function listDir($dir) { global $words; if (is_dir($dir)) { if ($handle = opendir($dir)) { while ($file = readdir($handle)) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') { if (is_dir($dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file)) { listDir($dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file); } else { //$r = file_get_contents($dir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$file); //$words += (str_word_count(showtextintags($r))); $fl = fopen($dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file, 'r'); $i = 0; while (!feof($fl)) { fgets($fl); $i++; } fclose($fl); $words += $i - 72; } } } } closedir($handle); } else { echo 'Fetal folder!'; } }
function runJavaTests($clientRoot) { global $config; $jdkPath = $config['java']['jdk_path']; $externalJars = listDir("{$clientRoot}/lib"); if (!is_dir("{$clientRoot}/bin")) { mkdir("{$clientRoot}/bin"); } chdir("{$clientRoot}/bin"); // compile the client library executeCommand("{$jdkPath}javac.exe", "-d . -sourcepath ../src -cp " . implode(';', addPrefix($externalJars, '../lib/')) . " ../src/com/kaltura/client/test/"); // pack the client library executeCommand("{$jdkPath}jar.exe", "cvf kalturaClient.jar ."); // run the tests copy("{$clientRoot}/src/DemoImage.jpg", "{$clientRoot}/bin/DemoImage.jpg"); copy("{$clientRoot}/src/DemoVideo.flv", "{$clientRoot}/bin/DemoVideo.flv"); copy("{$clientRoot}/src/", "{$clientRoot}/bin/"); $log4jConfig = fixSlashes("{$clientRoot}/src/log4j/"); if ($log4jConfig[1] == ':') { $log4jConfig = substr($log4jConfig, 2); } $log4jParam = "-Dlog4j.configuration=file://{$log4jConfig}"; $jarList = "bin/kalturaClient.jar;" . implode(';', addPrefix($externalJars, 'lib/')); chdir($clientRoot); executeCommand("{$jdkPath}java.exe", "-cp {$jarList} {$log4jParam} org.junit.runner.JUnitCore com.kaltura.client.test.KalturaTestSuite"); }
function listDir($dir){ if(is_dir($dir)){ if ($dh = opendir($dir)) { while (($file= readdir($dh)) !== false){ if((is_dir($dir."/".$file)) && $file!="." && $file!="..") { if(is_writable($dir."/".$file)&&is_readable($dir."/".$file)) { echo "<b><font color='red'>文件名:</font></b>".$dir.$file."<font color='red'> 可写</font><font color='Blue'> 可读</font>"."<br><hr>"; }else{ if(is_writable($dir."/".$file)) { echo "<b><font color='red'>文件名:</font></b>".$dir.$file."<font color='red'> 可写</font>"."<br><hr>"; }else { echo "<b><font color='red'>文件名:</font></b>".$dir.$file."<font color='red'> 可读</font><font color='Blue'> 不可写</font>"."<br><hr>"; } } listDir($dir."/".$file."/"); } } } closedir($dh); } }
/** * @param $dir */ function listDir($dir) { echo $dir . PHP_EOL; if (is_dir($dir)) { $sub_dirs = scandir($dir); foreach ($sub_dirs as $sub_dir) { if ($sub_dir == '.' || $sub_dir == '..') { continue; } listDir($dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $sub_dir); } } }
function listDir($dir) { $dir .= substr($dir, -1) == D_S ? '' : D_S; $dirInfo = array(); foreach (glob($dir . '*') as $v) { if (is_dir($v)) { $dirInfo = array_merge($dirInfo, listDir($v)); } else { $dirInfo[] = $v; } } return $dirInfo; }
public function parse() { $list = split(' ', $expression); foreach ($list as $value) { if ($value[0] == '~') { $exclude[] = substr($value, 1, strlen($value)) . '.php'; } else { if ($value[0] == '*') { $include[] = listDir($this->path); } } } }
