$tempname = $message->msg->IdMsg . '-' . $key . '_' . $attachment->GetTempName(); //$filename = ConvertUtils::ConvertEncoding($attachment->GetFilenameFromMime(), $GLOBALS[MailInputCharset], $message->account->GetUserCharset()); $filename = $attachment->GetFilenameFromMime(); $filesize = GetFriendlySize(strlen($attachment->MimePart->GetBinaryBody())); $fs =& new FileSystem(INI_DIR . '/temp', $message->account->Email, $message->account->Id); $attfolder =& new Folder($message->account->Id, -1, $_SESSION['attachtempdir']); $fs->SaveAttach($attachment, $attfolder, $tempname); $ContentType = ConvertUtils::GetContentTypeFromFileName($filename); $JSfilenameTrim .= ' att = document.getElementById("at_' . $key . '"); if (att.innerHTML.length > 16) att.innerHTML = att.innerHTML.substring(0, 15) + \'…\'; '; echo ' <div style="float: left;"><a href="attach.php?tn=' . $tempname . '&filename=' . urlencode($filename) . '"> <img src="./images/icons/' . GetAttachImg($filename) . '" title="Click to download ' . $filename . ' (' . $filesize . ')" /></a><br /> <span id="at_' . $key . '" title="Click to download ' . $filename . ' (' . $filesize . ')">' . $filename . '</span><br />'; if (strpos($ContentType, 'image') !== false) { echo '<a href="#" onclick="PrevImg(\'view_image.php?tn=' . $tempname . '\')">View</a>'; } echo '</div>'; } } echo '</div> </td> <td rowspan="3" id="td_vert_resizer"><div id="vert_resizer"></div></td>'; } else { echo '</td><td></td>'; } ?>
/** * @param PageBuilder $pageBuilder * @return ContactsPanel */ function CNewMessagePanel(&$pagebuilder) { $this->Type = Post::val('mtype', 'mes'); $this->To = ''; $this->_pagebuilder =& $pagebuilder; $this->_proc =& $pagebuilder->_proc; $this->From = $this->_getFromEmail(); $this->_pagebuilder->_top->AddOnResize('ResizeElements(\'all\');'); if ($this->_proc->account->AllowDhtmlEditor) { $editorResize = 'HTMLEditor.Resize(width - 1, height - 2);'; $editorReplace = 'HTMLEditor.Replace();'; } else { $editorResize = ' plainEditor.style.height = (height - 1) + "px"; plainEditor.style.width = (width - 2) + "px"; '; $editorReplace = ''; } $this->inputs = ''; $contacts = null; if (Post::has('contacts') && is_array(Post::val('contacts'))) { $contactsArray = array_keys(Post::val('contacts')); $contacts =& $this->_proc->db->LoadContactsById($contactsArray); } if (Post::has('groupid')) { $group =& $this->_proc->db->SelectGroupById(Post::val('groupid', -1)); $contacts =& $this->_proc->db->SelectAddressGroupContacts(Post::val('groupid', -1)); } if ($contacts) { foreach ($contacts->Instance() as $contact) { if (!$contact->Email) { continue; } $this->To .= $contact->Name ? '"' . $contact->Name . '" <' . $contact->Email . '>, ' : $contact->Email . ','; } $this->To = trim(trim($this->To), ','); } if (Post::has('mailto')) { $this->To = Post::val('mailto', ''); } if (Get::has('to')) { $this->To = (string) trim(Get::val('to', '')); } $message = null; $isHtml = $this->_proc->account->AllowDhtmlEditor; $this->attacmentsHtml = ''; $this->_pagebuilder->AddJSText(' var bcc, bcc_mode, bcc_mode_switcher; var plainCont = null; var plainEditor = null; var HTMLEditor = null; var EditAreaUrl = "edit-area.php"; var prevWidth = 0; var prevHeight = 0; var rowIndex = 0; function ResizeElements(mode) { var width = GetWidth(); if (width < 684) width = 684; width = width - 40; var height = Math.ceil(width/3); if (prevWidth != width && prevHeight != height) { prevWidth = width; prevHeight = height; if (plainCont != null) { plainCont.style.height = height + "px"; plainCont.style.width = width + "px"; ' . $editorResize . ' } } } function WriteEmails(str, field) { var mailInput; if (field == 2) { mailInput = document.getElementById("toCC"); } else if (field == 3) { mailInput = document.getElementById("toBCC"); } else { mailInput = document.getElementById("toemail"); } if (mailInput) { mailInput.value = (mailInput.value == "") ? str : mailInput.value + ", " + str; mailInput.focus(); } } function LoadAttachmentHandler(attachObj) { var