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Merchium Advanced App

Example app for Merchium that demonstrates the use of external JavaScript, external HTML/Smarty content, webhooks, and payment service integration.

The app implements the following features:

1. Snowfall for the storefront
1. Welcome popup
1. The "Add to cart" counter
1. Example payment

The app is based on the Yii 2 Basic Application Template.


PHP 5.4.0 and a web server supporting it.

In the example below we'll use PHP's built-in server, SQLite, and ngrok. You can use MySQL or any other database.

Check the requirements with php requirements.php.


  1. Clone repo and switch to the app directory:

    $ git clone
    $ cd merchium-advanced-app
  2. Install Composer.

  3. Install the plugin and dependencies by running the following command:

    $ composer global require "fxp/composer-asset-plugin:1.0.0"
    $ composer update

Configure DB

  1. Create a DB from the provided example:

    $ cp sqlite.db merchium-advanced-app.db
  2. Create a DB config from the provided example:

    $ cp config/db.php.example config/db.php
  3. Edit the DB config (note that the DB path must be absolute):

    return [
    	'class' => 'yii\db\Connection',
    	'dsn' => 'sqlite:/absolute/path/to/merchium-advanced-app.db',
    	'charset' => 'utf8',

Note: The DB template sqlite.db already has some data. If you're starting from scratch or using a different database (e.g. MySQL), apply the migrations:

$ php yii migrate


  1. Run PHP's built-in dev server:

    php -S localhost:8000
  2. Use ngrok to get an https URL pointing to your server:

    $ ngrok http 8000
    Forwarding           ->

Create a Merchium Marketplace App

  1. Go to and login to the dashboard with username admin and password admin.

You'll see the app's admin panel and install page URLs.

  1. Open your Merchium partner page on a new tab and create an app. Use the admin panel and install page URLs from the dashboard.

  2. Switch to App permissions and check the following permissions:

    • View, create, edit, and delete custom script connections (ScriptTags)
    • View, create, edit, and delete custom HTML and Smarty 3 content connections to hooks (TemplateHooks)
    • View, create, edit, and delete payment processors (PaymentProcessors)
    • Create, edit, and delete webhooks (Webhooks)
  3. Create a config from the provided example:

    $ cp config/params.php.example config/params.php
  4. Open config/params.php and paste the App key and Client secret values from the Merchium partner page into the respective params:

    return [
    	'adminEmail' => '',
    	'applicationName' => 'Merchium Example App',
    	'companyName' => 'My Company',
    	'userPasswordResetTokenExpire' => 3600,
    	 * Application params. Required for installation.
    	'appKey' => 'APPKEY12345',
    	'clientSecret' => 'CLIENTSECRET12345',
  5. Restart the server to apply the new params.

Install the App in a Dev Store

  1. Create a dev store in your Merchium partner panel.

  2. Go to the app page and install it to the dev store.


assets/             assets definition
behaviors/          behaviors definition
commands/           console commands (controllers)
config/             application configurations
controllers/        Web controller classes
mail/               view files for e-mails
models/             model classes
runtime/            files generated during runtime
tests/              various tests for the basic application
vendor/             dependent 3rd-party packages
views/              view files for the Web application
web/                the entry script and Web resources
widgets/            widgets for view files for the Web application


Merchium Advanced App







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  • PHP 84.8%
  • JavaScript 14.1%
  • CSS 1.1%