<?php $host = empty($_GET['host']) ? '' : $_GET['host']; $user = empty($_GET['user']) ? '' : $_GET['user']; $pw = empty($_GET['pw']) ? '' : $_GET['pw']; if (empty($host) || empty($user) || empty($pw)) { echo '<p>To get mail, specify parameters (host, username and password) in url as ' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . '?=host=hostname&user=username&pw=password</p>'; echo '<p>Example: ' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . '?host=mail.mydomain.com&user=name@mydomain.com&pw=1234567</p>'; } else { echo EmailDownload($host, '*****@*****.**', 'kny903kny903'); } function EmailEmbeddedLinkReplace($html, $cid, $link) { // In $html locate src="cid:$cid" and replace with $link. $cid = 'cid:' . substr($cid, 1, strlen($cid) - 2); $newHtml = str_replace($cid, $link, $html); return $newHtml; } function EmailConnect($host, $user, $password) { $hostName = '{' . $host . ':143/novalidate-cert}INBOX'; $inbox = imap_open($hostName, $user, $password); return $inbox; } // Based upon http://php.net/manual/en/function.imap-fetchstructure.php. function EmailGetPart($mailbox, $emailNumber, $part, $partNo, $result) { $parameter = array(); $attachments = array(); $plainText = ''; $htmlText = '';
<?php $host = empty($_GET['host']) ? '' : $_GET['host']; $user = empty($_GET['user']) ? '' : $_GET['user']; $pw = empty($_GET['pw']) ? '' : $_GET['pw']; if (empty($host) || empty($user) || empty($pw)) { echo '<p>To get mail, specify parameters (host, username and password) in url as ' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . '?=host=hostname&user=username&pw=password</p>'; echo '<p>Example: ' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . '?host=mail.mydomain.com&user=name@mydomain.com&pw=1234567</p>'; } else { echo EmailDownload($host, $user, $pw); } function EmailEmbeddedLinkReplace($html, $cid, $link) { // In $html locate src="cid:$cid" and replace with $link. $cid = 'cid:' . substr($cid, 1, strlen($cid) - 2); $newHtml = str_replace($cid, $link, $html); return $newHtml; } function EmailConnect($host, $user, $password) { $hostName = '{' . $host . ':143/novalidate-cert}INBOX'; $inbox = imap_open($hostName, $user, $password); return $inbox; } function trimArray($values) { $trimmed = array(); foreach ($values as $value) { $trimmed[] = trim($value); } return $trimmed;