Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Function for get the video from category based.
  * @global type $wpdb
  * @param type $CountOFVideos
  * @param type $TypeOFvideos
  * @param type $pagenum
  * @param type $dataLimit
  * @param type $category_page
  * @return $category_videos
 function categorylist($CountOFVideos, $TypeOFvideos, $pagenum, $dataLimit, $category_page, $thumImageorder)
     global $wpdb;
     $userId = get_current_user_id();
     $watchLaterVideoIds = getWatchLaterVideoIds($userId, $this->watchDetailsTable);
     $div = '';
     /** Calculating page number for home page category videos */
     $pagenum = isset($pagenum) ? absint($pagenum) : 1;
     $div .= '<style scoped> .video-block { margin-left:' . $this->_settingsData->gutterspace . 'px !important;float:left;} </style>';
     foreach ($TypeOFvideos as $catList) {
         /** Get video details for particular playlist */
         $playLists = getCatVideos($catList->pid, $dataLimit, $thumImageorder);
         /** Get count of home page category videos */
         $playlistCount = count($playLists);
         /** Get count of video assigned in this category. */
         $category_video = $wpdb->get_results('SELECT * FROM ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'hdflvvideoshare_med2play as m LEFT JOIN ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'hdflvvideoshare_playlist as p on m.playlist_id = p.pid
                                               WHERE m.playlist_id=' . intval($catList->pid) . ' AND p.is_publish=1');
         /** Get count of videos for category */
         $video_count = count($category_video);
         /** Display home page category title */
         $div .= '<div class="titleouter"> <h4 class="more_title">' . $catList->playlist_name . '</h4></div>';
         if (!empty($playlistCount)) {
             $inc = 1;
             /** Video container starts */
             $div .= '<ul class="video-block-container">';
             /** Dsplay videos for category */
             foreach ($playLists as $playList) {
                 $this->watchLaterHelper($playList, $watchLaterVideoIds);
                 /** Display home cat thumb image */
                 $div .= '<li class="video-block"><div class="video-thumbimg"><a href="' . $this->guid . '"><img src="' . $this->imageFea . '" alt="" class="imgHome" title=""></a>';
                 /** Display video duration */
                 if ($this->duration) {
                     $div .= '<span class="video_duration">' . $this->duration . '</span>';
                 $div .= '<span class="watchlaterIcon" ' . $this->clickEvent . ' ><img class="watchlaterImg" style="width:24px !important;height:24px !important;" src="' . $this->watchLaterImg . '" title="' . $this->watchLaterTitle . '"></span>
     		<span class="playlistIcon" data-vid = ' . $this->videoId . '><img class="playlistIconImg" style="width:24px !important;height:24px !important;" src="' . $this->playlistImg . '" title="Add to playlist"></span>';
                 /** Display home cat video name */
                 $div .= '</div><div class="vid_info"><a href="' . $this->guid . '" title="' . $playList->name . '" class="videoHname"><span>' . limitTitle($playList->name) . '</span></a>';
                 /** Rating for home category video */
                 if ($this->_settingsData->ratingscontrol == 1) {
                     $div .= getRatingValue($playList->rate, $playList->ratecount, '');
                 /** Show views count for home page category videos */
                 if ($this->_settingsData->view_visible == 1) {
                     $div .= displayViews($playList->hitcount);
                 $div .= '</div></li>';
                 if ($inc % $this->_colCat == 0 && $inc != 0) {
                     /** Column count */
                     $div .= '</ul><div class="clear"></div><ul class="video-block-container">';
             $div .= '</ul>';
             /** Video category thumb based on gallery setting rows, cols */
             $colF = $this->_settingsData->colCat;
             $rowF = $this->_settingsData->rowCat;
             $CatLimit = $colF * $rowF;
             if ($video_count > $CatLimit) {
                 /** Get more videos permalink for home cat videos */
                 $more_playlist_link = get_playlist_permalink($this->_mPageid, $catList->pid, $catList->playlist_slugname);
                 /** Display more videos link for home categories */
                 $div .= '<a class="video-more" href="' . $more_playlist_link . '">' . __('More&nbsp;Videos', APPTHA_VGALLERY) . '</a>';
             } else {
                 $div .= '<div align="clear"> </div>';
         } else {
             /** If there is no video for category */
             $div .= '<div class="titleouter">' . __('No Videos for this Category', APPTHA_VGALLERY) . '</div>';
     $div .= '<div class="clear"></div>';
     /** Check tha page is category page */
     if ($category_page != 0) {
         /** Pagination starts
