function createfail($checkpwd, $showinfo = '', $type = 'fail') { if ($checkpwd) { $showinfo = 'fail' == $type && '' != $showinfo ? getLangInfo('msg', $showinfo) : $showinfo; echo "{$type}\t{$showinfo}"; ajax_footer(); } return false; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function sendContent() { // Print the response. $commands = ajax_prepare_response(['#type' => 'ajax', '#commands' => $this->commands]); $output = ajax_render($commands); if ($this->isJSONP()) { echo '<textarea>' . $output . '</textarea>'; } else { echo $output; } ajax_footer(); return $this; }
function _render() { $show = $this->_show ? $this->_show : "add"; if ($show == "update") { list($id, $rateConfig, $isopen) = $this->_buildUpdateHtml(); } isset($isopen) ? $isopen : ($isopen[1] = "checked=checked"); $typeId = isset($rateConfig['typeid']) ? $rateConfig['typeid'] : 1; $typeSelect = $this->_buildTypeSelectHTML($typeId); $default_handler_url = EncodeUrl($this->_getDefaultUrl() . "&job=ajax"); include H_R . '/template/ajax.htm'; ajax_footer(); }
function _showHotMessage($message) { echo $message; ajax_footer(); }
function adminmsg($msg, $jumpurl = '', $t = 2, $langtype = 'admin') { @extract($GLOBALS, EXTR_SKIP); if ($langtype == 'admin') { $msg = getLangInfo('cpmsg', $msg); } else { $msg = getLangInfo('msg', $msg); } if (defined('AJAX')) { echo $msg; ajax_footer(); } if ($jumpurl != '') { $basename = $jumpurl; $ifjump = "<meta http-equiv='Refresh' content='{$t}; url={$jumpurl}'>"; } elseif (!$basename) { $basename = $REQUEST_URI; } if ($db_adminrecord == 1 && $basename != 'javascript:history.go(-1);') { $adminmsg = 2; } else { $adminmsg = 1; } include PrintEot('message'); $cachetime = $timestamp - 3600 * 24; if (readover(D_P . 'data/bbscache/none.txt') != '' || pwFilemtime(D_P . 'data/bbscache/file_lock.txt') < $cachetime || pwFilemtime(D_P . 'data/bbscache/info.txt') < $cachetime || pwFilemtime(D_P . 'data/bbscache/userpay.txt') < $cachetime) { echo '<script language="JavaScript">if (parent.notice) {parent.notice.location.href = "' . $admin_file . '?adminjob=notice";}</script>'; } afooter(); }
function ajaxRedirect($tostep, $fromstep = null, $ajaxResult = 'continue') { @extract($GLOBALS, EXTR_SKIP); $url = "{$basename}?step={$tostep}"; if (!empty($fromstep) && $times == $record && empty($lastid)) { list($stepnum, $steptype) = explode('_', $start); $end = (int) $stepnum + $record; strlen($steptype) && ($end .= "_{$steptype}"); $url = "{$basename}?step={$fromstep}&start={$end}"; } elseif (!empty($fromstep) && $times == $record && $lastid) { list($stepnum, $steptype) = explode('_', $start); $end = (int) $lastid; strlen($steptype) && ($end .= "_{$steptype}"); $url = "{$basename}?step={$fromstep}&start={$end}"; } if ($limit < $max) { $url = "{$basename}?step={$fromstep}&start={$limit}"; } $msg = $steps[$step]; switch ($fromstep) { case 2: $tableNames = array_slice(array_keys($sqlarray), $start, 5); $tableNames && ($msg .= '|' . implode('|', $tableNames)); break; case 3: $tableNames = array(); $sqlarray = ${"sqlarray_{$steptype}"}; $tmpTables = array_slice($sqlarray, $stepnum, $record); foreach ($tmpTables as $v) { $tableNames[] = $v[0]; } $tableNames && ($msg .= '|' . implode('|', $tableNames)); break; } ob_end_clean(); ob_start(); echo "{$ajaxResult}\t{$url}\t{$msg}"; ajax_footer(); }
