protected function parseData($data) { $this->id = intval($data['id']); $this->title = $data['title']; $this->type = $data['grouptype']; $this->is_master = ky_assure_bool($data['ismaster']); }
protected function parseData($data) { $this->id = ky_assure_positive_int($data['id']); $this->template_group_id = ky_assure_positive_int($data['tgroupid']); $this->user_id = ky_assure_positive_int($data['userid']); $this->email = ky_assure_string($data['email']); $this->is_validated = ky_assure_bool($data['isvalidated']); $this->user_group_id = ky_assure_positive_int($data['usergroupid']); }
/** * Sets whether to ignore (disable) autoresponder e-mail. * * @param bool $ignore_auto_responder Whether to ignore (disable) autoresponder e-mail. * @return kyTicket */ public function setIgnoreAutoResponder($ignore_auto_responder) { $this->ignore_auto_responder = ky_assure_bool($ignore_auto_responder); return $this; }
/** * Sets whether Daylight Saving Time is enabled for the staff user. * True is the default value when creating new staff user. * * @param bool $enable_dst True to enable Daylight Saving Time for the staff user. False to disable. * @return kyStaff */ public function setEnableDST($enable_dst) { $this->enable_dst = ky_assure_bool($enable_dst); return $this; }
protected function parseData($data) { $this->id = intval($data['_attributes']['id']); $this->flag_type = intval($data['_attributes']['flagtype']); $this->display_id = $data['displayid']; $this->department_id = ky_assure_positive_int($data['departmentid']); $this->status_id = ky_assure_positive_int($data['statusid']); $this->priority_id = ky_assure_positive_int($data['priorityid']); $this->type_id = ky_assure_positive_int($data['typeid']); $this->user_id = ky_assure_positive_int($data['userid']); $this->user_organization_name = $data['userorganization']; $this->user_organization_id = ky_assure_positive_int($data['userorganizationid']); $this->owner_staff_id = ky_assure_positive_int($data['ownerstaffid']); $this->owner_staff_name = $data['ownerstaffname']; $this->full_name = $data['fullname']; $this->email = $data['email']; $this->last_replier = $data['lastreplier']; $this->subject = $data['subject']; $this->creation_time = ky_assure_positive_int($data['creationtime']); $this->last_activity = ky_assure_positive_int($data['lastactivity']); $this->last_staff_reply = ky_assure_positive_int($data['laststaffreply']); $this->last_user_reply = ky_assure_positive_int($data['lastuserreply']); $this->sla_plan_id = ky_assure_positive_int($data['slaplanid']); $this->next_reply_due = ky_assure_positive_int($data['nextreplydue']); $this->resolution_due = ky_assure_positive_int($data['resolutiondue']); $this->replies = intval($data['replies']); $this->ip_address = $data['ipaddress']; $this->creator = intval($data['creator']); $this->creation_mode = intval($data['creationmode']); $this->creation_type = intval($data['creationtype']); $this->is_escalated = ky_assure_bool($data['isescalated']); $this->escalation_rule_id = ky_assure_positive_int($data['escalationruleid']); $this->template_group_id = ky_assure_positive_int($data['templategroupid']); $this->tags = $data['tags']; $this->watchers = array(); if (array_key_exists('watcher', $data)) { foreach ($data['watcher'] as $watcher) { $this->watchers[] = array('staff_id' => intval($watcher['_attributes']['staffid']), 'name' => $watcher['_attributes']['name']); } } $this->workflows = array(); if (array_key_exists('workflow', $data)) { foreach ($data['workflow'] as $workflow) { $this->workflows[] = array('id' => intval($workflow['_attributes']['id']), 'title' => $workflow['_attributes']['title']); } } /** * Notes and time tracks. */ if (array_key_exists('note', $data)) { foreach ($data['note'] as $note_data) { /* * Includes workaround for old format of TimeTrack object - if "timeworked" key is present than it's a time track. */ if ($note_data['_attributes']['type'] === 'timetrack' || array_key_exists('timeworked', $note_data['_attributes'])) { if ($this->time_tracks === null) { $this->time_tracks = array(); } $this->time_tracks[] = new kyTicketTimeTrack($note_data); } else { if ($this->notes === null) { $this->notes = array(); } $this->notes[] = new kyTicketNote($note_data); } } } /** * Posts. */ if (array_key_exists('posts', $data)) { $this->posts = array(); foreach ($data['posts'][0]['post'] as $post_data) { $this->posts[] = new kyTicketPost($post_data); } } }
/** * Sets whether to send welcome email to new user. * * @param bool $send_welcome_email True, to send welcome email to new user. False, otherwise. * @return kyUser */ public function setSendWelcomeEmail($send_welcome_email) { $this->send_welcome_email = ky_assure_bool($send_welcome_email); return $this; }
/** * Sets wheter to restrict visibility of this news item to particular staff groups. * Use setStaffGroupIds to set these groups using identifiers or addStaffGroup to set them using objects. * Automatically clears staff groups when set to false. * * @param bool $staff_visibility_custom True to restrict visibility of this news item to particular staff groups. False otherwise. * @return kyNewsItem */ public function setStaffVisibilityCustom($staff_visibility_custom) { $this->staff_visibility_custom = ky_assure_bool($staff_visibility_custom); if ($this->staff_visibility_custom === false) { $this->staff_group_ids = array(); $this->staff_groups = null; } return $this; }