function listPath($path) { global $config; $path = fixPath($path); $path = rtrim($path, '/'); if (accessLevel($path) < 1) { return array('type' => 'nope', 'path' => $path); } if (is_dir($config['files'] . $path)) { return listDir($path); } if (is_file($config['files'] . $path)) { return listFile($path); } return list404(); }
function listDir($root, $path, $phar) { //print 'Entering ' . $root . $path . PHP_EOL; $it = new DirectoryIterator($root . $path); foreach ($it as $fileinfo) { $filename = $fileinfo->getFilename(); if ($fileinfo->isDot() || stristr($filename, 'Test.php') || stristr($filename, '.git') || stristr($filename, '.gitignore') || stristr($filename, 'manual_tests') || stristr($filename, 'tests') || stristr($filename, 'Call-Logs') || stristr($filename, 'Json') || stristr($filename, 'Csv') || stristr($filename, 'Recordings') || stristr($filename, '_cache') || stristr($filename, 'dist') || stristr($filename, 'build') || stristr($filename, 'docs')) { continue; } elseif ($fileinfo->isDir()) { listDir($root, $path . '/' . $filename, $phar); } else { $key = ($path ? $path . '/' : '') . $filename; $phar[$key] = file_get_contents($root . $path . '/' . $fileinfo->getFilename()); //print ' ' . $key . ' -> ' . $path . '/' . $filename . PHP_EOL; } } }
function listDir($path, $phar) { $relPath = str_replace('/lib', '', $path); $it = new DirectoryIterator(__DIR__ . $path); foreach ($it as $fileinfo) { $filename = $fileinfo->getFilename(); if ($fileinfo->isDot() || stristr($filename, 'Test.php')) { continue; } elseif ($fileinfo->isDir()) { listDir($path . '/' . $filename, $phar); } else { $key = ($relPath ? $relPath . '/' : '') . $filename; $phar[$key] = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . $path . '/' . $fileinfo->getFilename()); //print $key . ' -> ' . $path . '/' . $filename . PHP_EOL; } } }
/** * 遍历一个文件夹下的所有文件和子文件夹 */ function listDir($dir = '.') { if ($handle = opendir($dir)) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file == '.' || $file == '..') { continue; } if (is_dir($sub_dir = realpath($dir . '/' . $file))) { echo 'FILE in PATH:' . $dir . ':' . $file . '<br>'; listDir($sub_dir); } else { echo 'FILE:' . $file . '<br>'; } } closedir($handle); } }
function listDir($dir) { if (is_dir($dir)) { if ($dh = opendir($dir)) { while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if (is_dir($dir . "/" . $file) && $file != "." && $file != "..") { echo "<b><font color='red'>文件名:</font></b>", $file, "<br><hr>"; listDir($dir . "/" . $file . "/"); } else { if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { echo $file . "<br>"; } } } closedir($dh); } } }
function replaceInFolder($path, $includeSuffixes, $excludeSuffixes, $search, $replace, $fileNameSearch = null, $fileNameReplace = null) { $fileList = listDir($path); foreach ($fileList as $curFile) { $curPath = "{$path}/{$curFile}"; if (is_dir($curPath)) { replaceInFolder($curPath, $includeSuffixes, $excludeSuffixes, $search, $replace, $fileNameSearch, $fileNameReplace); } else { if ($includeSuffixes && !endsWith($curPath, $includeSuffixes)) { continue; } if ($excludeSuffixes && endsWith($curPath, $excludeSuffixes)) { continue; } replaceInFile($curPath, $search, $replace, $fileNameSearch, $fileNameReplace); } } }
function listDir($dir, $level, $arr, $arr_ass) { if (is_dir($dir)) { if ($dh = opendir($dir)) { while ($file = readdir($dh)) { if (is_dir($dir . "/" . $file) && $file != "." && $file != "..") { listDir($dir . "/" . $file, $level, $arr, $arr_ass); } elseif ((string) $file[strlen($file) - 1] == "p" && (string) $file[strlen($file) - 2] == "h" && $file != "ws_finder.php") { $result = checkFile($dir . "/" . $file, $level, $arr, $arr_ass); if ($result != "safe") { echo "<h2>发现威胁</h2>"; echo "<br/>" . "<code>" . $dir . "/" . $file . "可能是" . $result . "<br/></code><hr/>"; } } else { continue; } } } } }
