Ejemplo n.º 1
function resolve_ids($idents)
    /* build up map for all refs to translate them to id */
    $refs = array();
    $refmap = array();
    $qs = array();
    foreach ($idents as $ident) {
        if (!is_numeric($ident)) {
            $refs[] = $ident;
            $refmap[$ident] = null;
            $qs[] = '?';
    if ($refmap) {
        // to db lookup to fetch IDs for the refs (any spurious refs will be left with a null id)
        $rows = db_getAll("SELECT ref,id FROM journo WHERE ref in (" . implode(',', $qs) . ")", $refs);
        foreach ($rows as $r) {
            $refmap[$r['ref']] = intval($r['id']);
    // now we can build up the finished list:
    $journo_ids = array();
    foreach ($idents as $ident) {
        if (is_numeric($ident)) {
            $journo_ids[] = intval($ident);
        } else {
            $journo_ids[] = $refmap[$ident];
    return $journo_ids;
function api_getJournoArticles_invoke($params)
    $offset = (int) $params['offset'];
    $limit = (int) $params['limit'];
    if (!$limit) {
        $limit = 100;
    if (!$offset) {
        $offset = 0;
    $j = $params['journo'];
    if (!$j) {
        api_error("required parameter 'journo' is missing");
    $jfield = is_numeric($j) ? 'id' : 'ref';
    $sql = <<<EOT
SELECT a.id, a.title, a.srcorg, a.permalink, a.description, a.pubdate
    FROM ((article a INNER JOIN journo_attr attr ON a.id=attr.article_id)
        INNER JOIN journo j ON j.id=attr.journo_id)
    WHERE a.status='a' AND j.status='a' AND j.{$jfield}=?
    ORDER BY a.pubdate DESC
    LIMIT ?
    OFFSET ?
    $articles = db_getAll($sql, $j, $limit, $offset);
    foreach ($articles as &$a) {
        $d = new DateTime($a['pubdate']);
        $a['pubdate'] = $d->format('c');
    $output = array('results' => $articles);
Ejemplo n.º 3
    function __construct($data, $files, $opts)
        // get all publications this journo has written for, with article counts
        assert(array_key_exists('from_ref', $opts));
        $from_ref = $opts['from_ref'];
        $pub_choices = array();
        $sql = <<<EOT
SELECT o.id, o.shortname, count(*)
    FROM (((organisation o
        INNER JOIN article a on o.id=a.srcorg)
        INNER JOIN journo_attr attr ON attr.article_id=a.id)
        INNER JOIN journo j ON j.id=attr.journo_id)
        WHERE j.ref=?
        GROUP BY o.id,o.shortname
        ORDER BY count DESC
        foreach (db_getAll($sql, $from_ref) as $row) {
            $pub_choices[$row['id']] = sprintf("%s (%d articles)", $row['shortname'], $row['count']);
        $extra_opts = array('initial' => array('from_ref' => $from_ref));
        $opts = array_merge($opts, $extra_opts);
        parent::__construct($data, array(), $opts);
        $this->error_css_class = 'errors';
        $this->fields['from_ref'] = new CharField(array('max_length' => 200, 'required' => TRUE, 'label' => 'Journo to split', 'help_text' => 'eg fred-bloggs', 'readonly' => TRUE, 'validators' => array(array(new JournoValidator(), "execute"))));
        $this->fields['from_ref']->widget->attrs['readonly'] = TRUE;
        $this->fields['split_pubs'] = new MultipleChoiceField(array('label' => 'Publications to split off', 'help_text' => 'Articles from the ticked publications will be assigned over to the new journo', 'choices' => $pub_choices, 'widget' => 'CheckboxSelectMultiple'));
        $this->fields['to_ref'] = new CharField(array('widget' => new TextInput(array('class' => 'journo-lookup')), 'max_length' => 200, 'required' => FALSE, 'label' => 'Destination journo', 'help_text' => 'eg fred-bloggs or leave blank to create a new journo', 'validators' => array(array(new JournoValidator(), "execute"))));
Ejemplo n.º 4
function fetch_art($art_id)
    $art = article_collect($art_id);
    // journos (article_collect() only grabs active ones)
    $sql = <<<EOT
SELECT j.prettyname, j.ref, j.status, j.oneliner
    FROM ( journo j INNER JOIN journo_attr attr ON j.id=attr.journo_id )
    WHERE attr.article_id=?
