public function ajax_wpla_show_minmax_price_wizard() { // load template $tpldata = array('plugin_url' => WPLA_URL, 'selected_items' => $_REQUEST['item_ids'] ? explode(',', $_REQUEST['item_ids']) : array(), 'form_action' => 'admin.php?page=wpla-tools&tab=repricing'); WPLA()->pages['listings']->display('tools/price_wizard', $tpldata); exit; }
public function decodeObject($str, $assoc = false, $loadAmazonClasses = false) { // load Amazon classes if required // if ( $loadAmazonClasses ) self::loadAmazonClasses(); if ($str == '') { return false; } // json_decode $obj = json_decode($str, $assoc); //WPLA()->logger->info('json_decode: '.print_r($obj,1)); if (is_object($obj) || is_array($obj)) { return $obj; } // unserialize fallback $obj = maybe_unserialize($str); //WPLA()->logger->info('unserialize: '.print_r($obj,1)); if (is_object($obj) || is_array($obj)) { return $obj; } // mb_unserialize fallback $obj = $this->mb_unserialize($str); // WPLA()->logger->info('mb_unserialize: '.print_r($obj,1)); if (is_object($obj) || is_array($obj)) { return $obj; } // log error $e = new Exception(); WPLA()->logger->error('backtrace: ' . $e->getTraceAsString()); WPLA()->logger->error('mb_unserialize returned: ' . print_r($obj, 1)); WPLA()->logger->error('decodeObject() - not an valid object: ' . $str); return $str; }
function insertJob($jobname, $tasklist) { global $wpdb; // get current user id $user = wp_get_current_user(); // generate job key $key = md5($jobname . rand()); // insert row into db $data = array(); $data['job_key'] = $key; $data['job_name'] = $jobname; $data['tasklist'] = self::encodeObject($tasklist); $data['date_created'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $data['user_id'] = $user->ID; $wpdb->insert($this->tablename, $data); WPLA()->logger->info("insertJob( {$jobname} ) - key {$key}"); $this->key = $key; return $key; }
function wpla_woocommerce_custom_product_columns($column) { global $post, $woocommerce, $the_product; if (empty($the_product) || $the_product->id != $post->ID) { $the_product = get_product($post); } switch ($column) { case 'listed_on_amazon': // $item_source = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_amazon_item_source', true ); // if ( ! $item_source ) return; // $asin = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_wpla_asin', true ); // $asin = $listingsModel->getASINFromPostID( $post->ID ); // if ( $asin ) $status = 'online'; // get all listings for product ID $listingsModel = new WPLA_ListingsModel(); $listings = $listingsModel->getAllItemsByPostID($post->ID); if (empty($listings)) { // $listings = $listingsModel->getAllItemsByParentID( $post->ID ); // $item = $listings ? reset($listings) : false; // get ALL child items (variations) $listings = $listingsModel->getAllItemsByParentID($post->ID); // echo "<pre>count 2: ";echo sizeof($listings);echo"</pre>";//die(); // group found child items by account $grouped_listings = array(); foreach ($listings as $listing) { $account_id = $listing->account_id; if (isset($grouped_listings[$account_id])) { $grouped_listings[$account_id]->counter++; } else { $listing->counter = 1; $grouped_listings[$account_id] = $listing; } } $listings = $grouped_listings; } // show select profile button if no listings found if (empty($listings)) { if ($the_product->product_type == 'variable') { $msg = 'Variable products can only be matched on the edit product page where you need to select an ASIN for each variation.'; echo '<a href="#" onclick="alert(\'' . $msg . '\');return false;" class="tips" data-tip="' . __('Match on Amazon', 'wpla') . '" style="width:16px;height:16px; padding:0; cursor:pointer;" ><img src="' . WPLA_URL . '/img/search3.png" alt="match" /></a>'; } elseif ($the_product->post->post_status == 'draft') { $msg = 'This product is a draft. You need to publish your product before you can list it on Amazon.'; echo '<a href="#" onclick="alert(\'' . $msg . '\');return false;" class="tips" data-tip="' . __('Match on Amazon', 'wpla') . '" style="width:16px;height:16px; padding:0; cursor:pointer;" ><img src="' . WPLA_URL . '/img/search3.png" alt="match" /></a>'; } else { $tb_url = 'admin-ajax.php?action=wpla_show_product_matches&id=' . $post->ID . '&width=640&height=420'; echo '<a href="' . $tb_url . '" class="thickbox tips" data-tip="' . __('Match on Amazon', 'wpla') . '" style="width:16px;height:16px; padding:0; cursor:pointer;" ><img src="' . WPLA_URL . '/img/search3.png" alt="match" /></a>'; } return; } // show all found listings foreach ($listings as $item) { $msg_1 = 'Amazon item is ' . $item->status . '.'; $msg_2 = ''; $msg_3 = 'Click to view all listings for this product in WP-Lister.'; $linkurl = 'admin.php?page=wpla&s=' . $post->ID; $imgfile = 'amazon-16x16.png'; switch ($item->status) { case 'online': case 'changed': // $msg_1 = 'This product is published on Amazon'; $msg_3 = 'Click to open this listing on Amazon in a new tab.'; $imgfile = 'icon-success-32x32.png'; // get proper amazon_url if ($item->asin && $item->account_id) { $account = new WPLA_AmazonAccount($item->account_id); $market = new WPLA_AmazonMarket($account->market_id); $amazon_url = 'http://www.' . $market->url . '/dp/' . $item->asin . '/'; } $linkurl = isset($amazon_url) ? $amazon_url : '' . $item->asin; break; case 'matched': case 'prepared': // echo '<img src="'.WPLA_URL.'/img/amazon-orange-16x16.png" class="tips" data-tip="'.__('This product is scheduled to be submitted to Amazon.','wpla').'" />'; $imgfile = 'amazon-orange-16x16.png'; break; case 'failed': // echo '<img src="'.WPLA_URL.'/img/amazon-red-16x16.png" class="tips" data-tip="'.