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strebo – social trend board ❤

strebo - social trend board


Have you ever wished of a web-based application where you can see ALL the trendy stuff and all your relevant content from different social-media platforms at a glance?

Your journey will end here!

strebo is the project that we will work on, while we are in our third and fourth semester at the Cooperative State University in Karlsruhe.

Core features:

  • Showing trending content (text, images, videos, …) from social media platforms
  • Current implementation of: Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, SoundCloud and Bing News
  • Connecting your social media accounts with strebo and show your personal relevant content from social media platforms
  • Searching for content across several social media platforms
  • Showing trends in single countries/regions (current Worldwide, Germany, US) or trends depending on other factors


installation with docker

Please be sure you have installed docker and you are in the root directory of our project.

Build the docker image with:

docker build -t strebo .

After the build process you just have to run it:

docker run -it -p 80:80 -p 8080:8080 -p 443:443 strebo

Et voilà:


Hint: The personal board for what logins are required WON'T work. For this you would have to need to create your own accounts and applications on several social networks. Since in our applications is set that only is a valid request and redirect URI.

manual installation

Please make sure you have PHP7 (thread-safe version) installed and you have enabled the required extensions. An additional extension you have to download is pthreads. Follow the instruction of to enable HTTPS calls to social network APIs.

To install the required frameworks we use Composer. Execute the following commands in the shell in the directory of the project:

composer install

composer update

The authentification server requires node.js. You can install the dependencies here with npm install.

In addition there is a need of a Webserver like Apache.


Execute the following commands in the shell: php start.php and node server.js to start the servers.


The extensions are located in Strebo/SocialNetworks. If you want to add a social network please fork our project and make a pull request. It's sufficient to add a class there which inhertis from the AbstractSocialNetwork and implements the PublicInterface or PrivateInterface (or both). The new social network will be automatically and dynamically included.


We are Aram Parsegyan, Fabian Retkowski and David Schreck and we are students of Applied Computer Science at the Cooperative State University in Karlsruhe.

This GitHub repository is created for the project that we will be working on in our Software Engineering course, in our third and fourth semester.