    $art['journos'] = db_getAll($sql, $art_id);
    return $art;
Ejemplo n.º 5
function expand_pubset($matches)
    $pubset = $matches[2];
    $pub_ids = db_getAll("SELECT m.pub_id FROM (pub_set_map m INNER JOIN pub_set s ON s.id=m.pub_set_id) WHERE s.name=?", $pubset);
    if (is_null($pub_ids)) {
        throw new Exception("Unknown pubset '" . $pubset . "'");
    $parts = array();
    foreach ($pub_ids as $foo) {
        $parts[] = "srcorg:" . $foo['pub_id'];
    return "(" . implode(' OR ', $parts) . ")";
Ejemplo n.º 6
function view()
    $P = person_if_signed_on();
    if (is_null($P)) {
        // only for logged-in users
        header("Location: /");
    /* they might have multiple profiles, thus option to specify one here */
    $ref = strtolower(get_http_var('ref'));
    $journo = NULL;
    if ($ref) {
        $journo = db_getRow("SELECT * FROM journo WHERE ref=?", $ref);
        if (!$journo) {
            header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");
    if (is_null($journo)) {
        // no journo given - if person is logged on, see if they are associated with a journo (or journos)
        $editables = db_getAll("SELECT j.* FROM ( journo j INNER JOIN person_permission p ON p.journo_id=j.id) WHERE p.person_id=? AND p.permission='edit'", $P->id());
        if (sizeof($editables) == 0) {
            header("Location: /");
        } elseif (sizeof($editables) > 1) {
            /* let user pick which one... */
        } else {
            // sizeof($editables) == 1
            $journo = $editables[0];
            // just one journo.
    // is this person allowed to edit this journo?
    if (!db_getOne("SELECT id FROM person_permission WHERE person_id=? AND journo_id=? AND permission='edit'", $P->id(), $journo['id'])) {
        // nope
        $journo = null;
    if (!is_null($journo)) {
        header("Location: /{$journo['ref']}");
    } else {
        header("Location: /f**k");
Ejemplo n.º 7
function view()
    page_header("", array('menupage' => 'cover'));
    // get most-recently-updated journos from event log
    $recently_updated = array();
    $sql = <<<EOT
SELECT j.ref AS journo_ref, j.prettyname as journo_prettyname, j.oneliner as journo_oneliner, min(now()-e.event_time) as when
    FROM event_log e LEFT JOIN journo j ON j.id=e.journo_id
    WHERE event_time>NOW()-interval '7 days' AND j.status='a'
    GROUP BY journo_ref, journo_prettyname, journo_oneliner
    ORDER BY min( now()-e.event_time) ASC
    LIMIT 10;
    $events = db_getAll($sql);
    foreach ($events as &$ev) {
        $recently_updated[] = array('ref' => $ev['journo_ref'], 'prettyname' => $ev['journo_prettyname'], 'oneliner' => $ev['journo_oneliner']);
    include "../templates/frontpage.tpl.php";
Ejemplo n.º 8
function view()
    if (!admCheckAccess()) {
    // should return error code?
    $j = get_http_var('j');
    $j = strtolower($j);
    $journo = db_getRow("SELECT id,ref,prettyname,oneliner,status FROM journo WHERE ref=?", $j);
    if (is_null($journo)) {
        // TODO: 404
    $sql = <<<EOT
    SELECT p.id,p.email,p.name,perm.permission
        FROM person p INNER JOIN person_permission perm ON perm.person_id=p.id
        WHERE perm.permission='edit' AND perm.journo_id=?
