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A Yii2 extension to generate sitemap files for large web-sites in console


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Sitemap.xml generator for Yii2

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Yii2 extension to generate sitemap files for large web-sites through Yii2 console command


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

$ php composer.phar require zhelyabuzhsky/yii2-sitemap

or add

"zhelyabuzhsky/yii2-sitemap": "^1.1"

to the require section of your composer.json file.


  • Generates multiple sitemaps (large sites)
  • Creates index sitemap file
  • Gzip compression of .xml files
  • Disallow urls support (through regular expression array)


1. Configure urlManager at console config

'urlManager' => [
    'hostInfo' => '',
    'baseUrl' => '/',
    'rules' => [
      // ...

NOTE Both params hostInfo and baseUrl are required for Yii2 console app.

NOTE urlManager rules section usually repeats your frontend urlManager configuration, so you could merge it at console config (see yiisoft/yii2#1578 (comment)):

Show details


$frontendUrlManager = require(__DIR__ . '/../../frontend/config/UrlManager.php');
'urlManager' => array_merge($frontendUrlManager, [
    'hostInfo' => ''


return [
    'baseUrl' => '/',
    'class' => 'yii\web\UrlManager',
    'enablePrettyUrl' => true,
    'showScriptName' => false,
    'rules' => [


2. Configure Sitemap component at console config components section

'components' => [
  'sitemap' => [
    'class' => '\zhelyabuzhsky\sitemap\components\Sitemap',

Example of using extra Sitemap params

'components' => [
  'sitemap' => [
    'class' => '\zhelyabuzhsky\sitemap\components\Sitemap',
    'maxUrlsCountInFile' => 10000,
    'sitemapDirectory' => 'frontend/web',
    'optionalAttributes' => ['changefreq', 'lastmod', 'priority'],
    'maxFileSize' => '10M',


  • maxUrlsCountInFile - max count of urls in one sitemap file;
  • sitemapDirectory - directory to place sitemap files;
  • optionalAttributes - list of used optional attributes;
  • maxFileSize - maximal file size. Zero to work without limits. So you can specify the following abbreviations k - kilobytes and m - megabytes. By default 10m.


1. Impement SitemapEntityInterface for the models you want to use at sitemap

Show example


use yii\db\ActiveRecord;
use zhelyabuzhsky\sitemap\models\SitemapEntityInterface;

class Category extends ActiveRecord implements SitemapEntityInterface
     * @inheritdoc
    public function getSitemapLastmod()
        return date('c');
     * @inheritdoc
    public function getSitemapChangefreq()
        return 'daily';
     * @inheritdoc
    public function getSitemapPriority()
        return 0.5;
     * @inheritdoc
    public function getSitemapLoc()
        // Use urlManager rules to create urls
        return $url = Yii::$app->urlManager->createAbsoluteUrl([
            'pageSlug' => $this->slug,
        // or directly
        // return 'http://localhost/' . $this->slug;
     * @inheritdoc
    public static function getSitemapDataSource()
        return self::find();
use yii\console\Controller;

class SitemapController extends Controller
  public function actionCreate()
      ->addModel(Category::className(), \Yii::$app->db) // Also you can pass \yii\db\Connection to the database connection that you need to use

3. Run console command

php yii sitemap/create


Set enviroment variable SERVER_NAME (e.g.

$ ./vendor/bin/phpunit


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GNU General Public License, version 3. Please see License File for more information.