/** * Редактирование объявления */ function edit() { $page =& Registry::get('TPage'); $id = 0; $real_path = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; if (substr($real_path, -1) != '/') { $real_path .= '/'; } $query = explode('?', $real_path); $pids = explode('/', $query[0]); $pos = array_search('edit', $pids); if ($pos !== false) { $id = (int) $pids[$pos + 1]; } if (!$id) { $page->tpl->assign(array('errors' => array('Объявление не указано!'))); $ret['errors_box'] = $page->tpl->fetch('errors_box.html'); $page->tpl->clear_assign('errors_box'); return $ret; } $auth =& Registry::get('TUserAuth'); $userid = (int) $auth->getCurrentUserId(); if (!$userid) { $page->tpl->assign(array('errors' => array('Вы не авторизованы!'))); $ret['errors_box'] = $page->tpl->fetch('errors_box.html'); $page->tpl->clear_assign('errors_box'); return $ret; } $row = sql_getRow("SELECT * FROM `objects` WHERE id='{$id}' AND client_id='{$userid}'"); if (!$row) { $page->tpl->assign(array('errors' => array('Нет такого объявления или объявление принадлежит не Вам!'))); $ret['errors_box'] = $page->tpl->fetch('errors_box.html'); $page->tpl->clear_assign('errors_box'); return $ret; } if (isset($_POST['fld'])) { $post = $_POST['fld']; if ($post['city'] == 1) { unset($this->req_fields['district_id']); } else { unset($this->req_fields['metro_id']); unset($this->req_fields['metro_time']); unset($this->req_fields['metro_time_type']); } foreach ($this->req_fields as $key => $val) { if (empty($post[$key])) { $errors[] = $this->req_fields[$key]; } } foreach ($post['delphoto'] as $delphoto => $smth) { $this->deletePhoto($delphoto); } foreach ($post['delplan'] as $delplan => $smth) { $this->deletePlan($delplan); } if (isset($_FILES)) { $photo = $plan = array(); foreach ($_FILES['fld'] as $key => $value) { if (isset($value['photo'])) { $photo[$key] = $value['photo']; } if (isset($value['plan'])) { $plan[$key] = $value['plan']; } } include_once 'functions.php'; $dir = 'files/objects/' . $id; if (!is_dir($dir)) { mkdir($dir); chmod($dir, 0775); } if ($photo) { $sizes = array('im_small' => array('50', '36'), 'image_small' => array('250', '250'), 'image_large' => array('640', '480')); $images_photo = downloadFiles($_FILES, count($photo['name']), 'photo', "files/objects/{$id}", $sizes, 85, true); if (!empty($images_photo)) { $ret['files_photo'] = $images_photo; } } if ($plan) { $sizes = array('image_small' => array('50', '36'), 'image_large' => array('640', '480')); $images_plan = downloadFiles($_FILES, count($plan['name']), 'plan', "files/objects/{$id}", $sizes, 85, true); if (!empty($images_plan)) { $ret['files_plan'] = $images_plan; } } } $ret['metro_dest'] = intval($post['select_metro_time']); $ret['metro_dest_text'] = intval($post['select_metro_time_type']); foreach ($post as $key => $val) { $ret[$key] = $post[$key]; } if ($errors) { array_unshift($errors, '<b>Не заполнены следующие поля</b>'); $page->tpl->assign(array('errors' => $errors)); $ret['errors_box'] = $page->tpl->fetch('errors_box.html'); $page->tpl->clear_assign('errors_box'); } else { $this->updateObject($id, $ret); $row = sql_getRow("SELECT * FROM `objects` WHERE `id`='{$id}' AND `client_id`='{$userid}'"); } } $ret = array(); $ret['id'] = $id; $ret['metrostations'] = array('' => '- не выбрано -') + sql_getRows('SELECT id, name FROM `obj_locat_metrostations` WHERE 1 ORDER BY name', true); $ret['districs_mo'] = array('' => '- не выбрано -') + $this->getDistricsAndCities(); $ret['house_type'] = array('' => '- не выбрано -') + sql_getRows('SELECT id, name FROM `obj_housetypes` WHERE 1 ORDER BY id', true); $ret['city_id'] = $row['city_id']; $ret['district_id'] = $row['distrcit_id']; $ret['metro_id'] = $row['metro_id']; $ret['select_metro_time'] = $row['metro_dest_value']; $ret['select_metro_time_type'] = intval($row['metro_dest_text']) + 1; $ret['rooms'] = $row['room']; $ret['addres'] = sql_getValue("SELECT `address` FROM `obj_address` WHERE `id`='" . $row['address_id'] . "'"); $ret['new_house'] = $row['market'] == "first" ? 