__('There was a problem submitting this product to Amazon.','wpla').'" />'; $imgfile = 'amazon-red-16x16.png'; break; default: // echo '<img src="'.WPLA_URL.'/img/search3.png" class="tips" data-tip="unmatched" />'; break; } // get account $accounts = WPLA()->accounts; $account = isset($accounts[$item->account_id]) ? $accounts[$item->account_id] : false; if ($account && sizeof($accounts) > 0) { $msg_2 = '<i>' . $account->title . ' (' . $account->market_code . ')</i><br>'; } // show counter if (isset($item->counter)) { $msg_2 .= '<small>Variation listings: ' . $item->counter . '</small><br>'; } // output icon $msg_html = '<b>' . $msg_1 . '</b><br/>' . $msg_2 . '<br/>' . $msg_3; echo '<a href="' . $linkurl . '" target="_blank">'; echo '<img src="' . WPLA_URL . '/img/' . $imgfile . '" class="tips" data-tip="' . esc_attr($msg_html) . '" style="width:16px;height:16px; padding:0; cursor:pointer;" />'; echo '</a>'; } // each listing break; } // switch ($column) }
public static function processReportsRequestList($reports, $account, $is_new_request = false) { // if this is a new report request, add to reports in progress - otherwise reset it // TODO: count reports in progress per account if ($is_new_request) { $reports_in_progress = get_option('wpla_reports_in_progress', 0); } else { $reports_in_progress = 0; } foreach ($reports as $report) { // check if report exists $existing_record = WPLA_AmazonReport::getReportByRequestId($report->ReportRequestId); if ($existing_record) { // skip existing report if it was requested using another "account" (different marketplace using the same account) if ($existing_record->account_id != $account->id) { WPLA()->logger->info('skipped existing report ' . $existing_record->id . ' for account ' . $existing_record->account_id); continue; } $new_report = new WPLA_AmazonReport($existing_record->id); $new_report->ReportRequestId = $report->ReportRequestId; $new_report->ReportType = $report->ReportType; $new_report->ReportProcessingStatus = $report->ReportProcessingStatus; $new_report->SubmittedDate = $report->SubmittedDate; $new_report->StartedProcessingDate = isset($report->StartedProcessingDate) ? $report->StartedProcessingDate : ''; $new_report->CompletedDate = isset($report->CompletedDate) ? $report->CompletedDate : ''; $new_report->GeneratedReportId = isset($report->GeneratedReportId) ? $report->GeneratedReportId : ''; // $new_report->account_id = $account->id; $new_report->results = maybe_serialize($report); // save new record $new_report->update(); } else { // add new record $new_report = new WPLA_AmazonReport(); $new_report->ReportRequestId = $report->ReportRequestId; $new_report->ReportType = $report->ReportType; $new_report->ReportProcessingStatus = $report->ReportProcessingStatus; $new_report->SubmittedDate = $report->SubmittedDate; $new_report->StartedProcessingDate = isset($report->StartedProcessingDate) ? $report->StartedProcessingDate : ''; $new_report->CompletedDate = isset($report->CompletedDate) ? $report->CompletedDate : ''; $new_report->GeneratedReportId = isset($report->GeneratedReportId) ? $report->GeneratedReportId : ''; $new_report->account_id = $account->id; $new_report->results = maybe_serialize($report); // save new record $new_report->add(); } // load data for new reports automatically (not older than 24 hours) if (!$new_report->data && in_array($report->ReportProcessingStatus, array('_DONE_'))) { $report_completed_date = strtotime($new_report->CompletedDate); $one_day_ago = time() - 3600 * 24; if ($report_completed_date > $one_day_ago) { $new_report->loadFromAmazon(); $new_report->autoProcessNewReport(); } // $new_report->loadFromAmazon(); // $new_report->processReportData(); } // check if report is in progress if (in_array($report->ReportProcessingStatus, array('_SUBMITTED_', '_IN_PROGRESS_'))) { $reports_in_progress++; } } // update report progress status update_option('wpla_reports_in_progress', $reports_in_progress); }
function wpla_register_profile_shortcode($shortcode, $title, $callback) { WPLA()->shortcodes[$shortcode] = array('slug' => $shortcode, 'title' => $title, 'callback' => $callback, 'content' => false); }
<?php $buildin_shortcodes = array('[product_title]' => 'Product title', '[product_sku]' => 'SKU', '[product_price]' => 'Price', '[product_sale_price]' => 'Sale price', '[product_sale_start]' => 'Sale start date', '[product_sale_end]' => 'Sale end date', '[product_msrp]' => 'MSRP price', '[product_quantity]' => 'Quantity', '[product_content]' => 'Product description', '[product_excerpt]' => 'Product short description', '[product_length]' => 'Product length', '[product_width]' => 'Product width', '[product_height]' => 'Product height', '[product_weight]' => 'Product weight', '[amazon_product_id]' => 'Amazon product ID', '[meta_YOUR-CUSTOM-FIELD]' => '-- custom meta field --', '[---]' => '-- leave empty --'); // handle custom shortcodes registered by wpla_register_profile_shortcode() foreach (WPLA()->shortcodes as $key => $custom_shortcode) { $buildin_shortcodes["[{$key}]"] = $custom_shortcode['title']; } // handle custom variation meta fields $variation_meta_fields = get_option('wpla_variation_meta_fields', array()); foreach ($variation_meta_fields as $key => $varmeta) { $key = 'meta_' . $key; $buildin_shortcodes["[{$key}]"] = $varmeta['label']; } // $product_attributes = WPLA_ProductWrapper::getAttributeTaxonomies(); // echo "<pre>";print_r($product_attributes);echo"</pre>";#die(); ?> <div id="wpla_shortcode_selection_container"> <p> Click on a shortcode and it will be inserted to the selected field. </p> <table style="width:100%;"> <tr> <th>Product properties</th> <th>Product attributes</th> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:50%; vertical-align:top;"> <?php