/** * Sets whether staff members assigned to this group are Administrators. * * @param bool $is_admin True, if you want staff members assigned to this group to be Administrators. False (default), otherwise. * @return kyStaffGroup */ public function setIsAdmin($is_admin) { $this->is_admin = ky_assure_bool($is_admin); return $this; }
/** * Sets wheter to restrict visibility of this department to particular user groups. * Use setUserGroupIds to set these groups using identifiers or addUserGroup to set them using objects. * Automatically clears user groups when set to false. * * @param bool $user_visibility_custom True to restrict visibility of this department to particular user groups. False otherwise. * @return kyDepartment */ public function setUserVisibilityCustom($user_visibility_custom) { $this->user_visibility_custom = ky_assure_bool($user_visibility_custom); if ($this->user_visibility_custom === false) { $this->user_group_ids = array(); $this->user_groups = null; } return $this; }
/** * Sets whether clients are permitted to comment on this knowledgebase article. * * @param bool $allow_comments True to allow clients to comment on this knowledgebase article item. * @return kyKnowledgebaseCategory */ public function setAllowComments($allow_comments) { $this->allow_comments = ky_assure_bool($allow_comments); return $this; }
/** * Sets the parameter enableTicketRedirection of this Troubleshooterstep item. * * @param bool $enab_ticket_redirect True to allow ticket creation. * @return kyTroubleshooterStep */ public function setEnableTicketRedirection($enab_ticket_redirect) { $this->enable_ticket_redirection = ky_assure_bool($enab_ticket_redirect); return $this; }
/** * Sets whether the ticket post should be created as private (hidden from the customer) or not. * * @param bool $is_private Whether the ticket post should be created as private (hidden from the customer) or not. * @return kyTicketPost */ public function setIsPrivate($is_private) { $this->is_private = ky_assure_bool($is_private); return $this; }
protected function parseData($data) { $this->id = intval($data['id']); $this->ticket_id = ky_assure_positive_int($data['ticketid']); $this->dateline = ky_assure_positive_int($data['dateline']); $this->user_id = ky_assure_positive_int($data['userid']); $this->full_name = $data['fullname']; $this->email = $data['email']; $this->email_to = $data['emailto']; $this->ip_address = $data['ipaddress']; $this->has_attachments = ky_assure_bool($data['hasattachments']); $this->creator = intval($data['creator']); $this->is_third_party = ky_assure_bool($data['isthirdparty']); $this->is_html = ky_assure_bool($data['ishtml']); $this->is_emailed = ky_assure_bool($data['isemailed']); $this->staff_id = ky_assure_positive_int($data['staffid']); $this->is_survey_comment = ky_assure_bool($data['issurveycomment']); $this->contents = $data['contents']; }
protected function parseData($data) { $this->id = intval($data['id']); $this->title = $data['title']; $this->display_order = intval($data['displayorder']); $this->department_id = ky_assure_positive_int($data['departmentid']); $this->display_icon = $data['displayicon']; $this->type = $data['type']; $this->mark_as_resolved = ky_assure_bool($data['markasresolved']); $this->display_count = ky_assure_bool($data['displaycount']); $this->status_color = $data['statuscolor']; $this->status_bg_color = $data['statusbgcolor']; $this->reset_due_time = ky_assure_bool($data['resetduetime']); $this->trigger_survey = ky_assure_bool($data['triggersurvey']); $this->staff_visibility_custom = ky_assure_bool($data['staffvisibilitycustom']); if ($this->staff_visibility_custom && is_array($data['staffgroupid'])) { foreach ($data['staffgroupid'] as $staff_group_id) { $this->staff_group_ids[] = intval($staff_group_id); } } }
protected function parseData($data) { $this->id = intval($data['id']); $this->title = $data['title']; $this->display_order = intval($data['displayorder']); $this->fr_color_code = $data['frcolorcode']; $this->bg_color_code = $data['bgcolorcode']; $this->type = $data['type']; $this->user_visibility_custom = ky_assure_bool($data['uservisibilitycustom']); if ($this->user_visibility_custom && is_array($data['usergroupid'])) { foreach ($data['usergroupid'] as $user_group_id) { $this->user_group_ids[] = intval($user_group_id); } } }
protected function parseData($data) { $this->id = intval($data['id']); $this->title = $data['title']; $this->display_order = intval($data['displayorder']); $this->department_id = ky_assure_positive_int($data['departmentid']); $this->display_icon = $data['displayicon']; $this->type = $data['type']; $this->user_visibility_custom = ky_assure_bool($data['uservisibilitycustom']); if ($this->user_visibility_custom && is_array($data['usergroupid'])) { foreach ($data['usergroupid'] as $user_group_id) { $this->user_group_ids[] = intval($user_group_id); } } }