function adminRegisterAccount($email, $password, $name) { global $db; $email = escape($email); if (substr($password, 0, 6) == ":hash:") { $password = escape(substr($password, 6)); } else { require_once includePath() . "/pbkdf2.php"; $password = escape("*pbkdf2*" . pbkdf2_create_hash($password)); } $name = escape($name); $db->query("INSERT INTO accounts (email, password, name) VALUES ('{$email}', '{$password}', '{$name}')"); }
function confirmPGP($email, $confirm) { require_once includePath() . "/lock.php"; if (!lockAction('confirmpgp')) { return false; } $result = databaseQuery("SELECT id FROM gpgmw_keys WHERE confirm = ? AND email = ?", array($confirm, $email)); if ($row = $result->fetch()) { databaseQuery("UPDATE gpgmw_keys SET confirm = '' WHERE id = ?", array($row[0])); return true; } return false; }
function includePath($path) { $ponteiro = opendir($path); while ($nome_itens = readdir($ponteiro)) { $itens[] = $nome_itens; } sort($itens); foreach ($itens as $listar) { if ($listar != "." && $listar != "..") { if (is_dir("{$path}/{$listar}")) { if ($listar != ".svn" || $listar != ".git") { includePath("{$path}/{$listar}"); } } else { require_once "{$path}/{$listar}"; } } } }
function insertQuestion($varname, $vardesc, $vartype, $club_id, $database, $whereString) { //basic error checking include_once includePath() . "/apply_gen.php"; $typeArray = toArray($vartype); if (!isset($typeArray['type'])) { return "type map does not contain required 'type' attribute"; } if ($typeArray['type'] == "select" && $vardesc == '') { return "description (required for select) left blank"; } //add spaces to type array $vartype = str_replace(";", "; ", $vartype); $vartype = str_replace("|", "| ", $vartype); if ($database != "supplements" && $database != "baseapp" && $database != "custom") { return "internal error: invalid database {$database}"; } $varname = escape($varname); $vardesc = escape($vardesc); $vartype = escape($vartype); $club_id = escape($club_id); //increment from highest orderId $result = mysql_query("SELECT MAX(orderId) FROM {$database} WHERE {$whereString}"); if ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { if (is_null($row[0])) { $orderId = 1; } else { $orderId = escape($row[0] + 1); } if ($database != "supplements") { mysql_query("INSERT INTO {$database} (orderId, varname, vardesc, vartype, category) VALUES ('{$orderId}', '{$varname}', '{$vardesc}', '{$vartype}', '" . $_SESSION['category'] . "')"); } else { mysql_query("INSERT INTO supplements (orderId, varname, vardesc, vartype, club_id) VALUES ('{$orderId}', '{$varname}', '{$vardesc}', '{$vartype}', '{$club_id}')"); } return true; } else { return "internal error"; //this shouldn't occur, since MAX would return null if no rows are found } }
} } else { $_SESSION['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] = md5($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); } } //validate they are accessing this site, in case multiple are hosted if (isset($_SESSION['site_name'])) { if ($_SESSION['site_name'] != $config['site_name']) { session_unset(); } } else { $_SESSION['site_name'] = $config['site_name']; } $_SESSION['active'] = time(); //CSRF guard library include includePath() . "/csrfguard.php"; //handle noredirect option if (isset($_REQUEST['noredirect'])) { if ($_REQUEST['noredirect'] === "false") { unset($_SESSION['noredirect']); } else { if ($_REQUEST['noredirect'] === "true") { $_SESSION['noredirect'] = true; } } } //redirect slave if needed $script_name = basename($_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"]); $script_directory = basename(substr($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'], 0, strrpos($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'], '/'))); if ($config['slave_enabled'] && ($script_directory != "database" && $script_directory != "ghost" && $script_directory != "channel" && $script_directory != "minecraft" && $script_directory != "garena" && $script_directory != "admin") && ($script_name != "remote_login.php" && $script_name != "service_redirect.php")) { header("Location: " . $config['slave_master']);