public function process_product_meta_variable($post_id) { WPLA()->logger->info('process_product_meta_variable() - ' . $post_id); if (!isset($_POST['variable_sku'])) { return; } $variable_post_id = $_POST['variable_post_id']; $variable_amazon_product_id = $_POST['variable_amazon_product_id']; $variable_amazon_id_type = $_POST['variable_amazon_id_type']; $variable_amazon_asin = $_POST['variable_amazon_asin']; $variable_sku = $_POST['variable_sku']; $variable_amazon_price = isset($_POST['variable_amazon_price']) ? $_POST['variable_amazon_price'] : ''; $variable_amazon_minimum_price = isset($_POST['variable_amazon_minimum_price']) ? $_POST['variable_amazon_minimum_price'] : ''; $variable_amazon_maximum_price = isset($_POST['variable_amazon_maximum_price']) ? $_POST['variable_amazon_maximum_price'] : ''; $variable_amazon_condition_type = isset($_POST['variable_amazon_condition_type']) ? $_POST['variable_amazon_condition_type'] : ''; $variable_amazon_condition_note = isset($_POST['variable_amazon_condition_note']) ? $_POST['variable_amazon_condition_note'] : ''; $variable_amazon_is_disabled = isset($_POST['variable_amazon_is_disabled']) ? $_POST['variable_amazon_is_disabled'] : ''; // convert decimal comma for all price fields $variable_amazon_price = str_replace(',', '.', $variable_amazon_price); $variable_amazon_minimum_price = str_replace(',', '.', $variable_amazon_minimum_price); $variable_amazon_maximum_price = str_replace(',', '.', $variable_amazon_maximum_price); $lm = new WPLA_ListingsModel(); $all_variations_with_SKU = array(); $all_variations_with_ASIN = array(); $max_loop = max(array_keys($_POST['variable_post_id'])); for ($i = 0; $i <= $max_loop; $i++) { if (!isset($variable_post_id[$i])) { continue; } $variation_id = (int) $variable_post_id[$i]; // Update post meta update_post_meta($variation_id, '_amazon_product_id', trim($variable_amazon_product_id[$i])); update_post_meta($variation_id, '_amazon_id_type', $variable_amazon_id_type[$i]); update_post_meta($variation_id, '_wpla_asin', trim($variable_amazon_asin[$i])); update_post_meta($variation_id, '_amazon_price', isset($variable_amazon_price[$i]) ? trim($variable_amazon_price[$i]) : ''); update_post_meta($variation_id, '_amazon_minimum_price', isset($variable_amazon_minimum_price[$i]) ? trim($variable_amazon_minimum_price[$i]) : ''); update_post_meta($variation_id, '_amazon_maximum_price', isset($variable_amazon_maximum_price[$i]) ? trim($variable_amazon_maximum_price[$i]) : ''); update_post_meta($variation_id, '_amazon_condition_type', isset($variable_amazon_condition_type[$i]) ? trim($variable_amazon_condition_type[$i]) : ''); update_post_meta($variation_id, '_amazon_condition_note', isset($variable_amazon_condition_note[$i]) ? trim($variable_amazon_condition_note[$i]) : ''); update_post_meta($variation_id, '_amazon_is_disabled', isset($variable_amazon_is_disabled[$i]) ? $variable_amazon_is_disabled[$i] : ''); // if ( $variable_amazon_product_id[$i] !== 'parent' ) // update_post_meta( $variation_id, '_amazon_product_id', $variable_amazon_product_id[$i] ); // else // delete_post_meta( $variation_id, '_amazon_product_id' ); // update min/max prices in listings table if (isset($_POST['variable_amazon_minimum_price'])) { $min_price = isset($variable_amazon_minimum_price[$i]) ? $variable_amazon_minimum_price[$i] : ''; $max_price = isset($variable_amazon_maximum_price[$i]) ? $variable_amazon_maximum_price[$i] : ''; $data = array(); if ($min_price || $max_price) { if ($listing = $lm->getItemByPostID($variation_id)) { if ($min_price != $listing->min_price) { $data['min_price'] = $min_price; $data['pnq_status'] = 1; // mark as changed } if ($max_price != $listing->max_price) { $data['max_price'] = $max_price; $data['pnq_status'] = 1; // mark as changed } // update listing if (!empty($data)) { $lm->updateWhere(array('id' => $listing->id), $data); } } } } // collect (matched) variations with ASIN if ($variable_amazon_asin[$i]) { $all_variations_with_ASIN[$variation_id] = $variable_amazon_asin[$i]; } // collect all variations with SKU if ($variable_sku[$i]) { $all_variations_with_SKU[$variation_id] = $variable_sku[$i]; } } // each variation WPLA()->logger->info('Variations with ASIN: ' . print_r($all_variations_with_ASIN, 1)); WPLA()->logger->info('Variations with SKU : ' . print_r($all_variations_with_SKU, 1)); // process matched variations // check all variations with ASIN and add missing ones to listings table if (!empty($all_variations_with_ASIN)) { $lm = new WPLA_ListingsModel(); $default_account_id = get_option('wpla_default_account_id', 1); if (!$default_account_id) { return; } // *** foreach ($all_variations_with_ASIN as $variation_id => $asin) { // check if this ASIN / ID already exist - skip if it does WPLA()->logger->info("searching for existing listing for #{$variation_id} / {$asin}"); if ($lm->getItemByASIN($asin, false)) { continue; } if ($lm->getItemByPostID($variation_id)) { continue; } WPLA()->logger->info("no listing found for variation #{$variation_id} / {$asin}"); // skip hidden variations if (get_post_meta($variation_id, '_amazon_is_disabled', true) == 'on') { continue; } // insert matched listing $success = $lm->insertMatchedProduct($variation_id, $asin, $default_account_id); $error_msg = isset($lm->lastError) ? $lm->lastError : ''; if ($success) { // TODO: use persistent admin message WPLA()->logger->info("Matched variation #{$variation_id} / {$asin} - {$error_msg}"); } else { echo "Failed to match variation #{$variation_id} - please report this to support: {$error_msg}"; WPLA()->logger->error("Failed to match variation #{$variation_id} / {$asin} - {$error_msg}"); } } // each matched variation } // if $all_variations_with_ASIN // add missing variations // if the parent product has a listing item, then check for and add missing variation listings $lm = new WPLA_ListingsModel(); $parent_listing = $lm->getItemByPostID($post_id); if ($parent_listing) { // get account from parent listing $account = WPLA_AmazonAccount::getAccount($parent_listing->account_id); if (!