1 : 0; $ret['storey'] = $row['storey']; $ret['storey_number'] = $row['storeys_number']; $ret['house_type_id'] = $row['house_type']; $ret['total_area'] = $row['total_area']; $ret['live_area'] = $row['living_area']; $ret['kitchen_area'] = $row['kitchen_area']; $ret['lavatory'] = $row['lavatory']; $ret['balcony'] = $row['balcony']; $ret['phones'] = $row['phone']; $ret['description'] = $row['short_description']; $ret['price_rub'] = $row['price_rub']; $profile = $auth->getCurrentUserData(); $ret['fio'] = $profile['fio']; $ret['email'] = $profile['login']; $contact_phones = explode(",", $row['contact_phone']); $ret['phone'] = trim($contact_phones[0]); $ret['phone2'] = trim($contact_phones[1]); $fotki = sql_getRows("SELECT * FROM `obj_elem_images` WHERE `type`='photo' AND `pid`='{$id}'"); foreach ($fotki as $fotka) { $ret['photos'][] = array('id' => $fotka['id'], 'link' => $fotka['imagepath'], 'filename' => substr($fotka['imagepath'], strrpos($fotka['imagepath'], '/') + 1)); } $plans = sql_getRows("SELECT * FROM `obj_elem_plans` WHERE `pid`='{$id}'"); foreach ($plans as $plan) { $ret['plans'][] = array('id' => $plan['id'], 'link' => $plan['image'], 'filename' => substr($plan['image'], strrpos($plan['image'], '/') + 1)); } return $ret; }
setUploadLimit(); # LOAD CONTENT // These check vars are set in the "SET VARS" section if ($ftpAction == "download" || $ftpAction == "download_zip" || $ftpAction == "iframe_upload" || $ftpAction == "editProcess") { // Login attemptLogin(); // Check referer if (checkReferer() == 1) { // Display content when logged in if ($_SESSION["loggedin"] == 1) { if ($ftpAction == "download") { downloadFile(); parentOpenFolder(); } if ($ftpAction == "download_zip") { downloadFiles(); parentOpenFolder(); } if ($ftpAction == "iframe_upload") { iframeUpload(); parentOpenFolder(); } if ($ftpAction == "editProcess") { editProcess(); } } } } else { if ($ajaxRequest == 0) { // Check if logout link has been clicked checkLogOut();
} } if (0 == errorCount()) { $tmp_folder = setupTmpFolder($folders); } if (0 == errorCount()) { $cache = setupGitCacheFolder($folders); } define('GIT_CACHE_DEST', $cache[0]); if (0 == errorCount()) { for ($x = 0; $x < count($folders); $x++) { buildFilesList($cache, $files_list, GIT, $exclude_files, $folders[$x]); } } if (0 == errorCount() && $cache[1] == GITNEW) { downloadFiles($files_list); } if (0 == errorCount()) { backupFiles($tmp_folder, $files_list); } if (0 == errorCount()) { copyFiles($files_list); } if (0 == errorCount()) { $dbupdate = updateDB($nuConfigDBHost, $nuConfigDBName, $nuConfigDBUser, $nuConfigDBPassword); } if (errorCount() > 0) { $finalResult['message'] = 'ERRORS'; } else { $finalResult['message'] = 'SUCCESS'; }
$tokenFileLocation = __DIR__ . "/../../github_oauth_token.txt"; $existingToken = @file_get_contents($tokenFileLocation); $existingToken = trim($existingToken); if (!$existingToken) { echo "token not found\n"; exit(0); } echo "Using token from file {$tokenFileLocation} \n"; $token = new Oauth2Token($existingToken); $githubClient = new GithubService(new ArtaxClient(), \Amp\reactor(), new FileResponseCache(new FileCachePath(__DIR__ . "/fileCache")), 'Danack/GithubArtaxService'); $downloadedFiles = []; if (false) { // for debugging //$downloadedFiles[] = "./download/phanan_koel_8c862cb9cc43a6715fbd9d9a289ef7e2ac81b523.tar.gz"; } else { $downloadedFiles = downloadFiles($githubClient, $token); } analyzeFiles($downloadedFiles); echo "fin\n"; exit(0); function removeDirectory($path) { if (is_dir($path) == false) { //Directory doesn't exist. return; } $files = new DirectoryIterator($path); foreach ($files as $file) { if (!$file->isDot()) { if (is_dir($file->getPathname())) { removeDirectory($file->getPathname());
function cron() { connectDB(); downloadFiles(); parseFiles(); }