function listDir($dir) { if ($dh = opendir($dir)) { while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') { if (filetype($dir . $file) == 'dir') { echo '<br><b data-url="' . $dir . $file . '"> #' . $file . '</b> <a class="new-file">Novo arquivo</a><br>'; echo '<div class="sub">'; listDir($dir . $file . '/'); echo '</div>'; } else { if (filetype($dir . $file) == 'file') { echo '<span class="file" data-url="' . $dir . $file . '">' . $file . '</span><a class="file-link link-rename">Renomear</a><a class="file-link link-delete">Excluir</a><br>'; } else { echo '<br>error<br>'; } } } } closedir($dh); } }
function listDir($dir, $level, $array) { if ($level <= 0) { return; } if (is_dir($dir)) { if ($dh = opendir($dir)) { while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { $_array = array(); if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { if (is_dir($dir . "/" . $file)) { $_array = array_fill(0, 1, $file); $_array = listDir($dir . "/" . $file . "/", $level - 1, $_array); } else { array_push($_array, $file); } array_push($array, $_array); } } closedir($dh); } } return $array; }
function get_unasigned_disks() { $disks = array(); $paths = listDir("/dev/disk/by-id"); natsort($paths); $unraid_flash = realpath("/dev/disk/by-label/UNRAID"); $unraid_disks = array(); foreach (parse_ini_string(shell_exec("/root/mdcmd status 2>/dev/null")) as $k => $v) { if (strpos($k, "rdevName") !== FALSE && strlen($v)) { $unraid_disks[] = realpath("/dev/$v"); } } // foreach ($unraid_disks as $k) {$o .= " $k\n";}; debug("UNRAID DISKS:\n$o"); $unraid_cache = array(); foreach (parse_ini_file("/boot/config/disk.cfg") as $k => $v) { if (strpos($k, "cacheId") !== FALSE && strlen($v)) { foreach ( preg_grep("#".$v."$#i", $paths) as $c) $unraid_cache[] = realpath($c); } } // foreach ($unraid_cache as $k) {$g .= " $k\n";}; debug("UNRAID CACHE:\n$g"); foreach ($paths as $d) { $path = realpath($d); if (preg_match("#^(.(?!wwn|part))*$#", $d)) { if (! in_array($path, $unraid_disks) && ! in_array($path, $unraid_cache) && strpos($unraid_flash, $path) === FALSE) { if (in_array($path, array_map(function($ar){return $ar['device'];},$disks)) ) continue; $m = array_values(preg_grep("#$d.*-part\d+#", $paths)); natsort($m); $disks[$d] = array("device"=>$path,"type"=>"ata","partitions"=>$m); // debug("Unassigned disk: $d"); } else { // debug("Discarded: => $d ($path)"); continue; } } } return $disks; }
Action: resetservices Action: readconfig; '; } else { $myreplacemenu .= '[switchApache' . $oneApacheVersion . '] Action: run; FileName: "' . $c_phpExe . '";Parameters: "msg.php 2";WorkingDir: "' . $c_installDir . '/scripts"; Flags: waituntilterminated '; } } $myreplace .= 'Type: separator; Type: item; Caption: "Get more..."; Action: run; FileName: "' . $c_navigator . '"; Parameters: ""; '; $tpl = str_replace($myPattern, $myreplace . $myreplacemenu, $tpl); // ************************ // versions de MySQL $mysqlVersionList = listDir($c_mysqlVersionDir, 'checkMysqlConf'); $myPattern = ';WAMPMYSQLVERSIONSTART'; $myreplace = $myPattern . "\n"; $myreplacemenu = ''; foreach ($mysqlVersionList as $oneMysql) { $oneMysqlVersion = str_ireplace('mysql', '', $oneMysql); if (isset($mysqlConf)) { $mysqlConf = NULL; } include $c_mysqlVersionDir . '/mysql' . $oneMysqlVersion . '/' . $wampBinConfFiles; if ($oneMysqlVersion === $wampConf['mysqlVersion']) { $myreplace .= 'Type: item; Caption: "' . $oneMysqlVersion . '"; Action: multi; Actions:switchMysql' . $oneMysqlVersion . '; Glyph: 13 '; } else { $myreplace .= 'Type: item; Caption: "' . $oneMysqlVersion . '"; Action: multi; Actions:switchMysql' . $oneMysqlVersion . ' ';
