function remoteURIOLD($uid, $key, $user_id, $db) { #function remoteURI performs a call on a remote Did for retrieving information on a specific s3id #syntax: remoteURI($uid, $key, $db) #uid should be a concatenation of Did and user_id. Did is either a URL or an alphanumeric string that can be called on mothership #echo $uid; #find this user's id #$local_user = $GLOBALS['Did'].'/'.'U'.$user_id; #$myip = captureIp(); #$myip = ($myip!='')?$myip:$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; #$local_user = (($_SERVER['HTTPS']!='')?'https://':'http://'.$myip.'/'.strtok($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], '/')).'/'.'U'.$user_id; #test Did. Is it a url? or a way to find a url? #ereg('(.*)(/|_)(D|U|G|P|C|R|I|S)([0-9]+$)', $uid, $out); #ereg('(D(.*)|http://(.*)|https://(.*))(_|/)(U|G|P|C|R|I|S)([0-9]+$|D|http://|https://)', $uid, $out); $local_user = S3DB_URI_BASE . '/' . 'U' . $user_id; #echo $local_user;exit; $uid_info = uid($uid); #echo $uid; #echo '<pre>';print_r($uid_info);exit; $letter = substr($uid_info['uid'], 0, 1); #echo $uid; if (ereg('^(U|G|P|C|R|I|S)', $uid)) { $uid = substr($uid, 1, strlen($uid)); #if uid brings a letter, leave just a the id $Did = substr($uid_info['Did'], 1, strlen($uid_info['Did'])); } else { $Did = $uid_info['Did']; } $remoteId = $uid_info['uid']; #echo $Did;exit; #echo http_test_existance($Did);exit; #test Did. if is not url, must find url first #First let's try calling the remote resource without authientication; it might be a public resource ereg('^(D|http.*)/(D|P|C|R|I|S|G|U)([0-9]+)', $uid, $uid_in_remote); $did_call = $Did . '/URI.php?uid=' . $uid_in_remote[2] . $uid_in_remote[3] . '&format=php'; $did_data = stream_get_contents(@fopen($did_call, 'r')); $msg = unserialize($did_data); $msg = $msg[0]; #$msg=html2cell($did_data);$msg = $msg[2]; if ($msg['uri'] != '') { #Good, it's a public resource return $msg; } $did_call = $Did . '/URI.php?key=' . $key . '&user_id=' . $local_user . '&uid=' . $uid_in_remote[2] . $uid_in_remote[3]; $did_data = stream_get_contents(@fopen($did_call, 'r')); if ($did_data == '') { $did_url = findDidUrl($Did, $db); #internal - does it exist on inside table? $dateDiff_min = (strtotime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')) - strtotime($did_url['checked_valid'])) / 60; #did_url empty? Mothership working?#checked no longer than an hour? if (empty($did_url['url']) || $dateDiff_min > 60) { $mothership = $uid_info['MS'] != '' ? $uid_info['MS'] : $GLOBALS['s3db_info']['deployment']['mothership']; #because is under sourceforge, find the real url of that mother ship first. if (ereg('|', $mothership)) { if (http_test_existance('')) { $handle = fopen('', 'rb'); $real_ms = stream_get_contents($handle); fclose($handle); } else { $real_ms = ''; } if (ereg('frameset', $real_ms)) { ereg('src="(http.*" )', $real_ms, $out); if (http_test_existance(trim($out[1], "\" "))) { $mothership = fread(fopen(trim($out[1], "\" "), 'r'), '100'); } } } if (http_test_existance($mothership)) { #call mothership, find true url $true_url = fread(fopen($mothership . '/s3rl.php?Did=' . $Did, 'r'), '100000'); #echo '<pre>';print_r($true_url);exit; if (!empty($true_url)) { $data = html2cell($true_url); } #echo '<pre>data';print_r($data);exit; $data[2]['deployment_id'] = substr($Did, 1, strlen($Did)); if (http_test_existance(trim($data[2]['url']))) { $data[2]['checked_valid'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); } else { $data[2]['checked_valid'] = ''; } #now update true url in local if (empty($did_url)) { insertDidUrl($data[2], $db); } else { updateDidUrl($data[2], $db); } #and define the variable $url = trim($data[2]['url']); } else { #motherhsips seems to be down... try asking the url that gave the this uid for a URL. #need the url from the deployment where this ID is being shared from. } } else { $url = trim($did_url['url']); } #echo '<pre>';print_r($did_url);exit; } else { $url = $Did; } #secho $url; #build the call url $url = substr($url, -1) == '/' ? $url : $url . '/'; $key = $key != '' ? $key : get_user_key($user_id, $db); $url2call = $url . 'URI.php?uid=' . $remoteId . '&key=' . $key . '&user_id=' . $local_user; #echo $url2call;exit; if (!http_test_existance($url2call)) { return $GLOBALS['messages']['something_does_not_exist'] . '<message>' . $remoteId . ' does not appear to be a valid remote resource</message>'; } $data = array('uid' => $remoteId, 'key' => $key, 'user_id' => $local_user); #now try to access it. I am assuming user already has access in the remote resource $h = fopen($url2call, 'r'); $urldata = fread($h, '10000'); if ($urldata == '') { return "could not find user on the url provided"; } else { #now, which part of the data am I waiting? what element is this? #$relevant_fields = $GLOBALS['dbstruct'][$GLOBALS['s3codes'][substr($remoteId, 0,1)]]; $element = $GLOBALS['s3codes'][substr($remoteId, 0, 1)]; $id_name = $GLOBALS['s3ids'][$element]; #some remote header require translation $remote_resource_names = array('created_by' => 'user_id', 'project_owner' => 'user_id', 'resource_id' => ereg('I|S', substr($remoteId, 0, 1)) ? 