Ejemplo n.º 1
 * CT Meta Box setup
 * The actual class is included by ctfw_include_files() in framework.php.
 * This is done here instead of there so ctfw_theme_url() is available to use.
 * @since 0.9
function ctfw_ctmb_setup()
    if (!defined('CTMB_URL')) {
        // in case also used in plugin
        define('CTMB_URL', ctfw_theme_url(CTFW_LIB_DIR . '/ct-meta-box'));
        // for enqueing JS/CSS
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * Responsive embeds JavaScript
function ctfw_responsive_embeds_enqueue_scripts()
    // If theme supports this feature
    if (current_theme_supports('ctfw-responsive-embeds')) {
        // FitVids.js
        wp_enqueue_script('fitvids', ctfw_theme_url(CTFW_JS_DIR . '/jquery.fitvids.js'), array('jquery'), CTFW_THEME_VERSION);
        // bust cache on theme update
        // Responsive embeds script
        wp_enqueue_script('ctfw-responsive-embeds', ctfw_theme_url(CTFW_JS_DIR . '/responsive-embeds.js'), array('fitvids'), CTFW_THEME_VERSION);
        // bust cache on theme update
 * Enqueue admin stylesheets
 * Note: CT Meta Box and other framework components handle their own stylesheets.
 * @since 0.9
function ctfw_admin_enqueue_styles()
    $screen = get_current_screen();
    // Admin widgets
    // Framework also enqueues this for Customizer in framework/includes/customize.php
    if ('widgets' == $screen->base) {
        wp_enqueue_style('ctfw-widgets', ctfw_theme_url(CTFW_CSS_DIR . '/admin-widgets.css'), false, CTFW_THEME_VERSION);
        // bust cache on update
    // Theme license
    if ('appearance_page_theme-license' == $screen->base) {
        wp_enqueue_style('ctfw-license', ctfw_theme_url(CTFW_CSS_DIR . '/admin-license.css'), false, CTFW_THEME_VERSION);
        // bust cache on update
 * Enqueue Admin JavaScript
 * Note: CT Meta Box and other framework components handle their own scripts.
 * @since 0.9
function ctfw_admin_enqueue_scripts()
    $screen = get_current_screen();
    // Widgets JavaScript
    // wp_enqueue_media() is run in classes/widget.php
    if ('widgets' == $screen->base) {
        // don't enqueue unless needed
        // New media uploader in WP 3.5+
        // Main widgets script
        wp_enqueue_script('ctfw-admin-widgets', ctfw_theme_url(CTFW_JS_DIR . '/admin-widgets.js'), array('jquery'), CTFW_THEME_VERSION);
        // bust cache on update
        wp_localize_script('ctfw-admin-widgets', 'ctfw_widgets', ctfw_admin_widgets_js_data());
        // see admin-widgets.php
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * Color scheme stylesheet URL
 * This can be used to enqueue the stylesheet.
 * @since 0.9
 * @param string $theme 'child' or 'parent'
 * @return string URL of color scheme stylesheet
function ctfw_color_style_url($theme = false)
    $url = '';
    // Make sure active color scheme is valid so nobody tries to mess with file path (ie. via front-end style picker cookie)
    if (ctfw_valid_color()) {
        $color = ctfw_customization('color');
        $color_rel = CTFW_THEME_COLOR_DIR . '/' . $color . '/style.css';
        $color_parent_path = CTFW_THEME_PATH . '/' . $color_rel;
        $color_parent_url = CTFW_THEME_URL . '/' . $color_rel;
        $color_child_path = CTFW_THEME_CHILD_PATH . '/' . $color_rel;
        $color_child_url = CTFW_THEME_CHILD_URL . '/' . $color_rel;
        // Force parent version
        if ('parent' == $theme && file_exists($color_parent_path)) {
            $url = $color_parent_url;
        } else {
            if ('child' == $theme && file_exists($color_child_path)) {
                $url = $color_child_url;
            } else {
                $url = ctfw_theme_url($color_rel);
                // use child theme version if provided
    // Return filtered
    return apply_filters('ctfw_color_style_url', $url, $theme);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 * Get preset background URL (single)
 * Return preset background image URL based on filename.
 * @since 0.9
 * @param string $filename File name of background image
 * @return string Absolute URL for single background image preset
function ctfw_background_image_preset_url($filename)
    $url = ctfw_theme_url(CTFW_THEME_BG_DIR . '/' . $filename);
    return apply_filters('ctfw_background_image_preset_url', $url);
 * Unsupported Internet Explorer
 * Theme can use add_theme_support( 'ctfw-ie-unsupported', 7 )
 * to prompt Internet Explorer 7 users to upgrade to a modern browser.
 * Note script is always loaded because caching (WP Engine, etc) can cause server-side
 * detection to fail (giving non-IE users the warning).