} elseif ($mysqlServer[$oneMysqlVersion] == -1) { $myreplace .= 'Type: item; Caption: "' . $oneMysqlVersion . '"; Action: multi; Actions:switchMysql' . $oneMysqlVersion . '; Glyph: 19 '; $myreplacemenu .= '[switchMysql' . $oneMysqlVersion . '] Action: run; FileName: "' . $c_phpExe . '";Parameters: "msg.php 13 ' . base64_encode($myIniFile) . ' ' . base64_encode($c_mysqlService) . '";WorkingDir: "' . $c_installDir . '/scripts"; Flags: waituntilterminated '; } } /*$myreplace .= 'Type: separator; Type: item; Caption: "Get more..."; Action: run; FileName: "'.$c_navigator.'"; Parameters: ""; '; */ $tpl = str_replace($myPattern, $myreplace . $myreplacemenu, $tpl); // ************************ // versions de MariaDB $mariadbVersionList = listDir($c_mariadbVersionDir, 'checkMariadbConf'); $myPattern = ';WAMPMARIADBVERSIONSTART'; $myreplace = $myPattern . "\n"; $myreplacemenu = ''; foreach ($mariadbVersionList as $oneMariadb) { $oneMariadbVersion = str_ireplace('mariadb', '', $oneMariadb); unset($mariadbConf); include $c_mariadbVersionDir . '/mariadb' . $oneMariadbVersion . '/' . $wampBinConfFiles; //[modif oto] - Check name of the group [wamp...] under '# The MariaDB server' in my.ini file // must be the name of the mariadb service. $myIniFile = $c_mariadbVersionDir . '/mariadb' . $oneMariadbVersion . '/' . $mariadbConf['mariadbConfFile']; $myIniContents = file_get_contents($myIniFile); if (strpos($myIniContents, "[" . $c_mariadbService . "]") === false) { $myIniContents = preg_replace("/^\\[wamp.*\\]\$/m", "[" . $c_mariadbService . "]", $myIniContents, 1, $count); if (!is_null($myIniContents) && $count == 1) { $fp = fopen($myIniFile, 'w');
</HEAD> <BODY> <div id="header"> <?php include "header.php"; ?> </div> <!-- Content goes here --> <div id="index_content"> <?php include_once "markdown.php"; include_once "crawler.php"; $lala = listDir(); echo $lala; //$my_text = arquivoo //$my_html = Markdown($my_text); //echo $my_html; ?> </div> <!-- Content ends here --> <div id="footer"> <?php include "footer.php"; ?> </div>
function listDir($dir) { if (is_dir($dir)) { if ($dh = opendir($dir)) { while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if (is_dir($dir . "/" . $file) && $file != "." && $file != "..") { if (date("Y-m-d", filemtime($dir . "/" . $file)) > "2016-01-12") { echo "<b><font color='red'>文件名:</font></b>", $dir, "/", $file, "更新时间", date("Y-m-d", filemtime($dir . "/" . $file)), "<br><hr><br>\n\r"; } listDir($dir . "/" . $file . "/"); } else { if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { if (date("Y-m-d", filemtime($dir . "/" . $file)) > "2016-01-12") { echo $dir, "/", $file . "更新时间", date("Y-m-d", filemtime($dir . "/" . $file)), "<br>\n\r"; } } } } closedir($dh); } } }