$account) { return; } foreach ($all_variations_with_SKU as $variation_id => $sku) { // check if this SKU / ID already exist - skip if it does if ($lm->getItemBySKU($sku, false)) { continue; } if ($lm->getItemByPostID($variation_id)) { continue; } WPLA()->logger->info("no listing found for missing variation #{$variation_id} / {$sku}"); // check if this variation has a UPC/EAN set - skip if empty (unless brand registry is enabled) $_amazon_product_id = get_post_meta($variation_id, '_amazon_product_id', true); if (!$_amazon_product_id && !$account->is_reg_brand) { continue; } // skip hidden variations if (get_post_meta($variation_id, '_amazon_is_disabled', true) == 'on') { continue; } // insert variation listing $success = $lm->insertMissingVariation($variation_id, $sku, $parent_listing); $error_msg = isset($lm->lastError) ? $lm->lastError : ''; if ($success) { // TODO: use persistent admin message WPLA()->logger->info("Matched missing variation #{$variation_id} / {$sku} - {$error_msg}"); } else { echo "Failed to match missing variation #{$variation_id} - please report this to support: {$error_msg}"; WPLA()->logger->error("Failed to match missing variation #{$variation_id} / {$sku} - {$error_msg}"); } } // each variation } // if parent listing exists }
public function ajax_wpla_tail_log() { require_once WPLA_PATH . '/includes/php-tail/PHPTail.php'; // Initilize a new instance of PHPTail - 3 sec reload, 512k max $tail = new PHPTail(array('log' => WPLA()->logger->file), 3000, 524288); // handle ajax call if (isset($_GET['ajax'])) { echo $tail->getNewLines('log', @$_GET['lastsize'], $_GET['grep'], $_GET['invert']); die; } // else show gui $tail->generateGUI(); die; }
function parseBTG($csv_rows) { global $wpdb; // $table = $wpdb->prefix . self::TABLENAME; $table = $wpdb->prefix . 'amazon_btg'; $path_cache = array(); $child_cache = array(); // first remove all nodes with this file's top id (v1) $wpdb->delete($table, array('top_id' => $csv_rows[0][0], 'site_id' => $this->site_id)); $wpdb->delete($table, array('node_id' => $csv_rows[0][0], 'site_id' => $this->site_id)); // echo "<pre>";print_r( $csv_rows[0][0] );echo"</pre>";die(); // first remove all nodes for current tpl_id (v2) $wpdb->delete($table, array('tpl_id' => $this->tpl_id, 'site_id' => $this->site_id)); $wpdb->delete($table, array('tpl_id' => 0, 'site_id' => $this->site_id)); // remove unassigned/stale items from old version foreach ($csv_rows as $line => $row) { // basic values $node_id = $row[0]; // Node ID $node_path = $row[1]; // Node Path $node_name = basename($node_path); $level = substr_count($node_path, '/'); $top_id = 0; $parent_id = 0; $leaf = 1; $keyword = ''; // extract keyword if (preg_match('/item_type_keyword:([[:alnum:]_-]*)/', @$row[2], $matches)) { $keyword = $matches[1]; } if (preg_match('/item_type_keyword:([[:alnum:]_-]*)/', @$row[3], $matches)) { $keyword = $matches[1]; } // analyze hierarchy $parent_path = dirname($node_path); if (isset($path_cache[$parent_path])) { $parent_id = $path_cache[$parent_path]; $top_name = substr($node_path, 0, strpos($node_path, '/')); $top_id = isset($path_cache[$top_name]) ? $path_cache[$top_name] : 0; } elseif ($level) { // echo "<pre>Warning: could not find parent node: ";print_r($parent_path);echo"</pre>";#die(); // use "grand parent" - fix nodes like 'PS/2 Cables' and 'I/O Adapters' $parent_path = dirname($parent_path); if (isset($path_cache[$parent_path])) { $parent_id = $path_cache[$parent_path]; $top_name = substr($node_path, 0, strpos($node_path, '/')); $top_id = isset($path_cache[$top_name]) ? $path_cache[$top_name] : 0; } } // update leaf cache if ($parent_id) { $child_cache[$parent_id] = true; } // self check if ($level && !$parent_id) { echo "<pre>Warning: skipped corrupted node: "; print_r($node_path); echo "</pre>"; #die(); continue; } // build sql columns $data = array(); $data['node_id'] = $node_id; $data['node_path'] = $node_path; $data['node_name'] = $node_name; $data['keyword'] = $keyword; $data['parent_id'] = $parent_id; $data['top_id'] = $top_id; $data['level'] = $level; $data['leaf'] = $leaf; $data['tpl_id'] = $this->tpl_id; $data['site_id'] = $this->site_id; // echo "<pre>";print_r($data);echo"</pre>";#die(); // insert to db... $result = $wpdb->insert($table, $data); // WPLA()->logger->info("inserted browse tree node $node_id: $node_path"); // add to cache $path_cache[$node_path] = $node_id; } // process parent categories - set leaf to 0 foreach ($child_cache as $node_id => $has_childs) { $data = array('leaf' => 0); $where = array('node_id' => $node_id); $result = $wpdb->update($table, $data, $where); } WPLA()->logger->info("browse tree nodes processed: " . sizeof($path_cache)); return sizeof($path_cache); }