    $users = db_getAll($sql, $journo['id']);
    $journo['arts'] = journo_collectArticles($journo, 5);
    $journo['num_arts'] = db_getOne("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM journo_attr WHERE journo_id=?", $journo['id']);
    $journo['linked_users'] = $users;
Ejemplo n.º 9
function emit_paper(&$paper)
    $paper_id = $paper['id'];
    print "<h2>{$paper['name']}</h2>\n";
    print "<p><em>{$paper['description']}</em></p>\n";
    $criteria = db_getAll("SELECT * FROM custompaper_criteria_text WHERE paper_id=?", $paper_id);
    $queries = array();
    foreach ($criteria as $c) {
        $queries[] = $c['query'];
    print "<small>(articles matching \n";
    foreach ($queries as $q) {
        print "\"<code>{$q}</code>\" ";
    print " over the last 24 hours)</small>\n";
    $end_dt = new DateTime('now', new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
    $start_dt = new DateTime('now', new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
    //$start_dt->modify( "-24 days" );
    $start_dt->modify("-24 hours");
    #     print $d->format( DATE_RFC3339 );
    $arts = xap_DoQueries($queries, $start_dt->format(DATE_RFC3339), $end_dt->format(DATE_RFC3339));
    print "<hr>\n";
    if ($arts) {
        foreach ($arts as $art) {
            $jl_link = "/article?id={$art['id']}";
            $posted = PostedFragment($art);
            print "<div>\n";
            print " <h3><a href=\"{$art['permalink']}\">{$art['title']}</a></h3>\n";
            print " {$art['description']}<br/>\n";
            print " {$posted} (<a href=\"{$jl_link}\">journalisted page</a>)<br/>\n";
            print "</div>\n";
    } else {
        print "<p>No articles</p>\n";
Ejemplo n.º 10
function api_findJournos_invoke($params)
    $name = $params['name'];
    $offset = (int) $params['offset'];
    $limit = (int) $params['limit'];
    if (!$limit) {
        $limit = 100;
    $order = 'lastname';
    $orderfields = $order == 'firstname' ? 'firstname,lastname' : 'lastname,firstname';
    $vals = array();
    $sql = "SELECT id,ref,prettyname,firstname,lastname,oneliner FROM journo WHERE status='a'";
    if ($name) {
        $sql .= " AND prettyname ILIKE( ? )";
        $vals[] = "%{$name}%";
    $sql .= " ORDER BY {$orderfields}";
    $sql .= " LIMIT ?";
    $vals[] = $limit;
    $sql .= " OFFSET ?";
    $vals[] = $offset;
    $output = array('results' => db_getAll($sql, $vals));
Ejemplo n.º 11
function list_publications()
    $pubs = db_getAll("SELECT id,shortname,prettyname FROM organisation ORDER BY prettyname");
<div class="main">
<div class="head"><h2>Publications</h2></div>
<div class="body">
    foreach ($pubs as $pub) {
        echo publication_link($pub);
<div class="foot"></div>
</div>  <!-- end main -->
Ejemplo n.º 12
function emit_details($person_id)
    // general
    $p = db_getRow("SELECT * FROM person WHERE id=?", $person_id);
    $subscribed_to_newsletter = false;
    if (db_getOne("SELECT person_id FROM person_receives_newsletter WHERE person_id=?", $person_id)) {
        $subscribed_to_newsletter = true;
<h3>viewing user: '******'email'];
[<a href="/adm/useraccounts?person_id=<?php 
    echo $person_id;
&action=changeemail">Change email address</a>]<br/>
id: <?php 
    echo $p['id'];
name: <?php 
    echo $p['name'] ? $p['name'] : "-blank-";
    if ($p['password']) {
Password is set <?php 
    } else {
No password set<?php 
Logged in <?php 
    echo $p['numlogins'];
    // show newsletter subscription
    if ($subscribed_to_newsletter) {
<small>[<a href="/adm/useraccounts?person_id=<?php 
        echo $person_id;
    } else {
<em>not subscribed</em>
<small>[<a href="/adm/useraccounts?person_id=<?php 
        echo $person_id;
    // show alerts
    $sql = <<<EOT
SELECT a.id,j.ref,j.prettyname,j.oneliner FROM ((alert a INNER JOIN person p ON a.person_id=p.id) INNER JOIN journo j ON a.journo_id=j.id) WHERE p.id=?;
    $alerts = db_getAll($sql, $person_id);
    echo sizeof($alerts);
 alerts set up:
    foreach ($alerts as $a) {
        echo admJournoLink($a['ref'], $a['prettyname']);
        echo $a['oneliner'];
) <a class="button delete" href="/adm/useraccounts?person_id=<?php 
        echo $person_id;
        echo $a['id'];

    // show permissions
    $sql = <<<EOT
SELECT p.id, p.permission, j.ref as journo_ref FROM (person_permission p LEFT JOIN journo j ON j.id=p.journo_id)
    WHERE person_id=?
