<html><head><title>Realm Status</title> <style type="text/css"> td { border-top: 1px solid black } td, th { padding: 4px } td.r { text-align: right } </style></head><body> EOF; echo '<h1>' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . '</h1>'; if (!DBConnect()) { DebugMessage('Cannot connect to db!', E_USER_ERROR); } ShowRealms(); ShowMemcacheStats(); ShowLogs(); ShowErrors(); echo '</body></html>'; function BnetGet() { $parts = explode('-', $_GET['bnetget'], 2); if (count($parts) != 2) { echo 'Not enough parts.'; exit; } switch ($parts[0]) { case 'US': case 'EU': break; default: echo 'Bad region'; exit;
<?php ini_set('precision', 20); define('ROOTDIR', dirname(__FILE__) . '/'); define('CODEDIR', ROOTDIR . 'code/'); define('TPLDIR', ROOTDIR . 'tpl/'); require ROOTDIR . '../common/shared.php'; require ROOTDIR . '../common/twitter.class.php'; require ROOTDIR . '../common/phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php'; require CODEDIR . 'queue.class.php'; require CODEDIR . 'user.class.php'; date_default_timezone_set('Europe/London'); ShowErrors(true); require ROOTDIR . 'config.php'; if (file_exists(ROOTDIR . 'config_dev.php')) { require ROOTDIR . 'config_dev.php'; } Twitter::Config($_twitter); function &GetDB() { static $_db = false; if ($_db === false) { $_db = mysql_connect('localhost', 'ta_replies', 'sdfoihsdukbsdkvhsldivhgsdlig') or die('DB gone? <!-- ' . mysql_error() . ' -->'); mysql_select_db('twitapps_replies', $_db) or die('DB dead? <!-- ' . mysql_error() . ' -->'); mysql_query('SET NAMES utf8', $_db); } return $_db; } /** * Output the layout header and set up the footer * @param string $title