public function fetchPageContent($listing_url) { WPLA()->logger->info('fetching URL: ' . $listing_url); // fetch HTML content $response = wp_remote_get($listing_url, array('timeout' => 15, 'user-agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/39.0.2171.99 Safari/537.36')); // WPLA()->logger->info("BODY: ".$response['body']); // handle errors if (is_wp_error($response)) { // echo "<pre>";print_r($response);echo"</pre>"; // $this->showMessage( "Couldn't fetch URL $listing_url - ".$response->get_error_message(), 1, 1 ); WPLA()->logger->error("Couldn't fetch URL {$listing_url} - " . $response->get_error_message()); wpla_show_message("Couldn't fetch URL {$listing_url} - " . $response->get_error_message()); $this->errors[] = "Couldn't fetch URL {$listing_url} - " . $response->get_error_message(); // doesn't show return false; } if ($response['response']['code'] != 200) { // echo "<pre>Couldn't fetch URL $listing_url - server returned error code ".$response['response']['code']."</pre>"; // $this->showMessage( "Couldn't fetch URL $listing_url - server returned error code ".$response['response']['code'], 1, 1 ); WPLA()->logger->error("Couldn't fetch URL {$listing_url} - server returned error code " . $response['response']['code']); wpla_show_message("Couldn't fetch URL {$listing_url} - server returned error code " . $response['response']['code']); $this->errors[] = "Couldn't fetch URL {$listing_url} - server returned error code " . $response['response']['code']; return false; } // log to db - enable only for debugging (limited to 64k) // $this->dblogger = new WPLA_AmazonLogger(); // $this->dblogger->updateLog( array( // 'callname' => 'wp_remote_get', // 'request' => 'internal action hook', // 'parameters' => maybe_serialize( $listing_url ), // 'request_url' => $listing_url, // 'account_id' => '', // 'market_id' => '', // 'response' => $response['body'], // 'result' => json_encode( $response ), // 'success' => 'Success' // )); // return HTML content $html_content = $response['body']; $this->success = true; // echo "<pre>";htmlspecialchars($html_content);echo"</pre>";#die(); return $html_content; }
function update_products_on_shutdown() { // get queue $collected_products = get_option('wpla_updated_products_queue', array()); if (!is_array($collected_products)) { $collected_products = array(); } // DEBUG WPLA()->logger->info("CSV: update_products_on_shutdown() - collected_products: " . print_r($collected_products, 1)); // mark each queued product as modified $lm = new WPLA_ListingsModel(); foreach ($collected_products as $post_id) { // do_action( 'wpla_product_has_changed', $post_id ); $lm->markItemAsModified($post_id, true); // set $skip_updating_feeds = true } // clear queue delete_option('wpla_updated_products_queue'); // update pending feeds - after all items have been updated if (!empty($collected_products)) { WPLA_AmazonFeed::updatePendingFeeds(); } }
function addHistory($order_id, $action, $msg, $details = array(), $success = true) { global $wpdb; $table = $wpdb->prefix . self::TABLENAME; // build history record $record = new stdClass(); $record->action = $action; $record->msg = $msg; $record->details = $details; $record->success = $success; $record->time = time(); // load history $history = $wpdb->get_var("\n\t\t\tSELECT history\n\t\t\tFROM {$table}\n\t\t\tWHERE order_id = '{$order_id}'\n\t\t"); // init with empty array $history = maybe_unserialize($history); if (!$history) { $history = array(); } // prevent fatal error if $history is not an array if (!is_array($history)) { WPLA()->logger->error("invalid history value in OrdersImporter::addHistory(): " . $history); // build history record $rec = new stdClass(); $rec->action = 'reset_history'; $rec->msg = 'Corrupted history data was cleared'; $rec->details = array(); $rec->success = 'ERROR'; $rec->time = time(); $history = array(); $history[] = $record; } // add record $history[] = $record; // update history $history = serialize($history); $wpdb->query("\n\t\t\tUPDATE {$table}\n\t\t\tSET history = '{$history}'\n\t\t\tWHERE order_id = '{$order_id}'\n\t\t"); }
public function removeLock() { if (file_exists($this->lockfile)) { unlink($this->lockfile); WPLA()->logger->info("lockfile was removed: " . $this->lockfile); } }
public function requestReport_v2($ReportType) { WPLA()->logger->info('requestReport_v2()'); $this->initAPI(); $marketplaceIdArray = array("Id" => array($this->MarketplaceId)); $request = new MarketplaceWebService_Model_RequestReportRequest(); $request->setMerchant($this->SellerId); $request->setMarketplaceIdList($marketplaceIdArray); $request->setReportType($ReportType); // $request->setReportOptions('ShowSalesChannel=true'); $result = $this->invokeRequestReport($this->service, $request); return $result; }
public function checkSoldStock() { // get all published listings $lm = new WPLA_ListingsModel(); $listings = $lm->getWhere('status', 'sold'); $out_of_stock_products = array(); // process published listings foreach ($listings as $item) { // get wc product $_product = $this->getProduct($item['post_id']); // checking parent variations makes no sense in WPLA, so skip them if ($_product->product_type == 'variable') { continue; } // check stock level // $stock = WPLA_ProductWrapper::getStock( $item['post_id'] ); $stock = $_product ? $_product->get_total_stock() : 0; if ($stock == 0) { continue; } // mark listing as changed // if ( isset( $_REQUEST['mark_as_changed'] ) ) { // $lm->updateListing( $item['id'], array( 'status' => 'changed' ) ); // $item['status'] = 'changed'; // } // add to list of out of stock products $item['stock'] = $stock; $item['exists'] = $_product ? true : false; $item['parent_id'] = $_product->product_type == 'variation' ? $_product->parent->id : false; $out_of_stock_products[] = $item; } // return if empty if (empty($out_of_stock_products)) { WPLA()->showMessage('No sold products have stock in WooCommerce.', 0, 1); return; } $msg = '<p>'; $msg .= 'Warning: Some sold listings are still in stock in WooCommerce.'; $msg .= '</p>'; // table header $msg .