 * @since 0.9
function ctfw_enqueue_ie_unsupported()
    // Only if theme requests this
    $support = get_theme_support('ctfw-ie-unsupported');
    if ($support) {
        // Default and valid version range
        // Currently specified version must be between 5 and 9 (10 could require more complex regex, but that may never be needed)
        $default_version = 7;
        $min_version = 5;
        $max_version = 9;
        // Get version
        $version = isset($support[0]) ? $support[0] : $default_version;
        // Check version range
        $version = absint($version);
        if ($version < $min_version || $version > $max_version) {
            $version = $default_version;
        // Client-side JS to compare versions, alert and redirect
        wp_enqueue_script('ctfw-ie-unsupported', ctfw_theme_url(CTFW_JS_DIR . '/ie-unsupported.js'), array('jquery'), CTFW_THEME_VERSION);
        // bust cache on theme update
        // Pass data
        wp_localize_script('ctfw-ie-unsupported', 'ctfw_ie_unsupported', array('default_version' => $default_version, 'min_version' => $min_version, 'max_version' => $max_version, 'version' => $version, 'message' => __('You are using an outdated version of Internet Explorer. Please upgrade your browser to use this site.', 'church-theme-framework'), 'redirect_url' => apply_filters('ctfw_upgrade_browser_url', 'http://browsehappy.com/')));
Ejemplo n.º 8
 * Display Google Map
 * Only latitude and longitude are required.
 * @since 0.9
 * @param array $options Options for showing map
 * @return string Google Maps HTML
function ctfw_google_map($options = false)
    $html = '';
    if (!empty($options['latitude']) && !empty($options['longitude'])) {
        // Defaults
        $options['type'] = isset($options['type']) ? strtoupper($options['type']) : '';
        $options['zoom'] = isset($options['zoom']) ? (int) $options['zoom'] : '';
        $options['container'] = isset($options['container']) ? $options['container'] : true;
        // default true
        $options['responsive'] = isset($options['responsive']) ? $options['responsive'] : true;
        // default true
        $options['marker'] = isset($options['marker']) ? $options['marker'] : true;
        // default true
        $options['center_resize'] = isset($options['center_resize']) ? $options['center_resize'] : true;
        // default true
        $options['callback_loaded'] = isset($options['callback_loaded']) ? $options['callback_loaded'] : '';
        $options['callback_resize'] = isset($options['callback_resize']) ? $options['callback_resize'] : '';
        // Unique ID for this map so can have multiple maps on a page
        // Can pass map_id as option for custom ID
        $google_map_id_default = 'ctfw-google-map-' . rand(1000000, 9999999);
        $google_map_id = isset($options['canvas_id']) ? $options['canvas_id'] : $google_map_id_default;
        // Classes for map canvas element
        $canvas_classes = array('ctfw-google-map');
        if (!empty($options['canvas_class'])) {
            $canvas_classes[] = $options['canvas_class'];
        if ($options['responsive']) {
            $canvas_classes[] = 'ctfw-google-map-responsive';
        $canvas_classes = implode(' ', $canvas_classes);
        // Height percentage of width?
        $map_style = '';
        if (!empty($options['height_percent'])) {
            $options['height_percent'] = str_replace('%', '', $options['height_percent']);
            $map_style = ' style="padding-bottom: ' . $options['height_percent'] . '%;"';
        // Data Attributes
        $data_latitude = esc_attr($options['latitude']);
        $data_longitude = esc_attr($options['longitude']);
        $data_type = esc_attr($options['type']);
        $data_zoom = esc_attr($options['zoom']);
        $data_marker = esc_attr($options['marker']);
        $data_center_resize = esc_attr($options['center_resize']);
        $data_callback_loaded = esc_attr($options['callback_loaded']);
        $data_callback_resize = esc_attr($options['callback_resize']);
        // Map canvas tag with attributes
        $html = '<div id="' . esc_attr($google_map_id) . '" class="' . $canvas_classes . '" data-ctfw-map-lat="' . esc_attr($data_latitude) . '" data-ctfw-map-lng="' . esc_attr($data_longitude) . '" data-ctfw-map-type="' . esc_attr($data_type) . '" data-ctfw-map-zoom="' . esc_attr($data_zoom) . '" data-ctfw-map-marker="' . esc_attr($data_marker) . '" data-ctfw-map-center-resize="' . esc_attr($data_center_resize) . '" data-ctfw-map-callback-loaded="' . esc_attr($data_callback_loaded) . '" data-ctfw-map-callback-resize="' . esc_attr($data_callback_resize) . '"' . $map_style . '></div>';
        // Use container?
        if ($options['container']) {
            $html = '<div class="ctfw-google-map-container">' . $html . '</div>';
        // Enqueue map scripts to handle Google Maps init
        // this way the scripts are loaded only when feature is used, not on every page
        wp_enqueue_script('google-maps', '//maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js', false, null);
        // no version, generic name to share w/plugins
        wp_enqueue_script('ctfw-maps', ctfw_theme_url(CTFW_JS_DIR . '/maps.js'), array('jquery', 'google-maps'), CTFW_VERSION);
        // bust cache on theme update
    } elseif (!empty($options['show_error'])) {
        $html = __('<p><b>Google Map Error:</b> <i>latitude</i> and <i>longitude</i> attributes are required. See documentation for help.</p>', 'church-theme-framework');
    return apply_filters('ctfw_google_map', $html, $options);
Ejemplo n.º 9
 * Enqueue styles for customizer controls
 * @since 1.2
function ctfw_customize_enqueue_styles()
    // Admin widgets
    // Same stylesheet used for Appearance > Widgets
    wp_enqueue_style('ctfw-widgets', ctfw_theme_url(CTFW_CSS_DIR . '/admin-widgets.css'), false, CTFW_THEME_VERSION);
    // bust cache on update