'instance_id' : 'class_id', 'subject_id' => 'class_id', 'object_id' => 'class_id', 'verb_id' => 'instance_id'); $data = html2cell($urldata); #echo 'before or after?<pre>';print_r($data); if (is_array($data)) { $relevant_fields = $data[1]; $data = $data[2]; $relevant_data = array_intersect_key($data, array_flip($relevant_fields)); #whatever points to resources must come with the remote ID foreach ($relevant_data as $fieldName => $fieldData) { if (in_array($fieldName, array_keys($remote_resource_names)) || ereg('_id$', $fieldName) && !ereg('http://|https://|_', $fieldData)) { $uidLetter = $remote_resource_names[$fieldName] != '' ? strtoupper(substr($remote_resource_names[$fieldName], 0, 1)) : strtoupper(substr($fieldName, 0, 1)); #echo $fieldName; if ($fieldData != '') { $DidData[$fieldName] = $Did . '/' . $uidLetter . $fieldData; } } else { $DidData[$fieldName] = $fieldData; } } #translate old acl into new permission_levels if ($DidData['acl'] != '' && strlen($DidData['acl']) == '1') { $DidData['acl'] = $DidData['acl'] == '3' ? '222' : ($DidData['acl'] == '2' && ereg('I|S', $letter) ? '222' : ($DidData['acl'] == '2' && ereg('P|C|R', $letter) ? '202' : ($DidData['acl'] == '1' && ereg('P|C|R', $letter) ? '201' : ($DidData['acl'] == '1' && ereg('I|S', $letter) ? '211' : ($DidData['acl'] == '0' ? '000' : '000'))))); } #return the original uid to the apporpriate id_name $DidData[$id_name] = $uid; #figure out if user also has local permission on this resource $info = $DidData; $id = $letter . $uid; $P = permissionOnResource(compact('info', 'key', 'user_id', 'db', 'id')); #given permission on 2 deploykents, (local+rmote), find which one user has the most permission if ($P != '' && $DidData['acl'] != '') { $view = max(array(substr($DidData['acl'], 0, 1), substr($P, 0, 1))); $change = max(array(substr($DidData['acl'], 1, 1), substr($P, 1, 1))); $add_data = max(array(substr($DidData['acl'], 2, 1), substr($P, 2, 1))); $DidData['acl'] = $view . $change . $add_data; } else { $DidData['acl'] = $P != '' ? $P : $DidData['acl']; } $element_info = $DidData; #echo '<pre>';print_r($element_info); #Define if ser can view or not view data. View is the first number in the 3 d code. It ranges from 0 to 2 if (ereg('^2', $element_info['acl']) || ereg('^1', $element_info['acl']) && $element_info['created_by'] == $user_id) { #2 means user can view anything associated with this resource (downstream). 1 means he can see, as long as resource was created by himself $element_info['view'] = '1'; #yes, access is granted. } else { $element_info['view'] = '0'; #no, sorry :-( } #Decide if user can change (update) or not change data on resource $change_digit = substr($element_info['acl'], 1, strlen($element_info['acl'])); #it is the second digit who specifies this if (ereg('^2', $change_digit) || ereg('^1', $change_digit) && $element_info['created_by'] == $user_id) { $element_info['change'] = '1'; } else { $element_info['change'] = '0'; #nope. } #can user insert data in this resource? Information is in the very last digit. In case it only has 2 digits, reading th last digit will work too because it propagates if (ereg('2$', $element_info['acl']) || ereg('1$', $element_info['acl']) && $element_info['created_by'] == $user_id) { $element_info['add_data'] = '1'; } else { $element_info['add_data'] = '0'; } #create the element "delete", in case it is eventually created...For now it is the same as change $element_info['delete'] = $element_info['change']; $element_info['delete_data'] = $element_info['add_data']; return $element_info; } else { #return ($GLOBALS['messages']['something_went_wrong'].'<message> Deployment '.$Did.' responded: '.$urldata.'</message>'); return formatReturn($GLOBALS['error_codes']['no_results'], 'Deployment ' . $Did . ' responded: ' . $urldata, $format, ''); } } #echo $resp; }
function remoteURLretrieval($uid_info, $db) { if (is_array($uid_info)) { extract($uid_info); } else { $uid_info = uid($uid_info); extract($uid_info); } if (!http_test_existance($Did)) { $did_url = findDidUrl($Did, $db); $dateDiff_min = (strtotime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')) - strtotime($did_url['checked_valid'])) / 60; #did_url empty? Mothership working?#checked no longer than an hour? if (empty($did_url) || $dateDiff_min > 60) { #$mothership = $GLOBALS['s3db_info']['deployment']['mothership']; $mothership = $uid_info['MS']; if (http_test_existance($mothership)) { #call mothership, find true url $true_url = fread(fopen($mothership . '/s3rl.php?Did=' . $Did, 'r'), '100000'); if (!empty($true_url)) { $data = html2cell($true_url); } $data[2]['deployment_id'] = substr($Did, 1, strlen($Did)); if (http_test_existance(trim($data[2]['url']))) { $data[2]['checked_valid'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); } else { $data[2]['checked_valid'] = ''; } #now update true url in local if (empty($did_url)) { insertDidUrl($data[2], $db); } else { updateDidUrl($data[2], $db); } #and define the variable $url = $data['url']; } } else { $url = trim($did_url['url']); } #echo '<pre>';print_r($did_url);exit; } else { $url = $Did; } return $url; }