    $perms = db_getAll($sql, $person_id);
    if ($perms) {
        foreach ($perms as $perm) {
Can <em><?php 
            echo $perm['permission'];
            echo is_null($perm['journo_ref']) ? '' : admJournoLink($perm['journo_ref']);
<small>[<a href="/adm/useraccounts?person_id=<?php 
            echo $person_id;
            echo $perm['id'];
    } else {
<p>No permissions assigned</p>
<h4>Generate a login link</h4>
<p>This creates a link to allow a user to log in directly</p>
<form method="POST" action="/adm/useraccounts">
<input type="hidden" name="person_id" value="<?php 
    echo $person_id;
" />
<label for="login_dest">Login destination:</label>
<select id="login_dest" name="login_dest">
  <option selected value="/profile">/profile</option>
  <option value="/alert">/alert</option>
<button name="action" value="generate_token">Generate</button>
Ejemplo n.º 13
function emit_popularalertsbox()
    $sql = <<<EOT
SELECT j.prettyname, j.ref, j.oneliner, count(j.ref) AS cnt
    FROM (journo j INNER JOIN alert a ON a.journo_id=j.id)
    GROUP BY j.ref,j.prettyname,j.oneliner
    LIMIT 10
    $popular = db_getAll($sql);
<div class="box">
  <div class="head"><h3>Popular alerts</h3></div>
  <div class="body">
    foreach ($popular as $j) {
        <a href="<?php 
        echo '/' . $j['ref'];
        echo $j['prettyname'];
</a> (<?php 
        echo $j['oneliner'];
          <small>[<a href="/alert?Add=1&j=<?php 
        echo $j['ref'];
  <div class="foot"></div>
Ejemplo n.º 14
    function display()
        $sql = <<<EOT
SELECT a.id, a.admired_id, a.admired_name, j.prettyname, j.ref as admired_ref, j.oneliner
    FROM (journo_admired a LEFT JOIN journo j ON a.admired_id=j.id)
    WHERE a.journo_id=?
        $admired = db_getAll($sql, $this->journo['id']);
<h2>Which journalists do you recommend?</h2>
<form class="admired" method="POST" action="<?php 
        echo $this->pagePath;
        foreach ($admired as $a) {
        // the template entry
  <input type="hidden" name="ref" value="<?php 
        echo $this->journo['ref'];
" />
  <input type="hidden" name="action" value="submit" />
  <div class="button-area">
    <a class="add" href="#">Add a journalist</a><br/>
    <button class="submit" type="submit">Save changes</button> or <a href="/<?php 
        echo $this->journo['ref'];
Ejemplo n.º 15
function RedirectToOriginalDest($stash)
    if (!is_null($stash)) {
        /* just pass them through to the page they actually wanted. */
        /* NOTREACHED */
    } else {
        $P = person_if_signed_on();
        if ($P) {
            $editables = db_getAll("SELECT j.* FROM ( journo j INNER JOIN person_permission p ON p.journo_id=j.id) WHERE p.person_id=? AND p.permission='edit'", $P->id());
            if (sizeof($editables) >= 1) {
                header("Location: /" . $editables[0]['ref']);
        header("Location: /account");
Ejemplo n.º 16
function grab_articles($f, $o, $ot, $offset, $limit)
    global $_time_intervals;
    global $_sortable_fields;
    list($conds, $params) = build_query($f);
    // make sure ordering params are sensible
    $o = strtolower($o);
    assert(in_array($o, $_sortable_fields));
    $ot = strtolower($ot);
    assert($ot == 'asc' || $ot == 'desc');
    $from_clause = "  FROM (article a INNER JOIN organisation o ON o.id=a.srcorg)\n";
    $where_clause = '';
    if ($conds) {
        $where_clause = '  WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $conds) . "\n";
    if ($o == 'publication') {
        $o = 'lower(o.prettyname)';
    if ($o == 'byline') {
        $o = 'lower(byline)';
    if ($o == 'title') {
        $o = 'lower(title)';
    $order_clause = sprintf("  ORDER BY %s %s\n", $o, $ot);
    $limit_clause = sprintf("  OFFSET %d LIMIT %d\n", $offset, $limit);
