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Dear reader,

Momentum [business in motion] is the codename for QET System's [] enterprise management software - Quantal EIS {enterprise information system}

Here we are implementing the information system using the standard frontend stack of HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript with the backend being currently implemented in PHP > 5.4 with a view to port the architecture to Node.js and maybe C++ {it really doesnt matter what we are planning, the architecture itself supports polygot programming - that being said, everything is strictly object oriented [or being refactored to that end; we have no time for 'feelings' :)]}

The main aim for the creation of this system is to apply stable architectural patterns as defined by nature and delineated by software architects like Lubor Sesera and Martin Fowler. Most importantly we aim to apply the reuse of the four fundamental {actually axiomatic} patterns of all systems i.e Relationships [Parties & Accountabilities], Domain [concepts, phenomena & protocols], Events [actions, plans] and Resources [accounting].

The core components are to include a Relationship Modules [CRM, HRM, SCM], Domain Knowledge Module[healthcare, insurance, property mgt, project mgt etc], Operations Modules [based on the domain] and Accounting Modules [financial, fixed assets, stock, consumables etc]

Basically we are implementing the eternal architecture that undelies all systems - past, present and future.

God bless QET, God bless us all.

Regards, Alexander Mbaka, Co-founder, Philosopher & Chief Systems Architect. QET Systems Ltd. [GitHub: xander-mbaka]