function minecraftCommand($service_id, $command) { if (strlen($command > 1000)) { return "Error: the entered command is too long!"; } //get the configuration $configuration = minecraftGetConfiguration($service_id, false); if (isset($configuration['rcon.password']) && isset($configuration['rcon.port'])) { $hostname = "localhost"; if (!empty($configuration['server-ip'])) { $hostname = $configuration['server-ip']; } require_once includePath() . "/rcon.php"; try { $rcon = new RCon($hostname, $configuration['rcon.port'], $configuration['rcon.password']); } catch (Exception $e) { return "Error: {$e}"; } if ($rcon->Auth()) { //allow execution of multiple commands if (is_array($command)) { foreach ($command as $str) { $rcon->rconCommand($command); } } else { $rcon->rconCommand($command); } return true; } else { return "Error: failed to connect and authenticate with Minecraft server (is it online?)."; } } else { return "Error: could not find rcon port and password to use."; } }
$channelPlugins = array('accesskick', 'afk', 'alarm', 'announce', 'calc', 'chanstats', 'clanactivity', 'clanmembers', 'copycat', 'dbstats', 'gamequeue', 'getgames', 'getgames-whois', 'gettime', 'greet', 'inactive', 'inviteme', 'lottery', 'matchmake', 'plugindb', 'pluginman', 'pounce', 'rand', 'randkick', 'randspeed', 'rroulette', 'security', 'snipe', 'trivia', 'votekick', '__init__'); $channelUpdatableFiles = array("language.cfg", "cfg/ask8ball.txt", "cfg/command.txt", "cfg/quote.txt", "cfg/slap_neg.txt", "cfg/slap_pos.txt", "cfg/phrase.txt"); //get additional parameters from configuration if (isset($config['channelParameters'])) { $channelParameters = array_merge($channelParameters, $config['channelParameters']); } if (isset($config['defaultChannelParameters'])) { $defaultChannelParameters = array_merge($defaultChannelParameters, $config['defaultChannelParameters']); } if (isset($config['channelUpdatableFiles'])) { $channelUpdatableFiles = array_merge($channelUpdatableFiles, $config['channelUpdatableFiles']); } if (isset($config['channelPlugins'])) { $channelPlugins = array_merge($channelPlugins, $config['channelPlugins']); } require_once includePath() . "/jail.php"; //escapes function in configuration file function channelEscape($type, $default, $type_extra, $value) { if ($type == 0) { //string, just strip newlines return str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), array("", ""), $value); } else { if ($type == 1) { //integer, convert return intval($value); } else { if ($type == 2) { if ($value == 1 || $value === "true") { return 1; } else {
function execBackground($command) { return exec('php ' . escapeshellarg(includePath() . '/exec.php') . ' ' . escapeshellarg($command)); }
function authChangePassword($user_id, $old_password, $new_password) { global $config, $db; if (!checkLock("checkuser")) { return "Too many failed attempts. Please try again later."; } if (strlen($new_password) < 6) { return "The new password is too short. Please use at least six characters."; } if ($old_password == $new_password) { return "The old and new passwords are identical."; } if (!authCheckPassword($user_id, $old_password, "id")) { lockAction("checkuser"); return "The password you entered is not correct."; } $user_id = escape($user_id); require_once includePath() . "/pbkdf2.php"; $new_password = escape("*pbkdf2*" . pbkdf2_create_hash($new_password)); $db->query("UPDATE accounts SET password = '******' WHERE id = '{$user_id}'"); return true; }
function verifyLogin($user_id, $password) { if (!checkLock("checkuser")) { return -2; } $user_id = escape($user_id); //decrypt the password if needed require_once includePath() . "/crypto.php"; $password = decryptPassword($password); $result = mysql_query("SELECT password, salt FROM users WHERE id='" . $user_id . "'"); if ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { if (chash2($password, hex2bin($row['salt'])) == $row['password']) { return true; } else { lockAction("checkuser"); return -1; } } else { lockAction("checkuser"); return -1; } }