function deleteThreadsHander($tidarray) { global $windid, $manager, $groupid, $SYSTEM; PostCheck(); (!$SYSTEM['superright'] || !$SYSTEM['delatc']) && Showmsg('mawhole_right'); if ($tidarray == "") { Showmsg('data_error'); } $tidarray = explode("|", $tidarray); if (!is_array($tidarray)) { Showmsg('data_error'); } $forums = $threadIds = array(); foreach ($tidarray as $v) { if ($v == "") { continue; } if (intval($v) < 0) { continue; } $threadIds[] = $v; } /** $threadManager = L::loadclass('threadmanager', 'forum'); foreach($forums as $fid=>$threadIds){ $threadManager->deleteByThreadIds($fid,$threadIds); }**/ $threadService = L::loadclass('threads', 'forum'); foreach ($forums as $fid => $_threadIds) { $threadService->deleteByThreadIds($_threadIds); Perf::gatherInfo('changeThreadWithForumIds', array('fid' => $fid)); } $delarticle = L::loadClass('DelArticle', 'forum'); $delarticle->delTopicByTids($threadIds, true); echo getLangInfo('other', 'search_manager_success'); ajax_footer(); }
function showExtraMsg($msg) { echo "fail\t" . getLangInfo('msg', $msg); ajax_footer(); }
/** * Master entry point for handling a list. * * It is unlikely that a child object will need to override this method, * unless the listing mechanism is going to be highly specialized. */ function list_page($js, $input) { $this->items = ctools_export_crud_load_all($this->plugin['schema'], $js); // Respond to a reset command by clearing session and doing a drupal goto // back to the base URL. if (isset($input['op']) && $input['op'] == t('Reset')) { unset($_SESSION['ctools_export_ui'][$this->plugin['name']]); if (!$js) { drupal_goto($_GET['q']); } // clear everything but form id, form build id and form token: $keys = array_keys($input); foreach ($keys as $id) { if (!in_array($id, array('form_id', 'form_build_id', 'form_token'))) { unset($input[$id]); } } $replace_form = TRUE; } // If there is no input, check to see if we have stored input in the // session. if (!isset($input['form_id'])) { if (isset($_SESSION['ctools_export_ui'][$this->plugin['name']]) && is_array($_SESSION['ctools_export_ui'][$this->plugin['name']])) { $input = $_SESSION['ctools_export_ui'][$this->plugin['name']]; } } else { $_SESSION['ctools_export_ui'][$this->plugin['name']] = $input; unset($_SESSION['ctools_export_ui'][$this->plugin['name']]['q']); } // This is where the form will put the output. $this->rows = array(); $this->sorts = array(); $form_state = array('plugin' => $this->plugin, 'input' => $input, 'rerender' => TRUE, 'no_redirect' => TRUE, 'object' => &$this); if (!isset($form_state['input']['form_id'])) { $form_state['input']['form_id'] = 'ctools_export_ui_list_form'; } // If we do any form rendering, it's to completely replace a form on the // page, so don't let it force our ids to change. if ($js && isset($_POST['ajax_html_ids'])) { unset($_POST['ajax_html_ids']); } $form = drupal_build_form('ctools_export_ui_list_form', $form_state); $form = drupal_render($form); $output = $this->list_header($form_state) . $this->list_render($form_state) . $this->list_footer($form_state); if (!$js) { $this->list_css(); return $form . $output; } $commands = array(); $commands[] = ajax_command_replace('#ctools-export-ui-list-items', $output); if (!empty($replace_form)) { $commands[] = ajax_command_replace('#ctools-export-ui-list-form', $form); } print ajax_render($commands); ajax_footer(); }
function showThreadTrade($k, $showlang = true) { $flag = $showlang ? 1 : 0; echo '[{"message":\'' . ($showlang ? getThreadTradeLang($k) : $k) . '\',"flag":\'' . $flag . '\'}]'; ajax_footer(); }
function footer() { global $db, $db_obstart, $db_footertime, $db_htmifopen, $P_S_T, $mtablewidth, $db_ceoconnect, $wind_version, $imgpath, $stylepath, $footer_ad, $db_union, $timestamp, $db_icp, $db_icpurl, $db_advertdb, $groupid, $SCR, $db_ystats_ifopen, $db_ystats_unit_id, $db_ystats_style, $db_redundancy, $pwServer, $db_ifcredit, $credit_pop, $db_foot, $db_mode, $db_modes, $shortcutforum, $_G, $winddb, $db_toolbar, $winduid, $db_menuinit, $db_appifopen, $db_job_ispop, $db_job_isopen, $db_siteappkey; defined('AJAX') && ajax_footer(); Update_ol(); $wind_spend = ''; $ft_gzip = ($db_obstart ? 