echo safechar($arr['description']); ?> </font> </td> <td> <a href="/userdetails.php?id=<?php echo (int) $arr['added_by']; ?> "><?php echo $arr['username']; ?> </a> </td> <td nowrap="nowrap"> <?php echo function_exists('display_date_time') ? display_date_time(get_date_time($arr['added'])) : get_date_time($arr['added']); ?> <br /><font class="small"><?php echo get_elapsed_time($arr['added']); ?> ago</font> </td> <?php if ($staff_classes[$CURUSER['class']]['edit'] || $staff_classes[$CURUSER['class']]['delete']) { ?> <td nowrap="nowrap"> <?php if ($staff_classes[$CURUSER['class']]['edit']) { ?> <b>[</b><a href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
$ipcount = $arrip[0]; $nip = ip2long($ip); $banres = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bans WHERE $nip >= first AND $nip <= last") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__); $banarr = mysql_fetch_row($banres); if ($banarr[0] == 0) if ($ipcount > 1) $ipshow = "<b><a href=ipsearch.php?ip=". $arr['ip'] .">" . $arr['ip'] ."</a></b>"; else $ipshow = "<a href=ipsearch.php?ip=". $arr['ip'] .">" . $arr['ip'] ."</a>"; else $ipshow = "<a href='/testip.php?ip=" . $arr['ip'] . "'><font color='#FF0000'><b>" . $arr['ip'] . "</b></font></a>"; } $date = display_date_time(sql_timestamp_to_unix_timestamp($arr["access"]) , $CURUSER[tzoffset] ); print("<tr><td>$date</td>\n"); print("<td>$ipshow</td>\n"); print("<td>$addr</td>\n"); } end_table(); if ($countrows > $perpage) echo $pagerbottom; end_frame(); end_main_frame(); stdfoot();
} $message = '<h1>Success! <b>' . $arr_name['username'] . '</b> deleted from your shit list!</h1>'; } // === default page stdhead("Shit list for " . $CURUSER['username']); echo $message . '<br><table width=750 border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td class=colhead align=center valigh=top><h1>Shit List for ' . $CURUSER['username'] . '</h1>' . '<img src=pic/smilies/shit.gif alt=shit> shittiest at the top <img src=pic/smilies/shit.gif alt=shit></td></tr>' . '<tr><td class=embedded><table width=750 border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5><tr><td>'; $i = 0; $res = mysql_query("SELECT s.suspect as id, s.text, s.shittyness, s.added AS shit_list_added, u.username AS name, u.added, u.class, u.avatar, u.donor, u.warned, u.enabled, u.last_access FROM shit_list AS s LEFT JOIN users as u ON s.suspect = WHERE userid={$CURUSER['id']} ORDER BY shittyness DESC") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__); if (mysql_num_rows($res) == 0) { $shit_list = '<p align=center>Your shit list is empty.</p>'; } else { while ($shit_list = mysql_fetch_array($res)) { $class_name = get_user_class_name($shit_list['class']); $poop = 1; while ($poop <= $shit_list['shittyness']) { $shit .= ' <img src=pic/smilies/shit.gif title="' . $shit_list['shittyness'] . ' out of 10 on the sittyness scale">'; $poop++; } $main = '<a class=altlink href=userdetails.php?id=' . $shit_list['id'] . '><b>' . $shit_list['name'] . '</b></a>' . get_user_icons($shit_list) . '<b> [ ' . $class_name . ' ]</b> ' . $shit . '<br><b>joined:</b> ' . $shit_list['added'] . ' [ ' . get_elapsed_time(sql_timestamp_to_unix_timestamp($shit_list['added'])) . ' ago ]' . '<br><b>added to shit list:</b> ' . $shit_list['shit_list_added'] . ' [ ' . get_elapsed_time(sql_timestamp_to_unix_timestamp($shit_list['shit_list_added'])) . ' ago ]<br>' . '<b>last seen:</b> ' . display_date_time($shit_list['last_access']) . ' [ ' . get_elapsed_time(sql_timestamp_to_unix_timestamp($shit_list['last_access'])) . ' ago ]<hr>' . format_comment($shit_list['text']); $buttons = '<br><a class=altlink href=?action=delete&shit_list_id=' . $shit_list['id'] . '>remove</a>' . '<br><br><a class=altlink href=sendmessage.php?receiver=' . $shit_list['id'] . '>PM</a>'; $avatar = !$shit_list['avatar'] ? 'pic/default_avatar.gif' : safechar($shit_list['avatar']); $avatar = $CURUSER['avatars'] == 'yes' ? $avatar : ''; echo $i % 2 == 0 ? '<table width=100% hight=100%><tr><td width=50% align=center>' : '<td width=50% align=center hight=100%>'; echo '<table width=100% hight=100%><tr valign=top><td width=80 align=center valign=top>' . ($avatar ? '<img width=80px src=' . $avatar . '>' : '') . '</td><td><table width=420 hight=100%><tr><td class=embedded>' . $main . '</td>' . '<td class=embedded valign=top align=center>' . $buttons . '</td></tr></table></td></tr></td></tr></table>'; echo $i % 2 == 1 ? '</td></tr></table>' : '</td>'; $shit = ''; $i++; } } echo ($i % 2 == 1 ? '<td width=50%> </td></tr></table>' : '') . $shit_list . '</td></tr></table>' . '</td></tr></table><p align=center><a class=altlink href=users.php><b>Find User/Browse User List</b></a></p>'; stdfoot();