attachtable = document.getElementById("attachmentTable"); if (attachObj) { var imageLink = GetFileParams(attachObj.FileName); var tr = attachtable.insertRow(rowIndex++); tr.id = "tr_" + attachObj.TempName; var td = tr.insertCell(0); td.className = "wm_attachment"; var innerHtml = \'<img src="./images/icons/\' + imageLink.image + \'" />\'; innerHtml += \'<input type="hidden" name="attachments[\' + attachObj.TempName + \']" value="\' + attachObj.FileName + \'">\'; innerHtml += HtmlEncode(attachObj.FileName) + \' (\' + GetFriendlySize(attachObj.Size) + \') <a href="#" id="\' + attachObj.TempName + \'" onclick="return DeleteAttach(this.id);">' . JS_LANG_Delete . '</a>\'; td.innerHTML = innerHtml; } } function ChangeBCCMode() { if (bcc_mode == "hide") { bcc_mode = "show"; bcc.className = ""; bcc_mode_switcher.innerHTML = Lang.HideBCC; } else { bcc_mode = "hide"; bcc.className = "wm_hide"; bcc_mode_switcher.innerHTML = Lang.ShowBCC; } ' . $editorReplace . ' return false; } function UpdateIdUid(id, uid) { var idf = document.getElementById("m_id"); var uidf = document.getElementById("m_uid"); if (idf && uidf) { idf.value = id; uidf.value = uid; } } var Rep_m, Err_m; var hiddensaveiframe; var pop3Pr = ' . ($pagebuilder->_proc->account->MailProtocol == MAILPROTOCOL_POP3 ? 'true' : 'false') . '; function DoSaveButton() { if (pop3Pr) { if (!hiddensaveiframe) { hiddensaveiframe = CreateChildWithAttrs(document.body, "iframe", [["name", "hiddensaveiframe"], ["class", "wm_hide"]]); } } var form = document.getElementById("messageForm"); form.action = "' . ACTIONFILE . '?action=save&req=message"; form.target = (pop3Pr) ? "hiddensaveiframe" : ""; if (submitSaveMessage()) { form.submit(); } } function DoSendButton() { var toemail = document.getElementById("toemail"); var ccemail = document.getElementById("toCC"); var bccemail = document.getElementById("toBCC"); var subject = document.getElementById("subject"); var mailIsCorrect = false; if ((toemail && toemail.value.length > 3) || (ccemail && ccemail.value.length > 3) || (bccemail && bccemail.value.length > 3)) { mailIsCorrect = true; } if (mailIsCorrect) { if (subject && subject.value.length < 1 && !confirm(Lang.ConfirmEmptySubject)) { return false; } var form = document.getElementById("messageForm"); form.action = "' . ACTIONFILE . '?action=send&req=message"; form.target = ""; if (submitSaveMessage()) { form.submit(); } } else { alert(Lang.WarningToBlank); } } function DeleteAttach(idline) { var trtable = document.getElementById("tr_" + idline); if (trtable) { trtable.className = "wm_hide"; CleanNode(trtable); } return false; } function ShowPictures() { var showPictureTable = document.getElementById("showpicturestable"); if (HTMLEditor) { var temp = HTMLEditor.GetText().ReplaceStr("wmx_src", "src"); temp = temp.ReplaceStr("wmx_background", "background"); HTMLEditor.SetHtml(temp); if (showPictureTable) { showPictureTable.className = "wm_hide"; } HTMLEditor.Replace(); } } '); $this->_pagebuilder->AddInitText(' bcc_mode = "hide"; bcc = document.getElementById("bcc"); bcc_mode_switcher = document.getElementById("bcc_mode_switcher"); plainEditor = document.getElementById("editor_area"); plainCont = document.getElementById("editor_cont"); Rep_m = new CReport("Rep_m"); Rep_m.Build(); Err_m = new CError("Err_m", "' . ConvertUtils::ClearJavaScriptString($this->_pagebuilder->SkinName(), '"') . '"); Err_m.Build(); '); $m_id = -1; $m_uid = ''; if (Post::has('m_id')) { $mes_id = Post::val('m_id'); $mes_uid = Post::val('m_uid'); $folder_id = Post::val('f_id'); $folder_name = Post::val('f_name'); $folder_name = 'defaultname'; $mes_charset = Post::val('charset', -1); $message = new GetMessageBase($this->_proc->account, $mes_id, $mes_uid, $folder_id, $folder_name, $mes_charset); $m_id = (int) $mes_id; $m_uid = $mes_uid; } $this->inputs = '<input type="hidden" id="m_id" name="m_id" value="' . ConvertUtils::AttributeQuote($m_id) . '"><input type="hidden" id="m_uid" name="m_uid" value="' . ConvertUtils::AttributeQuote($m_uid) . '">'; $withSignature = false; switch ($this->_proc->account->SignatureOptions) { case SIGNATURE_OPTION_AddToAll: $withSignature = true; break; case SIGNATURE_OPTION_AddToNewOnly: $withSignature = $this->Type == 'mes'; break; default: case SIGNATURE_OPTION_DontAdd: $withSignature = false; break; } if ($message) { if ($this->Type != 'forward' && $this->Type != 'reply' && $this->Type != 'replytoall') { $withSignature = false; } $this->_pagebuilder->AddInitText('SetPriority(' . $message->msg->GetPriorityStatus() . ');'); switch ($this->Type) { default: $this->To = $message->PrintTo(true); $this->CC = $message->PrintCC(true); $this->BCC = ''; $this->Subject = $message->PrintSubject(true); break; case 'forward': $this->To = ''; $this->CC = ''; $this->BCC = ''; $this->Subject = JS_LANG_Fwd . ': ' . $message->PrintSubject(true); break; case 'reply': $replyto = trim($message->PrintReplyTo(true)); $this->To = strlen($replyto) > 0 ? $replyto : $message->PrintFrom(true); $this->CC = ''; $this->BCC = ''; $this->Subject = JS_LANG_Re . ': ' . $message->PrintSubject(true); break; case 'replytoall': $emailCollection =& $message->msg->GetAllRecipients(false, true); $temp = ''; if ($emailCollection) { foreach ($emailCollection->Instance() as $value) { $email =& $value; if ($email->Email != $this->_proc->account->Email) { $temp .= $email->Email . ', '; } } } $this->To = trim(trim($temp), ','); $this->CC = ''; $this->BCC = ''; $this->Subject = JS_LANG_Re . ': ' . $message->PrintSubject(true); break; } if ($this->_proc->account->AllowDhtmlEditor) { switch ($this->Type) { case 'forward': case 'reply': case 'replytoall': if ($message->account->ViewMode == VIEW_MODE_PREVIEW_PANE_NO_IMG || $message->account->ViewMode == VIEW_MODE_WITHOUT_PREVIEW_PANE_NO_IMG) { $isHtml = true; $this->Body = ConvertUtils::HtmlBodyWithoutImages($message->msg->GetRelpyAsHtml(true)); if (isset($GLOBALS[GL_WITHIMG]) && $GLOBALS[GL_WITHIMG]) { $GLOBALS[GL_WITHIMG] = false; $this->isSafety = false; } } else { $isHtml = true; $this->Body = ConvertUtils::HtmlBodyWithoutImages($message->msg->GetRelpyAsHtml(true)); } break; default: if ($message->account->ViewMode == VIEW_MODE_PREVIEW_PANE_NO_IMG || $message->account->ViewMode == VIEW_MODE_WITHOUT_PREVIEW_PANE_NO_IMG) { if ($message->msg->HasHtmlText()) { $isHtml = true; $this->Body = ConvertUtils::HtmlBodyWithoutImages($message->msg->GetCensoredHtmlWithImageLinks(true)); if (isset($GLOBALS[GL_WITHIMG]) && $GLOBALS[GL_WITHIMG]) { $GLOBALS[GL_WITHIMG] = false; $this->isSafety = false; } } elseif ($message->msg->HasPlainText()) { $isHtml = false; $this->Body = $message->msg->GetNotCensoredTextBody(true); } } else { if ($message->msg->HasHtmlText()) { $isHtml = true; $this->Body = $message->msg->GetCensoredHtmlWithImageLinks(true); } elseif ($message->msg->HasPlainText()) { $isHtml = false; $this->Body = $message->msg->GetNotCensoredTextBody(true); } } break; } } else { $isHtml = false; switch ($this->Type) { case 'forward': case 'reply': case 'replytoall': $this->Body = $message->msg->GetRelpyAsPlain(true); break; default: $this->Body = $message->msg->GetNotCensoredTextBody(true); break; } } if ($message->HasAttachments() && $this->Type != 'reply' && $this->Type != 'replytoall') { $attachments =& $message->msg->Attachments; if ($attachments != null && $attachments->Count() > 0) { foreach (array_keys($attachments->Instance()) as $key) { $attachment =& $attachments->Get($key); $tempname = $message->msg->IdMsg . '-' . $key . '_' . $attachment->GetTempName(); //$filename = ConvertUtils::ConvertEncoding($attachment->GetFilenameFromMime(), $GLOBALS[MailInputCharset], $message->account->GetUserCharset()); $filename = ConvertUtils::WMHtmlSpecialChars($attachment->GetFilenameFromMime()); $filesize = GetFriendlySize(strlen($attachment->MimePart->GetBinaryBody())); $fs =& new FileSystem(INI_DIR . '/temp', $message->account->Email, $message->account->Id); $attfolder =& new Folder($message->account->Id, -1, Session::val('attachtempdir', md5(session_id()))); $fs->SaveAttach($attachment, $attfolder, $tempname); $this->attacmentsHtml .