<?php include '../config.php'; include STORE_DIR . '/config/config.php'; include '../include/my_functions.php'; include '../include/common.php'; $stage = gpvar('stage'); $login = gpvar('login'); $passwd = gpvar('passwd'); $passwdv = gpvar('passwdv'); switch ($stage) { case 'list_users': printHeader('admin'); print '<p><h3>Contents of ' . htvar($config['passwd_file']) . ' file:</h3><pre>'; readfile($config['passwd_file']); ?> </pre> <form action=<?php echo $PHP_SELF; ?> method=post> <input type=submit name=submit value="Back to Menu"> </form> <?php printFooter(false); break; case 'add_user_form': printHeader('admin'); ?> <body onLoad="self.focus();document.form.login.focus()"> <form action=<?php
include STORE_DIR . '/config/config.php'; include '../include/my_functions.php'; include '../include/common.php'; include '../include/openssl_functions.php'; $stage = gpvar('stage'); $serial = gpvar('serial'); $sortfield = gpvar('sortfield'); $ascdec = gpvar('ascdec'); $passwd = gpvar('passwd'); $expiry = gpvar('expiry'); $submit = gpvar('submit'); $dl_type = gpvar('dl_type'); $search = gpvar('search'); $show_valid = gpvar('show_valid'); $show_revoked = gpvar('show_revoked'); $show_expired = gpvar('show_expired'); # Prevent handling certs that don't belong to user if ($serial && CAdb_issuer($serial) != $PHPki_user && !in_array($PHPki_user, $PHPki_admins)) { $stage = 'goaway'; } if (!($show_valid . $show_revoked . $show_expired)) { $show_valid = 'V'; $show_revoked = 'R'; $show_expired = 'E'; } $qstr_filter = 'search=' . htvar($search) . '&' . "show_valid={$show_valid}&" . "show_revoked={$show_revoked}&" . "show_expired={$show_expired}&"; $qstr_sort = "sortfield={$sortfield}&ascdec={$ascdec}"; switch ($stage) { case 'goaway': printHeader(false); ?>
#if (isset($_GET['unit']) || isset($_POST['unit'])) $unit = gpvar('unit'); #if (isset($_GET['common_name']) || isset($_POST['common_name'])) $common_name = gpvar('common_name'); #if (isset($_GET['email']) || isset($_POST['email'])) $email = gpvar('email'); #if (isset($_GET['passwd']) || isset($_POST['passwd'])) $passwd = gpvar('passwd'); #if (isset($_GET['passwdv']) || isset($_POST['passwdv'])) $passwdv = gpvar('passwdv'); #if (isset($_GET['expiry']) || isset($_POST['expiry'])) $expiry = gpvar('expiry'); #if (isset($_GET['keysize']) || isset($_POST['keysize'])) $keysize = gpvar('keysize'); #if (isset($_GET['cert_type']) || isset($_POST['cert_type'])) $cert_type = gpvar('cert_type'); # To repopulate the fields in the form after error. $hidden_fields = ' <input type="hidden" name="country" value="' . htvar($country) . '"> <input type="hidden" name="province" value="' . htvar($province) . '"> <input type="hidden" name="locality" value="' . htvar($locality) . '"> <input type="hidden" name="organization" value="' . htvar($organization) . '"> <input type="hidden" name="unit" value="' . htvar($unit) . '"> <input type="hidden" name="common_name" value="' . htvar($common_name) . '"> <input type="hidden" name="email" value="' . htvar($email) . '"> <input type="hidden" name="passwd" value="' . htvar($passwd) . '"> <input type="hidden" name="passwdv" value="' . htvar($passwdv) . '"> <input type="hidden" name="expiry" value="' . htvar($expiry) . '"> <input type="hidden" name="keysize" value="' . htvar($keysize) . '"> <input type="hidden" name="cert_type" value="' . htvar($cert_type) . '"> ';
<?php include "../config.php"; include STORE_DIR . '/config/config.php'; include "../include/my_functions.php"; include "../include/common.php"; include "../include/openssl_functions.php"; $stage = gpvar('stage'); switch ($stage) { case 'dl_root': upload($config['cacert_pem'], $config['ca_prefix'] . "cacert.crt", 'application/x-x509-ca-cert'); break; case 'dl_crl': upload($config['cacrl_der'], $config['ca_prefix'] . "cacrl.crl", 'application/pkix-crl'); break; case 'gen_crl': list($ret, $errtxt) = CA_generate_crl(); printHeader(false); if ($ret) { ?> <div style="text-align:center"><h2>Certificate Revocation List Updated</h2></div> <p> <form action="<?php echo $PHP_SELF; ?> " method="post"> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Back to Menu"> </form> <?php print '<pre>' . CA_crl_text() . '</pre>'; } else {
$form_stage = gpvar('form_stage'); $submit = gpvar('submit'); $country = gpvar('country'); $province = gpvar('province'); $locality = gpvar('locality'); $organization = gpvar('organization'); $unit = gpvar('unit'); $common_name = gpvar('common_name'); $email = gpvar('email'); $passwd = gpvar('passwd'); $passwdv = gpvar('passwdv'); $expiry = gpvar('expiry'); $keysize = gpvar('keysize'); $cert_type = gpvar('cert_type'); $dns_names = gpvar('dns_names'); $ip_addr = gpvar('ip_addr'); # To repopulate form after error. $hidden_fields = ' <input type=hidden name=country value="' . htvar($country) . '"> <input type=hidden name=province value="' . htvar($province) . '"> <input type=hidden name=locality value="' . htvar($locality) . '"> <input type=hidden name=organization value="' . htvar($organization) . '"> <input type=hidden name=unit value="' . htvar($unit) . '"> <input type=hidden name=common_name value="' . htvar($common_name) . '"> <input type=hidden name=email value="' . htvar($email) . '"> <input type=hidden name=passwd value="' . htvar($passwd) . '"> <input type=hidden name=passwdv value="' . htvar($passwdv) . '"> <input type=hidden name=expiry value="' . htvar($expiry) . '"> <input type=hidden name=keysize value="' . htvar($keysize) . '"> <input type=hidden name=cert_type value="' . htvar($cert_type) . '"> <input type=hidden name=dns_names value="' . htvar($dns_names) . '">
<?php include '../config.php'; include STORE_DIR . '/config/config.php'; include '../include/my_functions.php'; $openvpn_client_cnf = gpvar('txtarea'); $fd = fopen($config['openvpn_client_cnf_dir'] . '/general_client.conf', 'wb'); fwrite($fd, $openvpn_client_cnf); fclose($fd);