function make_mount_button($device) { global $paths, $Preclear; $button = "<span style='width:auto;text-align:right;'><button type='button' device='{$device[device]}' class='array' context='%s' role='%s' %s><i class='%s'></i> %s</button></span>"; if (isset($device['partitions'])) { $mounted = in_array(TRUE, array_map(function ($ar) { return is_mounted($ar['device']); }, $device['partitions'])); $disable = count(array_filter($device['partitions'], function ($p) { if (!empty($p['fstype']) && $p['fstype'] != "precleared") { return TRUE; } })) ? "" : "disabled"; $format = isset($device['partitions']) && !count($device['partitions']) || $device['partitions'][0]['fstype'] == "precleared" ? true : false; $context = "disk"; } else { $mounted = is_mounted($device['device']); $disable = !empty($device['fstype']) && $device['fstype'] != "precleared" ? "" : "disabled"; $format = isset($device['fstype']) && empty($device['fstype']) || $device['fstype'] == "precleared" ? true : false; $context = "partition"; } $is_mounting = array_values(preg_grep("@/mounting_" . basename($device['device']) . "@i", listDir(dirname($paths['mounting']))))[0]; $is_mounting = time() - filemtime($is_mounting) < 300 ? TRUE : FALSE; $is_unmounting = array_values(preg_grep("@/unmounting_" . basename($device['device']) . "@i", listDir(dirname($paths['mounting']))))[0]; $is_unmounting = time() - filemtime($is_unmounting) < 300 ? TRUE : FALSE; $dev = basename($device['device']); $preclearing = $Preclear ? $Preclear->isRunning(basename($device['device'])) : false; if ($device['size'] == 0) { $button = sprintf($button, $context, 'mount', 'disabled', 'glyphicon glyphicon-erase', 'Insert'); } elseif ($format) { $disable = get_config("Config", "destructive_mode") == "enabled" ? "" : "disabled"; $disable = $preclearing ? "disabled" : $disable; $button = sprintf($button, $context, 'format', $disable, 'glyphicon glyphicon-erase', 'Format'); } elseif ($is_mounting) { $button = sprintf($button, $context, 'umount', 'disabled', 'fa fa-circle-o-notch fa-spin', 'Mounting...'); } elseif ($is_unmounting) { $button = sprintf($button, $context, 'mount', 'disabled', 'fa fa-circle-o-notch fa-spin', 'Unmounting...'); } elseif ($mounted) { $button = sprintf($button, $context, 'umount', '', 'glyphicon glyphicon-export', 'Unmount'); } else { $disable = $preclearing ? "disabled" : $disable; $button = sprintf($button, $context, 'mount', $disable, 'glyphicon glyphicon-import', 'Mount'); } return $button; }
exit; } elseif (isset($_GET['tail'])) { $file = $_GET['tail']; $tail = `tail -10000 {$file} 2> /dev/null`; echo $tail; exit; } elseif (isset($_GET['report'])) { $file = $_GET['report']; header("HTTP/1.1 200 OK"); header("Content-type: text/html"); echo file_get_contents($file); exit; } @($builds = listDir("builds")); @($samples = listDir("samples")); @($reports = listDir("out/test/html")); ?> <html> <head> <style type="text/css"> body, html, table, form { font-size: 12px; font-family: sans-serif; padding: 0; margin: 0; } th { text-align: left; } pre {
/** * Get current folder id * * @param string $path * * @return integer */ function getId($path) { $absolutePath = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $path; //Number of directories $nd = count(glob("{$absolutePath}/*", GLOB_ONLYDIR)); //Id of the session if (!isset($_SESSION['id'])) { if ($nd >= 1) { $allDirs = listDir($absolutePath); $highestDir = max($allDirs); $id = $highestDir + 1; } else { $id = 1; } $_SESSION['id'] = $id; } else { $id = $_SESSION['id']; } return $id; }