'Gzip enabled' : 'Gzip disabled') . $db_union[3]; if ($db_footertime == 1) { $t_array = explode(' ', microtime()); $totaltime = number_format($t_array[0] + $t_array[1] - $P_S_T, 6); $qn = $db ? $db->query_num : 0; $wind_spend = "Total {$totaltime}(s) query {$qn},"; } $ft_time = get_date($timestamp, 'm-d H:i'); $db_icp && ($db_icp = "<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">{$db_icp}</a>"); if ($db_toolbar) { if ($_COOKIE['toolbarhide']) { $toolbarstyle = 'style="display:none"'; $openbarstyle = ''; $closebarstyle = 'style="display:none"'; } else { $toolbarstyle = ''; $openbarstyle = 'style="display:none"'; $closebarstyle = ''; if ($db_appifopen) { $appshortcut = trim($winddb['appshortcut'], ','); if (!empty($appshortcut) && $db_siteappkey) { $appclient = L::loadClass('appclient'); $bottom_appshortcut = $appclient->userApplist($winduid, $appshortcut, 1); } } } } $db_menuinit = trim($db_menuinit, ','); runJob(); require PrintEot('footer'); if ($db_advertdb['Site.PopupNotice'] || $db_advertdb['Site.FloatLeft'] || $db_advertdb['Site.FloatRight'] || $db_advertdb['Site.FloatRand']) { require PrintEot('advert'); } $output = ob_get_contents(); if ($db_htmifopen) { $output = preg_replace("/\\<a(\\s*[^\\>]+\\s*)href\\=([\"|\\']?)((index|cate|thread|read|faq|rss)\\.php\\?[^\"\\'>\\s]+\\s?)[\"|\\']?/ies", "Htm_cv('\\3','<a\\1href=\"')", $output); } if ($db_redundancy && $SCR != 'post') { /* $output = str_replace( array("\r","\n\n","\n\t","\n ",">\n","\n<","}\n","{\n",";\n","/\n","\t ",">\t","\t<","}\t","{\t",";\t","/\t",' ','<!--<!---->','<!---->'), array('',"\n",' ',' ','>','<','}','{',';','/',' ','>','<','}','{',';','/',' ','',''), $output ); */ $output = str_replace(array("\r", '<!---->-->', '<!--<!---->', "<!---->\n", '<!---->', '<!-- -->', "<!--\n-->", "\t\t", ' ', "\n\t", "\n\n"), array('', '', '', '', '', '', '', "\n", "\n"), $output); } else { $output = str_replace(array('<!---->-->', '<!--<!---->', "<!---->\r\n", '<!---->', '<!-- -->', "\t\t\t"), '', $output); } if ($SCR != 'post') { $ceversion = defined('CE') ? 1 : 0; $output .= "<script language=\"JavaScript\" src=\"{$GLOBALS[db_sitehash]}&v={$wind_version}&c={$ceversion}\"></script>"; } if ($groupid == 'guest' && !defined('MSG') && GetGcache()) { require_once R_P . 'require/guestfunc.php'; creatguestcache($output); } updateCacheData(); echo ObContents($output); unset($output); N_flush(); exit; }
function quickPostMessage($message) { $message = getLangInfo('msg', $message); echo $message; ajax_footer(); }
function showError($error) { echo $error; ajax_footer(); exit; }
function showExtraMsg($msg) { echo $msg; ajax_footer(); }
function kmdAjaxMessage($message, $type = 'error') { $message = getLangInfo('msg', $message); echo $type . "\t" . $message; ajax_footer(); }
function ajaxExport($output) { echo is_array($output) ? pwJsonEncode($output) : $output; ajax_footer(); exit; }
/** * @desc AJAX跳转 * * @param String $msg -- 提示 * @param String $jumpurl -- 跳转到URL */ function ajaxmsg($msg, $jumpurl = '') { define('AJAX', 1); $msg = getLangInfo('cpmsg', $msg); $show = <<<EOT <div style="padding:1.5em 3em"> \t{$msg} </div> <script type="text/javascript"> function skip(){ \tlocation.href = "{$jumpurl}"; } setTimeout("skip()",2000); </script> EOT; echo $show; ajax_footer(); }
/** * @param unknown_type $output */ function ajaxExport($output) { echo is_array($output) ? stripslashes(pwJsonEncode($output)) : $output; ajax_footer(); }