= '<table style="width:100%">'; $msg .= "<tr>"; $msg .= "<th style='text-align:left'>Stock</th>"; $msg .= "<th style='text-align:left'>SKU</th>"; $msg .= "<th style='text-align:left'>Product</th>"; $msg .= "<th style='text-align:left'>Qty</th>"; $msg .= "<th style='text-align:left'>ASIN</th>"; $msg .= "<th style='text-align:left'>Ended at</th>"; $msg .= "<th style='text-align:left'>Status</th>"; $msg .= "</tr>"; // table rows foreach ($out_of_stock_products as $item) { // get column data // $qty = $item['quantity'] - $item['quantity_sold']; $sku = $item['sku']; $qty = $item['quantity']; $stock = $item['stock'] . ' x '; $title = $item['listing_title']; $post_id = $item['post_id']; $asin = $item['asin']; $status = $item['status']; $exists = $item['exists']; $date_ended = $item['date_finished'] ? $item['date_finished'] : $item['end_date']; // build links $amazon_url = $item['ViewItemURL'] ? $item['ViewItemURL'] : ($amazon_url = '' . $asin); $amazon_url = 'admin.php?page=wpla&s=' . $asin; $amazon_link = '<a href="' . $amazon_url . '" target="_blank">' . $asin . '</a>'; $edit_link = '<a href="post.php?action=edit&post=' . ($item['parent_id'] ? $item['parent_id'] : $post_id) . '" target="_blank">' . $title . '</a>'; // mark non existent products if (!$exists) { $stock = 'N/A'; $post_id .= ' missing!'; } // build table row $msg .= "<tr>"; $msg .= "<td>{$stock}</td>"; $msg .= "<td>{$sku}</td>"; $msg .= "<td>{$edit_link} (ID {$post_id})</td>"; $msg .= "<td>{$qty} x </td>"; $msg .= "<td>{$amazon_link}</td>"; $msg .= "<td>{$date_ended}</td>"; $msg .= "<td>{$status}</td>"; $msg .= "</tr>"; } $msg .= '</table>'; // show 'check again' button $msg .= '<p>'; $url = 'admin.php?page=wpla-tools&action=check_wc_sold_stock&_wpnonce=' . wp_create_nonce('wpla_tools_page'); $msg .= '<a href="' . $url . '" class="button">' . __('Check again', 'wpla') . '</a> '; $msg .= '</p>'; // $msg .= '<p>'; // $url = 'admin.php?page=wpla-tools&action=check_wc_out_of_stock&mark_as_changed=yes&_wpnonce='.wp_create_nonce('wpla_tools_page'); // $msg .= '<a href="'.$url.'" class="button">'.__('Mark all as changed','wpla').'</a> '; // $msg .= 'Click this button to mark all found listings as changed in WP-Lister.'; // $msg .= '</p>'; WPLA()->showMessage($msg, 1, 1); }
public function fixNewVariationListings($variations, $parent_listing) { WPLA()->logger->info("fixNewVariationListings()"); $lm = new WPLA_ListingsModel(); // get post_id of parent which has been created by now // $parent_listing = $lm->getItemByASIN( $parent_listing->asin ); $parent_listing = $lm->getItemBySKU($parent_listing->sku); // catch Invalid argument error if (!is_array($variations)) { WPLA()->logger->error("no variations found for parent variable ASIN {$parent_listing->asin} (not checked)"); WPLA()->logger->error("no variations found for parent variable SKU {$parent_listing->sku}"); WPLA()->logger->error('variations:' . print_r($variations, 1)); // echo 'Error: no variations found for variable ASIN '.$parent_listing->asin.'<br>'; // echo "<pre>variations: ";print_r($variations);echo"</pre>";#die(); return; } foreach ($variations as $var) { $post_id = WPLA_ProductBuilder::getProductIdBySKU($var->sku); if (!$post_id) { WPLA()->logger->warn("fixing SKU {$var->sku} ... no product found for this SKU!!"); continue; } $data = array('post_id' => $post_id, 'parent_id' => $parent_listing->post_id); $lm->updateListing($var->listing_id, $data); WPLA()->logger->info("fixed SKU {$var->sku} - post_id: {$post_id}"); } }
static function parseOrderColumn($column, $post_id) { $value = ''; switch ($column) { case 'order-id': $value = get_post_meta($post_id, '_wpla_amazon_order_id', true); break; case 'ship-date': // $value = get_post_meta( $post_id, '_wpla_date_shipped', true ); // $value .= ' 00:01:23'; // without this, amazon would use 07:00:00 UTC by default $date = get_post_meta($post_id, '_wpla_date_shipped', true); $time = get_post_meta($post_id, '_wpla_time_shipped', true); $dt = new DateTime('now', new DateTimeZone('UTC')); if (!$date) { $date = $dt->format('Y-m-d'); // add current date in UTC } if (!$time) { $time = $dt->format('H:i:s'); // add current time in UTC // $time .= '+00:00' // UTC (works as well as 'Z') // $time .= 'Z'; // Z stands for UTC timezone } $value = $date . ' ' . $time . 'Z'; break; case 'carrier-code': $value = get_post_meta($post_id, '_wpla_tracking_provider', true); if (empty($value) && ($tracking = self::getThirdPartyPluginTrackingData($post_id))) { $value = 'Other'; } break; case 'carrier-name': $carrier = WPLA()->memcache->getColumnValue('shipfeed_oid_' . $post_id, 'carrier-code'); $value = get_post_meta($post_id, '_wpla_tracking_service_name', true); if (empty($value) && ($tracking = self::getThirdPartyPluginTrackingData($post_id))) { $value = $tracking->provider; } if (empty($value) && $carrier == 'Other') { $value = get_option('wpla_default_shipping_service_name', ''); if (empty($value)) { $value = 'N/A'; } // we can't leave carrier-name empty if carrier-code is 'Other' } break; case 'tracking-number': $value = get_post_meta($post_id, '_wpla_tracking_number', true); if (empty($value) && ($tracking = self::getThirdPartyPluginTrackingData($post_id))) { $value = $tracking->number; } break; default: # code... break; } return $value; }
public function getProductImagesFilenames($id) { global $wpdb; $results = $wpdb->get_col("\n\t\t\tSELECT guid\n\t\t\tFROM {$wpdb->prefix}posts\n\t\t\tWHERE post_type = 'attachment'\n\t\t\t AND post_parent = '{$id}'\n\t\t\t"); WPLA()->logger->debug("getProductImagesFilenames( {$id} ) : " . print_r($results, 1)); $filenames = array(); foreach ($results as $row) { $filenames[] = basename($row); } return $filenames; }