$tasks['notebook'] = "Add entry to lab notebook"; setProgress($tasks, 'jiffiloop'); // updates the progress display if running as a background job //$newModel = createModel($modelID."H"); //$outname = $newModel['pdb']; //if(!file_exists($outpath)) mkdir($outpath, 0777); // shouldn't ever happen, but might... $kinpath = $kinDir . '/' . $modelID . '.kin'; $pdbPrefix = $pdbDir . '/' . $modelID; runJiffiloop($pdb, $pdbPrefix, $fragfiller_args); //reduceNoBuild($pdb, $outpath); setProgress($tasks, 'notebook'); //$kinout = $_SESSION['dataDir'].'/'.MP_DIR_MODELS.'/'.$kinpath; //$kinurl = $_SESSION['dataURL'].'/'.MP_DIR_MODELS.'/'.$kinpath; // have to scan MP_DIR_MODELS directory for all outputted loop files. $gapCount = 0; $pdbFiles = listDir($pdbDir); $pdbEntries = "<p>You can now use the following links to download multi-model PDB files for each filled gap.</p>\n"; foreach ($pdbFiles as $pdbName) { //echo "For $pdbName\n"; if (preg_match("/" . $modelID . ".*\\.[0-9]*-[0-9]*\\.pdb/", $pdbName)) { //echo "Found $pdbName\n"; $filledPdbFile = $_SESSION['dataDir'] . '/' . MP_DIR_MODELS . '/' . $pdbName; $pdburl = $_SESSION['dataURL'] . '/' . MP_DIR_MODELS . '/' . $pdbName; $pdbEntries .= "<p>File <a href='{$pdburl}'>{$pdbName}</a> (" . formatFilesize(filesize($filledPdbFile)) . ").</p>\n"; $gapCount += 1; } else { if (preg_match("/.kin/", $pdbName)) { // because JiffiLoop puts all output files in one directory, this moves the output kin to the kin directory. //echo "kin file name: ".$pdbName."\n"; $origKinFile = $_SESSION['dataDir'] . '/' . MP_DIR_MODELS . '/' . $pdbName; $newKinFile = $kinDir . '/' . $pdbName;
$url = $_REQUEST['url']; $file = basename($url); // Start the page: produces <HTML>, <HEAD>, <BODY> tags echo mpPageHeader("KiNG - {$file}"); ############################################################################ ?> <center> <applet id="king_applet" code="king/Kinglet.class" archive="king.jar" <?php echo $size; ?> > <param name="mode" value="flat"> <?php echo " <param name='kinSource' value='{$url}'>\n"; // For kinemage load/save: $kinfiles = implode(' ', listDir($_SESSION['dataDir'] . '/' . MP_DIR_KINS)); echo " <param name='kinfileList' value='{$kinfiles}'>\n"; echo " <param name='kinfileBase' value='{$_SESSION['dataURL']}/" . MP_DIR_KINS . "'>\n"; echo " <param name='kinfileSaveHandler' value='save_kinemage.php?{$_SESSION['sessTag']}'>\n"; // For supporting electron density maps: if (is_array($_SESSION['edmaps'])) { foreach ($_SESSION['edmaps'] as $edmap) { if (isset($ed_param)) { $ed_param .= " " . MP_DIR_EDMAPS . "/" . $edmap; } else { $ed_param = MP_DIR_EDMAPS . "/" . $edmap; } } if (isset($ed_param)) { echo " <param name='edmapBase' value='{$_SESSION['dataURL']}'>\n"; echo " <param name='edmapList' value='{$ed_param}'>\n";
<?php require_once 'list-dir.php'; $build = isset($argv[1]) ? $argv[1] : "latest"; $samples = listDir("samples"); $resultFile = $argv[2]; foreach ($samples as $sample) { $fileMd = json_decode(`export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=\`pwd\`/builds/{$build}/usr/local/lib; ./opj-md samples/{$sample}`, true); for ($res = 0; $res < $fileMd["num_res"]; $res++) { echo "echo \"Decoding full image {$sample} with opj_decompress at reduction {$res}\"\n"; echo "./ {$build} {$sample} {$res} >> {$resultFile}\n"; echo "echo \"Decoding full image {$sample} with kdu_expand at reduction {$res}\"\n"; echo "./ {$sample} {$res} >> {$resultFile}\n"; } $nTiles = $fileMd["tw"] * $fileMd["th"]; for ($res = 0; $res < $fileMd["num_res"]; $res++) { echo "echo \"Decoding tiles in parallel for {$sample} with opj_decompress at reduction {$res}\"\n"; echo "ts=\$(date +%s%N)\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < $nTiles; $i++) { echo "./ {$build} {$sample} {$res} {$i} >> {$resultFile} &\n"; } echo "wait\n"; echo "tt=\$(((\$(date +%s%N) - \$ts)/1000000))\n"; echo "echo \"opj;{$build};{$sample};{$res};full-async;\$tt\" >> {$resultFile}\n"; echo "echo \"Decoding tiles in parallel for {$sample} with kdu_expand at reduction {$res}\"\n"; echo "ts=\$(date +%s%N)\n"; for ($tx = 0; $tx < $fileMd["tw"]; $tx++) { for ($ty = 0; $ty < $fileMd["th"]; $ty++) { $leftPerc = bcdiv($tx * $fileMd["tdx"], $fileMd["x1"], 30); $wPerc = bcdiv($fileMd["tdx"], $fileMd["x1"], 30); $topPerc = bcdiv($ty * $fileMd["tdy"], $fileMd["y1"], 30);
if($file!="." && $file!=".."){ $fidObj=$fileobj->getFidByPath($dir.'/'.$file); $fid=$fidObj['fid']; $groupNameID=$fileobj->getFileGroup($fid); $groupName=$group->getGroupNameByGpid($groupNameID['group']); echo "<li ref=\"$dir"."$file\" onclick=\"loadPDF(this)\"><span>$file</span></li>"; } } } closedir($dh); } }*/ } //开始运行 echo "<ul id='listview'>"; listDir($file, $allFile, $group, $allGroupName, "../source/b0a5e1f0-d63f-11e4-9a8c-00163e002b11"); echo "</ul>"; ?> <script type="text/javascript"> function loadPDF(obj){ var dir=$(obj).attr('ref'); console.log(dir); var a = $("<a href='"+dir+"#viewer.action=download' target='_blank'>viewerjs</a>)").get(0); var e = document.createEvent('MouseEvents'); e.initEvent('click', true, true); a.dispatchEvent(e); } $(document).ready(function(){ $("#listview").attr("class","treeview-gray"); $("#listview").treeview({
/** * 获取所有插件列表,未定义插件名称的插件将不予获取 * 插件目录:/plugins * 仅识别 插件目录/插件/插件.php 目录结构的插件 * @param bool true为获取完整信息,false为获取标识符列表 * @return array 插件信息 */ function getPlugins($full = true) { $path = SYSTEM_ROOT . '/plugins/'; $res = listDir($path); $r = array(); foreach ($res as $x) { if (is_dir($path . $x) && file_exists($path . $x . '/' . $x . '.php')) { if ($full) { $r[] = getPluginInfo($x); } else { $r[] = $x; } } } return $r; }
<?php require_once "../common/list.php"; $arr = listDir("../data/upload", 1, array()); echo json_encode($arr);
$message['stateservices'] .= " is NOT started\n\n"; } } echo $message['stateservices']; } elseif ($msgId == "compilerversions") { echo "It may take a while ..."; $phpCompiler = array(); $apacheCompiler = array(); $apacheVersion = array(); $phpApacheDll = array(); $phpErrorMsg = array(); require_once ''; require_once 'wampserver.lib.php'; $message['compilerversions'] = "Compiler Visual C++ versions used:\n\n"; $apacheVersionList = listDir($c_apacheVersionDir, 'checkApacheConf'); $phpVersionList = listDir($c_phpVersionDir, 'checkPhpConf'); // Apache versions foreach ($apacheVersionList as $oneApache) { $oneApacheVersion = str_ireplace('apache', '', $oneApache); $pos = strrpos($oneApacheVersion, '.'); $apacheVersion[] = substr($oneApacheVersion, 0, $pos); $command = 'start /b /wait ' . $c_apacheVersionDir . '/apache' . $oneApacheVersion . '/' . $wampConf['apacheExeDir'] . '/' . $wampConf['apacheExeFile'] . ' -v | find "built"'; $output = exec($command, $result); $apacheCompiler[$oneApacheVersion] = $output; echo "."; } // PHP versions foreach ($phpVersionList as $onePhp) { $onePhpVersion = str_ireplace('php', '', $onePhp); $command = 'start /b /wait ' . $c_phpVersionDir . '/php' . $onePhpVersion . '/' . $wampConf['phpCliFile'] . ' -i | find "Compiler"'; $output = exec($command, $result);