= ' <tr id="tr_' . ConvertUtils::AttributeQuote($tempname) . '"><td class="wm_attachment"><img src="./images/icons/' . GetAttachImg($filename) . '" /> <input type="hidden" name="attachments[' . ConvertUtils::AttributeQuote($tempname) . ']" value="' . ConvertUtils::AttributeQuote($filename) . '"> ' . $filename . ' (' . $filesize . ') <a href="#" id="' . ConvertUtils::AttributeQuote($tempname) . '" onClick="return DeleteAttach(this.id);">' . JS_LANG_Delete . '</a></td></tr>'; } } } } else { $this->_pagebuilder->AddInitText('SetPriority(3);'); } $signature = ''; if ($withSignature) { if ($this->_proc->account->AllowDhtmlEditor) { $signature = $this->_proc->account->SignatureType == 0 ? nl2br($this->_proc->account->Signature) : $this->_proc->account->Signature; $signature = $isHtml ? $signature : strip_tags(nl2br($signature)); } else { $signature = $this->_proc->account->SignatureType == 0 ? strip_tags($this->_proc->account->Signature) : strip_tags($this->_proc->account->Signature); } } $this->Body = $signature . $this->Body; if ($this->_proc->account->AllowDhtmlEditor) { $this->_pagebuilder->AddJSFile('class.html-editor.js'); $setText = $isHtml ? 'HTMLEditor.SetHtml(mess);' : 'HTMLEditor.SetText(mess);'; $this->_pagebuilder->AddJSText(' function submitSaveMessage() { var hiddenkey = document.getElementById("ishtml"); if (HTMLEditor._htmlMode) { plainEditor.value = HTMLEditor.GetText(); hiddenkey.value = "1"; } else { hiddenkey.value = "0"; } if (bcc_mode == "hide") { document.getElementById("toBCC").value = ""; } return true; } function EditAreaLoadHandler() { HTMLEditor.LoadEditArea(); } function CreateLinkHandler(url) { HTMLEditor.CreateLinkFromWindow(url); } function DesignModeOnHandler(rer) { HTMLEditor.Show(); var mess = "' . ConvertUtils::ReBuildStringToJavaScript($this->Body, '"') . '"; if (mess.length == 0) { mess = "<br />"; } ' . $setText . ' } '); $this->_pagebuilder->AddInitText(' HTMLEditor = new CHtmlEditorField(true); HTMLEditor.SetPlainEditor(plainEditor, document.getElementById("mode_switcher")); HTMLEditor.Show();'); } else { $this->_pagebuilder->AddJSText(' function submitSaveMessage() { var hiddenkey = document.getElementById("ishtml"); hiddenkey.value = "0"; if (bcc_mode == "hide") { document.getElementById("toBCC").value = ""; } return true; } '); } }
$tempname = $message->msg->IdMsg . '-' . $key . '_' . ConvertUtils::ClearFileName($attachment->GetTempName()); //$filename = ConvertUtils::ConvertEncoding($attachment->GetFilenameFromMime(), $GLOBALS[MailInputCharset], $message->account->GetUserCharset()); $filename = ConvertUtils::ClearFileName($attachment->GetFilenameFromMime()); $filesize = GetFriendlySize(strlen($attachment->MimePart->GetBinaryBody())); $fs =& new FileSystem(INI_DIR . '/temp', $message->account->Email, $message->account->Id); $attfolder =& new Folder($message->account->Id, -1, $_SESSION['attachtempdir']); $fs->SaveAttach($attachment, $attfolder, $tempname); $ContentType = ConvertUtils::GetContentTypeFromFileName($filename); $JSfilenameTrim .= ' att = document.getElementById("at_' . $key . '"); if (att.innerHTML.length > 16) att.innerHTML = att.innerHTML.substring(0, 15) + "…"; '; echo ' <div style="float: left;"><a href="attach.php?tn=' . urlencode($tempname) . '&filename=' . urlencode($filename) . '"> <img src="./images/icons/' . GetAttachImg($filename) . '" title="Click to download ' . ConvertUtils::AttributeQuote($filename . ' (' . $filesize) . ')" /></a><br /> <span id="at_' . $key . '" title="Click to download ' . ConvertUtils::AttributeQuote($filename . ' (' . $filesize) . ')">' . $filename . '</span><br />'; if (strpos($ContentType, 'image') !== false) { echo '<a href="#" onclick="PrevImg(\'view-image.php?tn=' . urlencode($tempname) . '\')">' . JS_LANG_View . '</a>'; } echo '</div>'; } } echo '</div> </td> <td rowspan="3" id="td_vert_resizer"><div id="vert_resizer"></div></td>'; } else { echo '</td><td></td>'; } ?>