          * Call helper function to get pagination values for category videos */
         $div .= paginateLinks($CountOFVideos, $category_page, $pagenum, '', '');
     return $div;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Function to display category thumbs 
  * @param unknown $CountOfCatVideos
  * @param unknown $TypeOfCatvideos
  * @param unknown $pagenum
  * @param unknown $dataLimit
  * @param unknown $default_order
  * @return string
 function categorylist($CountOfCatVideos, $TypeOfCatvideos, $pagenum, $dataLimit, $default_order)
     global $wpdb;
     $userId = get_current_user_id();
     $watchLaterVideoIds = getWatchLaterVideoIds($userId, $this->watchDetailsTable);
     $div = '';
     /** Calculating page number for category videos */
     $pagenum = absint($pagenum) ? absint($pagenum) : 1;
     $div .= '<style> .video-block { margin-left:' . $this->_settingsData->gutterspace . 'px !important; } </style>';
     foreach ($TypeOfCatvideos as $catList) {
         /** Fetch videos for every category
          * Get more page id */
         $playLists = getCatVideos($catList->pid, $dataLimit, $default_order);
         $moreName = morePageID();
         $playlistCount = count($playLists);
         $div .= '<div class="titleouter"> <h4 class="clear more_title">' . $catList->playlist_name . '</h4></div>';
         if (!empty($playlistCount)) {
             $i = 0;
             $inc = 1;
             $div .= '<ul class="video-block-container">';
             foreach ($playLists as $playList) {
                 $this->watchLaterHelper($playList, $watchLaterVideoIds);
                 /** To display the category videos thumb image and video duration  */
                 $div .= '<li class="video-block"><div class="video-thumbimg"><a href="' . $this->guid . '" title="' . $playList->name . '" ><img src="' . $this->imageFea . '" alt="" class="imgHome" title="" /></a>';
                 if (!empty($this->duration) && $this->duration != '0:00') {
                     $div .= '<span class="video_duration">' . $this->duration . '</span>';
                 $div .= '<span class="watchlaterIcon" ' . $this->clickEvent . ' ><img class="watchlaterImg" style="width:24px !important;height:24px !important;" src="' . $this->watchLaterImg . '" title="' . $this->watchLaterTitle . '"></span>
                 		    <span class="playlistIcon" data-vid = ' . $this->videoId . '><img class="playlistIconImg" style="width:24px !important;height:24px !important;" src="' . $this->playlistImg . '" title="Add to playlist"></span>';
                 /** To display playlist name as linkable */
                 $div .= '</div><div class="vid_info"><h5><a href="' . $this->guid . '" class="videoHname" title="' . $playList->name . '">' . limitTitle($playList->name) . '</a></h5>';
                 if ($this->_settingsData->categorydisplay == 1) {
                     $div .= '<a class="playlistName" href="' . $playlist_more_link . '"><span>' . $catList->playlist_name . '</span></a>';
                 if ($this->_settingsData->ratingscontrol == 1) {
                     /** Rating starts here
                      * for category videos */
                     $div .= getRatingValue($playList->rate, $playList->ratecount, '');
                 /** Views starts here for category videos */
                 if ($this->_settingsData->view_visible == 1) {
                     $div .= displayViews($playList->hitcount);
                 $div .= '</div></li>';
                 if ($i > $this->_perCat - 2) {
                 } else {
                     $i = $i + 1;
                 if ($inc % $this->_colCat == 0 && $inc != 0) {
                     $div .= '</ul><div class="clear"></div><ul class="video-block-container">';
             $div .= '</ul>';
             /** Calculate datalimit for video more page */
             if ($this->_rowCat && $this->_colCat) {
                 $dataLimit = $this->_perCat;
             } else {
                 if ($this->_rowCat || $this->_colCat) {
                     $dataLimit = '';
                 } else {
                     $dataLimit = 8;
             /** Display more videos link for category thumbs  */
             if ($playlistCount > $dataLimit) {
                 $div .= '<a class="video-more" href="' . $playlist_more_link . '">' . __('More&nbsp;Videos', APPTHA_VGALLERY) . '</a>';
             } else {
                 $div .= '<div align="clear"> </div>';
         } else {
             /** If there is no video for category */
             $div .= '<div class="titleouter">' . __('No&nbsp;Videos&nbsp;for&nbsp;this&nbsp;Category', APPTHA_VGALLERY) . '</div>';
     $div .= '<div class="clear"></div>';
     /** Pagination starts - Call helper function to get pagination values for categories */
     if ($dataLimit != 0) {
         $div .= paginateLinks($CountOfCatVideos, $dataLimit, $pagenum, '', '');
     /** Pagination ends */
     /** Display videmore page content */
     echo $div;