    $sql = "SELECT a.id,a.title,a.byline,a.description,a.permalink, a.pubdate, a.lastscraped, " . "o.id as pub_id, o.shortname as pub_shortname, o.prettyname as pub_name, o.home_url as pub_home_url\n" . $from_clause . $where_clause . $order_clause . $limit_clause;
    $arts = db_getAll($sql, $params);
    $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*)\n" . $from_clause . $where_clause;
    $total = intval(db_getOne($sql, $params));
    return array(&$arts, $total);
Ejemplo n.º 17
function view_claim()
    $ref = strtolower(get_http_var('ref'));
    $iamwhoisay = get_http_var("iamwhoisay");
    if (!$iamwhoisay) {
        // no confirmation box ticked...
        header("Location: /");
    $journo = db_getRow("SELECT * FROM journo WHERE ref=?", $ref);
    if (!$journo) {
        header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");
    // we need them logged on first
    $P = person_register(array('reason_web' => "Register to claim your profile", 'reason_email' => "Register on Journalisted to claim your profile", 'reason_email_subject' => 'Register on Journalisted'));
    // TODO: show claim pending message if already claimed
    // has anyone already claimed this journo?
    $foo = db_getAll("SELECT journo_id FROM person_permission WHERE journo_id=? AND permission='edit'", $journo['id']);
    if ($foo) {
        // uhoh...
    // OK - _claim_ the profile!
    db_do("DELETE FROM person_permission WHERE person_id=? AND journo_id=? AND permission='claimed'", $P->id, $journo['id']);
    db_do("INSERT INTO person_permission ( person_id,journo_id,permission) VALUES(?,?,?)", $P->id, $journo['id'], 'claimed');
    // set persons name if blank
    //    if( $P->name_or_blank() == '' ) {
    //        $P->name( $journo['prettyname'] );  // (does a commit)
    //    }
    if (!$P->has_password()) {
        // we'll use an password form which submits to /account instead of here.
        $passwordbox = new PasswordBox('/account');
    tmpl_welcome($journo, $passwordbox);
Ejemplo n.º 18
    public static function fetch_lots($journo_id = null, $status_filter = '')
        $conds = array();
        $params = array();
        if ($status_filter == 'approved') {
            $conds[] = "l.approved=?";
            $params[] = TRUE;
        } elseif ($status_filter == 'unapproved') {
            $conds[] = "l.approved=?";
            $params[] = FALSE;
        if (!is_null($journo_id)) {
            $conds[] = "l.journo_id=?";
            $params[] = $journo_id;
        $whereclause = '';
        if ($conds) {
            $whereclause = ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $conds);
        $sql = <<<EOT
SELECT l.*, j.ref AS journo_ref, j.prettyname as journo_prettyname
    FROM journo_weblink l
    JOIN journo j ON l.journo_id=j.id
\tORDER BY l.id
        return db_getAll($sql, $params);
Ejemplo n.º 19
function journo_fetchRecentEvents($journo_id)
    $sql = <<<EOT
SELECT event_time, event_type, context_json FROM event_log
    WHERE journo_id=? AND event_time>NOW()-interval '12 hours'
    ORDER BY event_time DESC;
    $events = db_getAll($sql, $journo_id);
    foreach ($events as &$ev) {
        $ev['context'] = json_decode($ev['context_json'], TRUE);
        $ev['description'] = eventlog_Describe($ev);
    return $events;
Ejemplo n.º 20
function EmitOtherArticles($journo_id)
    print "<h3>Other Articles (not covered by scrapers)</h3>\n";
    $sql = <<<EOT
SELECT * FROM journo_other_articles WHERE journo_id=? ORDER BY pubdate DESC
    $rows = db_getAll($sql, $journo_id);
    echo sizeof($rows);
 other articles:</p>
    foreach ($rows as $row) {

    <tr class="<?php 
        echo $row['status'] == 'a' ? 'bio_approved' : 'bio_unapproved';
        <td><a href="<?php 
        echo $row['url'];
        echo $row['url'];
        echo $row['title'];