public function displayRepricingPage() { // handle actions and show notes // $this->handleActions(); if ($this->requestAction() == 'wpla_apply_lowest_price_to_all_items') { $this->applyLowestPricesToAllItems(); } if ($this->requestAction() == 'wpla_resubmit_pnq_update') { $this->resubmitPnqUpdateForSelectedItems(); } if ($this->requestAction() == 'wpla_bulk_apply_lowest_prices') { $this->applyLowestPricesToSelectedItems(); } if ($this->requestAction() == 'wpla_bulk_apply_minmax_prices') { $this->applyMinMaxPrices(); } // handle bulk action - get_compet_price if ($this->requestAction() == 'get_compet_price') { WPLA()->pages['listings']->get_compet_price(); WPLA()->pages['listings']->get_lowest_offers(); } if ($this->requestAction() == 'wpla_resubmit_all_failed_prices') { $lm = new WPLA_ListingsModel(); $items = $lm->getWhere('pnq_status', -1); foreach ($items as $item) { // set pnq status to changed (1) $lm->updateWhere(array('id' => $item->id), array('pnq_status' => 1)); } $this->showMessage(sprintf(__('%s failed prices were scheduled for resubmission.', 'wpla'), count($items))); } // create table and fetch items to show $this->repricingTable = new WPLA_RepricingTable(); $this->repricingTable->prepare_items(); $active_tab = 'repricing'; $aData = array('plugin_url' => self::$PLUGIN_URL, 'message' => $this->message, 'listingsTable' => $this->repricingTable, 'default_account' => get_option('wpla_default_account_id'), 'tools_url' => 'admin.php?page=' . self::ParentMenuId . '-tools', 'form_action' => 'admin.php?page=' . self::ParentMenuId . '-tools' . '&tab=' . $active_tab); $this->display('tools_repricing', $aData); }
public function updateFeedStatus($feed_ids) { WPLA()->logger->info("updateFeedStatus() - " . join(', ', $feed_ids)); // echo "<pre>";print_r($feed_ids);echo"</pre>";die(); if (empty($feed_ids)) { return; } $accounts = WPLA_AmazonAccount::getAll(); foreach ($feed_ids as $feed_id) { $feed = new WPLA_AmazonFeed($feed_id); $account = new WPLA_AmazonAccount($feed->account_id); $api = new WPLA_AmazonAPI($feed->account_id); // get feed submissions $feeds = $api->getFeedSubmissionList($feed->FeedSubmissionId); if (is_array($feeds)) { // run the import WPLA_AmazonFeed::processFeedsSubmissionList($feeds, $account); $msg = sprintf(__('%s feed submission(s) were found for account %s.', 'wpla'), sizeof($feeds), $account->title); WPLA()->logger->info($msg); $this->showMessage(nl2br($msg), 0, 1); } elseif ($feeds->Error->Message) { $msg = sprintf(__('There was a problem fetching feed submissions for account %s.', 'wpla'), $account->title) . ' - Error: ' . $feeds->Error->Message; WPLA()->logger->error($msg); $this->showMessage(nl2br($msg), 1, 1); } else { $msg = sprintf(__('There was a problem fetching feed submissions for account %s.', 'wpla'), $account->title); WPLA()->logger->error($msg); $this->showMessage(nl2br($msg), 1, 1); } } }
public function clearLogfile() { file_put_contents(WPLA()->logger->file, ''); }
public function applyProfileToItem($profile, $item) { global $wpdb; // allow to pass a listing_id instead of item object if (!is_object($item)) { $item = $this->getItem($item, OBJECT); } // echo "<pre>";print_r($item);echo"</pre>";#die(); // get item data $id = $item->id; $post_id = $item->post_id; $status = $item->status; $asin = $item->asin; // gather profile data $data = array(); $data['profile_id'] = $profile->id; $data['account_id'] = $profile->account_id; // apply profile price $data['price'] = WPLA_ProductWrapper::getPrice($post_id); $data['price'] = $profile->processProfilePrice($data['price']); // update vtheme for child and parent variations if (in_array($item->product_type, array('variation', 'variable'))) { // $data['vtheme'] == $item->vtheme; ? // check for actual change // check profile for variation_theme $profile_fields = maybe_unserialize($profile->fields); if (is_array($profile_fields) && isset($profile_fields['variation_theme']) && !empty($profile_fields['variation_theme'])) { // use variation theme from profile $data['vtheme'] = $profile_fields['variation_theme']; } else { // update variation theme from product (parent variation) $parent_id = $item->parent_id ? $item->parent_id : $item->post_id; $data['vtheme'] = self::getVariationThemeForPostID($parent_id); } } // if variable product // default new status is 'changed' $data['status'] = 'changed'; if ($status == 'failed') { $data['status'] = 'changed'; } if ($status == 'online') { $data['status'] = 'changed'; } // except for matched or imported products if ($status == 'matched') { $data['status'] = $status; } if ($status == 'imported') { $data['status'] = $status; } if ($status == 'prepared') { $data['status'] = $status; } // submitted items stay 'submitted' and archived items stay archived if ($status == 'submitted') { $data['status'] = $status; } if ($status == 'archived') { $data['status'] = $status; } if ($status == 'trash') { $data['status'] = $status; } if ($status == 'trashed') { $data['status'] = $status; } // debug if ($status != $data['status']) { WPLA()->logger->info('applyProfileToItem(' . $id . ') old status: ' . $status); WPLA()->logger->info('applyProfileToItem(' . $id . ') new status: ' . $data['status']); } // update auctions table $wpdb->update($this->tablename, $data, array('id' => $id)); // WPLA()->logger->info('updating listing ID '.$id); // WPLA()->logger->info('data: '.print_r($data,1)); // WPLA()->logger->info('sql: '.$wpdb->last_query); // WPLA()->logger->info('error: '.$wpdb->last_error); }