function commenttable($rows) { global $CURUSER, $HTTP_SERVER_VARS; // === get smilie based on ratio begin_main_frame(); begin_frame(); $count = 0; foreach ($rows as $row) { $querie = sql_query("SELECT anonymous FROM comments WHERE id =" . unsafeChar($row['id']) . ""); $arraya = mysql_fetch_assoc($querie); echo "<p class=sub>#" . safeChar($row["id"]) . " by "; $title = !empty($row["title"]) ? $row["title"] : get_user_class_name($row["class"]); if ($arraya['anonymous'] == 'no' && isset($row["username"])) { $username = $row["username"]; $ratres = sql_query("SELECT uploaded, downloaded from users where username='******'"); $rat = mysql_fetch_array($ratres); if ($rat["downloaded"] > 0) { $ratio = $rat['uploaded'] / $rat['downloaded']; $ratio = number_format($ratio, 3); $color = get_ratio_color($ratio); if ($color) { $ratio = "<font color={$color}>" . safeChar($ratio) . " " . get_user_ratio_image($ratio) . "</font>"; } } else { if ($rat["uploaded"] > 0) { $ratio = "Inf."; } else { $ratio = "---"; } } echo "<a name=comm" . $row["id"] . " href=userdetails.php?id=" . safeChar($row["user"]) . "><b>" . safeChar($row["username"]) . "</b></a> " . $title . " " . ($row["donor"] == "yes" ? "<img src=pic/star.gif alt='Donor'>" : "") . ($row["warned"] == "yes" ? "<img src=" . "/pic/warned.gif alt=\"Warned\">" : "") . " Ratio: {$ratio}\n"; } else { if (!isset($row["username"])) { echo "<a name=\"comm" . $row["id"] . "\"><i>(orphaned)</i></a>\n"; } else { if ($arraya['anonymous'] == 'yes') { echo "<a name=\"comm" . $row["id"] . "\"><font color=blue><b>Anonymous</b></font></a>\n"; } } } echo " at " . display_date_time($row["added"]) . " GMT" . ($row["user"] == $CURUSER["id"] || get_user_class() >= UC_MODERATOR ? "- [<a href=comment.php?action=edit&cid={$row['id']}>" . 'Edit' . "</a>] " : "") . (get_user_class() >= UC_VIP ? " - [<a href=report.php?type=Comment&id={$row['id']}>Report this Comment</a>]" : "") . (get_user_class() >= UC_MODERATOR ? "- [<a href=comment.php?action=delete&cid={$row['id']}>" . 'Delete' . "</a>]" : "") . ($row["editedby"] && get_user_class() >= UC_MODERATOR ? " - [<a href=comment.php?action=vieworiginal&cid={$row['id']}>" . 'View_original' . "</a>]" : "") . "</p>\n"; $resa = sql_query("SELECT owner, anonymous FROM torrents WHERE owner = {$row['user']}"); $array = mysql_fetch_assoc($resa); if ($row['anonymous'] == 'yes' && $row['user'] == $array['owner']) { $avatar = "/pic/default_avatar.gif"; } else { $avatar = $CURUSER["avatars"] == "yes" ? safeChar($row["avatar"]) : ""; } if (!$avatar) { $avatar = "/pic/default_avatar.gif"; } begin_table(true); echo "<tr valign=top>\n"; echo "<td align=center width=100 style='padding: 0px'><img width=100 src={$avatar}><br />" . get_reputation($row, 'comments') . "</td>\n"; echo "<td class=text>" . format_comment($row["text"]) . "</td>\n"; echo "</tr>\n"; end_table(); } end_frame(); end_main_frame(); }
$reply = ""; $from = "Кому"; } else { $from = "От кого"; if ($message['sender'] == 0) { $sender = "Системное"; $reply = ""; } else { $res2 = sql_query("SELECT username FROM users WHERE id=" . sqlesc($message['sender'])) or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__); $sender = mysql_fetch_array($res2); $sender = "<A href=\"userdetails.php?id=" . $message['sender'] . "\">" . $sender[0] . "</A>"; $reply = " [ <A href=\"message.php?action=sendmessage&receiver=" . $message['sender'] . "&replyto=" . $pm_id . "\">Ответить</A> ]"; } } $body = format_comment($message['msg']); $added = display_date_time(strtotime($message['added']), $CURUSER['tzoffset']); if (get_user_class() >= UC_MODERATOR && $message['sender'] == $CURUSER['id']) { $unread = $message['unread'] == 'yes' ? "<SPAN style=\"color: #FF0000;\"><b>(Новое)</b></A>" : ""; } else { $unread = ""; } $subject = htmlspecialchars_uni($message['subject']); if (strlen($subject) <= 0) { $subject = "Без темы"; } // Mark message unread sql_query("UPDATE messages SET unread='no' WHERE id=" . sqlesc($pm_id) . " AND receiver=" . sqlesc($CURUSER['id']) . " LIMIT 1"); // Display message stdhead("Личное Сообщение (Тема: {$subject})"); ?> <TABLE width="660" border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0">