</td> <?php } $sql = "select count(id) from groups where teacher_code != 0"; $total = dbGetFld($sql); ?> </tr> <tr> <td class=sutd> <?php echo $total; ?> </td> <?php for ($i = 0; $i <= $game_weeks + 1; $i++) { $sql = "select count(id) from groups where teacher_code != 0 and week={$i}"; $n = dbGetFld($sql); $p = $n * 100 / $total; $p = sprintf("%0.1f", $p); ?> <td class=sutd> <?php echo $p; ?> % </td> <?php } ?> </tr> </table> <br> <br>
$raised = raisedbystudent($o->uid, $tvc); $tr[$o->gid] = true; if ($rs->CurrentRow() % $j == 0) { echo $rs->CurrentRow() . "—"; } ob_flush(); flush(); } p("Done"); b("updating raised money for teams"); $rc = count($tr); p("Records to process: {$rc}"); $j = $rc / 10; $cr = 0; foreach ($tr as $gid => $v) { $raised = dbGetFld("select sum(raised) + (avg(raised) * CEIL((4-count(raised))/4)) from results where gid={$gid}"); dbExec("update groups set raisedmoney={$raised} where id={$gid}"); $cr++; if ($cr % $j == 0) { echo $cr . "—"; } ob_flush(); flush(); } p("Done"); b("updating raised money percentile for students"); $rs = dbExec("select uid, raised as val from results where p_raised is NULL order by val asc"); $rc = $rs->RecordCount(); p("Records to process: {$rc}"); $j = $rc / 10; $total = $rc;
echo $s; ?> </td> <?php } $total2 = dbGetFld("select count(id) from users where active=1 and user_type='s' and group_id != 0"); ?> </tr> <tr> <td class=sutd> <?php echo $total2; ?> </td> <?php for ($i = 0; $i <= $game_weeks + 1; $i++) { $n2 = dbGetFld("select count(id) from users where active=1 and user_type='s' and group_id != 0 and week={$i}"); $p2 = $n2 * 100 / $total2; $p2 = sprintf("%0.1f", $p2); ?> <td class=sutd> <?php echo $p2; ?> % </td> <?php } ?> </tr> </table> <!-- end new content --> </div>
<?php include "a_menu.php"; $act = rt("act"); if ($act) { ob_clean(); $dec = rt("decision"); $col = rt("col"); $val = rt("val"); if ($act == "set") { $sql = "update scores set {$col}={$val} where decision='{$dec}'"; dbExec($sql); $nval = dbGetFld("select {$col} from scores where decision='{$dec}'"); echo "ok,{$dec},{$col},{$nval}"; exit; } else { if ($act == "clr") { $sql = "delete from scores where decision='{$dec}'"; dbExec($sql); $sql = "insert into scores (decision) values ('{$dec}')"; dbExec($sql); } else { if ($act == "del") { $sql = "delete from scores where decision='{$dec}'"; dbExec($sql); } } } } include "table.php"; ?>
// count how many groups are in the tutorial $sql = "select count(id) from `groups` where teacher_code={$tc} and week=0"; $num_groups_in_tutorial = dbGetFld($sql); if ($num_groups_in_tutorial > 0) { // at least one group is still in tutorial $in_tutorial = 1; } if ($num_groups > 0) { // this teacher has at least one group /*$sql = "select count( distinct group_id ) from users where teacher_code=$tc and week=0 and gamedata!=''"; $groups_in_tutorial = dbGetFld($sql); $status = "In Tutorial";*/ for ($w = 1; $w <= $game_weeks + 1; $w++) { // count how many groups are in, or beyond, week $w $sql = "select count(id) from groups where teacher_code={$tc} and week>={$w}"; $groups_in_week = dbGetFld($sql); if ($groups_in_week / $num_groups > $most) { // most of the groups are in, or beyond, week $w $status = "Task {$w}"; if ($w > $game_weeks) { // this week is the last one $status = "Finished"; } } } } } // XXX task_progress was not a useful value $sql = "update users set low_week = '{$low_week}', status = '{$status}', task_progress=0, in_tutorial={$in_tutorial} where id = {$id} limit 1"; dbExec($sql); echo "{$tc}\t{$full_name}\t<{$email}>\t{$status}\t{$in_tutorial}\t'{$low_week}'\n";