<a href='" . URL($conversationURL . "/unread") . "' class='jumpToUnread'>" . T("Jump to unread") . "</a>"; } else { echo "<a href='" . URL($conversationURL . "/last") . "' class='jumpToLast'>" . T("Jump to last") . "</a>"; } // If we're highlighting search terms (i.e. if we did a fulltext search), then output a "show matching posts" link. if (ET::$session->get("highlight")) { echo " <a href='" . URL($conversationURL . "/?search=" . urlencode($data["fulltextString"])) . "' class='showMatchingPosts'>" . T("Show matching posts") . "</a>"; } echo "</span>"; ?> </div> <div class='col-channel'><?php $channel = $data["channelInfo"][$conversation["channelId"]]; echo "<a href='" . URL(searchURL("", $channel["slug"])) . "' class='channel channel-{$conversation["channelId"]}' data-channel='{$channel["slug"]}'>{$channel["title"]}</a>"; ?> </div> <div class='col-lastPost'><?php echo "<span class='action'>" . avatar($conversation["lastPostMemberId"], $conversation["lastPostMemberAvatarFormat"], "thumb"), " ", sprintf(T("%s posted %s"), "<span class='lastPostMember name'>" . memberLink($conversation["lastPostMemberId"], $conversation["lastPostMember"]) . "</span>", "<span class='lastPostTime'>" . relativeTime($conversation["lastPostTime"], true) . "</span>"), "</span>"; ?> </div> <div class='col-replies'><?php echo "<span>" . Ts("%s reply", "%s replies", $conversation["replies"]) . "</span>"; ?> </div> </li>
/** * Set up data and menus that are needed to render the member profile view. * * @param string $member The ID of the member. * @param string $pane The name of the active pane. * @return array The member details, or false if the member was not found. */ public function profile($member, $pane = "") { if (!$this->allowed()) { return; } // Translate "me" to the currently logged in user. Otherwise, use the member ID provided. if ($member == "me") { $memberId = ET::$session->userId; } else { $memberId = (int) $member; } if (!($member = $this->getMember($memberId))) { return false; } // Set the title and include relevant JavaScript. $this->title = name($member["username"]); $this->addJSFile("core/js/member.js"); $this->addJSVar("memberId", $member["memberId"]); $this->addJSLanguage("Controls"); // Sort out what the canonical URL for this page is. $url = memberURL($member["memberId"], $member["username"], $pane); $this->pushNavigation("member/" . $member["memberId"], "member", URL($url)); $this->canonicalURL = URL($url, true); // Make a list of default member panes, and highlight the currently active one. $panes = ETFactory::make("menu"); $panes->add("activity", "<a href='" . URL(memberURL($member["memberId"], $member["username"], "activity")) . "'>" . T("Activity") . "</a>"); $panes->add("statistics", "<a href='" . URL(memberURL($member["memberId"], $member["username"], "statistics")) . "'>" . T("Statistics") . "</a>"); $panes->highlight($pane); // Set up the controls menu (things that can be changed on the member.) $model = ET::memberModel(); $controls = ETFactory::make("menu"); // Add the change permissions control (provided the member is not suspended.) if ($member["account"] != ACCOUNT_SUSPENDED and $model->canChangePermissions($member)) { $controls->add("permissions", "<a href='" . URL("member/permissions/" . $member["memberId"]) . "' id='editPermissionsLink'><i class='icon-lock'></i>" . T("Change permissions") . "</a>"); } // Add the rename control. if ($model->canRename($member)) { $controls->add("rename", "<a href='" . URL("member/rename/" . $member["memberId"]) . "' id='renameLink'><i class='icon-pencil'></i>" . T("Change username") . "</a>"); } // Add the suspend/unsuspend control, and the "remove avatar" control. if ($model->canSuspend($member)) { if ($member["avatarFormat"]) { $controls->add("removeAvatar", "<a href='" . URL("member/removeAvatar/" . $member["memberId"] . "?token=" . ET::$session->token) . "' id='removeAvatarLink'><i class='icon-picture'></i>" . T("Remove avatar") . "</a>"); } $controls->separator(); $controls->add("suspend", "<a href='" . URL("member/suspend/" . $member["memberId"]) . "' id='suspendLink'><i class='icon-shield'></i>" . T($member["account"] == ACCOUNT_SUSPENDED ? "Unsuspend member" : "Suspend member") . "</a>"); } // Add the delete control. if ($model->canDelete($member)) { $controls->add("delete", "<a href='" . URL("member/delete/" . $member["memberId"]) . "' id='deleteLink'><i class='icon-remove'></i>" . T("Delete member") . "</a>"); } // Set up the actions menu (things that can be done in relation to the member.) $actions = ETFactory::make("menu"); // If this is the logged-in user's profile, show a link to their settings page. if ($member["memberId"] == ET::$session->userId) { $actions->add("settings", "<a href='" . URL("settings") . "'><i class='icon-pencil'></i> " . T("Edit your profile") . "</a>"); } elseif (ET::$session->userId) { $actions->add("privateConversations", "<a href='" . URL(searchURL("#private + #contributor:" . $member["username"])) . "'>" . sprintf(T("See the private conversations I've had with %s"), $member["username"]) . "</a>"); $actions->add("privateStart", "<a href='" . URL("conversation/start/" . urlencode($member["username"]) . "?token=" . ET::$session->token) . "'>" . sprintf(T("Start a private conversation with %s"), $member["username"]) . "</a>"); } $this->trigger("initProfile", array(&$member, $panes, $controls, $actions)); // Pass along these menus to the view. $this->data("member", $member); $this->data("panes", $panes); $this->data("controls", $controls); $this->data("actions", $actions); return $member; }
?> <a href='<?php echo URL(searchURL("#" . T("") . $member["username"])); ?> ' class='control-search'><i class='icon-search'></i></a> </div></li> <li><label><?php echo T("Conversations participated in"); ?> </label> <div> <?php echo number_format($statistics["conversationsParticipated"]); ?> <a href='<?php echo URL(searchURL("#" . T("gambit.contributor:") . $member["username"])); ?> ' class='control-search'><i class='icon-search'></i></a> </div></li> <li><label><?php echo T("First posted"); ?> </label> <div><?php echo ucfirst(relativeTime($statistics["firstPosted"])); ?> </div></li> <li><label><?php echo T("Joined"); ?>
?> ' class='control-search'><?php echo T("Search"); ?> </a> </div></li> <li><label><?php echo T("Conversations participated in"); ?> </label> <div> <?php echo number_format($statistics["conversationsParticipated"]); ?> <a href='<?php echo URL(searchURL("#contributor:" . $member["username"])); ?> ' class='control-search'><?php echo T("Search"); ?> </a> </div></li> <li><label><?php echo T("First posted"); ?> </label> <div><?php echo ucfirst(relativeTime($statistics["firstPosted"])); ?> </div></li>
?> <a href='<?php echo URL(searchURL("#" . T("") . $member["memberId"])); ?> ' class='control-search'><i class='icon-search'></i></a> </div></li> <li><label><?php echo T("Conversations participated in"); ?> </label> <div> <?php echo number_format($statistics["conversationsParticipated"]); ?> <a href='<?php echo URL(searchURL("#" . T("gambit.contributor:") . $member["memberId"])); ?> ' class='control-search'><i class='icon-search'></i></a> </div></li> <li><label><?php echo T("First posted"); ?> </label> <div><?php echo ucfirst(relativeTime($statistics["firstPosted"])); ?> </div></li> <li><label><?php echo T("Joined"); ?>