static function findVariationID($parent_id, $VariationSpecifics) { $variations = self::getVariations($parent_id); foreach ($variations as $var) { $diffs = array_diff_assoc($var['variation_attributes'], $VariationSpecifics); if (count($diffs) == 0) { WPLA()->logger->info('findVariationID(' . $parent_id . ') found: ' . $var['post_id']); WPLA()->logger->info('VariationSpecifics: ' . print_r($VariationSpecifics, 1)); return $var['post_id']; } } return false; }
function processFbaSubmissionOrderItem($order_item, $_order) { // Flat File FBA Shipment Injection Fulfillment Feed $feed_type = '_POST_FLAT_FILE_FULFILLMENT_ORDER_REQUEST_DATA_'; // use account from first order item (for now) $lm = new WPLA_ListingsModel(); $post_id = $order_item['variation_id'] ? $order_item['variation_id'] : $order_item['product_id']; $listing = $lm->getItemByPostID($post_id); $account_id = $listing->account_id; $account = new WPLA_AmazonAccount($account_id); WPLA()->logger->info('updateFbaSubmissionFeed() ' . $feed_type . ' - post id: ' . $post_id . ' - account id: ' . $account->id); // create pending feed if it doesn't exist if (!($this->id = self::getPendingFeedId($feed_type, null, $account->id))) { # build feed data WPLA()->logger->info('building FBA submission feed...'); $csv = WPLA_FeedDataBuilder::buildFbaSubmissionFeedData($post_id, $_order, $order_item, $listing, $account->id, true); if (!$csv) { WPLA()->logger->warn('no feed data - not creating feed'); return; } // add new feed $this->FeedType = $feed_type; $this->status = 'pending'; $this->account_id = $account->id; $this->date_created = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $this->data = $csv; $this->add(); WPLA()->logger->info('added NEW feed - id ' . $this->id); } else { WPLA()->logger->info('found existing feed ' . $this->id); $existing_feed = new WPLA_AmazonFeed($this->id); # append feed data WPLA()->logger->info('updating FBA submission feed...'); $csv = WPLA_FeedDataBuilder::buildFbaSubmissionFeedData($post_id, $_order, $order_item, $listing, $account->id, false); $this->data = $existing_feed->data . $csv; } // update feed $this->line_count = sizeof($csv); $this->FeedProcessingStatus = 'pending'; $this->date_created = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $this->update(); WPLA()->logger->info('feed was built and updated - ' . $this->id); }
protected function handleFbaCronSettings($schedule) { WPLA()->logger->info("handleFbaCronSettings( {$schedule} )"); // remove scheduled event $timestamp = wp_next_scheduled('wpla_fba_report_schedule'); wp_unschedule_event($timestamp, 'wpla_fba_report_schedule'); if (!wp_next_scheduled('wpla_fba_report_schedule')) { wp_schedule_event(time(), $schedule, 'wpla_fba_report_schedule'); } }
public static function adjustLowestPriceForProducts($items = false, $verbose = false) { $items = $items ? $items : WPLA_ListingQueryHelper::getItemsWithMinMaxAndLowestPrice(); $changed_product_ids = array(); $repricing_margin = floatval(get_option('wpla_repricing_margin')); $lowest_offer_mode = get_option('wpla_repricing_use_lowest_offer', 0); // loop found listings foreach ($items as $item) { // make sure there is a product - and min/max prices are set (0 != NULL) if (!$item->post_id) { continue; } if (!$item->min_price) { continue; } if (!$item->max_price) { continue; } if (!$item->buybox_price && !$item->compet_price) { continue; } // build target price from BuyBox and/or competitor price if ($item->buybox_price && !$item->has_buybox) { // apply undercut to BuyBox price - if there is a BuyBox price and it's not the seller's $target_price = $item->buybox_price - $repricing_margin; if ($verbose) { wpla_show_message($item->sku . ': Other seller has BuyBox at ' . $item->buybox_price . ' - your target price: ' . $target_price); } } elseif ($item->buybox_price && $item->has_buybox && $item->compet_price) { // decide based on uppricing mode if ($lowest_offer_mode && $item->buybox_price != $item->compet_price) { // seller has BuyBox and there is competition - apply undercut to competitor price (beta) $target_price = $item->compet_price - $repricing_margin; if ($verbose) { wpla_show_message($item->sku . ': You have the BuyBox, but there is a competitor at ' . $item->compet_price . ' - new target price: ' . $target_price); } } else { // seller has BuyBox and there is competition - keep price for now $target_price = $item->buybox_price; if ($verbose) { wpla_show_message($item->sku . ': You have the BuyBox - keeping current price: ' . $target_price); } } } elseif ($item->buybox_price && $item->has_buybox && !$item->compet_price) { // seller has BuyBox and NO competition - fall back to max_price $target_price = $item->max_price; if ($verbose) { wpla_show_message($item->sku . ': You have the BuyBox but there is no competitor - falling back to Max Price: ' . $target_price); } } elseif ($item->compet_price) { $target_price = $item->compet_price; if ($verbose) { wpla_show_message($item->sku . ': No BuyBox price - falling back to next competitor: ' . $target_price); } } else { $target_price = $item->max_price; if ($verbose) { wpla_show_message($item->sku . ': No BuyBox price, no competitor - falling back to Max Price: ' . $target_price); } } $target_price = round($target_price, 2); // update price $price_was_changed = self::updateAmazonPrice($item, $target_price, $verbose); if ($price_was_changed) { $changed_product_ids[] = $item->post_id; WPLA()->logger->info('adjustLowestPriceForProducts() - new price for #' . $item->sku . ': ' . $target_price); } } // foreach item // echo "<pre>";print_r($changed_product_ids);echo"</pre>";#die(); // echo "<pre>";print_r($items);echo"</pre>";die(); return $changed_product_ids; }