Ejemplo n.º 1
echo '<h1>E-mail system check</h1>';
echo '<div class="border1 pad5">';
echo '<h2>E-mail</h2>';
require $include . 'sisdoc_email.php';
require $include . '_class_form.php';
$form = new form();
$cp = array();
array_push($cp, array('$S100', '', 'e-mail to send', True, True));
array_push($cp, array('$B8', '', 'send test >>>', False, True));
$tela = $form->editar($cp, $tabela);
if ($form->saved > 0) {
    echo $tela;
    $email_to = $dd[0];
    if (checaemail($email_to) == 1) {
        echo '<BR>SMTP-Server: ' . $hd->email_smtp;
        echo '<BR>E-mail user: '******' &lt;' . $hd->email_name . '&gt;';
        echo '<BR>E-mail to: ' . $email;
        /* Send e-mail test */
        echo '<table width="100%"><TR><TD>';
        /* Sample */
        $title_sample = 'Proethos - Email test';
        $message_sample = '<h1>Email was sent with Successful!</h1>';
        ini_set('display_errors', 0);
        ini_set('error_reporting', 0);
        /* Method 2 */
        echo '<HR><h1>Method 2</h1>';
        echo '<div id="method2" style="display:none; ">';
        require "_system_emal_test_menthod_2.php";
        echo '</div>';
Ejemplo n.º 2
$tabela = 'cep_team';
$pag_id = $dd[11];
require "_class/_class_team.php";
$tm = new team();
$tm->protocol = $pag_id;
if ($dd[10] == 'con') {
    $id = $dd[12];
    $tm->team_contact($id, $tm->protocol, 'cep_team');
if ($dd[10] == 'del') {
    $id = $dd[12];
    $tm->team_delete_member($id, $tm->protocol, 'cep_team');
if ($dd[10] == 'add') {
    $email = $dd[12];
    if (checaemail($email)) {
        $author = $tm->author_exist($email);
        if ($author != -1 and strlen($author) == 7) {
            $et = $tm->team_insert_author($author, $tm->protocol, 'cep_team', $type = 'N');
        } else {
            $err = '<div id="alert">';
            $err .= '<font color="red">';
            $err .= msg('author_not_found');
            $err .= '</div>';
            $tm->erro = $err;
    } else {
        $err = '<div id="alert">';
        $err .= '<font color="red">';
        $err .= msg('email_invalid');
        $err .= '</font>';