        $d = new DateTime($row['pubdate']);
        echo $d->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
        echo $row['publication'];
        echo $row['status'];
			<a href="?action=remove_otherarticle_confirmed&journo_id=<?php 
        echo $journo_id;
        echo $row['id'];
        if ($row['status'] == 'a') {
			<a href="?action=disapprove_otherarticle&journo_id=<?php 
            echo $journo_id;
            echo $row['id'];
        } else {
			<a href="?action=approve_otherarticle&journo_id=<?php 
            echo $journo_id;
            echo $row['id'];
    /* NO MORE other articles please :-)
    <form method="post">
    <input type="hidden" name="journo_id" value="<?php echo $journo_id; ?>" />
    url: <input type="text" name="url" size="40" />
    title: <input type="text" name="title" size="40" /><br/>
    pubdate (yyyy-mm-dd): <input type="text" name="pubdate" />
    publication: <input type="text" name="publication" /><br/>
    <button type="submit" name="action" value="add_otherarticle">Add Other Article</button>

Ejemplo n.º 21
function news_RecentNews($limit = 5)
    // recent newsletters
    $news = null;
    if (is_null($limit)) {
        $news = db_getAll("SELECT id,slug,kind,title,posted,date_from,date_to FROM news WHERE status='a' ORDER BY posted DESC");
    } else {
        $news = db_getAll("SELECT id,slug,kind,title,posted,date_from,date_to FROM news WHERE status='a' ORDER BY posted DESC LIMIT ?", $limit);
    foreach ($news as &$n) {
    return $news;
Ejemplo n.º 22
 static function from_db($art_id)
     $art = db_getRow("SELECT * FROM article WHERE id=?", $art_id);
     $date_fields = array('pubdate', 'lastscraped', 'firstseen', 'lastseen');
     foreach ($date_fields as $f) {
         $art[$f] = new DrongoDateTime($art[$f]);
     $foo = db_getAll("SELECT j.ref FROM (journo_attr attr INNER JOIN journo j ON j.id=attr.journo_id) WHERE attr.article_id=?", $art_id);
     $authors = array();
     foreach ($foo as $row) {
         $authors[] = $row['ref'];
     $art['authors'] = join(',', $authors);
     return new ArticleModelForm($art);
Ejemplo n.º 23
    function __construct($journo, $blank = FALSE)
        $this->journo = $journo;
        if (!$blank) {
            $this->url = get_http_var('url', '');
            if ($this->url) {
                $this->url = clean_url($this->url);
            // so we can detect if url is changed
            $this->prev_url = get_http_var('prev_url', '');
        if ($blank || !$this->url && !$this->prev_url) {
            $this->state = 'initial';
        $msg = is_sane_article_url($this->url);
        if (!is_null($msg)) {
            $this->errs['url'] = $msg;
            $this->state = 'bad_url';
        // article already in DB?
        $art_id = article_find($this->url);
        if (is_null($art_id)) {
            // nope - try and scrape it
            list($ret, $txt) = scrape_ScrapeURL($this->url, $this->journo['ref']);
            if ($ret != 0) {
                $this->errs['error_message'] = "Journa<i>listed</i> had problems reading this article";
                $this->state = 'scrape_failed';
            $arts = scrape_ParseOutput($txt);
            if (sizeof($arts) < 1) {
                $this->errs['error_message'] = "Journa<i>listed</i> had problems reading this article";
                $this->state = 'scrape_failed';
            $art_id = $arts[0];
        // if we get this far, $art_id will be set
        // fetch some basic details about the article
        $art = db_getRow("SELECT id,title,permalink,pubdate,srcorg FROM article WHERE id=?", $art_id);
        $sql = <<<EOT
            SELECT j.id,j.prettyname,j.ref
                FROM (journo j INNER JOIN journo_attr attr ON attr.journo_id=j.id)
                WHERE attr.article_id=?