(user|system)function(none-args or have-args) include* require* */ //dl(''); function includePath() { echo "****************abc\n"; return '../test_include.php'; } fc_add_pre('include', 'pre_cb'); fc_add_post('include', 'post_cb'); echo "first icnlude\n"; //include '../test_include.php'; echo "2nd icnlude\n"; include includePath(); echo "starting ...\n"; function m1() { return 'm1 ret_v'; } function m2($a, $b, $c) { echo "iii2\n"; return 'm2 ret_v'; } class testc2 { public function testf() { echo 'testf';
function resetPassword($user_id, $password) { $user_id = escape($user_id); $gen_salt = secure_random_bytes(20); $db_salt = escape(bin2hex($gen_salt)); //decrypt the password if needed require_once includePath() . "/crypto.php"; $password = decryptPassword($password); $password = escape(chash2($password, $gen_salt)); mysql_query("UPDATE users SET password='******', salt = '{$db_salt}' WHERE id='{$user_id}'"); mysql_query("DELETE FROM reset WHERE user_id='{$user_id}'"); //make sure user doesn't reset again with same link }
function submitApplication($user_id, $application_id, $do_submit = true) { $user_id = escape($user_id); $application_id = escape($application_id); //verify application belongs to user and hasn't been submitted $checkResult = checkApplication($user_id, $application_id, true); if ($checkResult[0] !== 0) { return "check failed"; } //verify that the user is not trying to submit the general application if ($checkResult[1] == 0) { return ""; } //verify that the application can be submitted at this time // (checkResult checks view_time, not open_time) if (!isAvailableWindow($checkResult[1], true)) { return "application cannot be submitted at this time"; } //verify that enough peer recommendations have been inputted; grab the filenames while we're at it $result = mysql_query("SELECT num_recommend FROM clubs WHERE id = '" . $checkResult[1] . "'"); $recommendResult = mysql_query("SELECT filename FROM recommendations WHERE user_id = '{$user_id}' AND status = '1'"); if ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { if ($row[0] > mysql_num_rows($recommendResult)) { return "not enough peer recommendations"; } } else { return "internal error, club not found"; } $peerString = ""; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($recommendResult)) { $peerString .= ":" . $row[0]; } //create supplement PDF $createSupplementResult = createApplicationPDF($user_id, $application_id, "../submit/"); if ($createSupplementResult[0] === FALSE) { //true is success, string is error message return $createSupplementResult[1]; } //create general application PDF $gen_app_id = getApplicationByUserClub($user_id, 0); $createGeneralResult = createApplicationPDF($user_id, $gen_app_id, "../submit/"); if ($createGeneralResult[0] === FALSE) { //true is success, string is error message return $createGeneralResult[1]; } //update database if ($do_submit) { $submitName = escape($createGeneralResult[1] . ":" . $createSupplementResult[1] . $peerString); //handle files $result = mysql_query("SELECT val FROM answers WHERE application_id = '{$application_id}' AND val LIKE 'file:%'"); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $fileParts = explode(":", $row[0], 3); $submitName .= escape(":*" . $fileParts[1] . "," . $fileParts[2]); //:*file_id,filename } $result = mysql_query("SELECT val FROM answers WHERE application_id = '{$gen_app_id}' AND val LIKE 'file:%'"); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $fileParts = explode(":", $row[0], 3); $submitName .= escape(":*" . $fileParts[1] . "," . $fileParts[2]); //:*file_id,filename } mysql_query("UPDATE applications SET submitted='{$submitName}' WHERE id='{$application_id}' AND user_id='{$user_id}'"); } //some maintenance include includePath() . "/chk.php"; checkExtraPDFs(true, true); //delete old, extra PDFs return array($createGeneralResult[1], $createSupplementResult[1]); }