Ejemplo n.º 1
function find_in_dir($dir = '', $change_file_name = 0, $svn_file, $head_path, $svn_path)
    $info = array();
    $files = array();
    if (empty($dir)) {
        echo "\$dir 变量不能为空!";
    } else {
        $files = scandir($dir);
        $fh = fopen($svn_file, "a");
        foreach ($files as $v) {
            if ($v == '.' || $v == '..' || $v == '.hg' || $v == '.hgignore' || $v == '.svn' || $v == 'dev' || $v == 'font' || stripos($v, '.fla')) {
            $file = $dir . '/' . $v;
            if (is_dir($file)) {
                $dd_file = str_replace("\\", "/", $file);
                $ttfile = explode($head_path, $dd_file);
                $info[$ttfile[1]] = find_in_dir($file, $change_file_name, $svn_file, $head_path, $svn_path);
            } else {
                $xfile = str_replace(")", '\\)', $file);
                $xfile = str_replace("(", '\\(', $xfile);
                exec("svn log --limit 1 " . $xfile, $arr);
                if (!empty($arr)) {
                    $infos = explode("|", $arr[1]);
                    $infos[0] = substr($infos[0], 1);
                    $ss_file = str_replace("\\", "/", $file);
                    $fileinfo = pathinfo($file);
                    $new_file = $fileinfo['dirname'] . '/' . $fileinfo['filename'] . '.' . $fileinfo['extension'] . '_' . trim($infos[0]);
                    $new_file = str_replace($svn_path, $head_path, $new_file);
                    //更新update log file
                    $data = $fileinfo['dirname'] . '/' . $fileinfo['filename'] . '.' . $fileinfo['extension'] . "\t" . trim($infos[0]) . "\n";
                    $data = str_ireplace($svn_path, "", $data);
                    fwrite($fh, $data);
                    $nnew_file = str_replace("\\", "/", $new_file);
                    condenseRes($v, $nnew_file);
                    $info[$ss_file] = trim($v);
                $arr = array();
        // end foreach
    return $info;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * Finds a path to a target file, checking the filename and each directory
 * name in the path case-insensitively. If a target file is found, returns
 * the path with the correct, existing casing. Otherwise, returns false.
 * Optionally searches for files with the same name but alternative
 * extensions (defaults to true). Optionally searches for only files
 * ($findDir = 0), files and directories ($findDir = 1), or only
 * directories ($findDir = 2)
 * @param string $path The file to search for.
 * @param bool $findAltExtensions Set false for strict extension checking.
 * @param int  $findDir Set 0 to only return paths to actual files,
 *                      Set 1 to return paths to both files and directories
 *                      Set 2 to only return paths to directories
 * @return string|bool
function fileExists($path, $findAltExt = true, $findDir = 1)
    // This function is expecting valid path names.
    // So, if you need to trim or remove bad characters,
    // do that before sending them to this function
    // guard against bad input (such as a null path)
    $findDir = (int) $findDir;
    // 0: no, 1: yes, 2: only
    $path = (string) $path;
    if ($path === '') {
        return false;
    // efficiency checks
    if (is_file($path)) {
        if ($findDir < 2) {
            return $path;
        } elseif (!$findAltExt) {
            return false;
    if (is_dir($path)) {
        if ($findDir > 0) {
            return $path;
        } elseif (!$findAltExt) {
            return false;
    // -convert Windows directory separators '\' to standard '/'
    // -remove unneeded path elements, such as '.' or 'dir/../'
    // -remove trailing slash
    // -trim each component
    // -this is so we can explode by '/' and correctly identify
    //  each path components (e.g., 'one' and 'two' from 'one\two')
    $path = cleanPath($path);
    $path = explode('/', $path);
    // if they only supplied a single component, there is the unlikely
    // case that they are searching for the root directory
    // Let's check for that, before assuming that they are looking for
    // a file or directory in the current working directory
    if (count($path) === 1) {
        $absDir = convertAbsoluteDir($path[0]);
        if ($absDir !== false) {
            // in this case, we have an absolute path of a root directory
            if ($findDir === 0) {
                return false;
            } else {
                // this will give them the actual root directory for this OS
                return $absDir;
        } else {
            // in this case, just try to find a relative target
            return find_in_dir('.', $path[0], $findAltExt, $findDir);
    // we are going to search for the final component a bit differently,
    // since it can be either a directory or a file, so lets pull that off
    $finalComponent = array_pop($path);
    // now we need to find the directory portion of the path
    // if is_dir() cannot find it, then we will start pulling off
    // components from the end of the path until we get a directory
    // we can locate
    $dirsNotFound = array();
    while (!is_dir(implode('/', $path))) {
        // for the first dir, check if its an absolute or relative dir
        if (count($path) === 1) {
            $absDir = convertAbsoluteDir($path[0]);
            if ($absDir !== false) {
                // if absolute, set the starting path to the actual root
                $path = array($absDir);
            } else {
                $dirsNotFound[] = array_pop($path);
            // checking first dir, can't go back any more
        } else {
            // move last dir in $path to start of $dirsNotFound
            $dirsNotFound[] = array_pop($path);
    $dirsNotFound = array_reverse($dirsNotFound);
    // correct order of dirs
    // if $path is empty, not even the first dir could be identified
    // so, we will assume its a relative path
    // otherwise, we are going to use what we could
    if ($path === array()) {
        $baseDir = '.';
    } else {
        $baseDir = implode('/', $path);
    // now lets do a case-insensitive search for the rest of the dirs
    foreach ($dirsNotFound as $targetDir) {
        // use find_in_dir, but only search for dirs
        $search = find_in_dir($baseDir, $targetDir, false, 2);
        if ($search === false) {
            return false;
        $baseDir .= '/' . $search;
    // Huzzah! At this point, we should have found our directory,
    // and we just need to search for the final component
    $finalSearch = find_in_dir($baseDir, $finalComponent, $findAltExt, $findDir);
    if ($finalSearch === false) {
        return false;
    } else {
        $existingPath = $baseDir . '/' . $finalSearch;
        if (substr($existingPath, 0, 2) === './') {
            $existingPath = substr($existingPath, 2);
        return $existingPath;