        $journos = db_getAll($sql, $art_id);
        $art['journos'] = $journos;
        $this->article = $art;
        // attributed to the expected journo?
        $got_expected_journo = FALSE;
        foreach ($journos as $j) {
            if ($j['id'] == $this->journo['id']) {
                $got_expected_journo = TRUE;
        if ($got_expected_journo) {
            // all is well.
            $this->state = 'done';
        } else {
            //            $this->errs['error_message'] = "Journa<i>listed</i> had trouble reading the byline";
            $this->state = 'journo_mismatch';
Ejemplo n.º 24
        $out = array_cherrypick($row, $fields);
        // add source publication info
        $source = array('id' => $row['srcorg'], 'shortname' => $row['shortname'], 'prettyname' => $row['prettyname'], 'home_url' => $row['home_url']);
        $out['source'] = $source;
        // sanitize the timestamps
        foreach ($time_fields as $tf) {
            $dt = new DateTime($out[$tf]);
            $out[$tf] = $dt->format('Y-m-d\\TH:i:s.uO');
        $results[] = $out;
    // go through and add in id36 and journo data to articles
    foreach ($results as &$art) {
        $art['id36'] = article_id_to_id36($art['id']);
        $sql = <<<EOT
SELECT j.prettyname, j.ref
    FROM ( journo j INNER JOIN journo_attr attr ON j.id=attr.journo_id )
    WHERE attr.article_id=? AND j.status='a';
        $journos = array();
        foreach (db_getAll($sql, $art['id']) as $j) {
            $journos[] = array('ref' => $j['ref'], 'prettyname' => $j['prettyname']);
        $art['journos'] = $journos;
} catch (Exception $e) {
    $details = $e->getMessage();
    $status = -1;
header('Content-type: application/json');
print json_encode(array('status' => $status, 'details' => $details, 'results' => $results));
Ejemplo n.º 25
    function display()
        $weblinks = null;
        if ($this->badSubmit) {
            $weblinks = $this->submitted;
        } else {
            $weblinks = db_getAll("SELECT * FROM journo_weblink WHERE kind NOT IN ('pingback','twitter') AND journo_id=? ORDER BY rank DESC", $this->journo['id']);
        $home_url = '';
        $twitter_name = '';

        echo $this->journo['prettyname'];
 on the web</h2>
<form class="weblink" method="POST" action="<?php 
        echo $this->pagePath;

        foreach ($weblinks as $w) {
  <input type="hidden" name="ref" value="<?php 
        echo $this->journo['ref'];
" />
  <input type="hidden" name="action" value="submit" />
  <div class="button-area">
    <a class="add" href="#">Add a site</a><br/>
    <button class="submit" type="submit">Save changes</button> or <a href="/<?php 
        echo $this->journo['ref'];
<p>Note: journa<i>listed</i> reserves the right to change or remove links</p>
Ejemplo n.º 26
    function perform($params)
        $sql = <<<EOT
SELECT o.shortname, COUNT(*)
    FROM (article a INNER JOIN organisation o ON o.id=a.srcorg)
    WHERE a.status='a' AND a.pubdate >= date ? AND a.pubdate < (date ? + interval '24 hours')
    GROUP BY o.shortname
        $rows = db_getAll($sql, $params['from_date'], $params['to_date']);
        return $rows;
Ejemplo n.º 27

// missingarticles.php
// admin page for scraping submitted articles
// sigh... stupid php include-path trainwreck...
