Ejemplo n.º 1
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($projects); $i++) {
        if ($projects[$i]['project_id'] == $_POST['remote_project_id'] && $projects[$i]['URI'] == $_POST['URI']) {
            $found_project .= True;
    if ($found_project) {
        echo 'This project is being accessed.';
    } else {
        #When the creator is not revealed, use the local user as the owner of the project
        #	if ($creator=='' || $creator = 'anonymous') $creator = $_SESSION['user']['account_id'];
        #$newproject = array ('project_id'=>$_POST['remote_project_id'], 'project_name'=>$title, 'project_description'=>$description,'created_on'=>$date, 'created_by'=>$date, 'key'=>$_POST['key'], 'URI'=>$_POST['URI'], 'project_status' =>$status);
        #$inserted_project = insert_project($newproject);
if (is_array($projects) && !empty($projects)) {
    $projects = replace_created_by($projects, $db);
    #$projects = include_acl($projects, $user_id, $db);
    echo '<table class="insidecontents" width="80%" align="center">
		<tr><td class="message">' . $message . '</td></tr>
		<tr bgcolor="#99CCFF"><td align="center">Project Manager</td></tr><tr><td>';
    echo render_elements($projects, $acl, array('Project ID', 'Project Name', 'Project Description', 'Owner', 'Actions'), 'project');
include '../S3DBjavascript.php';

<table width="80%" align="center">
	<table class="insidecontents" width="80%" align="center">
	<tr><td align="left">
Ejemplo n.º 2
    if ($class_id != '') {
        $s3ql['where']['subject_id'] = $class_id;
        $s3ql['where']['object'] = "!=UID";
        #$s3ql['where']['object'] = "[^(UID)]";
    if ($_REQUEST['orderBy'] != '') {
        $s3ql['order_by'] = $_REQUEST['orderBy'] . ' ' . $_REQUEST['direction'];
    #echo '<pre>';print_r($s3ql);exit;
    $rules = S3QLaction($s3ql);
    #echo '<pre>';print_r($rules);		exit;
    if (is_array($rules) && !empty($rules)) {
        #Set the cols to show up in the html table
        $columns = array('Rule_id', 'Owner', 'CreatedOn', 'SubjectAndId', 'VerbAndId', 'ObjectAndId', 'Validation', 'Notes', 'Actions');
        #replace all created_by with login_id
        $rules = replace_created_by($rules, $db);
        $rules = include_class_id($rules, $db);
        $elements = $rules;
        $rules = grab_acl(compact('user_id', 'elements', 'db'));
        if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'edit') {
            $new = 0;
        } else {
            $new = 1;
        $data_grid = render_elements($rules, $acl, $columns, 'rule', $new, 'R' . $_REQUEST['rule_id']);
        #show the table header
        $num_per_page = $_REQUEST['num_per_page'];
        $select[$num_per_page] = 'selected';
        $perPage = array('10', '50', '100', '150', '200', '250', '300', '350', '400', '450', '500');
        echo '<table class="middle" width="100%"  align="center"></a>
Ejemplo n.º 3
$s3ql['select'] = '*';
$s3ql['from'] = 'keys';
if ($_REQUEST['orderBy'] != '') {
    $s3ql['order_by'] = $_REQUEST['orderBy'] . ' ' . $_REQUEST['direction'];
#echo '<pre>';print_r($s3ql);
$user_keys = S3QLaction($s3ql);
#echo '<pre>';print_r($user_keys);exit;
#Create the table with exsiting keys
#Parse to the template
$add_key_form = $create_key_line;
if (is_array($user_keys) && !empty($user_keys)) {
    $existing_keys_header = "<tr bgcolor='#80BBFF'><td colspan='9' align='center'>Existing Keys</td></b></tr><td><BR></td>";
    $columns = array('Key', 'Requested By', 'Expires', 'Notes', 'Actions');
    #echo '<pre>';print_r($user_keys);
    $user_keys = replace_created_by($user_keys, $db);
    $keys_table = render_elements($user_keys, $acl, $columns, 'access_keys');
<table class="contents">
	<table class="top" align="center">
		<table class="insidecontents" align="center" width="<?php 
echo $content_width;
			<tr><td class="message"><br /><?php 
echo $message;
Ejemplo n.º 4
} else {
    #find the rules in the class, these will be usefull for the query
    $S = compact('db', 'project_id', 'rule_id', 'resource_info', 'project_info', 'user_id');
    $orderBy = $_REQUEST['orderBy'] . ' ' . $_REQUEST['direction'];
    $instances = search_resource(compact('rules', 'db', 'orderBy'));
    #echo '<pre>';print_r($instances);exit;
    $sqlquery = $instances['sqlquery'];
    if (is_array($instances)) {
        $instances = array_diff_key($instances, array('sqlquery' => ''));
        $instances = array_filter($instances);
if (is_array($instances) && !empty($instances)) {
    $_SESSION['queryresult'] = '';
    #interpret user_acl on each instance
    $instances = replace_created_by($instances, $db);
    #now find the list of rules, make rule_id the key and append the rule info into the statement info
    if ($_REQUEST['statements'] != '' || count($instances) <= 50) {
        $instances = include_statements(compact('rules', 'instances', 'user_id', 'db', 'project_id'));
    } else {
        $instances = includeStatementLink($instances);
    #echo '<pre>';print_r($instances);exit;
    #$instances = include_data_acl(compact('instances', 'user_id', 'db'));
    #$instances = include_statements(compact('db', 'user_id', 'rules', 'instances'));
    $_SESSION[$user_id]['instances'][$class_id] = $instances;
    $_SESSION['queryresult'] = $instances;
    $datagrid = render_elements($instances, $acl, array('ResourceID', 'ResourceNotes', 'Form', 'Statements', 'CreatedOn', 'Owner'), 'statements');
} else {
    $message_report .= 'Your query returned no results.';