function deleteThreadsHander($tidarray) { global $windid, $manager, $groupid; PostCheck(); (!CkInArray($windid, $manager) || $groupid != 3) && Showmsg('mawhole_right'); if ($tidarray == "") { Showmsg('data_error'); } $tidarray = explode("|", $tidarray); if (!is_array($tidarray)) { Showmsg('data_error'); } $forums = array(); foreach ($tidarray as $v) { if ($v == "") { continue; } list($fid, $tid) = explode("_", $v); if (intval($fid) < 0 && intval($tid) < 0) { continue; } $forums[$fid][] = $tid; } $threadManager = L::loadclass('threadmanager'); foreach ($forums as $fid => $threadIds) { $threadManager->deleteByThreadIds($fid, $threadIds); } echo getLangInfo('other', 'search_manager_success'); ajax_footer(); }
function ajaxResponse($message, $flag, $html = '') { echo '[{"message":\'' . $message . '\',"flag":\'' . $flag . '\',"html":\'' . $html . '\'}]'; ajax_footer(); }
if ($action != 'unread') { $notReadCount = (int) $messageServer->countNoticesNotRead($winduid); list($today, $yesterday, $tTimes, $yTimes, $mTimes) = getSubListInfo($noticeList); } $pages = numofpage($noticeCount, $page, $pageCount, "{$normalUrl}&action={$action}&"); } elseif ($action == 'checkover') { S::gp(array('rid', 'dir'), 'GP'); if ($dir == 'previous') { $message = $messageServer->getUpNotice($winduid, $rid, $smstype); } else { $message = $messageServer->getDownNotice($winduid, $rid, $smstype); } if ($message) { echo "success\t"; } else { echo "over\t"; } ajax_footer(); } $messageServer->resetStatistics(array($winduid), 'notice_num'); !defined('AJAX') && (include_once R_P . 'actions/message/ms_header.php'); require messageEot($subtype); if (defined('AJAX')) { ajax_footer(); } else { pwOutPut(); } function messageReplace($v) { return nl2br($v); }
/** * 输出页脚,并处理输出缓存中的内容 */ function footer() { global $db, $db_obstart, $db_footertime, $P_S_T, $mtablewidth, $db_ceoconnect, $wind_version, $imgpath, $stylepath, $footer_ad, $db_union, $timestamp, $db_icp, $db_icpurl, $db_advertdb, $groupid, $db_ystats_ifopen, $db_ystats_unit_id, $db_ystats_style, $pwServer, $db_ifcredit, $credit_pop, $db_foot, $db_mode, $db_modes, $shortcutforum, $_G, $winddb, $db_toolbar, $winduid, $db_menuinit, $db_appifopen, $db_job_ispop, $db_job_isopen, $db_siteappkey, $_Navbar, $db_statscode; defined('AJAX') && ajax_footer(); $wind_spend = ''; //$db_statscode = html_entity_decode($db_statscode); $ft_gzip = ($db_obstart ? 'Gzip enabled' : 'Gzip disabled') . $db_union[3]; if ($db_footertime == 1) { $totaltime = number_format(pwMicrotime() - $P_S_T, 6); $qn = $db ? $db->query_num : 0; $wind_spend = "Total {$totaltime}(s) query {$qn},"; //*Dev Code Start*// if ($GLOBALS['db_debug']) { include_once R_P . 'lang_change.php'; $wind_spend .= "SQLtime:" . number_format($db->totaltime, 6); $wind_spend .= !function_exists('memory_get_usage') ? '' : ',Memory Usage:' . round(memory_get_usage() / 1024 / 1024, 4) . 'MB,'; $_GET['debug'] && pwCache::writeover(D_P . "data/wind_spend.txt", SCR . ":\t" . $wind_spend . "\r\n", 'ab'); $masterDb = $db->getMastdb(); if ($masterDb->arr_query) { writeover(D_P . "data/sqllist.txt", $masterDb->arr_query, 'wb'); } } //*Dev Code End*// } $ft_time = get_date($timestamp, 'm-d H:i'); $db_icp && ($db_icp = "<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">{$db_icp}</a>"); if ($db_toolbar) { if ($_COOKIE['toolbarhide']) { $toolbarstyle = 'style="display:none"'; $openbarstyle = ''; $closebarstyle = 'style="display:none"'; } else { $toolbarstyle = ''; $openbarstyle = 'style="display:none"'; $closebarstyle = ''; if ($db_appifopen) { $appshortcut = trim($winddb['appshortcut'], ','); if (!empty($appshortcut) && $db_siteappkey) { $appshortcut = explode(',', $appshortcut); $bottom_appshortcut = array(); $appclient = L::loadClass('appclient'); $bottom_appshortcut = $appclient->userApplist($winduid, $appshortcut, 1); } } } } $db_menuinit = trim($db_menuinit, ','); runJob(); require PrintEot('footer'); if ($db_advertdb['Site.PopupNotice'] || $db_advertdb['Site.FloatLeft'] || $db_advertdb['Site.FloatRight'] || $db_advertdb['Site.FloatRand']) { require PrintEot('advert'); } pwOutPut(); }