require_once '../conf/general';
require_once '../phplib/misc.php';
require_once '../../phplib/db.php';
require_once '../../phplib/utility.php';
require_once '../phplib/adm.php';
require_once 'missingarticle_widget.php';
admPageHeader("Missing Articles", "ExtraHead");
<h2>Missing articles</h2>
<p>User-submitted articles we <em>should</em> be able to scrape...</p>
$sql = "SELECT m.id,m.journo_id, j.ref, j.prettyname, j.oneliner, m.url, m.submitted, m.reason\n    FROM missing_articles m LEFT JOIN journo j ON m.journo_id=j.id\n    ORDER BY submitted DESC";
$rows = db_getAll($sql);
foreach ($rows as $r) {
    $w = new MissingArticleWidget($r);
function ExtraHead()
Ejemplo n.º 28
    public static function fetch($filter = null, $offset = null, $limit = null)
        $params = array();
        $sel_part = self::$sql_select;
        $from_part = self::$sql_from;
        $where_part = "reason_code NOT IN ('rejected','resolved')";
        if ($filter['expected_ref']) {
            $where_part .= " AND j.ref=?";
            $params[] = $filter['expected_ref'];
        $sql = <<<EOT
        SELECT {$sel_part}
            FROM {$from_part}
            WHERE {$where_part}
            ORDER BY e.submitted DESC
        if (!is_null($offset)) {
            $sql .= " OFFSET ?\n";
            $params[] = $offset;
        if (!is_null($limit)) {
            $sql .= " LIMIT ?\n";
            $params[] = $limit;
        $rows = db_getAll($sql, $params);
        $art_errs = array();
        foreach ($rows as $row) {
            $sub = new SubmittedArticle();
            $art_errs[] = $sub;
        return $art_errs;
Ejemplo n.º 29
function newsList()
    $posts = db_getAll("SELECT id,status,title,slug,posted,author,kind,date_from,date_to FROM news ORDER BY posted DESC");
<h2>News Posts</h2>
 <a href="/adm/news?action=create">Create a new post</a>
    foreach ($posts as $p) {
  <li class="<?php 
        echo $p['status'] == 'a' ? 'approved' : 'unapproved';
" >
        if ($p['status'] == 'a') {
    <strong><a href="/news/<?php 
            echo $p['slug'];
            echo $p['title'];
        } else {
            echo $p['title'];
</strong> (unpublished)
    <small>posted by <em><?php 
        echo $p['author'];
</em>, <?php 
        echo $p['posted'];
      <a href="/adm/news?action=edit&id=<?php 
        echo $p['id'];
      <small> <a href="/adm/news?action=delete&id=<?php 
        echo $p['id'];
">[delete]</a> </small>

Ejemplo n.º 30
function article_collect_commentlinks($article_id)
    /* profile for various non-newspaper sites we source from - they all use their own terminology */
    $profiles = array('digg' => array('scoreterm' => 'diggs', 'prettyname' => 'Digg'), 'reddit' => array('scoreterm' => 'points', 'prettyname' => 'Reddit'), 'newsvine' => array('scoreterm' => 'votes', 'prettyname' => 'Newsvine'), 'fark' => array('scoreterm' => 'votes', 'prettyname' => 'Fark'), 'del.icio.us' => array('scoreterm' => 'saves', 'prettyname' => 'del.icio.us'), 'DEFAULT' => array('scoreterm' => 'points', 'prettyname' => 'unknown'));
    /* add the newspapers to the list of profiles */
    $orgs = db_getAll("SELECT shortname, prettyname FROM organisation");
    foreach ($orgs as $o) {
        $profiles[$o['shortname']] = array('prettyname' => $o['prettyname'], 'scoreterm' => 'points');
    $comment_links = db_getAll("SELECT * FROM article_commentlink WHERE article_id=?", $article_id);
    foreach ($comment_links as &$c) {
        $source = $c['source'];
        $profile = $profiles['DEFAULT'];
        if (array_key_exists($source, $profiles)) {
            $profile = $profiles[$source];
        $bits = array();
        if (!is_null($c['num_comments'])) {
            if ($c['num_comments'] > 0) {
                $bits[] = sprintf("%d comments", $c['num_comments']);
            } else {
                $bits[] = "no comments yet";
        if ($c['score']) {
            $bits[] = sprintf("%d %s", $c['score'], $profile['scoreterm']);
        $c['buzz'] = implode(', ', $bits);
        $c['source_prettyname'] = $profile['prettyname'];
        $c['source_scoreterm'] = $profile['scoreterm'];
    return $comment_links;